Subwoofer: DIGITAL10, DIGITAL12, SUB6, SUB10, SUB 125
Subwoofer: DIGITAL10, DIGITAL12, SUB6, SUB10, SUB 125
Subwoofer: DIGITAL10, DIGITAL12, SUB6, SUB10, SUB 125
As the a c k n o w l e d g e d master of sound reinforcement woofers create a solid deep bass foundation that con
in venues of all sizes, JBL has the necessary skills to cre tributes to the realism of your listening experience. In
ate optimized dedicated bass loudspeakers for music addition, because your main loudspeakers a n d main
a n d movies in the h o m e . The introduction of discrete amplifier n o longer have to cope w i t h the prodigious
digital surround formats (Dolby Digital' a n d DTS j demands of the lowest frequencies, midrange clarity
w i t h separate L o w Frequency Effects channels a n d
the widespread use of digital music media (CD, Mini-
disc, etc.) place greater demands than ever before o n Flexibility of Placement
the l o w frequency performance of h o m e entertain Another major advantage of separate, dedicated bass
ment systems. JBL p o w e r e d subwoofers are designed loudspeakers is that they allow y o u to optimize the
for natural, extended deep bass w i t h authority a n d placement of y o u r main loudspeakers for the best pos
control. sible focus a n d soundstage recteation, while posi
tioning the subwoofer in the ideal location for clean,
Integral Deep Bass Systems extended bass response. JBL p o w e r e d subwoofers
Because JBL p o w e r e d subwoofers incorporate cross include all the controls a n d adjustment options y o u
over networks, drivers, p o w e r amplifiers a n d cabinets need in order to integrate seamlessly w i t h your main
engineered w i t h o n e single purpose in mind, optimal loudspeakers a n d y o u r listening room.
reproduction of the lowest audible octaves, JBL sub
Inputs: Speaker and line level Speaker and line level Speaker and line level
Outputs: High pass speaker level High pass speaker level -
JBL continually strives to update a n d improve existing product, as well as create n e w ones. The specifications
a n d constructions details in this a n d related JBL publications are therefore subject to change w i t h o u t prior notice.
Class-D digital-amplifier technology Full range of setup for any type and configuration
Ideally suited for reproducing the LFE channel including volume control, phase switch and adjustable
of Dolby* Digital and DTS™ soundtracks low-pass crossover
Maximum sound-pressure level in a compact Speaker and line-level inputs and speaker-level
configuration high-pass outputs
PB10, PB12
A new dimension in low frequency during extended periods of high-volume operation. The
effects heavy-duty driver frames are constructed for high stabil
The n e w PowerBass Series digitally powered subwoofers ity under the most demanding conditions, and the
are t w o high-performance subwoofers designed to deliv drivers are mounted in a down-firing, ported, rigid, non-
er unmatched low-frequency impact and sonic realism in resonant enclosure that delivers maximum sound-pres
home-theater and music systems. The series is comprised sure level in a compact configuration.
of the PBI2 112-inch driver 250 warts) and the PBIO
110-inch driver 150 watts), and incorporates a host of Flexibility for Today's
advanced technologies to bring true theater-quality bass Home-Theater Installations
performance right into the home. A l o n g w i t h p h e n o m e n a l bass performance, the JBL
The n e w PowerBass subwoofers deliver truly incredible PowerBass Series is designed for ease of installation in
low-frequency performance and are ideally suited for any home-theatet or music system a n d their small
reproducing the LFE channel of Dolby* Digital and DTS footprints make them easily adaptable to any living
soundtracks. environment. The PBI2 a n d PBIO both offer a full
The PB 12 and PB 10 both utilize JBL's exclusive Class-D r a n g e of setup a n d adjustment controls which
digital-amplifier technology, w h i c h operates in Class-D enables them to achieve a seamless sonic blend w i t h
mode a n d uses digital-switching amplifier technology any type a n d configuration of loudspeaker system,
for exceptionally high power output w i t h high efficien including a volume control, phase switch, adjustable
cy and dramatically reduced distortion, even w h e n low-pass crossover, plus speaker- a n d line-level inputs
reproducing no-holds-barred action-movie soundtracks a n d speaker-level high-pass outputs. Heavy-duty, five-
at high-volume listening levels. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ w a y gold-plated binding posts allow easy connection
using any type of speaker cable. Both models also fea
State of the art drivers ture a direct subwoofer input, making t h e m ideal for
JBL PowerBass Series subwoofers employ the highest use w i t h D o l b y * * Digital® a n d DTS* receivers a n d pro
quality drivers for clean, articulate, musically accurate cessors w h e n reproducing the " . ] " low-frequency
bass response. The woofer cones are composed of a effects channel.
pure-cellulose-fiber material, a lightweight, stiff material JBL's PowerBass Series subwoofers are the perfect "fin
w i t h extremely fast response for a more realistic and ishing touch" to a high-performance home entertain
detailed rendering of ultralow frequencies. The voice- ment system, adding the low-frequency extension a n d
coil magnets are vented for efficient heat dissipation, impact that take movie soundtrack a n d music reproduc
increased power handling and accurate response even tion to n e w levels of sonic realism.
JBL continually strives to update a n d improve existing product, as well as create n e w ones. The specifications
a n d constructions details in this a n d related JBL publications are therefore subject to change w i t h o u t prior notice.