What Does Going Green Mean
What Does Going Green Mean
What Does Going Green Mean
Going green does not only involve recycling. Going green involves much
It also means taking steps, whether big or small, to minimize the harm you
do to the environment (including the carbon footprints you leave behind), as
a result of inhabiting this planet.
In practice, going green means adopting five basic principles in your daily
reduce pollution
conserve resources
conserve energy
All five principles are important in protecting the environment from harm, as
well as helping to ensure that living (for humans and other creatures) on
earth is sustainable.
So in your daily life, do adopt green practices under all principles, to make a
Think about the shampoo, soap and cleaning detergent that you use. Many
of them contain chemicals that are washed down the sinks and pipes, into
drains, rivers, reservoirs or even the sea.
Think about the fast-food lunch you had. In the process of producing the
bread, meat patty and salad for the burger, chemicals in the form of
pesticides, man-made fertilizers and even hormones are released into the
lands, water and air. The wrappers used in packaging the meal is bound for
the landfills and incinerators (because it is very hard to recycle them). In
turn, harmful gases are released when the wrappers (as well as other waste)
are buried or burnt.
Think about the car that you drive to work, or even the bus or cab that you
take to your office. These vehicles emit greenhouse gases (contributing to
global warming) and toxic substances like lead (harmful to living things,
including the human body) into the atmosphere.
And we have yet to reach the part on the amount of chemicals and
poisonous gases produced by factories and industries, in the process of
manufacturing the various items we use (eg. electronics, clothes, paper and
plastic products, furniture, packaged food etc), or extracting energy
resources (eg. oil, coal, etc) from the earth.
In our modern day life, it may be hard to leave zero trace of toxic
substances, or create zero pollution in our activities. So many of the things
that we use on a daily basis contain some form of chemicals, or are
produced through the use of some chemicals. Despite the pollution caused,
we would still need to travel to work, whether by private or public transport.
And we definitely need to consume food!
Switch to organically grown food if you can. Organically grown food is grown
without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers that would harm the
environment, as well as hormones or genetic reengineering. What’s more,
organically grown food are so much healthier, because they are free of
carcinogens and heavy metals (as a result of the synthetic chemicals), as
well as more nutritious. And keep away from fast-food!
Also, what does going green mean in practice is to drive less, and use the
public transport instead. Automobiles are one of the single largest sources of
air pollution on earth today, and the harmful gases released contribute
to global warming and climate changes. By taking public transport (such as
buses and trains), you are actually helping to reduce the number of
automobiles on this earth, and hence the amount of air pollution produced
by these vehicles.
Better still, don’t drive, or even buy a car! Imagine the amount of metal
required to manufacture your car. Definitely, in the process of manufacture,
much toxic chemicals and substances would have been used, produced and
released into the environment.
But if you must drive, do use an eco-friendly car and adopt green driving
What does going green mean in practice also includes conserving resources.
More and more trees are cut down to produce more and more paper for the
growing number of offices worldwide. More oil, coal and other natural fuels
are extracted from the earth to drive our factory machineries, our
automobiles (including our airplanes) and our homes. However, the world’s
supplies of oil and coal will not last forever, and our use of these fuels is
contributing to polluted air, acid rain and global warming.
Some precious gems, such as Tanzanite, have been mined to the point there
is little to nothing left in the Earth to mine. We are farming our land more
intensively as well, to produce more food to feed our exploding population
(and these are just some ways that we are rapidly depleting our earth’s
If we do not take the effort to conserve our finite resources now, soon there
would be none left.
In fact, according to a World Wildlife Fund report, humans are using more
than 20% more natural resources than the Earth can produce. And between
1970 and 2000, the populations of land, freshwater and marine species have
fallen by about 40%. At this rate, we would outstrip the earth’s capacity to
support life very soon.
With deforestation and fewer trees on earth, there are fewer plants to
absorb excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, accelerating the impact
of global warming. In turn, global warming worldwide have led to climate
changes, and phenomenon such as serious flooding and drying up of
originally forested land, leading to further loss of precious forests, and
destruction of habitat for more plant and animal species.
