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Chapter I



In science teaching, the ultimate goal is to promote scientific and technological

awareness among students. This goal can only be achieved if and only if science teachers are

effective enough in the delivery of science instruction. Recent studies have reiterated that

effective teaching increases student achievement and closes achievement gaps for all students

(Johnson et.al, 2006). Thus, effective teaching each year could eventually eliminate achievement

gaps in science.

Moreover, the goals of science instruction demand a strong preparation for teaching and

deep specialization in the sciences. This is in addition to the wealth of talents and attributes the

students innately possess. Developing a curious and critical mind insures a continuing search for

new information and systematic approaches in solving problem situations (Salandanan et.al,

1996). To realize these goals, all possible solutions must be exhausted to improve science

education in the Philippines.

Science education had progressively gained importance during the last century, and is

expected to advance more and more in the forthcoming years. However, one of the challenges

that Science education is facing nowadays lies along Science instruction. Turney (1981) asserts

that with mastered teaching skills, the teacher must learn to use a variety of teaching strategies to

become effective in teaching. This means that a teacher’s effectiveness in achieving the

instructional objectives may greatly increase depending on one’s ability to make the most out of

the different teaching strategies. To become effective, science teachers should have a deep

understanding of the subject they teach as well as the nature and methods of Science and its

impact on students’ daily lives.

Physics is one of the branches of science where students as well as teachers usually find

as a complex subject to comprehend. In fact, there had been numerous studies conducted to

investigate such trend. In 2004, Angell et. al. as cited by Ornek et al. (2007) found that students

find physics difficult because they have to challenge themselves with the different

representations such as experiments, formulas and calculations, graphs and conceptual

explanations which are to be done simultaneously inside a physics class. Ornek et. al. (2007)

established that students and teachers have different levels of difficulty in understanding physics

and said that student-related factors such as not studying more have the most influence on

students’ success in physics.

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2003 and National

Achievement Test (NAT) are examinations where students obtain consistently low scores in

science. Filipino learners are lagging behind from their Asian counterparts in the TIMSS. In

Grade IV Math and Science, the Philippines ranked 23rd out of 25 countries. For high school

Math, the Philippines ranked 34th out of 38 countries. In high school Science, it ranked 43rd out

of 46 participating countries (http://www.donboscopress.ph/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/DepEd-


Also in the past years, Bicol region consistently underperformed in the NAT ranking 15 th

among the 17 regions in the Philippines. Results of the NAT revealed that Bicol Region

performed dismally in the three core subject areas: Mathematics, Science and English, with

Mathematics at the bottom, followed by Science and English. The same trend has been observed

at the school: mathematics at the tail end with 59.30 percent MPL, followed by science at 60.45

and English at 66.65 percent MPL (DPPMHS Mean Performance Level by Subject Area).

The MPL for Science IV (Physics) at the school level for the past three years registered

these results: 50.65, 59.64 and 62.40. It should be noted that these results are well way below the

75 percent MPL set by the Department of Education for satisfactory performance.

With the above-mentioned problems, the teacher cannot expect much from the students in

terms of the mastery and application of concepts. Evidently, the students are underperforming in

science. Some educators contend that teachers should develop the students’ metacognition to

enable them to understand content and monitor their own learning. The contention is that, if

students are trained to use comprehensive strategies and to monitor their application, the practice

will lead to more effective learning, and in turn, facilitate acquisition of knowledge.

In learning Physics, every student must have a thorough understanding of concepts in

Mechanics. The central concept of Mechanics is the force concept. Force is most often

misconceived by students. According to research, the students’ scientific knowledge is

incomplete, fragmented and often taught with naïve theories or misconceptions that are

inconsistent with the scientifically accepted ideas. Likewise, there has been a wide range of

studies using the Force Concept Inventory (FCI) developed by Hestenes et. al, that has proven

that physics students hold misconceptions or alternative conceptions in force. They also revealed

some of the prevalent reasons for students to possess those alternative conceptions such as their

prior knowledge, cultural orientation, ecological background, motivation, teacher input, among

others. If this is so, it is imperative for teachers to help the students overcome these


There are a lot of researches and innovations in the core of science education going on.

Researches on teaching have shown that effective instruction is facilitated by the appropriate

content and the selection and utilization of strategies, procedures and materials within the context

and objectives of teaching. Furthermore, traditional approaches are becoming obsolete, thus,

more interactive approaches are deemed suitable. Studies show that effective learning is strongly

supported when students are actively engaged in learning.

However, one cannot totally eradicate the traditional way of teaching but it can be

modified if the teacher will add and implement student-centered teaching strategies (Merca,

2012). Teaching strategies and instructional materials, like modules, must incorporate a more

active and student-centered approach. Suiting modules to the learning needs and abilities of the

students will teach them to be independent learners and responsible for their own learning.

According to Acelajado (2005), students will learn best if they will be given enough time and

will study at their own pace or capacity to learn.

An intensive research on the psychological theories of learning such as Theory of

Concept Formation by Burger (1986) and the Theory of Reinforcement by Skinner (1968)

brought the idea of module development which adopts the same format as programmed learning.

With programmed learning, the learner will gain the enthusiasm to pursue his studies if he is

given the feedback about his performance and he is able to repeat reading the material for better

understanding of the concept under consideration (Merca, 2012).

A module is a free-standing unit of learning which may be linked to other modules to

form a coherent program of learning. A module contains title, aims and objectives, knowledge,

concepts, skills and attitudes, teaching and learning styles, and assessment methods. If the

modules will just use the lecture-type method as the teaching style, students might not be

actively engaged in learning (Watkins in Wilson, 1991). Therefore, in developing modules, one

must consider the methodology that would actively engage the students into learning.

