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Lucero, 2021

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Global Journal of Research in Humanities & Cultural Studies

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Original Research Article




Professor V, Western Colleges, Inc., Naic, Cavite, Philippines

*Corresponding author: JEFFREY A. LUCERO

The study was conducted to determine if the strategies being used by science teachers are beneficial in achieving positive
outcome in science among the learners. Utilizing descriptive-correlational research design, the study was participated by
science teachers and students from a secondary education school in Cavite. Results revealed that the teachers generally
use teacher-centered, student-centered, and student-teacher interactive methods with high extent. While their students
perform satisfactorily in their science subject, it was found out that the high extent of use of the teacher-centered, student-
centered, and student-teacher interactive methods has no significant relationship to their performance in science. The
teachers have identified three major problems in utilizing the different methods in teaching science: applying knowledge
and content of the subject matter following the spiral progression approach; applying various teaching strategies to
develop learners' performance and attitude towards the subject matter; and designing appropriate assessment strategies.
To address problems identified by the teachers, an in-service training program has been developed wherein the expected
output is a teaching demonstration using a well-crafted lesson plan showing an application of the concepts tackled

Keywords: science teaching, spiral model, basic education, science education

Copyright © 2021 The Author(s): This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use provided the original
author and source are credited.

Science plays an important role in the lives of (The scientific method), some social science, and
millions of people throughout the globe. It has changed some teaching pedagogy.
the trends of human history and has been a contributory
factor in shaping the destination of the nation. Science The standards for science education provide
has not only accelerated the face of material progress, it expectations for the development of understanding for
also enables man to enter to a new phase, the age of students through the entire course of their K-12
electronics and wonders of atomic era. According to education and beyond. The traditional subjects included
Lisama (2011), the role of science plays in man’s life in the standards are physical, life, earth, environmental,
beyond doubt. He needs a working knowledge of and human sciences. There are actually three fields of
science to find meaning to events that takes place in his science education. These are biology education,
body and his environment. Furthermore, man needs chemistry education, and physics education. The
science to cope with new development and discoveries. knowledge content and process in these fields are
expected to enable learners to examine the structure and
In view of the fact that every person should have behavior of the physical and natural world through
sufficient knowledge in science, it has been integrated observation and experiment.
in the school curriculum both in basic and higher
education; hence, the field science education. Science Teachers have a very respectable position in the
education aims to instill science content society. Being a teacher is to be a change agent
and process with people who are not conventionally transforming ideas into ideals and ideals into
considered part of the scientific community. The institutions which may spread the light of knowledge
learners may be children, college students, or adults and wisdom into eternity. A competent and committed
within the public. The field of science education teacher is in demand for today’s revolutionary era.
includes work in science content, science process Teacher commitment has been identified as one of the


