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Early Human Development: E. Himpens, A. Oostra, I. Franki, S. Vansteelandt, P. Vanhaesebrouck, C. Van Den Broeck

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Early Human Development 86 (2010) 413–417

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Early Human Development

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / e a r l h u m d ev

Predictability of cerebral palsy in a high-risk NICU population

E. Himpens a,⁎, A. Oostra b, I. Franki a, S. Vansteelandt c, P. Vanhaesebrouck d, C. Van den Broeck a
Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy Ghent, University College Arteveldehogeschool–Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Centre for Developmental Disorders, Ghent, Belgium
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Department of Neonatology, University Hospital Ghent, Ghent, Belgium

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Aim: This study aims to create a predictive model for the assessment of the individual risk of developing
Received 30 March 2010 cerebral palsy in a large cohort of selected high-risk infants.
Received in revised form 17 May 2010 Patients and methods: 1099 NICU-admitted high-risk infants were assessed up to the corrected age of at least
Accepted 18 May 2010 12 months. CP was categorized relative to subtype, distribution and severity. Several perinatal characteristics
(gender, gestational age, multiple gestation, small for gestational age, perinatal asphyxia and duration of
mechanical ventilation), besides neonatal cerebral ultrasound data were used in the logistic regression
Cerebral palsy
model for the risk of CP.
Characteristics of CP
Risk factors for CP
Results: Perinatal asphyxia, mechanical ventilation N 7 days, white matter disease except for transient
Prediction of CP echodensities b 7 days, intraventricular haemorrhage grades III and IV, cerebral infarction and deep grey
matter lesions were recognized as independent predictors for the development of CP. 95% of all children with
CP were correctly identified at or above the cut-off value of 4.5% probability of CP development. Higher
gestational age, perinatal asphyxia and deep grey matter lesion are independent predictors for non-spastic
versus spastic CP (OR = 1.1, 3.6, and 7.5, respectively). Independent risk factors for prediction of unilateral
versus bilateral spastic CP are higher gestational age, cerebral infarction and parenchymal haemorrhagic
infarction (OR = 1.2, 31, and 17.6, respectively). Perinatal asphyxia is the only significant variable retained
for the prediction of severe CP versus mild or moderate CP.
Conclusion: The presented model based on perinatal characteristics and neonatal US-detected brain injuries
is a useful tool in identifying specific infants at risk for developing CP.
© 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction unravel risk factors for the development of CP most studies rely on
univariate analyses or small numbers of infants followed-up. The most
CP is one of the most common causes of motor disability in recent study of the EPIPAGE study group (large population based
childhood with a prevalence varying between 1.5 and 3 per 1000 live study on infants with a gestational age b 32 weeks) assessed the
births [1–4]. CP is defined as a disorder of movement and posture independent role of US-detected lesions combined with several other
causing activity limitations attributable to non-progressive distur- neonatal and obstetric factors as potential predictors of the develop-
bances occurring in the developing foetal or infant brain [5]. Cranial ment of CP [16]. They concluded that cerebral lesions on ultrasound
ultrasonography (cUS) is an excellent tool to detect the most are the most important predictors of CP in very preterm infants. In
frequently occurring brain abnormalities in preterm and full-term addition, they found male sex and preterm premature rupture of
neonates [6]. Brain lesions detected by cUS have proven to be membranes/preterm labour are also independent predictors of CP in
predictive for the development of CP [7–9]. However some children very preterm infants. Absent in literature however is an individual
with CP have normal US images. Other adverse perinatal elements prediction model based on independent predictors of CP. Nonetheless,
such as low gestational age, small for gestation, multiple gestation, having disposition of an individual prediction on the development of
foeto-placental infection/inflammation, postnatal steroids, low CP would help neonatologists in the early decision-making process
APGAR scores, duration of mechanical ventilation are all associated and parental counselling, as well as prediction of the CP character-
with the development of CP [10–15]. However in the attempt to istics would enable therapists to define more precisely short and/or
long term intervention strategies.
This study aims to pinpoint the predictive value of multiple
⁎ Corresponding author. Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy Ghent, Campus
Heymans 2B3, De Pintelaan 185, BE-9000 Ghent, Belgium. Tel.: + 32 9 332 44 18;
independent risk factors for CP including clinical perinatal variables
fax: + 32 9 332 38 11. and neonatal cerebral ultrasound findings in a large consecutive
E-mail address: eveline.himpens@ugent.be (E. Himpens). cohort of high-risk infants. More ambitiously, this study aims to create

