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Gr ammar worksheets teaching notes and answer key

Teaching notes
The Consolidation grammar worksheets can be used to help weaker students consolidate the basic grammar
covered in each unit. They offer simple, clear practice of key grammar points that students will have covered
in the unit. The worksheets can be handed out during the class and completed either during the lesson or at
The Extension grammar worksheets will give further practice for the stronger students who have assimilated
the grammar covered in the unit. Again, these can be completed during the lesson or at home.

A note with the answer key below indicates when is the best time to complete the worksheets, which is usually
towards the end of each unit.

Unit 1 Extension
Students can complete the grammar worksheets after 1 2 There aren’t 3 There are 4 There aren’t
they have completed Lesson 1b of the Students’ Book. 5 There aren’t 6 There are
2 2 Is there a fridge in the attic? 3 Are there any
Consolidation cupboards in the bedroom? 4 Is there a shower
1 2 have 3 has 4 have 5 has 6 have in the kitchen? 5 Are there any stairs in the
2 2 hasn’t got 3 haven’t got 4 haven’t got treehouse? 6 Are there any chairs in the kitchen?
5 haven’t got 6 hasn’t got 3 2 No, there isn’t. 3 Yes, there are 4 No, there
3 Answers will vary according to each student: Yes, I isn’t. 5 No, there aren’t. 6 Yes, there are.
have or No, I haven’t.
Unit 3
Students can complete the grammar worksheets after
1 2 has got 3 haven’t got 4 hasn’t got 5 have they have completed Lesson 3b of the Students’ Book.
got 6 haven’t got
2 2 Has Ben got a brother? 3 Has Fiz got a
zapper? 4 Have they got a camera? 5 Have Felix 1 2 can’t 3 can’t 4 can 5 can’t 6 can
and Gemma got a dog? 6 Have you got brown 2 2 Can Ben run? 3 Can monkeys climb?
eyes? 4 Can turtles sing? 5 Can Monica fly?
3 2 Yes, she has. 3 No, I haven’t. I have (blonde/ 3 b4 c5 d2 e3
brown/red/black) hair. 4 Yes, he has. 5 No, they
haven’t. They have brown eyes. Extension
1 2 can’t 3 can 4 can’t 5 can’t 6 can
Unit 2 2 Answers will vary but may include: Can monkeys
Students can complete the grammar worksheets after water ski? Can cats run? Can turtles swim? Can
they have completed Lesson 2b of the Students’ Book. chameleons play the drums? Can bats climb?
3 Answers will vary: Yes, they can or No, they
Consolidation can’t.
1 2 are 3 are 4 is 5 are 6 is
2 2 There aren’t any 3 There aren’t any 4 There
isn’t a 5 There aren’t any 6 There isn’t a
3 2 Are there any windows in the attic? 3 Are there
any chairs in the living room? 4 Is there a fridge
in the kitchen? 5 Is there a cat in the garden?
6 Is there a bath in the bathroom?


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Unit 4 Unit 6
Students can complete the grammar worksheets after Students can complete the grammar worksheets after
they have completed Lesson 4c of the Students’ Book. they have completed Lesson 6b of the Students’ Book.

Consolidation Consolidation
1 2 gets up  3 get up  4 gets up  5 get up  1 2 is eating  3 are eating  4 is eating  5 are
6 gets up eating  6 are eating
2 2 don’t  3 doesn’t  4 doesn’t  5 don’t  6 don’t 2 2 aren’t wearing  3 ’m not playing  4 isn’t
3 2 e  3 b  4 a  5 d reading  5 aren’t cycling  6 aren’t talking
3 Answers will vary but may include: 2 Yes, I am. 
3 No, I’m not.  4 Yes, I am.  5 No, I’m not.
1 2 have  3 gets  4 goes  5 meets  6 finish
2 2 They don’t watch TV.  3 Monica doesn’t get up
late.  4 We don’t finish school at 2 o’clock.  1 1 is playing basketball  2 isn’t wearing jeans, is
5 He doesn’t study after school.  6 I don’t have wearing shorts  3 aren’t walking, are cycling 
dinner at 5 o’clock. 4 ’m not listening to music, ’m talking
3 Answers will vary but may include: Do they watch 2 2 Are you playing football?  3 Are they looking for
TV in the morning? Does he get up early? Do we a café?  4 Are we eating a pizza?  5 Is he reading
meet friends after school? Does she have breakfast a magazine?
at 7 o’clock? Do you walk to school? 3 a 3  c 5  d 4  e 2

Unit 5 Unit 7
Students can complete the grammar worksheets after
they have completed Lesson 5b of the Students’ Book. Students can complete the grammar worksheets after
they have completed Lesson 7b of the Students’
Consolidation Book.

1 2 hates  3 love  4 likes  5 like  6 loves Consolidation

2 2 doesn’t like  3 don’t like  4 doesn’t like 
1 2 are playing  3 plays  4 play  5 is playing 
5 don’t like  6 don’t like
6 am playing
3 2 Do they like playing volleyball?  3 Do we like
2 2 aren’t  3 isn’t  4 don’t  5 don’t  6 aren’t
sailing?  4 Does she like cycling?  5 Does Gisela
like windsurfing?  6 Do you like playing tennis? 3 2 Do you usually listen to pop music? 
3 Do they always celebrate Christmas? 
Extension 4 Is he playing golf now?  5 Are we eating pizza
at the moment?  6 Does Ben always cycle to
1 2 loves  3 hate  4 likes  5 hate  6 loves school?
2 2 No, he doesn’t.  3 Yes, they do.  4 No, he
doesn’t.  5 No, they don’t.  6 Yes, he does. Extension
3 2 Amy and Bob don’t like swimming.  1 2 plays  3 are walking  4 eat  5 are wearing 
3 Amy and Bob like reading.  4 Billy doesn’t like 6 is reading
reading.  5 Billy and Bob like singing. 2 He doesn’t play football on Sundays.  3 We aren’t
watching TV at the moment.  4 They don’t walk to
school in the winter.  5 Gemma isn’t eating an ice
cream.  6 I don’t get up early on Saturdays.
3 2 f  3 a  4 d  5 b  6 e


