Lambino Vs COMELEC
Lambino Vs COMELEC
Lambino Vs COMELEC
G.R. No. 174153. October 25, 2006.
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petition that contains the full text of the proposed amendments. The full
text of the proposed amendments may be either written on the face of the
petition, or attached to it. If so attached, the petition must state the fact of
such attachment. This is an assurance that every one of the several millions
of signatories to the petition had seen the full text of the proposed
amendments before signing. Otherwise, it is physically impossible, given
the time constraint, to prove that every one of the millions of signatories had
seen the full text of the proposed amendments before signing.
Same; Same; Same; While the Constitution does not expressly state
that the petition must set forth the full text of the proposed amendments, the
deliberations of the framers of the Constitution clearly show that the
framers intended to adopt the relevant American jurisprudence on people’s
initiative.— Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution does not expressly
state that the petition must set forth the full text of the proposed
amendments. However, the deliberations of the framers of our Constitution
clearly show that the framers intended to adopt the relevant American
jurisprudence on people’s initiative. In particular, the deliberations of the 4/106
the Lambino Group invokes as valid, requires that the people must sign the
“petition x x x as signatories.” 5/106
Group’s citation of Corpus Juris Secundum pulls the rug from under their
tion and not only the unrelated subject matter.—The Lambino Group’s
initiative springs another surprise on the people who signed the signature
sheets. The proposed changes mandate the interim Parliament to make
further amendments or revisions to the Constitution. The proposed Section
4(4), Article XVIII on Transitory Provisions, provides: Section 4(4). Within
forty-five days from ratification of these amendments, the interim
Parliament shall convene to propose amendments to, or revisions of, this
Constitution consistent with the principles of local autonomy,
decentralization and a strong bureaucracy. During the oral arguments, Atty.
Lambino stated that this provision is a “surplusage” and the Court and the
people should simply ignore it. Far from being a surplusage, this provision
invalidates the Lambino Group’s initiative. Section 4(4) is a subject matter
totally unrelated to the shift from the Bicameral-Presidential to the
Unicameral-Parliamentary system. American jurisprudence on initiatives
outlaws this as logrolling—when the initiative petition incorporates an
unrelated subject matter in the same petition. This puts the people in a
dilemma since they can answer only either yes or no to the entire
proposition, forcing them to sign a petition that effectively contains two
propositions, one of which they may find unacceptable. Under American
jurisprudence, the effect of logrolling is to nullify the entire proposition
and not only the unrelated subject matter.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Logrolling confuses and even deceives the
people.—Logrolling confuses and even deceives the people. In Yute Air
Alaska v. McAlpine, 698 P.2d 1173, 1184 (1985), the Supreme Court of
Alaska warned against “inadvertence, stealth and fraud” in logrolling:
Whenever a bill becomes law through the initiative process, all of the
problems that the single-subject rule was enacted to prevent are exacerbated.
There is a greater danger of logrolling, or the deliberate intermingling of
issues to increase the likelihood of an initiative’s passage, and there is a
greater opportunity for “inadvertence, stealth and fraud” in the
enactment-by-initiative process. The drafters of an initiative operate
independently of any structured or supervised process. They often
emphasize particular provisions of their proposition, while remaining silent
on other (more complex or less appealing) provisions, when communicating
to the public. x x x Indeed, initiative promoters typically use simplistic 6/106
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Same; Same; Same; A popular clamor, even one backed by 6.3 million
signatures, cannot justify a deviation from the specific modes prescribed in
Same; Same; Same; The quantitative test asks whether the proposed
change is “so extensive in its provisions as to change directly the
‘substantial entirety’ of the constitution by the deletion or alteration of 8/106
does not consider the degree of change; The qualitative test inquires into the
qualitative effects of the proposed change in the constitution—the main
inquiry is whether the change will “accomplish such far reaching changes
in the nature of our basic governmental plan as to amount to a revision.”—
In California where the initiative clause allows amendments but not
revisions to the constitution just like in our Constitution, courts have
developed a two-part test: the quantitative test and the qualitative test. The
quantitative test asks whether the proposed change is “so extensive in its
provisions as to change directly the ‘substantial entirety’ of the constitution
by the deletion or alteration of numerous existing provisions.” The court
examines only the number of provisions affected and does not consider the
degree of the change. The qualitative test inquires into the qualitative effects
of the proposed change in the constitution. The main inquiry is whether the
change will “accomplish such far reaching changes in the nature of our
basic governmental plan as to amount to a revision.” Whether there is an
alteration in the structure of government is a proper subject of inquiry. Thus,
“a change in the nature of [the] basic governmental plan” includes change in
its fundamental framework or the fundamental powers of its Branches.” A
change in the nature of the basic governmental plan also includes changes
that “jeopardize the traditional form of government and the system of check
and balances.”
Same; Same; Same; Under both the quantitative and qualitative tests,
the Lambino Group’s initiative is a revision and not merely an amendment;
A change in the structure of government is a revision of the Constitution, as
when the three great co-equal branches of government in the present
Constitution is reduced into two; A shift from the present Bicameral-
Presidential system to a Unicameral-Parliamentary system is a revision of
the Constitution—merging the legislative and executive branches is a
radical change in the structure of the government.—Under both the
quantitative and qualitative tests, the Lambino Group’s initiative is a
revision and not merely an amendment. Quantitatively, the Lambino
Group’s proposed changes overhaul two articles—Article VI on the
Legislature and Article VII on the Executive—affecting a total of 105
provisions in the entire Constitution. Qualitatively, the proposed changes
alter substantially the basic plan of government, from presidential to
parliamentary, and from a bicameral to a unicameral legislature. A change in
the structure of government is a revision of the Constitution, as when the
three great co-equal branches of government in the present Constitution are
reduced into two. This alters the separation of powers in the 9/106
ing the legislative and executive branches is a radical change in the structure
of government.
Same; Same; Same; By any legal test and under any jurisdiction, a
shift from a Bicameral-Presidential to a Unicameral-Parliamentary system,
involving the abolition of the Office of the President and the abolition of one
chamber of Congress, is beyond doubt a revision, not a mere amendment.—
The abolition alone of the Office of the President as the locus of Executive
Power alters the separation of powers and thus constitutes a revision of the
Constitution. Likewise, the abolition alone of one chamber of Congress
alters the system of checks-and-balances within the legislature and
constitutes a revision of the Constitution. By any legal test and under any
jurisdiction, a shift from a Bicameral-Presidential to a Unicameral-
Parliamentary system, involving the abolition of the Office of the President
and the abolition of one chamber of Congress, is beyond doubt a revision,
not a mere amendment. On the face alone of the Lambino Group’s proposed
changes, it is readily apparent that the changes will radically alter the
framework of government as set forth in the Constitution.
Same; Same; Same; The express intent of the framers and the plain
language of the Constitution contradict the Lambino Group’s theory—any
theory advocating that a proposed change involving a radical structural
change in government does not constitute a revision justly deserves
rejection.—The express intent of the framers and the plain language of
the Constitution contradict the Lambino Group’s theory. Where the intent
of the framers and the language of the Constitution are clear and plainly
stated, courts do not deviate from such categorical intent and language. Any
theory espousing a construction contrary to such intent and language
deserves scant consideration. More so, if such theory wreaks havoc by
creating inconsistencies in the form of government established in the
Constitution. Such a theory, devoid of any jurisprudential mooring and
inviting inconsistencies in the Constitution, only exposes the flimsiness of
the Lambino Group’s position. Any theory advocating that a proposed
change involving a radical structural change in government does not
constitute a revision justly deserves rejection. 10/106
the middle of the spectrum, colors fuse and difficulties arise in determining
whether there is an amendment or revision. The present initiative is
indisputably located at
the far end of the red spectrum where revision begins. The present initiative
seeks a radical overhaul of the existing separation of powers among the
three co-equal departments of government, requiring far-reaching
amendments in several sections and articles of the Constitution. Where the
proposed change applies only to a specific provision of the Constitution
without affecting any other section or article, the change may generally be
considered an amendment and not a revision. For example, a change
reducing the voting age from 18 years to 15 years is an amendment and not
a revision. Similarly, a change reducing Filipino ownership of mass media
companies from 100 percent to 60 percent is an amendment and not a
revision. Also, a change requiring a college degree as an additional
qualification for election to the Presidency is an amendment and not a
revision. 11/106
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Same; Same; Same; Initiative and Referendum Act (R.A. No. 6735);
Judicial Review; There is no need to revisit the Court’s ruling in Santiago v.
Commission on Elections, 270 SCRA 106 (1997), declaring R.A. No. 6735
“incomplete, inadequate or wanting in essential terms and conditions” to
cover the system of initiative to amend the Constitution—an affirmation or
reversal of Santiago will not change the outcome of the present petition; The
Court must avoid revisiting a ruling involving the constitutionality of a
statute if the case before the Court can be resolved on some other grounds.
—The present petition warrants dismissal for failure to comply with the
basic requirements of Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution on the
conduct and scope of a people’s initiative to amend the Constitution. There
is no need to revisit this Court’s ruling in Santiago declaring RA 6735
“incomplete, inadequate or wanting in essential terms and conditions” to
cover the system of initiative to amend the Constitution. An affirmation or
reversal of Santiago will not change the outcome of the present petition.
Thus, this Court must decline to revisit Santiago which effectively ruled
that RA 6735 does not comply with the requirements of the Constitution to
implement the initiative clause on amendments to the Constitution. This
Court must avoid revisiting a ruling involving the constitutionality of a
statute if the case before the Court can be resolved on some other grounds.
Such avoidance is a logical consequence of the well-settled doctrine that
courts will not pass upon the constitutionality of a statute if the case can be
resolved on some other grounds.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Section 5(b) of RA 6735 requires that the
people must sign the petition as signatories.—Even then, the present
initiative violates Section 5(b) of RA 6735 which requires that the “petition
for an initiative on the 1987 Constitution must have at least twelve per
centum (12%) of the total number of registered voters as signatories.”
Section 5(b) of RA 6735 requires that the people must sign the “petition x x
x as signatories.” The 6.3 million signatories did not sign the petition of 25
August 2006 or the amended petition of 30 August 2006 filed with the
COMELEC. Only Atty. Lambino, Atty. Demosthenes B. Donato, and
Atty. Alberto C. Agra signed the petition and amended petition as
counsels for “Raul L. Lambino and Erico B. Aumentado, Petitioners.”
In the COMELEC the Lambino Group, claiming to act “together with” the
6.3 million signatories, merely attached the signature sheets to the petition
and amended petition. Thus, the petition and amended petition filed with the
COMELEC did not even comply with the basic requirement of RA 6735
that the Lambino Group claims as valid.
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Lambino vs. Commission on Elections
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Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Until and unless Santiago v.
Commission on Elections, 270 SCRA 106 (1997), is revisited and changed
by this Court or the legal moorings of the exercise of the right are
substantially changed, the Comelec cannot be faulted for acting in accord
with the Supreme Court’s pronouncements.—Until and unless Santiago is
revisited and changed by this Court or the legal moorings of the exercise of
the right are substantially changed, the Comelec cannot be faulted for
acting in accord with this Court’s pronouncements. Respondent
Commission has no discre-
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tion, under any guise, to refuse enforcement of any final decision of this
Court. The refusal of the poll body to act on the Lambino Petition was its
only recourse. Any other mode of action would appear not only
presumptuous, but also contemptuous. It would have constituted defiance of
the Court and would have surely been struck down as grave abuse of
discretion and contumacious disregard of the supremacy of this Court as the
final arbiter of justiciable controversies.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Any person aggrieved by the act or
inaction of the respondent tribunal, board or officer may file a petition for
certiorari or mandamus before the appropriate court.—Neither is it
necessary for said signatories to authorize Lambino and Aumentado to file
the petition for certiorari and mandamus before this Court. Rule 65 of the
1997 Rules of Civil Procedure provides who may file a petition for certiorari
and mandamus. Sections 1 and 3 of Rule 65 read: SECTION 1. Petition for
certiorari.—When any tribunal, board or officer exercising judicial or quasi-
judicial functions has acted without or in excess of his jurisdiction, or with
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, and
there is no appeal, nor any plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in the
ordinary course of law, a
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person aggrieved thereby may file a verified petition in the proper court x x
x x. SEC. 3. Petition for mandamus.—When any tribunal, corporation,
board, officer or person unlawfully neglects the performance of an act which
the law specifically enjoins as a duty resulting from an office, trust, or
station x x x and there is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the
ordinary course of law, the person aggrieved thereby may file a verified
petition in the proper court x x x x. Thus, any person aggrieved by the act
or inaction of the respondent tribunal, board or officer may file a petition for
certiorari or mandamus before the appropriate court. Certainly, Lambino and
Aumentado, as among the proponents of the petition for initiative dismissed
by the COMELEC, have the standing to file the petition at bar.
