Instruction Manual Universal Fieldbus-Gateway Unigate Ic - Profibus
Instruction Manual Universal Fieldbus-Gateway Unigate Ic - Profibus
Instruction Manual Universal Fieldbus-Gateway Unigate Ic - Profibus
Universal Fieldbus-Gateway
1 General introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2 The UNIGATE® IC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1 Technical introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2 Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3 Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4 The serial standard interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.5 The synchronous interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.6 The Debug-interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.7 UNIGATE® IC hardware survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3 Hardware design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.1 Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2 Pinout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2.1 -Boot enable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2.2 Load out (SPI-Master: SS0-) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2.3 Data out (SPI-Master: SS1-) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2.4 Data In (SPI: MISO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2.5 Load In (SPI: MOSI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2.6 Clock (SPI: SCK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2.7 -Reset In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2.8 LED-PB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2.9 -Config Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2.10 DbgTX, DbgRx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2.11 TE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2.12 TX, RX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3 Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.4 Basic line of proceeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.5 Connection examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.6 Layout examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.7 Operation with external PROFIBUS-driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.8 Termination (PROFIBUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.9 Handling (mounting the UNIGATE® IC on the carrier board) . . . . . . 21
3.10 Differences between the various versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.10.1 Standard version. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.10.2 Version "without 485 (PROFIBUS)-driver". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.10.3 Version "LWL" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4 The serial interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.2 Initialization of the serial interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.3 Use of the serial interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.4 Further operation modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Disclaimer of liability
We have checked the contents of the document for conformity with the hardware and software
described. Nevertheless, we are unable to preclude the possibility of deviations so that we are
unable to assume warranty for full compliance. The information given in the publication is,
however, reviewed regularly. Necessary amendments are incorporated in the following editions.
We would be pleased to receive any improvement proposals which you may have.
Copyright (C) Deutschmann Automation GmbH & Co. KG 1997 – 2018. All rights reserved.
This document may not be passed on nor duplicated, nor may its contents be used or disclosed
unless expressly permitted. Violations of this clause will necessarily lead to compensation in
damages. All rights reserved, in particular rights of granting of patents or registration of
utility-model patents.
1 General introduction
In the past the integration of a fieldbus connection required an enormous effort from the progress
engineers. On account of the large variety of communication systems it is not enough to compile
the right combination of communication hardware; due to their standards and fundamentals dif-
ferent busses also require the corresponding skills of the engineers.
This does not apply in case of the UNIGATE® IC by Deutschmann Automation any more. All dig-
ital functions, software, stack and driver as well as optocoupler are integrated on a UNIGATE® IC
in correspondence with the standard. In addition to the reduction of the required size, also differ-
ent fieldbusses can easily be integrated.
Since 1997 Deutschmann Automation has experience in the field of fieldbus gateways; this
enormous experience results in the UNIGATE® IC as a consistent sequel of this successful
product line.
In the entire document and in all parts of the software that is to be used, the terms Input and Out-
put are used. Input and Output are ambiguous, always depending on the viewpoint. We see the
fieldbus as central interface and as integral component of your device; therefore in all places it is
always referred to data from the viewpoint of the Slave, that is Input data, as data from the Mas-
ter to the Slave - regardless of the used bus.
Representation of numbers
Numbers in decimal format are always represented without prefix and without suffix as well.
hexadecimal numbers are always marked with the prefix 0x.
2.1 Technical introduction
The UNIGATE® IC by Deutschmann Automation contains all components that are required for
the communication in a fieldbus in one single module. Therefore a developer does not have to
take care for that detail any more, only a hardware redesign is necessary in order to integrate the
UNIGATE® IC and the required plug connectors.
2.2 Availability
The module is available as PROFIBUS DP. Further fieldbusses are either planned or being
worked on. They will only differ in the connections of the busses. The meaning of the general
pins 1 - 9 as well as 24 and 26 - 32 will remain unchanged also for further fieldbus implementa-
You can find an up-to-date list for all UNIGATE® ICs under:
2.3 Firmware
UNIGATE® IC is programmed via scripts. On principle any script, that has been developed for a
UNIGATE® SC, can also be operated on the UNIGATE® IC.
