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Artep 7 1 Drill

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PROGRAM Department of the Army
Washington, DC, 20 July 2006
No. 7-1 DRILL

Warrior Battle Drills

Preface ....................................................................................iii
Chapter 1 Battle Drill Training .................................................................... 1-1
1-1. General................................................................................ 1-1
1-2. Training Guidance ............................................................... 1-1
1-3. Force Protection (Combat Readiness) ................................ 1-2
1-4. Environmental Protection .................................................... 1-3
1-5. Evaluation Information......................................................... 1-4
1-6. Use of Nouns....................................................................... 1-4

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Government agencies only to protect technical operational information from automatic
dissemination under the International Exchange Program or by other means. This
protection applies to publications required solely for official use and to those containing
valuable technical or operational information. This determination was made on
24 February 2005. Other requests for this document must be referred to the United
States army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). Send comment and
recommendations to doctrine@benning.army. mil or on DA Form 2028 directly to
Commandant, United States Army Infantry School, ATTN: ATSH-ATD, Fort Benning,
GA 31905-5000.

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ARTEP 7-1-Drill

Chapter 2 Battle Drills.................................................................................. 2-1

2-1. General .................................................................................. 2-1
2-2. Battle Drill 07-3-D3991 – React to Contact
(Visual, IED, Direct Fire) ....................................................... 2-1
2-3. Battle Drill 07-3-D3992 – React to Ambush (Near) ............. 2-6
2-4. Battle Drill 07-3-D3993 – React to Ambush (Far) ............. 2-10
2-5. Battle Drill 07-3-D3994 – React to Indirect Fire ................ 2-14
2-6. Battle Drill 07-3-D3995 – React to a Chemical Attack ...... 2-15
2-7. Battle Drill 07-3-D3996 – Break Contact ........................... 2-16
2-8. Battle Drill 07-3-D3997 – Dismount a Vehicle................... 2-20
2-9. Battle Drill 07-3-D3998 – Evacuate Wounded
Personnel from Vehicle ....................................................... 2-21
2-10. Battle Drill 07-3-D3999 – Establish Security at the
Halt ...................................................................................... 2-22

Appendix A - Individual Task - Matrix .........................................................A-1

Glossary .................................................................. Glossary-1
References ..........................................................References-1

ii 20 July 2006


The goal of training is to produce a combat-ready unit that responds rapidly to

known or suspected enemy activity and ultimately defeats the enemy. Battle
drill training is a key factor in achieving this goal.
This manual provides a set of core battle drills for small units from
organizations across the Army, regardless of branch, for both active and reserve
components. It details a training method for small units that require training
individual tasks, leader tasks, and collective tasks before the conduct of critical
wartime missions.
The actions and standards for the drills in this manual reflect general tactical
principles that allow changes based on conditions during execution. Leaders
should tailor training to realistic, challenging, and attainable goals, increasing
the difficulty of conditions as the unit becomes more proficient.
The reduced time-distance aspect of battle drills make them excellent
opportunities for training during short periods that develop throughout the day.
This publication applies to the Active Army, The Army National Guard
(ARNG)/Army National Guard of the United States (ARNGUS), and the U.S.
Army Reserve (USAR) unless otherwise stated.

The proponent for this publication is the United States Army Training and
Doctrine Command (TRADOC). Send comments and recommendations to the
US Army Infantry School at doctrine@benning.army.mil or on DA Form 2028
(Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly to
Commandant, United States Army Infantry School, ATTN: ATSH-ATD, Fort
Benning, GA 31905-5000.

Unless otherwise stated, masculine nouns and pronouns do not refer exclusively
to men.

