Universal Vibration (A) PDF
Universal Vibration (A) PDF
Universal Vibration (A) PDF
Experiment 1: Simple Pendulum 5
Experiment 2: Compound Pendulum 6
Experiment 3: Centre of Percussion 8
Experiment 4: Determination of the Acceleration due to Gravity by
means of a Kater Pendulum 10
Experiment 5: Bifilar Suspension 11
Experiment 6: Mass-Spring Systems 12
Experiment 7: Torsional Oscillations of a Single Rotor 14
Experiment 8: Torsional Oscillations of a Single Rotor with Viscous
Damping 16
Experiment 9: Torsional Oscillations of a Two Rotor System 19
Experiment 10: Transverse Vibration of a Beam with One or More
Bodies Attached 20
Experiment 11: Undamped Vibration Absorber 24
Experiment 12: Forced Vibration of a Rigid Body - Spring System with
Negligible Damping 25
Experiment 13: Free Damped Vibrations of a Rigid Body -Spring
System 27
Experiment 14: Forced Damped Vibration of a Rigid Body -Spring
System 29
Figure1 TM16universalvibrationapparatus
TQ Universal Vibration
1= =,11fY
-- -
D4 \ Out-of-balance discs
D5 I Beam ~
-- .-- --0
-- 0'-
<D> i
~~ -
Su !2t!1
i E3
E5 Su It for micrometer 10,11
Figure2 Speedcontrolunit frontpanel layout
experiments powered by a conb"Ol unit. This unit with exciter mdor and
combinationcomprisesof a control box and d.c. motor, raduated discs
whjch provides high precjsion speed conb"Olof the
motor up to 3000 rev/min, jrrespectjve of the normal G1 IVlbratio~ 8t1S9rber 11
load fluctuationsof the motor.
The front panelof the unjt containsa speedconb"Ol,
l!:!! Rdor (254mn diamet8f') .f
a fully calibrated speed meter incorporating an
I~ Rotor and additionalmassea ~
automaric range switchjng device (there being two I
Table 1
Introduction Apparatus
A rigid body that swings about a fIXed horizontal axis, The compound pendulum consists of a steel rod of
shown in figure 5, displacesthrough an angle 9 and is length 762 mrn and diameter 12.7min. The rod is
subjectto a restoringcouplemgh sinO. supported on the cross member B 1 by an adjustable
knife-edge which, when moved along the rod,
effectively altersthe valueof h discussedabove.
Detennine the location of the centre of gravity of the
rod (midway alongthe rod).
For a given value of LI from one end, tighten the
knife-edge and then suspendthe rod by placing the
knife-edge on the cross beam so that it swings freely
through a small angle without any rotation of the
Once the system is swinging freely measureand
Figure 5 Compound pendulum note the time taken for 20 complete oscillations and
recordthe periodictime, 'to
If anglee is sensiblysmall,the equationof motion Repeatthe procedurefor differing valuesof LI and
becomes: enter the values in Table 3. In order to perfonn further
tests, slackenedoff the knife-edge be and move along
-+ ~ ]e = 0 the rod to a new position. It is found that removing the
pendulum from the cross-beam to carry out any
~ IA
adjustmentsis the easiestmethod.
!!!!!!. =r02
d 6L ' d" 2K Th" "
an ulepeno Ictlme t=-. IS gIves:
't = 2nII
Further Considerations
I. Calculatethe length of the simple equivalent
pendulum for theabovecasewhere
~ =21tH (simplependulum)
is equalto
for a compoundpendulum.
If you subject a compoundpendulum supportedon a
horizontalpivot to an impact force at an arbitrary point,
there will be a horizontal reaction at the pivot. We can
liken this to a cricket bat striking a ball - thereis one
particular point at which the strike occurs, for which
there is no horizontal reaction at the pivot of the
compound pendulum. Such a point is the centre of
percussion.The location of sucha point is the object of
this particularexperiment. Sikiable~t;
Figure 7
Table 4 will indicate the variation of periodic time as
the radius of gyration about the point of suspension
varies.Calculatea theoretical value for k. the radius of
gyration about the centre of gravity, from the
Figure 6 illustratesthe apparatus,and consistsof a steel dimensionsof the pendulum.
ball as part of a simple pendulum (B6) and the
rectangularshapedwooden compoundpendulum (B5) Test Time for 20 kA k
having an adjustablesteel weight slidable in a central Number oscillations (m) 1m)
slot. Both are suspendedon steel knife-edgesfrom the
horizontal cross-beam(B 1) at the top of the portal 2
frame. The simple pendulum is located in a V -groove
whilst the knife-edgeof the compoundpendulumrests
on the flat surfaceof the beam. ~
TQ Universal Vibration
~ =h]+k2
By arrangement
4r r.+~
-=+ r.-~
g 2(11.