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Unit 8 Unit 10
Students can complete the grammar worksheets after Students can complete the grammar worksheets after
they have completed Lesson 8a of the Students’ Book. they have completed Lesson 10b of the Students’
1 2 watched  3 finished  4 remembered 
5 listened  6 visited 1 2 watched  3 watches  4 watching  5 watch
2 2 Ben didn’t play golf yesterday.  3 I didn’t 2 2 are  3 Are  4 is  5 Are  6 Is
visit Thailand last year.  4 They didn’t cycle to 3 2 Does  3 Do  4 Did  5 Did  6 Does
school.  5 She didn’t finish her homework. 
6 You didn’t like the film. Extension
3 2 Did we watch TV?  3 Did they study maths?  1 2 played  3 are playing  4 play  5 Is …
4 Did I remember your birthday?  5 Did he talk to playing  6 play
Monica?  6 Did you finish your homework? 2 2 watches  3 plays  4 met  5 am listening 
6 went
3 2 No, I’m not.  3 No, I don’t  4 Yes, she is. 
1 2 stopped  3 remembered  4 studied  5 talked 5 Yes, they did.  6 Yes, she can.
6 hurried
2 2 didn’t play  3 played football  4 arrived  5
didn’t play football  6 walked  7 finished  8
3 2 Yes, they did.  3 No, he didn’t.  4 Yes, she
did.  5 No, they didn’t.

Unit 9
Students can complete the grammar worksheets after
they have completed Lesson 9b of the Students’ Book.

1 2 met  3 took  4 came  5 went  6 had
2 2 Felix didn’t play football last night.  3 We didn’t
have an ice cream last Saturday.  4 She didn’t
finish her homework yesterday.  5 They didn’t see
a film last Sunday.
3 2 Yes, they did.  3 No, she didn’t.  4 Yes, we
did.  5 No, he didn’t.  6 Yes, I did.

1 Answers will vary but may include: 2 Yesterday I
took photos.  3 Last Saturday I met my friends. 
4 Last month I went to the theatre.  5 Last Friday I
was tired.  6 Yesterday I had a cake.
2 Answers will vary but may include: 2 I didn’t take
photos yesterday.  3 I didn’t meet my friends last
Saturday.  4 I didn’t go to the park last month.  5
I wasn’t tired last Friday.  6 I didn’t have a cake
3 2 No, she didn’t.  3 Yes, they did.  4 No, she
didn’t.  5 No, they didn’t.


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Unit 1 Consolidation Unit 1 Extension
1 Circle the correct word. 1 Look and complete the sentences.
1 Fiz has / have got a zapper. 8 My friends haven’t got a dog.
2 Felix and Gemma has / have got blonde hair. 2   
4 Fiz        a spaceship.
3 Ben has / have got brown eyes. 3   
8 Felix and Gemma        black hair.
4 They has / have got a frisbee. 4   
8 Felix        a camera.
5 Monica has / have got an ice cream. 5   
4 They        brown hair.
6 I has / have got a mobile phone. 8 We       
6    pink eyes.

2 Complete the sentences. Use hasn’t got or 2 Write the questions.

haven’t got.
1 you / frisbee
1 Kit hasn’t got a dog.
Have you got a frisbee?
2 Felix        a camera.
2 Ben / brother
3 Ben and Felix        a beach bag.

4 My sisters        green eyes.
3 Fiz / zapper
5 I        a cat.

6 Monica        a spaceship.
4 they / camera

3 Answer the questions. Use Yes, I have or
No, I haven’t. 5 Felix and Gemma / dog
1 Have you got brown eyes?
6 you / brown eyes
2 Have you got a dog?

3 Read and answer.
3 Have you got pink hair?
1 Has Fiz got pink hair?

No, he hasn’t. He’s got green hair.
4 Have you got a mobile phone?
2 Has Gemma got a dog?

5 Have you got a sister?
3 Have you got green hair?

6 Have you got three cousins?
4 Has Felix got a sister?

5 Have Orlando and Beyoncé got orange eyes?

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Unit 2 Consolidation Unit 2 Extension
1 Complete the sentences. Use is or are. 1 Look and complete. Use There are or There
1 There is a table in the kitchen.
1 There are some chairs in the kitchen.
2 There        two mirrors in the
bathroom. 2        any books in the bathroom.
3 There        fifty books in the 3        some windows in the living
bookcase. room.
4 There        a cupboard in the attic. 4        any ghosts in the attic.
5 There        four chairs in the kitchen. 5        any stairs in the garden.
6 There        a shower in the bathroom. 6        some cupboards in the bedroom.

2 Write negative sentences. Use There isn’t a 2 Write the questions. Use Is there or Are
or There aren’t any. there.
1 There isn’t a table in the kitchen. 1 sofa / living room
2          mirrors in the bathroom. Is there a sofa in the living room?
3          books in the bookcase. 2 fridge / attic
4          cupboard in the attic.
5          chairs in the kitchen. 3 cupboards / bedroom
6          shower in the bathroom.
4 shower / kitchen
3 Order the questions.
1 there a  Is  television  the  in  kitchen  ?
5 stairs / treehouse
Is there a television in the kitchen?

2 any  Are there  windows  the attic  in  ?
6 chairs / kitchen

3 chairs  Are  any  living room  there  3 Look at the questions in Exercise 2. Write
the answers.
in the ?
4 Yes, there is.
8 _______________________________________
4 kitchen  Is  a  there  fridge  the  in  ?
4 _______________________________________

8 _______________________________________
5 cat  there  Is  a  the  garden  in  ?
8 _______________________________________

4 _______________________________________
6 in  bathroom  the  Is  bath   a  there  ?

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Unit 3 Consolidation Unit 3 Extension
1 Circle the correct word. 1 Complete the sentences. Use can or can’t.
1 Dolphins can / can’t swim. 1 Dolphins can swim.
2 Monkeys can / can’t fly. 2 Tigers paint.
3 Sharks can / can’t run. 3 Parrots fly.
4 Squirrels can / can’t climb. 4 Dogs play the guitar.
5 Bats can / can’t swim. 5 Sharks walk.
6 Giraffes can / can’t walk. 6 Tigers run.

2 Write the questions. 2 Choose an animal and a verb. Write five

more questions.
1 dolphins / swim
Can dolphins swim?
sharks monkeys cats turtles
2 Ben / run chameleons bats

3 monkeys / climb
fly water ski swim play the drums
run climb
4 turtles / sing
1 Can sharks fly?
5 Monica / fly
3 Match the answers with the questions in 5
Exercise 2.
a Yes, they can. 1
b No, they can’t. 3 Look at the questions in Exercise 2. Write
c No, she can’t.
1 No, they can’t.
d Yes, he can.
e Yes, they can.

