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Lesson 1

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1 A cohesive soil deposit is considered soft if the unconfined

compression strength, in kPa, is between

A. 0 to 24 C. 96 to 192
B. 48 to 96 D. 24 to 48


Average Undrained Shear Strength of Clay:

Soft Clay c = 12 to 24 kPa
Medium Clay c = 24 to 48 kPa
Stiff Clay c = 48 to 95 kPa
Very Stiff Clay c = 96 to 192 kPa
Hard Clay c = 192 to 383 kPa

2 A fireman has to put out a fire but is blocked by a fire wall. To

reach over the wall, he directed the water jet from the nozzle at
an angle of 30 deg to the horizontal. Evaluate the velocity of the
water, in meters/sec, leaving the nozzle of his hose to reach over
the wall is standing 2 m higher than the nozzle of the hose.
Neglect friction in the jet. (Lacking: Height of the wall is 5.5 m)
A. 
Hwall 16.8
5.5m hnozzle  2m C. 18.2
B. 20.6 30deg x  D.30m19.6

y  Hwall  h nozzle  3.5 m

Guess vo  1
g  x2
y = x  tan ( ) 
2  vo2  ( cos ( ) ) 2
 
vo  Find vo  20.63

3 A line joining the points of highest elevation of water in a series of

vertical open pipes rising from a pipeline in which water flows
under pressure is referred to as
A. hydraulic loss C. hydraulic jump
B. hydraulic gradient D. hydraulic head


hydraulic gradient. : a line joining the points of highest

elevation of water in a series of vertical open pipes rising
from a pipeline in which water flows under pressure.
4 In a triaxial shear test of a cohesionless soil, the soil cylinder was
subjected to a liquid pressure of 16 kPa inside the chamber. It was
observed that failure of the sample in shear occurred when the
axial compressive stress reached 40 kPa. The angle of internal
friction in degrees is nearest to
A. 27.4 B. 29.1 C. 26.8 D. 25.4


5 A barge, weighing 350 kN when empty, is 6 m wide, 15 m long,

and 3 m high. Floating upright, evaluate the draft of the barge, in
meters, when transporting 3000 bags of cement along a river,
each bag having a mass of 40 kg. Assume the specific gravity of
the water in the river to be 1.02.
A. 1.38 B. 2.57 C. 2.01 D. 1.67


6 A spherical balloon 6 m in diameter is filled with gas weighing 5

N/m3. In standard air weighing 12 N/m 3, evaluate the maximum
load, in N, excluding its own weight that the balloon can lift.
A. 812 B. 792 C. 672 D. 916


7 Determine the pressure in a vessel of mercury at a point 200 mm

below the liquid surface, expressing the answer in kPa absolute.
A. 132 B. 130 C. 134 D. 128


8 Water flows through a rectangular irrigation canal, 500 mm deep

by 1 m wide, with a mean velocity of 2 meters per second.
Determine the rate of flow in m^3 per minute.
A. 50 B. 70 C. 80 D. 60


9 A layer of soft clay having an initial void ratio of 2.00 is 10 m

thick. Under a compressive load applied above it, the void ratio
decreased by one – half. Evaluate the reduction in the thickness of
the clay layer, in meters.
A. 3.50 B. 3.74 C. 3.33 D. 3.15


10 A ship having a displacement of 20, 000 metric tons enters a

harbor of fresh water. The ship captain recorded a draft of 8.4 m
while the ship was still in seawater (specific gravity = 1.03).
Obtain the draft, in meters, of the ship in fresh water if the
horizontal section of the ship below the waterline is 3000 m 2 in
both instances.
A. 8.75 B. 7.78 C. 9.54 D. 8.59


11 A pressure surge of wave caused when a fluid in motion is forced

to stop or change direction suddenly (momentum change) is
referred to in hydraulics as
A. potential head C. water hammer
B. hydraulic jump D. hydrodynamics


12 Evaluate the resisting capacity against axial load due to skin

Size of the pile: 0.30 m square
Depth of penetration into the
Unconfined compression strength
A. 1010 B. 1320 C. D. 660


13 The permeameter in falling head permeability test setup involves

a cylindrical soil sample 50 mm in diameter and a height 200 mm.
The hydraulic head in the 10 – mm diameter standpipe through
which test water passed dropped from 900 to 600 mm in one –
minute of observation. In that duration the water collected in the
graduate was recorded at 1.5 liters. Evaluate the coefficient of
permeability of the soil sample, in cm/sec.
A. 0.00924 B. 0.00541 C. 0.00715 D. 0.00689


