Imagingofacutestroke: Current State
Imagingofacutestroke: Current State
Imagingofacutestroke: Current State
Current State
Steven Hetts, MDa, Rajkamal Khangura, MDb,*
Acute ischemic stroke Endovascular therapy Thrombectomy Computer tomography perfusion
Neurointervention Large-vessel occlusion
Endovascular therapy for large-vessel occlusions may now be performed up to 24 hours after time
last known well.
Stroke systems of care should be protocolized to allow for rapid, efficient stroke imaging to allow for
faster revascularization.
Efficient, rapid neuroimaging differentiates acute ischemic stroke from stroke mimics, identifies
intracranial and extracranial occlusions, and delineates cranio-cervical vascular anatomy, extent
of core infarction, volume of salvageable brain (ischemic penumbra), and status of leptomeningeal
No disclosures.
Division of Neurointerventional Radiology, University of California, San Francisco, 505 Parnassus Avenue #
M-380, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA; b Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, Division of Neuro-
interventional Radiology, University of California, San Francisco, 505 Parnassus Avenue # M-380, San Francisco,
CA 94143, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
diagnosis and recanalization of LVOs are associ- time. In this scenario, a CT and potentially CTA/CTP
ated with greater likelihood of a disability-free are acquired using cone-bean CT technology within
outcome. Clinical suspicion of AIS, activated in the angiography suite. A pilot study in Barcelona
the field or the hospital, results in a cascade of demonstrated the feasibility and significant time
events often with imaging as the rate-limiting reduction using this strategy in patients with high
step. Once prehospital or in-hospital stroke activa- prehospital stroke scale scores.7
tion occurs, providers and staff involved in stroke
treatment should also be notified; this includes NEUROIMAGING
the neuroradiologist. Initial noncontrast computed Noncontrast Head Computed Tomography
tomography (CT) interpretation, either at the scan-
ner or in the reading room, begins the treatment AIS remains a clinical diagnosis although treat-
algorithm for intravenous thrombolytic therapy ment is centered around exclusionary criteria ob-
and subsequent endovascular therapy. After tained from patient history and diagnostic
noncontrast head CT, computed tomography imaging. CT imaging is the cornerstone of routine
angiography (CTA) covering from the left atrial ischemic stroke imaging, followed by CTA and
appendage through the cranial vertex should be advanced imaging such as CTP or multiphase
obtained. If the patient is beyond 6 hours from CTA in patients who present during the extended
time last seen normal, then computed tomography treatment window. The noncontrast head CT
perfusion (CTP) should be performed to determine should be obtained from the vertex through C2,
extended window eligibility. Initial imaging should provided in true axial reconstructions and best
be protocolized to prevent delays associated viewed in 35-45/35-45 window/level settings. The
with imaging. Protocolized imaging provides the primary objective of the head CT is to exclude pa-
greatest capture of patients presenting with tients from intravenous (IV) thrombolysis; these
LVOs. Additional components of a stroke protocol exclusionary criteria include evidence of hemor-
CT should include pre-set slice thickness, multi- rhage, mass, and completed large infarction. In
planar reformats, and true axial images. the absence of these findings, the patient remains
CT with CTA remains the clinical standard to a candidate for IV thrombolysis within the appro-
evaluate for LVO because it was the primary priate treatment time (currently within 4.5 hours af-
noninvasive vascular imaging in the major trials, ter time last seen well in most centers). Additional
although some sites used MR imaging and mag- findings suggestive of acute ischemia, although
netic resonance angiography (MRA) with similar specific, are not sensitive. These include the
results and speed. According to the 2018 Amer- hyperdense vessel sign, loss of insular ribbon
ican Heart Association guidelines, the data to sup- sign, territorial gray-white differentiation loss, and
port the routine use of MR imaging for in-window rarely, sulcal effacement (seen toward the end of
thrombectomy candidates are inadequate, and the acute ischemic phase and more commonly
CT is preferred. In select patients who present in as a subacute ischemic finding).
