Distribution Theory Lolina PDF
Distribution Theory Lolina PDF
Distribution Theory Lolina PDF
[5] Synowiec, John, "Book review", Amer. Math. Monthly 103 (1996)
Introduction 1
Chapter l. The spaces 1J and 1)' 9
Chapter 2. The spaces S S' E E' vCmJ and 7JCmJ1 23
' ' ' '
Chapter 3. The derivative of a distribution 35
Chapter 4. Tensor product, convolution product and
multiplicative product of distributions 43
Chapter 5. The L 1 and L 2 theories of the Fourier transform
(Preliminaries) 57
Chapter 6. The Fourier transform in the spaces S and S' 65
Chapter 7. The L 1 and L 2 theories of the Fourier transform
(Conclusion) 73
Chapter 8. The action of Fourier transform on convolution
products and multiplicative products. 77
Chapter 9. The Hausdorff - Young theorem 81
Bibliography 89
Now, given a, f3 E IN", a;::: f3 will mean that O<j ;::: f3j , V j=l, ... ,n .
Given a, f3 E IN", if a ;::: /3, the symbol ( ~ ) will denote the product
Given X E mn' a E INn' we will denote x"' = X~ 1 ••• X~".
p(x) = {
e- 1 -1·1" lxl < 1
O lxl 2: 1
belongs to the class 'D and supp(p) = {x E mnj lxl S 1}.
The function p shows that the class 'D <loes not reduce to zero;
moreover, we will use this function frequently and for reasons that
will be clear later, we will call it a regularizing function.
whenever 'Pj-+ o in v.
The value T ( <p) is usually denoted (T, <p ); thus, we can write the
continuity condition as
Examples 1.2:
The map
f-+ T¡
is one-to-one. This is a very important result, which will be proved
We will often say that a distribution T is a function, meaning
that :l f E Lloc such that T coincides with T¡. That is to say,
(T, cp) = J f(x) cp(x) dx , 'ef <p E JJ.
Remark 1.2: The result above shows that the product of convolution
defines in L1 an structure of commutative Banach algebra, (cf. [4]).
However, it can be proved that the product of convolution does not
1. The spaces 'D and 1J' 13
lfJ(X) = 1, V XE K
Then given x E K
</)j0 (x) = J
X (x - y) Pjo (y) dy = J Pj0 (y) dy =l.
Remarks 1.3:
i) Theorem 1.2 remains true with essentially the same proof when
instead of working in IRn, we work in an open subset.
ii) The proof of Theorem 1.2 shows the effect of taking the convolu-
tion with the function Pi: It smooths the discontinuous function x, to
obtain an infinitely smooth function, which is "almost" a characteris-
tic. This effect explains why we called p a regularizing function. We
will apply the same process to distributions in §4.
Remarks 1.4:
i) As a consequence of Theorem 1.3, we can prove that given 1 E LP,
the sequence 1í = 1 * Pí will converge to 1 in V.
In fact, Jet 1R be the truncation of 1,
1(x) lxlSR
1R (x) = { O otherwise R = l, 2 ' ···
In fact,
f-+ T¡
is injective.
Theorem 1.5, (cf. [1]' volume 1): Given !1 e mn open, !et {!li};EJ
be an open covering of !1 .Then 3 functions ai : !1 -+ <V infinitely
smooth, such that
supp(ai) e !li.
shows that if we want to have one function <Xi per open set ni, then
the function <Xi will not have compact support. However, if we allow
more than one function °'i per set ni,
we can construct them with
compact support:
11 • • • .....
Theorem 1.6: Let {ni};EI be a family of open subsets of mn. For each
!1;, !et T; E 1J' (!1;) such that T; coincides with Tj in ninnj, whenever
this intersection is not empty.
1. The spaces V and V' 19
Then, if n = LJ ni, :J! distribution T E 1>' (n) such that Tln, co-
incides with T;, for each i E J.
'Pe = L jEJ
°'J 'Pe
where the number of non identically zero terms has a finite upper
bound independent of f.
