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A Soluble Model of "Higgs Boson" As A Composite: December 1, 2009

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December 1, 2009

arXiv:0912.0364v1 [hep-ph] 2 Dec 2009

A Soluble Model of ”Higgs boson” as a

R. Friedberg1 and T. D. Lee1,2
1. Physics Department, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027, USA

2. China Center of Advanced Science and Technology

(CCAST/World Lab.), P. O. Box 8730, Beijing 100190, China

Higgs boson may turn out to be a composite. The theoretical description of such a composite is
illustrated by an example of a soluble model.

∗ to be included in ”Selected Papers and a Glimpse into the life of Gunnar Källen”, Edited
by C. Jarlskog and A. C. T. Wu.
† This research was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy (grant no. DE-
1. Introduction

The σ-model [1] is a successful phenomenological theory of low energy particle

physics. Yet, the 0+ σ-particle itself has never been identified experimentally
[2]. One of the possible reasons for this failure might be that the spin-parity
transformation of σ is the same as that of

σ2, σ3, · · · , σn, · · · . (1.1)

Thus, what is a σ-field in the idealized theoretical model may appear experimen-
tally as a ”composite” due to the possible mixture of (1.1). Today, a major focus
of high energy physics is to search for Higgs boson. It might be that for similar
and other reasons, Higgs boson [3] could also turn out to be a ”composite”
[4-8]. Neither the experimental identification of σ nor that of Higgs boson would
correspond to the usual simple theoretical description of a single pole in the com-
plex energy plane. In this paper, we explore the theoretical description of such a
composite from a more elementary perspective, by examining the generalization
of a soluble model [9]. The structure of the model is given in Section 2, and its
solution in Sections 3 and 4.
This paper is dedicated to the memory of Gunard Källen, who (besides others)
has made important contributions [10-15] to the original soluble model.

2. A Generalized Soluble Model

We generalize the original V ⇄ N θ model by retaining the same fixed

Fermion states V and N , but replacing the single θ(r) field by three boson
fields A(r), B(r) and C(r). The Hamiltonian H in the new model is given by

H = H0 + H1 + H2 (2.1)

H0 = m0 V V + (λk a†k ak + µk b†k bk + νk c†k ck ). (2.2)
For convenience, the entire system is enclosed within a sphere of large radius
R. The s-wave part of the annihilation field operators A(r), B(r) and C(r)
are given in terms of their annihilation operators ak , bk and ck by

P − 21
A(r) = k (4πRλk ) uk r−1 (sin kr)ak ,
P (2.3)
− 21 −1
B(r) = k (4πRµk ) vk r (sin kr)bk

P −2 1
C(r) = k (4πRνk ) wk r (sin kr)ck

λk = (k 2 + α2 ) 2 ,
µk = (k 2 + β 2) 2 , (2.4)
νk = (k 2 + γ 2) 2

and α, β, γ the masses of bosons a, b and c. The functions uk , vk , wk

are convergence factors, which may all be chosen to be 1 for k < kmax and 0
otherwise. In (2.3) all summations extend over

k = nπ/R (2.5)

with n = 1, 2, 3, · · · . At equal time, we have the anti-commutation relations

{V, V † } = {N, N † } = 1 (2.6)

and the commutation relations

[ak , a†k′ ] = [bk , b†k′ ] = [ck , c†k′ ] = δkk′ . (2.7)

If one wishes, (2.6) can also be changed into commutation relations, and V and
N would then be bosons.
In (2.2), we set the mass of N to be zero, and the ”bare” mass of V to be
m0 . The interaction Hamiltonians H1 and H2 are given by

H1 = g(V † N C(0) + N † V C †(0)) (2.8)

H2 = f (V † N B † (0)A(0) + N † V A† (0)B(0)) . (2.9)

The g-coupling governs the transition

V ⇄ Nc . (2.10)

and the f -coupling gives rise to the scattering

Na ⇄ V b . (2.11)

Thus, when f = 0 the Hamiltonian is identical to that of the original V ⇄ N θ

model, with θ replaced by c.
Throughout the paper, we assume V to be unstable through V → N c when
R → ∞. Since the mass of N is set to be zero in the model, V is unstable if its
physical mass m is larger than γ, the mass of c; i.e.,

m>γ . (2.12)

Thus, in a collision of N a, beside the elastic scattering

Na → Na , (2.13)

we also have the inelastic process

N a → V b → N bc (2.14)
provided that the total energy E satisfies

E >β+γ , (2.15)

the threshold energy of the channel N bc.