Same; Same; Same; Initiative and Referendum Act (R.A. No. 6735);
Judgments; Stare Decisis; Words and Phrases; The latin phrase stare
decisis et non quieta movere means “stand by the thing and do not disturb
the calm”; The doctrine of stare decisis started with the English Courts and
later migrated to the United States.—The latin phrase stare decisis et non
quieta movere means “stand by the thing and do not disturb the calm.” The
doctrine started with the English Courts. Blackstone observed that at the
beginning of the 18th century, “it is an established rule to abide by former
precedents where the same points come again in litigation.” As the rule
evolved, early limits to its application were recognized: (1) it would not
be followed if it were “plainly unreasonable”; (2) where courts of equal
authority developed conflicting decisions; and, (3) the binding force of the
decision was the “actual principle or principles necessary for the decision;
not the words or reasoning used to reach the decision.” The doctrine
migrated to the United States. It was recognized by the framers of the U.S.
Constitution. According to Hamilton, “strict rules and precedents” are
necessary to prevent “arbitrary discretion in the courts.” Madison agreed
but stressed that “x x x once the precedent ventures into the realm of
altering or repealing the law, it should be rejected.” Prof. Consovoy well
noted that Hamilton and Madison “disagree about the countervailing policy
considerations that would allow a judge to abandon a precedent.” He added
that their ideas “reveal a deep internal conflict between the concreteness
required by the rule of law and the flexibility demanded in error correction.
It is this internal conflict that the Supreme Court has attempted to deal
with for over two centuries.”
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Two strains of stare
decisis have been isolated by legal scholars—the first, known as vertical
stare decisis deals with the duty of lower courts to apply the decisions of the
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courts to cases involving the same facts, and the second, known as
horizontal stare decisis requires that high courts must follow their own
precedents; Vertical stare decisis has been viewed as an obligation, while
horizontal stare decisis, has been viewed as a policy, imposing choice but
not a command.— Two centuries of American case law will confirm Prof.
Consovoy’s observation although stare decisis developed its own life in the
United States. Two strains of stare decisis have been isolated by legal
scholars. The first, known as vertical stare decisis deals with the duty of
lower courts to apply the decisions of the higher courts to cases involving
the same facts. The second, known as horizontal stare decisis requires that
high courts must follow its own precedents. Prof. Consovoy correctly
observes that vertical stare decisis has been viewed as an obligation, while
horizontal stare decisis, has been viewed as a policy, imposing choice but
not a command. Indeed, stare decisis is not one of the precepts set in stone
in our Constitution.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Reasons for Following
and Refusing the Stare Decisis Rule.—In general, courts follow the stare 18/106
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Same; Same; Same; Same; R.A. 6735 clearly expressed the legislative
policy for the people to propose amendments to the Constitution by direct
action, and the fact that the legislature may have omitted certain details in
implementing the people’s initiative in R.A. 6735, does not justify the
conclusion that, ergo, the law is insufficient—what were omitted were mere
details and not fundamental policies which Congress alone can and has
determined.—The tragedy is that while conceding this intent, the six (6)
justices, nevertheless, ruled that “x x x R.A. No. 6735 is incomplete,
inadequate, or wanting in essential terms and conditions insofar as initiative
on amendments to the Constitution is concerned” for the following reasons:
(1) Section 2 of the Act does not suggest an initiative on amendments to the
Constitution; (2) the Act does not provide for the contents of the petition
for initiative on the Constitution; and (3) while the Act provides subtitles for
National Initiative and Referendum (Subtitle II) and for Local Initiative and
Referendum (Subtitle III), no subtitle is provided for initiative on the
Constitution. To say the least, these alleged omissions are too weak a reason
to throttle the right of the sovereign people to amend the Constitution
through initiative. R.A. 6735 clearly expressed the legislative policy for the
people to propose amendments to the Constitution by direct action. The fact
that the legislature may have omitted certain details in implementing the
people’s initiative in R.A. 6735, does not justify the conclusion that, ergo,
the law is insufficient. What were omitted were mere details and not
fundamental policies which Congress alone can and has determined.
Implementing details of a law can be delegated to the COMELEC and can
be the subject of its rule-making power. Under Section 2(1), Article IX-C of
the Constitution, the COMELEC has the power to enforce and administer all
laws and regulations relative to the conduct of initiatives. Its rule-making
power has long been recognized by this Court. In ruling R.A. 6735
insufficient but without striking it down as unconstitutional, the six (6)
justices failed to give due recognition to the indefeasible right of the
sovereign people to amend the Constitution.
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Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; The proposed changes will not
change the fundamental nature of our state as “a democratic and
republican state.”— Nor can this Court be surefooted if it applies the
qualitative test to determine whether the said changes are “simple” or
“substantial” as to amount to a revision of the Constitution. The well-
regarded political scientist, Garner, says that a good constitution should
contain at least three (3) sets of provisions: the constitution of liberty
which sets forth the fundamental rights of the people and imposes certain
limitations on the powers of the government as a means of securing the
enjoyment of these rights; the constitution of government which deals with
the framework of government and its powers, laying down certain rules for
its administration and defining the electorate; and, the constitution of
sovereignty which prescribes the mode or procedure for amending or
revising the constitution. It is plain that the proposed changes will
basically affect only the constitution of government. The constitutions of
liberty and sovereignty remain unaffected. Indeed, the proposed changes
will not change the fundamental nature of our state as “x x x a
democratic and republican state.” It is self-evident that a unicameral-
parliamentary form of government will not make our State any less
democratic or any less republican in character. Hence, neither will the use
of the qualitative test resolve the issue of whether the proposed changes
are “simple” or “substantial.”
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ple) since the constitution derives its force as a fundamental law, not from
the action of the convention but from the powers (of the people) who have
ratified and adopted it. “Debates in the constitutional convention ‘are of
value as showing the views of the individual members, and as indicating the
reasons for their votes, but they give us no light as to the views of the
large majority who did not talk, much less of the mass of our fellow
citizens whose votes at the polls gave that instrument the force of
fundamental law.’” Indeed, a careful perusal of the debates of the
Constitutional Commissioners can likewise lead to the conclusion that
there was no abandonment of the traditional distinction between
“amendment” and “revision.” For during the debates, some of the
commissioners referred to the concurring opinion of former Justice Felix Q.
Antonio in Javellana v. The Executive Secretary, that stressed the
traditional distinction between amendment and revision.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; It is arguable that when the
framers of the 1987 Constitution used the word “revision,” they had in mind
the “rewriting of the whole Constitution,” or the “total overhaul of the
Constitution”—anything less is an “amendment” or just “a change of
specific provisions only.”—It is arguable that when the framers of the 1987
Constitution used the word “revision,” they had in mind the “rewriting of
the whole Constitution,” or the “total overhaul of the Constitution.”
Anything less is an “amendment” or just “a change of specific provisions
only,” the intention being “not the change of the entire Constitution, but
only the improvement of specific parts or the addition of provisions deemed
essential as a consequence of new conditions or the elimination of parts
already considered obsolete or unresponsive to the needs of the times.”
Under this view, “substantial” amendments are still “amendments” and thus
can be proposed by the people via an initiative.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; The constitution does not
derive its force from the convention which framed it, but from the people
who ratified it, the intent to be arrived at is that of the people, and it is not
to be supposed that they have looked for any dark or abstruse meaning in
the words employed, but rather that they have accepted them in the sense
most obvious to the common understanding, and ratified the instrument in
the belief that that was the sense designed to be conveyed; A constitution is
not to be interpreted on narrow or technical principles, but liberally and on
broad general lines, to accomplish the object of its establishment and carry
out the great principles of government—not to defeat them.—As we cannot
be guided with certainty by the inconclusive opinions of the
Commissioners on the difference
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Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; The argument that the people
through initiative cannot propose substantial amendments to change the
Constitution turns sovereignty on its head.—The end result is Section 2,
Article XVII of the 1987 Constitution which expressed the right of the
sovereign people to propose amendments to the Constitution by direct
action or through initiative. To that extent, the delegated power of
Congress to amend or revise the Constitution has to be adjusted
downward. Thus, Section 1, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution has to be
reminted and now provides: “The legislative power shall be vested in the
Congress of the Philippines which shall consist of a Senate and a House of
Representatives, except to the extent reserved to the people by the
provision on initiative and referendum.” Prescinding from these baseline
premises, the argument that the people through initiative cannot
propose substantial amendments to change the Constitution turns
sovereignty on its head. At the very least, the submission constricts the
democratic space for the exercise of the direct sovereignty of the people. It
also denigrates the
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sovereign people who they claim can only be trusted with the power to
propose “simple” but not “substantial” amendments to the Constitution.
According to Sinco, the concept of sovereignty should be strictly
understood in its legal meaning as it was originally developed in law. Legal
sovereignty, he explained, is “the possession of unlimited power to make
laws. Its possessor is the legal sovereign. It implies the absence of any other
party endowed with legally superior powers and privileges. It is not subject
to law ‘for it is the author and source of law.’ Legal sovereignty is thus
the equivalent of legal omnipotence.”
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joined the minority of five (5) justices. He opined without any equivocation
that R.A. 6735 was a sufficient law.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Under any alchemy of law, a
deadlocked vote of six (6) is not a majority and a non-majority cannot write
a rule with precedential value.—It ought to be beyond debate that the six (6)
justices who voted that R.A. 6735 is an insufficient law failed to establish a
doctrine that could serve as a precedent. Under any alchemy of law, a
deadlocked vote of six (6) is not a majority and a non-majority cannot write
a rule with precedential value.
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if the appeal, or writ of error, were dismissed.” Durant v. Essex Co., 7 Wall.
107, 112, 19 L. Ed. 154 (1869). Nor is an affirmance by an equally divided
Court entitled to precedential weight. Ohio ex rel. Eaton v. Price, 364 U.S.
263, 264, 80 S. Ct. 1463, 1464, 4 L. Ed. 2d 1708 (1960). x x x” This
doctrine established in Neil has not been overturned and has been cited with
approval in a number of subsequent cases, and has been applied in various
state jurisdictions.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; The prevailing doctrine
is that, the affirmance by an equally divided court merely disposes of the
present controversy as between the parties and settles no issue of law—the
affirmance leaves unsettled the principle of law presented by the case and is
not entitled to precedential weight or value.—After a tour of these cases, we
can safely conclude that the prevailing doctrine is that, the affirmance by
an equally divided court merely disposes of the present controversy as
between the parties and settles no issue of law; the affirmance leaves
unsettled the principle of law presented by the case and is not entitled to
precedential weight or value. In other words, the decision only has res
judicata and not stare decisis effect. It is not conclusive and binding upon
other parties as respects the controversies in other actions.