the extended time window, diffusion-weighted Major findings that should be evaluated include
MR imaging provides definitive evaluation of the 1. Evidence of hemorrhage, mass or mass effect,
core infarct volume and perfusion MR imaging and hydrocephalus
characterizes tissue mismatch/tissue at risk.6 2. Evidence of gray-white differentiation loss and
Use of MR imaging with MRA in this scenario assessment of Alberta Stroke Program Early
must be balanced with rapid imaging acquisition Computed Tomography Score (ASPECTS) to
and diagnosis to include patients for endovascular characterize core infarction
treatment. 3. Hyperdense vessel sign
In efforts to dramatically lower “door to tissue
plasminogen activator” time and treat a greater Following the exclusion of stroke mimics and
percentage of patients with early thrombolysis, hemorrhage, the scan should be assessed for ev-
mobile stroke units have been developed; these idence of core infarction, best assessed with AS-
are modified ambulances with an on-board CT PECTS. The total volume of the middle cerebral
scanner, technologist, critical care nurse, emer- artery territory is roughly 300 cm3, divided into 10
gency medical service provider/paramedic, and anatomic regions, with each area representing
neurologist. Patients are scanned using the mobile approximately 30 cm3 of brain tissue (Fig. 1). All
CT scanner to evaluate for exclusionary criteria for slices from the lower ganglionic level through the
thrombolysis. cephalad aspect of the supraganglionic level
Lastly, direct transfer to the angiography suite should be assessed. Each area of hypoattenua-
is being evaluated, bypassing the emergency tion/ischemic change/core infarction results in
room and CT scanner to reduce “door-to-puncture” subtraction of 1 point for each involved region
Imaging of Acute Stroke 1085
from a normal score of 10. Level 1 evidence sup- LVO, because this is amenable to EVT. Again, this
ports treatment of patients with ASPECTS greater imaging should be acquired immediately after the
than 6. noncontrast CT head as part of the protocolized
The dense vessel sign is suggestive of higher Stroke CT with CTA study.
red blood cell (RBC) content within thrombus,9
which seems to be secondary to a cardioembolic Computed Tomography Angiography
source of embolism (Fig. 2). Less dense thrombi
may be suggestive of fibrin-rich, platelet-rich A CTA of both the head and neck should then
emboli, which typically arise from large-vessel be performed, extending from the left atrial
atherosclerotic sources.10 Lastly, a calcified appendage through the vertex, and reconstructed
embolus may be secondary to a chronically in multiplanar reconstruction and maximum inten-
formed clot from a cardioembolic source or sity projection (MIP) images for evaluation of the
from an artery to artery embolus. Because these origin of the great vessels, carotid disease or nar-
factors may affect the potential devices used rowing, and the intracranial vasculature.11 Given
during thrombectomy, this information should be that time is of the essence, imaging is obtained
promptly conveyed to the neurointerventionalist. without evaluating the patient’s renal status.
Patients who receive IV thrombolysis should then Treatment planning should be considered when
be evaluated with vessel imaging for evidence of evaluating the CTA. Characterization of the aortic
arch, patency of the independent origins of the
great vessels as well as common origins should
be reported (Fig. 3). The course and tortuosity of
vessels should be described. Evaluation of the
distal common carotid artery (CCA), internal ca-
rotid artery (ICA) bulb and proximal ICA should
be documented to establish the potential source
of stroke. Most strokes are cardioembolic, fol-
lowed by artery to artery emboli from the carotid
Intracranially, the length of occlusion should be
described, because it may aid in device selection.
In describing the middle cerebral artery (MCA) M1
segment, it should be noted that an early bifurca-
tion of the MCA is considered an M1 location as
long as it is within the horizontal segment of the
sylvian fissure. Thrombus involving the bifurcation
may involve the superior or inferior truck, repre-
senting M2 occlusions.
Occlusions are best seen on MIP slab images,
Fig. 2. Hyperdensity of the left middle cerebral artery and reconstructions should always be provided
M1 segment. as part of the standard stroke protocol.