14 A soil sample has a water content of 20 percent and moist unit

weight of 18 kN/m^3. The specific gravity of the solids is 2.65.
Obtain the void ratio of the soil.
A. 0.407 B. 0.635 C. 0.733 D. 0.368

15 For the tank shown in FIGURE HHP – 1, obtain the depth d, in

meters, of the oil if its specific gravity is 0.84.
A. 1.44 B. 1.19 C. 1.37 D. 1.28


16 An unconfined compression test was conducted on a sample of

clay having a diameter of 50 mm. The failure load was recorded at
240 N. The cohesion strength of the clay, in kPa, is nearest to a
value of
A. 64.0 B. 45.0 C. 61.1 D. 101.0


17 When the path lines of the individual particles of a flowing liquid

are irregular curves and continually cross each other and form a
complicated network, the flow is called
A. uniform C. continuous
B. laminar D. turbulent


18 A trapezoidal canal has a bottom width of 4 m and side slopes of

2 horizontal to 1 vertical. When the depth of the flow is 1.2 m, the
flow is 30 m^3/sec. The roughness coefficient n = 0.015.
Evaluate the slope of the channel using Mannnings formula.
A. 0.00195 B. 0.00316 C. 0.00412 D. 0.00447


19 A layer of soft clay having an initial void ratio of 1.50 is 10 m

thick. Under a compressive load applied above it, the void ratio
decreased by one – half. Evaluate the reduction in the thickness of
the clay layer.
A. 4.25 B. 3.75 C. 3.00 D. 5.50


20 If the velocity head at one point of a pipeline is 5 m, what would

be the velocity head, in meters, at the point of the pipeline if the
velocity is increased three times?
A. 20 B. 45 C. 15 D. 30


Situation 1 – The coefficient of permeability below a dam is 4 m/day.

The water on the upstream side is 20 meter higher than on the
downstream side. To estimate the seepage below the dam, a flow
net was graphically drawn such that the number of flow channels
Nf = 4. The base of the dam is founded 1 m below the ground.
Between the heel and the toe of the dam, a distance of 30 meters,
there are 8 potential drops.
21 Evaluate the seepage flow per meter width of dam, in liters/min.
A. 18.6 B. 20.6 C. 32.5 D. 22.2
22 Determine the uplift pressure at the heel of the dam, in kPa.
A. 198 B. 181 C. 177 D. 114
23 Determine the uplift pressure at the toe of the dam, in kPa.
A. 11.4 B. 14.7 C. 19.6 D. 17.6

 Situation #

Situation 2 – According to the elasticity theory the vertical stress

induced by flexible line load of infinite length that has an
intensity of q units/length on the surface of a semi – infinite soil
mass can be estimated by the expression
p = 0.637 q/N
when N = z[1+(r/z)2]2
r = horizontal distance from the line of the load
z = depth of interest at which stress is induced
A concrete hollow block wall weighing 6 kN per lineal meter is
carried by a wall footing 0.30 m wide.
24 Evaluate the bearing pressure, in kPa, exerted by the footing onto
the supporting soil.
A. 14 B. 12 C. 10 D. 16
25 Evaluate the stress in the soil caused by the load depth equal to
twice its width.
A. 7.25 B. 6.47 C. 4.43 D. 5.31
26 Evaluate the stress at a depth of 2 m and a horizontal distance of
3 m from the line of the line load.
A. 0.432 B. 0.531 C. 0.668 D. 0.302

 Situation #

Situation 3 – In FIGURE HTRS – 2, reservoir A is the source of water

supply and is at Elev. 150 m, B is the junction at Elev. 91.46 m, C is
a town at Elev. 30.49 m with 25, 000 inhabitants, D is another
town at Elev. 15.24 m with a population of 30, 000. Length AB is
15, 240 m, BC is 9150 m, BD is 6100 m. Determine the size of the
pipes if the consumption is 150 liters per capita per day. For the
pipes, frictional factor f = 0.02. Determine the required diameter,
in meters, of
27 pipe AB
A. 0.450 B. 0.330 C. 0.390 D. 0.420
28 pipe BC
A. 0.366 B. 0.500 C. 0.216 D. 0.196
29 pipe AB
A. 0.450 B. 0.205 C. 0.300 D. 0.150