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Unit 4 Consolidation Unit 4 Extension
1 Complete the sentences. Use get up or gets 1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct
up. form of these verbs.
1 I get up at six o’clock.
go finish go have meet get
2 She at seven o’clock.
3 They at half past seven.
1 She goes to bed late.
4 Ben at half past six.
2 I breakfast at 8 o’clock.
5 We at eight o’clock.
3 He up at 7 o’clock.
6 He at ten o’clock!
4 Monica to bed at 9 o’clock.
2 Circle the correct word. 5 Felix friends at 3 o’clock.
1 Felix doesn’t / don’t have breakfast at nine 6 We school at 4 o’clock.
2 We doesn’t / don’t cycle to school. 2 Write negative sentences.
3 She doesn’t / don’t go to bed late. 1 Gemma / cycle to school
4 Fiz doesn’t / don’t get up at six o’clock. Gemma doesn’t cycle to school.
5 They doesn’t / don’t watch TV in the 2 they / watch TV
3 Monica / get up late
6 Gemma and Felix doesn’t / don’t have
breakfast at seven o’clock. 4 we / finish school at 2 o’clock
5 He / study after school
3 Match the questions with the answers. 6 I / have dinner at 5 o’clock
1 Do we watch TV after school? c
2 Does Felix go to bed at 11 o’clock? 3 Write five more questions.

3 Does James go to school by bus?

Gemma they he we she I you
4 Does Felix go home at 3 o’clock?
cycle to school watch TV in the morning
5 Do they have dinner at seven o’clock? get up early meet friends after school
have breakfast at 7 o’clock walk to school
a No, he doesn’t. He meets friends at 3 o’clock.
b Yes, he does. 1 Does Gemma cycle to school?
c Yes, we do. 2
d Yes, they do. 3
e No, he doesn’t. He goes to bed at 10 o’clock. 4

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Unit 5 Consolidation Unit 5 Extension
1 Circle the correct word. 1 Look and complete the sentences.
1 I like / likes running.
2 He hate / hates dancing. love like hate
3 They love / loves playing football.
1 I    like running.
4 She like / likes painting.
2 Gemma           dancing.
5 We like / likes watching TV.
3 They           singing.
6 Gemma love / loves horse riding.
4 Gisela           swimming.
5 We           playing basketball.
2 Complete the negative sentences. Use don’t
like or doesn’t like. 6 He           playing golf.
1 I don’t like swimming.
2 Gemma        playing football.
2 Look at the table. Answer the questions.
3 They        horse riding. Anna Bob Amy Billy

4 He        swimming. running

5 We        playing golf. swimming
6 You        windsurfing.
3 Order the questions. cycling
1 Ben  Does  dancing  like  ?
Does Ben like dancing?
2 playing  like  Do  they  volleyball  ?
1 Does Anna like swimming? Yes, she does.

2 Does Billy like cycling?
3 like  Do  we  sailing  ?
3 Do Anna and Amy like reading?

4 Does Bob like running?
4 Does  cycling  like  she  ?
5 Do Anna and Amy like cycling?

6 Does Billy like singing?
5 Gisela  like  Does  windsurfing  ?
3 Look at the table. Write sentences.
6 you  playing  like  Do  tennis  ? 1 Anna / running Anna doesn’t like running.
2 Amy and Bob / swimming
3 Amy and Bob / reading
4 Billy / reading
5 Billy and Bob /singing

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Unit 6 Consolidation Unit 6 Extension
1 Complete the sentences. Use is eating or 1 Complete the sentences. Use the present
are eating. continuous.
1 I am eating pizza. 1 Felix isn’t playing football (not play football).
2 Ben an ice cream. He (play basketball).
3 They apples. 2 Monica (not wear
4 She chocolate.
She (wear shorts) today.
5 We biscuits.
3 Gemma and Monica
6 You bananas. (not walk) to the park at the moment.
They (cycle).
2 Write negative sentences. Use these words.
4 I (not listen to music)
walking talking cycling wearing
playing reading I (talk) to my friend.

1 She isn’t walking to school today. 2 Write the questions. Use the correct verb.
2 They skirts. 1 Gisela / shorts
3 I football at the moment. Is Gisela wearing shorts?
4 Ben a book. It’s a magazine. 2 you / football
5 We to the park today.
6 You on your mobile phone. 3 they / for a café

3 Read and answer the questions.

4 we / a pizza
1 Are you playing basketball at the moment?
No, I’m not.
5 he / a magazine
2 Are you sitting down at the moment?

3 Are you wearing jeans today? 3 Match the answers with the questions in
Exercise 2.
a No, they aren’t. They’re looking for a
4 Are you studying English now? restaurant.
b Yes, she is. 1
5 Are you eating a pizza at the moment?
c No, he isn’t. He’s reading a book.
d Yes, we are.
e No, I’m not. I’m playing basketball.

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Unit 7 Consolidation Unit 7 Extension
1 Complete the sentences. Use these words. 1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct
form of these verbs.
play am playing plays are playing
is playing play
wear read eat play walk wear
1 I usually play football on Saturdays.
2 They basketball at the moment. 1 I am wearing jeans today.
3 She sometimes golf on Sundays. 2 He usually football on Sundays.
4 We never volleyball in the winter. 3 They to the park at the moment.
5 Felix football at the moment. 4 We never ice cream in the winter.
6 I football now. 5 You a skirt today.
6 Gemma her favourite magazine
2 Circle the correct word. at the moment.
1 Gemma don’t / doesn’t play football on
Saturdays. 2 Write negative sentences. Use the present
simple or the present continuous.
2 We isn’t / aren’t wearing boots today.
1 I / wear jeans today I’m not wearing jeans today.
3 He isn’t / aren’t reading at the moment.
2 He / play football on Sundays
4 I don’t / doesn’t walk to school in the winter.
3 we / watch TV at the moment
5 They don’t / doesn’t celebrate Easter in June.
4 they / walk to school in the winter
6 You isn’t / aren’t listening to music now.
5 Gemma / eat an ice cream
6 I / get up early on Saturdays
3 order the questions.
1 you Are shorts wearing today ?
3 Match the questions with the answers.
Are you wearing shorts today?
1 Are you wearing a a Yes, she is.
2 listen pop music to Do you usually ? skirt today?
2 Do you usually play b Yes, he does.
golf in the summer?
3 they Christmas always celebrate Do ?
3 Is Monica playing c No, I’m not. I’m
tennis at the park? wearing a dress. 1
4 golf playing Is he now ?
4 Are Ben and Monica d Yes, they are.
watching TV?
5 eating we Are pizza at moment the ? 5 Does Felix always e No, they aren’t.
dance at parties? They’re listening to
rock music.
6 always Does cycle Ben to school ?
6 Are they listening to f No, I don’t. I
pop music? usually play