The low performance level during the NAT, DAT and school-based assessment of

Deogracias P. Princesa Memorial High School in Science IV (Physics) and the researcher’s

strong belief in the promise of modules as effective non-traditional learning materials, prompted

her to venture into the development of modules to enhance the learning of the fourth year

students in Physics.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to develop, validate and evaluate the effectiveness of learning modules on

Force for the fourth year high school students of Deogracias P. Princesa Memorial High School

(DPPMHS). Specifically, it aims to answer the following subproblems:

1. What learning modules may be developed to enhance the lessons on Force?

2. What is the experts’ evaluation of developed learning modules?

3. How effective are the modules in enhancing the students’

a. interest

b. conceptual understanding

c. attitude?

Significance of the Study

As we continually strive for quality Science education, the researcher believes that the

results of this study would be beneficial to the educational system, specifically to the following


Teachers. They can use the modules developed in this study as instructional materials in

teaching Physics. Also, results of this study would inspire them to continuously seek for ways

and means towards improving of learning activities in pursuit of the ultimate goal of Science


Students. Being the direct beneficiaries of the study, they will develop better and deeper

understanding of the concepts in Physics though independent learning.

School Administrators. This study will give them idea to conduct teacher trainings and

seminars about the other trends in teaching like the modular teaching.

Curriculum Planners. The information that will be obtained from the results of this

study will help in their efforts to design and enrich the curricula that will accomplish and

translate learning experiences.

Researchers. This study can be used as a relational study for the researchers who are

interested in using modular approach in teaching.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The focus of this study is the Learning Modules on Force an instructional material

supplement. This study is concerned mainly on the development and validation of the content of

the module and shall further look into the effectiveness of the modules in enhancing the

conceptual understanding, interest and attitude of the students towards Physics.

The modules shall only cover topics on force, which is considered to be most often

misconceived by the students. Said modules shall be tried out to one class of fourth year students

of Deogracias P. Princesa Memorial High School.

The validation of the modules shall be done by experts who will be guided with the

criteria for evaluation of the content of the module.


A.Turney (1981). Better Teaching in Secondary Schools 3rd ed. New York: Mcmillan
Co. p.10.

B.F. Skinner (1968). The Technology of Teaching. New York:Appleton-Century-Crofts.

C.C. Johnson, J.B. Kahle, J. D. Fargo (2007). Effective Teaching Results in Increased
Science Achievement for All Students. Science Education. 91, 371-383.

F. Ornek, W. R. Robinson, M. R. Haugan (2007). What Makes Physics Difficult?.

Science Education International. 18(3), 167-172.
Gloria G. Salandanan et al. (1996). The Teaching of Science. Manila: Katha Publishing
Co., Inc.
Maria Aileen P. Merca (2012). Self-Instructional Modules on Motion: Development,
Validation and Evaluation of Effectiveness. Bicol University, Legazpi City: Unpublished
Master’s Thesis.

Maxima J. Acelajado (2005). The Modular Teaching Approach in College Algebra:

An Alternative to Improving the Learner’s Achievement, Persistence and Confidence in
Mathematics. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. De La Salle University, Manila.

National Center for Education Statistics. Highlights from the Trends in International
Mathematics and Science Study 2003. December 2004. Retrieved from http://www.donbosco

Richard B. Wilson (1999). A Modular Approach to Sixth Form Mathematics. The

Mathematical Gazette. Vol. 75, No. 471. (Mar., 1991) pp. 55-61.

Statistical Data on the Mean Performance Level by Subject of Deogracias P. Princesa

Memorial High School, Ligao City for S.Y. 2012-2013.

Thomas Burger (1986). Max Weber’s Theory of Concept Formation, History, Laws
and Ideal Types. Durham: Duke University Press.

Chapter II

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies with bearing on the

present research study. The literature review integrated both foreign and local literature and

studies and synthesized them to surface the gaps in knowledge that the study shall attempt to

bridge. The theoretical and conceptual frameworks and the definition of key terms are also

included in this chapter.

Review of Related Literature

Nowadays, many students consider science classes to be difficult and boring. A report

entitled “Science Teaching in Schools” notes a decade-long decline in the numbers of students

taking science and maths. It attributed the decline to teachers who were confining their

instruction to a narrow and uninspiring set of methods (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/11/


Bruce et al. (2001) pointed out that the development of positive attitudes towards any

school subject is fundamental for several reasons. First, attitude is related to achievement and

may enhance cognitive development directly. Second, positive attitude towards a subject makes

students more likely to engage in lifelong learning both formally and informally. More

specifically, in the area of science teaching, positive attitude affects both course and career


There are studies which reveal that students, who early in their school careers state that

science is their favorite subject, often shun science in the secondary school. Students who hold

negative stereotype images of scientists, science and technology in society are easily discouraged

from pursuing scientific disciplines and accordingly perform poorly in science subjects

(Changeiywo, 2000). Maton (1995) claims that teachers must quickly do something to rekindle

the enthusiasm in all students for all science.

For Science to be understood, it must be experienced. These experiences should allow the

students to be actively engaged in the manipulation of the everyday objects and materials from

the real world. Children are by nature observers and explorers, and the most effective approach

to learning should capitalize on these intrinsic abilities. Hands-on learning is the only way by

which students can directly observe and understand science. As students develop effective

techniques for observing and testing everything around them, they learn the what, how, when

and why of things they interact. These experiences are necessary if the youngsters of today are to

remain “turned on” to science and become scientifically literate (Mathew Bacon 2002). In fact,

researches in science teaching are geared towards finding out how science can be taught in such

a way that children will learn the fundamental concepts inherent in both physical and biological


The K-12 Curriculum set by the Department of Education emphasizes that teaching

should not just deal with what the students learn from everyday lessons but what it can do and

how it will transform and improve the quality of life, while teachers are urged to become prime

movers of change to make Filipino learners scientifically literate and trashing out beliefs that are

non-relevant to the ever changing world. It has been structured to promote reciprocal interaction

between the students and teachers, among students themselves, between students and

instructional materials and between students and multimedia sources and among teachers of

different disciplines. Education is multifacetedly designed to meet the desired level of

competence of the students.