most crucial factors for the success of the education and Statement of the Purpose
school. Being a competent and committed teacher The major focus of the study was to determine if the
means being able to use the appropriate teaching strategies being used by science teachers are beneficial
strategy for his or her learners. It is a fact that students in achieving positive outcome in science among the
come from different backgrounds and have varied learners. Specifically, it aimed to answer the following
experiences and abilities. The use of appropriate questions:
teaching strategy is manifested if these concerns are What is the participants’ extent of utilization about the
properly addressed. Likewise, the use of appropriate following teaching methods?
teaching strategy makes the learning experience a. Student centered;
worthwhile and enjoyable for the learners. This can be b. Teacher centered; and
attested by good academic outcomes being shown by c. Student-teacher interactive method?
the students through their performance and written 2. What is the level of academic performance of the
output. students in Science?
In the Philippine setting, several reforms have been 3. What significant relationship exists between the
extent of use of teaching methods and academic
made towards providing greater opportunities for
students to realize that science principles studied in
4. What problems are encountered by the teachers in the
class are relevant to everyday life. Through proper
utilization of different methods of teaching?
classroom instruction, the learners are expected to
integrate local and relevant technologies and their 5. Based from the findings, what in-service training
environmental impact with science concepts. At program may be proposed to improve teacher’s
teaching method and student’s academic performance.
present, the school curriculum in science can be
summarized as learner‐based, multidisciplinary to some
EXTENT, and relevant to national developmental goals. METHODOLOGY
It is flexible to suit the separate needs of the college‐ Research Design
bound and the students who would drop out of Descriptive-correlational research design was used in
secondary schools in different communities. The the study. In here, the students’ performance in science
curriculum includes the core textbook, which introduces was determined based on the teaching methods being
the basic concepts and its relevant applications, and employed by their teachers. The performance of each
supplementary materials, both theoretical and applied. class was compared with one another to resort to a
These features of science education in the Philippine training program that would aim to address issues
curriculum are quite promising and ideal for the relating to teaching methodologies in science in order to
learners. Nevertheless, this can only be properly subsequently increase students’ performance in the said
delivered to the learners if the teachers, as the major subject.
source of knowledge in the classroom, will, of course,
utilize the suitable teaching strategy. In this study, the Locale of the Study
strategy of teachers in science teaching will be The study was conducted in Governor Ferrer
explored. It will be found out if these strategies indeed Memorial National High School – Biclatan Annex. The
aid the learners in achieving positive outcome in school is located at Biclatan, City of General Trias,
science. Cavite along Crisanto M. delos Reyes Ave (Figure-2). It
is currently under the direct supervision of the newly
The primary purpose of teaching at any level of established City Schools Division of General Trias.
education is to bring a fundamental change in the As per records, the school was founded in 1968 with
learner (Tebabal & Kahssay, 2013). To facilitate the Lucio Nocon Community High School as its initial
process of knowledge transmission, teachers should name. With a student population of more than 3,000,
apply appropriate teaching methods that best suit the school is catering seven barangays of the city. The
specific objectives and level exit outcomes. In the school does not only offer quality instruction amongst
traditional period, many teaching practitioners widely its students. It likewise serves as a channel for the
applied teacher-centered methods to impart knowledge students to avail health and guidance and counseling
to learners comparative to student-centered methods. services, which are necessary for their growth and
Until today, questions about the effectiveness of development.
teaching methods on student learning have consistently
raised considerable interest in the thematic field of Having been surrounded with various commercial and
educational research (Hightower et al., 2013). In this business establishments and other types of institutions,
study, the strategy of teachers in science teaching will Governor Ferrer Memorial National High School –
be explored. It will be found out if these strategies Biclatan Annex has established linkages which
indeed aid the learners in achieving positive outcome in effectively aid it in delivering the necessary kinds of
science. services its students deserve.


Source: Google Maps
Figure-2: Location map of Governor Ferrer Memorial National High School – Biclatan Annex

Participants of the Study National High School- Biclatan Annex were

The teachers, regardless of their field of automatically included to participate in the study.
specialization, who are handling science subjects in
Governor Ferrero Memorial National High School- Research Instrument
Biclatan Annex were invited to be the participants of A researcher-made questionnaire anchoring on the
the study. Their approval to participate in the study was theoretical framework of the study was used in the
first sought before administering the questionnaire. research. The questionnaire was composed of relevant
statements that endeavored to assess teachers’ extent of
Samples and Sampling Technique Used using different methods in handling their science class.
This study involved nine teachers in secondary The devised questionnaires had been be pre-tested
level who are handling science and 20 percent of each before it was finally utilized in the actual data gathering
section from Grade Seven to Ten in Governor Ferrer procedure to ensure its validity and reliability to the
Memorial National High School – Biclatan Annex study.
during the school year 2018 -2019. The following instruments were used:
Convenience sampling was used to identify the teachers 1. Questionnaire. It contains the assessment of
who participated in the study. Random sampling, on the respondents on their teaching method used in Science.
other hand, was used to determine the students whose The questionnaire consists of the Student- Centered
grades in science were used in the study. In doing so, all Methods, Teacher- Centered Methods and Teacher-
willing science teachers in Governor Ferrer Memorial Student Interactive Methods

Scoring Guide for the Effectiveness of Teacher’s teaching Strategies

Numerical weight Numerical Range of scores Response Scale Descriptive Level

5 4.50- 5.00 Always Very High Extent
4 3.50- 4.49 Often High Extent
3 2.50- 3.49 Sometimes Moderately High Extent
2 1.50- 2.49 Rarely Low Extent
1 1.00- 1.49 Almost Never Very Low Extent