0378-3782/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
414 E. Himpens et al. / Early Human Development 86 (2010) 413–417

a predictive model for the assessment of the individual risk of subcortical white matter with a characteristic parasagittal distribution
developing cerebral palsy in a high-risk infant. [21].
Subtypes and distribution of CP are defined according the SCPE
study group (Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe). Children were
2. Methods classified as spastic or non-spastic CP (comprising dyskinesia and
ataxia). According the distributional aspect they were further
During an 11-year period (1995–2005) 1099 children were categorized into bilateral (diplegia and quadriplegia) or unilateral
assessed in the regional ‘Centre for Developmental Disorders Ghent’. spastic CP. Severity of CP is graded as mild + moderate (walking) or
These children were referred from the NICU of the University Hospital severe (not walking). A child with a mild form of CP performs gross
Ghent comprising all children with a GA less than 30 weeks and at risk motor skills independently but speed, balance and coordination are
children with a GA ≥ 30 weeks with brain lesion and/or typical NICU- reduced. His gait is rather clumsy than disabled. CP is defined as
related short and long term complications in serious degree (surgical moderate if the child reaches independent walking with or without
necrotising enterocolitis, chronic lung disease at 36 weeks PMA, walking aids. His gait is obviously impaired. When the child has no
retinopathy of the prematurity grade III or more, meningitis, and basic antigravity postural control and is unable to walk CP is classified
specific congenital infections). Assessment at the regional centre as severe [22,23].
consisted of a detailed physical, neurological and neurodevelopmen- Of all children referred from NICU 85% were assessed at the
tal examination based on the quality of movement. Over the 11-year regional ‘Centre for Developmental Disorders. Fifty infants with major
period mainly one paediatric neurologist and two physiotherapists congenital malformations and/or karyotype anomaly and five chil-
were involved. The first and second assessment took place at the dren with generalized hypotonia were excluded. Five children with
corrected age of 4–6 and 12 months, respectively. In case of abnormal sub- or epidural bleeding and one child with sinovenous thrombosis
or suspicious neurological findings or variant/deviant motor devel- were excluded from the statistical analysis due to small numbers and
opment a third assessment took place at the corrected age of 2 years incompatibility with other categories. Another 54 children were
or more (Table 1). omitted due to missing data for at least one risk factor, leaving 984
Medical records of each child were reviewed and the following risk children eligible for risk analysis (Table 1).
factors were recorded: gestational age (GA), small for gestational age All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 15 for Windows
(SGA; BW b 10th percentile for GA [17]), gender, multiple gestation (SPSS Inc.) and R Version 2.9.1 (package ROCR [24]). Univariate and
(MG), perinatal asphyxia (PA) [18], duration of mechanical ventila- multivariate logistic regressions were performed to determine risk
tion (MV; b2 days, 2–7 days and N7 days) and cerebral US abnormal- factors for CP and its characteristics. Odds ratios (OR) were calculated
ities detected during the NICU stay. In NICU, serial cranial ultrasound with 95% confidence intervals (CI). A model for the individual
(US) were performed at least on days 1, 3, 7, 14 and 90 (or at the time prediction of CP was built using a stepwise backwards likelihood
of discharge). During the 11-year period of data collection, a team of 7 ratio method. Variables were retained if significantly associated with
neonatologists with extensive experience interpreted the US images. CP at the 5% significance level, but GA, gender and multiple gestation
Their conclusions were categorized by the first author. In case of were included in the model regardless of their significance because
doubt the second author was consulted. Brain images were identified they are generally accepted to be of influence. At different levels of
as normal, white matter disease (WMD), intraventricular haemor- sensitivity, cut-off values for the predicted probability of CP, the
rhage (IVH), cerebral infarction (CI), deep grey matter injury (DGM) negative predictive value, the false negative and false positive rates
and parasagittal damage (PD). WMD was subdivided into transient were determined. Sensitivity is the proportion of children with CP
echodensities persisting less than 7 days, periventricular echodensi- who were identified as at risk for developing CP. The negative
ties present for more than 7 days (PVL grade I), small localized cysts predictive value is the proportion of patients with negative test results
(PVL grade II), and extensive periventricular or subcortical cystic (i.e., predicted probability of CP below a chosen cut-off) who are
lesions (PVL grade ≥ III) [19]. Intraventricular haemorrhage com- correctly diagnosed. The false negative rate is the proportion of
prised subependymal haemorrhage (IVH grade I), intraventricular patients with CP for whom the predicted probability of CP was below
haemorrhage without or with ventricular enlargement (IVH grades II a cut-off. The false positive rate is the proportion of patients without
or III, respectively), and parenchymal haemorrhagic infarction (IVH CP for whom the predicted probability of CP exceeded the cut-off. The
grade IV) [20]. Cerebral infarction referred to necrosis confined to the performance of the prediction model was measured by the area under
territory of one or more large cerebral arterial blood vessels. Deep the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC). Nonpara-
grey matter injury involved the thalamus and/or basal ganglia and metric tests and 95% confidence intervals were used to compare AUC's
parasagittal damage referred to a lesion of the cerebral cortex and between models using the roc macro in SAS [25].
This study has been approved by the ethical committee of the
University Hospital Ghent.
Table 1
Follow-up data of the assessed cohort of 984 children.
3. Results
CP No CP All

