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Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris Kelas: Ix: Answer

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : IX

Jenjang : SMP/MTs Semester : 1 (satu)

Nama Nomor Induk

Kelas Tanda Tangan

4. Mother : Sylvia, father bought a new car.

A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct Sylvia : Really, Mom?
answer. Mother : Yeah. Your father is on the way
home with the car now.
1. Rika : We will have a new English teacher. What does mother tell Sylvia about?
Arga : Are you certain? A. Their new house.
Rika : Yeah. The new teacher is my aunty. B. Their new car.
My uncle told me about it a few days C. Their old car.
ago. D. Their father.
Arga : I see.
Who is the new teacher? 5. Singgih : Did you know that we will go to
A. Arga’s aunt. Jakarta next holiday for a study
B. Rika’s uncle. tour?
Sigit : No, I didn’t. Is it
C. Rika’s aunt.
D. Rika and Arga’s aunt.
Singgih : Sure. Our principal
2. Viko : Intan, I will pick you up at four thirty. has
Intan : Sorry, what did you say? agreed the plan.
Viko : I will pick you up at four thirty! Why is Singgih sure that they will have
Please be ready. a study tour to Jakarta?
Intan : O.K. A. The principal told him about the plan.
Intan said, “Sorry, what did you say?” B. The principal has agreed the plan.
What does it mean? C. His friend told him about the plan.
A. She asks for a repetition. D. He read the plan on the school board.
B. She repeats her words.
Read the text and answer questions 6 and 7.
C. She asks for certainty.
D. She shows her certainty. Attention, all visitors.
Feeling tired and hungry after shopping? Don’t
3. Inggrid : Melinda, we can’t go home now. worry. A new Japanese restaurant has just been
Melinda : Pardon? opened in this mall. It is Lezatto Restaurant,
Inggrid : We can’t go home now. It is available on the first floor. Get kinds of delicious
raining heavily. Japanese food there with economic price. Check
Melinda: You’re right. it out!
Why can’t Inggrid and Melinda go home?
6. What is the announcement about?
A. They have something else to do.
A. A new Japanese restaurant.
B. The class has not ended yet.
B. A new seafood restaurant.
C. It is very hot. C. A new sushi restaurant.
D. It rains heavily. D. A new mall.

7. Where can you hear such Methods:
an announcement? 1. Heat water in a vessel and bring it to boil.
A. In a mall. B. In a shop. 2. Pour the boiled water over teabags and
C. In a restaurant. D. In a fashion shop. cinnamon sticks.
3. Allow them to blend for four to five minutes
Read the text and answer questions 8 and 9. by stirring briefly.
The following are some tips in a table 4. Take only the tea in another container.
manner: 5. Add sugar, lemon juice, peach nectar and
 When a dish is presented, the food is served allow it to cool.
to one’s plate and then passed on to the next 6. Pour into glasses containing ice cubes.
person. 7. Garnish it with lemon or peach wedge. This
 Chew with the mouth closed, and do not talk can make about six cups of tea.
when chewing a mouthful of food. Source: August 12, 2008 <http://living.oneindia.in/do-it-
 Do not talk at an excessively loud volume. yourself/food-n-drinks/how-to-make-tea.html>
 If at all possible, refrain from coughing or 10. What is the purpose of the text?
sneezing at the table. A. To describe a particular thing.
 Do not make unbecoming noises while B. To amuse the readers.
eating. C. To tell how to make something through
 Do not play with food or table utensils. some steps.
 Do not put your elbows on the table or D. To describe the way things are.
 Do not eat food with your fingers unless it is 11. How do you blend the boiling water with
finger foods such as bread, fries, chicken teabags and cinnamon sticks?
wings, pizza, etc. A. By stirring briefly.
 Do not start eating until everyone is served. B. By cutting cinnamon sticks into pieces.
Source: March 31, 2008 C. By shaking briefly.
<http://www.bookrags.com/wiki/Table_manners#Polish_Tabl D. By using a blender.
12. “. . . and allow it to cool.” (Step 5)
8. Which of the following are what you should The word ‘it’ refers to ________.
do in a table manner? A. sugar
A. Play with food utensils. B. lemon juice
B. Put the elbows on the table. C. water
C. Chew with the mouth closed. D. the tea
D. Start to eat before everyone is served.
13. “Allow it to blend for four to five minutes
9. “If at all possible, refrain from coughing or . . . .” (Step 1)
sneezing . . . .” What does the word ‘allow’ have similar
The phrase ‘refrain from’ has a similar meaning to?
meaning to ________. A. Avoid.
A. start B. manage B. Let.
C. change D. avoid C. Prepare.
D. Make.
Read the text and answer questions 10 to 13.
14. Bintang : Why do you like this bag? It’s old
Peach Tea fashioned, you know.
Ingredients: Marsya : It is, ________ it
 2 cups peach nectar still looks very nice.
 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice A. but B. and
 4 tablespoons granulated sugar C. or D. If
 2 cinnamon sticks
 4 teabags
 4 cups cold water