The descriptive levels are explained below: 2. Weighted mean – Used to get the average or central
a. Very High Extent– When the teacher’s teaching value
strategies are effective 95 % to student’s academic 3. Standard Deviation - Measures the dispersion of a
achievement in Science dataset relative to its mean and is calculated as the
b. High Extent – When the teacher’s teaching square root of the variance. It is calculated as the square
strategies are effective 90 % to academic achievement root of variance by determining the variation between
in Science each data point relative to the mean.
c. Moderately High Extent - When the teacher’s 4. Pearson R Correlation– This was used in
teaching strategies are effective 85 % to academic determining the significance of relationship of the
achievement in Science variables.
d. Low Extent - When the teacher’s teaching strategies
are effective 80 % to academic achievement in Science RESULTS AND DISCUSSION:
e. Very Low Extent – When the teacher’s teaching This chapter presents the result of the thorough
strategies are not effective 75 % to academic analysis done on the data obtained from this study. It
achievement in Science Procedure shows the extent of teachers’ use of different teaching
A letter of request addressed to the school head methods and their students’ academic performance. The
from which the participants was secured to ask for problems encountered by teachers in teaching science
permission for the conduct of this research in their were also identified in this chapter as well as a proposed
respective school. Upon their approval, appropriate solution to address each.
coordination was made with the participants.
To describe the participants’ teaching method, they Teachers’ Extent of Use of Different Teaching
were asked to answer the prepared questionnaire. The Methods
participants were informed that the completed Teaching method is a set of principles, concepts,
questionnaire would be collected one week after its and techniques that enable learners to learn the subject
distribution, so they would have ample time to read its matter being taught by their teacher. These are
content and supply the needed information. determined partly on subject matter to be taught and
To determine the participants’ students’ performance in partly by the nature of the learner. For a
science, their performance during the first and second particular teaching method to be appropriate and
quarter was reviewed and noted. efficient it has to be in relation with the characteristic of
As soon as the questionnaires had been collected, the learner and the type of learning it is supposed to
the raw data were arranged and then encoded in a bring about (de Young, 2015). In this study, the
prepared database ready for statistical analysis. teachers’ extent of using different teaching methods in
their science class was determined. Specifically, these
Statistical Analysis teaching methods are the following: teacher-centered,
The following statistical tools were used to analyze the student-centered, and teacher-student interaction
data gathered in the Study. methods. The succeeding tables (Tables 1, 2, and 3)
1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution – Used to show the participants’ extent of using the
determine the percentage for data on profile. abovementioned methods in conducting their science


Table-1: Science teachers’ extent of use of student-centered method
Weighted Descriptive
Statement Rank
Mean Level
I engage my students in the hard, messy work of learning. 2.22 Low Extent 11
I teach students how to think, solve problems, evaluate evidence, analyze Moderate
2.67 10
arguments, generate hypotheses. Extent
I encourage students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are
4.33 High Extent 2.5
learning it.
I include assignment components in which students reflect, analyze and critique
3.67 High Extent 7
what they are learning and how they are learning it.
I let students set assignment deadlines within a given time window. 2.78 9
I recognize that students can learn from and with each other. 4.22 High Extent 4.5
I establish a classroom that develops structures that promote shared
4.33 High Extent 2.5
commitments to learning.
I challenge student assumptions about learning and encourage my students to
accept responsibility for decisions they make about learning; like how they
4.22 High Extent 4.5
study for exams, when they do assigned reading, whether they revise their
writing or check their answers
I encourage students to learn on their own to give them independence and make
4.78 High Extent 1
their own decisions.
I make students aware of themselves as learners and to make learning skills Moderately
3.11 8
something students want to develop. High Extent
I devote less time for lecturing to give more time for student discussion. 4.00 High Extent 6
Overall weighted mean = 3.67 (High Extent) SD = 2.65

Table-1 shows the extent on how the teachers use the forms of assessment, like group projects, student
student-centered method in teaching science. With an portfolios, and class participation. In the student-
overall weighted mean of 3.67, findings show that the centered classroom, teaching and assessment are
participants use this method at a high extent. connected because student learning is continuously
Nevertheless, the varying responses in the table imply measured during teacher instruction. According to
that they use the method in different means. With the Teach Thought Staff (2017), teaching strategies under
highest mean of 4.78 (high extent), the data show that this method include case study, laboratory experiments,
the teachers use the student-centered method in terms of brain storming, group presentation, role play, and group
encouraging them to learn on their own to give them discussions.
independence and make their own decisions. On the According to Monte mayor (2018), the student-center
other hand, the teachers are less likely to use this method of teaching is the method prescribed by the
method by engaging their students in the hard and Department of Education (DepEd) to be used in each
messy work of learning. Through the student-centered classroom in the basic education institutions
method, students are encouraged to direct their own nationwide. This is because of DepEd’s aim of instilling
learning and to work with other students on research among its learners the 21st Century skills that they
projects and assignments that are both culturally and should know as learn for them to cope with the dynamic
socially relevant to them. Students become self- environment they are dwelling in. In response to this,
confident, self-directed, and proactive. The teacher’s teachers are expected to be adept enough in using this
primary role is to coach and facilitate student learning method and be able to craft lesson plans that are
and overall comprehension of material, and to measure perfected towards promoting a learner-centered
student learning through both formal and informal approach.