If aj E 1> (ni) for sorne i = i (j) E I, we can say that °'J <pe -+ O
as f-+ oo, in 1> (ni)· Thus,
('Ii(J),cxJ 'Pe)-+ O as f-+ oo
As we said before, given °'J' :J i = i (j) E I such that <p E 1> (ni)·
Thus, the product CXj'P has support contained in the intersection nin
niº· Since we have defined (T,<p) = ¿:.: ('IicJl'°'j'P) and we know that
20 Distribution theory and Fourier Transforrn
T;(j) coincides with 1'; in 1J (r!i n r!ioJ, we can write the sum above as
Since O<j'P E 1J (r!i(j)) and TJn,c;l = T;Ul, we can write the above
But also SJn,cn = Ti(j)· So the sum we just obtained is equal to
Thus, T=S.
This completes the proof of Theorem 1.6. #
Remark 1.5: If we apply Theorem 1.6 to the case T; = O for every
i E J, we obtain the following important conclusion: Given a family
of open sets and given a distribution that vanishes on each set of the
family, the distribution also vanishes on the union of the sets.
This remark justifies the following definition:
b) LetTE'D', <pE'Dbesuchthatsupp(T)nsupp(cp) 0.
Show that (T, <p) = O.
e) Given a continuous function J: mn
_,<V, prove that
supp (f) = supp (T¡) .
What can be said when f E Lfoc is not continuous?
1.5 Given <p E 'D, show that
supp (cp (x +y)) C { (x, y) E JR, 2n jx +y E supp (cp)}.
We will denote with S the vector space of all the functions rapidly
decreasing at infinity with all its derivatives.
We consider in S the following notion of convergence:
The sequence { C¡:>j} converges to cp in S if for each a, f3 E INn, the
sequence x°' D.8 cpj converges to x°' D.8 cp, uniformly in IRn.
1J '-+ S '-+ E.
Definition 2.4: We denote with &' the space of ali the linear and con-
tinuous operators T : & --+ <V. By restriction, the operators in &' will
define distributions which are temperate. However, we cango further
in describing the space &'-. In fact,
Theorem 2.2: &' can be identified with the subspace of V' of ali the
distributions with compact support.
T --+ T/'D
We will show that this map is a bijection of &' onto K.
In fact, given T E &', Jet T1 = T/'D. We claim that T1 E K.
Indeed, if supp(T1 ) is not compact, then given k = 1, 2, ... , 3 'Pk E 'D
with supp(r.p) e {x E mn¡ lxl : '.'. k} and (T1 ,r.pk) #O. We can assume
(T1,cpk) =l. Since the sequence {r.pk} converges trivially to zero in&,
we deduce that (T, 'Pk) = (T1 , 'Pk) should converge to zero as k --+ oo.
Thus, T1 E K .
26 Distribution theory and Fourier Thansform
Thus, T =O.
Let us show next that the map T -0 T1 is surjective. It suffices to
define a map e : K --+ E', extension map, such that r o e = id on K.
Given T E K, !et a E V be such that a = 1 in a neighborhood of
supp(T). Given <p E E, we define the operator (T2 ,<p) = (T,a<p). We
claim that T2 E E'. In fact, if 'Pj--+ O in E, then a<pj --+O in V. Then,
(T2, '/)j) --+ o as j --+ OO.
Moreover, the definition of T2 does not depend on the choice of
a satisfying the above conditions. In fact, !et a, (3 E V be such
that both equal one in neighborhoods of supp(T). Then, supp(T) n
supp(a - (3) = ©. According to Problem 1.4 b), we have (T, (a - (3) <p)
=O. Or (T, a<p) = (T, (3<p).
K -é+ E'
T --+ T2
We will finally show that roe = id on K. Or (r o e (T) , <p) = (T, <p),
VT E K, <p E V. If we select a E V such that a = 1 on a neighborhood
of supp(<p) U supp(T), we will have,
(roe(T),<p) = (e(T),<p) = (T,a<p) = (T,<p).
This completes the proof of Theorem 2. 2. #
The proof of Theorem 2.2 also shows that the restriction and ex-
tension maps are both continuous.
The next result provides an equivalent way of defining the concept
of distribution.
Theorem 2.3: Given a linear map T : V --+ <U, the following state-
ments are equivalent
i) T is a distribution.
ii) For each compact subset K of IR', 3 m = m(K) E IN, C =
C(K) > O such that
(2.1) [(T, <p)[ ::; C sup [D°'<p (x)[, V <p E V (K).
xEIRn 1 ]a:\~m
2. The spaces S 1 S',E,E 1 ,1J<=) and vC=)' 27
Proof: i) ===? ii) Let TE D' and !et us assume that T does not satisfy
condition (2.1). This means that for each C >O, m E IN, 3 cp E D(K)
such that
l(T, cp)I > e sup ID°'cp (x)I.