We shall assume
α<β+γ (2.16)

Hence, in the N a channel at low energy when

α<E <β+γ , (2.17)

there is only the elastic scattering (2.13); at higher energy when E > β + γ, we
have both (2.13) and the inelastic process (2.14).
Consider first the process

Nc ⇄ V ⇄ Nc . (2.18)

Denote the corresponding state vector by

" #
X − 21
− 21
|N c i ∝ V † + g(4πR) νk kwk (E − νk )−1N † c†k |vac i . (2.19)

One can readily verify that it satisfies

H|N c i = E|N c i . (2.20)

At a finite R, E satisfies the eigenvalue equation

X k2 w2  1 
hR (E) ≡ E − m0 − g 2 =0 , (2.21)
4πνk R E − νk

with its derivative

X k 2 w 2  1 2
h′R (E) = 1 + g 2 k
4πνk R E − νk
always positive.
When R → ∞, hR (E) becomes
Z ∞
2 k 2 wk2 dk
h∞ (E) = E − m0 − g . (2.23)
0 4π 2 νk (E − νk )

The condition for V being unstable is that when E = γ,

h∞ (γ) < 0 . (2.24)

In this case, we introduce a cut along the real axis from

E=γ to ∞ (2.25)

where γ is the mass of the c-meson. The derivative of h∞ (E) is

Z ∞ 2 2
′ 2 k wk dk
h∞ (E) = 1 + g . (2.26)
0 4π 2 νk (E − νk )2

which is positive ≥ 1, when E is real < γ. For E = νk > γ but just above the
cut along the real axis, we have from (2.23)
Imh∞ (νk + io+) = i kwk2 . (2.27)

Thus, on the second sheet near and below the cut (2.25), there is a zero of
h∞ (E), which corresponds to the V -resonance. It can be shown that the phase
shift δ for N c scattering (2.18) is related to h∞ (νk + io+) and its complex
conjugate by
h∞ (νk + io+)
e−2iδ = (2.28)
[h∞ (νk + io+)]∗

3. Na Sector (General Discussion)

As discussed in the Introduction, assume the idealized case that there does
exist a fundamental spin 0 field φ which is the origin of masses of spin nonzero
particles. In any physical process, there are bound to be effective couplings
between φ and some of its higher power products, such as

φ2 , φ3, · · · , φn , · · · .

Thus, the physical Higgs channel becomes connected to not only a complex
pole, but also to a cut in the complex energy plane, or other more complicated
analytical structure.
In this section, the N a channel that we shall analyze represents a highly
idealized model of ”Higgs” as a composite. From reactions (2.10) and (2.11),
we see that a state vector | i in the N a sector must also have components in
V b and N bc channels as well. Thus for R finite, we may write
" #
|i= ψ(k)a†k N † + φ(p)b†pV † + χ(p, q)b†pc†q N † |0 i . (3.1)
k p p,q

H| i = E| i , (3.2)

we find
(E − λk )ψ(k) = f Uk Vp φ(p) , (3.3)
(E − m0 − µp )φ(p) = g Wq χ(p, q) + f Vp Uk ψ(k) (3.4)
q k
(E − µp − νq )χ(p, q) = gWq φ(q) (3.5)

where k, p, q are all given by (2.5) and Uk , Vp , Wq are related to the uk , vp and
wq of (2.3) by
Uk = (4πRλk )− 2 kuk
− 21
Vp = (4πRµp ) pvp
Wq = (4πRνq )− 2 qwq
Substituting (3.5) into (3.4), we have
(E − m0 − µp )φ(p) = g 2 Wq2(E − µp − νq )−1φ(p) + f Vp Uk ψ(k) (3.7)
q k

and therefore
φ(p) = [Dp (E)]−1f Vp Uk ψ(k) (3.8)
Dp (E) = E − m0 − µp − g 2
Wq2(E − µp − νq )−1 . (3.9)

