Concrete Road Surface With The Use of Cement Concrete - Selected Results
Concrete Road Surface With The Use of Cement Concrete - Selected Results
Concrete Road Surface With The Use of Cement Concrete - Selected Results
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Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000–000
Procedia Engineering 208 (2017) 166–173
The paper presents the technological concepts of the execution of modern concrete with the characteristics of road surface which
have been subjected to comparative tests. Modified compositions of concrete mixtures with polymers have been tested that affect
the mechanical properties and durability of the topcoat. Changes in strength properties of modified road concrete, also occurring
under the influence of cyclic variable loads were investigated. Obtained results can be used to indicate the direction of further
research leading to the most effective use of the advantages of polymer admixtures for concrete, mainly to improve economic
indicators and reduce the negative impact of investments on the environment.
Keywords: Concrete pavements, polymer adminxtures, cyclic variable load, concrete strength properties
1. Introduction
For more than a century in the countries of the European Union roads are built with cement-concrete. Starting
with Poland's first cement-concrete pavement in Wroclaw, built in 1888, with nearly 80 years of concrete pavement
in Belgium, existing pavements are noted to have undergone significant evolution in terms of technological and
material solutions. It has been also found that one of the most ecological construction materials is concrete, through
the possibility of multiple processing. This is especially true in road construction, where increasingly recycled
concrete is used on substructures and even as a supplementary aggregate for new blends. Breakthrough in the history
of technological solutions has become the introduction of the obligation to use aerated concrete admixtures. One of
the problems today is the implementation of a high resistance to cyclical freeze-thawing concrete and obtaining the
right tensile strength while retaining the consistency of concrete.
The admixtures, though not always cheap, do not have to be cost effective because their use also provides
savings: the cost of labor required to achieve specific concrete concentration, reduced cement consumption and
improved concrete stability without the need for additional treatments. In addition, structural elements in road
construction are often subjected to repetitive loads. The number of load cycles applied during construction can reach
several tens of millions [1]. Such concrete also exhibits an increase in static strength. The rate of damage (fatigue) of
concrete is influenced by factors such as: cycle amplitude, load frequency, component humidity, size and level of
load, etc. A particular case of multi-variable load is the regular sinusoidal variable load which is the most commonly
used form of spectrum in the work. experimental. The final results obtained during concrete undergoing sinusoidal
load loading are lower than those in actual concrete work in the building, but the test time is shorter and it can be
compared to the behavior of different types of concrete under the same operating conditions [2].
2.1. Strength
Two basic strength parameters are defined for the pavement: compression and bending. The results of
determination of strength classes for standard use surface finishes in Poland should be in class C25/30 ÷ C40/50.
Tensile strength on bending is tested on 15×15×7cm samples by bending them with a four-point load. Acceptable
results of this study are dependent on the category of traffic load:
Normal concretes obtain in tensile tests not more than 5.5 ÷ 7 MPa [12]. Reflections on high-quality concretes
lead to interesting results. They fulfill and even exceed the above strength requirements. "CEM I 42,5R, CEM II /
BS 42,5N, CEM III / A 32,5N, as well as addition of silica dust and manipulation with w/c ratio" after 28 days
resulted in obtaining concrete classes from C40/50 ÷ C90/105, and bending tensile strength results in a range of
10÷11.5 MPa [13].
European standards unambiguously define the minimum requirements for frost-resistance of concretes. By
exposure class (aggressive environmental impact), industrial flooring and surfacing qualify as XF4 (continuous
contact with water, high water, concrete contact with sea water or thawing salts):
Frost resistance tests are performed by determining the weight loss. Typically, samples are determined by
sulphate crystallization after fifteen cycles of temperature change. Weight loss cannot exceed 5% of sample. In case
of exceeding the limit value, direct marking after 150 cycles is performed. In this case also the value of 5% cannot
be exceeded, and the decrease in compressive strength of the mentioned loss cannot be greater than 20% [14].
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Conducted concurrent frost and chemical exposure tests sharpen the results to 5% of the sample weight loss and a
maximum loss of compressive strength of 20% at 50 cycles. As a chemical agent in the study, a 3-percent solution of
F50-NaCl salts is used. Changes in the surface of specimens, such as cracks and scratches, are also subjected to
2.4. Abrasion
The abrasion is mainly dependent on the strength of the aggregate slurry binding the aggregate. Its size is usually
determined by the weight loss or the original dimensions of the samples. Laboratory tests can be carried out in many
different ways, such as rolling steel balls or using an Ebener device (silicon carbide tearing wheels). The value of
abrasion during the test, for road surfaces should not exceed 4mm.
2.5. Absorptivity
The absorbability of topcoat must be within 5%. Its size mainly influences the open porosity of the pavement,
which depends in turn on: water-cement ratio, mineral additives, degree of aggregation and maturation conditions
The construction of cementitious pavement is called a set of layers arranged on natural or improved ground. It is
used to take over and transfer to the soil a load of vehicles and other external influences, in a way that ensures its
durability [12].
