Comparison of Design Calculations of Deep Beams Using Various International Codes
Comparison of Design Calculations of Deep Beams Using Various International Codes
Comparison of Design Calculations of Deep Beams Using Various International Codes
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shown quite conclusively that the ultimate limit-state A) L/D ratio and tensile reinforcement by ACI, IS, and
behaviour of reinforced concrete (RC) elements such CIRIA code
as, for example, beams in flexure (or combined
flexure and shear), can only be explained in terms of B) L/D ratio and shear reinforcement by ACI, IS and
multiaxial effects which are always present in a CIRIA code
structure. It is the consideration of the multiaxial c) L/D ratio and total reinforcement by ACI, IS and
effects that has led to the introduction of the concept CIRIA code 31
of the compressive-force path which has been shown
not only to provide a realistic description of the causes Problem: III
of failure of structural concrete, but also to form a
suitable basis for the development of design models Length of the beam=5.5m
capable of providing safe and efficient design Initial load coming on the beam is =1000 kn/m
solutions. In the following, the work is summarised
and the concept of the compressive force path is used Initial depth of the beam=5.5m
as the basis for the description of the behaviour of RC
deep beams of their ultimate limit state. The In this study we have decreased the depth of the beam
implications of the application of the concept in RC by 200 mm in every step and we have increased the
loading by 100 kN/m in every step. This is a very
deep beam design are also discussed and a simple
interesting study because here we have changed the
design method is proposed.
loading as well as the depth of the beam in order to get
variable moment and variable L/D ratio. For this study
we have drawn graphs between the following
Following are the problems which have been studied A) L/D ratio and tensile reinforcement by ACI, IS, and
in this work. CIRIA code
In this study we have decreased the depth of the beam anchorage failure or a bearing failure (occurring in
by 200 mm in every step and we have increased the regions acted upon by concentrated loads), are usually
loading by 100 kn/m in every step. This is a very prevented by proper detailing.
interesting study because here we have changed the Although a generally accepted theory describing the
loading as well as the depth of the beam in order to get causes of shear failure is currently lacking, there are a
variable moment and variable L/D ratio. For this study number of concepts which not only are widely
we have drawn graphs between the following considered as an essential part of such a theory, but
A) L/D ratio and tensile reinforcement by ACI, IS, and also form the basis of current design methods for shear
CIRIA code design. These concepts are the following:
B) L/D ratio and shear reinforcement by ACI, IS and i) Shear failure occurs when the shear capacity of a
CIRIA code critical cross section is exceeded
ii) The main contributor to shear resistance is the
c) L/D ratio and total reinforcement by ACI, IS and
CIRIA code portion of the cross section below the neutral axis,
with strength, in the absence of shear reinforcement,
Problem: VI being provided by “aggregate interlock” and “dowel
Length of the beam=4.5m action”, whereas for a beam with shear reinforcement
the shear forces are sustained as described.
Initial load coming on the beam is =1000 kn/m iii) Once inclined cracking occurs, an RC beam with
Initial depth of the beam=4.5m shear reinforcement behaves as a truss with concrete
between two consecutive inclined cracks and shear
In this study we have decreased the depth of the beam
by 200 mm in every step and we have increased the reinforcement acting as the struts and ties of the truss,
loading by 100 kn/m in every step. This is a very respectively, and the compressive zone and tension
interesting study because here we have changed the reinforcement representing the horizontal members.
loading as well as the depth of the beam in order to get
variable moment and variable L/D ratio. For this study A common feature of both the above concepts and the
we have drawn graphs between the following plane section theory that form the basis of flexural
design is that they rely entirely on uniaxial stress-
A) L/D ratio and tensile reinforcement by ACI, IS, and strain characteristics for the description of the
CIRIA code behaviour of concrete.
B) L/D ratio and shear reinforcement by ACI, IS and This view may be justified by the fact that beams are
CIRIA code designed to carry stresses mainly in the longitudinal
direction, with the stresses developing in at least one
c) L/D ratio and total reinforcement by ACI, IS and of the transverse directions being small enough to be
CIRIA code assumed negligible for any practical purpose. As will
be seen, however, such a reasoning underestimates the
III. METHODOLOGY considerable effect that small stresses have on the
load-carrying capacity and deformational response of
The three methods for designing the beams are
concrete. Ignoring the small stresses in design does
followed according to the codes of the three countries
not necessarily mean that their effect on structural
i.e. The IS code, the ACI code and the CIRIA code. It
behaviour is also ignored. It usually means that their
is a common design practice first to design an RC
effect is attributed to other causes that are expressed in
beam for flexural capacity and then to ensure that any
the form of various design assumptions.
