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The Objectives of Science Education

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By group 2 :
Marsina Elisya (19129130)
Mawaddah Warahmah (19129037)
Nesha Maulidia (19129140)
Trinindi Eriswan Fitri (19129174)
Ulfadhilla Nasril (19129296)
Ulfah Putri Efendi (19129072)

Section :
19 International Class 11




We give thanks to Allah Subhanahuwata'ala who has provided his taufik and guidance so
that we can complete the paper with tittle " The objectives of science education". The
preparation of this paper aims to fulfill one of our course assignments, namely Elementary
School Natural Science Education.

Of course, the preparation of this paper can not be separated from the assistance of
various parties, either directly or indirectly. With all humility we realize that the paper we
have written is far from perfect and there are still many flaws. Therefore, constructive
criticism is welcome. Finally, I hope this paper can be usefull for all of us. Hopefully you will
get blessing.

Padang, 2 Maret 2021

Group 2


Science learning in schools, especially in elementary school is expected to be a

vehicle for students to learn themselves and the environment, as well as the prospect of
further development in applying it in daily life. This is in accordance with the
understanding of Natural Sciences (IPA) related to how to find out about nature
systematically. So, natural science is not only a mastery of the collection of knowledge in
the form of facts, concepts, or principles only, but also a process of discovery.

Science learning at the elementary school level is known as natural science

learning (IPA). The concept of science in elementary school is an integrated concept,
because it has not been separated separately, such as chemistry, biology and physics
subjects. The general purpose of science learning is the mastery of learners to understand
science in a broader context, especially in everyday life. A special purpose oriented to the
nature of science is to master complex and meaningful science concepts for learners
through learning activities.

The objectives of science learning in elementary schools are: (a) Students

understand the concept of science and its association with daily life; (b) Students have
process skills to develop knowledge and ideas about the environment; (c) Students have
an interest in knowing and studying objects and events in the surrounding environment;
(d) Students are curious, diligent, open, critical, self-centered, responsible, cooperative,
and independent; (e) Students are able to apply various science concepts to explain the
symptoms of nature and solve problems in daily life; and (f) Students are able to use
simple technology that is useful to solve according to problems found in daily life, as
well as realize the greatness of God Almighty (Depdikbud in Triwiratih. 2014).

The objectives of science learning in elementary school are as follows:

1. Develop curiosity and a positive attitude towards science, technology, and
2. Develop process skills to investigate the environment, solve problems, and make
3. Develop knowledge and understanding of science concepts that will be useful
and can be applied in daily life.
4. Develop awareness about the role and importance of science in everyday life.
5. Transfer knowledge, skills, and understanding to other areas of teaching.
6. Participate in maintaining, maintaining, and preserving the natural environment.
Appreciate god's various forms of creation in the universe to learn.
7. Gaining knowledge, concepts, and skills as the basis for continuing education to
a higher level.

The purpose of science learning in elementary school is to provide experience to

students in planning and doing scientific work to form scientific attitudes, raise
awareness in order to maintain and preserve the environment and natural resources
(Ministry of Education in Hendracipta. 2016). In addition, science learning in schools
must be conducted through a series of incugate activities. Because through inquencing-
based learning activities can be developed learning skills and experiences that are aligned
with the objectives.


A. The Objectives of Science Education

Natural Science According to Carin and Sund (in Wisudawati and

Sulistyowati, 2014: 24) is defined as the knowledge that is systematic and
arranged regularly, is Generally Accepted (universal), and is a collection of the
data from observations and experiments. So, Natural Science (IPA) was born and
developed through scientific methods such as observation and experiment and
demands scientific attitudes such as curiosity, openness, honesty, and so on
(Safitri, Kosim and Harjono, 2019).

Science education can prepare individuals to improve their quality of life.

This is possible because with science education, students are guided to think
critically, solve problems, and make decisions that can improve their quality of
life towards a scientifically educated society. Whereas in UUSPN, 2003 it was
stated that science education was intended to develop students' knowledge,
understanding and analytical skills of the natural environment and its

In principle, learning science is a way of finding out and how to do or do

and help students to understand students to understand their surroundings in depth
(Kudisiah, 2018). Science education can prepare individuals to improve their
quality of life. This is possible because with science education, students are
guided to think critically, solve problems, and make decisions that can improve
their quality of life towards a scientifically educated society.

Purpose is a teacher's initial foundation for teaching. Likewise in science

learning, the objectives in science subjects are an indicator of the success of
learning. Learning will not be successful if an educator does not know the
purpose of learning (Putra, 2017). Therefore, the teacher should really understand
the essence of the learning objectives. Science learning objectives reflect how the
actions that must be taken so that the skills and abilities that are expected to be
achieved in students.