1086 Hetts & Khangura
Table 1
The inclusion criteria of the 2 randomized control trials, DEFUSE 3 and DAWN
Age and baseline Age: 18–90 years Age: At least 18 years
mRS Baseline mRS: 0–1 Baseline mRS: 0–1
IV thrombolysis tPA if started within 4.5 h of onset tPA given with persistence of
LVO or outside of tPA window
Time since last 6–16 h 6–24 h
known well
Imaging ASPECTS 6 No intracerebral hemorrhage on
CT or MR imaging
No evidence of stroke in >1/3 of
MCA territory
Mismatch Initial core infarct volume <70 cm3 Group A: >80 years
inclusion criteria NIHSS 6 NIHSS 10, core infarct <21 cm3
Ratio of volume of ischemic tissue to Group B: <80 year, NIHSS 10, core
initial infarct volume of 1.8 or more infarct <31 cm3
Absolute volume of penumbra tissue of Group C: <80 years, NIHSS 20, core
15 cm3 or more (defined as Tmax >6 s infarct 31–50 cm3
using RAPID software)
Occlusion location ICA, MCA, or both ICA, MCA, or both
Abbreviations: ICA, intracerebral hemorrhage; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke
Fig. 5. Generated CTP threshold images demonstrate suspected core infarct (purple) and ischemic tissue at risk
(green), representing a favorable mismatch profile. (Courtesy of Ischemaview RAPID.)
1088 Hetts & Khangura
Fig. 6. (A) Sagittal CTA of the neck shows decreased opacification with tapered appearance of the proximal left
ICA. (B) Post-contrast axial CT of the head in the same patient reveals a patent distal left cervical ICA, suggesting
the initial nonopacification of the left cervical ICA represented a “pseudo-occlusion.”
thrombus, and patients may ultimately require cervical vertebral level, tortuosity of the vessel,
intravenous antiplatelet treatment, balloon angio- length of stenosis, and degree of peripheral calci-
plasty, or intracranial stenting. The noncontrast fication should be reported to help determine
CT may suggest intracranial atherosclerotic eligibility for carotid endarterectomy versus
disease (ICAD) with evidence of calcium deposi- carotid stenting.
tion in the vessel wall or absence of a hyperdense
vessel sign. Common locations of intracranial Tandem Occlusions
atherothrombotic occlusions are in the mid to
Tandem occlusions consist of concomitant intra-
distal MCAs and mid basilar artery.16 Evidence
cranial LVO and ipsilateral extracranial ICA occlu-
of other sites of intracranial atherosclerosis
sion, occurring in approximately 10% to 20% of
(excluding the carotid siphons) may suggest
cases of AIS.18 Treatment is often complex, influ-
ICAD. CTP and multiphase CTA may reveal well-
enced by the ability to cross the proximal occlu-
developed collaterals and a favorable mismatch
sion, the volume of the core infarction, the
profile, likely reflective of the chronicity of the
degree of success of intracranial revascularization,
underlying lesion.
adequacy of circle of Willis collaterals, and extra-
cranial lesion morphology. Common causes of
Chronic Extracranial Occlusion/Near-Total
tandem occlusion include acute occlusion of a
previously nearly occluded common/internal ca-
Chronic occlusions of the extracranial circulation rotid artery, acute plaque rupture of an ICA athero-
pose clinical challenges, because there is no intra- sclerotic lesion with distal embolization, or carotid
cranial LVO but upstream narrowing or occlusion dissection with thrombus formation and emboliza-
with greater stress placed on the circle of Willis tion. First-pass CTA limits the evaluation of a
or leptomeningeal collaterals. In general, recent tandem lesion, but delayed imaging may help eval-
extracranial carotid occlusions are not typically uate vascular patency, vessel contour, distal
treated, although revascularization may be collapse of the ICA, string sign, or filling defect
appropriate in certain clinical scenarios (increasing suggestive of an ulcerated plaque. During the arte-
NIHSS, recurrent strokes). Symptomatic ICA rial phase of acquisition, there may be absence of
occlusion requires revascularization within opacification of the distal CCA or proximal ICA.
14 days of the stroke.17 The degree of stenosis, This is typically explained by 2 potential pro-
the location relative to both the mandible and cesses: “pseudo-occlusion” or tandem occlusion.
Imaging of Acute Stroke 1089
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