Science education in the Philippines is claimed to be of poor quality. According to Ellis

(2005), the following benchmark the necessity to change science education: (a) society faces

critical global-scale issues that are fundamentally technical in nature and only technically-literate

citizenry can make decisions on such issue, and (b) modern economics are so heavily based on

technology that will require its community to have sufficient and optimum understanding of

science and technology. A major shift should be done to improve the mode of instruction to

prepare its local learners to become globally competitive by patterning and implementing the

necessary mode of instruction that could help enhance literacy on science and technology.

Lawson (1994) offered some objectives of an effective science teaching. These objectives

are stated in order to help students to develop creative and critical thinking skill; construct

understanding of the major conceptual systems that pose questions and problems; and to seek

answers and solutions.

Gowin (1981) placed great emphasis on empowering the learners and characterized the

shared meanings of curricular materials between students and teachers as “cracking down the

code”. This shared meaning or mutual understanding empowers the students by accentuating

their ability to construct knowledge. He further emphasized that by having the students

reconstruct scholarly knowledge under the guidance of the teacher, students will have greater

control on subsequent experience and learning.

Collette and Chiapetta (1994) said that there is a good match between student’s

development stage and the cognitive complexity of instructional materials. Students, according

to them, have a greater chance to achieve the desired learning outcomes. However, they asserted

that when the materials are abstract and complex many students may fail to comprehend the

subject matter. If science teachers and curriculum writers were to identify learning outcomes that

the students can attain, they must be aware of the cognitive operations, scheme, or reasoning

patterns required to learn a given amount of materials.

According to Salandanan et al. (1996), the instructional devices prepared by teachers take

center stage in the teaching methodology. The teaching aids are used to provide a concrete

experience about the lesson for the students. Modern classrooms which are equipped with

audiovisual materials for learning enable the teacher to plan ideal teaching-learning scenarios.

Ornstein (1990) cited that the type of instructional aid to be used by the teacher must

consider the purpose of the learning activity. The instructional aids can affect students in many

ways, namely: in motivating students, providing varied learning experiences, allowing for

different interests, contributing to understanding, reinforcing learning, encouraging participation,

providing experience, and changing attitudes and feelings.

The need of each learning situation determines the materials which the teacher will use.

There are some general considerations that can help in estimating their value and evaluating the

appropriateness of the needs: interest, relevance, expectancy and satisfaction. Furthermore,

instructional aids have the following features: purpose, defined objectives, flexibility, diversity,

development, content, and guide for learners and education.

Learning is defined by psychologists as any relatively permanent change in behavior

which occurs as a result of practice or experience. Gotengco (1999) said that true learning

involves a process of self-discovery, exploration and experimentation which stimulates,

empowers and changes an individual. True learning is the development of the “whole” person –

an individual’s mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and social facilities. True learning includes

the capacity to utilize all these faculties; thus, achieving personal integration, being able to link

these rights and skills to the world where the individual operates.

According to Ali (2005), a learning module is a self-learning package dealing with one

specific subject matter unit and it can be used in any setting convenient to the learner and may be

completed at the learner’s own pace. He further added that in learning module, a teacher

becomes facilitator of learning rather than the traditional dispenser of knowledge.

The fundamental characteristics of modules are: it is essentially self-contained, self-

instructional, concern for individual differences, optimal association sequence and structure of

knowledge, utilization of a variety of methods, immediate reinforcement of responses, active

participation by the learners and mastery evaluation strategy (Dorado 2001).

A module aims to develop a clearly identifiable and certifiable portion of the curriculum,

expressed in terms of competency objectives. The objectives should be achieved within a clear

and realistic time limit. Modular organization implies constant monitoring and feedback to insure

that learning is really work-in-progress. Modular teaching allows the teacher to address not only

what the student doesn’t know, but what the student needs to know – and when (www.modular-


Cabanias (2005) explained that modular instruction is a self-teaching technique. It aids

the teacher in conducting lecture. A great number of students can benefit from the strategy

wherein they can learn independently according to their own pace of learning. Competition is

within themselves and not among their peers. Hence, individualizing instruction through the use

of learning modules would enable students to work at their own rate and profit more from the

learning process by involving themselves actively. The main objective of the modular instruction

system is to advocate the efficiency and effectiveness of the teaching-learning process in school.

Moreover, Cabanias (2005) said that module as a delivery system in the teaching-learning

process has been chosen to change the circumstances into teaching-learning situation which is

stimulating and challenging, a situation in which the student is given the chance to read and

learn, to solve a problem by himself under the supervision and the guidance of the teacher who is

always willing to befriend and help the student when necessary. The teacher will be the one

responsible for monitoring the learning of the students.

Stewart and Wilkerson (1999) said that module instructors have responded

enthusiastically to the transformation of their classrooms into places of rich, active learning. In

fact, many said that they would never “go back” to a more traditional classroom. Therefore,

teaching with modules should create a lively and dynamic environment where learning, thinking

and doing science are of primary importance.

A module is an instructional material which aims to attain objectives within the curricula.

