Comparative Study of The Center-Based Learning Approach and Conventional Approach: An Academic Performance of Learners Exposed To Approaches
Comparative Study of The Center-Based Learning Approach and Conventional Approach: An Academic Performance of Learners Exposed To Approaches
Comparative Study of The Center-Based Learning Approach and Conventional Approach: An Academic Performance of Learners Exposed To Approaches
Every Filipino student will be given a practical understanding of scientific principles and concepts relevant to
daily life as well as the scientific information, values, and skills necessary to assess and solve issues on a
regular basis through the Science Program in the Basic Education Curriculum. The purpose of the study was
to compare the performance of the two regular Grade VI elementary Science and Health classes after
exposure to two approaches, the Center-Based Learning Approach and the Conventional Approach in
teaching. It used a quasi-experimental design. A 50- item-multiple choice knowledge pre-test and post-tests
were given. The mean ratings of performance test between the two groups were computed. The researcher
used ANCOVA in finding the difference of the performance of the two intact Grade Six classes. The analysis
of Covariance Results showed that the performance of the Grade VI pupils in Science and Health subject
when taught with Center-Based Learning Approach and Conventional Approach, differ significantly. The
observed significant level which is <.0005 is less than .05 which led to the rejection of the null hypothesis
which means there is significant difference on Grade VI pupils’ performance in science subject. Between the
two approaches, the Grade VI pupils performed better when exposed to Center-Based Learning Approach
than when pupils were exposed to the Conventional Approach. The Center-Based Learning Approach was
capable of producing better learning performance in teaching than the Conventional Approach in Teaching
Science and Health subject in the elementary grades. The Center-Based Learning Approach therefore is an
effective approach in teaching elementary Science and Health subject and is therefore recommended for
utilization and application.
May Q. Apat
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7047121, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
May Q. Apat
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7047121, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
covered topics about volcanoes, volcano eruptions, it was presented to the district supervisor and school
earthquakes due to volcano eruptions, effects of principals of the schools where the subject and
eruptions, precautionary measures before, during, and respondents were located. The test was administered
after volcanic eruptions, and climate and its types. The
personally by the researcher. It was done to ensure that
test is composed of 50 items, which includes 60 easy
category items (30 items), 30% average (15 items), the test paper was recovered completely and to obtain
and 10% difficult category (5 items) percentage. an accurate assessment of the performance of the two
Grade VI classes. Before conducting the pre-test on
The test items were shown and reviewed by ten the respondents, they were made to understand the
respected teachers from East Prosperidad Central purpose and goal of the study. The result of the pre-
Elementary School and East Prosperidad SpEd School, test was not announced to the pupils. A post-test was
Division of Agusan del Sur, Philippines. They were
conducted after one grading period, the 3rd grading
requested to review the items on the test. All of them
gave positive remarks on the instrument. They period in particular. The researcher collected the data
commented that the items are appropriate for assessing from the pre-test and the post-test for the Narra, the
a learner’s performance in Science and Health VI, experimental group, and Lawaan, the control group.
third grade learning competencies. The items are The researcher compared the performance of the two
understandable to students in Grade VI. It suits the grade 6 classes to find the extent of performance after
vocabulary level of the respondents, and the content of exposure to center-based learning approach (CBLA)
every item accurately reflects the third-grade learning
and conventional approach (CA). Thus, an analysis of
competencies. They also commented that each item
a given 50-item multiple choice knowledge pre-test
measures the understanding and performance of the
Grade VI learners on Science and Health subject and post-test for center-based learning approach and
learning competencies, 3rd quarter, third grading conventional approach was done. The mean ratings of
period, and is accurately presented for the purpose and performance tests between the two groups were
goal of the study. explicitly computed. The researcher utilized
ANCOVA in finding the difference in the performance
The term "reliability" refers to the test's consistency.
of the two grade six classes exposed to the Center-
According to Arthur Traxler (1973), stated that points
out that a test which is reliable will yield Based Learning Approach (CBLA) and the
approximately the same result upon repeated Conventional Approach (CA).
administration. The reliability of a test is determined
by computing the coefficient of correlation between
the test result and the test as administered either singly Results and Discussion
or twice. The test's reliability was evaluated by ten
public elementary Grade VI Science and Health
teachers assigned to East Prosperidad Central As for the result, after the control group pupils were
Elementary School (EPCES). The reviewers were exposed to the conventional approach of teaching
Science VI for one grading period, their mean
requested to check any of the two columns, such as
performance increased from 12.20 to 28.64 with an SD
"very appropriate" and "not appropriate. Hence, if
the answer is very appropriate, a weight of 1 is
of 1.69 to 4.30. Herein, there is a mastery level
credited. If it is not appropriate, there is no credit given
increase from 24.40% to 57.28%, which is higher than
to the response. After getting the scores, the coefficient
the DepEd Mastery Level Standard (50%), as shown in
of reliability was computed using the Cronbach
formula (1970). Withal, it was found that the
table 1. Whereas the mean performance of the
computed (r) was 0.84 and is considered highlyexperimental group who were exposed to the Center-
Based Learning Approach for one grading period was
reliable. According to Downie and Health (1984), in
explicitly increased (table 1) from 10.77 to 36.14, with
every usage of r, 0.8 and above is considered a high
coefficient. SD from 2.06 to 4.67, the mastery level improved from
21.54% to 72.28%, which is higher than the DepEd
Nonetheless, before the test was given to the
mastery level standard procedure.
participants of the study, permission to conduct the
study was secured from the school division
superintendent of DepEd Agusan del Sur. After which,
May Q. Apat
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7047121, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
Table 1. Mean performance of the Grade VI pupils center. Thus, the classroom was seen as a community
inScience and Health subjects. of learners engaged in activity, discourse, and
reflection. It creates an environment where learners
develop real-life skills such as time management,
cooperation, responsibility, and flexibility.
Empowering learners to think for themselves makes
them skillful and autonomous learners.
May Q. Apat
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7047121, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
May Q. Apat