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Same; Same; Same; Initiative and Referendum Act (R.A. No. 6735);
Now that we have revisited the Santiago v. COMELEC, 336 Phil. 848
(1997), decision, there is only one clear task for COMELEC—in my view,
the only doable option left for the COMELEC, once factual issues are heard
and resolved, is to give due course to the petition for the initiative to amend
our Constitution so that the sovereign people can vote on whether a
parliamentary system of government should replace the present presidential
system.—I see no objection to the remand to the COMELEC of the petition
of Messrs. Lambino and Aumentado and 6.327 million voters, for further
examination of the factual requisites before a plebiscite is conducted. On
page 4 of the assailed Resolution of the respondent dated August 31, 2006,
the COMELEC tentatively expressed its view that “even if the signatures in
the instant Petition appear to meet the required minimum per centum of the
total number of registered voters,” the COMELEC could not give the
Petition due course because of our view that R.A. No. 6735 was inadequate.
That, however, is now refuted by Mr. Justice Puno’s scholarly ponencia.
Now that we have revisited the Santiago v. COMELEC decision, there is
only one clear task for COMELEC. In my view, the only doable option left
for the COMELEC, once factual issues are heard and resolved, is to give
due course to the petition for the initiative to amend our Constitution so that
the sovereign people can vote on whether a parliamentary system of
government should replace the present presidential system.
Same; Same; Same; The requirement of setting forth the complete text
of the proposed changes in the petition for initiative is a safeguard against
fraud and deception.—The requirement of setting forth the complete text of
the proposed changes in the petition for initiative is a safeguard against
fraud and deception. If the whole text of the proposed changes is contained
in or attached to the petition, intercalations and riders may be duly avoided.
Only then can we be assured that the proposed changes are truly of the
people and that the signatories have been fully apprised of its implications.
If a statutory provision is essential to guard against fraud, corruption or
deception in the initiative and referendum process, such provision must be
viewed as an indispensable requirement and failure to substantially comply
therewith is fatal. The failure of petitioners in this case to comply with the
full text requirement resultantly rendered their petition for initiative fatally
referendum petition: (a) No petition embracing more than one subject shall
be submitted to the electorate; x x x The one subject rule, as relating to an
initiative to amend the Constitution, has the same object and purpose as the
one subject-one bill rule embodied in Article VI, Section 26(1) of the
Constitution. To elaborate, the one subject-one bill rule was designed to do
away with the practice of inserting two or more unrelated provisions in one
bill, so that those favoring one provision would be compelled to adopt the
others. By this process of log-rolling, the adoption of both provisions could
be accomplished and ensured, when neither, if standing alone, could 29/106
succeed on its own merits. As applied to the initiative process, the one
subject rule is essentially designed to prevent surprise and fraud on the
electorate. It is meant to safeguard the integrity of the initiative process by
ensuring that no unrelated riders are concealed within the terms of the
proposed amendment. This in turn guarantees that the signatories are fully
aware of the nature, scope and purpose of the proposed amendment.
Same; Same; Same; It is not difficult to see that while the proposed
changes appear to relate only to a shift in the form of government, it
actually seeks to affect other subjects that are not reasonably germane to
the constitutional alteration that is purportedly sought.—The proposed
changes to the Constitution cover other subjects that are beyond the main
proposal espoused by the petitioners. Apart from a shift from the
presidential to a parliamentary form of government, the proposed changes
include the abolition of one House of Congress, and the convening of a
constituent assembly to propose additional amendments to the Constitution.
Also included within its terms is an omnibus declaration that those
constitutional provisions under Articles VI and VII, which are inconsistent
with the unicameral-parliamentary form of government, shall be deemed
amended to conform thereto. It is not difficult to see that while the proposed
changes appear to relate only to a shift in the form of government, it actually
seeks to affect other subjects that are not reasonably germane to the
constitutional alteration that is purportedly sought. For one, a shift to a
parliamentary system of government does not necessarily result in the
adoption of a unicameral legislature. A parliamentary system can exist in
many different “hybrid” forms of government, which may or may not
embrace unicameralism. In other words, the shift from presidential to
parliamentary structure and from a bicameral to a unicameral legislature is
neither the cause nor effect of the other.
190 30/106
191 31/106
Same; Same; Same; The voice and will of our people cannot be any
clearer when they limited people’s initiative to mere amendments of the
fundamental law and excluded revisions in its scope; Article XVII on
amendments and revisions is called a “constitution of sovereignty” because
it defines the constitutional meaning of “sovereignty of the people”—it is 32/106
through these provisions that the sovereign people have allowed the
expression of their sovereign will and have canalized their powers which
would otherwise be plenary.—Our people too have spoken when they
overwhelmingly ratified the 1987 Constitution, with the provisions on
amendments and revisions under Article XVII. The voice and will of our
people cannot be any clearer when they limited people’s initiative to mere
amendments of the fundamental law and excluded revisions in its scope. In
this regard, the task of the Court is to give effect to the people’s voice, as
expressed unequivocally through the Constitution. Article XVII on
amendments and revisions is called a “constitution of sovereignty” because
it defines the constitutional meaning of “sovereignty of the people.” It is
through these provisions that the sovereign people have allowed the
expression of their sovereign will and have canalized their powers which
would otherwise be plenary. By approving these provisions, the sovereign
people have decided to limit themselves and future generations in the
exercise of their sovereign power. They are thus bound by the constitution
and are powerless, whatever their numbers, to change or thwart its
mandates, except through the means prescribed by the Constitution itself.
193 33/106
with the regular working of the agencies of government at any other time or
in any other mode than as allowed by existing law, either constitutional or
statutory, it would be revolutionary in character, and must be resisted and
repressed by the officers who, for the time being, represent legitimate
government. (Italics supplied) Consequently, there is here no case of “the
spring rising above its source.” Nor is it one where the people’s sovereign
power has been relegated to a lesser plane than that of Congress. In
choosing to exercise self-limitation, there is no absence or lack of even a
fraction of the sovereign power of the people since self-limitation itself is
an expression of that sovereign power. The people have chosen to
delegate and limit their sovereign power by virtue of the Constitution and
are bound by the parameters that they themselves have ordained. Otherwise,
if the people choose to defy their self-imposed constitutional restraints, we
will be faced with a revolutionary situation.
vox Dei—the voice of the people is the voice of God. Caution should be
exercised in choosing one’s battlecry, lest it does more harm than good to
one’s cause. In its original context, the complete version of this Latin phrase
means exactly the opposite of what it is frequently taken to mean. It
originated from a holy man, the monk Alcuin, who advised Charlemagne,
“nec audiendi qui solent dicere vox populi vox Dei quum tumultuositas
vulgi semper insaniae proxima sit,” meaning, “And those people should
not be listened to who keep on saying, ‘The voice of the people is the
voice of God,’ since the riotousness of the crowd is always very close to
madness.” Perhaps, it is by providence that the true meaning of the Latin
phrase is revealed upon petitioners and their allies—that they may reflect
upon the sincerity and authenticity of their “people’s initiative.” 34/106
the doctrine of stare decisis does not prevent re-examining and, if need be,
overruling prior decisions, “It is x x x a fundamental jurisprudential policy
that prior applicable precedent usually must be followed even though the
case, if considered anew, might be decided differently by the current
justices. This policy x x x ‘is based on the assumption that certainty,
predictability and stability in the law are the major objectives of the
legal system; i.e., that parties should be able to regulate their conduct
and enter into relationships with reasonable assurance of the governing
rules of law. Accordingly, a party urging overruling a precedent faces a
rightly onerous task, the difficulty of which is roughly proportional to a
number of factors, including the age of the precedent, the nature and
extent of public and private reliance on it, and its consistency or
inconsistency with other related rules of law. Here, petitioners failed to
discharge their task. 36/106
used in exactly the same sense but there is an essential difference between
them. “Revision” implies a reexamination of the whole law and a redraft
without obligation to maintain the form, scheme, or structure of the old.
As applied to fundamental law, such as a constitution or charter, it suggests
a convention to examine the whole subject and to prepare and submit a new
instrument whether the desired changes from the old are few or many.
Amendment implies continuance of the general plan and purpose of the
law, with corrections to better accomplish its purpose. Basically, revision
suggests fundamental change, while amendment is a correction of detail.
Same; Same; Same; Initiative and Referendum Act (R.A. No. 6735);
R.A. No. 6735 is not the enabling law contemplated by the Constitution.—
R.A. No. 6735 does not specify the procedure how initiative on the
Constitution may be accomplished. This is not the enabling law
contemplated by the Constitution. As pointed out by oppositor-intervenor
Alternative Law Groups Inc., since the promulgation of the Decision in
Santiago, various bills have been introduced in both Houses of Congress
providing for a complete and adequate process for people’s initiative. 38/106
Same; Same; Same; Let us not repeat the mistake committed by this
Court in Javellana v. The Executive Secretary, 50 SCRA 30 (1973). The
Court then ruled that “This being the vote of the majority, there is no further
judicial obstacle to the new Constitution being considered in force and
effect,” although it had notice that the Constitution proposed by the 1971
Constitutional Convention was not validly ratified by the people in
accordance with the 1935 Constitution.—Let us not repeat the mistake
committed by this Court in Javellana v. The Executive Secretary, 50 SCRA 39/106
30 (1973). The Court then ruled that “This being the vote of the majority,
there is no further judicial obstacle to the new Constitution being considered
in force and effect,” although it had notice that the Constitution proposed by
the 1971 Constitutional Convention was not validly ratified by the people in
accordance with the 1935 Constitution. The Court concluded, among others,
that the viva voce voting in the Citizens’ Assemblies “was and is null and
void ab initio.” That was during martial law when perhaps majority of the
justices were scared of the dictator. Luckily at present, we are not under a
martial law regime. There is, therefore, no reason why this Court should
allow itself to be used as a legitimizing authority by the so-called people’s
initiative for those who want to perpetuate themselves in power.
cause of action. It has the following requisites: (1) the former judgment or
order must be final; (2) it must have been rendered by a court having
jurisdiction of the subject matter and of the parties; (3) it must be a
judgment or order on the merits and (4) there must be identity of parties, of
subject matter, and of cause of action between the first and second actions.
There is no identity of parties in Santiago and the instant case. While the
COMELEC was also the respondent in Santiago, the petitioners in that case
and those in this case are different. More significantly, there is no identity of
causes of action in the two cases. Santiago involved amendments to
Sections 4 and 7 of Article VI, Section 4 of Article VII and Section 8 of
Article X of the Constitution while the present petition seeks to amend
Sections 1to 7 of Article VI and Sections 1 to 4 of the 1987 Constitution.
Clearly, therefore, the COMELEC committed grave abuse of discretion
when it ruled that the present petition for initiative was barred by Santiago
and, on that ground, dismissed the petition. 40/106
unnecessarily restrict the initiative privilege. In the same vein, this Court
cannot unnecessarily and unreasonably restrain the people’s right to directly
propose changes to the Constitution by declaring a law inadequate simply
for lack of a sub-heading and other grammatical but insignificant omissions.
Otherwise, the constitutional intent to empower the people will be severely
emasculated, if not rendered illusory.
best discern the true interest of their country, and whose patriotism and love
of justice will be least likely to sacrifice it to temporary or partial
considerations,” the exercise of “direct democracy” through initiative
reserves direct lawmaking power to the people by providing them a method
to make new laws via the constitution, or alternatively by enacting statutes.