It includes knowledge, concepts, facts, theories and methods of the discipline at an intellectual

level appropriate for the students. A module may not necessarily belong to a single specific

discipline of learning. Interdisciplinary learning may allow students to approach knowledge and

perceive issues from different points of view. Students will explore the purposes of various

writing genres and their strengths and weaknesses as vehicles for science communications. As

part of the module, students will be expected to develop their written skills (Gregory 2005).

The structure of the lessons in the modules enables to guide and facilitate learning. All

the activities encourage and support student inquiry, promote discourse among students, and

challenge students to accept and share for their learning. The collaborative learning, allows you

to respond effectively to students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. Students work

collaboratively with other to solve problems and plan investigations. Many students find that

they learn better when they work with others n a collaborative environment than when they work

alone in a competitive environment. When active, collaborative learning is directed toward

scientific inquiry, students succeed in making their own discoveries. They ask questions,

observe, analyze, explain, draw conclusions, and ask new questions. These inquiry-based

experiences include both those that involve students in direct experimentation and those in which

students develop explanations through critical and logical thinking


Review of Related Studies

A study conducted by Monreal (2006) suggests that students nowadays learn concepts

and skills in science when they are exposed to hands-on activities as a product of technological

advancement. Exposure to computers and other teaching devices could enhance student learning

compared to those students who do not have exposure to any of these.

Acero (2000) said that modules as instructional materials have strengthened the principle

of individual differences by allowing each student to proceed at his own pace. More

intellectually superior students are separated to finish more modules; less bright ones are only

capable of taking up fewer modules. While the use of modules has been widely accepted as a

desirable pedagogical practice, its actual utilization in classroom instruction leaves much to be


Cortez (2000) suggested that there is a need for a thorough-going study of the teaching-

learning processes and interactions in teacher education. Among these are: relevance, currency

and adequacy of he materials used, and deficiencies of the subject in terms of knowledge, skills

and attitudes.

Ordillas (1993) asserts the relevance and usefulness of instructional materials like

modules, manuals and workbooks when she said that:

Teachers need ammunition in the form of books and teaching materials to
reinforce educational priorities. There is a need for more supplementary and
reference books to supplement the existing textbooks. Usually the students have
little access to what is contained in the basic textbook.

Doll (2001) enumerated the major elements of a module. This includes the readiness test

and key, lesson proper, study guide, mastery test key and teachers guide. A well written

curriculum material is accurate, clear, interesting and original to some extent.

In the study of Tataro (2000) on Modular Instruction on Humanities Utilizing Bicol

Materials: It’s Effect on Students’ Performance, Tataro found that the performance of students

exposed to instructional modules surpassed the performance of students exposed to traditional

method, to wit: Module 1 (Visual Arts) – mean score of experimental group in the posttest was

18.51, compared to control group which was 15.43; Module II (Auditory Arts) - mean score of

experimental group in the posttest was 20.4, while the control group was 13.2; and Module III

(Combined Arts) - mean score of experimental group in the posttest was 18.83, compared to

control group which was 13.58.

Soriano (2000) posited that various lessons of the module should follow the POLE

(Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Evaluating) formula. The instructional materials contain the

following elements in each lesson:

a. Objective – appearing at the beginning of the lesson to guide the learners regarding

some learning expectations and outcome.

b. Lesson Abstract – a precise synopsis written in highlighted form of the whole lesson


c. Lesson Introduction – a short justification of the lesson why it has to be learned.

d. Sticklers – presenting the most salient ideas/points and set in italics and small tests.

e. In-text Questions – a form of recall by challenging the learner to fill the space

provided, presented in boxes in each lesson similar to a sentence-completion test

pertinent to the topic.

f. Summary – the lesson is gist with important details presented in the lesson.

g. Space and Assignment – since the module is flexible, it can be used in traditional

classroom ambiance, thus, the student can jot down additional information discussed

by the teacher.

h. Self Testing – vital questions and exercises for the students to know the progress of

learning the course.

Binayung (1996) made a study on the development and validation of a module in

Mathematics for third year high school students of Las Pinas College. The study consisted of two

phases which are the construction and development of module on the identified difficult topics in

Math III and conclusion of the validity of the modular instruction.

This study was found similar to the study conducted by Dy (2006) on the development

and validation of the Strategic Intervention Materials (SIM) in Science IV. The study revealed

that the achievement of the students exposed to the SIMs is higher than the achievement of the

students taught in the traditional approach.

Using the modular teaching approach as intervention, the study entitled “The Modular

Teaching Approach in College Algebra: An Alternative to Improving the Learner’s

Achievement, Persistence and Confidence in Mathematics” yielded the following conclusion:

The modular teaching approach in mathematics has positive effects on the respondents’

achievement, persistence, and confidence levels most especially among the respondents from

the low ability group (Acelajado 2005).

Another study by Cabanias (2005) about modular instruction as an effective tool in

enhancing students’ academic performance in studying Philippine Literature found that modular

instruction is effective in raising the performance of the students in Philippine literature than the

traditional method of teaching the subject.

Mapula (2000) studied instructional modules on complex numbers for fourth year high

school, which showed that the performance level of Mathematics IV students of the experimental

group was higher than the cut off set by DepEd; that there was a significant mean gain difference

between the pretest and posttest of the experimental group, and that the effectiveness of the

proposed modules was significant.

In the study of Merca (2012) entitled “Self-Instructional Modules on Motion:

Development, Validation and Evaluation of Effectiveness”, she was able to prove that self-

instructional modules are effective in enhancing the conceptual understanding of the students

regarding the concept of motion, and at the same time, developing the cooperative and inquiry

skills of the students.

A study of Gomleksiz entitled “An Individual Approach in English Language Teaching:

An Evaluation of Modular Teaching Environment and Modular Teaching” found that the

students who adopted the modular teaching approach benefited from learning packages and

gained confidence by using English teaching modules. The students stated that modular teaching

should be used in other courses as well (http://www.edam.com.tr/kuyeb/en/kuyebAbstract/2.pdf).