Table-2: Science teachers’ extent of use of teacher-centered method

Statement Descriptive Level Rank
I prefer more theoretical methods of teaching concepts to my students 3.89 High extent 6.5
I tend to maximize my class hours on delivering the necessary information
3.89 High extent 6.5
and concepts that my students have to learn.
I direct all classroom activities to ensure that my students do not an
3.78 High extent 8
important topic.
I generally formulate the rules and policies that guide students’ actions and
4.44 High extent 1.5
behaviors in my classroom.
I usually do the talking in my classroom while my students listen and take
4.00 High extent 4.5
note of the information I am feeding them.
I engage my students of memorization while I do the questioning,
3.56 High extent 9
reviewing, and discussion of the topics.
I directly manage the pace and sequence of knowledge sharing in the
4.00 High extent 4.5
I value the information that my students may get from the topics more than
4.11 High extent 3
their engagements on the subject matter.
I give my students less responsibility in my classroom since I serve as the Moderately High
3.44 10
major source of instruction. Extent
I use teaching aids to gain and retain my students’ attention. 4.44 High extent 1.5
General weighted mean = 3.96 (High Extent) SD = 2.51

In terms of using the teacher-centered method, findings traditional method, as what is exemplified by the above
(Table 2) show that the participants generally use it results. While learner-centered approach allows learners
with high extent, as shown by the general weighted to learn important communicative and collaborative
mean (3.96) and the almost consistent ‘high extent’ skills through group work, it is not found to be effective
rating of the participants in the statements presented for students who prefer to work alone (Rom, 2018).
above. It is likewise interesting to note that the teachers’ Saputra (2015) also added that instead of using the
top practices in connection to using the teacher-centered learner-centered approach, teachers utilize the teacher-
method are formulating the rules and policies that guide centered method to ensure that orderly is maintained in
students’ actions and behaviors in my classroom the classroom and that the students do not miss any
(Weighted Mean = 4.44, high extent) and using detail in the subject matter being tackled.
teaching aids to gain and retain students’ attention
(Weighted Mean = 4.44, high extent). The least rated Student-teacher interactive method involves not the
practice in using teacher-centered method, however, is teacher and the student in the learning process. Unlike a
giving students less responsibility in my classroom traditional teaching method oriented on the teacher
since I serve as the major source of instruction whose main function is to assist learners and facilitate,
(Weighted Mean = 4.44, high extent). According to de interactive learning focuses on students' needs, abilities,
Young (2015), teacher-centered methods are also and interests. While in a traditional approach, the
known as the traditional methods of teaching. In here, teacher is the center of the learning process and learners
teachers are the main authority figure while the students are passive and only receive information, in an
are viewed as “empty vessels” who passively receive interactive system, the teacher and the learner swap
knowledge from their teachers through lectures and their traditional roles enabling the learner to actively
direct instruction, with an end goal of positive results engage in the learning process and be the center of the
from testing and assessment. In this style, teaching and classroom. Based on his knowledge and experience,
assessment are viewed as two separate entities; student learners categorize, analyze, assume opinions, acquire
learning is measured through objectively scored tests new skills, and develop their attitudes towards facts and
and assessments. events (Dgebuadze & Giordze, 2017). According to The
Room 241 Team of Concordia University (2017),
While student-centered method is the one that is being student-teacher interactive method includes the
prescribed by the Department Education to be used in following strategies: think, pair, and share; buzz
every classroom, many teachers still cling to the sessions; brainstorming; and Q&A sessions.