Efforts of the represented to control their representatives through initiative
have been described as curing the problems of democracy with more
democracy. 41/106
implementation of the system. When the COMELEC denied the petition for
initiative, there was as yet no valid law enacted by Congress to provide for
the implementation of the system. It is a travesty for the Court to declare the
act of the COMELEC in denying due course to the petition for initiative as
“capricious, despotic, oppressive or whimsical exercise of judgment as is
equivalent to lack of jurisdiction.” In fact, in so doing, the COMELEC
merely followed or applied, as it ought to do, the Court’s ruling in Santiago
to the effect that Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution on the system
of initiative is a non self-executory provision and requires an enabling law
for its implementation. In relation thereto, RA 6735 was found by the Court
to be “incomplete, inadequate, or wanting in essential terms and conditions”
to implement the constitutional provision on initiative. Consequently, the
COMELEC was “permanently enjoined from entertaining or taking
cognizance of any petition for initiative on amendments to the
Constitution until a sufficient law shall have been validly enacted to
provide for the implementation of the system.” The decision of the Court
En Banc interpreting RA 6735 forms part of the legal system of the
Philippines. And no doctrine or principle laid down by the Court En Banc
may be modified or reversed except by the Court En Banc, certainly not by
the COMELEC. Until the Court En Banc modifies or reverses its decision,
the COMELEC is bound to follow the same.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Given that a clear majority of the
members of the Court, eight Justices, concurred in the decision in Santiago
v. Commission on Elections, 270 SCRA 106 (1997), the pronouncement
therein that RA 6735 is “incomplete, inadequate, or wanting in essential 42/106
ago as embodied in the Decision of March 19, 1997 remains the definitive
ruling on the matter.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Stare Decisis; Ten (10) years after
Santiago and absent the occurrence of any compelling supervening event,
i.e., passage of a law to implement the system of initiative under Section 2,
Article XVII of the Constitution, that would warrant the re-examination of
the ruling therein, it behooves the Court to apply to the present case the
salutary and well-recognized doctrine of stare decisis.—The respective
explanatory notes of the said Senate and House bills uniformly recognize
that there is, to date, no law to govern the process by which constitutional
amendments are introduced by the people directly through the system of
initiative. Ten (10) years after Santiago and absent the occurrence of any
compelling supervening event, i.e., passage of a law to implement the
system of initiative under Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution, that
would warrant the reexamination of the ruling therein, it behooves the Court
to apply to the present case the salutary and well-recognized doctrine of
stare decisis. As earlier shown, Congress and other government agencies
have, in fact, abided by Santiago. The Court can do no less with respect to
its own ruling. 43/106
Same; Same; Same; The Constitution received its force from the
express will of the people, and in expressing that will, the Filipino people
have incorporated therein the method and manner by which the same can be
amended and revised, and when the electorate have incorporated into the
fundamental law the particular manner in which the same may be altered or
changed, then any course which disregards that express will is a direct
violation of the fundamental law.—The Constitution is the fundamental law
of the state, containing the principles upon which the government is
founded, and regulating
204 44/106
depth of the changes that would be effected, not to mention that the
Constitution’s basic plan and substance of a tripartite system of government
and the principle of separation of powers underlying the same would be
altered, if not entirely destroyed, there can be no other conclusion than that
the proposition of petitioners Lambino, et al. would constitute a revision of
the Constitution rather than an amendment or “such an addition or change
within the lines of the original instrument as will effect an improvement or
better carry out the purpose for which it was framed.” As has been shown,
the effect of the adoption of the petitioners’ proposition, rather than to
“within the lines of the original instrument” constitute “an improvement or
better carry out the purpose for which it was framed,” is to “substantially
alter the purpose and to attain objectives clearly beyond the lines of the
Constitution as now cast.”
Same; Same; Same; Initiative and Referendum Act (R.A. No. 6735);
Delegation of Power; The law mandates upon the election registrar to
personally verify the signatures, a solemn and important duty imposed on
the election registrar which he cannot delegate to any other person, even to
barangay officials.—The law mandates upon the election registrar to
personally verify
the signatures. This is a solemn and important duty imposed on the election
registrar which he cannot delegate to any other person, even to barangay
officials. Hence, a verification of signatures made by persons other than the
election registrars has no legal effect. In patent violation of the law, several
certifications submitted by petitioners showed that the verification of
signatures was made, not by the election registrars, but by barangay
officials. 45/106
Same; Same; Same; Same; The remand of the case to the COMELEC
for reception of evidence of the parties on the contentious factual issues is,
in effect, an amendment of the abovequoted rules of the COMELEC by this
Court which the Court is not empowered to do.—Clearly, following the
foregoing procedural rules, the COMELEC is not authorized to conduct any
kind of hearing to receive any evidence for or against the sufficiency of the
petition for initiative. Rather, the foregoing rules require of the COMELEC
to determine the sufficiency or insufficiency of the petition for initiative on
its face. And it has already been shown, by the annexes submitted by the
petitioners themselves, their petition is, on its face, insufficient in form and
substance. The remand of the case to the COMELEC for reception of
evidence of the parties on the contentious factual issues is, in effect, an
amendment of the abovequoted rules of the COMELEC by this Court which
the Court is not empowered to do.
Same; Same; Same; Same; I strongly take exception to the view that the
people, in their sovereign capacity, can disregard the Constitution
altogether.—There is no denying that “the Philippines is a democratic and
republican State. Sovereignty resides in the people and all government
authority emanates from them.” However, I find to be tenuous the
asseveration that “the argument that the people through initiative cannot
propose substantial amendments to change the Constitution turns
sovereignty in its head. At the very least, the submission constricts the
democratic space for the exercise of the direct sovereignty of the people.” In
effect, it is theorized that despite the unambiguous text of Section 2, Article
XVII of the Constitution withholding the power to revise it from the system
of initiative, the people, in their sovereign capacity, can conveniently
disregard the said provision. I strongly take exception to the view that the 46/106
207 47/106
moral reform, the loss of a few years is nothing. The constitution is the
palladium of republican freedom. The young men coming forward upon the
stage of political action must be educated to venerate it; those already upon
the stage must be taught to obey it. Whatever interest may be advanced or
may suffer, whoever or whatever may be ‘voted up or voted down,’ no
sacrilegious hand must be laid upon the constitution.”
ers. The rules, therefore, governing the exercise of legislative powers do not
apply, or do not apply strictly, to the actions taken under Article XVII.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Initiative and Referendum Act (R.A. No.
6735); Since Article XVII states that Congress shall provide for the
implementation of the exercise of the people’s right directly to propose
amendments to the Constitution through initiative, the act of Congress
pursuant thereto is not strictly a legislative action but partakes of a
constituent act; The provisions of Republic Act No. 6735 relating to the
procedure for proposing amendments to the Constitution, can and should be
upheld, despite shortcomings perhaps in legislative headings and standards.
—Accordingly, since Article XVII states that Congress shall provide for the
implementation of the exercise of the people’s right directly to propose
amendments to the Constitution through initiative, the act of Congress
pursuant thereto is not strictly a legislative action but partakes of a
constituent act. As a result, Republic Act No. 6735, the act that provides for
the exercise of the people of the right to propose a law or amendments to the
Constitution is, with respect to the right to propose amendments to the
Constitution, a constituent measure, not a mere legislative one. The
consequence of this special character of the enactment, insofar as it relates
to proposing amendments to the Constitution, is that the requirements for 48/106
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; I concur in the view that Santiago v.
Commission on Elections, 270 SCRA 106 (1997), should be re-examined
and, after doing so, that the pronouncement therein regarding the
insufficiency or inadequacy of the measure to sustain a people’s initiative to
amend the Constitution should be reconsidered in favor of allowing the
exercise of this sovereign right.—For this reason, I concur in the view that
Santiago v. Comelec should be re-examined and, after doing so, that the
pronouncement therein regarding the insufficiency or inadequacy of the
measure to sustain a people’s initiative to amend the Constitution should be
reconsidered in favor of allowing the exercise of this sovereign right. And
applying the doctrine stated in Senarillos v. Hermosisima, penned by Justice
J.B.L. Reyes, in relation to Article 8 of the Civil Code, that a decision of
this Court interpreting a law
forms part of the law interpreted as of the time of its enactment, Republic
Act No. 6735 should be deemed sufficient and adequate from the start.
Same; Same; Same; The reason why revisions are not allowed through
direct proposals by the people through initiative is a practical one, namely,
there is no one to draft such extensive changes, since 6.3 million people
cannot conceivably come up with a single extensive document through a
direct proposal from each of them.—Revisions are changes that affect the
entire Constitution and not mere parts of it. The reason why revisions are
not allowed through direct proposals by the people through initiative is a
practical one, namely, there is no one to draft such extensive changes, since
6.3 million people cannot conceivably come up with a single extensive
document through a direct proposal from each of them. Someone would
have to draft it and that is not authorized as it would not be a direct proposal
from the people. Such indirect proposals can only take the form of
proposals from Congress as a Constituent Assembly under Article XVII, or
a Constitutional Convention created under the same provision. Furthermore,
there is a need for such deliberative bodies for revisions because their
proceedings and debates are duly and officially recorded, so that future
cases of interpretations can be properly aided by resort to the record of their
proceedings. 49/106
Same; Same; Same; For the proposed changes can be separated and
are, in my view, separable in nature, a unicameral legislature is one, and a
parliamentary form of government is another—the first is a mere
amendment and
contains only one subject matter while the second is clearly a revision that
affects every article and every provision in the Constitution to an extent not
even the proponents could at present fully articulate.—Neither does it
comply with Republic Act No. 6735, which states in Section 10 that not
more than one subject shall be proposed as an amendment or amendments to
the Constitution. The petition herein would propose at the very least two
subjects—a unicameral legislature and a parliamentary form of government.
Again, for this clear and patent violation of the very act that provides for the
exercise of the power, the proposed initiative cannot lie. This does not
mean, however, that all is lost for petitioners. For the proposed changes can
be separated and are, in my view, separable in nature—a unicameral
legislature is one; a parliamentary form of government is another. The first
is a mere amendment and contains only one subject matter. The second is
clearly a revision that affects every article and every provision in the
Constitution to an extent not even the proponents could at present fully
articulate. Petitioners Lambino, et al. thus go about proposing changes the
nature and extent of which they do not as yet know exactly what. The
proposal, therefore, contained in the petition for initiative, regarding a
change in the legislature from a bicameral or two-chamber body to that of a
unicameral or one-chamber body, is sustainable. The text of the changes
needed to carry it out are perfunctory and ministerial in nature. Once it is 50/106
limited to this proposal, the changes are simply one of deletion and
insertions, the wordings of which are practically automatic and non-
211 51/106
Same; Same; Same; Same; Congress may not restrict the right to
initiative on grounds that are not provided for in the Constitution.—I am not
even entirely comfortable with the theoretical underpinnings of Section 10.
The Constitution indubitably grants the people the right to seek amendment
of the charter through initiative, and mandates Congress to “provide for the
implementation of the exercise of this right.” In doing so, Congress may not
restrict the right to initiative on grounds that are not provided for in the 52/106
Constitution. If for example the implementing law also provides that certain
provisions of the Constitution may not be amended through initiative, that
prohibition should not be sustained. Congress is tasked with the
implementation, and not the restriction of the right to initiative.
be amended would lie directly with the people. The initiative process
involves participatory democracy at its most elemental; wherein the
consequential debate would not be confined to the august halls of Congress
or the hallowed chambers of this Court, as it would spill over to the public
squares and town halls, the academic yards and the Internet blogosphere, the
dining areas in the homes of the affluent and the impoverished alike. 54/106
Caucasian, who met the property-holding requirements set by the states for
spect and reverence to the Philippine Constitution of 1987 for being the
supreme law of the land, we should not lose sight of the truth that there is an
ultimate authority to which the Constitution is also subordinate—the will of
the people. No less than its very first paragraph, the Preamble, expressly
recognizes that the Constitution came to be because it was ordained and
promulgated by the sovereign Filipino people. It is a principle reiterated yet
again in Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution, which explicitly declares
that “[t]he Philippines is a democratic and republican State. Sovereignty
resides in the people and all government authority emanates from them.”
Thus, the resolution of the issues and controversies raised by the instant
Petition should be guided accordingly by the foregoing principle. If the
Constitution is the expression of the will of the sovereign people, then, in
the event that the people change their will, so must the Constitution be
revised or amended to reflect such change. Resultantly, the right to revise or
amend the Constitution inherently resides in the sovereign people whose
will it is supposed to express and embody. The Constitution itself, under
Article XVII, provides for the means by which the revision or amendment
of the Constitution may be proposed and ratified. 55/106
the COMELEC pertains only to the petition for initiative filed by Jesus S.