Toh Pei, Ng Kok Vei and Tan (2006) said in their paper entitled “Assessment in an Era of

Rapid Change: Innovations and Best Practices”, the modular approach curriculum has allowed

greater flexibility and creativity in the teaching strategies. Teachers are able to incorporate and

try out new ideas in their strategies to make the activities purposeful and relevant.

A positive shift in attitude in learning is accompanied by more motivated behavior and

interest. There is a connection between interest and attitude. Interest is a behavioral response in

learning physics. Interest refers to the behavior that something somebody enjoys doing. There is

a quality about something that attracts attention, concern or curiosity (MSN Encarta). Questions

of students and students’ self-evaluation of the outcome of learning reflect interest in learning.

The present study shall explore student’s interest and attitude in learning physics in the effect of

the use of the learning modules.

Barbera (2007) made a study on the development of instrument for measuring students’

attitude towards Chemistry. The CLASS Chem measured attitude towards Chemistry and

learning Chemistry that involves statements categorized into personal interest, real world

connection, problem solving, sense making/effort, conceptual connection, conceptual learning.

These are beliefs about learning chemistry, content of chemistry knowledge, structure of

chemistry knowledge and connection of chemistry to the real world and bout chemistry in


Every learner carry with them some notions and conceptions about the world they live in.

When exposed to concepts like force and motion, they often have common sense beliefs that tend

to inhibit the way they must understand these physics concepts. According to Brookes and

Etkina (2009), many students find complexity in understanding force and motion due to a

combination of linguistic and ontological difficulties. In their study, they found out that students

view force as a property of motion rather than a “sustainer” of motion and that learning about

force involves an act of ontological disambiguation where students have to refine their

understanding of what the term force means in physics. From this study, it could be gleaned that

understanding the term force is already a predicament for students (Brookes and Etkina, 2009).

` Junio (2004) has profiled the prevalent alternative conceptions and explored on the level

of conceptual understanding of fourth year high school students of Cobol National High School

on Newtonian mechanics through the use of the open-ended Force Concept Inventory (FCI).

Thirty-four (34) students were used as respondents in this study which concluded that none of

them met the threshold for a Newtonian Thinker.

Gilza (2004) has attempted to determine the conceptual understanding as well as identify

the most prevalent misconceptions of forces and motion among senior Science Curriculum

Students of General Santos City High School. There were 37 respondents who took the

revalidated open-ended version of the Force Concept Inventory. Results revealed that only two

students reached the Newtonian entry threshold while the rest (35) were classified as non-

Newtonian thinkers. Analysis of the misconceptions showed that large percentage of the

respondents hold strongly established naive conceptions of forces and motion.

In 2005, Danao and Roleda worked on consolidating the works of DepEd-NEAP (2004-

2005) scholars of De La Salle University. The modified FCI was administered to 204 fourth year

high school students in 5 public secondary schools in the Philippines (3 schools from Luzon and

2 from Mindanao). Only 2 out of this population were found to be Newtonian thinkers. It was

also found out that the students do not have adequate understanding on the concept of forces

which includes the following; “Heavier object falls faster”, “Mass makes thing stop”, “Motion

implies active force”, “Position-velocity undiscriminated” and “Most active agent produces

greatest force”.

In the same year, Bataller has also aimed at exploring and identifying the students’

conceptual understanding of force and motion among the senior students of Region IV. The 25-

item open-ended Force Concept Inventory was administered to 160 students from the three

schools namely, Batangas National High School, San Pedro Relocation Center National High

School and Tanay National High School. Written responses and unstructured interviews were

also done to provide in-depth analysis of data gathered. Results showed that scores in the open-

ended questionnaire have a mean of 3.79 and a standard deviation of 2.27 which reveals the

homogeneity in the FCI scores of the respondents. It further resulted to a conclusion that

respondents are classified as non-Newtonian thinkers and they have a tendency to adhere into

their common sense beliefs even after formal physics instruction.

Moya (2007) has also investigated the conceptual understanding on force of above

average performing students in the three science-oriented high schools in the Bicol Region. This

research made use of the 25-item open-ended Force Concept Inventory as utilized by the 2003-

2004 NTME-Physics DepEd NEAP Scholars. Her study has utilized 150 respondents from which

57 were males and 93 were females. Results revealed that alternative conceptions are still

prevalent in this group of respondents and that there were only five students identified as

Newtonian thinkers and the rest are non-Newtonian thinkers even if they have been taught of

Mechanics as early as their third year in high school.

In 2007, Rodriguez has investigated the common conceptions of 130 Fourth Year

students of City of Mandaluyong Science High School on Newtonian Mechanics. The revised 30

-item version of Force and Concept Inventory (FCI) was used as an instrument and descriptive

statistics were utilized in the analysis of students’ scores. Students’ FCI scores were found to be

highly heterogeneous and are far below the FCI entry threshold. Generally, scores revealed that

students have conceptions outside the Newtonian Mechanics viewpoint. The respondents were

also found to manifest the following notions that (a) there is another force that keep things

moving, (b) the object moved because the force applied overcome the resistance of the object, (c)

the longer the distance the greater the acceleration, (e) an object moved when the force applied is

greater than the weight of an object. Similarly, the respondents’ displayed failures in making use

of the words energy, force, speed, velocity, mass, and weight, which are related with certain

force concepts.

Synthesis of the State-of-the-Art

Relevant information pertaining to the present study was gathered from different sources.

The review of related literature and studies has afforded the researcher rich background on the

importance of instructional materials for effective science teaching.