L et 'Pm = (T, 'lj;m) Given /3 E INn, if m ::'.:: l/31, we have
sup ID 13 cpm (x)I ::; sup IDªcpm (x)I < -.
mn mn
XE.Ln, i jal$m
Proof: The proof of this result is similar to the proof of Theorem 2.2.
We will show that the restriction map r : v<mJi -+ V 1 is a bijection
from V(m)! onto V 1(m). Indeed, given TE V(m)i the restriction rT = T1
belongs to V 1 because V'-+ V(m). Moreover, we claim that T1 satisfies
conditibn (2.1), for this number m, independent of K. In fact, if that
were not true, we could find a compact set K e mn
and a sequence
{'PJ} e V (K) such that, as in the proof of Theorem 2.3,
1= l(Ti, 'PJ)I > j sup IDª'PJ (x)I.
xEIRn, jaj:Sm
From this inequality we conclude that 'PJ -+ O in v<mJ. However,
(T1, 'PJ) f+ O. Thus, T1 E V 1Cm).
Let us see now that the map r is bijective: That the map is injective
follows from the dense inclusion V' '-+ v<ml. Again, to prove that it is
surjective it suffices to construct an extension map e : vr(m) -+ V(m)r
such that r o e. = id on vi(m).
Given TE 'D'(ml, by definition T satisfies condition (2.1) with this
number m independent of K. Now, given <p E vCml, !et {'PJ} e V be
a sequence such that 'PJ-+ <pin vi(m). Condition (2.1) shows that the
sequence { (T, 'PJ)} is a Cauchy sequence in <C. Now, we define the
operator e(T) as
(e(T), cp) = .lim (T, 'PJ).
definition. Now if '{Jj--+ cp in 1J(m), 'h E 1>, condition (2.1) will read
l(T,cpj)I::; e sup ID"cpj (x)I
xEfiln, l<>l:Sm
Remarks 2.1:
i) The proof of Theorem 2.4 shows that a linear map T: 1J(m) --+<V
will belong to 1J(mJi '*
given K e mn
compact, :J C = C(K) > O
such that
l(T,rp)I::; e sup ID"rp(x)I, V 'PE 1J(m).
xEfil", jal:Sm
ii) We can also deduce from Theorem 2.4 that the distributions of
order zero are exactly the operations that extend to linear and contin-
uous maps from 1J(o) to <V. According to the F. Riesz representation
theorem, (cf. [3], volume 1), these maps are in a bijective correspon-
dence with the Radon measures. That is to say, given T E 1J( 0 l1 , :J!
Radon measure µ with complex values, such that
where B is any Borel set in IRn. Given f E Lfoc , it is also clear that the
distribution T¡ has order zero. However, the distribution associated
to locally integrable functions are a special subset within the space of
measures. In fact they correspond to those Radon measures that are
absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure. Since
µ 0 is singular with respect to the Lebesgue measure, 80 cannot have
associated a locally integrable density.
Roughly speaking, the distribution 80 is the simplest example of a
measure that it is not a function.
On the other hand, when m # O, the distribution T;;, defined in
Examples 1.2 ii) are not measures. Indeed, r;:; has order ::::; m but it
does not have order ::::; m - l.
2. ThespacesS,S 1 ,f,f 1 1 D(=) and v(=)' 31
Dª (cp'l/;) =L ( ª) D/3cpDª-/3'l/;.
f3Sa f3
[This is the Leibniz rule for the derivative of a productJ .
ii) Using the equivalent statements given in i), obtain other ways of
describing the convergence in S.
32 Distribution theory and Fourier 'fransform
J e-1flxl' dx = l.
ii) Show that the function e-lxl' eiexp(lxl') is rapidly decreasing, but
not its derivatives.
are strict.
Hint: Given f = elxl', ,z:J TES' such that Tlv = T¡.
2.8 Using a regularizing sequence, show that 'D is dense in 'D(m), \;/
m?: O.
2.9 Show that the space <V [x] of complex polynomials is a dense sub-
space of t:.
