5G Ebook
5G Ebook
5G Ebook
5G Development with MATLAB
If you are already familiar with 5G, feel free to skip ahead to sections
2–4, which discuss strategies for doing 5G design and development
with MATLAB®: new algorithm design (Section 2), accelerating
prototyping and field trials (Section 3), and system verification
(Section 4).
Two major trends are behind the race to 5G: the explosive growth
in demand for wireless broadband that can carry video and other
content-rich services, and the Internet of Things (IoT), where large
numbers of smart devices communicate over the Internet. To achieve
these objectives, 5G will provide extreme broadband speed, ultralow
latency, and ultrareliable web connectivity.
By providing higher bandwidth capacity than current 4G–supporting eMBB—Enhanced Mobile Broadband
broadband, 5G will enable a higher density of mobile broadband
• For high-capacity and ultrafast mobile communications for phones
users and support ultrareliable device-to-device and massive
and infrastructure, virtual and augmented reality, 3D and ultra-HD
machine-type communications.
video, and haptic feedback
Peak throughput
10 Gbit/s
(downlink) per connection
The 3GPP standardization group defines the wireless 5G standard, Current 5G development focuses on enabling technologies such
with help from many participants and contributors around the as flexible baseband and RF technologies, hybrid beamforming,
globe. Release 15 of the 3GPP standard, finalized in June 2018, and massive MIMO systems; rapid prototyping and field trials; and
introduces the 5G standard. Physical layer algorithms, millimeter wave verification of compliance with the new standard specifications.
technology, and massive MIMO architectures are expected to be
significantly different from 4G LTE technologies.
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
The 5G physical layer will depart from 4G LTE in a number of ways, Sections 2–4 of this ebook discuss 5G design and development
in order to improve spectral efficiency and data rates. One distinctive strategies in detail: new algorithm design (Section 2), fast prototyping
feature is a significant jump in the number of active antennas and (Section 3), and system verification and field trials (Section 4).
antenna arrays, and the related issues of beamforming and millimeter
wave RF signal processing. New modulation and coding schemes,
power and low-noise amplifier designs, and channel models all need
to be developed.
Higher data rates (multi-Gbps) drive the need for greater bandwidth High frequencies will provide larger bandwidth availability and
systems, and the available bandwidth in the spectrum up through smaller antenna dimensions for a fixed gain, or higher gain for a given
6 GHz is not sufficient to satisfy these requirements. (For reference, antenna size. However, this increases modem complexity in baseband
current cellular operation is below 3 GHz.) This has moved the target and RF designs. To study the performance, we also need an accurate
operating frequency bands up into the millimeter wave (mmWave) channel model for the new frequencies in 5G.
range for the next generation of wireless communication systems.
For example, equipment developers have performed 5G NR trials
with mobile network operators to demonstrate the viability of higher
frequency transmissions. Those trials operate in the midband spectrum
from 3.3 GHz to 5.0 GHz, as well as the mmWave spectrum at 28
GHz and 39 GHz, showcasing the unified 3GPP-based 5G NR design
across diverse spectrum bands.
18 28 38 60 GHz
Ready for a deeper dive? Explore these resources to learn more about 5G
technology developement and design.
Design 5G Wireless Technologies with MATLAB and Simulink Chalk Talk (32:00)
5G Wireless Technology Development
Advancing the 5G Wireless Standard at Convida Wireless: An Insider Look
2. New Architectures and Algorithms
New Design Architectures and Algorithms for 5G
Baseband DAC PA
Front End
Baseband ADC LNA
Front End
Algorithms Noise, interference, fading
Coding, synchronization, beamforming, DPD Discrete-time and continuous-time
• New channel coding methods such as LDPC for data and polar
codes for control information, for more efficient error correction and
improved data rates
• New coding schemes such as LDPC for data and polar codes for
control information, for error correction and improved data rates
• Customizable link-level reference designs, enabling you to generate Results of block error rate simulations using polar coding.
5G signals, simulate the end-to-end NR PDSCH link throughput, and
perform synchronization procedures including MIB decoding in the
context of PBCH beam sweeping
Using a 5G downlink reference model, you can insert custom algorithms to simulate and
optimize end-to-end link performance and validate standard compliance.
5G mmWave designs require massive MIMO antenna arrays with Having many antenna elements in a small area makes it practical to
hundreds of antenna elements on base stations (eNodeB). Because the achieve a high beamforming gain. The highly directional beams help
area of an antenna array is reduced in proportion to the wavelength, offset the increased path loss at the higher operating frequencies,
an array for mmWave frequencies can be up to 100x smaller than an because the beams steer power in a specific direction.
array for microwave frequencies.
UEs in a group using beams with same elevation angle (left) and a hybrid beamforming array architecture (right).