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Unit 8 Consolidation Unit 8 Extension
1 Circle the correct word. 1 Complete the sentences. Use the past
simple of these verbs.
1 I played / walked golf yesterday.
2 They talked / watched TV last night.
walk study talk remember hurry stop
3 She cycled / finished her homework at
1 I walked to school yesterday.
4 You remembered / looked my birthday.
Thank you! 2 Felix to look at his watch.
3 Monica Ben’s birthday.
5 We stopped / listened to music at the party.
4 We French last year.
6 Tilly visited / shouted Thailand with her
mum and dad. 5 They to their friends at
2 order the sentences. 6 Gemma and Monica were late!
They to school.
1 didn’t TV watch We night last
We didn’t watch TV last night.
2 Complete the text. Use the past simple.
2 play Ben golf didn’t yesterday
Gemma 1 didn’t walk (not walk) to the park
last Saturday. They 2 (not play)
3 Thailand didn’t I last year visit tennis, they 3
(play football).
Monica 4
(arrive) at 2 o’clock.
She 5 (not play football) with
4 They school to cycle didn’t Gemma and Felix. At 4 o’clock they
(walk) to Ben’s house. They
(finish) their homework and
5 homework her didn’t finish She 8
(talk) to Ben’s sisters.

6 the like film didn’t You

3 Read the text in Exercise 2. Answer the
1 Did Gemma walk to the park last Saturday?
No, she didn’t.
3 Write the questions. Use the past simple.
2 Did Gemma and Felix play football?
1 Gemma / cycle to school Did Gemma cycle to
2 we / watch TV 3 Did Ben play football?
3 they / study maths
4 I / remember your birthday 4 Did Monica arrive at 2 o’clock?
5 he / talk to Monica
6 you / finish your homework 5 Did they cycle to Ben’s house?

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Unit 9 Consolidation Unit 9 Extension
1 Complete the sentences. Use these words. 1 Write five more sentences. Use the past
saw came went met took
see go have meet be took
film cake tired photos friends park
1 I saw a new musical last Friday.
2 Monica Ben last Sunday. 1 Last night I saw a film.
3 They sweets to the cinema. 2 Yesterday
4 Felix to my house last night. 3 Last Saturday
5 Yesterday we to the library. 4 Last month
5 Last Friday
2 Write negative sentences.
6 Yesterday
1 I / go to the park yesterday
I didn’t go to the park yesterday. 2 Look at the sentences in Exercise 1. Write
negative sentences.
2 Felix / play football last night
1 I didn’t see a film last night.
3 we / have an ice cream last Saturday
4 she / finish her homework yesterday
5 they / see a film last Sunday

3 Look at the table. Answer the questions.

Yesterday Anna Amy
3 Complete the answers. Use did or didn’t.
meet Amy 4
1 Did you go to the cinema yesterday?
go to the library 4 8
No, I didn’t.
see a film 4 4
2 Did they see a film last Saturday?
take photos in the park 8 4
have a boring day 8 8
3 Did we have a good day yesterday?
Yes, 1 Did Anna meet Amy yesterday? Yes, she did.
4 Did he come to your house last night? 2 Did Amy go to the library?
No, 3 Did Anna and Amy see a film?
5 Did you meet your friends last Sunday? 4 Did Anna take photos in the park?
Yes, 5 Did they have a boring day?

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Unit 10 Consolidation Unit 10 Extension
1 Complete the sentences. Use these words. 1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct
form of play.
watch watches watching watch watched 1 I usually play football on Fridays.
2 Yesterday we tennis in the park.
1 I never watch TV at lunchtime. 3 At the moment they basketball.
2 Yesterday we a film at Ben’s 4 She didn’t the guitar in Year 4.
5 he tennis now?
3 She always TV in the evening.
6 Did you golf last summer?
4 They are The Simpsons at the
2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct
5 Did you a film last night? form of these verbs.

2 Complete the sentences. Use is or are. see listen meet go watch play
1 Is Felix listening to music?
2 We walking to the park. 1 They saw a new film last night.
3 you wearing jeans? 2 She never TV at lunchtime.
4 Ben talking to his teacher. 3 He sometimes tennis.
5 they watching a film? 4 They some friends at the café.
6 she reading a magazine or a 5 At the moment I to my MP3
book? player.
6 I to London last year.
3 Circle the correct word.
1 Do / Did you go to school last Saturday? 3 Read and answer the questions.
2 Does / Did he always play tennis on 1 Did you watch TV last night? 4 Yes, I did.
2 Are you writing emails at the moment?
3 Do / Did you often listen to music?
4 Do / Did they meet your cousin last Friday?
3 Do you always take sweets to the cinema?
5 Do / Did we have an ice cream yesterday?
6 Does / Did he sometimes play golf in the
winter? 4 Is Gemma horse riding at the moment?
5 Did they go to school yesterday?
6 Can Monica swim?