Delfin, and not to all subsequent petitions for initiative to amend the
Constitution.—The COMELEC had indeed committed grave abuse of
discretion when it summarily dismissed Lambino and Aumentado’s petition
for initiative entirely on the basis of the Santiago case which, allegedly,
permanently enjoined it from entertaining or taking cognizance of any
petition for initiative to amend the Constitution in the absence of a sufficient
law. After a careful reading, however, of the Santiago case, I believe in
earnest that the permanent injunction actually issued by this Court against
the COMELEC pertains only to the petition for initiative filed by Jesus S.
Delfin, and not to all subsequent petitions for initiative to amend the
Same; Same; Same; Initiative and Referendum Act (R.A. No. 6735);
The declaration of the Court that Republic Act No. 6735 is insufficient or
inadequate actually gave rise to more questions rather than answers, due to
the fact that there has never been a judicial precedent wherein the Court
invalidated a law for insufficiency or inadequacy.—The declaration of the
Court that Republic Act No. 6735 is insufficient or inadequate actually gave
rise to more questions rather than answers, due to the fact that there has 56/106
never been a judicial precedent wherein the Court invalidated a law for
insufficiency or inadequacy. The confusion over such a declaration thereby
impelled former Chief Justice Davide, Jr., the ponente in the Santiago case,
to provide the following clarification in his separate opinion to the
Resolution in the PIRMA case, thus—Simply put, Santiago did, in reality,
declare as unconstitutional that portion of R.A. No. 6735 relating to
Constitutional initiatives for failure to comply with the “completeness and
sufficient standard tests” with respect to permissible delegation of legislative
power or subordinate legislation. However petitioners attempt to twist the
language in Santiago, the conclusion is inevitable; the portion of R.A. No.
6735 was held to be unconstitutional. It is important to note, however, that
while the Decision in the Santiago case pronounced repeatedly that
Republic Act No. 6735 was insufficient and inadequate, there is no
categorical declaration therein that the said statute was unconstitutional. The
express finding that Republic Act No. 6735 is unconstitutional can only be
found in the separate opinion of former Chief Justice Davide to the
Resolution in the PIRMA case, which was not concurred in by the other
members of the Court.
RA 6735 was not, and lost sight of what RA 6735 was.—The decision in
Santiago focused on what it perceived to be fatal flaws in the drafting of the
law, in the failings of the way the law was structured, to come to the
conclusion that the law was inadequate. The Court itself recognized the
legislators’ intent, but disregarded this intent. The law was found wanting.
The Court then saw the inclusion of the Constitution in RA 6735 as an
afterthought. However, it was included, and it should not be excluded by the
Court via a strained analysis of the law. The difficult construction of the law
should not serve to frustrate the intent of the framers of the 1987
Constitution: to give the people the power to propose amendments as they
saw fit. It is a basic precept in statutory construction that the intent of the
legislature is the controlling factor in the interpretation of a statute. The
intent of the legislature was clear, and yet RA 6735 was declared
inadequate. It was not specifically struck down or declared unconstitutional,
merely incomplete. The Court focused on what RA 6735 was not, and lost
sight of what RA 6735 was. 57/106
Same; Same; Same; Statutory Construction; When there are gray areas
in legislation, especially in matters that pertain to the sovereign people’s
political rights, courts must lean more towards a more liberal interpretation
favoring the people’s right to exercise their sovereign power.—In this case,
the Lambino petition is not concerned with rewriting the entire Constitution.
was never its intention to revise the whole Constitution. It merely concerns
itself with amending a few provisions in our fundamental charter. When
there are gray areas in legislation, especially in matters that pertain to the
sovereign people’s political rights, courts must lean more towards a more
liberal interpretation favoring the people’s right to exercise their sovereign
The Case
Antecedent Facts
and Section 7 of Republic Act No. 6735 or the Initiative and
Referendum Act (“RA 6735”).
The Lambino Group alleged that their petition had the support of
6,327,952 individuals constituting at least twelve per centum (12%)
of all registered voters, with each legislative district represented by
at least three per centum (3%) of its registered voters. The Lambino
Group also claimed that COMELEC election registrars had verified
the signatures of the 6.3 million individuals.
The Lambino Group’s initiative petition changes the 1987
Constitution 4by modifying Sections 1-7 of Article VI (Legislative
three per centum (3%) of the registered voters therein. Initiative on the Constitution
may be exercised only after five (5) years from the ratification of the1987
Constitution and only once every five (5) years thereafter.
(c) The petition shall state the following:
Section 1. (1) The legislative and executive powers shall be vested in a unicameral Parliament
which shall be composed of as many members as may be provided by law, to be apportioned
among the provinces, representative districts, and cities in accordance with the number of their
respective inhabitants, with at least three hundred thousand inhabitants per district, and on the 60/106
basis of a uniform and progressive ratio. Each district shall comprise, as far as practicable,
contiguous, compact and adjacent territory, and each province must have at least one member.
and Sections 1-4 of Article VII (Executive Department) 6 and by
adding Article XVIII entitled “Transitory Provisions.” These
(2) Each Member of Parliament shall be a natural-born citizen of the Philippines, at least
twenty-five years old on the day of the election, a resident of his district for at least one year
prior thereto, and shall be elected by the qualified voters of his district for a term of five years
without limitation as to the number thereof, except those under the party-list system which shall
be provided for by law and whose number shall be equal to twenty per centum of the total
membership coming from the parliamentary districts.
Section 1. There shall be a President who shall be the Head of State. The executive power shall
be exercised by a Prime Minister, with the assistance of the Cabinet. The Prime Minister shall
be elected by a majority of all the Members of Parliament from among themselves. He shall be
responsible to the Parliament for the program of government.
Section 1. (1) The incumbent President and Vice President shall serve until the expiration of
their term at noon on the thirtieth day of June 2010 and shall continue to exercise their powers
under the 1987 Constitution unless impeached by a vote of two thirds of all the members of the
interim parliament.
(2) In case of death, permanent disability, resignation or removal from office of the
incumbent President, the incumbent Vice President shall succeed as President. In case of death,
permanent disability, resignation or removal from office of both the incumbent President and
Vice President, the interim Prime Minister shall assume all the powers and responsibilities of
Prime Minister under Article VII as amended.
Section 2. Upon the expiration of the term of the incumbent President and Vice President,
with the exception of Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Article VI of the 1987 Constitution
which shall hereby be amended and Sections 18 and 24 which shall be deleted, all other
sections of Article VI are hereby retained and renumbered sequentially as Section 2, ad seriatim
up to 26, unless they are inconsistent with the Parliamentary system of government, in which
case, they shall be amended to conform with a unicameral parliamentary form of government;
provided, however, that any and all references therein to “Congress,” “Senate,” “House of
Representatives” and “Houses of Congress”
222 61/106
shall be changed to read “Parliament”; that any and all references therein to “Member[s] of
Congress,” “Senator[s]” or “Member[s] of the House of Representatives” shall be changed to
read as “Member[s] of Parliament” and any and all references to the “President” and or “Acting
President” shall be changed to read “Prime Minister.”
Section 3. Upon the expiration of the term of the incumbent President and Vice President,
with the exception of Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Article VII of the 1987 Constitution which are
hereby amended and Sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 which are hereby deleted, all other Sections
of Article VII shall be retained and renumbered sequentially as Section 2, ad seriatim up to 14,
unless they shall be inconsistent with Section 1 hereof, in which case they shall be deemed
amended so as to conform to a unicameral Parliamentary System of government; provided
however that any and all references therein to “Congress,” “Senate,” “House of
Representatives” and “Houses of Congress” shall be changed to read “Parliament”; that any
and all references therein to “Member[s] of Congress,” “Senator[s]” or “Member[s] of the
House of Representatives” shall be changed to read as “Member[s] of Parliament” and any and
all references to the “President” and or “Acting President” shall be changed to read “Prime
Section 4. (1) There shall exist, upon the ratification of these amendments, an interim
Parliament which shall continue until the Members of the regular Parliament shall have been
elected and shall have qualified. It shall be composed of the incumbent Members of the Senate
and the House of Representatives and the incumbent Members of the Cabinet who are heads of
executive departments.
(2) The incumbent Vice President shall automatically be a Member of Parliament until noon
of the thirtieth day of June 2010. He shall also be a member of the cabinet and shall head a
ministry. He shall initially convene the interim Parliament and shall preside over its sessions for
the election of the interim Prime Minister and until the Speaker shall have been elected by a
majority vote of all the members of the interim Parliament from among themselves.
(3) Within forty-five days from ratification of these amendments, the interim Parliament
shall convene to propose amendments to, or revisions of, this Constitution consistent with the
principles of local autonomy, decentralization and a strong bureaucracy.
223 62/106
Section 5. (1) The incumbent President, who is the Chief Executive, shall nominate, from
among the members of the interim Parliament, an interim Prime Minister, who shall be elected
by a majority vote of the members thereof. The interim Prime Minister shall oversee the
various ministries and shall perform such powers and responsibilities as may be delegated to
him by the incumbent President.
(2) The interim Parliament shall provide for the election of the members of Parliament,
which shall be synchronized and held simultaneously with the election of all local government
officials. Thereafter, the Vice President, as Member of Parliament, shall immediately convene
the Parliament and shall initially preside over its session for the purpose of electing the Prime
Minister, who shall be elected by a majority vote of all its members, from among themselves.
The duly elected Prime Minister shall continue to exercise and perform the powers, duties and
responsibilities of the interim Prime Minister until the expiration of the term of incumbent
President and Vice President.
Section 4. x x x x
(3) Senators whose term of office ends in 2010 shall be Members of Parliament until noon
of the thirtieth day of June 2010.
Section 5. x x x x
(2) The interim Parliament shall provide for the election of the members of
Parliament, which shall be synchronized and held simultaneously with the election of
all local government officials. The duly elected Prime Minister shall continue to
exercise and perform the powers, duties and responsibilities of the interim Prime
Minister until the expiration of the term of the incumbent President and Vice
President. 63/106
8 336 Phil. 848; 270 SCRA 106 (1997); Resolution dated 10 June 1997.
9 The COMELEC held:
“We agree with the Petitioners that this Commission has the solemn Constitutional duty to
enforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of, as in this case,
This mandate, however, should be read in relation to the other provisions of the Constitution
particularly on initiative.
Section 2, Article XVII of the 1987 Constitution provides:
Sec. 2. Amendments to this Constitution may likewise be directly proposed by the people through
initiative, upon a petition of at least twelve per centum of the total number of registered voters, of which
every legislative district must be represented by at least three per centum of the registered voters therein. x
x x.
The Congress shall provide for the implementation of the exercise of this right.
The afore-quoted provision of the Constitution being a non self-executory provision needed
an enabling law for its implementation. Thus, in order to breathe life into the constitutional
right of the people under a system of initiative to directly propose, enact, approve or reject, in
whole or in part, the Constitution, laws, ordinances, or resolution, Congress enacted Republic
Act No. 6735.
However, the Supreme Court, in the landmark case of Santiago vs. Commission on Elections
struck down the said law for being incom-
In G.R. No. 174153, the Lambino Group prays for the issuance of
the writs of certiorari and mandamus to set aside the COMELEC
Resolution of 31 August 2006 and to compel the COMELEC to give
due course to their initiative petition. The Lambino Group contends
that the COMELEC committed grave abuse of discretion in denying
due course to their petition since Santiago is not a binding
precedent. Alternatively, the Lambino Group claims that Santiago
binds only the parties to that case, and their petition deserves
cognizance as an expression of the “will of the sovereign people.”