+~) 2(11.
Apparatus Figure 9
The apparatusrequiredfor this experimentconsistsof a
pendulum having two adjustable knife-edges and an Find the cenb'eof gravity of the pendulumby balancing
adjustable cylindrical bob (B4) suspendedfrom the it on a knife-edge and measuring hi and h2, the
hardenedsteelcross-beam(BI). SeeFigure 8. respectivedistancesof the knife-edgesfrom the cenb'e
of gravity. The distancebetweenthe two edges is the
lengthof the simple equivalentpendulum,L.
Ih1=O.2om 1~.O.30m 1
1't1= 112. 1
Table 5
4r = J!f...:!~ + J!f...:!..:!ll
g 2(~+~) 2(~-~)
From which the valueof g is detennined
TQ Universal Vibration
With the bar is suspendedby the wires, adjust length L
to a convenientsize, and measurethe distancebetween
the wires, b. Displacethe bar through a small angleand
measurethe time taken for 20 complete oscillations.
From this, calculatethe periodictime.
Adjust the length of the wires, L, and measurethe
time taken for a further 20 swings. Increasethe inertia
of the body by placing two massessymmetrically on
either side of the centreline distance x apart, and
repeatingthe procedurefor various valuesof L and the
distancebetween the masses.Calculate the radius of
gyration k of the system as previously outlined.
Figure 10 Tabulatethe resultsin Table 6.
I Test I L x J 't I k ~Jml/=m~!
number (m) (m) I (s) I (m) (ml) I (kg) I (kgmz)
Table 6 Results for bifilar suspension
t = 47t6;- 2L
where I is moment of inertia about swing axis through
TQ Universal Vibration
Figure 13
Procedure: Part A
Figure 12 Fix the specimenspring to the portal frame, with the
loading platfonn suspendedunderneathand the guide
Ax rod passingthroughthe guide bush.Carefully adjustthe
Slope of the line is the 'deflection coefficient' in
4F systemto ensurethat the guide bush is directly below
metresper newton. the top anchoragepoint, since any misalignment will
The reciprocal of this is the stiffness of the spring produceexperimentalerrorsdueto friction. Friction can
and is the force required to produceunit deflection. A be minimisedby usinggreaseor oil aroundthe bush.
rigid body of massM under elastic restraint,supported Using the gauge measurethe length of the spring
by spring(s).fonDSthe basisof all analysisof vibrations with the platfonn unloaded.Add weights in increments,
in mechanical systems.The basic equation is of the taking note of the extensionin Table 7, until reachinga
form: suitable maximum load. Remove the weights, again
noting the length at each increment, as the system is
Mx=-k;x unloaded.From thesevaluesdetenninethe mean value
where k = stiffness of the spring of extensionfor the spring.
'C- ~
~7tJ¥ ...Q!
Apparatus -.1!
Figure 13 showsthe requiredset-upfor the experiment. 2.0
Suspendanyone of the three helical springs supplied M
from the upper adjustableassembly(CI) and clamp to -1:!.
the top memberof the portal frame. ..1.1.
To the lower end of the spring is bolted a rod and M-
integralplatform (C3) onto which 0.4 kg massesmay be 4.0
added.The rod passesthrougha brassguide bush,fixed
to an adjustableplate (C2), which attachesto the lower Table 7
member.A depth gaugeis supplied which, when fitted
to the upper assemblywith its movable stem resting on Plot a graph for the extension against load, and from
the top plate of the guide rod, can be used to measure this determinethe spring stiffness,k.
deflection,and therebythe stiffness,of a given spring.
TO Universal Vibration
Procedure: Part B
Add massesto the platfonn in varying increments,pull ~
down on the platfonn and releaseto produce vertical
vibrations in the system.For each incrementof weight
notethe time taken for 20 completeoscillationsin Table
8, and from this calculatethe periodictime, "to
: Meancoil diameter:
Meanwire diameter:
Number of coils:
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
At Time for 20 Period't ~ Mass,M (kg)
k oscillations (6) , (a2)
Figure 15 Part B graph
- Tfn2(27t)=i~ - 0)2
:liminating Tf from the above two equationsgives:
~ ..
mgh = ,mv'"+ J~ ~
from which J canbe calculated
m = massof the falling body (kg).
h = height of fall (m).