Over-fishing have almost wiped out some fish populations in the waters, and
reduced the number of fishes in the ocean significantly. While the reduction
in certain predator fish species may lead to the proliferation of other fish
species temporarily, nevertheless the upset to the marine ecosystem has
eventually led to the destruction of the natural reefs completely. In the
process, more marine species are lost.
At this rate, the earth would not be able to sustain life (including ours) on
this planet for long.
Ultimately, all these boil down to the rate that we humans, as a single
species (amongst the millions other species on this earth), are consuming
the earth’s natural resources. It is time we reflect on the situation and put a
halt to the situation.
What does going green mean is that we need to evaluate what we really
need, as opposed to what we want. Is the new car really what we need? If
not, then don’t buy it.
As with the earth’s resources, the sources of energy (in the form of oil, coal,
natural gas, etc) on earth are currently finite.
For other infinite and green sources of energy available (eg. solar energy),
there are currently still some difficulties in harnessing these potential
Until the day the human population is able to effectively make use of the
infinite, sustainable, and green sources of energy available to us, it is
important that we conserve our energy resources.
To put what does going green mean in practice, there are many energy
saving tips for the office, when driving , and for the home. In fact, wherever
we go. Adopt them now before it is too late.
The extraction of energy producing materials such as oil and coal from the
earth generates substantial pollution. In turn, the use of these energy
materials in driving our power stations, factories and automobiles produces
large amounts of pollution and contributes in large ways to global warming.
As we reduce our waste, we would need to use less energy and resources for
handling our unwanted waste. There would be less pollution arising from the
landfills and the incinerators.
Put into practice what does going green mean now. Reduce, reuse and
What does going green mean in practice is also to protect the earth’s
ecological balance.
The earth’s ecological balance refers to the equilibrium formed as a result of
the harmonious co-existence of living organisms, including plants, animals
and man, on this planet. Should the balance of this equilibrium tip in any
direction, all the organisms involved would be adversely impacted.
So when you seek to protect the earth’s ecological balance, you (as an
individual and as a race) actually seek to achieve a harmonious co-existence
with other living creatures on this planet.
If you think about it, the human race is but only one of the living species on
this earth. In fact, co-existing with us on this planet are millions of other
plant and animal species.
Yet for a long time, we humans have lived our lives on this planet as if we
own the Earth.
In the process, we have striped other creatures of their habitats and even
lives. With the destruction of forests, we are also hindering the earth’s ability
to clean itself of excessive pollutants and carbon dioxide (which contributes
to global warming), resulting in a less ideal climate for both ourselves and
other living organisms.
To feed our increasing population, we have been stretching the earth beyond
its limits, through activities such as over-farming and over-fishing.
Unrelenting, we continue to seek to challenge these limits, through inventing
new ways of producing more for our greedy species. We introduced the use
of man-made chemical fertilizers, artificial hormonal injection in farm
animals, and genetic engineering.
The ecological balance we have with other living organisms has been
greatly upset. Many plant and animal species have gone extinct as a result
of man’s actions. And this is even before we have even discovered their
The loss of the numerous plant species also mean goodbye to important
sources of medicinal plants and herbs that could potentially be cures to
deadly diseases plaguing mankind today.
Whether it is for ethical reasons (ie. taking responsibility for the harm we
have), or for selfish reasons (ie. to ensure the continued health of our
human species and the earth we live in for our future generations), we need
to do something today, before it is too late.
What does going green mean as an individual is you should not over-
consume (not just food, but other goods and services as well).In addition,
you should also encourage those around you to do the same. By consuming
just what we need, we reduce the strain we place on the earth as a source of
our resources.
Keep an organic garden, or even start an organic farm, and help reintroduce
more life (beyond humans and our needs) on this planet.
Use organic products instead of products that release harmful chemicals into
the environment. Donate regularly to forest or wildlife conservation efforts.
Or better still, protect a piece of forest land under your name.
Respect the lives of other living creatures (plants and animals alike, not just
your cute pet dog or cat), and also educate your kids on the importance of
doing so. In this way, you would have built the foundations for a more
environmentally-conscious generation.
All these efforts will contribute now and in the long run to keeping this earth
Going green, Your way
Tell us what going green means to you and what green living tips you
adopt in order to live an eco-friendly life.
And if you have created an eco haven in your home, tell us your story.
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