Number of children 162 (16.5) 822 984 The perinatal characteristics of the 984 eligible children in relation
GA groups (weeks) to CP are presented in Table 2. In this total cohort of high-risk infants
23–27 26 (16.6) 131 157 162 (16.5%) developed CP at follow-up.
28–31 56 (14.3) 336 392
32–36 36 (16) 189 225
≥37 44 (21) 166 210 3.1. Predicting CP
Timing of assessment
4–6 months 155 (95.6) 761 (92.6) 916 (93.1) Significant risk factors for CP identified by univariate as well as
12 months 154 (95.1) 659 (80.2) 813 (82.6)
multivariate analysis are perinatal asphyxia (PA), mechanical venti-
≥2 years 126 (77.7) 385 (46.8) 511 (51.9)
Median age first diagnosis CPa 12 – – lation N 7 days (MV N 7 days), white matter disease except for tran-
Diagnosis CP at 12 monthsb 73.3 – – sient echodensities b 7 days, IVH grades III and IV, cerebral infarction
Data are numbers (%) unless mentioned otherwise; GA = gestational age.
(CI) and deep grey matter lesions (DGM). Of those, the US-detected
Expressed in months of corrected age. brain injuries are the major predictors. Within the groups of WMD
Expressed as percentage. and intraventricular haemorrhage grading of brain involvement is
E. Himpens et al. / Early Human Development 86 (2010) 413–417 415

Table 2
Univariate and multivariate regression model for the predictability of CP based on perinatal characteristics and neonatal neuroimaging data derived from a consecutive cohort of 984
high-risk infants.