Microcontroller RAM
DC Opto Coupler
3 Hardware design
This chapter gives basic advise, that is required in order to load UNIGATE® IC into your own
hardware designs. In the following all ports of UNIGATE® IC are described in detail.
3.1 Ports
UNIGATE® IC features 32 pins in its layout as a DIL 32 component. Pin 10 -12 and 21 - 23 as
well are not wired due to the electrical isolation. The exact mechanical dimensions can taken
from chapter 12 on page 38.
3.2 Pinout
Pin Technical Name Description Remark
1 5V ± 5% < Typ 170mA Vcc + 5 V voltage supply see chapter 12.2.1 on page 39
3.3V ± 5% < Typ 170mA + 3.3V voltage supply (optionally
at PBL)
2 INLogic -BE boot enable
3 OUTDriver Load out strobe signal for synchronous,
(SS0-) serial interface
4 OUTDriver Data out output data for synchronous,
(SS1-) serial interface
5 INLogic Data in input data of the synchronous, internally pulled up with 10 k
(MISO) serial interface
6 OUTLogic Load in input data of the synchronous,
(MOSI) serial interface; alternatively
strobe signal of the output data
7 OUTDriver Clock clock pulse signal for synchro-
nous, serial interface
8 INReset -Reset in reset-input of the IC internally pulled up with 100 k
9 connected to pin 1 Vcc + 5 V voltage supply
10-12 nc nc no pin available
13* according to norm PB-A PROFIBUS-signal according to galvanically isolated
TxPB1) standard insulation voltage 1000 Vrms
14* according to norm PB-B PROFIBUS-signal according to galvanically isolated
RxPB1) standard insulation voltage 1000 Vrms
15* according to norm PB-RTS PROFIBUS-signal according to galvanically isolated
standard insulation voltage 1000 Vrms
16-18 according to norm nc not connected
19* according to norm PB-GND PROFIBUS-signal according to galvanically isolated
standard insulation voltage 1000 Vrms
20* according to norm PB-5V PROFIBUS-signal according to galvanically isolated
standard insulation voltage 1000 Vrms
21-23 nc nc no pin
24 connected to pin 32 GND ground supply voltage of the IC
25 OUTTristate LED-PB bus error LED of the PROFIBUS 8 mA, internal series resistor
5V = 1.5 kVR
26 INLogic -Config Mode signal to start the configuration internally pulled up with 10 k
27 OUTLogic DbgTX serial Debug TX
28 INLogic DbgRX serial Debug RX internally pulled up with 10 k
29 INLogic RX serial data RX internally pulled up with 10 k
30 OUTLogic TX serial data TX
3.2.7 -Reset In
• A reset generator (Max 809) is on board; with it in the normal case the reset input is not
required. In this case the reset input has to be connected with VCC, in order to avoid interfer-
ences (see chapter 3.6).
• If the customer’s application has to initiate a reset of the UNIGATE® IC, then the reset input can
also be connected with a reset output of the customer’s application instead of connecting it with
VCC. Here all specifications of the reset signal, mentioned in chapter 3.2 have to be kept. The
reset-impulse is supposed to last at least 10 ms.
3.2.8 LED-PB
A red LED can be connected to this line. It is controlled by the PROFIBUS ASIC and goes out in
the state „Data Exchange“. (see chapter 3.6)
3.2.11 TE
The Transmit Enable Signal allows the connection of RS485 drivers to the IC’s serial interface.
The signal is set to High whenever the IC sends via the line TX.
3.2.12 TX, RX
Transmission and receive line of the serial interface. This interface is programmable in accor-
dance with the description in chapter 4.
3.3 Software
The software executes script-commands, which in turn control the IC’s hardware and they pro-
cess their complete protocol by software. The script itself can be generated by the company
Deutschmann Automation or with the software Protocol Developer by yourself. For a detailed
description of the script.commands of the Protocol Developer see the instruction manual Proto-
col Developer and the online documentation concerning script-commands.
Max 232
Processor .
. .
. .
. .
. .
9-pol DSUB
Your device, which on the whole is supposed to be assembled as shown above, will now be mod-
ified in a way that the PROFIBUS is available at the 9-pol. socket. However, a hardware redesign
is necessary in order to keep the assignment in standard form.