In G.R. No. 174299, petitioners (“Binay Group”) pray that the
Court require respondent COMELEC Commissioners to show cause
why they should not be cited in contempt for the COMELEC’s
verification of signatures and for “entertaining” the Lambino
Group’s peti-
_______________ 64/106
Thus, even if the signatures in the instant Petition appear to meet the required minimum per
centum of the total number of registered voters, of which every legislative district is
represented by at least three per centum of the registered voters therein, still the Petition cannot
be given due course since the Supreme Court categorically declared R.A. No. 6735 as
inadequate to cover the system of initiative on amendments to the Constitution.
This Commission is not unmindful of the transcendental importance of the right of the
people under a system of initiative. However, neither can we turn a blind eye to the
pronouncement of the High Court that in the absence of a valid enabling law, this right of the
people remains nothing but an “empty right,” and that this Commission is permanently
enjoined from entertaining or taking cognizance of any petition for initiative on amendments to
the Constitution.
Bacungan, Joaquin T. Venus, Jr., Fortunato P. Aguas, and Amado Gat Inciong; Senate
of the Philippines; Jose Anselmo I. Cadiz, Byron D. Bocar, Ma. Tanya Karina A. Lat,
Antonio L. Salvador and Randall C. Tabayoyong, Integrated Bar of the Philippines,
Cebu City and Cebu Province Chapters; Senate Minority Leader Aquilino Q.
Pimentel, Jr., and Senators Sergio R. Osmeña III, Jamby Madrigal, Jinggoy Estrada,
Alfredo S. Lim and Panfilo Lacson; Joseph Ejercito Estrada and Pwersa ng Masang
tion under Section 2, Article XVII of the 1987 Constitution; (4) the
nature of the proposed changes as revisions and not mere
amendments as provided under Section 2, Article XVII of the 1987
Constitution; and (5) the Lambino Group’s compliance with the
requirement in Section 10(a) of RA 6735 limiting initiative petitions
to only one subject.
The Court heard the parties and intervenors in oral arguments on
26 September 2006. After receiving the parties’ memoranda, the
Court considered the case submitted for resolution.
The Issues
_______________ 66/106
per centum of the total number of registered voters, of which every legislative district
must be represented by at least three per centum of the registered voters therein. No
amendment under this section shall be authorized within five years following the
ratification of this Constitution nor oftener than once every five years.”
229 67/106
The framers of the Constitution directly borrowed the concept of
people’s initiative from the United States where various State 15
constitutions incorporate an initiative clause. In almost all States
which allow initiative petitions, the unbending requirement is that
the people must first see the full text of the proposed
amendments before they sign to signify their assent, and that the
people must sign on an initiative16petition that contains the full
text of the proposed amendments.
_______________ 68/106
14 During the deliberations of the Constitutional Commission, Commissioner Rene
V. Sarmiento made the following report (I RECORD 389):
MR. SARMIENTO: Madam President, I am happy that the Committee on
Amendments and Transitory Provisions decided to retain the system of initiative as a
mode of amending the Constitution. I made a survey of American constitutions and I
discovered that 13 States provide for a system of initiative as a mode of amending the
Constitution—Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Michigan,
Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma and Oregon. The
initiative for ordinary laws only is used in Idaho, Maine, Montana and South Dakota.
So, I am happy that this was accepted or retained by the Committee.
The Americans in turn copied the concept of initiatives from the Swiss beginning
in 1898 when South Dakota adopted the initiative in its constitution. The Swiss
cantons experimented with initiatives in the 1830s. In 1891, the Swiss incorporated
the initiative as a mode of amending their national constitution. Initiatives promote
“direct democracy” by allowing the people to directly propose amendments to the
constitution. In contrast, the traditional mode of changing the constitution is known as
“indirect democracy” because the amendments are referred to the voters by the
legislature or the constitutional convention.
15 Florida requires only that the title and summary of the proposed amendment are
“printed in clear and unambiguous language.” Advisory Opinion to the Attorney
General RE Right of Citizens to Choose Health Care Providers, No. 90160, 22
January 1998, Supreme Court of Florida.
16 State ex. rel Patton v. Myers, 127 Ohio St. 95, 186 N.E. 872 (1933); Whitman v.
Moore, 59 Ariz. 211, 125 P.2d 445 (1942); Heidtman v. City of Shaker Heights, 99
Ohio App. 415, 119 N.E. 2d 644 (1954); Christen v. Baker, 138 Colo. 27, 328 P.2d
951 (1958); Stop the Pay Hike Committee v. Town Council of Town of Irvington, 166
N.J. Super. 197, 399 A.2d 336 (1979); State
ex rel Evans v. Blackwell, Slip copy, 2006 WL 1102804 (Ohio App. 10 Dist.),
17 407 Mass. 949, 955 (1990). Affirmed by the District Court of Massachusetts in
Henry v. Conolly, 743 F. Supp. 922 (1990) and by the Court of Appeals, First Circuit,
in Henry v. Conolly, 9109 F. 2d. 1000 (1990), and cited in Marino v. Town Council of
Southbridge, 13 Mass.L.Rptr. 14 (2001).
18 89 P.3d 1227, 1235 (2004).
signature sheet after the oral arguments of 26 September 2006
when they filed their Memorandum on 11 October 2006. The
signature sheet with this
Court during the oral arguments was the
signature sheet attached to the opposition in intervention filed on 7
September 2006 by intervenor Atty. Pete Quirino-Quadra.
The signature sheet attached to Atty. Quadra’s opposition and the
signature sheet attached to the Lambino Group’s Memorandum are
the same. We reproduce below the signature sheet in full: 71/106
234 72/106
his group circulated was the draft of the 30 August 2006 amended
petition, not the draft of the 25 August 2006 petition.
The Lambino Group would have this Court believe that they
prepared the draft of the 30 August 2006 amended petition almost
seven months earlier in February 2006 when they started
gathering signatures. Petitioner Erico B. Aumentado’s
“Verification/Certification” of the 25 August 2006 petition, as well
as of the 30 August 2006 amended petition, filed with the
COMELEC, states as follows:
22 73/106
24 The full text of the proposals of the Consultative Commission on Charter
Change can be downloaded at its official website at
“After the Petition was filed, Petitioners belatedly realized that the proposed
amendments alleged in the Petition, more specifically, paragraph 3 of
Section 4 and paragraph 2 of Section 5 of the Transitory Provisions were
inaccurately stated and failed to correctly reflect their proposed
The Lambino Group did not allege that they were amending the
petition because the amended petition was what they had shown to
the people during the February to August 2006 signature-gathering.
Instead, the Lambino Group alleged that the petition of 25 August
2006 “inaccurately stated and failed to correctly reflect their
proposed amendments.”
signature sheets do not also contain any indication that the draft
petition is attached to, or circulated with, the signature sheets.
It is only in their Consolidated Reply to the Opposition-in-
Interventions that the Lambino Group first claimed that they
circulated the “petition for initiative filed with the COMELEC,”
“[T]here is persuasive authority to the effect that “(w)here there is not (sic)
fraud, a signer who did not read the measure attached to a referendum
petition cannot question his signature on the ground that he did not
understand the nature of the act.” [82 CJS. S128h. Mo. State v. Sullivan,
224, S.W. 327, 283 Mo. 546.] Thus, the registered voters who signed the
signature sheets circulated together with the petition for initiative filed
with the COMELEC below, are presumed to voters who signed the
signature sheets circulated together with the petition for initiative filed
with the COMELEC below, are presumed to have understood the
proposition contained in the petition.” (Emphasis supplied)
240 77/106
before signing. They could not have known the nature and effect of
the proposed changes, among which are:
_______________ 78/106
26 Under the proposed Section 1(2), Article VI of the Constitution, members of
Parliament shall be elected for a term of five years “without limitation as to the
number thereof.”
27 Under the proposed Section 4(1), Article XVIII, Transitory Provisions of the
Constitution, the interim Parliament “shall continue until the Members of the regular
Parliament shall have been elected and shall have qualified.” Also, under the
proposed Section 5(2), Article XVIII, of the same Transitory Provisions, the interim
Parliament “shall provide for the election of the members of Parliament.”
28 Under the proposed Section 4(3), Article XVIII, Transitory Provisions of the
Constitution, the interim Parliament, within 45 days from ratification of the proposed
changes, “shall convene to propose amendments to, or revisions of, this Constitution.”
“Section 5(2). The interim Parliament shall provide for the election of the
members of Parliament, which shall be synchronized and held
simultaneously with the election of all local government officials. x x x
x” (Emphasis supplied)
Section 5(2) does not state that the elections for the regular
Parliament will be held simultaneously with the 2007 local elections.
This section merely requires that the elections for the regular
Parliament shall be held simultaneously with the local elections
without specifying the year.
Petitioner Atty. Lambino, who claims to be the principal drafter
of the proposed changes, could have easily written the word “next”
before the phrase “election of all local government officials.” This
would have insured that the elections for the regular Parliament
would be held in the next local elections following the ratification of
the proposed changes. However, the absence of the word “next”
allows the interim Parliament to schedule the elections for the
regular Parliament simultaneously with any future local elections.
Thus, the members of the interim Parliament will decide the
expiration of their own term of office. This allows incumbent
members of the House of Representatives to hold office beyond their
current three-year term of office, and possibly even beyond the five-
year term of office of regular members of the Parliament. Certainly,
this is contrary to the representations of Atty. Lambino and his
group to the 6.3 million people who signed the signature sheets.
Atty. Lambino and his group deceived the 6.3 million
signatories, and even the entire nation.
This lucidly shows the absolute need for the people to sign an
initiative petition that contains the full text of the proposed 79/106
tions of Atty. Lambino and his group because the signature sheets
did not contain the full text of the proposed changes. The result is a
grand deception on the 6.3 million signatories who were led to
believe that the proposed changes would require the holding in 2007
of elections for the regular Parliament simultaneously with the local
The Lambino Group’s initiative springs another surprise on the
people who signed the signature sheets. The proposed changes
mandate the interim Parliament to make further amendments or
revisions to the Constitution. The proposed Section 4(4), Article
XVIII on Transitory Provisions, provides:
During the oral arguments, Atty. Lambino stated that this provision
is a “surplusage” and the Court and the people should simply ignore
it. Far from being a surplusage, this provision invalidates the
Lambino Group’s initiative.
Section 4(4) is a subject matter totally unrelated to the shift
from the Bicameral-Presidential to the Unicameral-Parliamentary
system. American jurisprudence on initiatives outlaws this as
logrolling—when the initiative petition incorporates an unrelated
subject matter in the same petition. This puts the people in a
dilemma since they can answer only either yes or no to the entire
proposition, forcing them to sign a petition that effectively contains
two propositions, one of which they may find unacceptable.
Under American jurisprudence, the effect of logrolling is to
nullify the entire proposition and not only the unrelated subject
matter. Thus, in Fine v. Firestone, the Supreme Court of Florida
244 80/106
“Whenever a bill becomes law through the initiative process, all of the
problems that the single-subject rule was enacted to prevent are exacerbated.
There is a greater danger of logrolling, or the deliberate intermingling of
issues to increase the likelihood of an initiative’s passage, and there is a
greater opportunity for “inadvertence, stealth and fraud” in the
enactment-by-initiative process. The drafters of an initiative operate
independently of any structured or supervised process. They often
emphasize particular provisions of their proposition, while remaining silent
on other (more complex or less appealing) provisions, when communicating
to the public. x x x Indeed, initiative promoters typically use simplistic
advertising to present their initiative to potential petition-signers and
eventual voters. Many voters will never read the full text of the initiative
before the election. More importantly, there is no process for amending or
splitting the several provisions in an initiative proposal. These difficulties
clearly distinguish the initiative from the legislative process.” (Emphasis
Section 4(3). Senators whose term of office ends in 2010 shall be members
of Parliament until noon of the thirtieth day of June 2010.
After 30 June 2010, not one of the present Senators will remain as
member of Parliament if the interim Parliament does not schedule
elections for the regular Parliament by 30 June 2010. However, there
is no counterpart provision for the present members of the House of
Representatives even if their term of office will all end on 30 June
2007, three years earlier than that of half of the present Senators.