Let !11, !12 be open subsets of mn and let </> : !11 ---+ !1 2 an infinitely
smooth map that is proper. That is to say, for each K compact subset
of !12 , .p-1 (K) is a compact subset of !1 1 •
Then given TE 'D1 (!1 1 ), show that the operator
(Tq,, 'P) = (T, iP o 'P), 'PE 'D (!12)
defines a distribution in 'D 1 (!1 2).
What can be said about the order of Tq,, knowing that the distribution
T has order ::; m?
That is to say, the integrated term is zero because the function <p
vanishes outside a compact set. Thus, we can write,
(T&¡ /&x,, cp) = - (T¡, ocp /8x1).
If instead of T¡ we consider now any distribution T E 'D', we
V --+ <D
36 Distribution theory and Fourier Transform
Proof: We will work in the case A= S', the other cases being the
If T E S', the distribution D°'T will also belong to S', because
Dª'Pi-+ O in S whenever '{Jj-+ O in S.
The linearity of the operator D"' is clear. Finally it is also contin-
uous from S' into itself. Indeed, if Tj -+ O in S', then the sequence
{D"'TJ} will also converge to zero in S', because .given <p ES,
as j-+ oo.
Now, given TE D' and given <p E D with supp(cp) C 1Rn\supp (T),
we have
3. The derivative of a distribution 37
Now, if h =(O, ... , hj, ... ,O) and Lh denotes the translation opera-
tor, (r_h f) (x) = f (x + h), we can write the limit above as
lim (r_h f) (x)- f(x) = 8f (x).
h-+O hj 8xJ
It is possible to obtain a similar result for a distribution, if we
extend the above notation.
In fact, the operator Lh is easily seem to be linear and continuous
from D into itself. Thus, we can define the translation operator on D'
(f) E D, TED'
which is a simple change of variables, if T = Tf, and we also obtain
that ThT E D, the map T -+ ThT being also linear and continuous
from D' to itself.
Thus, we can now prove the following result:
- ~~ (r¡)l lx - ~I
where the intermediate points ~ and r¡ belong, respectively, to the
intervals with end points x, x h and x, ~·
Thus, we have showed that
8<.p () i.p(x-h)
sup" 8x· X + h· as h---+ O.
xElR 1 J J
Theorem 3.3: (Cf. [1], volume 1): Given TE D' and given any open
bounded set Q e IRn, there exists a continuous function F : Q---+ <C
anda number m = m (!1) E IN such that, in the sense of distributions,
T = m m F, in Q.
8X1 .•• 8Xn
Remarks 3.2:
i) Theorem 3.4 shows that every temperate distribution has finite
3.1 i) Show that the operator D" is continuous from yy(m) to 1J'(m+lal).
ii) Show that any series of distributions convergent in D' can be dif-
ferentiated term by term, without altering its convergence.
iii) Show that the translation operator Th maps S' into itself.
X1 2: Ü, ... 1 Xn 2: Ü
Xn -+ -00 as n -+ -00 1
Then, show that the following equality holds in the sense of distri-
+ '""' m+l¡
if n=1
if n=2
if n2'.3
Prove that
42 Distribution theory and Fourier Transform
Tensor product
i) Given 'PE Dx y, the function 'ljJ (x) = (Sy, 'P (x, y)) belongs to Dx.
ii) The map
'P-+ (Tx, (Sy,'P (x, y))), 'PE Dxy
belongs to 1J~ y·
4. Products 45
. Dk'lj;(x+h)-Dk'l/J(x) _ . (s D'f,cp(x+h,y)-D'í,cp(x,y))
llill - 1lill y,
h-+o hj li-+o hj
= (sy, 0~j D'í, cp(x,y)) = 0~j Dk'lj;(x).
This completes the proof of part i).
Convolution product
Proof: It is clear that (4.4) is well defined 'efcp E 'D and it is linear.
We claim that it is also continuous.
In fact, if 'Pj -+ O in 'D, !et K e IR 2n be a fixed compact set
[supp (cpj (x +y))] n [supp (T) x supp (S)], V j ::'.'.: l.
Also, !et X E 'Dxy be a function, X (x, y)= 1 in a neighborhood of
K. Then,
(T@ S,cpj (x+y)) = (T@ S, X(x,y).cpj (x+y)).