. .
. .
U U . .
. .
After the RS232-driver has been replaced by the UNIGATE® IC, the PROFIBUS is available at
the 9-pol. D-sub-socket.
Deutschmann Automation is also offering an appropriate adapter board. With it existing devices
can be adapted without re-design; see chapter 13.
M icrocontroller U N IG A T E
D -Sub
R .
T . .
. .
Profibu s
. .
N ot used A . .
N ot used Y
The UNIGATE® IC independently processes the communication with the customer’s device via
the TTL-interface.
8 8
SR SR Profibus
Not used A
R .
T . .
. .
. .
Not used A . .
8 8
IN N-M IN 1-8
Here only the synchronous serial interface is used, the asynchronous serial interface is basically
of no account. If you want to program the script in your completed application, then the use of a
connector for the asynchronous interface is recommended. With it you can carry out the ISP-pro-
For this operating mode no additional controller is required on your application!
The following circuit diagram is an example for how shift register components can be connected
to the IC.
Valid for all versions: A planed plug connection of the serial interface in the application offers the
possibility of an update of the firmware or the software via an external connection.
customer U UNIGATE
processor UART
A IC .
T Profibus . .
. .
. .
A . .
connector 2
Out E
• Mounting on a socket in the carrier board. If necessary solder the UNIGATE® IC to 2 or 4 pins
in the socket. Normally the IC can easily be pulled out after the soldering points have been re-
• Make arrangements for two holes next to the socket in the layout. After the UNIGATE® IC was
plugged in the socket pull an isolated wire over the IC and solder it on the carrier board at the
specified holes.
• Fasten the UNIGATE® IC With a wire or a tie wrap on the socket.
• Manual soldering directly on the carrier board.
• Automatic soldering directly on the carrier board, whereas „selective“ soldering is essential (no
wave soldering)
The advantage of the socketed variant is the easy download of Script- and Firmware-updates, if
the carrier board is not designed for it. Besides, that way the Fieldbus can be changed easily by
changing the UNIGATE® IC if the corresponding plug connectors are provided on the carrier
board. Another advantage is, that - normally - only a reflow soldering of the carrier board is ne-
The advantage of the soldered variant is, that the installation height is lower and a higher shock-
and vibration-safety is provided.
5.1.1 Example-Script
Note: The script example refers to the circuit example in chapter 3.5.
5.2.1 Example-Script
var L_Freq : long;
var b_Channel : byte;
var w_Len : word;
var a_BufOut : buffer[100];
var a_BufIn : buffer[100];
6 The Debug-interface
6.1 Overview of the Debug-interface
The UNIGATE® IC features a Debug-interface, that allows a step-by-step processing of a script.
Normally this interface is only required for the development of a script.
The Gateway responds with a clear text reply to that download and carries out a warm start.
The following 4-bytes script is supposed to be downloaded: 0x01 0x12 0x5A 0x23
The sum of the bytes is 0x0090 as checksum.
Then the following sequence is to be sent:
1. 0x10 Ctrl-P
2. 0x30 '0'
3. 0x31 '1'
4. 0x31 '1'
5. 0x32 '2'
6. 0x35 '5'
7. 0x41 'A'
8. 0x32 '2'
9. 0x33 '3'
10. 0x0A LF
11. 0x30 '0'
12. 0x30 '0'
13. 0x39 '9'
14. 0x30 '0'
• Configuration data: In accordance with GSD file (DAGW2079 or UGIC3218)
• Diagnostic data : Max. 8 bytes (see chapter Error handling)
• Baud rate: Automatic detection up to 12 MBaud
• Sync: Supported
• Freeze: Supported
• Ident. No.: 0x2079 or 0x3218
7.4.2 RS232/RS485/RS422
• RS type: RS232
• Start bit: 1
• Data bits: 8
• Stop bit: 1
• Parity: None
• Baud rate: 9600 Baud
Default setting This configuration can be changed via the Script.
8 Generating a script
8.1 What is a script?
A script is a sequence of commands, that are executed in that exact order. Because of the fact
that also mechanisms are given that control the program flow in the script it is also possible to
assemble more complex processes from these simple commands.
The script is memory-oriented. It means that all variables always refer to one memory area.