Typical array designs include parameters such as array geometry, design from system architecture and signal processing algorithms.
element spacing, the lattice structure of the elements, element tapering, MIMO simulation times are also typically 10x longer than 3G
and the effects of mutual coupling. By adjusting the design parameters, and 4G simulations.
you can achieve tapering of the rows and columns of the array to
Behavioral-level simulation of the antenna array system can address
reduce side lobe levels.
these challenges. Simulating at the behavioral level reduces the
Achieving an optimal design thus requires combined models of simulation time. This enables engineers to experiment with different
the antenna arrays and beamforming algorithms to simulate their array architectures and algorithms, simulate the performance of the
interaction and impact on system performance. This puts a strain on array and associated algorithms, and iteratively adjust parameters to
current 3G and 4G design tools, which typically separate antenna mitigate the effect of antenna coupling.
Massive MIMO antenna array design, which requires simulating the interactions between antenna, RF, and digital subsystems.
This is one of the key tradeoffs to assess, and it can be done iteratively with behavioral simulation.
The figures below show how you can develop and visualize behavioral simulations with Phased Array System Toolbox™ and Antenna Toolbox™
for MIMO array design tasks.
Use antenna element models, such as omnidirectionalor cosine Vary the array size, array geometry, element spacing, and tapering.
elements, and rapidly move to more accurate analysis using patterns Visualize the resulting geometry, 2D and 3D directivity, and the grating
computed with electromagnetic (EM) tools or measured in the lab. lobe diagrams.
Visualize the array performance characteristics, such as the radiation
This example shows a beam pattern and grating lobe diagram for
pattern shown below.
66 GHz 64x64 element design, designed with Antenna Toolbox.
8x1 ULA subarray and corresponding radiation pattern. Beam pattern and grating lobe diagram for 66 GHz 64x64 element design.
While smaller wavelengths enable massive MIMO implementation Hybrid beamforming is a technique to partition beamforming between
within small form factors, signal path and propagation challenges the digital and RF domains to reduce the cost associated with the
associated with mmWave frequencies also increase. To achieve number of RF signal chains. Hybrid beamforming combines multiple
better beamforming control and flexibility, it would be ideal to have array elements into subarray modules, with one T/R module dedicated
independent weighting control over each antenna array element, with to a subarray in the array.
a transmit/receive (T/R) module dedicated to each element. But this is
generally not practical due to cost, space, and power limitations.
For a detailed discussion, see the white paper Hybrid Beamforming for Massive MIMO Phased Array Systems. The white paper uses a 64x64 element, 66 GHz millimeter wave example and demonstrates antenna array
modeling and partitioning of beamforming between the digital and RF domains.
Closed-loop transceiver model with power amplifier and adaptive DPD algorithm. The
lab-validated AD9371 models include real-life effects. The Volterra series model of the
power amplifier includes non-linearity and memory effects. The loop simulation includes
low and high-power effects, timing, and frequency selectivity over the signal bandwidth.
The adaptive DPD algorithm improves the device linearity within the signal bandwidth. Plots showing spectrum analysis (bottom right) and received constellation (top left).
Ready for a deeper dive? Explore these resources to learn more about new
architectures and algorithms for 5G systems.
What Is 5G Toolbox? (2:06)
Modeling RF Power Amplifiers and Increasing Wireless Transmitter Linearity with DPD Using MATLAB (25:11)
5G Wireless Technology Development
RF Systems
Channel Modeling
Massive MIMO
When changes are required, you can quickly modify the algorithm Architecture VERIFICATION
model, verify it in simulation, regenerate the code (typically within
Timing Fixed-point
minutes), integrate the code in the FPGA development environment,
and synthesize it for FPGA implementation. The generated code is well
structured, readable, and functionally accurate.
C Code HDL
Processor FPGA
SDR Platform
The process starts with MATLAB and LTE System Toolbox to explore
algorithm options to produce a standard-compliant reference waveform
and test bench.
Visualizing the LTE resource grid, as shown here, helps to verify that
the waveform is constructed properly and conforms to the standard.
The following image shows the steps in transforming an LTE cell search
detection algorithm into HDL code ready for FPGA prototyping or
• HDL code automatically generated from the Simulink model LTE resource grid representing a standard-compliant waveform.
MATLAB reference code for LTE cell search (top), and workflow for designing and Verification of the HDL implementation of the OFDM modulation.
generating an HDL implementation of the algorithm (bottom).
To learn more, download an example of building an LTE-compliant OFDM modulator and detector for implementation with HDL Coder™, and use
LTE System Toolbox to verify the HDL implementation model.