Table-3: Science teachers’ extent of use of student-teacher interactive method

Statement Weighted Descriptive Rank

Mean Level
I encourage two-way communication between me and my students in my class. 4.44 High Extent 1.5
I tend to provide some information for my students while they will be the ones 4.44 High Extent 1.5
to process it through some activities.
I minimize lecturing by peppering students with questions, asking the next 4.11 High Extent 6
question in a way that guides the conversation toward a learning outcome that
was desired from the beginning.
I allow students to ask me questions which enables me to answer in such a way 4.22 High Extent 4.5
as to post another question immediately but also drive the next student question
in a certain direction.
I start my class by showing something that would provoke discussion and 3.78 High Extent 8
exchange of ideas in class.
I pepper my students with questions, always asking the next question in a way 4.00 High Extent 7
that guides the conversation toward a learning outcome that was desired from
the beginning.
I tend to give instructions to my students that would allow them to have hands- 4.33 High Extent 3
on experience on the topic being tackled.
I make each class more of a conversation with my students while ensuring that 4.22 Moderately 4.5
they meet the learning outcome for that session. High Extent
General weighted mean = 4.19 SD= 2.66

The participants’ extent of using student-teacher extent) and providing some information to students to
interactive method is found to be similar to their extent enable them to process it through some activities
of using the teacher-centered method (Table 3). The (Weighted Mean = 4.44, high extent). The least
participants generally use this method with high extent practiced strategy in this method is starting the class by
(General Weighted Mean = 4.19, high extent) with showing something that would provoke discussion and
encouraging two-way communication between me and exchange of ideas (Weighted Mean = 3.78, high extent).
my students in my class (Weighted Mean = 4.44, high

Table-4: Ranking of the teaching methods in terms of the teachers’ extent of use

Method Weighted Mean Descriptive Level Rank

Student-Centered Methods 3.666 High extent 3
Teacher-Centered Methods 3.955 High extent 2
Teacher-Student Interactive Methods 4.192 High extent 1

Summing up the findings in Tables-1, 2, and 3, Table-4 Students’ Level of Performance in Science
shows the ranking in the teaching methods in terms of In the current basic education curriculum being
the teacher’s extent of use. It is shown that teacher- implemented by the Department of Education, the spiral
student interactive method is the most widely used approach is being used in the teaching of science and
method while the least widely used is the student- mathematics. Smith (2016) cited that spiral curriculum
centered method. This simply implies that while the is an approach to education that introduces key concepts
Department of Education advocates the use of the to students at a young age and covers these concepts
student-centered method in classroom instruction, the repeatedly, with increasing degrees of complexity. This
participants still find the vital role of the teacher in approach is also known as a "spaced" or "distributed"
catalyzing learning among the learners. With the approach. It contrasts with "blocked" or "massed"
student-teacher interactive method, students learn to curricula, which do not introduce difficult concepts
collaboratively work with other students and develop until the student has reached a higher level of education.
their critical thinking skills. At the same time, teachers
In the result below (Table-4), the academic
can ensure that they minimize the details that they
performance of the students in science, summarized as
might miss regarding the content of the subject matter mean grade per class, is presented after being handled
they are tackling to their students. Also, they can by their respective teachers using the spiral approach.
maintain order in the classroom while the class is going


Table-5: Students’ level of performance in science

Teacher Mean Grade SD Interpretation

A 81 4.6 Satisfactory
B 82 5.2 Satisfactory
C 82 4.85 Satisfactory
D 82 4.22 Satisfactory
E 81 3.21 Satisfactory
F 82 4.43 Satisfactory
G 82 4.82 Satisfactory
H 81 3.52 Satisfactory
I 81 3.88 Satisfactory
Overall Mean 82 0.49 Satisfactory

Based on how the result was presented in Table-5, the subject area. The performance of the students, however,
mean grade of all the students handled by each teacher is influenced by the school environment, teachers, and
was computed to determine their general performance the curriculum (Arnon & Reichel, 2017).
in science. Data show that all classes generally
performed satisfactorily in their science subject under Relationship between the Teachers’ Extent of Use of
the instruction of their respective science teachers using Different Teaching Methods and their Students’
the spiral approach. These findings, however, imply Level of Performance in Science
high variation in the grade of each class member as The poor academic performance by majority of
shown by the standard deviation value. the students in various subject areas is basically linked
to the application of ineffective teaching methods by
The satisfactory performance of the students in
teachers to impact knowledge to learners and therefore,
their science class suggests that there are still a lot that
teachers need to be conversant with numerous teaching
must be done to improve their literacy in the said
subject. As cited by Akhareem and Hossain (2012), the strategies (Adunola, 2014). In view of this notion, this
quality of students is considered a determinant of part of the study attempted to determine if the extent of
use of different teaching methods in science
quality education. According to them, an institution
significantly relates to the academic performance of the
promotes high quality of education if majority of its
students in the research locale.
students can achieve outstanding performance in each