While developing a script you do not have to take care of the memory management though. The
Protocol Developer takes on this responsibility for you.
BaudIst = (F32 / K)
F32 = Crystal frequency [Hz] / 32
K = Round (F32 / BaudSoll);
Round () is a commercial roundoff
The actual baud rate is to be calculated, when 9600 baud are pre-set, where the gateway is
operated with 40 MHz:
I. e.: The baud rate actually adjusted by the gateway is 9615.38 baud
In the following please find a listing of baud rates at a 40 MHz-crystal frequency with the corre-
sponding errors:
4800 baud: 0.16%
9600 baud: 0.16%
19200 baud: 0.16%
38400 baud: 1.35%
57600 baud: 1.35%
62500 baud: 0%
115200 baud: 1.35%
312500 baud: 0%
625000 baud: 0%
• Sending and receiving data at the Debug-interface (provided that the Protocol Developer has
been started on the PC)
• Sending and receiving data at the RS-interface
• Sending and receiving data at the Fieldbus-interface
• Tasks controlled via internal clock (1 ms) (e. g. flashing of an LED)
• Processing of the Script
From experience approximately 0.5 ms can be calculated for each Script line. This value con-
firmed itself again and again in many projects as a standard value. He is always quite right if the
processor has enough time available for the Script processing.
By means of the tasks mentioned above, the following recommendation can be formulated in
order to receive a rather fast Script processing:
• Deactivate the Debug-interface (it is the normal case in the serial use)
• Keep the data length at the RS-interface as small as possible. The baud rate is not the problem
here, but the amount of characters which are transferred per second.
• Do not unnecessarily extend the data length at the Fieldbus side. Especially at acyclical bus
data, if possible do only send them when changes were made. The data length at buses that
are configured to a fixed length (e. g. PROFIBUS) should not be longer than absolutely neces-
If the processing time should be too large in spite of these measures, there is the possibility to
generate a customized Script command, that executes several tasks in one Script command.
Please contact our support department for this purpose.
At present UNIGATE® IC PROFIBUS DP supports PROFIBUS DP as version DPV0 - DPV2. Any
imaginable combination of input- and output-quantities is possible. In case a desired combination
is not included in the GSD files (DAGW2079.GSD, UGIC3218.GSD) it can be described by stat-
ing configuration octets (see chapter 15).
The UNIGATE® IC automatically supports the PROFIBUS functions Sync and Freeze.
From V. 7.0 (IC-PB-DPL) on user parameters are supported.
9.1.2 DPV2
The DPV2-enlargement consists of the following functions:
1. Isochron Mode (IsoM)
It means the clock-synchronous behavior of a bus system. This function is optional for a DPV2-
Slave and is activated via the GSD-file. At present our gateway does not support this mode.
2. Data Exchange Broadcast (DxB)
It means the communication between Slaves (inter-communication). This function is optional for
a DPV2-Slave and is activated via the GSD-file. At present our gateway only supports the func-
tion of the „Publisher“ (sending data to other Slaves). The function „Subscriber“ (receiving data
from other Slaves) is not supported at present.
3. Up- And Download
This function is also optional for a DPV2-Slave and at present it is not supported by our gateway.
4. Time-synchronization (Time stamp)
This function is also optional for a DPV2-Slave and at present it is not supported by our gateway.
5. Redundancy concept
This function is also optional for a DPV2-Slave and at present it is not supported by our gateway.
Set (FieldbusID, 4) ;
// this parameter can also be set by the command SetByVar.
// var PBAddress: long;
// MoveConst( PBAddress, 4) ;
// or from the shift registers
// SetByVar();
// the Profibus ASIC is ready now.
// from now on the Master CAN configure the participant.
// However, that does not mean that the configuration of the
// participant has already been carried out by the Master.
wait (Bus_Active);
// the Profibus is now in the state of Data Exchange
// This command might take a very long time and is
// not interruptible!
// Now it is also known to the Script with which configuration
// the Slave was put into operation by the Master.
In the configuration mode these displays are not valid and only meant for internal use.