Figure 16 v = maximum velocity of the body striking ground
By bolting two pairs of steel arms to each side and w = correspondingmaximum angular velocity of the
attachingheavymassesat eachend, we can increasethe
wheel (rad/s).
TQ Universal Vibration
L Time for 20 Perlod't
{!!!.!!!l ~~L
Table 9
Pass the shaft through the bracket centre hole, so that it
enters the chuck on the flywheel and then tighten. Move
the bracket along the slotted base until the distance
between the jaws of the chuck corresponds to the
required length L. Tighten the chuck on the bracket. Further Considerations
Ensure that the jaws securely grip the shaft. Displace 1. Using the falling weight method, if the string
the rotor (flywheel) angularly and record the time for 20 wrapped around the axle of the wheel instead of
oscillations. aroundits rim how would this affect the results?
Vary the distance between the chucks in suitable 2. What change(s)in procedurewould be necessaryif
increments by sliding the bracket, and record and you useda steppedshaft insteadof one of uniform
tabulate the values of periodic time for the various shaft sectionthroughoutits length?
lengths.Plota graphof -r againstL.
TQ Universal Vibration
The equationof the angularmotion is:
d2e fA)
dt2'+a"di+b8 =0
C k
where a=- and b=-
e = ce(-a/2t)cos(Pt + ",)
where C and . are constants. K2
The periodic time is
Measuring amplitudes on the same side of the near K3
position,the nth oscillation is:
Figure 18
i1 ~
2 ~
~ ~
~ ~
" Xs=
Table 10
Plot a graphof lo8e(xo/ xn) to a baseof n. Confim1that
the dampingis viscous,and that the slope of the line is
equalto (at/2) (the logarithmicdecrement).
Selectand fit a suitable shaft, noting the length of the The period can be found by timing a convenient
shaftbetweenthe two insidefacesof the chuck,together number of oscillations using a stopwatch,whereupon
with the diameterof the shaft. Allow the pen to fall, and the constant,a, is detenninedand hencethe value of the
measurethe rate of descentof the pen (in mm/second) damping coefficient (the torque per unit angular
by timing the descentof the pen over a fIXed length of velocity) in Nm/rad/s-i. The polar momentof inertia of
paper,usinga stopwatch. the rotor is detenninedas in Experiment7.
The system is now ready for recording torsional
oscillations.Raisethe pen to the top of the paperon the Part B: Investigation of how the Damping
drum and rotate the rotor to an angle of approximately Coefficient depends on the Depth of
40° and then release.A trace of the oscillationscan be Immersion of the Rotor in the Oil
obtainedby bringing the pen into contactwith the paper
Repeat Part A for each oil level as defined by the seven
using the thumbnuton the supportand allowing the pen
graduations on the conical portion of the rotor.
to descend.
The damping coefficient depends on the area A of
the curved surface of the conical portion of the rotor
exposed to viscous damping. This area is equal to 1V/,
where r is the radius of base of core and / is the slant
height equal to [r2-;-j;i.
Plot a graph of damping coefficient to a base of A
times mean radius.
Tabulatetheseasin Table II
TQ Universal Vibration
(mm) rm (mm)
(mm2) (mmJ) (s)
25.0 ~
37.5 18.75
~ 25.00
82.5 ~
~ ~
87.5- ~.75
Table 11 Results of torsional oscillation with viscous damping
Figure 21
t- ~
~ GJ(/. + /2
One of the shaftsclampsbetweenthe two rotors H. and
H2 of predetenninedinertia. Recordthe effective length
where of the shaft measuredbetweenthe jaws of the chucks.
II = Momentof inertiaof therotor 1; Carefully tighten the chucksto ensurethat neither rotor
h = Moment of inertia of rotor 2; canslip relative to the shaft.