CP No CP Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis

n (%) n (%)
OR (95% CI) P OR (95% CI) P

Gestational age (weeks) (GA) 1.0 (1–1.1) 0.05 1.1 (0.9–1.1) 0.05
Small for Gestational Age (SGA) 25 (15) 140 (85) 0.8 (0.6–1.4) 0.59 – –
Multiple Gestation (MG) 48 (17) 230 (83) 1.1 (0.7–1.6) 0.71 1.3 (0.8–2.1) 0.22
Gender (male) 95 (17) 450 (83) 1.2 (0.8–1.6) 0.41 1.2 (0.8–1.8) 0.44
Perinatal Asphyxia (PA) 32 (28) 81 (72) 2.2 (1.4–3.5) b0.001 2.4 (1.3–4.6) 0.008
Mechanical Ventilation (MV)
2–7 days 43 (16) 222 (84) 1.2 (0.8–1.8) 0.39 1.5 (0.9–2.5) 0.12
N7 days 47 (24) 150 (76) 1.9 (1.3–2.9) 0.002 3.1 (1.8–5.5) b0.001
White matter disease 80 (28) 203 (72)
Transient echodensities b7 days 7 (7) 90 (93) 0.6 (0.3–1.3) 0.19 1.1 (0.5–2.6) 0.86
PVL grade I 42 (31) 93 (69) 3.6 (2.2–5.2) b0.001 7.4 (4.4–12.4) b0.001
PVL grade II 8 (42) 11 (58) 5.4 (2.1–13.8) b0.001 10.9 (3.9–30.5) b0.001
PVL grade ≥ III 17 (85) 3 (15) 42.1 (12.1–146.8) b0.001 73.1 (19.8–270) b0.001
Haemorrhage 32 (20) 79 (80)
IVH grade I 6 (13) 39 (87) 0.9 (0.4–2.1) 0.76 1.4 (0.5–3.7) 0.46
IVH grade II 6 (16) 31 (84) 1.1 (0.4–2.7) 0.84 1.2 (0.4–3.3) 0.76
IVH grade III 10 (63) 6 (37) 9.4 (3.4–26.4) b0.001 24.2 (7.7–75.9) b.001
IVH grade IV 10 (77) 3 (23) 18.8 (5.1–69.5) b0.001 58 (14.8–226.3) b0.001
Cerebral infarction (CI) 14 (44) 18 (56) 4.2 (2.0–8.6) b0.001 9.2 (4–21.4) b0.001
Deep grey matter lesion (DGM) 18 (40) 27 (60) 3.7 (2–6.8) b0.001 4.1 (1.8–9.2) b0.001
Parasagittal damage (PD) 6 (26) 17 (74) 1.8 (0.7–4.7) 0.22 – –

P b 0.05; – = excluded from the model by the backwards stepwise method.

