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Jim Rohn Goal Setting Guide

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Excellence is a Mindset

How do you define excellence? Excellence for us is more a lifestyle or a mindset than a destination.

The concept of excellence had one of its earliest appearances in ancient Greece. The Greek word arête means
goodness, excellence or virtue. In ancient Greek culture, arête stood for courage and strength in the face of
adversity and it was what all people aspired to. It also represented living up to one’s full potential.

“The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment

to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.”
—Vince Lombardi

Excellence, therefore, defines who you are as a person. When you live it, it exudes from you and influences
everything you do, as well as those around you. Living a life of excellence brings peace, joy, and fulfillment.

Excellence is a mindset. Define it, choose it, and make it a habit!

Give excellence your attention. Define it . . . tune into it . . . own it . . . set your mind to it.

To tune into excellence, we start by defining excellence for ourselves. What does it look like when we tune into
excellence? What do we look like? What does our environment look like? What are we saying and feeling? What
are our actions, our interactions?

When we actually make a choice and set our minds to excellence, it’s much like setting a thermostat that
functions to establish and maintain a desired temperature automatically. We are in effect setting the bar for our
actions, for our thoughts, for our words, for our life. We’re defining a standard or level that we aspire to, that
we wish to maintain in our lives . . . that we wish to strive for every day.

Choose excellence . . . make it a habit!

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

A habit begins with a thought, followed by a choice, followed by consistent action.

The 8 Keys of Excellence

The 8 Keys of Excellence taught at SuperCamp are sound principles to live by. Principles define the character of a
person, and when we embrace and “live” the 8 Keys of Excellence they serve as catalysts that propel us toward a
life of excellence.

Match behavior with values
Demonstrate your positive personal values in all you do and say. Be sincere and real.


Learn from mistakes
View failures as feedback that provides you with the information you need to learn, grow, and succeed.


Speak honestly and kindly
Think before you speak. Make sure your intention is positive and your words are sincere.

Make the most of every moment
Focus your attention on the present moment. Keep a positive attitude.

Make your dreams happen
Take positive action. Follow your vision without wavering.

Take responsibility for actions
Be responsible for your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. “Own” the choices you make and the results
that follow.

Be willing to do things differently
Recognize what’s not working and be willing to change what you’re doing to achieve your goal.

Live your best life
Be mindful of self and others while focusing on what’s meaningful and important in your life. Inner
happiness and fulfillment come when your mind, body, and emotions are nurtured by the choices you make.

Bobbi DePorter, our founder and president, developed the 8 Keys of Excellence more than 35 years ago by
studying highly successful people and identifying the traits they shared. These shared qualities became the 8 Keys
of Excellence Principles to Live By, and they form the core of our SuperCamp programs for students. In addition to
SuperCamp, thousands of teachers across the country use the 8 Keys of Excellence character education program
in their classrooms to inspire and guide their students.

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