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Te aching notes for photocopiable resources
Photocopiable resource 1 – Beginning of Year Carry out this activity at the beginning of the term.
To revise numbers, play ‘Number tennis’. Start by
objective: To revise general questions and answers saying ‘one’ and get a student to say the following
for introductions and favourite things. number ‘two’, another student says ‘three’, and so
organisation: Students work individually and then in on round the class, up to twenty. Play the game
pairs. again but this time counting down from twenty to
Carry out this activity at the beginning of the one.
term. It revises some language and structures Revise times. Draw some clock faces on the board
from Starter level and would work well in the first with o’clock and half past times on them (for
lesson. example, 2 o’clock, 2.30) and elicit times from the
Revise some key language before handing out students. Get students to come and draw some
the resource sheet. Go round the class asking times on the board, and elicit the times from the
questions: What’s your name? How old are you? other students.
What’s your favourite colour/food/animal/sport? Now give each pair a set of cut-out dominoes (or
Now revise some further vocabulary by saying a get students to cut out the dominoes themselves).
word, such as ‘colour’ or ‘animal’ and go round the There are 24 dominoes. Each student has twelve
class asking students to name as many colours/ dominoes to play the game.
animals as they can. Give help where necessary. To play the game one student places a domino on
Once students have revised some key language, the table. The other student must look at his/her
practise questions with them. Write out questions cards and see if they can match the time (clock face
(see above) on the board but with the words in the or written) with the corresponding time (clock face
wrong order. Ask students to come to the board or written). If the second student doesn’t have the
and write them in the correct order. matching domino, the first student will have it and
Now give each student a copy of the resource places it down. In this way, he/she is gets rid of
sheet. They complete the first column in the table more of their cards first.
about themselves, giving personal information Encourage students to say the times as they match
(name, age, etc.) and answering questions about up the dominoes.
their favourite colour, favourite food, etc. The student who places down all their dominoes
Once they have completed the questionnaire they first is the winner.
ask their partner questions to complete the second
column. Extra activity: Get students to play ‘Time tennis’
round the classroom. Start off by saying ‘one o’clock’.
Encourage students to ask complete questions and
The next student says the next time ‘half past one’,
to give complete sentences when they answer:
followed by ‘two o’clock’, ‘half past two’, and so on.
What’s your favourite colour? My favourite colour is
The aim is to say the times as quickly as possible
without making mistakes.
Extra activity: Students can carry out a class survey
to see which are the most popular answers to the
questions in the questionnaire. They collate the Photocopiable resource 3 – Beginning of Year
information under the following headings: COLOUR,
ANIMAL, FOOD, SPORT, ACTOR/ACTRESS, SINGER. objective: To revise some vocabulary from Starter
Under each heading they place numbers to show the level.
results, for example, COLOURS: red – 10, blue – 8, etc. organisation: Students work individually or in pairs.
Carry out this activity at the beginning of the term.
It provides general revision of vocabulary from
Photocopiable resource 2 – Beginning of Year Starter level.
objective: To revise numbers (1–20) and telling the Give each student or pair a copy of the resource
time. sheet.
organisation: Students work in pairs. Students label each of the pictures. Encourage them


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to use a dictionary if they are unsure of spellings. Extra activity: Students think of other famous people
Once they have labelled all the pictures they then and complete factfiles for them.
find and circle the words in the word square. answer key:
The student or pair to complete the word square Prince Rafael Kirsten
first is the winner. Name
William Nadal Dunst
Extra activity: Ask students to categorise the words Hair blonde brown blonde
in the word square under the headings: THINGS, Eyes blue brown blue
PLACES, ANIMALS, FURNITURE, BODY PARTS, Nationality British Spanish American
yes – one yes – one yes – one
as many words as they can to each category. Brother/
brother sister (María brother
answer key: (Harry) Isabel) (Christian)
s k a t e b o a r d Favourite
blue red white
u x s a n d w i c h
n f g u i t a r d x
Photocopiable resource 2 – Homes
g i j z w i n d o w
l f w p q f v r j v objective: To practise rooms and furniture vocabulary;
to practise asking and saying where things are.
a t a e v b e a c h
organisation: Students work in pairs.
s e t n j c x b q a Carry out this activity after Lesson 2b of the
s e c d u y k b k n Students’ Book.
e n h o x f q i p d Give each pair a copy of the A and B versions of
the house. Explain that there are six differences in
s s f l q y e t w k the pictures, relating to the six items.
j f q p i z z a c v Students ask each other questions to identify the
six differences in the pictures, for example:
Where’s the cat? It’s in the bedroom.
Photocopiable resource 1 – People It’s on the bed.
objective: To practise talking about appearances and Where’s the computer? It’s in the bedroom.
facts about stars. It’s on the desk.
organisation: Students work in groups of three. Go round the class, monitoring the activity and
Carry out this activity after Lesson 1c of the giving help where necessary.
Students’ Book.
Extra activity: Ask students to draw in three more
Give each student in the group a copy of one of items in their pictures. They can decide which items
the factfiles (A, B or C). or suggest some for them, such as: a mobile phone,
Each factfile has missing information which the a watch, a camera. In pairs, they ask and answer
students must complete. They ask each other questions to find out where these items are. Is the
questions in order to complete their factfile: mobile phone (under the bed)? No, it isn’t, it’s under
What colour hair has (Prince William) got? the desk. They can add more items once they finish.
Has he got brown eyes? answer key: house a – the TV is in the living room,
Has he got a brother or a sister? the skateboard is under the bed in the bedroom,
What’s his favourite colour? the cat is on the bed in the bedroom, the computer
Go round the class, monitoring the activity. is in the living room, the dog is in the bath in the
Encourage students to ask complete questions and bathroom, the mouse is in the kitchen, sitting on top
to give complete sentences as their answers. (He’s of the fridge. house b – the TV is in the kitchen,
got blonde hair.) the skateboard is on the sofa in the living room, the
The first group to complete all the missing pieces computer is on the desk in the bedroom, the cat is in
of information is the winner. the bath in the bathroom, the mouse is on the table in
the kitchen, the dog is on the bed in the bedroom.