L = Length of the shaftbetweenthe rotors; Rotateeachrotor through a small angle in opposite
G = Modulus of rigidity of the materialof the shaft; directionsand then release.Torsional oscillationsof the
J = Polar second moment of area of the shaft system are thereby set up and the time for 20
The periodic time of the systemmay be determined
and comparedwith the theoretical value given by the
fonnula quoted in the introduction. Detennine the
momentsof inertia of the rotors the methoddescribedin
Polar secondmomentof area J = ~d4
Further Considerations
When oscillating torsionally, the two rotors oscillate
back-to-backabout a non-moving section of the shaft,
called the node.It is instructiveto locatethe position of
the node for a given pair of inertiasand their shaft.This
can be doneby introducinga third (dummy) rotor in the
form of a cardboard disc (of negligible inertia) and
The apparatus,as in Figure 22, is that of Experiment7, moving it along the shaftto a position where it becomes
with the bracket (II) replacedby a secondrotor (HI) fixed in space.
which is free to rotate on a axle fixed to the left-hand
vertical member of portal frame. Both rotors have
Experiment 10: Transverse Vibration of a Beam with One or More Bodies Attached
A graphof (1/f to a baseof m givesa straight line, as
in Figure23.
Natural frequency of the system, i. e. Deam
The right-hand supportconsistsof two roller bearings, Dunkerley's equatior applicableto this situatior and
which are fi'ee to move in a guide block locatedon the is given by:
inside face.At the centreof the beambolt a small motor
carrying two 'out-of-balance' discs (part of Excitor +
Motor and SpeedControl unit). Connectthe motor via
TQ Universal Vibration
Ta Universal Vibration
Figure 26
TQ Universal Vibration
2n V.m13'
f = Natural frequency of the sub (auxiliary)
m = Massof eachof the bodies;
EI = Flexuralrigidity oftbe doublecantilever.
Figure 27
Experiment 12: Forced Vibration of a Rigid Body Spring System with Negligible Damping
When external forces act on a system during its
vibratory motion, it is termed forced vibration. Under
conditions of forced vibration, the systemwill tend to
vibrate at its own natural frequencysuperimposedupon
the frequencyof the excitationforce.
Friction and dampingeffects,though only slight are Amplitude:
presentin all vibrating systems;that portion of the total
amplitude not sustained by the external force will
gradually decay. After a short time, the system will
vibrate at the frequency of the excitation force, Resonanceoccurs when b - <Ii = o. So the critical
regardlessof the initial conditionsor natural frequency
angularvelocity of the motor is given by .Jb.
of the system.In this experiment,observeand compare
the natural frequency of the forced vibration of a Note that in practical circumstancesthe amplitude,
rectangularsectionbeamwith the analyticalresults. althoughit may be very large, doesnot becomeinfmite
becauseof the small amountof dampingthat is always
Theory present.
D&- 05.
. t
09, -Spring!
Figure 28 D1 I'
02' 01
The systemis shownin Figure28 and comprisesof: D3 [J6
1. A beamAB, of length b, sensiblyrigid, of massm,
freely pivoted at the left-handend.
2. A spring of stiffi1essS attachedto the beam at the
point C.
3. A motor with out-of-balancediscs attachedto the
beamat D. -
M = massof the motor including the two discs. T -&..I.-..
.. ! S- S.I
The equation of the angular motion is:
Figure 29
The chartrecorder(07) fits to the right-handvertical unit time (i.e. the frequency) of the forced vibration
member of the frame and provides the means of beam.
obtaining a trace of the vibration. The recorder unit You need to known the speedof the paper on the
consists of a slowly rotating dnun driven by a chart recorder. To obtain this, record a trace for 20
synchronousmotor, operatedfrom auxiliary supply on seconds,for example, then measurethe length of the
the Excitor Motor and Speed Control unit. A roll of trace,thuscalculatingthe speedin rnrn/s.
recording paper is adjacentto the dnun and is wound Determine the values of the relevant parametersas
round the drum so that the paper is driven at a constant describedin the theory: lengths£., ~ magnitudeof the
speed.A felt-tipped pen fits to the free end of the beam; massesm and M, also the stiffnessof the spring.
meansare provided for drum adjustmentso that the pen
just touchesthe paper.A small attachableweight guides Results and Calculations
the paper vertically downwards. By switching on the Using a stopwatch,time the linear speedof the drum
motor, we can obtain a trace showingthe oscillationsof for 20 vibrations and determinethe time for one cycle
the end of the beam. (period of vibration). Using the two different methods
If the amplitude of vibration near to the resonance detennine the correspondingfrequency. Calculate the
condition is too large we can introduce extra damping relevantmomentof inertia.
into the system by fitting the dashpot assembly(part
numbers02, 03 and 09) nearto the pivoted end of the If
Experimental Procedure m
First plug the electrical lead from the synchronous
C~ m
motor into the auxiliary socketon the Excitor Motor and
Speed Control. Adjust the handwheel of bracket C I Table 17
until the beamis horizontaland bring the chart recorder
into a position wherethe penjust touchesthe recording
Switch on the speed control unit so the resuhing
forced vibration causesthe beamto oscillate.It hasbeen
found that a frequency of about 2 Hz is suitable, the The
position of the motor can be adjustedaccordingly.The
time for 20 oscillations will then be approximately 10
seconds.The chart recorder can record the number of S Nm-J
cycles performed by the beam in a given time
b=-= .,,: It
/A kgm2
(calculated,knowing the speedof the paper or, better
still, by visual counting).
