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Management of Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and Electric Storm

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791308 ACC European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular CareVrints et al.

Issue @ a Glance
European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care

Management of out-of-hospital 2018, Vol. 7(5) 395­–396

© The European Society of Cardiology 2018
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cardiac arrest and electric storm sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav
DOI: 10.1177/2048872618791308

Christiaan JM Vrints FESC FACC

Sudden out-of-hospital circulatory arrest (OHCA) fre- for age and comorbidities but this increase could be
quently resulting in sudden cardiac death is a major public explained by less favorable prehospital conditions with an
health problem.1,2 The survival rate of OHCA is low increased prevalence of non-shockable rhythms.12 Women
(<10%) and increases only by immediately alerting the underwent less often coronary angiography and revascu-
emergency medical system (EMS) and early initiation of larization procedures, but it remained unclear if this repre-
basic life support and defibrillation.3 In order to improve sented underutilization or could be explained by different
the quality of first responder resuscitation before arrival of patient characteristics.
the mobile EMS team systems have been developed that Airway management is very important both during and
allow rapid dispatching of trained lay rescuers activated by after resuscitation for OHCA. In a large OHCA registry in
text messaging4,5 or via a mobile phone app.6 A study per- Vienna use of a laryngeal tube was associated with an almost
formed in the Dutch province Limburg shows that the con- two times increased 30 day mortality and a more unfavorable
tribution of a text message based alert system to improved neurological outcome than observed in the patients venti-
survival after OHCA is most substantial in cases of wit- lated through endotracheal intubation.13 Immediate endotra-
nessed arrest, in the home situation, at slightly delayed cheal intubation appears therefore the best airway strategy
arrival of the first ambulance and during the evening/night.7 both during the prehospital and in hospital phase.
Coronary artery disease accounts for the great majority The scientific evidence for targeted temperature man-
(66 to 75%) of the OHCA cases8 and therefore emergent agement (TTM) following resuscitation from OHCA is
coronary angiography should always be performed in addressed in this issue by a systematic review of the litera-
OHCA patients with return of spontaneous circulation ture and by meta-analyses focusing on its usefulness, opti-
(ROSC) with ST-segment elevation (STE) or new left bun- mal timing of initiation and duration.14 The review provides
dle branch block.9 In a series of Japanese OHCA patients low quality evidence supporting the in-hospital initiation of
who showed ST segment changes after ROSC a culprit TTM at 32–36°C amongst adult survivors of OHCA with
lesion was detected by coronary angiography in 81% of the an initial shockable rhythm for 18–24 h.
patients with STE and in and in 33% of patients with non- Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR)
STE changes.10 ST-segment analysis showed good positive as a rescue therapy for refractory cardiac arrest is assessed
predictive value (81%) but low negative predictive value by a retrospective analysis of the clinical results obtained
(68%) in diagnosing the presence of acute coronary lesions. with this therapy at a regional ECPR referral center in
This study shows therefore that the presence of ST-segment Lombardy, Italy.15 The study demonstrates the feasibility of
changes cannot be considered as a strict selection criterion ECPR in selected patients with a recovery of neurological
for performing emergent coronary angiography in patients and cardiac function similar to patients with early ROSC.
resuscitated from OHCA. Furthermore, it is important to However, survival after ECPR was much lower and criti-
note that a vasospastic angina was diagnosed in 9.6% in the cally depends on total cardiac arrest time. More research is
STE group and in 11.7% in the non-STE group. Appropriate needed to better identify the patients who may benefit from
coronary spasm provocation testing11 should be therefore ECPR.
performed in OHCA survivors with normal coronary angio-
grams in order to detect vasospastic angina as a cause of the
arrest. Cardiovascular diseases, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Women frequently suffer from underutilization of inva-
Corresponding author:
sive diagnostics and interventions. In a retrospective study Christiaan JM Vrints FESC FACC, Department of Cardiology, University
of successfully resuscitated OHCA patients in Copenhagen Hospital and AZ Monica Antwerp, Belgium.
women showed a higher 30 day mortality after adjustment Email: christiaan.vrints@uantwerpen.be
396 European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 7(5)

The survival and neurological outcome in relation to the Previously Identified Heart Disease. Circulation: Arrhythmia
mean blood glucose levels during the first 96 hours of hos- and Electrophysiology. 2016; 9(6).
pital admission was studied in a retrospective cohort study 9. Priori SG, Blomström-Lundqvist C, Mazzanti A, et al. 2015
of comatose survivors of OHCA with an initial shockable ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with ven-
tricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac
rhythm.16 Hyperglycemia was associated with increased
deathThe Task Force for the Management of Patients with
rates of death and severe neurological dysfunction.
Ventricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden
Non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia is a rare (0.68%) Cardiac Death of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
but life-threatening (50% in hospital mortality) complica- Endorsed by: Association for European Paediatric and
tion in OHCA survivors.17 Elevated lactate and leukocytes Congenital Cardiology (AEPC). European Heart Journal.
at admission in the absence of a clear infectious focus 2015; 36(41): 2793–2867.
should raise suspicion for this complication in patients with 10. Tateishi K, Abe D, Iwama T, et al. Clinical value of

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sufficient vital organ perfusion allowing invasive electo- 12. Winther-Jensen M, Hassager C, Kjaergaard J, et al. Women
physiologic studies and therapies.19 have a worse prognosis and undergo fewer coronary angi-
The management of electric storm is further discussed in ographies after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest than men. Eur
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