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This Question Paper consists of 2 Printed Pages.


Half-Yearly Examination 2015 – 2016
Subject : Mathematics (Set-A) Code : ENMT
Max Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hrs.
Name : Class/ Sec. :
General Instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Please write the serial no. of the question before attempting it.
3. This question paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
4. Section – A contains question no. 01 to question no. 06 carrying 01 mark each.
5. Section – B contains question no. 07 to question no. 19 carrying 04 marks each.
6. Section – C contains question no. 20 to question no. 26 carrying 06 marks each.
7. Calculators are not allowed.

1) If U = { 1, 2, 3, …….10}, A = { 1, 2, 3, 5}, B = { 2, 4, 6, 7}, then find ( A –B)
2) What is the domain of the real valued function f ( x ) = 2
x − 5x + 6
3) Express –220 30’ in radian measure.
4) Evaluate: sin 75˚
5) Express: i in the form of a+ i b.
6) Solve: 2< 3x –8 <4.
7) Let U = { 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 8}, A = { 2, 3, 4} and B = { 3, 4, 5}
Show that ( A ∪ B )' = A ' ∩ B ' and ( A ∩ B )' = A ' ∪ B '
For any three sets A, B and C, using properties of sets, prove that
A − (B − C ) = (A − B) ∪ (A ∩ C)
8) Let A= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and R be a relation on A defined by R={(a, b): a, b ∈ A; b is exactly
divisible by a}
i) Write R in roster form ii) Find the domain of R iii) Find the range of R
9) If the arcs of the same lengths in two circles subtend angles 60 and 750 at the centre, find

the ratio of their radii.

10) Prove that: tan8 θ –tan 6 θ –tan 2 θ = tan 8 θ tan6 θ tan2 θ

x+ y
11) Prove that (cos x + cos y )2 + (sin x − sin y )2 = 4 cos 2  
 2 
12) Find the general solution of the equation: sin x + sin3x + sin5x=0.
13) Using principle of mathematical induction, prove that:
n( 2n − 1)( 2n + 1)
12 + 3 2 + 5 2 + .................... + ( 2n − 1) 2 = , n ∈ N.
14) Using principle of mathematical induction, prove that: 4 n + 15n − 1 is divisible by 9 for all
natural number n.
Prove that: 12 +22 +32 + ……..+n2 > for all n ∈ N .
− 16
15) Express the complex number z= in the polar form.
1+ i 3
β −α
16) If α and β are different complex numbers with the β = 1 , find .
1 − αβ
1 + iCosθ
Find the real values of θ for which the complex number is purely real.
1 − 2iCosθ
17) Find the derivative of xsinx with respect to x using the first principle.
18) Differentiate ex(x + logx) with respect to x.

3− 5+ x
Evaluate: lim
x→4 1− 5 − x
x 1 6x 1
19) Solve for x : ≥ , <
2x + 1 4 4x − 1 2
20) In a survey of 100 persons it was found that 28 read magazine A, 30 read magazine B, 42
read magazine C, 8 read magazine A and B, 10 read magazines A and C, 5 read magazines
B and C and 3 read all the three magazines. Find, without using the Venn diagram that
(i) How many read none of the three magazines.
(ii) How many of them read at least two of the magazines.
(iii) Write two benefits of reading magazines.

21) Find the domain and range of the real function f defined as f ( x ) = 16 − x 2
Find the domain and range of the real function f defined as f (x ) =
2 − Sin 3x
22) Prove that: Cos 3 A + Cos 3 (A + 120 0 ) + Cos 3 (A + 240 0 ) = Cos3A
Prove that: = 2+ 2 − 3 − 6
tan 142
23) Prove that: tan α + 2 tan 2α + 4 tan 4α + 8Cot 8α = Cotα
24) Find the general solution of the equation: 4Sinx.Sin 2 x.Sin 4 x = Sin 3x
x cos x − sin x
25) (i) Differentiate with respect to x:
(ii) Evaluate Lim
π 
2  − x
2 
26) Solve the following system of inequations graphically.
X+2y ≤ 8, 2x + y ≤ 8, x – y ≤ 0 x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0

This Question Paper consists of 2 Printed Pages.


