Isu-Isu Dalam Pendidikan Sains Tajuk 1
Isu-Isu Dalam Pendidikan Sains Tajuk 1
Isu-Isu Dalam Pendidikan Sains Tajuk 1
Topik ini membincangkan beberapa isu-isu dalam pendidikan sains. Isu-isu ini berkaitan dengan matlamat
pendidikan sains, kandungan pendidikan sains, pengajaran sains dan literasi saintifik.
1. Kenal pasti dan membincangkan isu-isu dalam pendidikan sains.
2. Analisis kesan-kesan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan sains dalam pengajaran sains di sekolah
sekolah rendah.
Isu-isu dalam
Pendidikan Sains
Kandungan Pendidikan
Matlamat Pendidikan Sains Pengajaran Sains
Sains Literasi Sains
1. Selection of science content (knowledge, skill, understanding and values) There is a consistent criticism
that many of the problems and issues in science education arise from the structure of science curricula which
tend to be knowledge-heavy and alienating to a significant number of students. A curriculum that covers an
extensive range of science ideas hampers the efforts of even the best teachers who attempt to provide engaging
science learning for their students. The effect of such knowledge-laden curricula is for teachers to treat science
concepts in a superficial way as they attempt to cover what is expected in the curriculum. Rather than developing
understanding, students therefore have a tendency to rely on memorisation when taking tests of their science
learning. The challenge is to identify the science concepts that are important and can be realistically understood
by students in the learning time available. One of the realities faced in science education is that scientific
knowledge is rapidly increasing. While this is valuable for our society, it adds to the pressure on the science
(SCE3104 , Kurikulum dan Pedagogi Sains Pendidikan Rendah)
curriculum. There is a reluctance to replace the old with the new. Rather, there is a tendency to simply add the
new science ideas to the traditional ones. Accompanying this desire to retain the traditional knowledge base is a
feeling that understanding this content exemplifies intellectual rigor. Obviously such a situation is not sustainable.
The consequence is that many students are losing interest in science. The question then needs to be asked:
what is important in a science curriculum? This paper argues that developing science competencies is important,
understanding the big ideas of science is important, exposure to a range of science experiences relevant to
everyday life is important and understanding of the major concepts from the different sciences is important. It is
also acknowledged that there is a core body of knowledge and understanding that is fundamental to the
understanding of major ideas. The paper also proposes that it is possible to provide flexibility and choice about
the content of local science curriculum. The factors that influence this choice include context, local science
learning opportunities, historical perspectives, contemporary and local issues and available learning resources.
In managing this choice, there is a need to be conscious of the potential danger of repetition of knowledge
through a student‟s school life and ensure repetition is minimised and that a balanced science curriculum is
provided for every student. Finally, when selecting content for a national science curriculum it is important to
determine how much time can reasonably and realistically be allocated to science and within this time constraint
what is a reasonable range of science concepts and skills for learning in primary and secondary school.
2. Relevance of science learning a curriculum is more likely to provide a basis for the development of
scientific competencies if it is relevant to individual students, perceived to have personal value, or is presented in
a context to which students can readily relate. Instead of simply emphasising what has been described as
„canonical science concepts‟, there is a need to provide a meaningful context to which students can relate
(Aikenhead 2006). Furthermore, students will be better placed to understand the concepts if they can be applied
to everyday experiences. To provide both context and opportunities for application takes time. To increase the
relevance of science to students there is a strong case to include more contemporary (and possibly
controversial) issues in the science curriculum. In doing so, it is important to note that the complexity of some
scientific issues means that they do not have clear-cut solutions. Often, the relevant science knowledge is limited
or incomplete so that the questions can only be addressed in terms of what may be possible or probable rather
than the certainty of what will happen. Even when the risks inherent in making a particular decision are
assessable by science, the cultural or social aspects also need to be taken into consideration. The school
science curriculum should provide opportunities to explore these complex issues to enable students to
understand that the application of science and technology to the real world is often concerned with risk and
debate (Rennie 2006). Science knowledge can be applied to solve problems concerning human needs and
wants. Every application of science has an impact on our environment. For this reason, one needs to appreciate
that decisions concerning science applications involve constraints, consequences and risks. Such decision-
making is not value-free. In developing science competencies, students need to appreciate the influence of
particular values in attempting to balance the issues of constraints, consequences and risk. While many students
perceive school science as difficult, the inclusion of complex issues should not be avoided on the basis that there
is a potential for making science seem even more difficult. The answer is not to exclude contemporary issues,
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