The objectives of science education today include five dimensions

(Mariana and Praginda, 2009: 48), namely dimensions:

1. Knowledge and understanding (scientific information)

This dimension includes learning specific information such as: facts,

concepts, theories, laws and the investigation of historical knowledge of science.

2. Exploration and discovery (exploring and discovering; scientific


This dimension relates to the use of science processes to study how

science experts work and think. Skills that must be taught include: observing,
describing, classifying and organizing, communicating, hypothesizing, testing
hypotheses, interpreting data, using psychomotor skills, etc.

3. Imagination and creativity

This dimension relates to the ability to visualize or produce mental

images, combine objects and ideas in new ways, solve problems and puzzles,
generate unusual ideas / ideas.

4. Attitudes and values

Development of sensitivity and respect for others. Express feelings in a

constructive way. Make decisions based on individual values, social, and
environmental issues.

5. Application

This means being able to identify the relationship between the concept of
IPA in its use with everyday life; understand the scientific and technological
principles that work on household appliances; understand and assess reports of
scientific developments written in the mass media.
In addition, experts in science education from UNESCO (in Muakhirin,
2014) stated that science education has the following objectives:

1. Helping students to be able to think logically about everyday events and

solve simple problems they face.

2. Helping and improving the quality of human life.

3. Equipping children who will become residents in the future to be able to

live in it.

4. Resulting in the development of a good thinking pattern

5. Help positively for children to be able to understand other subjects,

especially language and mathematics.

Furthermore, science subjects according to Khaeruddin (2007: 182) aim to:

1.   Equip the ability to develop knowledge and understanding of science

concepts that are useful and can be applied in everyday life

2.   Develop curiosity, positive attitude and awareness about the interplay

between science, environment, technology and society

3.   Developing process skills to investigate the environment, solve problems

and make natural decisions

B. Purpose of Science Education in Elementary School

learning in SD / MI is the initial foundation in creating students who have

scientific knowledge, skills and attitudes. Science learning is directed by
systematically finding out about nature, so that Science is not only the mastery of
a collection of knowledge in the form of facts, concepts, or principles, but also a
process of discovery and formation of scientific attitudes. (Tursinawati, 2013).

The objectives of science education in elementary schools as stated in the

curriculum are directed to (Kumala, 2016: 9):
1. Obtaining belief in the greatness of God Almighty based on the
existence, beauty, and order of His creation.
2. Develop knowledge and understanding of science concepts that are
useful and can be applied in everyday life.
3. Develop curiosity, positive attitude and awareness of the interplay
between science, environment, technology and society.
4. Develop process skills for investigating the environment, solving
problems and making decisions.
5. Raising awareness to participate in maintaining, protecting and
preserving the natural environment.
6. Increased awareness to respect nature and all its regularities as one of
God's creations.
7. Obtain knowledge, concepts and science skills as a basis for continuing
education to SMP / MTs. 


The first relevant research is research entitled application of discovery method in

improving students' ability to understand vegetative development of plants in grade
VI SD Negeri Cirata Tasikmalaya. (Lestari. Winda, 2009)

Based on the results of preliminary observations of the learning process and

results, it was found that the problem was that students were less able to determine
and carry out the vegetative propagation process because the learning process was
only carried out verbally, the action given to the problem was to apply the discovery
method, from the research results it was found that an increase in student learning
outcomes namely in cycle I reached 64%, cycle II reached 78% and cycle III reached
96%, based on the increase in learning outcomes it can be understood that the
application of the discovery method can improve students' ability to understand
vegetative reproduction in plants. Another relevant research is research entitled the
use of the discovery method to improve student learning outcomes in determining the
properties of objects in class V SD Negeri Banjarasih Ciamis (Desi Hayati, 2009).
Research carried out by applying the discovery method begins with determining the
problems that occur in the learning process, namely students are still less able to
determine the properties of an object based on characteristics, student learning
outcomes only reach 57%, from the results of applying the discovery method found an
increase in learning outcomes in the first meeting 69% at the second meeting 88% and
the third meeting 94%, from the learning outcomes it can be concluded that the
application of the discovery method can improve student learning outcomes in
determining the nature of objects. Furthermore, another relevant research is research
entitled the application of the discovery method in improving scientific process skills
in the form of energy changes in class VI SD Negeri Muara I Jakarta (Rudi Hamdani.
The problems that occur in the science learning process are more fixated on the
planting of the concept of learning material only and ignoring the level of process
skills in students, for that research is carried out by applying the discovery method in
the learning process, which has a positive impact on students' process skills, namely
students. be more active in the learning process, have the ability to analyze problems,
determine answers and draw conclusions so that critical thinking patterns in students

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Khaeruddin, Junaedi, et al. 2007. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan Konsep

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