Error no. Error description
0 Reserved
1 Hardware fault
2 EEROM error
3 Internal memory error
4 Fieldbus hardware error or wrong Fieldbus ID
5 Script error
6 Reserved
7 RS-transmit buffer overflow
8 RS-receive buffer overflow
9 RS timeout
10 General fieldbus error
11 Parity-or frame-check-error
12 Reserved
13 Fieldbus configuration error
14 Fieldbus data buffer overflow
15 Reserved
Table 1: Error handling at UNIGATE® IC
11 Firmware-update
11.1 Overview
UNIGATE® IC has a 64 kbyte flash memory for the firmware. In the firmware-update-mode the
firmware can be replaced via the UNIGATE® IC’s serial interface.
12 Technical data
In this chapter you will find all necessary technical data on UNIGATE® IC.
All measurements in mm.
The pins of UNIGATE® IC - PROFIBUS DP are arranged with a grid spacing of 2.54 mm.
DIP-Spacing Code 6
In case you intend to use other fieldbus ICs, the maximum overall height of 20 mm (including
pins) has to be taken into consideration.
13 Accessory
The following tools are available from Deutschmann Automation.
The required UNIGATE® IC / ICs are ordered separately. The required voltage (5V or 3.3V,
depending on the version) can be adjusted. An RS232-interface or a USB-connection is avail-
able for the connection to the PC (Debug-interface).
The application can be connected either through the USB, RS232, RS485 or the RS422.
The bus-connections according to standard or market standard are available to test the respec-
tive bus-side. Optionally Deutschmann Add-on packages (bus-master simulation) are available.
The board contains 32 bit input and 16 bit output, provided with one LED each. Different connec-
tors allow an easy coupling to your processor. A hole matrix field with the most important signals
(voltage, IOs) allows a customized hardware extension (e. g. to connect a D/A converter).
14 Appendix
14.1 Explanations of the abbreviations
CL = Product group CL (Compact Line)
CM = Product group CM (CANopen Line)
CX = Product group CX
EL = Product group EL (Ethernet Line)
FC = Product group FC (Fast Connect)
GT = Galvanic separation RS-side
GY = Housing color gray
MB = Product group MB
RS = Product group RS
SC = Product group SC (Script)
232/485 = Interface RS232 and RS485 switchable
232/422 = Interface RS232 and RS422 switchable
DB = Additional RS232 DEBUG-interface
D9 = Connection of the RS through 9-pin D-SUB instead of 5-pin screw-plug connector
PL = Board only without DIN-rail module and without housing cover
PD = Board only without DIN-rail module and with housing cover
AG = Gateway installed in a die-cast aluminum housing
EG = Gateway installed in a stainless steel housing
IC = Product group IC (IC-design DIL32)
IO8 = Option I/O8
16 = Script memory expanded to 16KB
5V = Operating voltage 5V
3,.3V = Operating voltage 3.3V
ASI = AS-Interface (AS-i)
BI = BACnet/IP
CO = CANopen
C4 = CANopen V4
C4X = CANopen V4-version X (see comparison table UNIGATE® IC for the respective
DN = DeviceNet
EC = EtherCAT
EI = Ethernet/IP
FE = Ethernet 10/100 MBit
FEX = Ethernet 10/100 MBit-version X (see comparison table UNIGATE® IC for the
respective product)
IB = Interbus
IBL = Interbus
LN62 = LONWorks62
LN512 = LONWorks512
ModTCP = ModbusTCP
MPI = Siemens MPI®
PL = Powerlink
PBDPL = PROFIBUS DP-version L (see comparison table UNIGATE® IC for the respective
PBDPX = PROFIBUS DP-version X (see comparison table UNIGATE® IC for the respective
PBDPY = PROFIBUS DP-version Y (see comparison table UNIGATE® IC for the respective
RS = Serial RS232/485/422
The basis board that is descibed in this chapter was supplied until the
end of 2008.
A new board is available since the beginning of 2009 (see chapter
Slot X 1 (ZIF-socket)
PIN 1 of the IC is located up at the lever of the ZIF-socket.
Never place the IC into the socket back to front!
Pin Signal
Pin 1 24 V DC
Pin 2 Ground
The basis board is supplied with voltage through this plug connector.
Earth terminal 6.3 mm for basis board.
This plug is the basis board’s serial connection to the customer’s device and the connection to
the PC (Debug-interface).