The related literature reviewed presented definitions of learning module and its essential

characteristics to affect learning. The integration of modules and its use in instruction should

define the purpose and use and the underlying principles in the use of learning modules should

be based on instructional principles and model presented in the literature. Most literature and

studies agreed on the benefits of using modules, such as good transfer of learning and more

efficient learning.

The reviewed foreign literatures are found relevant to the present study since they deal

with the improvement of the curriculum through the use of the comprehensive instructional

materials which is the central focus of this study.

Gowin placed great emphasis on empowering the learners and characterized the shared

meanings of curricular materials between students and teachers as “cracking down the code”.

Collete and Chiapetta have the same line of thinking, saying that there is a good match between

the students’ developmental stage and the cognitive complexity of the instructional materials.

Ornstein further stated that in selecting the type of instructional material to be used, a teacher

must consider it in the light of purpose of the learning activity. The needs of each learning

situation determine the materials and media which the teacher will use.

The local literatures reviewed in this study are relevant since they dealt with the

usefulness of instructional materials in the teaching-learning process geared towards making the

student achieve better result.

Very much closely related to the present study is the study of Merca since both deal with

the development and validation of learning modules in Physics, but still they differ since the

former focused on enhancing the conceptual understanding, cooperative and inquiry skills of the

students while the present study deals with the effectiveness of the modules in enhancing the

conceptual understanding, attitude and interest of the students towards Physics.

Related local studies along other learning areas were also conducted. The studies of

Binayung, Acelajado and Mapula covered module development in math and algebra while the

study of Tataro was on Humanities. The aim of the studies was to enrich teaching by responding

to the needs of the students, which is similar to the present research. However, the current

research differs from the previous researches because the latter deals with the preparation and

validation of modules in teaching Physics.

Furthermore, related studies about the alternative concepts of students about forces were

included to support the researcher’s choice of topic for the modules. This has been the foci of

many classroom based researches be it in the foreign and local setting which are generally aimed

towards providing a clear picture of the gaps in physics education as well as the proposed means

to fill these gaps.

Based from the studies reviewed, none of them made a study on the use of modules to

enhance the conceptual understanding, attitude and interest of the students in learning Physics.

Gap Bridged by the Study

The present study, therefore, shall be a modest attempt to fill the gap, which is the need

for effective and innovative instructional materials noted in the previous studies. Although there

had been a number of literature and studies presented about the development and validation of

instructional materials in Science, it is noteworthy to mention that not a single study focused on

the development and validation of learning modules to enhance the conceptual understanding,

interest and attitudes of the students towards Physics.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the theory of constructivism. In constructivism, students

construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and

reflecting on those experiences. When students encounter something new, they have to reconcile

it with previous ideas and experiences, maybe changing what they believe, or discarding the new

information as irrelevant. In these cases, they become active creators of their own knowledge. To

do this, students must ask questions, explore and assess what they know


The constructivist view of learning encourages students to use active techniques, for

instance, experiments and real-world problem solving, to create more knowledge. Students can

then reflect and talk about what they are doing and how their understanding is changing.

The guiding principles of constructivism include: (1) posing problems of emerging

relevance to students; (2) structuring learning around primary concepts; (3) seeking and valuing

students’ point of view; (4) adapting curriculum to students’ suppositions; and (5) assessing

student learning in the context of teaching (SEAMEO INNOTECH).

A major theme in the theoretical framework of Bruner is that learning is an active process

in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge. The

learner selects and transforms information, constructs hypotheses, and makes decisions, relying

on a cognitive structure to do so. Cognitive structure provides meaning and organization to

experiences and allows the individual to “go beyond the information given.”

(htt://www.scribd.com/doc/35583621/Bruner-Theory-of-Learning and http://tip.psychology.org


Further, Bruner states that a theory of instruction should address four major aspects: (1)

predisposition towards learning, (2) the ways in which a body of knowledge can be structured so

that it can be most readily grasped by the learner, (3) the most effective sequences in which to

present material, and (4) the nature and pacing of rewards and punishments. Good methods for

structuring knowledge should result in simplifying, generating new propositions, and increasing

the manipulation of information. He points four basic concerns to any learning situation: (1)

understanding, (2) readiness, (3) independence, and (4) motivation (Calderon 1998). This study

is guided by the third basic concern – to develop independence among learners. He stated that it

is important to develop a student to become independent learner and be a self-sufficient person in

problem solving who can correct his errors by himself alone.

The sensory stimulation theory, on the other hand, urged that learning is achieved in

greater variety of colors and volume labels, statement, facts presented visually and use of variety

of media and techniques. Learning is most effective at greater number of sense involved in the

process. The key to directing and guiding learning is to understand the needs, interest and

attitudes of the learners. It is generally accepted that the best learning takes place when the

greates number of senses are stimulated. Laird quotes researchers found that 75% of vast

majority of adult learners is learned through seeing. Hearing (13%) and touch and smell

accounted for what is known. The more the material in multi-sense stimulated the greater

learning there is (http://www.brookes.ac.uk/services/ocsd/2_learntch/theories.html). The visual

nature of the stimulation stimulates the senses of the students that lead to liking to engage in the

activity, which results to greater retention.

Figure 1 illustrates the theoretical paradigm of the study. Through the modules, students

with prior knowledge will integrate new experiences and interpretations to construct their own

personal meaning with this previous knowledge, thus learning is constructed. The modules will

guide knowledge and allow students to participate actively to experiment, manipulate objects,

ask questions, and try things that don’t work to discover the concepts behind. The nature of the

modules will arouse the students’ interest by stimulation of the senses. All these ingredients will

lead to effective and meaningful learning.