Table-6: Relationship between the teachers’ extent of use of different teaching methods and their students’ level of
performance in science

Teaching Method R-value P-value* Decision

Student-centered 0.227 0.82 No Significant Relationship
Teacher-centered 0.303 0.34 No Significant Relationship
Student-teacher Interactive Method 0.617 0.14 No Significant Relationship

*significant if α = 0.05

In this study, the claim of Adunola (2014) has been teaching method, there are some other factors that
negated. Table-6 shows that the extent of use of influence students’ performance in their science subject.
different teaching methods has no relationship to how Majo (2016) identified other factors that should be
well the students perform in the science class. The R- taken into consideration, which include number of
values imply that the extent of use of the three teaching teachers, adequacy of learning materials, and students’
methods possibly have a direct relationship to the attitude towards their science subject. Considering this
students’ academic performance. This means that the claim then suggests that the participants may also
students’ academic performance in science may review if the learning materials being used in their class
increase if the teachers use the teaching methods at a are relevant and sufficient. They should also ensure that
higher extent. Nevertheless, the p-values, which are all they execute strategies that would sustain their students’
greater than five percent falsifies this possible interest in class regardless of the teaching method they
relationship. This clearly claims that aside from the are utilizing.


Problems Encountered by Teachers in Utilizing the teachers as facilitators of learning. Table-7 summarizes
Different Methods of Teaching the major problems encountered by the teachers. They
The problems encountered by the teachers in have identified three major problems: applying
utilizing the different teaching methods, i.e., teacher- knowledge and content of the subject matter following
centered, student-centered, and student-teacher the spiral progression approach; applying various
interactive methods, were also identified in the study. teaching strategies to develop learners' performance and
This was done to identify some schemes and measures attitude towards the subject matter; and designing
that can be instrumental in enhancing the students’ appropriate assessment strategies.
academic performance in science by empowering their

Table-7: Problems encountered by teachers in utilizing the different methods of teaching

Problems Encountered Rank

Applying knowledge and content of the subject matter following the spiral
progression approach
Applying various teaching strategies to develop learners' performance and
attitude towards the subject matter
Designing appropriate assessment strategies 3

Based from the results (Table-7), applying knowledge extract the accurate information pertaining to their
and content of the subject matter following the spiral progress in class.
progression approach is the most perceived problem by Proposed Program towards Enhancing Students’
the teacher participants. According to them, they have Level of Performance in Science
insufficient training on using this approach. Likewise, The data gathered in this study entail that
they also believe that there is unequal distribution of teachers generally utilize a variety of teaching methods,
teacher specialists per branch field and per quarter. which are student-centered, teacher-centered, and
According to Dig-dino (2018), as cited by Montemayor student-teacher interaction. Nevertheless, they appear to
(2018), there is no need for teacher specialists in the prefer methods which still employ teachers as the key
junior high school if the spiral approach will be players in the classroom. Amidst the situation, the
properly followed. Thus, the said problem can be teachers still perceive some problems in teaching
addressed if the teachers will be adequately adept on science. This includes applying knowledge and content
utilizing the spiral approach and be familiar on the of the subject matter following the spiral progression
contents of the topics designed by the curriculum guides approach, applying various teaching strategies to
in science across grade levels. develop learners' performance and attitude towards the
The second identified problem is on applying subject matter, and designing appropriate assessment
strategies. This therefore results to students’
various teaching strategies to develop learners'
performance which generally remains just satisfactory,
performance and attitude towards the subject matter.
which is anticipated to be outstanding. To address the
This finding concurs with the claim of Majo (2016)
problems encountered by teachers with the aim of
which states that students’ attitude towards science
influences their academic performance in the said improving students’ academic performance in science,
an in-service training (INSET) program is hereby
subject area. In this connection, science teachers should
formulated in the study (Table 8).
be knowledgeable of strategies in class that can more
effectively positivize their learners’ attitude towards As shown in Table 8, the proposed INSET
their subject. program will generally aim to enable teachers to utilize
various teaching strategies across the different methods
On designing appropriate assessment strategies (teacher-centered, student-centered, and student-teacher
for the learners is another problem identified by the interactive methods) to ensure that the students’
research participants. According to them, they do not achievement in science will be improved. Likewise, the
find their learners’ mastery of the topic evident with the program endeavors to identify and standardize valid
assessment strategies they use. Likewise, they observed assessment tools appropriate in determining students’
that many students hardly reach the standards set by the learning for a given learning competency in science.
assessment tool they use in class, which is supported by The program targets to enable the teachers to try the
their poor academic performance. According to Hamlin other practices that they seldom apply under each
(2016), an assessment tool should be useful, targeted, teaching method.
and sustainable. Mentioning these, teachers are
anticipated to be knowledgeable enough of different
and appropriate assessment tools that would fit the
needs and personality of the learners and, as well,