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Photocopiable resource 3 – Animals at the pictures and write the times they do each
activity in the ‘You’ column.
objective: To practise animal vocabulary and action Once they have completed their column they
verbs. must complete the second column by asking their
organisation: Students work in pairs or groups of partner and answering questions about their daily
three. routines.
What time do you get up?
Carry out this activity after Lesson 3a of the
I get up at half past seven.
Students’ Book.
What time do you have breakfast?
Give each pair or group of three a set of the cut-out I have breakfast at quarter past eight.
sentences and pictures, all mixed up.
Encourage students to say complete sentences
Students in each pair or group take turns to pick when they answer a question.
a sentence and match it with the corresponding
animal picture. Encourage them to read out each Extra activity: Use the completed sheets to carry out
sentence and guess the animal. They then have a class survey. Get students to work in five groups
to find the animal picture and put it next to the (only five as lines 3 and 4 will be the same for each
sentence. student – they will go to school and finish school
It’s tall. It’s got a very long neck. at the same time). Each group focuses on a line in
It’s a giraffe! the table. They must exchange information with the
other groups and note down all the times from their
The first pair or group to match up all the
completed sheets. From this they work out an average
sentences and animal pictures are the winners.
time for each routine. They report back their findings
Go through the sentences as a group to check to the class.
Extra activity: Students can use the sentence strips
for an animal quiz. They read out the sentences to Photocopiable resource 5 – Sports
their partner and see if their partner can name the
animal correctly. They can also add new animals to objective: To practise making suggestions.
the quiz and write descriptions for them.
organisation: Students work in pairs.
answer key: Carry out this activity after Lesson 5c of the
It’s tall. It’s got a very long neck. (giraffe) Students’ Book.
It’s big. It can swim and jump. (dolphin) Hand out an A and B diary to each pair. Students
It’s small. It can climb trees. (squirrel) will suggest three things they can do together and
try to find a suitable day and time of day (morning
It’s clever. It can climb trees. (monkey) or afternoon) in the diary.
It’s small. It can fly in the dark. (bat) Remind students to use the correct language: How
It’s big. It can swim. It’s dangerous. (shark) about (playing football) on Thursday morning?
It’s small. It is different colours. (chameleon) Let’s (go horse riding) on Friday morning. Great!/
It’s big and grey. It’s got big ears and a long nose. Sorry, I can’t. What about (Tuesday afternoon)?
(elephant) Go round, monitoring the activity and helping
It can fly. It is different colours. (parrot) where necessary.
It can swim. It hasn’t got teeth. (turtle) Students write the arrangements in their diaries.
Extension: Ask students to suggest three different
Photocopiable resource 4 – My life
objective: To practise talking about daily routines; to
practise saying times.
Photocopiable resource 6 – Detectives
organisation: Students work in pairs. objective: To practise the present continuous.
Carry out this activity after Lesson 4c of the
organisation: Groups of four: two pairs play against
Students’ Book.
each other.
Give each student a copy of the table. They look


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Carry out this activity after Lesson 6b of the Photocopiable resource 8 – School
Students’ Book.
Give each group of four a set of the cut-out cards. objective: To revise the past simple.
They play against each other in teams of two.
organisation: Students work in pairs.
The cards must be placed in a pile, face down.
Carry out this activity after Lesson 8c of the
The aim of the game is for a student to pick up
Students’ Book.
a card from the pile and act out the card prompt
(without speaking) to their partner. The partner Give each pair of students a cut-up resource sheet.
must try to guess correctly in order to keep the Explain that the text is a short story. They must try
card. If the partner gets it right then that pair keep to place the sentences in the correct order.
the card. If the partner can’t guess the activity the Encourage students to read out the sentences to
card must go to the bottom of the pile. each other.
Each pair aims to pick up and act out as many The winner is the pair who completes the activity
card prompts as possible in 30 seconds. After 30 first.
seconds, the other pair play, and pick up as many Go round the class, reading through the text and
cards as they can. checking answers.
The pairs play on until all the cards have been Extra activity: Ask students to write down as many
picked up and kept by a team. The pair with the verbs as possible in the past tense (talked, walked,
most cards wins. listened …). Time the activity, giving them one minute.
Go round the class and give help where necessary. The winners are the students with the most verbs.
Extra activity: Students think of more actions and answer key: Yesterday was Sunday. I cycled to the
make additional cards for the game. beach with my friend Leo. Leo was thirsty! We stopped
at the shop for some drinks. At the beach Leo and I
played football. It was fun! Maria and Anna arrived at
Photocopiable resource 7 – Celebrations 11 o’clock. We talked and played volleyball with Maria
and Anna in the morning. At 1 o’clock we walked to a
objective: To practise dates and weather vocabulary. café for some lunch. Delicious! My teacher, Mr Hardy,
organisation: Students work individually or in pairs. was at the café. How embarrassing! After lunch I was
tired, so we cycled home.
Carry out this activity after Lesson 7b of the
Students’ Book.
Students complete the sentences and then write Photocopiable resource 9 – Entertainment
each word in the correct place in the puzzle.
Encourage them to complete the gaps in the objective: To practise the past simple regular and the
sentences first and then write in the words in the past simple irregular.
puzzle. They can check spellings in the word list at organisation: Students work in groups of three.
the back of their Students’ Book.
Carry out this activity after Lesson 9b of the
Check answers together once everyone has Students’ Book.
This is a board game where the objective is to land
Extra activity: Students can sort the words from on squares and gain points.
the crossword into the following categories: ordinal Give each group a photocopy of the resource sheet.
numbers, months, weather. They then add as many Students will need a counter each (for example, a
words as they can remember to each category. rubber or piece of paper with their name on it),
answer key: Across – 6 October; 7 tenth; 9 January; and a coin or circle with the numbers 1 and 2 on
10 hot; Down – 1 first; 3 March; 4 cold; 5 December; 8 the sides. Before playing they cut out the three
August cards at the top of the sheet and put them in a bag.
Students take turns to toss the coin and move their
counters around the board and land on different
verbs. They must say sentences in the past tense
using this verb to gain their points.
To know what kind of sentence they have to say