 Situation #

Situation 4 – A square footing 4 m on a side is found to be 1.2 m

below the ground surface for which the bulk unit weight of the
soil is 20 kN/m^3, the cohesion of the soil is kPa, and

30 cohesion strength
A. 259 B. 235 C. 230 D. 267
31 soil overburden
A. 247 B. 260 C. 179 D. 135
32 footing dimension
A. 98 B. 116 C. 128 D. 102

 Situation #

Situation 5 – A rectangular gate 1.5 m wide and 3 m high is vertically

submerged in water with its top edge horizontal and 2 m below
the water surface.
33 Evaluate the total force acting on one side of gate, in kN.
A. 177 B. 143 C. 154 D. 165
34 Obtain the location of the force from the center of gravity of the
plate, in meter(s)
A. 0.316 B. 0.225 C. 0.214 D. 0.355
35 Obtain the location of the force from the liquid surface, in meters.
A. 3.71 B. 3.96 C. 3.82 D. 3.61

 Situation #

Situation 6 – A solid block having a specific gravity of 3.5 is placed in

a container liquid having specific gravity 13.6
36 If the volume of the block is 0.020 cubic meter, obtain the weight
of the block, in kN.
A. 0.824 B. 0.687 C. 0.566 D. 0.751
37 Evaluate the percentage volume of the block that floats in the
A. 82.5 B. 74.3 C. 67.3 D. 53.3
38 Obtain the downward force in kN required to make it completely
submerged in the liquid.
A. 1.05 B. 3.22 C. 1.98 D. 2.05

 Situation #

Situation 7 – An irrigation canal with trapezoidal cross sections has

the following dimensions: Bottom width = 2.00 m, depth of water
= 0.90 m, side slope = 1:5 horizontal to 1 vertical, slope of the
canal bed = 0.001, coefficient of roughness = 0.025. The canal will
serve clay–loam Riceland for which the duty of water per hectare
is 3.0 liters/sec. Using Manning’s formula: V = (R^2/3)(S^1/2)/n.
39 Determine the hydraulic radius of the canal, in meter(s)
A. 0.432 B. 0.242 C. 0.501 D. 0.575
40 Velocity of the water in m/sec.
A. 0.308 B. 0.479 C. 0.652 D. 0.874
41 Number of hectares served by the irrigation canal.
A. 897 B. 879 C. 978 D. 789

 Situation #

Situation 8 – A soil sample has a dry unit weight of 17 kN/m^3 ad a

void ratio of 0.60.
42 Evaluate the specific gravity of the soil solids.
A. 2.44 B. 2.65 C. 2.77 D. 2.56
43 Obtain the unit weight of the sample in kN/m^3 when fully
A. 21.3 B. 18.6 C. 20.7 D. 19.6
44 What is the hydraulic gradient at hydraulic condition?
A. 1.43 B. 1.11 C. 1.35 D. 1.28

 Situation #

Situation 9 – A rectangular irrigation canal 6 m wide contains water

1.0 m deep. It has a hydraulic slope of 0.001 and a roughness
coefficient of 0.013.
45 Evaluate the mean velocity of the water in the canal, in m/sec.
A. 1.52 B. 1.06 C. 2.01 D. 1.38
46 Evaluate the discharge in the canal, in m^3/sec.
A. 10.8 B. 13.8 C. 11.5 D. 12.0
47 What would have been the depth of the canal, in meters, using the
more economical proportions but adhering to the same discharge
and slope?
A. 2.38 B. 2.06 C. 1.67 D. 2.52

 Situation #

Situation 10 – An open cylindrical vessel 1.3 m in diameter and 2.1 m

high 2/3 full of water. If rotated about the vertical axis at a
constant angular speed of 90 rpm,
48 Determine how high is the paraboloid formed of the water
surface, in meter(s).
A. 1.26 B. 1.91 C. 2.46 D. 1.35
49 Determine the amount of water in liters that will be spilled out.
A. 140 B. 152 C. 341 D. 146
50 What should have been the least height of the vessel, in meters, so
that no water is spilled out?
A. 2.87 B. 2.55 C. 3.15 D. 2.36

 Situation #


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