20 July 2006 iii

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Chapter 1

Battle Drill Training

1-1. General. The goal of training is to produce combat-ready units that

respond to known or suspected enemy activity and ultimately defeat the enemy.
Drill training is a key factor in achieving this goal. It describes a training
method for small units. This method requires training individual tasks, leader
tasks, and collective tasks before the conduct of critical wartime mission.
Leaders should tailor training to realistic, challenging, and attainable goals
increasing the difficulty of conditions as the unit becomes more proficient.

a. A battle drill is a collective action executed by a platoon or smaller

element without the application of a deliberate decision-making process. Proper
execution of battle drills is vital to success in combat and critical to preserving
life. The action is initiated on cue via an enemy action or simply a leader's order
and is a trained response to the given stimulus that requires minimum leader
orders to accomplish. Drills are performed to standard throughout like units in
the army.

b. Warrior Battle Drills have the following advantages:

(1) They are based on unit missions and the specific tasks, standards,
and performance measures required to support mission proficiency.
(2) They focus on the basics.
(3) They link how-to-train and how-to-fight at small-unit level.
(4) They provide an agenda for continuous coaching and critiquing.
(5) They develop leaders and build teamwork and cohesion under
(6) They enhance the chance for individual and unit survival on the

1-2. Training Guidance. Train Warrior Battle Drills using a talk-through,

walk-through, and run-through method. You, of course, must be a master of the
drill to be trained. You may wish to periodically talk your Soldiers through the
drill by explaining their roles and then have them go through it slowly, on open
20 July 2006 1-1
ARTEP 7-1-Drill

ground, while correcting any mistakes as they progress. Use the following
when developing training:

a. Train as you fight. The goal of combat-level training is to achieve

combat-level standards. Every effort must be made to attain this difficult goal.
Within the confines of safety and common sense, leaders must be willing to
accept less-than-perfect results initially and demand realism in training. They
must integrate realistic conditions such as smoke, noise, simulated CBRN,
battlefield debris, loss of key leaders, non combatants, and extreme weather

b. Train using appropriate doctrine. Training must conform to Army

doctrine. FM 3-0 (100-5), Operations, and supporting doctrinal manuals
describe common procedures and uniform operational methods that permit
leaders and organizations to rapidly adjust to changing situations.

c. Use performance-oriented training. Soldiers learn best by using a hands-

on approach. Leaders are responsible for planning training to provide these
opportunities. All training assets and resources, to include simulators,
simulations, and training devices, must be included in the strategy.

d. Train to challenge. Tough, realistic, and intellectually and physically

challenging training excites and motivates Soldiers and leaders. It builds
competence and confidence by developing and honing skills.

e. Train to sustain proficiency. Once individuals have been trained to a

required level of proficiency, leaders must structure training plans to repeat
critical drill tasks at the minimum frequency necessary for sustainment.

1-3. Force Protection (Combat Readiness). Risk assessment is the thought

process of making operations safe without compromising the mission. Unit
leaders must continuously perform a risk assessment of conditions in which
training is conducted to prevent the unnecessary loss of Soldiers and
equipment. The degree of risk varies with the conditions at the time of training.
For example, have the Soldiers done the training before? Will the training be
done for the first time at night? Are the Soldiers fatigued? In reality, risk
management is smart decision making.

1-2 20 July 2006


a. A well-trained unit is normally accident free; however, accidents can

occur at times through no fault of the Soldier or equipment operator, or as a
result of inadequately trained, unsupervised, or complacent personnel.

b. Training must be tough, realistic, and safe. Unit leaders must consider
the following points as they integrate risk assessment into their training:
• Accept no unnecessary risks.
• Make risk decisions at the proper level.
• Accept risks if mission benefits outweigh the costs.
c. It is important to remember the commander is the safety officer, but all
Soldiers and leaders are responsible for safe training. All leaders must:
• Identify the risks using the factors of mission, enemy, terrain,
troops, time, and civil considerations (METT-TC).
• Assess possible loss, cost, and probability.
• Make decisions and develop controls to reduce risks.
• Implement controls by integrating them into plans, orders, standing
operating procedures (SOPs), training performance standards, and
• Supervise and enforce safety controls and standards at all times.
(Leaders should make on-the-spot corrections when an unsafe act is
d. Leaders use the safety checklist of the United States Army Combat
Readiness Center, Fort Rucker, Alabama, in conjunction with local unit safety
checklists, to enhance the overall safety practices of Soldiers during training.