15. Wisnu : Brian, what the first thing will you 17. You use ________ to dig over the chosen
and your family do if you move into patch.
a new house? A. a crowbar
Brian : If we move into a B. a trowel
new house, ________. C. a saw
A. we have a house-warming party D. a watering can
B. we had a house-warming party
18. What do you do after placing the plants in
C. we will have a house-warming party
the hole?
D. we would have a house-warming party
A. Dig the hole.
16. on – sit – discuss – bench – problem – let B. Press the earth down firmly.
1 2 3 4 5 6 C. Break up any large clods of earth.
D. Water the plants.
– the – to – our – us
7 8 9 10 19. When should you water the plants?
The best arrangement of the jumbled words A. At dawn.
is ________. B. In the afternoon.
A. 6–10–3–8–2–1–7–4–9–5 C. At dusk.
B. 6–10–3–4–1–9–2–7–5–8 D. At night.
C. 6–10–2–1–7–4–9–5–8–3 20. “. . . the earth is evenly spread and crumbly.”
D. 6–10–2–1–7–4–8–3–9–5 (Step 2)
The opposite meaning of the word ‘crumbly’
Read the text and answer questions 17 to 20.
is ________.
Let’s Make a Butterfly Garden A. solid
1. First of all, you need to grow some plants B. fertile
from seed or buy young plants. Wearing C. evenly
a pair of gloves, dig over your chosen patch D. gentle
of earth with a trowel.
2. Next, break up any large clods of earth with B. Write a procedure about
a trowel. Now start to take over the pot of an Indonesian traditional food or drink.
your plot so that the earth is evenly spread
and crumbly.
3. After that, dig several small holes for your
plants with the trowel. Then, place the plants
in the holes and press the earth down firmly
with gloved hands around the base of each
4. Finally, water your plants well. They will need
to be watered regularly. It would be better to
water your plants at dusk.
5. Record which butterflies you can see visiting
your beautiful flowers. Which is the most
popular plant?
Source: Artono Wardiman, Masduki B. Jahur,
M. Sukirman Djusma, English in Focus for Grade IX Junior
High School (SMP/MTs), Jakarta, Pusat Perbukuan
Depdiknas, 2008.

Jawaban Review B tertutup. Itu sesuai dengan tip kedua
”Chew with the mouth closed, . . . .”.
A. Pilihan Ganda
Pilihan jawaban yang lain merupakan
1. C. Rika memberi tahu Arga bahwa hal-hal yang seharusnya tidak dilakukan
mereka akan memiliki guru bahasa saat makan di meja makan. Pilihan
Inggris baru. Rika selanjutnya berkata jawaban (A) artinya bermain-main
”The new teacher is my aunty.”. Itu dengan peralatan makan, (B) artinya
berarti yang merupakan guru baru meletakkan siku di atas meja, dan
adalah tante Rika (Rika’s aunt). (D) artinya mulai makan sebelum setiap
2. A. Kalimat Intan tersebut artinya orang disediakan makanan.
”Maaf, apa yang kamu katakan tadi?”. 9. D. Kata ’refrain from’ artinya
Kalimat tersebut digunakan untuk menahan diri. Kata tersebut memiliki
meminta pengulangan (asking for a makna yang sama dengan kata avoid
repetition). yang artinya hindari. Pilihan jawaban
3. D. Inggrid berkata, ”We can’t go (A) artinya mulailah, (B) artinya aturlah,
home now. It is raining heavily.”. Jadi, dan
Inggrid dan Melinda tidak dapat pulang (C) artinya ubahlah.
sekarang karena sedang turun hujan 10. C. Teks tersebut merupakan sebuah
deras. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya procedure, yaitu menjelaskan cara
mereka memiliki urusan lain, (B) artinya membuat teh buah persik (peach tea).
kelas belum berakhir, dan (C) artinya Jadi, tujuan teks tersebut adalah
hari sangat panas. menjelaskan cara membuat sesuatu
4. B. Ibu berkata, ”Sylvia, father bought melalui beberapa langkah. Pilihan
a new car.”. Itu berarti ibu Sylvia jawaban (A) merupakan tujuan
memberi tahu Sylvia tentang mobil baru descriptive, (B) merupakan tujuan
mereka (their new car). narrative, dan (D) merupakan tujuan
5. B. Singgih berkata bahwa mereka
akan mengadakan karya wisata ke 11. A. Jawaban diketahui dari langkah
Jakarta. Ia merasa yakin akan hal itu ketiga ”Allow them to blend for four to
karena kepala sekolah telah menyetujui five minutes by stirring briefly.”. Kata
’them’ pada kalimat tersebut mengacu
rencana itu (”Sure. Our principal has
pada air mendidih, kantung teh, dan
agreed the plan.”).
batang kayu manis. Jadi, untuk
6. A. Pengumuman tersebut tentang mencampur air dengan kantung teh dan
sebuah rumah makan Jepang yang batang kayu manis, kita seharusnya
baru dibuka (a new Japanese mengaduknya dengan singkat (stir
restaurant). Jawaban tersebut diketahui them briefly).
dari kalimat ”A new 12. D. Kata ’it’ dalam kalimat tersebut
Japanese restaurant has just been mengacu pada teh. Itu disimpulkan dari
opened in this mall.”. langkah sebelumnya ”Take only the tea
7. A. Pengumuman tersebut tentang in another container.”.
sebuah rumah makan Jepang baru 13. B. Kata ’allow’ dan ’let’ memiliki arti
yang dibuka di sebuah mal (”A new yang sama, yaitu biarkan. Pilihan
Japanese restaurant has just been jawaban
opened in this mall.”). Jadi, (A) artinya hindari, (C) artinya siapkan,
pengumuman tersebut didengar di dan (D) artinya buatlah.
sebuah mal (in a mall). 14. A. Kalimat tersebut artinya ”Memang,
8. C. Hal yang seharusnya dilakukan . . . tas ini masih tampak sangat cantik.”.
saat makan di meja makan adalah Kata penghubung yang tepat untuk dua
mengunyah makanan dengan mulut