These practices include the following: learners, and assessment methods in science teaching.
Student-centered Method With this program, teachers are expected to gain a
Teaching students how to think, solve problems, better understanding of the spiral approach in teaching
evaluate evidence, analyze arguments, and generate science and be able to apply it to improve their
hypotheses students’ academic performance in science. Students’
Letting students set assignment deadlines within a given academic performance does not rely alone on the
time window method used by the teacher. The teacher should
Engaging students in the hard and messy work of likewise promote a motivating learning environment
learning while using an appropriate assessment tool for each
activity in class. Hence, it is likewise anticipated that
Teacher-centered Method
through the designed program, the teachers will be
Giving students less responsibility in the classroom more adept on various motivating activities and
since the teacher serves as the source of instruction assessment methods in teaching.
Since the Department of Education highly prescribes
The expected outputs in this program
the use of student-centered method despite being the
are lesson plans developed by the teachers that apply
least utilized teaching method by the participants,
the spiral approach in teaching science while applying
greater emphasis will be accrued to it.
the student-centered approach. Through this, the
The INSET program will be held year-round to students’ academic performance is expected to
ensure continuity of learning among the teachers and consequently upgrade from satisfactory to very
provide a series of monitoring and evaluation with satisfactory rating. This, of course, will be derived
regard to the progress of the program. It will be ensured using appropriate assessment tools that are carefully
that the set activities will not interrupt classes hence; aligned with the learning competencies set in each
proper scheduling of activities should be done. It will grade level.
focus on three areas of concern: teaching strategies
using the spiral approach, motivational activities for

Table-8: Proposed INSET program for the science teachers

Area Objectives Activities Timeframe Person Source Expected Success

Involved of Fund Outcome Indicator
Applying Define spiral Conduct in- Year- School School Teacher’s 80% of teacher’s
knowledge approach in service round Head MOOE clear and crafted lessons
and content teaching training for operational employ student-
of the subject science teachers Master Personal knowledge centered method
matter Propose a Regular Teachers Fund on spiral
following the lesson plan provision of approach
spiral utilizing the technical Teachers Crafted
progression spiral approach assistance by lesson plan
approach Execute the the learning properly
proposed leaders integrating
lesson plan in a Conduct of the spiral
teaching regular approach
demonstration learning Students’
action cell better
(LAC) academic
sessions performance
Participation in science
Applying Identify in various Teacher’s At least 80% of
various different seminars and improved the learners
teaching motivational conferences skill on obtain very
strategies to strategies in concerning promoting a satisfactory
develop science pedagogy motivating rating in their
learners' teaching across leaning science class
performance grade levels environment performance
and attitude Propose a for the
towards the lesson plan learners
subject with emphasis
matter on motivating


and learning in
a science class
Execute the
lesson plan in a
Designing Identify A more 80% of teachers’
appropriate assessment appropriate crafted lesson
assessment methods in and valid plans utilize
strategies science assessment valid assessment
teaching across tool for each tools aligned to
grade levels task in the learning
Propose a science competencies
lesson plan Better and responsive
with emphasis academic to the students’
on using performance intellectual and
appropriate in science developmental
and valid capacity
methods in a
science class
Execute the
lesson plan in a


CONCLUSIONS students' perspective. Journal of Marketing for
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The teachers have identified three major regarding the qualities of a good teacher and of
problems in utilizing the different methods in teaching their own qualities as teachers. Teachers and
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matter following the spiral progression approach; 6. Arokoyu, A.A. & Nenalebari, N.J. (2018).
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