directly related to the likelihood of developing CP (Table 2). Under the (false negative) whereas 557 did not develop CP although they were
best fitting model, the risk of CP for an individual infant in a high-risk identified as such (false positive). The overall measure of performance
NICU population can be calculated as: of the presented prediction model, expressed by the area under the
ROC curve (AUC), is 83.3% (95% CI: 80–87%). A model based on the
egðCPÞ neuroimaging data alone results in an AUC of 79.5% (95% CI: 75–84%).
∏ðCPÞ =
1 + egðCPÞ The difference between the AUC's is significantly in favour of the
presented model based on US images and additional perinatal
gðCPÞ = −5:33 + 0 : 06 GA + 0:16 male + 0 : 29 MG + 1 : 15 ðMV N 7 daysÞ characteristics (−0.0378 (95% CI: − 0.0630 to − 0.0126); p = 0.003).
+ 0 : 89 PA + 1 : 41 DGM + 2 : 22 CI + 2 : 08 PVLI + 2 : 39 PVLII
+ 4 : 29 ðPVL≥IIIÞ + 3 : 19 IVHIII + 4 : 06 IVHIV
3.2. Predicting characteristics of CP
In case the risk factor is applicable on a specific infant, ‘1’ should be
The majority of CP children presents spastic bilateral CP. However
entered in the model. Otherwise the risk factor should be left out. GA
multivariate analysis revealed that with increasing gestational age or
should be entered in weeks. For example, for a male infant, born
in the presence of perinatal asphyxia and/or deep grey matter lesion,
singleton at NICU, with a gestational age of 28 weeks, IVH grade III but
it is more likely to develop the non-spastic form of CP (Table 4).
no other positive risk factors, we find
Concerning the distributional aspect of CP, multivariate analysis
g ðCPÞ = −5:33 + 0:06T28 + 0:16 + 3:19 = −0:3 revealed that with increasing gestational age and in the presence of
cerebral infarction and/or IVH grade IV it is more likely to develop
e−0:3 unilateral than bilateral spastic CP. Cerebral infarction is the leading
∏ðCPÞ = = 0:43 predictor of unilateral versus bilateral spastic CP [OR = 31 (95% CI: 4–
1 + e−0:3
242.6)] (Table 4).
indicating a 43% probability of developing CP. Cut-off values of the
prediction were determined corresponding to 95, 90 and 85% Table 4
sensitivities (Table 3). A sensitivity of 95% corresponded to a 4.5% Multivariate regression analysis on the predictability of subtype and distribution of CP.
cut-off meaning that 95% of all children with CP had a predicted
Subtype of CPa Distribution of CPb
probability for developing CP of at least 4.5%. Nine infants who
OR (95% CI) P OR (95% CI) P
developed CP were not identified as being at risk for developing CP
Gestational age (weeks) 1.1 (1–1.2) 0.03 1.2 (1–1.4) 0.03
Small for gestational age – – – –
Table 3 Multiple gestation – – – –
Cut-off values for the prediction of CP in relation to sensitivity, negative predictive Gender – – – –
value, false negative and false positive rates of the total cohort of 984 infants. Perinatal asphyxia 3.6 (1.2–10.9) 0.02 – –
Mechanical ventilation – – – –
Sensitivity Cut-off ∏(CP) N b cut-off NPV FN FP
White matter disease – – – –
(%) (%) N (%) (%) N (%) N (%)
Haemorrhage — IVH grade IV – – 17.1 (3.0–96.6) b.01
95 4.5 272 (28) 96.7 9 (5) 557 (68) Cerebral infarction – – 31 (4–242.6) b.01
90 6.4 456 (46) 96.3 17 (10) 381 (46) Deep grey matter lesion 7.5 (1.4–40.9) 0.02 – –
85 8.8 544 (55) 95.6 24 (15) 300 (37) Parasagittal damage – – – –
75 16.5 688 (71) 94.2 40 (25) 172 (21)
– = Excluded by the backward stepwise logistic regression method.
∏(CP) = probability for developing CP; NPV = negative predictive value; FN = false Reference category: spastic CP.
negative; FP = false positive. Reference category: bilateral spastic CP.
416 E. Himpens et al. / Early Human Development 86 (2010) 413–417

