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Aerobic Capacity Rowing

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Aerobic Capacity Rowing


Swim Workout #1 (posted Jul-18)

4x50 w/ 30sec rest (25 backstroke kick/25 free swim)
4x75 free w/ fins w/ 30sec rest (25 free max effort/50 free easy)
4x100 free swim w/ 50 free easy b/t each
4x75 free kick w/ fins w/ 30sec rest
4x50 free pull w/ 30sec rest
100 cool down
Total: 1700

Swim Workout #1 (scaled)

3x50 w/ 30sec rest (25 backstroke kick/25 free swim)
4x50 free w/ fins w/ 30sec rest (25 free max effort/25 free easy)
3x100 free swim w/ 50 free easy b/t each
4x50 free kick w/ fins w/ 30sec rest
3x50 free pull w/ 30sec rest
100 cool down
Total: 1300

Swim Workout #2
5x50 any drill (switch every 25) w/ 30sec rest
1x300 pull
5x50 dolphin kick w/ fins w/ 30sec rest
1x200 swim
5x50 swim w/ fins w/ 30sec rest
100 pull for time (max effort)
5x50 swim (25 sprint/25 easy) w/ 30sec rest
100 cool down
Total: 1700

Swim Workout #2 (scaled)

4x50 any drill (switch every 25) w/ 30sec rest
1x200 pull
4x50 dolphin kick w/ fins w/ 30sec rest
1x150 swim
5x50 swim w/ fins w/ 30sec rest
100 pull for time (max effort)
4x50 swim (25 sprint/25 easy) w/ 30sec rest
100 cool down
Total: 1400

Swim Workout #3
2x50 kick no fins w/ 15sec rest
2x100 pull w/ 30sec rest
2x150 kick w/ fins w/ 45 sec rest
2x200 swim w/ 60sec rest
2x150 kick w/ fins w/ 45 sec rest
2x100 pull w/ 30sec rest
2x50 kick w/ 15sec rest
100 cool down
Total: 1700

Swim Workout #3 (scaled)

2x50 kick no fins w/ 15sec rest
2x75 pull w/ 30sec rest
2x100 kick w/ fins w/ 45 sec rest
2x150 swim w/ 60sec rest
2x100 kick w/ fins w/ 45 sec rest
2x75 pull w/ 30sec rest
2x50 kick w/ 15sec rest
100 cool down
Total: 1300

Swim Workout #4
3x100 free kick w/ fins w/ 30sec rest
3x50 fly kick w/ 15sec rest
8x25 swim w/fins 20sec rest (one easy, one no breathing)
3x100 pull w/ buoy w/ 30sec rest
3x50 pull w/ buoy and paddles w/ 15sec rest
8x25 w/ 20sec rest (from the middle of the pool...FAST turns & long push off)
3x100 free w/ 20sec rest
3x50 free w/ 10sec rest
100 warm down
Total: 1850

Swim Workout #4 (scaled)

2x100 free kick w/ fins w/ 30sec rest
3x50 fly kick w/ 15sec rest
6x25 swim w/fins 20sec rest (one easy, one no breathing)
2x100 pull w/ buoy w/ 30sec rest
3x50 pull w/ buoy & paddles w/ 15sec rest
6x25 w/ 20sec rest (from the middle of the pool...FAST turns & long push off)
2x100 free w/ 20sec rest
3x50 free w/ 10sec rest
100 warm down
Total: 1450


posted Jul-18

1) Lactate Clearance Row Workout:

5 sets:
300m at fast pace (at 1k PR pace),
100m at easy recovery pace,
100m at max effort sprint pace,
100m at easy recovery pace.

No rest b/t reps &

4min rest b/t rounds

Workout Details: Row 300m very fast, row 100m very easy, row 100m at max effort,
row 100m very easy, rest 4min, repeat for total of 5 sets.

2) Strength Endurance Row Workout:

5 sets:
3x deadlifts at 225/185,
6x box jumps w/ step down (36”/30") step down,
12x jumping feet tuck (heels hits butt) ¾ depth
200m row at max effort
24x air squats at very slow recovery pace

No rest b/t reps &

4min of rest b/t rounds

3) Lactate Threshold Row Workout:

1000m moderate pace
Rest 2min
8 x 200m hard w/ 20sec rest b/t reps

800m moderate pace

Rest 2min
6 x 200m hard w/ 20sec rest b/t reps
600m moderate pace
Rest 2min
4 x 200m hard w/ 20sec rest b/t reps

400m moderate pace

Rest 2min
2 x 200m hard w/ 20sec rest b/t reps

Total: 6800m

Workout Pacing:
Hard = 2k PR pace
Moderate = 2K PR pace plus 10 to 13sec/500m

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