Half-Yearly Examination 2015 – 2016
Subject : Mathematics (Set-B) Code : ENMT
Max Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hrs.
Name : Class/ Sec. :
General Instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Please write the serial no. of the question before attempting it.
3. This question paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
4. Section – A contains question no. 01 to question no. 06 carrying 01 mark each.
5. Section – B contains question no. 07 to question no. 19 carrying 04 marks each.
6. Section – C contains question no. 20 to question no. 26 carrying 06 marks each.
7. Calculators are not allowed.
Section A
1) Express: − i in the form of a + i b.
2) Solve: 2< 3x –8 <4.
3) Express –220 30’ in radian measure.
4) Evaluate: Cos 750
5) What is the domain of the real valued function f ( x ) = 2
x − 5x + 6

6) If U = { 1, 2, 3, …….10}, A = { 1, 2, 3, 5}, B = { 2, 4, 6, 7}, then find ( A –B)

7) Let U = { 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 8}, A = { 2, 3, 4} and B = { 3, 4, 5}
Show that ( A ∪ B )' = A ' ∩ B ' and ( A ∩ B )' = A ' ∪ B '
For any three sets A, B and C, using properties of sets, prove that
A − (B − C) = (A − B) ∪ (A ∩ C)
8) Let A= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and R be a relation on A defined by R={(a, b): a, b ∈ A; b is exactly
divisible by a}
i) Write R in roster form
ii) Find the domain of R
iii) Find the range of R
2x + 1 x+7
9) Solve for x: > 5, >2
7x − 1 x −8
10) Differentiate ex(x + logx) with respect to x.

3− 5+ x
Evaluate: lim
x→4 1− 5 − x
11) Find the derivative of xsinx with respect to x using the first principle.

β −α
12) If α and β are different complex numbers with the β = 1 , find .
1 − αβ
1 + iCosθ
Find the real values of θ for which the complex number is purely real.
1 − 2iCosθ
− 16
13) Express the complex number z= in the polar form.
1+ i 3
14) If the arcs of the same lengths in two circles subtend angles 600 and 750 at the centre, find
the ratio of their radii.
15) Prove that: tan13 θ –tan 9 θ –tan 4 θ = tan 13 θ tan9 θ tan4 θ

x+ y
16) Prove that (cos x + cos y )2 + (sin x − sin y )2 = 4 cos 2  
 2 
17) Find the general solution of the equation: sin x + sin5x= sin3x.
18) Using principle of mathematical induction, prove that:
n( 2n − 1)( 2n + 1)
12 + 3 2 + 5 2 + .................... + ( 2n − 1) 2 = , n ∈ N.
19) Using principle of mathematical induction, prove that: 4 n + 15n − 1 is divisible by 9 for all
natural number n.
Prove that: 12 +22 +32 + ……..+n2 > for all n ∈ N .
20) Prove that: tan α + 2 tan 2α + 4 tan 4α + 8Cot 8α = Cotα
21) Find the general solution of the equation: Solve: 2Sin 2 x + Sin 2 2 x = 2
x cos x − sin x
22) (i) Differentiate with respect to x:
(i) Evaluate Lim
π 
2  − x
2 
23) Solve the following system of inequations graphically.
X+2y ≤ 8, 2x + y ≤ 8, x-y ≤ 0 x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
24) In a survey of 100 persons it was found that 28 read magazine A, 30 read magazine B, 42
read magazine C, 8 read magazine A and B, 10 read magazines A and C, 5 read magazines B
and C and 3 read all the three magazines. Find, without using the Venn diagram that
(i) How many read none of the three magazines.
(ii) How many of them read at least two of the magazines.
(iii) Write two benefits of reading magazines.

25) Find the domain and range of the real function f defined as f ( x ) = 16 − x 2
Find the domain and range of the real function f defined as f (x ) =
2 − Sin 3x
26) Prove that: ( )
Cos 3 A + Cos 3 A + 120 0 + Cos 3 A + 240 0 = ( ) 4
Prove that: tan 142 = 2+ 2 − 3 − 6
This Question Paper consists of 2 Printed Pages.