By designing concrete pavement the following elements can be distinguished:
A catalog of typical pavement constructions, which was developed in 2014, presents the types of road pavements
used in Poland. They differ in the upper layers. For the KR3 - KR6 traffic category, a concrete slab is applied on
transverse joints, and for the KR1 and KR2 category the unbounded concrete slab.
The most common in the USA, England, Belgium and France are continuous reinforced pavements. Its main
advantages are: relatively small maintenance costs, water does not get to the ground because there are no gaps and so
there is no “keying“ which results in more comfortable driving, the service life much longer than in other surfaces.
Although execution costs are quite high, they compensate for maintenance costs that are quite low.
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Below are some examples of construction solutions for concrete pavements [12].
4. Selected results of cement concrete tests with additives and admixtures used for road surfaces
Although properly used admixtures have a positive effect on the quality of concrete, their introduction should not
be a way to improve the poor quality of the basic components, defective mixing ratios, performance defects in laying
and compaction, or errors made during transport [1]. The possibility of using minimal amount of cement and
minimal amount of water was examined for concrete mix preparation. At the beginning of the research, the question
was asked whether it was necessary to use without any limits materials costly for environment, such as cement,
admixtures, additives and pure water, that would be used irretrievably. First, it was decided to evaluate the amount
of cement and water used in traditional road mix formulas. For this purpose, a "non-top" (non-admixture) concrete
formula was designated and named as concrete formula 0 (mix 0). This sample recipe was intended to serve as a
demonstration of how difficult it is to detect only on the basis of basic research that a mixture that may appear on
site does not meet the design requirements. It should be emphasized that the compressive strength C30 / 37 (B40)
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and the V3 consistency do not guarantee that the concrete will be a surface designed on the basis of the assumptions
of minimal environmental use. It was found that with 390 kg / m3 of cement and 162 kg / m3 of water at the
perforation pile as for road concrete, average compressive strength after 28 days (for w/c = 0.42) of 56.5 MPa is
obtained. Assuming that lowering the w/c ratio improves all the characteristics of the mix and the concrete, the w/c
ratio was reduced to 0.40 for the effect of additives and polymer admixtures. A fixed amount of cement 340 kg/m3
was adopted that determines the amount of water that is sufficient to only 135 kg/m3 (to moisten the aggregate and
cement), and the consistency is ensured by the newest polymer.
Studies on the effects of additives or polymer admixtures, and the characteristics of concrete were carried out
according to the following technological variants:
Formula 1 (mix 1) - topcoat C30 / 37 V3 XF4 (W8, F200) using a water reducer, i.e. a polymer dispersion with a
polymer aerosol admixture.
Formula 2 (mix 2) - topcoat C30 / 37 V3 XF4 (W8, F200) modified with added polypropylene fibers using a
water reducer, ie a polymer dispersion with polymer aerosol admixture.
Formula 3 (mix 3) - C30 / 37 V3 XF4 topcoat (W8, F200) modified by adding polymer dispersion in concrete
using a water reducer, ie a polymer liqueur.
Granite grits fractions 2-8mm, 8-16mm and 16-22mm, 0-2mm rinsed natural sand, road cement CEM I 42,5 N-
MSR / NA and admixtures and additives were used for concrete preparation. To bring the mixture to a common
denominator and evaluate its stability or strength after puberty, there was a need to manage them as common. In
described procedure, the consistency V3 includes all variants, the same amount of cement and water mix has from 1
to 3. The idea was to get further mix with the same air content. Unfortunately, the application of the polymer
dispersion of the additive with the polymer flow agent, even in minimum quantities, resulted in a 3 mixture air
content without admixtures of aeration at level 6.5%. In the mixture 0 without the use of additives and admixtures
aeration air content reached 4.0%. Mixes 1 and 2 have the same amount of air in the mix and were the correct
amount equal to 5%. The quantitative composition of the technological variants is shown in Table 1. From the
comparison of cement and water in mixture 0 to modified mixes 1 to 3, approximate cement yields of 50 kg/m3 and
water of 25 kg/m3 was obtained. At present, the traditional concrete-based pavements used in Poland are less
environmentally friendly than the variants of mixtures 1 - 3 by approximately 30 kg of cement and 15 kg of water
respectively for each m3 of concrete produced. Presented in the first half of our decade, modern concrete recipes
contained higher amounts of cement (350-380 kg/m3) and larger amounts of water (145-160 kg/dm3). These
quantities are, of course, justified and do not result from incorrect design, only with the practical ability to meet
design requirements [6]. Significant savings in the amount of cement and water also translate into an economic
The above mixtures were manufactured under the same laboratory conditions. The mixing process, mixing time,
ingredients temperature were the same. Sampling, storage, care and testing were carried out on the same devices [7,
8]. For each variant of the surface concrete, its compressive strength was tested according to [9], fracture tensile
strength according to [10], and absorbance and frost resistance according to [11]. Waterproofing of concretes was
also carried out, but the results did not allow to differentiate the obtained concrete in terms of the degree of water-
tightness. The results of strength and durability tests are presented in Table 2.