The sequence {X.cpj (x +y)} converges to zero in 'Dx y· Thus,
(T@S,cpj (x+y))-+ O as j-+ oo.
Next, !et us prove that supp (T * S) e supp(T) + supp(S).
4. Products 49
f3 (x) = (Ty, a (x - y)).
The proof of this theorem uses the following two results, which are
interesting on their own.
Theorem 4.7: Given T E E' and given any open, bounded neigh-
borhood U of support of T, there exists a finite family of continuous
functions fa, a E IN", with supp(fa) e U, such that
Using the Leibniz rule, (cf. Problem 2.3), we can write the above
expression as
Thus, we have
Proof: Differentiating under the integral sign, we can show that the
x--+ j cp(x+y)dy
is infinitely smooth. Moreover, if <¡?j --+ O in V, then
j 'Pj (x+y)dy--+ O in E.
Thus, given BE V, B = 1 in a neighborhood of supp(T), the map
the theorem refers to, will be a distribution in V', defined as
(T,B(x) j cp(x+y)dy).
Moreover, according to Theorem 4.7, we can represent Tas L Dª fa,
with each fa a continuous function having compact support in a given
neighborhood of supp(T).
Thus, we can write:
(T,a(x) J cp(x+y)dy) = L (Dªfa,B(x) J cp(x+y)dy)'
L(-1) 1" 1 (fa,f D~(B(x)cp(x+y))dy)
= L" (-1) 1ª 1 J fa (x) D~ (B (x) cp (x +y)) dy dx
= J" (Tx, cp (x +y)) dy.
This completes de proof of Theorem 4.8.#
1) y t:'
Proof: , It is clear that the inclusions above are well defined and
continuous. Let us prove the density of the first one, the second being
similar to prove.
Given T E 7J', let us consider the function f3j = T * pj, where pj
is the function introduced in Theorem 1.2. According to the Theorem
4.6, this function f3j belong to t:. Moreover, it is easy to show that pj
converges to 8 in t:' as j --+ oo. Thus, f3j converges to T in 7J', (cf.
Problem 4.2 i)).
This completes the proof of Theorem 4.9.#
Multiplicative product
iii) Show that the inclusions supp (T * S) e supp (T) + supp (S) can
be strict.
E -+ 1J'
S -+ S*T
is continuous.
(S, T) -+ S * T
E' X S' -+ S'
is well defined and continuous.
ii) Given T E 1J' (m) and a E 1J(P), p;::: m, show that the formula
(a, T) __, a. T
P(x,D)= L a,,(x)Dª.
lal :<:;m
4.7 Let
OM = {f: IRn __, (f,j f E E and for each a E JNn, Dª f
is an slowly increasing function}.
(cf. Problem 2.6 iv)). Show that the multiplicative product
(f,T) __, f.T
()M X S' __, S'
is well defined.
4.10 Given a, b E IR, find all the distributions TE 1J' (IR) such that
(x-a) .T = ób.
The goal of this chapter is to introduce the definition and the basic
properties of the Fourier transform on the spaces L 1 and L 2 , and to
state sorne results that show the difference between both theories.
ii) It can be showed that not every continuous function that van-
ishes at infinity is the Fourier transform of an L 1 function, (cf. [3],
volume 2). Thus, Theorem 5.1 is not enough to characterize F [L 1].
Also, !et Um = (am, bm) X mn-l, assuming that ªm < bm which will
be true for m large enough.
The integral above can then be written as
J e2" i i;.x 8x1
i!f (x) dx
= Iim J e2" i <' .x' { Jbm e 2" i i;,.x, .!!l.. (x1, x') dx1 dx'}
mn-l am 8x1
If we now consider {z < O/F(a) > ,!J, we can find in the same
way a sequence {am}, such that am '\¡-oo and F(am) :S:: - .
ii) Given any E IN, k ¿ we have e,
e { lf(x)I if !xi :S:: 1
!xi lf (x)I :S:: lxlk lf (x)I if !xi ¿ 1
Thus, the function lxle lf (x)I is also integrable.
Given now any partial derivative, D<, 1 .••• D<;h, of order e :S:: k, we
can write:
D<, 1 •••• D<," [e2"i<.x f (x)] = 27riXi1 •••• 27riXih f (x) .