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they pick a card out of the bag. Each card indicates Photocopiable resource – Festival 1
whether they say a positive sentence (1 point), Hallowe’en
a negative sentence (2 points), or a question (3
points). The irregular verbs are highlighted by a objective: To learn some Hallowe’en vocabulary and
star and students can gain double points for these. read a Hallowe’en text.
Tell students to note their scores as they play the
organisation: Students work individually or in pairs.
Carry out this activity after Lesson 7c, where
The winner is the student with most points at the
students learn some Hallowe’en vocabulary (scary,
end of the game.
spooky, strange, sweets, Trick or treat).
Extra activity: Students can play the game and try to Give each student or each pair a copy of the
gain maximum points by saying three sentences when resource sheet. Explain that they are going to use
they land on a verb: a positive sentence, a negative the Code Breaker at the back of their Students’
sentence and a question. Book (page 109) to discover some Hallowe’en
Students decode the symbols to find the
Photocopiable resource 10 – Adventure corresponding words.
objective: To practise questions and answers in the They then read the text about Hallowe’en and
present simple, present continuous and past simple answer the questions.
tenses. answer key: 1 1 pumpkin 2 candle 3 skeleton
organisation: Students work individually or in pairs. 4 ghost 5 witch 6 wizard.
Carry out this activity after Lesson 10b of the 2 1 October 31st. 2 People wear strange clothes at
Students’ Book. Hallowe’en and go to parties. 3 Ben always wears
spooky ghost or wizard clothes. 4 People give
Give each student or each pair a set of the cut-up sweets as a treat. 5 People make pumpkins with
question and answer strips. candles in them. 6 Students’ answers will vary.
Students separate the strips into questions and
answers. They then match the answers to the
corresponding questions. Photocopiable resource – Festival 2
The winning student or pair is the first to organise Easter
the questions and answers correctly.
Check answers by asking students to read out their objective: To learn some Easter vocabulary and read
matched-up questions and answers. an Easter text.
Extra activity: Students can create their own question organisation: Students work individually or in pairs.
and answer strips for their partner or for another pair. Carry out this activity near Easter (dates will vary
answer key: What’s the weather like today? It’s each year).
raining. / Where is Gemma? She’s at Summer Camp./ Pre-teach the following words before handing out
Do you like camping? No, I don’t. I don’t like tents! / the sheets: hide, give, make.
Can bats swim? No, they can’t. / What’s the matter? I’m
Give each student or each pair a copy of the
tired. / What did you do yesterday? I went to the park.
resource sheet. Explain that they are going to read
/ Did you watch TV last night? No, I didn’t. I listened
about Easter. Students read the texts and look at
to music. / What are you doing at the moment? I’m
the pictures. They then answer the questions.
reading a book. / What are you wearing? I’m wearing
jeans and a T-shirt. / Did you go to school yesterday? Check answers together as a group.
No, I didn’t. It was Sunday yesterday. After completing the resource sheet students can
design their own Easter cards.
background information
A recent tradition in Australia is to buy chocolate
Easter bilbies, rather than chocolate rabbits which
are common in the US and the UK. Bilbies are
an endangered species unique to Australia and


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children are encouraged to buy these chocolates as a
percentage of the price goes towards a fund for them.
answer key: 1 In Britain, Easter is in the spring,
in March or April. 2 In Australia Easter is in the
autumn. 3 Monica is making eggs and Easter cards.
4 Monica sometimes eats hot cross buns at Easter.
5 Egg rolling and egg hunts. 6 The bilby is from

Photocopiable resource – Festival 3

Happy New Year!
objective: To read about New Year celebrations in
organisation: Students work individually or in pairs.
Carry out this activity before or just after 1st
To introduce the topic, ask students if they
celebrate New Year and what they do.
Give each student or each pair a copy of the
resource sheet. Explain that they are going to read
about New Year. Students read the texts and look
at the pictures. They then answer the questions and
complete the word square.
Check answers together as a group.
answer key: 1 1 Edinburgh is in Scotland.
2 People celebrate New Year with their friends and
family. 3 New Year’s Eve is December 31st.
4 The fireworks are on New Year’s Eve/December
31st. 5 Some people swim in the sea on January 1st,
New Year’s Day.
2 See word square below.
j s x f y i s a f
a w p a r t y k i
n f j h s a j t r
u r e p a r a d e
a t g a x e j u w
r r o x t g p t o
y j m u s i c u r
z b u d g q z q k
h o g m a n a y s


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Ph otocopiable resource 1 – Beginning of Year
Question You Your friend

? ?
What’s your name?
? ?
How old are you?
? ?
Where do you live?
? ?
What’s your favourite colour?
? ?
What’s your favourite animal?
? ?
? ?
What’s your favourite food?
? ?
What’s your favourite sport?
? Who’s your favourite actor/
? actress?
? Who’s your favourite singer?
? ?
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12/10/09 08:37:30

© Pearson Education Ltd 2010 Photocopiable

half half twelve half
past ten past twelve o’clock past five
six five three half
Ph otocopiable resource 2 – Beginning of Year

o’clock o’clock o’clock past six

Discover English 1
eleven half half ten
o’clock past seven past four o’clock
one half seven half
o’clock past eight o’clock past one
half nine two half
past two o’clock o’clock past nine

Z04_DIEN_TB_01GLB_6316_PHRE.indd 154
four half half eight
o’clock past eleven past three o’clock

Ph otocopiable resource 3 – Beginning of Year
1 ________________________ 7 ________________________

2 ________________________ 8 ________________________

3 ________________________ 9 ________________________

4 ________________________ 10 ________________________

5 ________________________ 11 ________________________

6 ________________________ 12 ________________________

s k a t e b o a r d

u x s a n d w i c h

n f g u i t a r d x

g i j z w i n d o w

l f w p q f v r j v

a t a e v b e a c h

s e t n j c x b q a

s e c d u y k b k n

e n h o x f q i p d

s s f l q y e t w k

j f q p i z z a c v

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Photocopiable resource 1 – People 1
Name Prince William Rafael Nadal Kirsten Dunst


Eyes blue blue

Nationality American

yes – one sister

(María Isabel)

Favourite colour white

Name Prince William Rafael Nadal Kirsten Dunst

Hair blonde blonde

Eyes brown
Nationality British


Favourite colour red

Name Prince William Rafael Nadal Kirsten Dunst

Hair brown


Nationality Spanish

yes – one brother yes – one brother

(Harry) (Christian)

Favourite colour blue

156 Discover English 1 © Pearson Education Ltd 2010 Photocopiable

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Photocopiable resource 2 – Homes 2

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Photocopiable resource 3 – Animals 3

It’s tall. It’s big. It’s small. It’s clever. It’s small.
It’s got a It can It can It can It can fly
very long swim and climb climb in the
neck. jump. trees. trees. dark.

It’s big
It’s big. It’s small. and grey. It can fly. It can
It can It is It’s got a It is swim.
swim. different big ears different It hasn’t
It’s colours. and a colours. got teeth.
dangerous. long nose.