Bring the pen into contact with the paper, then
recordthe numberof cyclesand calculatethe cycles per
TQ Univel$8l Vibration
The theory from now on is identical to that set out in a =-cIJ. and
Experiment8 (the samesymbolsare used).
The apparatus is as shown in Figure 28 and Figure 29 in
Experiment 12, except that the exciter motor is not From this the dampingcoefficient, c, the resistingforce
required since only free vibrations are of interest. The per unit relative velocity canbe determined.
Excitor Motor and Speed Control unit is required in
order to drive the drum on the recorder unit D7. The Results
system is set vibrating freely by pulling down on the Enter the results in Tables 18 and 19, one relating to
free end of the beam a short distance (15 - 25 mm) and maximum damping(orifice plates in the dashpotset to
releasing. Use the chart recorder to obtain a trace of just give maximum area) and the other to minimum
three successive amplitudes on the same side of the damping.
mean position. Vary the damping by moving the
Table 18 Maximum damping
TQ Universal Vibr8tion
x x Damping coeff c
Length L1 (m) Amplitude ratio -!.. Log dec Log-!- Period 't (s) Constant a
X1 x, (HIm s-')
I 0.10
graph.This infonnation may be usedin Experiment14.
'A. E i
~ ~rea
TQ Universal Vibration
Introduction Dm = !.m!!-
Having establishedthe effect of viscous damping on
free vibrations in the previousexperiment,the effect on
forced vibration is now analysed.To assessthe relative
magnitudeof the forced vibration, use the concept of It can be shown that:
'dynamic magnifier'. This is the ratio of the amplitude
of the forced vibration to the deflectionproducedif the
maximum value of the disturbing force F is applied
statically, underthe sameelasticrestraint.
Theory (4)
The out-of-balanceforce is: and in nearly all practical circumstances,damping is
2mrwl (two discs) 'light', andthereforea is sensiblysmall so
m = Mass corresponding to hole in each disc (kg);
Dm = 1-{~/~} .
r = Radius to centre of hole (m);
C1) = Angular velocity of discs(rad/s). (5)
(J) = Circular frequencyof the forced vibration
Note that the ratio of the rotationalspeedof the discsto (rad/s);
that of the motor is 22:72. Consider this when ~ = Circular frequencyof free undampedvibration
calculatingthe angularvelocity of the discs,(J) rad/s, (rad/s).
from the speedindicatedon the control unit.
Referring to Figure 29, the equationof the angular Apparatus
motion is: Figure 29 showsthe apparatuswith the dashpotadded
and the addition of an extra item: a plate clampedto the
!_-J 9 = (Fsin(JX)4~_~e)f1-(~9~ out-of-balancedisc. The plate holds a piece of circular
which reduces to the standard fonn: The recording pen fits to pivot (08), which clamps
9+00+b9 = Asinrot to the upper memberof the frame and clips above the
frame when not in use. The pen makes a trace of the
Only the steady-statemotion is of interesti.e. locus of the point at any radius on the rotor. Since the
{) = Asin(CIJt - 41) rotor is capable of vertical as well as rotational
movement,you can obtain a trace from which the phase
~(b-w2r+<0202 lag can be determined.
The natural frequencyof the system is first found as
describedin Part 4 of Experiment 13, by analysingthe
free vibrations of the system,without the dashpot,from
a traceproducedon the chart recordingunit (D7).
Lfm = Fit the dashpotunit (D2) at a suitablepoint along the
90 beam to give a definite degree of damping (as
determinedin Experiment 13). Then rotate the exciter
discs at a very low speedand obtain a datum trace on
the papermountedon the plate attachedto the nearside
disc. Mark the position of the hole in the disc on the
Increasethe speed of rotation to develop forced
(2) vibration of reasonableamplitudein the beam.Obtain a
where second 'dynamic' trace on the paper mounted on the
plate. Also obtain a trace on the chart recorder at the
k = 84 (torsionalstiffnessof thebeam). right-hand end of the beam (as in Experiment 12) in
Deflectionsmeasuredarethoseof the endB of the beam order to determine the amplitude of the vibrations.
andaregivenbyx = Le so: Repeatthe procedurefor different speedsbelow and
above the critical speed to show how the value of
dynamic magnifier varies with frequency for a give
valueof the dampingcoefficient.