For the pin assignment see chapter
The illustration shows the arrangement of the pins. On this connector strip the signals of the
serial connection between IC and RS-drivers are wired. For an initial development you will prob-
ably also use an existing driver in your application. In order to exchange it later on, you can also
directly take the signals of the serial interface here.
P 10
PROFIBUS plug connector, for the assignment of the connector see chapter
P 11
Force Boot. By setting this bridge the Pin BE is dragged to Ground. For the function see chapter
P 13
P 16
All digital outputs of the shift registers are available here. Additionally the LEDs D9, D15..D18,
D20 are connected to the shift registers.
P 17
With P17 the UNIGATE® IC can be brought into the configmode. If the jumper is plugged and if
the UNIGATE® IC is restarted (by power off and power on or by reset), then the UNIGATE® IC
will start in the configmode. In order to use the configmode with Deutschmann software tools the
interface of the board has to be in RS232-position and the PC has to be connected with the „nor-
mal“ interface, where otherwise your application is connected to.
See also chapter 7.2.
The rotary switches SW1H, SW1L, SW5H, SW5L are plugged into the base boards and can be
removed if required. As a default the rotary switches are plugged in and can be read in through
the basis board’s shift registers base boards (see also chapter 5 for it).
SW3, SW4
These switches are required for the setting of the serial interface. The switch SW3 is used to
switch between interface RS232 and RS485. This is the interface, the customer’s device is con-
nected to. The Debug-interface always has RS232-level.
The switch SW4 is of importance only, when it is an RS485-interface. Then this switch can be
used to connect the termination of the RS485-bus.
Each switch position can be taken from the illustration.
Power LED
This LED is always supposed to be shining statically green when the board is supplied with volt-
D9, D15..D18, D20
LEDs that are connected to the shift register components. (see also chapter 14.2.3 ’Wiring dia-
gram UNIGATE® IC-basis board PROFIBUS DP’).
Bus Error LED (red)
This LED goes out in the state ’Data exchange’.
The user normally also configures the configuration telegram in the project planning tool where
he may also, if necessary, enter the address range in which the useful data is stored.
You can write up to 16 bytes or words in one octet of the DataUnit (DU). Inputs and outputs hav-
ing the same format can be combined in one octet. Otherwise, you must use as many octets as
the number of different bytes/words you wish to use and which cannot be combined in one octet.
If the module detects, during the check, that the maximum permitted input/output data lengths
have been exceeded, it signals incorrect configuration to the Master during a subsequent diag-
nostic scan. It is then not ready for useful data communication.
Configuration byte 1
Octet 2 0
Configuration byte x
Structure of an octet in the configuration telegram:
00 = specific ID format
01 = input
10 = output
11 = input-output
0 = byte, 1 = word
15.3 Diagnosis
Diagnostic data is high-priority data. The gateway runs an external diagnostic if it detects an
internal error.
Configuration data does not correspond
Slave has external diagnostic data
Incorrect programming (identification number etc.)
Octet 2 0
Slave must be reprogrammed
Static diagnostic (byte Diag-Bits)
Permanently set to 1
Response monitoring active
Freeze command received
Sync command received
Octet 3 0
Octet 4 0
Octet 5 0
Octet 6 0
Octet 7 0
Octet 8 0
This results in a different representation of our gateway error in PROFIBUS. At DPV0 the error
number is transmitted in unmodified form as 1 byte external diagnosis. In case DPV1 has been
activated in the gateway through the GSD-file, the error number occurs as 1 byte status mes-
Supposing the DPV1 is activated and a master (which does not support the alarms and status
messages) is connected, then our gateway error number is presented as "external diagnosis"
with 4 bytes (see above), at which point the 4th byte contains the error number and the preceding
3 bytes (0x81, 0x00, 0x00) can be ignored.
16 Servicing
Should questions arise that are not covered in this manual you can find further information in our
Your request will be recorded in the Support center and will be processed by our Support Team
as quickly as possible (Usually in 1 working day, rarely more than 3 working days.).
Technical Support hours are as follows:
Monday to Thursday from 8 am to midday and from 1 pm to 4 pm, Friday from 8 am to midday
The more precise information a fault/error description you provide, the more exactly we will be
able to pinpoint the possible causes.