type of failure, other than flexural (that would occur
when the flexural capacity is attained), is prevented. The following are the steps in brief which are involved
The flexural capacity is assessed on the basis of the in the process of design of deep beams:
plane sections theory which not only is generally
considered to describe realistically the deformational 1. Check of deep beam: According to IS 456, a
response of the beams, but is also formulated so that it simply supported beam is termed as deep when ratio
provides a design tool noted for both its effectiveness of its effective span L to overall depth D is less than 2.
and simplicity. However, an RC beam may exhibit a Continuous beams are considered as deep when the
number of different types of failure that may occur ratio L/D is less 2.5.This is same as that of British
before flexural capacity is attained. The most common code but ACI 318 defines simple beams with ratio L/D
of such failures are those which may collectively be less than 1.25 as deep beams. Continuous beams are
referred to as shear types of failure and may be considered as deep when the clear span/depth ratio (i.e.
prevented by complementing the initial (flexural) L/D) is less than 2.5.
design so that the shear capacity of the beam is not
exhausted before the flexural capacity is attained,
while other types of failure such as, for example, an
At face of support, ,
Negative Fig.2 Placement of tension steel in deep beams
Where, e is the ratio of width of support to effective
4. Design for Shear in IS 456:
No separate checking for shear is specified in IS 456.
2. Check for compression in concrete We assume that arching action of the main tension
Even though stresses in compression in concrete in steel and the web steel together with concrete will
deep beams are always low, a routine check should be carry the shear. In simply-supported beam the arching
made to estimate the maximum compression in action as shown in Fig. 3.2 can be depended on if the
concrete by the standard beam formula. main tension steel is properly detailed. However, in
3. Determination of Area of Tension Steel continuous beams, this arch action is not present and
The area of steel to carry the tension is determined by ACI recommends that we should design them as in
the empirical method of assuming a value for the lever ordinary beam. Unlike the IS code, the British practice
arm. IS 456 Clause 29.2 follows the committee euro requires numerical calculations for design of deep
international du Benton and gives the following values beams for shear. The design is based on the results of
for z, the lever arm length. research carried out by Kong and others. It is
For simply supported beams, applicable only to simply-supported beams of span
Z=0.2(L+2D), when L/D is between 1 and 2 depth ratio not exceeding two. The shear analysis is
=0.6 L, when L/D is less than 1. carried out by assuming a structural idealization of
For Continuous Beams, 'critical diagonal tension failure line' along the natural
load path which in the case of concentrated loads is
Z=0.5L, When L/D is less than 1
taken as the line joining the load and the support.
=0.2 (L+1.5D) when L/D is between 1 and 2.5
From these Values,
Mu =Asfsz,
Where fs=0.87fy in limit state design.
The value recommended as the value of z by Kong is
the lesser of the two values given by the following
It will be z=0.6L when L/D<1 and z=0.6D when L/D
≥ 1.
The CIRIA guide recommends the CEB values given
in IS 456. The values of steel area obtained are kept
very conservative as the tension steel is also assumed
to contribute to the shear resistance of the beam in
British practice.
We get the equations:
Fig.3 Design for shear in deep beams by ACI Method
were taken and were designed. While performing the In the given plot of total reinforcement, for IS and
design calculations their results were enlisted and ACI plots show consistency and a similar nature
were plotted .Also the results were compared to see whereas IS code give a higher value for the same L/D
the variation in the behaviour. The calculations have ratio in the given plot.
been done based on the IS code, CIRIA code and the
ACI code keeping the moment Vu constant and then 1.2 Moment and Shear variable for a 5m deep
they have been recalculated by varying them. beam: In this study we have decreased the depth of
1.1 Moment and Shear constant for a 5m deep the beam by 200 mm in every step and we have
beam: increased the loading by 100 kn/m in every step. This
is a very interesting study because here we have
changed the loading as well as the depth of the beam
in order to get variable moment and variable L/D
Fig. 11: Comparison of Shear Reinforcement vs 2.1 Moment and Shear constant for a 5m deep
Moment(Mu) for IS,CIRIA and ACI beam:
In this case a 4.5 m deep beam was taken analysed
keeping Moment and shear constant.The
corresponding plots are
Fig. 13: Comparison of Total Reinforcement vs Fig. 17: Comparison of L/D ratio vs Shear
L/D ratio for IS,CIRIA and ACI Reinforcement for a 4.5 m deep beam when Mu & Vu
Fig. 24: Comparison of Total Reinforcement Vs L/D Fig. 26: : Comparison of Total Reinforcement Vs L/D
ratio for a 5.5 M deep beam when Mu & Vu ratio for a 5.5 M deep beam when Mu & Vu varying
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