Thus, all the present members of the House will remain members of
the interim Parliament after 30 June 2010.
The term of the incumbent President ends on 30 June 2010.
Thereafter, the Prime Minister exercises all the powers of the
President. If the interim Parliament does not schedule elections for
the regular Parliament by 30 June 2010, the Prime Minister will
The people may, after five years from the date of the last plebiscite held, directly propose
amendments to this Consti-
tution thru initiative upon petition of at least ten percent of the registered voters.
This completes the blanks appearing in the original Committee Report No. 7. This
proposal was suggested on the theory that this matter of initiative, which came about
because of the extraordinary developments this year, has to be separated from the
traditional modes of amending the Constitution as embodied in Section 1. The
committee members felt that this system of initiative should be limited to
amendments to the Constitution and should not extend to the revision of the
entire Constitution, so we removed it from the operation of Section 1 of the
proposed Article on Amendment or Revision. x x x x
MS. AQUINO: [I] am seriously bothered by providing this process of initiative as
a separate section in the Article on Amendment. Would the sponsor be amenable to
accepting an amendment in terms of realigning Section 2 as another subparagraph
(c) of Section 1, instead of setting it up as another separate section as if it were a
self-executing provision?
MR. SUAREZ: We would be amenable except that, as we clarified a while ago,
this process of initiative is limited to the matter of amendment and should not
expand into a revision which contemplates a total overhaul of the Constitution.
That was the sense that was conveyed by the Committee.
MS. AQUINO: In other words, the Committee was attempting to distinguish
the coverage of modes (a) and (b) in Section 1 to include the process of revision;
whereas, the process of initiation to amend, which is given to the public, would
only apply to amendments?
MR. SUAREZ: That is right. Those were the terms envisioned in the
MS. AQUINO: I thank the sponsor; and thank you, Madam President.
MR. MAAMBONG: My first question: Commissioner Davide’s proposed
amendment on line 1 refers to “amendments.” Does it not cover the word 84/106
MR. DAVIDE: No, it does not, because “amendments” and “revision” should be
covered by Section 1. So insofar as initiative is concerned, it can only relate to
“amendments” not “revision.”
MR. MAAMBONG: Thank you. (Emphasis supplied)
250 85/106
constitution and to change their own work at will, they must, in doing so, act
in an orderly manner and according to the settled principles of constitutional
law. And where the people, in adopting a constitution, have prescribed the
method by which the people may alter or amend it, an attempt to change the
fundamental law in violation of the self-imposed restrictions, is
unconstitutional.” x x x x (Emphasis supplied)
This Court, whose members are sworn to defend and protect the
Constitution, cannot shirk from its solemn oath and duty to insure
compliance with the clear command of the Constitution—that a
people’s initiative may only amend, never revise, the Constitution.
The question is, does the Lambino Group’s initiative constitute
an amendment or revision of the Constitution? If the Lambino
Group’s initiative constitutes a revision, then the present petition
should be dismissed for being outside the scope of Section 2, Article
XVII of the Constitution.
Courts have long recognized the distinction between an
amendment and a revision of a constitution. One of the earliest cases
that recognized the distinction described the fundamental difference
in this manner:
36 Amador Valley Joint Union High School District v. State Board of Equalization,
583 P.2d 1281, 1286 (1978).
37 Id.
38 Legislature of the State of California v. EU, 54 Cal.3d 492, 509 (1991).
39 California Association of Retail Tobacconists v. State, 109 Cal. App.4th 792,
836 (2003).
253 88/106
fabric of the Constitution, but would even affect the physical facilities
necessary to carry on government.
We conclude with the observation that if such proposed amendment were
adopted by the people at the General Election and if the Legislature at its
next session should fail to submit further amendments to revise and clarify
the numerous inconsistencies and conflicts which would result, or if after
The rationale of the Adams decision applies with greater force to the
present petition. The Lambino Group’s initiative not only seeks a
shift from a bicameral to a unicameral legislature, it also seeks to
merge the executive and legislative departments. The initiative in
Adams did not even touch the executive department.
In Adams, the Supreme Court of Florida enumerated 18 sections
of the Florida Constitution that would be affected by the shift from a
bicameral to a unicameral legislature. In the Lambino Group’s
present initiative, no less than 105 provisions of the Constitution
would be affected
based on the count of Associate Justice Romeo J.
Callejo, Sr. There is no doubt that the Lambino Group’s present
initiative seeks far more radical changes in the structure of
government than the initiative in Adams.
The Lambino Group theorizes that the difference between
“amendment” and “revision” is only one of procedure, not of
substance. The Lambino Group posits that when a deliberative body
drafts and proposes changes to the Constitution, substantive changes
are called “revisions” because members of the deliberative body 90/106
“99. With this distinction in mind, we note that the constitutional provisions
expressly provide for both “amendment” and “revision” when it speaks of
legislators and constitutional delegates, while the same provisions expressly
provide only for “amendment” when it speaks of the people. It would seem
that the apparent distinction is based on the actual experience of the people,
that on one hand the common people in general are not expected to work
full-time on the matter of correcting the constitution because that is not their
occupation, profession or vocation; while on the other hand, the legislators
and constitutional convention delegates are expected to work fulltime on the
same matter because that is their occupation, profession or vocation. Thus,
the difference between the words “revision” and “amendment” pertain
only to the process or procedure of coming up with the corrections, for
purposes of interpreting the constitutional provisions.
100. Stated otherwise, the difference between “amendment” and
“revision” cannot reasonably be in the substance or extent of the
correction. x x x x” (Underlining in the original; boldfacing supplied)
and language. Any theory espousing a construction contrary to
such intent and language deserves scant consideration. More so, if
such theory wreaks havoc by creating inconsistencies in the form of
government established in the Constitution. Such a theory, devoid of
any jurisprudential mooring and inviting inconsistencies in the
Constitution, only exposes the flimsiness of the Lambino Group’s
position. Any theory advocating that a proposed change involving a
radical structural change in government does not constitute a
revision justly deserves rejection.
The Lambino Group simply recycles a theory that initiative
proponents in American jurisdictions have 46
attempted to advance
without any success. In Lowe v. Keisling, the Supreme Court of
Oregon rejected this theory, thus:
“Mabon argues that Article XVII, section 2, does not apply to changes to the
constitution proposed by initiative. His theory is that Article XVII, section
2 merely provides a procedure by which the legislature can propose a
revision of the constitution, but it does not affect proposed revisions
initiated by the people.
Plaintiffs argue that the proposed ballot measure constitutes a wholesale
change to the constitution that cannot be enacted through the initiative
process. They assert that the distinction between amendment and revision is
determined by reviewing the scope and subject matter of the proposed
enactment, and that revisions are not limited to “a formal overhauling of the
con-stitution.” They argue that this ballot measure proposes far reaching
changes outside the lines of the original instrument, including profound
impacts on existing fundamental rights and radical restructuring of the
government’s relationship with a defined group of citizens. Plaintiffs assert
that, because the proposed ballot measure “will refashion the most basic
principles of Oregon constitutional law,” the trial court correctly held that it
violated Article XVII, section 2, and cannot appear on the ballot without the
prior approval of the legislature.
We first address Mabon’s argument that Article XVII, section 2(1), does not
prohibit revisions instituted by initiative. In Holmes v. Appling, x x x, the
Supreme Court concluded that a revision of the constitution may not be
accomplished by initiative, because of the provisions of Article XVII,
section 2. After reviewing Article XVII, section 1, relating to proposed
amendments, the court said:
“From the foregoing it appears that Article IV, Section 1, authorizes the use of the
initiative as a means of amending the Oregon Constitution, but it contains no similar
sanction for its use as a means of revising the constitution.” x x x x
Similarly, this Court must reject the Lambino Group’s theory which
negates the express intent of the framers and the plain language of
the Constitution.
We can visualize amendments and revisions as a spectrum, at one
end green for amendments and at the other end red for revisions.
Towards the middle of the spectrum, colors fuse and difficulties arise
in determining whether there is an amendment or revision. The
present initiative is indisputably located at the far end of the red
spectrum where revision begins. The present initiative seeks a
radical overhaul of the existing separation of powers among the
three co-equal departments of government, requiring far-reaching
amendments in several sections and articles of the Constitution.
Where the proposed change applies only to a specific provision
of the Constitution without affecting any other section or article, the
change may generally be considered an amendment and not a
revision. For example,
a change reducing the voting age from 18
years to 15 years is an amendment and not a revision. Similarly, a
259 93/106
“Section 2. Upon the expiration of the term of the incumbent President and
Vice President, with the exception of Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of
Article VI of the 1987 Constitution which shall hereby be amended and
Sections 18 and 24 which shall be deleted, all other Sections of Article VI
are hereby retained and renumbered sequentially as Section 2, ad seriatim
up to 26, unless they are inconsistent with the Parliamentary system of 94/106
261 95/106
51 Spouses Mirasol v. Court of Appeals, 403 Phil. 760; 351 SCRA 44 (2001); Intia,
Jr. v. Commission on Audit, 366 Phil. 273; 306 SCRA 593 (1999).
5. Conclusion
The Constitution, as the fundamental law of the land, deserves the
utmost respect and obedience of all the citizens of this nation. No
one can trivialize the Constitution by cavalierly amending or
revising it in blatant violation of the clearly specified modes of
amendment and revision laid down in the Constitution itself. 97/106
_______________ 98/106
265 99/106
1 Chief Justice McLachlin spoke on “Liberty, Prosperity and the Rule of Law” in
her speech before the Global Forum on Liberty and Prosperity held on October 18-20,
2006 in Manila. She further stated: “Without the rule of law, government officials are
not bound by standards of conduct. Without the rule of law, the dignity and equality
of all people is not affirmed and their ability to seek redress for grievances and
societal commitments is limited. Without the rule of law, we have no means of
ensuring meaningful participation by people in formulating and enacting the norms
and standards which organize the kinds of societies in which we want to live.”
2 G.R. No. 127325, March 19, 1997, 336 Phil. 848; 270 SCRA 106. For ease of
reference, my Separate Opinion is reproduced in full:
tion (particularly Art. XVII, Sec. 2), Republic Act 6735 and
Comelec Resolution 2300 provide more than sufficient authority to
“Our distinguished colleague, Mr. Justice Hilario G. Davide Jr., writing for the majority, holds
that: 100/106
‘(1) The Comelec acted without jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion in
entertaining the ‘initiatory’ Delfin Petition.
‘(2) While the Constitution allows amendments to ‘be directly proposed by the people
through initiative,’ there is no implementing law for the purpose. RA 6735 is
‘incomplete, inadequate, or wanting in essential terms and conditions insofar as
initiative on amendments to the Constitution is concerned.’
‘(3) Comelec Resolution No. 2300, ‘insofar as it prescribes rules and regulations on the
conduct of initiative on amendments to the Constitution, is void.’
“I concur with the first item above. Until and unless an initiatory petition can show the
required number of signatures—in this case, 12% of all the registered voters in the Philippines
with at least 3% in every legislative district—no public funds may be spent and no government
resources may be used in an initiative to amend the Constitution. Verily, the Comelec cannot
even entertain any petition absent such signatures. However, I dissent most respectfully from
the majority’s two other rulings. Let me explain.
“Under the above restrictive holdings espoused by the Court’s majority, the Constitution
cannot be amended at all through a people’s initiative. Not by Delfin, not by PIRMA, not by
anyone, not even by all the voters of the country acting together. This decision will effectively
but unnecessarily curtail, nullify, abrogate and render inutile the people’s right to change the
basic law. At the very least, the majority holds the right hostage to congressional discretion on
whether to pass a new law to implement it, when there is already one existing at present. This
right to amend through initiative, it bears stressing, is guaranteed by Section 2, Article XVII of
the Constitution, as follows:
‘SEC. 2. Amendments to this Constitution may likewise be directly proposed by the people through
initiative upon a petition of at least twelve per centum of the total number of registered voters, of which
every legislative district must be represented by
at least three per centum of the registered voters therein. No amendment under this section shall be
authorized within five years following the ratification of this Constitution nor oftener than once every five
years thereafter.’