From (3.8), we also have

" #
X X Vp2 X
Vp φ(p) = f Uk ψ(k) .
p p
Dp (E)

Thus, (3.3) becomes

" #
X Vp2 X
(E − λk )ψ(k) = f 2Uk Uk′ ψ(k ′ ) (3.10)
Dp (E) ′ k

Multiplying both sides by Uk /(E − λk ) and summing over k, we find that the
eigenvalue E satisfies
X Vp2
1 = f F (E) (3.11)
Dp (E)
in which
F (E) = Uk2 (E − λk )−1 . (3.12)
Next, we study the continuum limit. When R → ∞, the sum
X X 1
Uk Vp = (4πR)−1 (λk µp )− 2 kuk pvp (3.13)
p p

(4π 2 )−1 (λk µp )− 2 kuk pvpdp . (3.14)

Thus, from (3.3) we have

2 −1
(E − λk )ψ(k) = (4π ) f kuk (λk µp )− 2 pvp φ(p)dp . (3.15)
Likewise, (3.7) leads to
(E − m0 − µp )φ(p) = (4π 2)−1g 2 φ(p) νq−1(E − µp − νq )−1q 2wq2 dq
Z (3.16)
− 21
+ (4π 2)−1f pvp (µp λk ) kuk ψ(k)dk ,

which gives
φ(p) = (4π 2 Dp(E))−1f pvp (µp λk )− 2 kuk ψ(k)dk (3.17)

2 −1 2
Dp(E) = E − m0 − µp − (4π ) g [νq (E − µp − νq )]−1q 2 wq2 dq (3.18)

In a collision of N a, in order to describe reactions (2.13) and (2.14), we write

ψ(k) and φ(p) as
ψ(k) = δ(k − k0) + ψ(k) (3.19)

φ(p) = φ(p) (3.20)

in which ψ(k) e
and φ(p) denote the scattered wave amplitudes. Thus, (3.15)
remains valid if we replace ψ, φ simply by ψe and φ.
e Hence
(E − λk )ψ(k) 2 −1 e
= (4π ) f kuk (λk µp )− 2 pvp φ(p)dp . (3.21)

On the other hand, (3.17) yields

1 1
φ(p) e
e = (4π 2 Dp(E))−1f pvp (µpλ0 )− 2 k0u0 + (µp λk )− 2 kuk ψ(k)dk (3.22)

λ0 = λk and u0 = uk at k = k0 . (3.23)

A = (4π ) 2 −1 e
(vpp/µp )φ(p)dp
, (3.24)
B = (4π 2 )−1 e
(uk k/λk2 )ψ(k)dk (3.25)

C = (4π 2)−1(u0k0/λ02 ) . (3.26)

Hence, (3.21) and (3.22) can be written as

ψ(k) = f A uk k/λk2 (E − λk ) (3.27)

e = f (B + C )vpp/µp2 Dp(E)
φ(p) (3.28)

with Dp (E) given by (3.18). In above expressions, all integrations over p and k
extend from 0 to ∞.
Substituting (3.28) into (3.24), we find

I ≡ A /(B + C ) (3.29)

is given by
Z ∞
f (vp2p2/µp )dp
I= 2 Z ∞ . (3.30)
4π 0 g2 q 2 wq2dq
E − m0 − µp − 2
4π 0 νq (E − µp − νq )
J ≡ B/A (3.31)

Z ∞
f (u2k k 2/λk )dk
J= 2 . (3.32)
4π 0 E − λk
A = C (3.33)
1 − IJ
B+C = C (3.34)
1 − IJ
From (3.26), (3.30) and (3.32), we have the explicit expressions for C , I and
J. Hence A and B are also known. Equation (3.27) and (3.28) then give
scattering amplitudes ψ(k) e
and φ(p).