Students actively construct their
knowledge EFFECTIVE

Learning is most effective at MEANINGFUL
greater number of sense involved in
the process LEARNING

Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm

Conceptual Framework

Teachers opt to use any form of instructional materials they deem effective to enhance

the teaching-learning process and for students to be active in the learning activity. This study is

anchored on the concept of how self-learning modules affect the students’ conceptual

understanding, interest in, and attitude towards Physics as it is used as a supplement material.

The researcher shall develop the modules about force, which will be evaluated by expert

jurors in Physics to ensure their validity. These modules will be used by the fourth year high

school students. Before using the modules, the researcher shall give a pretest to the students to

measure their conceptual understanding of the subject. After using the modules, a posttest shall

also be administered to determine whether there had been an enhanced conceptual understanding

among students who used the modules. The students will then answer the attitude checklist to

determine their attitude towards physics, and another checklist to measure their interest in

physics. The ultimate output of the study are the modules on Force intended for high school


Figure 2 presents the conceptual paradigm of the study.

Modules on

Evaluation of
the Modules

Enhanced Students’
 Interest
 Conceptual
 Attitude
Figure 2. Conceptual Paradigm

Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined for the clarity and

understanding of the study:

Module. This is an instructional material developed by the researcher suited to the

learning needs of the students and designed to enhance the conceptual understanding, attitude

and interest of the students towards Physics.

Effect. It is a change or changed state occurring as a direct result action by somebody or

something else. In this study, it shall refer to the significant difference in the students’ attitude,

interest and conceptual understanding that may occur after using the modules.

Conceptual understanding. A basic skill involving knowledge acquisition and

understanding of different facts, concepts, theories, and general ideas which are formed from

learning experiences. In this study, it shall refer to the scores of the students on a 30-item

modified multiple choice test on conceptual understanding to measure their grasp on concepts of


Attitude. It is evaluation of something that affects preference and choice expressed by

evaluating a particular entity or event or objects with some degree of favor or disfavor. It

includes learners’ values, beliefs, biases, emotions and role expectation that may be influenced

by the management of learning (Lea, 2009).

It refers to the positive opinion or general feeling of students towards Physics (Encarta

Dictionary). In this study, it shall refer to the scores of the students on the Students’ Attitude


Interest. This is a feeling or emotion that causes attention to focus on an object, an event

or a process. This is a behavior of a particular individual that expresses joy, attraction, or

curiosity in doing something. In this study, it shall refer to the responses of the students in the

Students’ Interest Checklist.

Validation. A process of requiring certain procedures in order to determine whether or

not experimental evidence obtained from applying an instrument fits the “construct” or theory of

which the instrument was designed, i.e. to determine how well an instrument shows function or

set of functions. In this study, this refers to the experts’ evaluation of the modules using the

criteria/indicators prepared by the researcher.

Jurors’ Evaluation. In this study, it refers to the experts’ evaluation of the research


Content. This refers to the criteria pertaining to the force concepts used in the modules

such as suitability to the learner’s cognitive level, the accuracy and up-to-datedness of facts,

concretized abstract concepts, emphasis on the scientific principles, and appropriateness of the

activities to the concepts being developed.

Lessons on Force. These are the selected module topics which are most often

misconceived by the students in a Physics class.


A.E. Lawson (1994). Science Teaching and the Development of Thinking. California,
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Chapter III

This chapter is a discussion of the methodology, design, sources of data, preparation and

development of instructional module, the data gathering procedure, the research instrument and

the statistical treatment of the data collected.


The researcher will utilize the One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design which is a pre-

experimental design to assess the effectiveness of the developed learning modules. In this design,

a single group is measured or observed before and after being exposed to a treatment of some

sort (Fraenkel and Wallen, 2006).


O1 X O2

Where O1 = pretest

O2 = posttest

X = treatment (Learning Modules)

The study shall utilize one intact class as the subject exposed to the researcher-developed

modules. A pretest will be given before the modules are administered. After which, the same

class will be give a posttest. The difference between the pretest and posttest (O2 - O1) will be

used to indicate whether there is a change or gain due to the developed modules (treatment, X).

The study is concerned also with instructional material development. It is therefore a

developmental type of study in which the resulting output will be assessed and revised based on

the feedback after the validation (Corral, 2000). The procedures to be followed in the

instructional material development are: Planning and Design Phase, Development Phase,

Evaluation Phase, and Revision Phase.

The mixed method approach will also be utilized, particularly the concurrent

triangulation. According to Creswell et al., (in Tashakkori et al., 2003) a concurrent mixed model

design is classified on the basis of the purpose of the study. In this design, qualitative and

quantitative approaches will be used to “confirm, cross-validate, or corroborate findings within a

single study.” The quantitative methods using the pretest and posttest instruments shall focus on

the enhanced conceptual understanding of the students. Qualitative methods shall involve the

analysis of the students’ response in the attitude and interest checklists.

Based from the mentioned descriptions, the researcher considers the methods above

suitable to the present study.

Sources of Data

The primary sources of data in this study are the following: the learning modules,

responses of experts in the evaluation of the content of the modules, responses of the students in

the pretest and posttests on conceptual understanding, and responses of the students in the

interest and attitude checklists.

Sampling and Population

The respondents for this study are the Physics experts who will evaluate the modules and

one intact Physics class.

Purposive sampling will be used in the selection of the expert-respondents, which will

include MA Physics Education graduates and Physics professors.

The study will involve one section of fourth year of Deogracias P. Princesa Memorial

High School (DPPMHS) for the SY 2013-2014. Said class is composed of 40 students.


The study shall use developed modules on Force, the teacher-made pretest and posttest to

measure the conceptual understanding of the students, jurors’ evaluation questionnaire/checklist

and students’ attitude and interest checklist.