Concerning the severity of CP, stepwise logistic regression retained the study period. Due to this selection bias and the small numbers
perinatal asphyxia as the only significant predictor of severe CP versus statistical analysis on our MRI data would be inaccurate.’
mild and moderate CP [OR = 5.2 (95% CI: 2.2–12.4)]. In our study all the very preterm but only the more ill late preterm
and term infants were included. This selection bias does not distort
the reported associations between CP and its risk factors, because
4. Discussion odds ratios have the property to remain valid under outcome
selection. However, the intercept (−5.33) in the prediction model
This study focuses on a number of known risk factors to create a is influenced by this selection and therefore less transportable to
model that computes the probability of development of CP in an patient populations that are otherwise selected. The prediction of the
individual NICU-admitted infant. Gestational age, gender and multiple development of CP for the individual NICU-admitted infant on the
gestation are not recognized as independent predictors in this study basis of this model can provide a firmer basis for therapeutic decision-
although they are generally accepted as influencing factors and often making in neonates and help in parental counselling. The cut-off
matched for in case–control studies. According to the literature, it is points at different levels of sensitivity can be used depending on the
more likely to develop CP being male [16,26] and/or being a part of a purpose. When parents are informed about the possibility of CP in
multiple pregnancy especially in case of a dying co-twin [15,26]. In a their infant from a predicted probability of developing CP exceeding
geographically based population, cerebral palsy rates increase with 4.5% onwards, they might be needlessly worried since the false
decreasing gestational age. However, when infants are viewed as positive rate at this cut-off point is high. On the other hand, at any
potential candidates for cerebral palsy, the cerebral palsy rates seem predicted probability under this cut-off value, parents can be
to increase with increasing gestational age [27]. This is in accordance reassured since there is 96.7% certainty that such infant is not at
with the slightly increasing rate of CP in the more mature infants of risk of CP. In terms of setting up an adequate and cost-efficient follow-
our high-risk cohort. Also small for gestational age is in this study not up program it should be considered to introduce a less sensitive cut-
recognized as an independent predictor of CP. Literature about this off value with still a very high certainty not to develop CP. A slightly
risk factor is somewhat diverse. Poor intrauterine growth has been lower cut-off value results in substantially more (almost 50%) infants
shown to increase the risk of CP, particularly in moderately preterm identified as ‘not at risk for CP’. Perhaps those children should not be
and term infants [10,11,28,29]. In extremely preterm infants, foetal integrated in a follow-up program immediately but be assessed at the
growth failure might reduce the risk of CP [11]. ages of 3 and 6 when other developmental disorders as DCD, ADHD
Perinatal asphyxia, mechanical ventilation for more than 7 days and and learning problems are taken with their appearance. A more
various types of brain US imaging anomalies are found to be independent diversified follow-up program could offer the opportunity to screen
risk factors for the development of CP. Birth asphyxia is a rather infants at risk at different stages of the development.
uncommon cause of CP [30]. However mild hypoxia in the presence of No previous studies performed risk analyses on perinatal data and
other risk factors may amplify the risk of CP development [31,32]. The neonatal neuroimaging results in order to predict the characteristics of CP.
odds ratio (OR) for perinatal asphyxia in the present study is 2.4 (95% CI: Classifying children with CP according their subtype, distribution and
1.3–4.6), whereas in the study of Greenwood et al. ORs for hypoxia are severity yielded relatively small numbers limiting subgroup analysis.
much higher, respectively 12.2 (95% CI: 1.2–119) for infants with Therefore, the results of this study need to be interpreted cautiously. Some
GA≤32 weeks and 146.0 (95% CI: 7.4–3651) for term infants [11]. odds ratios of risk factors are accompanied with rather large confidence
Mechanical ventilation (MV) has also been reported as an independent intervals. However the presented results are in accordance with literature.
risk factor for CP in the study of Drougia et al. [10] and in the study of Asphyxia in term infants is related with deep grey matter injury which can
Laptook et al. [33] concerning extremely low birth weight infants. Several result in non-spastic CP [38,39]. Cerebral infarctions, as well as
reasons validate the association of MV and CP. MV produces positive haemorrhage grade IV are often unilateral brain lesions which can result
intrathoracic pressure that can impede venous return and thus decreases in unilateral neuromotor involvement [40].
cardiac preload. Subsequently, cardiac output can be compromised and In conclusion, the present study provides an innovative risk model
cerebral blood flow fluctuates [34]. Above all, brain injuries, especially for the prediction of the development of CP based on perinatal
WMD, have been recognized in several studies as a significant risk factor variables and neonatal neuroimaging data. Higher gestational age,
for CP [16,35–37]. In this study, thanks to the mixed population more perinatal asphyxia and deep grey matter lesion are independent
types of brain injury and their grading of involvement have been predictors for the prediction of non-spastic CP relative to its spastic
recognized as major independent risk factors. counterpart. Independent risk factors for the prediction of unilateral
In this study, in accordance with the EPIPAGE study group, the spastic CP are higher gestational age, cerebral infarction and
abnormal US images have the strongest predictive values. A model parenchymal haemorrhagic infarction (IVH grade IV). Perinatal
based on US images alone however is significantly less accurate than asphyxia is the only significant variable retained for the prediction
the prediction model on the basis of perinatal characteristics and US of severe CP relative to CP graded mild or moderate.
data as demonstrated in this study. Other risk factors, reported in
literature or yet to be discovered, can and probably will play a role in
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