The absolute value of the function above can be estimated with
(27r)e lxle lf (x)!, which we know is an integrable function. Thus, we
can differentiate under the integral sign.
This completes the proof of Theorem 5.2.#
Theorem 5.3:
Given f E L 1 , h E IRn and k E IR, k #O, we have
.F[Th f] (~) = e2"i<.hf(0.
.F [f (kx)](~) = 1 ~(~)
Tkrf k .
.F[f] =f.
.F [!l = .F [1]
5. Fourier transform: L 1 , L 2 theories (Preliminaries) 61
:F [~ = f a.e.
Theorem 5.5: The linear map
:F: L 1 -+ :F [L 1]
is invertible, in the sense that given g E :F [L1 ] , :3 f E L 1 uniquely
determined a.e. such that
:F [f] = g a.e.
show that T (x) does not dependent on the sequence {xú used to
approximate x.
Also, the correspondence x ---+ T ( x) satisfies ali the conditions in
the statement of the principie.
This completes the proof of the extension principie.#
11111L' = 11 j llu ·
We will prove this theorem in Chapter 7. However, if we accept
Theorem 5.6, we can complete the definition of the Fourier transform
in L2 , using the extension principie. Indeed, since S is dense in L 2 the
Fourier transform in L 2 is the only linear and continuous extension of
the operator
ii) From the result we just stated, we can say that the L 1 theory of
the Fourier transform is more direct from the point of view of the
definition. However, presents the difficulty of how to characterize its
image and how to compute its inverse.
On the other hand, the L 2 theory does not present any of these
problems. In that respect, we can say that it is a more "elegant"
theory. Moreover its definition is not as direct as the definition by
means of the integral.
Laurent Schwartz discovered that the space S (cf. Definition 2.2),
which he defined, is a "natural" domain for the Fourier transform,
enjoying all the good features of both, the L 1 and the L 2 theories,
without any of the inconveniences. 0
f3 >o.
5.3 Let {>..j} be a sequence of real numbers such that ¡>..ji --+ oo.
Then show that the set of real numbers t such that { ei ' >.;} has limit,
is a null set.
Since we want to study the Fourier transform from the point of view
of distribution theory, we will first see that we will need to consider a
space of testing functions other than V.
In fact, if we fix f E L 1 , we know that is a continuous function,
thus it defines a distribution in V'. Now, given rp E V, we can write:
JIR," xm"
e2" i <x f (x) rp (~) dx d~
exists and then, according to Fubini's theorem, we can write:
r¡; (x) = r
we substitute x by a complex variable z = x +i y E c¡;n, the new·
e2" i (x+ i y) < rp (~) c4;
still exists, because the fact that the function rp has compact support
implies that the real exponential function e2" Y·< <loes not affect the
66 Distribution theory and Fourier Transform
Theorern 6.1: The Fourier transforrn rnaps the spaces S into itself.
It is clear frorn the proof of the theorern above that also the con-
jugate Fourier transforrn F rnaps S into itself.
C" suIRp" 1(1 + lxl 2 f+i D°' [(21rix)¡3<p(x)]1 ÍIR" (l + ix¡2)-n-i dx.
With the change of variables~= ju, x = -: +y the integral (6.1)
68 Distribution theory and Fourier Transform
} JRn
e2" i x< Ía (x) dx = "'~
L¡- r
¡3! } JRn
Ía (x) (27ri x) 13 dx t;,13
Remarks 6.1:
i) Theorem 6.4 gives part of the following result, called Paley-Wiener
Theorem, (cf. [1], volume 2):
T=F[ p (- S27rif;,) ]
will be a formal solution of the differential equation P (D) T = S.
6. The Fourier transform in the spaces S and S' 71
Laurent Schwartz conjectured, (cf. [1], volmne 2), that every tem-
perate distribution can be divided by any polynomial not identically
zero and that the division has at least one result which is also a tem-
perate distribution. This statement was proved by Leon Ehrenpreis,
(cf. [7]).
This implies that the equation P (D) T = S will always have at
least one temperate solution, given SES'.
ii) Prove that the distributions In lxl and p.v.lx belong to S'. Com-
pute the Fourier transform of p.v.~. How is this Fourier transform
related to F [In lxlJ? (cf. Problem 3.2 i)).
iii) Given n/2 < k < n, prove that F [ 1 ~k] is a function propor-
t 10na1 t'O ¡i;¡n-k
6.3 Given TE E', show that the function F [T] belongs to OM, (cf.
Problem 4.7). Also, show that its extension to q:n is a function of
exponential type.