Half-Yearly Examination 2015 – 2016
Subject : Mathematics (Set-C) Code : ENMT
Max Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hrs.
Name : Class/ Sec. :
General Instructions :
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Please write the serial no. of the question before attempting it.
3. This question paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
4. Section – A contains question no. 01 to question no. 06 carrying 01 mark each.
5. Section – B contains question no. 07 to question no. 19 carrying 04 marks each.
6. Section – C contains question no. 20 to question no. 26 carrying 06 marks each.
7. Calculators are not allowed.
Section A
1) Solve: 2< 3x –8 <4.

2) Express: i 50 in the form of a + i b.

3) Express –220 30’ in radian measure.
4) Evaluate: Cos150

5) If U = {1, 2, 3, …….10}, A = { 1, 2, 3, 5}, B = { 2, 4, 6, 7}, then find ( A –B)
6) What is the domain of the real valued function f ( x ) = 2
x − 5x + 6
7) Let U = { 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 8}, A = { 2, 3, 4} and B = { 3, 4, 5}
Show that ( A ∪ B )' = A ' ∩ B ' and ( A ∩ B )' = A ' ∪ B '
For any three sets A, B and C, using properties of sets, prove that
A − (B − C) = (A − B) ∪ (A ∩ C)
8) Let A= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and R be a relation on A defined by R={(a, b): a, b ∈ A; b is exactly
divisible by a}
i) Write R in roster form
ii) Find the domain of R
iii) Find the range of R
5x 3x 39 2 x − 1 x − 1 3x + 1
9) Solve for x: + > , − <
4 8 8 12 3 4
10) Differentiate ex(x+logx) with respect to x.

3− 5+ x
Evaluate: lim
x→4 1− 5 − x
11) Find the derivative of xsinx with respect to x using the first principle.

β −α
12) If α and β are different complex numbers with the β = 1 , find .
1 − αβ
1 + iCosθ
Find the real values of θ for which the complex number is purely real.
1 − 2iCosθ
− 16
13) Express the complex number z= in the polar form.
1+ i 3
14) Using principle of mathematical induction, prove that: 4 n + 15n − 1 is divisible by 9 for all
natural number n.
Prove that: 12 +22 +32 + ……..+n2 > for all n ∈ N .
15) Using principle of mathematical induction, prove that:
n( 2n − 1)( 2n + 1)
12 + 3 2 + 5 2 + .................... + ( 2n − 1) 2 = , n ∈ N.
16) Find the general solution of the equation: sin x + sin2x + sin3x=0.
x+ y
17) Prove that (cos x + cos y )2 + (sin x − sin y )2 = 4 cos 2  
 2 
18) Prove that: tan15 θ –tan 9 θ – tan6 = tan 15 θ tan9 θ tan6 θ
19) If the arcs of the same lengths in two circles subtend angles 600 and 750 at the centre, find
the ratio of their radii.
 π  2π 
20) Find the general solution of the equation: tan x + tan  x +  + tan  x + =3
 3  3 
x cos x − sin x
21) (i) Differentiate with respect to x:
(i) Evaluate Lim
π 
2  − x
2 
22) Solve the following system of inequations graphically.
X+2y ≤ 8, 2x + y ≤ 8, x-y ≤ 0 x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
23) In a survey of 100 persons it was found that 28 read magazine A, 30 read magazine B, 42
read magazine C, 8 read magazine A and B, 10 read magazines A and C, 5 read magazines
B and C and 3 read all the three magazines. Find, without using the Venn diagram that
(i) How many read none of the three magazines.
(ii) How many of them read at least two of the magazines.
(iii) Write two benefits of reading magazines.

24) Find the domain and range of the real function f defined as f ( x ) = 16 − x 2
Find the domain and range of the real function f defined as f (x ) =
2 − Sin 3x
25) Prove that: ( ) (
Cos 3 A + Cos 3 A + 120 0 + Cos 3 A + 240 0 = ) 4
Prove that: tan 142 = 2+ 2 − 3 − 6
26) Prove that: tan α + 2 tan 2α + 4 tan 4α + 8Cot 8α = Cotα

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