TQ Universal Vibration
Tabulatethe results as shown in Table 20 and 21, the
columns numbering is for the purpose of this
There are two tables, one for die case of no
damping, the other for a definite degree of damping.
Presenta specimenof calculations in respect of each
I Excitor
motor locity
X- (mm)
~Ph-. ~v
(O) I
Static deflection
Dynamic magnifier
speed (rev/min) Wn (Dm)
Table 20 No damping
I ~ I
I 625
I -900 zoo
Table21 Dampino
Ta Universal Vibration
, ,.
- ~-
0.90 0.95
1.05 1.10
Figure 33 Phase lag against ratio oi~
J. Hannahand R.C. Stephens
"Mechanics of Machines Advanced Theory and
EdwardArnold 1972London
W .T. Thompson
"Theoryof Vibration"
Allen & Unwin 1981London.
W.W. Seto
SchaumOutline Series,McGraw-HilI, 1964USA.
J.L. Meriam
"Dynamics- 2nd Edition"
JohnWiley 1971USA.
S.P. Timoshenko
"Vibration Problems in Engineering"
4th Edition, Wiley 1974 W. Sussex, UK.
Operation and Use overrides the front panel conb'ol. Connectionsto the
DIN connectorare:
A SpeedControl Unit comes as part of the Universal
PIN 1 PotentiometerSUpp1y
Vibration Apparatus. The unit provides complete bi-
PIN 2 'earth PIN 3' wiper
directionaldrive and high precisionspeedcontrol of the
Motorffacho-generator under all nonnal conditions,
Connection and Operation
using a closed-loopcontrol system.An amplifier detects
any difference betweenthe motor speedand the input Motor/Tacho-Generator, TM16f (F1)
commandvohageset by the 'Set Speed'control on the Ensure all switches are in the 'oW position before
front panel. The amplifier drives the motor until the proceeding and the motor and/or recorder has been
differenceis approximatelyzero. Provisionsfor the very physically installed as outlined previously.
high currents for acceleration and deceleration are
I. Connect the speed controller to a suitable mains
automatical. The speed control can maintain speeds
from 3000rev/min down to less than lrev/min when supply.
2. Connect the motor to the socket marked 'd.c.
usedwith the Motorffacho-generator.
The front panel of the unit contains a 'set speed'
3. Switch the unit on and adjust ilie motor speed using
control, a fully calibrated speed meter incorporating
ilie 'Set Speed' control.
automatic range switching, a motor forward/reverse
switch, mainsinput socketand switch, d.c. motor power The unit will automatically switch to the COITeCtspeed
socket,external control and an auxiliary oUtput socket scale.
and switch.
Drum Recorder, TM16d (D7)
Set Speed Control I. Switchthe unit off.
A ten turn control giving increasing speed with 2. Connect the drum recorder to the socket marked
clockwiserotation. either 'auxiliary output' or 'drum supply240 Y'.
3. As (3) above.
Speed Meter 4. Switch on the drum recorderwhenrequired
The speedmeter has two ranges,0 - 1500rev/min and
0 - 3000 rev/min. Switching between these occurs Connecting the Speed Control Unit in
automaticallywhen the motor speedincreasesaboveor Conjunction with a Stroboscope (not supplied)
decreasesbelow 1500rev/min. The lamps below the I. Switch the unit off.
meterindicatesits range. 2. Plug the BNC T-piece into either of the socketson
the portal frame. Connect the 'trigger supply'
Motor Forward/ReverseSwitch socket on the speedcontroller to dte T-piece and
You canreversethe direction of rotation of the motor at connectthe T-pieceto a stroboscopeusing the BNC
any load or speed without damage. It is, however, to jack lead.
recommended that the motor is stopped before 3. Connectthe leaf contacton the motor to the other
reversing. BNC socketon the portal frame via its lead.
4. As (3) above.The stroboscopewill flash onceevery
External Control revolution of d1emotor.
A DIN connectorprovides connectionfor an external 5. Connectthe stroboscopeto a suitablemainssupply.
set speed control (I k.o.) which. when connected,