4. Na Sector (Critical f 2 )

We shall show that when R → ∞ and f 2 greater than a critical strength fc2,
there exists a bound state in the N a sector. Write the R → ∞ limit of (3.11)
1 = f 2 F (E)G (E) (4.1)

in which
F (E) = lim F (E)
Z ∞ (4.2)
= (4π 2 )−1 [k 2u2k /λk (E − λk )]dk
with uk , λk given by (2.3) and (2.4). The function G (E) is similarly related to
the last summation in (3.11) by
X Vp2
G (E) = lim
R→∞ Dp (E)
Z ∞ (4.3)
= (4π 2)−1 [p2vp2 /µp Dp(E)]dp
where Dp (E) is given by (3.18), Since Dp(E) is related to h∞ (E) of (2.23) by

Dp(E) = h∞ (E − µp ) , (4.4)

we have from (2.24)

Dp (µp + γ) = h∞ (γ) < 0 . (4.5)

From (2.4),
νq = (q 2 + γ 2) > γ . (4.6)

Thus, (3.18) and (4.4) - (4.5) imply that Dp(E) and its derivative

Dp′ (E) = Dp (E) (4.7)
are continuous and satisfy

Dp(E) < 0 and Dp′ (E) > 0 (4.8)

over the range

E < µp + γ , (4.9)

which includes the range

E<α (4.10)

in accordance with (2.4) and (2.16). Thus, both F (E) and G (E) are negative,
with negative derivatives; their product is positive and varies from 0 to a finite
value as E increases from −∞ to α, the mass of a-meson.
Define a critical f 2-coupling by

fc2 = [F (α)G (α)]−1 (4.11)

It then follows that there exists a bound state energy E0 in the N a sector with

1 = f 2F (E0)G (E0) (4.12)

f 2 > fc2 (4.13)

For f 2 < fc2, the state turns into a resonance with a complex E0 . In this case
the scattering amplitudes ψ(k) e
and φ(k) have besides the cuts given by (3.30)
and (3.32), also a complex pole at E = E0.
It is of interest to note the difference between this pole in the N a sector and
the V -pole in the N c sector. The V -pole becomes stable in the weak coupling
limit when g 2 → 0, whereas in the N a sector the boundstate E0 becomes stable
only in the strong coupling region when f 2 > fc2.
We note that when g 2 = 0, G (E) of (4.3) becomes
Z ∞
2 −1
 2 2 
G0(E) = (4π ) p vp /µp (E − m0 − µp ) dp . (4.14)
Correspondingly, (4.12) becomes

1 = f 2F (E0 )G0(E0) (4.15)

with the same F (E) of (4.2). Thus, the existence of the pole at E = E0 does
not depend sensitively on g 2 ; instead, it is closely related to the second (and
higher) order attractive potential between N a due to the f -coupling transitions

Na ⇄ V b ⇄ Na . (4.16)

Its physical origin is quite different from the V -pole in the N c channel of (2.18).
5. Remarks

Consider the case

f 2 < fc2 . (5.1)

The composite V b is unstable, and may serve as a highly simplified model of

either the σ-meson or the Higgs boson. Besides the elastic process (4.16), there
is also the inelastic reaction

N a ⇄ V b ⇄ N bc . (5.2)

In order to detect the composite V b as a resonance, we require in (4.12) the

corresponding pole at
E = E0 (5.3)

to be not too far from the real axis; hence f 2 cannot be too small. The amplitude
for the continuum background must then also be relatively large.
In any composite model, we may regard the amplitudes N a and V b as the
idealized representations of its low and high frequency components of the same
composite state vector. A second order transition between these two components
would always depress N a and elevate V b, as in (4.16). A resonance thus formed
would require a strong coupling, and therefore also a large continuum background
as in the model. This could be the reason why the σ-meson does not appear
as a sharp resonance, and it might also be difficult to isolate the Higgs boson
We wish to thank N. Christ and E. Ponton for discussions.

In the special case when

wk2 = k/νk3 , (A.1)

the integral
Z ∞
k 2 wk2 dk
Fγ (E) = (A.2)
0 4π 2 νk (E − νk )
in (2.23) is given by
1 1 2 1 1
Fγ (E) = 2 (1 − z )ln − (z + 2) (A.3)
4π γ z 3 1 − z 2z 2

z = E/γ . (A.4)

At E = νk + i0+, we have
−i 1 2
ImFγ (E) = (z − 1) (A.5)
4πγ z 3

in agreement with (2.27).


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[14] W. Heisenberg, Proceedings of the Symposium on Basic Questions in Elementary Particle
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