“With all due respect, I find the majority’s position all too sweeping and all too extremist. It is
equivalent to burning the whole house to exterminate the rats, and to killing the patient to
relieve him of pain. What Citizen Delfin wants the Comelec to do we should reject. But we
should not thereby preempt any future effort to exercise the right of initiative correctly and
judiciously. The fact that the Delfin Petition proposes a misuse of initiative does not justify a
ban against its proper use. Indeed, there is a right way to do the right thing at the right time and
for the right reason.
Taken Together and Interpreted Properly, the Constitution, R.A. 6735 and Comelec
Resolution 2300 Are Sufficient to Implement Constitutional Initiatives 101/106
“While R.A. 6735 may not be a perfect law, it was—as the majority openly concedes—
intended by the legislature to cover and, I respectfully submit, it contains enough provisions to
effectuate an initiative on the Constitution. I completely agree with the inspired and inspiring
opinions of Mr. Justice Reynato S. Puno and Mr. Justice Ricardo J. Francisco that RA 6735, the
Roco law on initiative, sufficiently implements the right of the people to initiate amendments to
the Constitution. Such views, which I shall no longer repeat nor elaborate on, are thoroughly
consistent with this Court’s unanimous en banc rulings in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority vs.
Commission on Elections, that “provisions for initiative . . . are (to be) liberally construed to
effectuate their purposes, to facilitate and not hamper the exercise by the voters of the rights
granted thereby”; and in Garcia vs. Comelec, that any “effort to trivialize the effectiveness of
people’s initiatives ought to be rejected.”
“No law can completely and absolutely cover all administrative details. In recognition of
this, R.A. 6735 wisely empowered the Commission on Election “to promulgate such rules and
regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act.” And pursuant thereto,
the Comelec issued its Resolution 2300 on 16 January 1991.
Such Resolution, by its very words, was promulgated “to govern the conduct of initiative on the
Constitution and initiative and referendum on national and local laws,” not by the incumbent
Commission on Elections but by one then composed of Acting Chairperson Haydee B. Yorac,
Comms. Alfredo E. Abueg, Jr., Leopoldo L. Africa, Andres R. Flores, Dario C. Rama and
Magdara B. Dimaampao. All of these Commissioners who signed Resolution 2300 have retired
from the Commission, and thus we cannot ascribe any vile motive unto them, other than an
honest, sincere and exemplary effort to give life to a cherished right of our people.
“The majority argues that while Resolution 2300 is valid in regard to national laws and local
legislations, it is void in reference to constitutional amendments. There is no basis for such
differentiation. The source of and authority for the Resolution is the same law, R.A. 6735.
“I respectfully submit that taken together and interpreted properly and liberally, the
Constitution (particularly Art. XVII, Sec. 2), R.A. 6735 and Comelec Resolution 2300 provide
more than sufficient authority to implement, effectuate and realize our people’s power to amend
the Constitution.
Petitioner Delfin and the Pedrosa Spouses Should Not Be Muzzled
“I am glad the majority decided to heed our plea to lift the temporary restraining order
issued by this Court on 18 December 1996 insofar as it prohibited Petitioner Delfin and the
Spouses Pedrosa from exercising their right of initiative. In fact, I believe that such restraining
order as against private respondents should not have been issued, in the first place. While I
agree that the Comelec should be stopped from using public funds and government resources to
help them gather signatures, I firmly believe that this Court has no power to restrain them from
exercising their right of initiative. The right to propose amendments to the Constitution is really
a species of the right of free speech and free assembly. And certainly, it would be tyrannical
and despotic to stop anyone from speaking freely and persuading others to conform to his/her 102/106
beliefs. As the eminent Voltaire once said, ‘I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend
to the death your right to say it.’ After
Reform, Modernization and Action (PIRMA) v. Comelec, I joined
all, freedom is not really for the thought we agree with, but as Justice Holmes wrote, ‘freedom
for the thought that we hate.’
“By way of epilogue, let me stress the guiding tenet of my Separate Opinion. Initiative, like
referendum and recall, is a new and treasured feature of the Filipino constitutional system. All
three are institutionalized legacies of the world-admired EDSA people power. Like elections
and plebiscites, they are hallowed expressions of popular sovereignty. They are sacred
democratic rights of our people to be used as their final weapons against political excesses,
opportunism, inaction, oppression and misgovernance; as well as their reserved instruments to
exact transparency, accountability and faithfulness from their chosen leaders. While on the one
hand, their misuse and abuse must be resolutely struck down, on the other, their legitimate
exercise should be carefully nurtured and zealously protected.
“WHEREFORE, I vote to GRANT the petition of Sen. Miriam D. Santiago, et al. and to
DIRECT Respondent Commission on Elections to DISMISS the Delfin Petition on the ground
of prematurity, but not on the other grounds relied upon by the majority. I also vote to LIFT the
temporary restraining order issued on 18 December 1996 insofar as it prohibits Jesus Delfin,
Alberto Pedrosa and Carmen Pedrosa from exercising their right to free speech in proposing
amendments to the Constitution.”
3 G.R. No. 129754, September 23, 1997 (still unpublished in the Philip-pine
Reports or in the Supreme Court Reports Annotated). Again, for ease of reference, I
reproduce my Separate Opinion in full:
“Petitioners assail the July 8, 1997 Resolution of Respondent Commission dismissing their
petition for a people’s initiative to amend the Constitution. Said petition before the Comelec
(henceforth, PIRMA petition) was backed up by nearly six (6) million signatures constituting
about 16% of the registered voters of the country with at least 3% in each legislative district.
The petition now before us presents two grounds:
“1. In refusing to act on the PIRMA petition, the Comelec allegedly acted with grave abuse
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction; and
271 103/106
“2. In declaring R.A. 6735 “inadequate to cover its system of initiative on amendments to the
Constitution” and “declaring void those parts of Resolution 2300 of the Commission on
Elections prescribing rules and regulations on the conduct of [an] initiative [on] amendments to
the Constitution,” the Supreme Court’s Decision in G.R. No. 127325 entitled Miriam Defensor
Santiago vs. Commission on Elections (hereafter referred to as Santiago) should be reexamined
because said Decision is allegedly “unconstitutional,” and because, in any event, the Supreme
Court itself, in reconsidering the said issue per its June 10, 1997 Resolution, was deadlocked at
six votes one each side.
“The following in my position on each of these two issues:
First Issue:
No Grave Abuse of Discretion
in Comelec’s Refusal to Act
“The Respondent Commission’s refusal to act on the “prayers” of the PIRMA petition
cannot in any wise be branded as “grave abuse of discretion.” Be it remembered that the
Court’s Decision in Santiago permanently enjoined the Comelec “from entertaining or taking
cognizance of any petition for initiative on amendments to the Constitution x x x.” While
concededly, petitioners in this case were not direct parties in Santiago, nonetheless the Court’s
injunction against the Comelec covered ANY petition, not just the Delfin petition which was
the immediate subject of said case. As a dissenter in Santiago, I believed, and still do, that
the majority gravely erred in rendering such a sweeping injunction, but I cannot fault the
Comelec for complying with the ruling even if it, too, disagreed with said decision’s ratio
decidendi. Respondent Comelec was directly enjoined by the highest Court of the land. It
had no choice but to obey. Its obedience cannot constitute grave abuse of discretion.
Refusal to act on the PIRMA petition was the only recourse open to the Comelec. Any other
mode of action would have constituted defiance of the Court and would have been struck down
as grave abuse of discretion and contumacious disregard of this Court’s supremacy as the final
arbiter of justiciable controversies.
Second Issue:
Sufficiency of RA 6735
“I repeat my firm legal position that RA 6735 is adequate to cover initiatives on the
Constitution, and that whatever administrative details may have been omitted in said law
are satisfactorily provided by Comelec Resolution 2300. The promulgation of Resolution
2300 is sanctioned by Section 2, Article IX-C of the Constitution, which vests upon the 104/106
Comelec the power to “enforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to the conduct
of an election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum and recall.” The Omnibus Election Code
likewise empowers the electoral body to “promulgate rules and regulations implementing the
provisions of this Code or other laws which the Commission is required to enforce and
administer x x x.” Finally and most relevantly, Section 20 of RA 6735 specifically authorizes
Comelec “to promulgate rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of
this Act.”
“In my dissent in Santiago, I wrote that “there is a right way to do the right thing at the
right time and for the right reason.” Let me explain further.
“A people’s initiative is direct democracy in action. It is the right thing that citizens may
avail themselves of to articulate their will. It is a new and treasured feature of the Filipino
constitutional system. Even the majority implicitly conceded its value and worth in our legal
firmament when it implored Congress “not to tarry any longer in complying with the
constitutional mandate to provide for implementation of the right (of initiative) of the people x
x x.” Hence, in the en banc case of Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority vs. Comelec, [G.R. No.
125416, September 26, 1996, 262 SCRA 492], this Court unanimously held that “(l)ike
elections, initiative and referendum are powerful and valuable modes of expressing popular
sovereignty. And this Court as a matter of policy and doctrine will exert every effort to nurture,
protect and promote their legitimate exercise.”
“From the outset, I have already maintained the view that “taken together and interpreted
properly and liberally, the Constitution (particularly Art. XVII, Sec. 2), RA 6735 and Comelec
Resolution 2300 provide more than sufficient authority to implement, effectuate and realize our
people’s power to amend the Constitution.” Let me now demonstrate the adequacy of RA 6735
by outlining, in concrete terms, the steps to be taken—the right way—to amend the
Constitution through a people’s initiative.
“Pursuant to Section 3(f) of the law, the Comelec shall prescribe the form of the petition
which shall contain the proposition and the required number of signatories. Under Sec. 5(c)
thereof, the petition shall state the following: 105/106
“Section 8(f) of Comelec Resolution 2300 additionally requires that the petition include a
formal designation of the duly authorized representatives of the signatories.
“Being a constitutional requirement, the number of signatures becomes a condition
precedent to the filing of the petition, and is jurisdictional. Without such requisite signatures,
the Commission shall motu proprio reject the petition.
“Where the initiators have substantially complied with the above requirements, they may
thence file the petition with the Comelec which is tasked to determine the sufficiency thereof
and to verify the signatures on the basis of the registry list of voters, voters’ affidavits and
voters’ identification cards. In deciding whether the petition is suffi-
cient, the Comelec shall also determine if the proposition is proper for an initiative, i.e., if it
consists of an amendment, not a revision, of the Constitution. Any decision of the electoral
body may be appealed to the Supreme Court within thirty (30) days from notice.
“Within thirty (30) days from receipt of the petition, and after the determination of its
sufficiency, the Comelec shall publish the same in Filipino and English at least twice in
newspapers of general and local circulation, and set the date of the plebiscite. The conduct of
the plebiscite should not be earlier than sixty (60) days, but not later than ninety (90) days after
certification by the Comelec of the sufficiency of the petition. The proposition, if approved by a
majority of the votes cast in the plebiscite, becomes effective as of the day of the plebiscite.
“From the foregoing, it should be clear that my position upholding the adequacy of RA
6735 and the validity of Comelec Resolution 2300 will not ipso facto validate the PIRMA
petition and automatically lead to a plebiscite to amend the Constitution. Far from it. Among
others, PIRMA must still satisfactorily hurdle the following searching issues:
1. Does the proposed change—the lifting of the term limits of elective officials—
constitute a mere amendment and not a revision of the Constitution?
2. Which registry of voters will be used to verify the signatures in the petition? This
question is relevant considering that under RA 8189, the old registry of voters used in
the 1995 national elections was voided after the barangay elect 106/106