158 Discover English 1 © Pearson Education Ltd 2010 Photocopiable

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Photocopiable resource 4 – My Life 4
You Your friend

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Photocopiable resource 5 – Sports 5
talk to your friend and suggest three activities:
play football go sailing go cycling play volleyball go swimming

Summer Camp Diary

Morning Afternoon

Mo nd ay tennis

Tu es da y
We dn es da y basketball
Th ur sd ay
Fr id ay
Sa tu rd ay
Su nd ay volleyball

talk to your friend and suggest three activities:
play golf go kitesurfing go horse riding play basketball go cycling

Summer Camp Diary

Morning Afternoon
Mo nd ay
Tu es da y tennis

We dn es da y
Th ur sd ay cycling

Fr id ay
Sa tu rd ay
Su nd ay

160 Discover English 1 © Pearson Education Ltd 2010 PhotocoPiablE

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Photocopiable resource 6 – Detectives 6

playing playing playing playing playing

tennis football basketball volleyball golf

swimming running windsurfing sailing

cycling walking dancing to

wearing opening opening

reading shopping a a a
hat door window

talking taking
smiling on the drinking eating a
phone photo

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Photocopiable resource 7 – Celebrations 7
2 I don’t like walking to school when it’s raining!
6 Hallowe’en is celebrated on 31st.
7 Eighth, ninth,
9 Chinese New Year is never celebrated on 1st!
10 It’s often in the summer.

1 New Year’s Day is celebrated on the of January in Britain.
3 Easter is celebrated in or April.
4 It’s usually in the winter.
5 Christmas day is celebrated on 25th in Britain.
8 This month is in the summer. It’s got six letters.


4 5


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Photocopiable resource 8 – School 8

Yesterday was Sunday. I cycled to the beach with my friend Leo.

Leo was thirsty! We stopped at the shop for some drinks.

At the beach Leo and I played football. It was fun!

Maria and Anna arrived at 11 o’clock.

We talked and played volleyball with Maria and Anna in the morning.

At 1 o’clock we walked to a café for some lunch. Delicious!

My teacher, Mr Hardy, was at the café. How embarrassing!

After lunch I was tired, so we cycled home.


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Photocopiable resource 9 – Entertainment 9

+ – ?

1 point 2 points 3 points $

StaRt $

play study be watch $

cycle $

have walk listen see



dance finish talk


remember like go study


FiNiSh $

164 Discover English 1 © Pearson Education Ltd 2010 PhotocoPiablE

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Photocopiable resource 10 – Adventure 10
What did you do yesterday? It’s raining.

Did you watch TV last night? She’s at Summer Camp.

What’s the weather like today? No, I don’t. I don’t like tents!

Where is Gemma? No, they can’t.

Can bats swim? I’m tired.

What are you wearing? I went to the park.

What are you doing at the moment? No, I didn’t. I listened to music.

Did you go to school yesterday? I’m reading a book.

What’s the matter? I’m wearing jeans and a T-shirt.

Do you like camping? No, I didn’t. It was Sunday yesterday.

Discover English 1 © Pearson Education Ltd 2010 Photocopiable 165

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Ph otocopiable resource – Festival 1 Hallowe’en
1 Use the code breaker to find the words.


’en on
__________________ People celebrate Hallo we
ial celebration
October 31st. It is a spec
and in other
3 in the USA and Britain,
llo ween? It ’s
countries. But what is Ha
n! People wear
__________________ a fun, spooky celebratio
to parties. I lo ve
strange clothes and go
I always wear
4 wearing strange clothes.
othes! In the
scary ghost or wizard cl
ople’s houses
__________________ USA we usually go to pe
eat’. We like
and ask for a ‘trick or tr
us sweets.
5 the treats – people give
ins with candles
We make special pumpk
__________________ in them.
u like
I lo ve Hallo we’en! Do yo
6 Hallo we’en?

2 Read and answer.

1 When do people celebrate Hallowe’en? ___________________________________________________________
2 What do people do at Hallowe’en? _______________________________________________________________
3 What does Ben always wear for Hallowe’en? ______________________________________________________
4 What do people give as a ‘treat’? _________________________________________________________________
5 What do people make at Hallowe’en? ____________________________________________________________
6 Do you celebrate Hallowe’en? ___________________________________________________________________

166 Discover English 1 © Pearson Education Ltd 2010 PhotocoPiablE

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Ph otocopiable resource – Festival 2 Easter
In Britain we celebrate Easter in the spring, in March or April.
Easter presents are usually chocolate eggs – my favourite!

We also paint eggs. Here are some of the eggs I am

making at the moment. I am making Easter cards too.
We give Easter cards to our family and friends.

We sometimes eat hot cross buns at Easter –

they are small cakes and are delicious!
Do you eat special food at Easter in
your country?

We play games with eggs at Easter. This is a picture of ‘Egg rolling’.

Children roll eggs down a hill. We also have egg hunts. We hide the eggs in
the house or in the garden. Can you find 10 eggs on this page?

In Australia Easter isn’t in the spring – it’s in the autumn! A special

Easter animal is the bilby. It isn’t a rabbit!

1 Read and answer.

1 When is Easter in Britain? _______________________________________________________________________
2 When is Easter in Australia? _____________________________________________________________________
3 What is Monica making for Easter? _______________________________________________________________
4 What does Monica sometimes eat at Easter? _______________________________________________________
5 Name two Easter games. ________________________________________________________________________
6 Where is the bilby from? ________________________________________________________________________

Can you find the 4 Easter eggs on this page? Have a race with your friend!

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Ph otocopiable resource – Festival 3 Happy New Year!
New Year is
a special
in Scotland.
It has a
special name
– Hogmanay.
is the capital
of Scotland and
Hogmanay is a
special time in the city. There are
parties, parades, music and fireworks at
Hogmanay. People celebrate with their
friends and family.

December 31st
This day is ‘New Year’s Eve’ and in
the evening there are big parties. In
Edinburgh there is a street party. People
wear special clothes, they sing and
dance. There is music and there are lots
of bands. Do you like fireworks? There
are fantastic fireworks on New Year’s Eve.

January 1st – New Year’s Day

Do you like cold water? On New Year’s Day people swim in the sea in Edinburgh!
It is very cold – but it’s good fun!

1 Read and answer. 2 Find six New Year words in the word
1 Where is Edinburgh?
_____________________________________________ j s x f y i s a f

a w p a r t y k i
2 Who do people celebrate New Year with?
n f j h s a j t r
u r e p a r a d e
3 When is New Year’s Eve?
a t g a x e j u w
r r o x t g p t o
4 When are the fireworks?
y j m u s i c u r
z b u d g q z q k
5 Where do some people swim on January 1st? h o g m a n a y s

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