Model-Based Design doesn’t stop at prototyping. Wireless engineers The model produces hardware-independent HDL code that can be
are successfully using MATLAB and Simulink with automatic HDL used on any FPGA or ASIC. Optimizations for other architectures can
generation to produce algorithm implementations that meet the be performed by modifying the model, verifying the results in Simulink,
performance, size, and power requirements of production FPGA and and regenerating the HDL code. HDL Coder integrates with SoC and
ASIC designs. The iterative workflow enables rapid development and FPGA design to provide target-optimized implementations. This can
verification of highly efficient hardware implementations of algorithms accelerate the development of SoC and FPGA designs, enabling teams
for multirate filtering, PAPR suppression, digital predistortion, and to complete this work in days or weeks rather than in months.
baseband processing.
Ready for a deeper dive? Explore these resources to learn more about
accelerating 5G prototypes and field trials.
Qualcomm: Connecting Systems and HDL World – Rapid RTL Generation (Conference Proceedings)
Huawei: System-Level ASIC Algorithm Simulation Platform Using Simulink (Conference Proceedings)
An FPGA Implementation of an LTE Design (41:53)
Download Code
HDL Implementation of LTE OFDM Modulator and Detector
HDL Code Generation and Verification
4. System Verification and Testing
5G System Verification and Testing
By connecting to software-defined radio (SDR) and RF instrument During field testing, it is important to be able to quickly modify test
hardware, you can use MATLAB® and Simulink® to perform over the-air parameters and test scripts to accommodate different test scenarios.
tests to validate your 5G designs in simulation, in the lab, or in the Using MATLAB provides the flexibility to customize tests and to
field under real-world conditions. The test benches, signal generators, diagnose and debug subtle issues that are difficult to address in the
scopes, and measurements used at the simulation stage can be reused more constrained software environments and encrypted waveforms
for hardware testing. This approach eliminates the need to recreate that test and measurement instruments typically provide.
tests in a different software environment and reduces test development
MATLAB and Simulink support a range of available SDR hardware,
time and errors.
as well as RF signal generators and spectrum analyzers from RF
You can capture live 5G or LTE signals for analysis and comparison to instrument vendors such as Keysight, Rohde & Schwarz, National
baseband simulation results. Algorithm designers can use the captured Instruments, and Anritsu. SDR support packages are available for Xilinx
signals to test their algorithms, and the RF team can use this setup to Zynq and FPGA Radios; USRP® N, X, and E Series Radios; PlutoSDR;
verify their RF design. Download an example that demonstrates live LTE and RTL-SDR. From these options, you can choose the hardware that’s
signal generation and capture capability. most appropriate for your requirements and budget.
Digital DAC PA
Front End
Baseband ADC LNA
Front End
MATLAB and Simulink support for over-the-air (OTA) testing with a range of available SDR and RF instrument hardware,
simplifying comparison of OTA tests to simulation results.
You can use MATLAB and Simulink with SDR hardware as a cost-effective,
real-time platform for a range of wireless engineering tasks, including:
+ +
LTE System Toolbox™ SDR Platform SDR Platform LTE System Toolbox™
MATLAB and LTE System Toolbox with supported SDRs. This provides a flexible, cost-effective environment for live signal generation and capture.
Generation (left) and analysis (right) of an LTE downlink test model (E-TM) waveform.
+ +
LTE System Toolbox™ Signal Generator Spectrum Analyzer LTE System Toolbox™
The field trial system requires a test and analysis system that supports
scalable data capture, data processing, analysis, and sharing of results.
Test engineers performing field tests often use commercially available information such as antenna pattern files. It is helpful to have a
test instruments. However, 5G field trial analysis requirements go far common environment or tool that can access various kinds of data
beyond simple measurements. from different equipment vendors.
Field trial analysis software must be able to import data directly from For very large data sets, teams can use computing clusters or cloud
test instruments or from stored data in a variety of formats. The data storage that scales from a single workstation to compute clusters or
represents captured signals, name and time stamps, and configuration process big data sets.
Using MATLAB to capture, process, and analyze field test data stored locally or in the cloud.
Test engineers may want to store raw captured data or show the results
to their management, partners, or customers after analysis.
Analysis of the signal in conformity with the standard and handover point and cell ID number.
Visualization is critical in field testing. Test engineers need to If properly implemented, this visualization architecture enables
superimpose captured signals as well as performance and parameter engineers to comprehensively visualize system performance in
data on a representation of a geographic map. 3D and pseudo-3D real-world scenarios and demonstrate results to inform network
representations require latitude and longitude in the map. planning decisions.
Visualization of cellular signal coverage (left) and 5G urban macro cell SINR (right) on street maps.
Ready for a deeper dive? Explore these resources to learn more about 5G
system verification and testing.
Wireless Standard Waveform Generation in MATLAB for Simulation and Testbeds (31:03)
Verifying LTE Designs Using Live Signals and Test and Measurement Equipment
Designing and Testing LTE Systems
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