11 f llv ~ C Ll«l~n+l
llnª~lv ·
:F [T¡] = T¡
with a similar result for :F.
And also,
JrJ 2
e 1fix( f (x) dx] 'P (~) d~ Jf (x) [ J
e 1fix<'P (~) d~] dx.
But, since the double integral,
We know already that the space S is an algebra with both, the con-
volution product and the multiplicative product, (cf. Problems 2.5).
We will now show that the Fourier transform maps one structure into
the other.
Since the double integral exists, because 'P (~) 'lj; (x) E L 1 (mn X mn),
we can exchange the order of integration, to obtain
Remark 8.2: Theorem 8.1 shows that the Fourier transform is a ho-
momorphism ofthe algebra (L1, *) into the algebra (Co, ·) where Co =
{f : IRn -+ (]) / f is continuous and vanishes at infinity} and · denotes
the pointwise multiplication.
According to Remarks 5.1 ii), the image of this homomorphism is
a proper subalgebra of Co· Moreover, it can be shown that it is a dense
8. Action of Fourier transform on products 79
Befare proving this theorem, we will state and prove two auxiliary
Proof: Given n E IN, n > lal, lbl, !et Fn (z) - :_(~. Then the
function Fn is analytic on B. Moreover, since
IFn (z)I :S: In + Z I sup
IF (z)I, ZE B
82 Distribution theory and Fouríer Transform
we deduce that
JFn (z)I-+ O as lzl-+ oo, z E B.
Mn = sup JFn (z)I.
Lemma 9.2: Let f E Lqloc' 1 < q :S oo, and let ~ + ~ = l. Then, the
following statements are equivalent
i) f E Lq.
L (g) = j f(x)g(x)dx
for sorne f E Lq. Moreover the map
L--+ f
is an onto isometry.
Thus, in our case, we will have
ll9lb =l
¡r nf(x)g(x)dxl=llfllL,<oo.
ii)=? i) Given k = 1, 2, ... , Jet Bk = { x E !Rn / 11 xll :S k}
and Jet Xk
be the characteristic function of B k.
Then, there exists
ll9lb =1 JIR"f
1 { (x) g (x) dx/.
Proof of Theorem 9.1: We will first prove the theorem assuming that
the function f is a step function. A density argument will then extend
the result to any function in IJ'.
If f is a step function, then f E L 1 and its Fourier transform is
defined by the integral. According to Lemma 9.2, the function will f
9. The Hausdorff - Young theorem 85
11 glb =1
11 J (x) g (x) dxl :::; 11 f llLP.
Given z = a + i/3 E <V, we consider the function
Íz = 1 flpz eiArg f,
where Arg f denotes the function y --+principal argument of the com-
plex number f (y) when f (y)=/= O and y--+ O if f (y)= O.
The function fz is measurable. Moreover, since lfzl = IJIP", we
also have that fz E L 1 . Then,
IJlpz = L IAJlpz XP;,
1z (x) = L
IAjlpz J,IR n e2" ix·y ei Argf (y)XP; (y) dy.
Now, let
fJR" Jz (x)gz (x)dx =
<I?(z) =
l s
= E E IAjlpz lµrlpz fq, é Arg g (x) fpj e2" ix·y ei Argf (Yldydx.
J=l r =l
Moreover, since l<I> (z)I SI:; IAjlpz lµrlpz IQrl IP;I, where IQrl, IP,I
j, r
denote volume, we can deduce that the function <I> (z) is bounded on
any region B = {a+i/3 E <r/a S a S b}.
On other hand, when z = ~' fz coincides with f and 9z coincides
with g.
When 1 S p S 2, the variable z will belong to the region
B = {a+ E<r/ ~ S aS 1} .
(F, ip) = lim (Jj, ip) = lim (fj, ij5) = (!, ij5).
J-+00 ]400
11 I 1 Lq
= 11 FllL, = J-+OO
lim 11 J;ll L9
lim 11 fjllLv =
:S J-+oo 11 JllLP ·
This completes the proof of Theorem 9.1.#
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