Learning Modules. The modules shall be patterned from the manual of Stewart and

Wilkerson (1999) entitled Chemconnections: A Guide to Teaching with Modules. It shall contain

the following main parts: Objectives, Topic/Content (includes the First Session, Middle Session

and Final Session), Resources and Evaluation. Below is the instrument for evaluating the content

of the modules (Merca, 2012).

Content Indicators Mean Equivalent

Suitability to students cognitive level
Accuracy and up-to-datedness of facts
Concretized abstract concepts
Emphasis on the scientific principles
Appropriateness of the activities to concepts being developed
Level of complexity of data processing and logical skills developed
Weighted Mean
First Session Assesses prior knowledge through real-life situations
Allows students to understand the concepts behind
Develops the skills needed by the students to answer the module question
Middle Session
Students reflect on the concepts they have learned in the context of the module question
Weighted Mean
Allows the students to pull together hat they have learned to answer the module question
Assesses the students' learning of concepts and scientific thinking skills
Final Session Allows the students to think critically about their answer or solution to defend it with
sound scientific arguments
Weighted Mean
Overall Mean

Jurors’ Evaluation Checklist. The developed modules will be evaluated using the

jurors’ evaluation checklist with corresponding indicators and responses. The

questionnaire/checklist contains the following criteria: (1) General Characteristics, (2) First

Session, (3) Middle Session, and (4) Final Session.

Students’ Attitude Towards Physics. This instrument will be used to measure the

attitude of the students towards Physics. The Students’ Attitude Checklist contains thirty

statements and a modified five-point Likert Scale (Asagra, 2009). For every statement in the

checklist, the student will select one of the five scales to reflect their attitude towards the subject.

Table 2 shows the Scale, Range, Symbol and Description of the Students’ Attitude Checklist.

Table 2
Measurement Scale for Students’ Attitude Towards Physics

Scale Range Symbol Description

5 4.50-5.00 SA Strongly Agree
4 3.50-4.49 A Agree
3 2.50-3.49 U Uncertain
2 1.50-2.49 D Disagree
1 1.00-1.49 SD Strongly Disagree

Students’ Interest Towards Physics. This instrument will measure the interest of students

towards Physics. The Students’ Interest Checklist contains fourteen (14) statements and a

modified five-point Likert scale (Lea, 2009), which is described I Table 3. For every statement in

the checklist, the students will select one of the five scales to reflect their interest towards the

subject. Table 3 shows the Scale, Range, Symbol and Description of the Students’ Interest


Table 3
Measurement Scale for Students’ Interest Towards Physics

Scale Description Range Interpretation

5 Strongly Agree (SA) 4.50-5.00 Very High Interest
4 Agree (A) 3.50-4.49 High Interest
3 Uncertain (U) 2.50-3.49 Moderate Interest
2 Disagree (D) 1.50-2.49 Low Interest
1 Strongly Disagree (SD) 1.00-1.49 Very Low Interest

Written Examination on Conceptual Understanding. A multiple choice type of pretest

and posttest will be administered to evaluate the students’ performance on conceptual

understanding based on the objectives of the modules. The tests will be validated by experts of

the subject. To interpret the results of the test, the researcher shall use the performance level to

identify the level of performance of the students in Physics.

Data Gathering Procedure

The study will be divided into three phases, namely: Phase 1-Planning, Design and First

Step Evaluation, Phase 2-Implementation, and Phase 3-Final Evaluation.

Planning, Design and First Step Evaluation. This phase includes the development of

the learning modules; preparation of the test on conceptual understanding, and students’ attitude

and interest checklists; and validation of the modules and tests.

Implementation Phase. This phase will involve the pretest, use of the learning modules

by the students, and posttest.

Final Evaluation. This phase involves establishing the effectiveness of the learning

modules in enhancing the conceptual understanding, attitudes and interest of the students

towards Physics.

Statistical Treatment

The researcher shall make use of the following statistical tools to analyze and interpret

the data:

Weighted Mean. The weighted mean will be used to determine the average of the

responses of the jurors on the Jurors’ Evaluation Questionnaire/Checklist, and the responses of

the students in the Students’ Interest Checklist and Students’ Attitude Checklist.

Performance Level. Percentage will be computed to determine the proficiency level of

the students in the pretest and posttest on conceptual understanding.

Mean Gain. This tool will be used to determine the difference between the pretest mean

score and the posttest mean score.

Mean. The mean will be used to determine the average score of students in the pretest

and posttest on conceptual understanding.

Standard Deviation. This will be used to determine the degree of variability of the

scores in the pretest and posttest on conceptual understanding.

Effect Size. The effect size will determine the strength of the relationship between the

pretest and the posttest mean.


Analyn N. Lea (2009). The Effect of the Use of Computer Simulation on the
Students’ Conceptual Understanding, Interest and Attitude Toward Chemistry.
Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Bicol University Graduate School, Legazpi City.

Charles N. Asagra (2009). Problem Based Learning: An Approach in Teaching High

School Physics. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Bicol University, Legazpi City.

Jack Fraenkel and Norman Wallen (2006). How to Design and Evaluate Research in
Education, 6th edition. Boston: McGraw Hill Company.

Maria Aileen P. Merca (2012). Self-Instructional Modules on Motion: Development,

Validation and Evaluation of Effectiveness. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Bicol University,
Legazpi City.

Tashakkori and Teddlie’s. A Handbook of Mixed Methods in the Social and

Behavioral Research. Retrieved from http://www.fiu.edu/bridges/glossary.htm#
Concurrent_Mixed_ Method_Design.

Zenaida R. Corral (2000). The Development and Validation of Selected Activities in

Ecology. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Aquinas University Graduate School, Legazpi City.


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