Concrete studies on static and cyclic load were focused on three types of concrete:
Recipe 1
Recipe 2
Recipe 3
All three types of concrete have the same composition as the previous mixes (Table 1). No tests for formula 0
were performed. All three types of mix were made and concreted on the same day. After 24 hours of molding the
molds were dissolved and the 150x150x150mm cube was put into the water for 28 days. In order to eliminate the
wall effect, further tests were carried out on 94.5 mm diameter drilled rolls. The strength of the drilled rolls was then
tested and the results obtained were used to calculate the tensile strength. In the latter part of the research, the drilled
cylinders were subjected to multiple-variable loads with adjustable sinusoidal shape, which were characterized by
the following parameters:
Each roller undergoing multi-variable loads was subjected to a compression or splitting test. Tensile strength
after fatigue load was similar to that of tensile strength at static load. The compressive strength and splitting tests
were performed according to the same procedures as for static load [9, 10].
Figures 5 and 6 show the results of compression tests and splitting before and after the load cycles for each of the
recipes. This is the average of three measurements for each recipe and load schedule. Over the results of tensile
strength or splitting after cyclic loading, the percent increase in strength against the load against the fatigue load was
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The following figure shows the calculated tensile strengths for concrete before and after the fatigue load and their
percentage to the compressive strength.
Fig. 4. Average tensile strength for formulas 1-3 and their percentage value to compressive strength.
Polymer admixtures and concrete modifiers are particularly interesting for use in plasticizing and aerating
mixtures. They give the possibility of obtaining mixtures in the traditional (plastic) consistency for the construction
of concrete pavements and semi-liquid and even liquid formulations giving the same parameters of concrete after
hardening. The use of semi-solid consistency in paving significantly reduces the cost of construction for smaller
objects. It is possible to transport such mixtures with pumps. Application of liquefaction without side effect of
shrinkage gives the possibility to change the parameters of the mixture depending on the method of installation. The
plasticizers used so far appear to be obsolete as compared to admixtures modifying rheological features of the mix
and concrete. Being satisfied with just a consistency test and a pressure test to assess the amount of air in the mix is
certainly not enough. Getting the same characteristics of concrete can take many different methods. The
phenomenon of aerating the mixture does not always result from the use of aeration admixture. The use of large
quantities of cement is not always justified. Water saving must be taken into consideration especially when
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designing the composition of organic materials. Currently popularly used traditional chemical admixtures are
produced by various methods, and worldwide the cost of their production, given the effect, is significantly higher
than the current polymer admixtures. Production of polymer dopants in the so-called process. White synthesis is less
harmful to the environment than the production of e.g. naphthalenes, commonly used as water reducers.
Producing modified concrete with polymer admixtures is more cost effective than producing conventional
concrete mixes. Before mixing the admixtures and additives, it is important to check how the parameters of the
mixture and its physico-mechanical properties develop. Polymer additives do not always have a positive effect on
concrete. It is important to meet the design assumptions with minimal financial cost. Expectations of designers,
investors, contractors and manufacturers can be met by skilfully selecting the composition of concrete. Concretes
made on modern liquidize and aerated polymeric admixtures are suitable for the construction of roads with concrete
surface. With the use of modern technology much better economic effects can be achieved.
There are many contraindications to using polymers in combinations. Studies have shown that it is certainly
dangerous to use a dispersion additive in one formulas with a polymer superplasticizer. It is not always feasible to
use polypropylene scattered reinforcement. However, it is cost effective to use very effective polymer dispersions in
one composition with aeration admixture.
In the case of static load testing, all the tested concrete showed an increase in compressive strength after being
subjected to variable loads, but at the same time a decrease in fracture strength was observed, which in the case of
road construction is unfavorable. This has also been reflected in the ratio of tensile strength to compressive strength,
which is lower in the case of tests. Looking for answers how to counteract this unfavorable phenomenon several
solutions can be indicated. The least favorable is to increase the amount of reinforcing steel in the stretch zone of the
projected element, which will certainly increase the cost of the entire investment. It will be much more
advantageous to find solutions to strengthen the contact between aggregate grains and leaven. In the case of the
tested formulas, it can be stated that the polymer compounds used significantly improved the workability and
consistency of the mix, but they were not enough to enhance the tensile strength. Also, operating the structure in
such a way that concrete will work in a damp condition will certainly improve the tensile strength of the tested
concrete, since the water in the form of the film on the colloidal particles causes a strong bonding of the concrete.
It should be at the same time far from complete criticism of the composition of the test mixtures. The use of
polymeric compounds have significantly improved, among other things, the properties such as workability,
absorbability, frost resistance, penetration resistance, water consumption, abrasion resistance, reduction of plastic
stresses, thus reducing the harmful effect on the natural environment.