makna yang bertentangan adalah but
15. C. Kalimat Wisnu tersebut
menggunakan conditional clause type
1. Klausa yang mengikuti seharusnya
menggunakan kata will. Jadi, klausa
yang tepat untuk melengkapi adalah
(C) we will have
a house-warming party. Pilihan
jawaban (A) dan (B) bukan conditional
clause. Pilihan jawaban (D) merupakan B. Esai
conditional clause type 2. Contoh jawaban:
16. D. Susunan kata yang tepat adalah Sekoteng
6–10–2–1–7–4–8–3–9–5, yaitu
membentuk kalimat ”Let us sit on the
1 large ginger
bench to discuss our problem” yang

granulated sugar as desired

artinya ”Mari kita duduk di bangku itu

100 g peanut, fried and get rid of its inner

untuk membahas masalah kita”.

17. B. Langkah pertama berbunyi ”. . . .  100 g green bean, boiled
Wearing a pair of gloves, dig over your  3 slices of bread, slice into dices
chosen patch of earth with  100 g pomegranate seeds, boil until soft
a trowel.”. Jadi, kita menggunakan
sekop (trowel) untuk menggali bidang Instructions:
tanah yang akan ditanami. Pilihan Ginger water:
jawaban (A) artinya linggis, (C) artinya 1. Peel and slice the ginger.
gergaji, dan (D) artinya gembor (untuk 2. Boil it in a liter of water.
menyiram tanaman). 3. Add some granulated sugar and ½ piece of
palm sugar.
18. B. Jawaban diketahui dari langkah
4. Strain once it’s boiled.
ketiga ”Then, place the plants in the
holes and press the earth down firmly Serving:
with gloved hands around the base of 1. Pour some boiled ginger water into a small
each plant.”. Jadi, setelah menaruh bowl.
tanaman di dalam lubang tanah, kita 2. Add 1tbs of pomegranate seed, green bean
seharusnya menekan tanah ke bawah and peanut.
dengan kuat (press the earth down 3. Add some bread on top.
firmly). Source: Jaka Priyana, Riandi, Anita P. Mumpuni,
Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade
19. C. Kita sebaiknya menyirami IX, Jakarta, Pusat Perbukuan Depdiknas, 2008.
tanaman pada petang hari (at dusk).
Hal itu diketahui dari langkah keempat
”It would be better to water your plants B. Suppose it’s your mother’s birthday.
at dusk.”. Create a card to show your love to your
20. A. Kata ’crumbly’ artinya gembur. mother.
Kata tersebut berlawanan arti dengan
kata solid yang artinya padat. Pilihan
jawaban (B) artinya subur, (C) artinya
rata, dan (D) artinya dengan

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