1-4. Environmental Protection. Compliance with environmental regulations is

now a necessary cost of doing business. The Army expects Soldiers to obey
local, state, federal, and host-nation (HN) environmental requirements. By
following the unit environmental SOP, (the environmental guidance that leaders
publish in operation orders [OPORDs]) and installation environmental
regulations, Soldiers can help the Army meet its compliance goal. (See TC 3-
34.489 [5-400].)

a. Prevention. This is the Army's attempt to reduce or eliminate pollution.

Preventing pollution is always more effective and less costly than cleaning up
polluted sites. Soldiers can support prevention efforts by reducing, reusing, or
recycling waste products.

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ARTEP 7-1-Drill

b. Conservation. Conservation is the Army's intent to preserve the natural

and cultural resources under its care. Soldiers can support conservation by
avoiding needless damage to the environment. During training exercises,
practice trash and litter discipline. Afterwards, thoroughly police training areas
and bivouac sites. Participating in activities such as unit recycling and energy-
conservation programs conserves resources for the future.
c. Supervise. Ensure Soldiers observe environmental protection standards.

1-5. Evaluation Information. The purpose of evaluating a drill is to determine if

the unit can perform all the performance measures within the allowed
standards. During evaluations, concentrate on the unit's performance and not
that of specific individuals. The best location for an O/C is one from which he
can observe the actions of the entire unit. Use the drill book as a checklist. We
recommend you do not use local checklists, as they can become negative
training tools.

1-6. Use of Nouns. The use of the nouns platoon, squad, section and team do
not refer exclusively to Infantry units and their structure. These nouns are used
as the nucleus for all small units throughout the army.

1-4 20 July 2006


Chapter 2

Battle Drills

2-1. General. A battle drill is a collective action executed by a platoon or

smaller element without the application of a deliberate decision making
process. The action is vital to success in combat or critical to preserving life.

Battle 2-2. Battle Drill 07-3-D3991 - React to Contact (Visual, IED, Direct

TASK: React to Contact (Visual, IED, Direct Fire) (07-3-D3991).

CONDITIONS: Visual (Dismounted) - The platoon/squad is stationary or

moving, conducting operations. Visual contact is made with the enemy.
(Mounted) - The platoon/section is stationary or moving, conducting
operations. Visual contact is made with the enemy. IED (Dismounted/Mounted)
- The platoon/squad/section is stationary or moving, conducting operations. The
unit identifies and confirms an IED or one is detonated. Direct Fire
(Dismounted/Mounted) - The platoon/squad/section is stationary or moving,
conducting operations. The enemy initiates contact with a direct fire weapon.

STANDARDS: Visual (Dismounted) - The platoon/squad destroys the enemy

with a hasty ambush or an immediate assault through the enemy position.
Visual (Mounted) - Based on the composition of the mounted patrol, the
platoon/section either suppresses and reports the enemy position and continues
its mission, or the patrol suppresses to fix the enemy position for a follow on
assault to destroy him. IED (Dismounted/Mounted) - The platoon/squad/section
takes immediate action by using the confirm, clear, call, cordon, and control (5-
Cs) procedure. Direct Fire (Dismounted/Mounted) - The platoon/squad/section
immediately seeks cover, locates and engages the enemy with a high volume of
well-aimed fire. The unit leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.

ILLUSTRATIONS: Figures 1-1b.

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1. Visual (Dismounted) -
a. Hasty Ambush
(1) Platoon/squad leader determines that the platoon has not been seen
by the enemy.
(2) Platoon/squad leader signals Soldiers to occupy best available firing
(3) The leader initiates the ambush with the most casualty-producing
weapon available, immediately followed by a sustained well-aimed volume of
effective fire.
(4) If the platoon is prematurely detected, the Soldier(s) aware of the
detection initiates the ambush.
(5) The platoon destroys the enemy or forces them to withdraw.
(6) The unit leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.
b. Immediate Assault
(1) The platoon and the enemy simultaneously detect each other at
close range.
(2) All Soldiers who see the enemy engage and announce "contact"
with a clock direction and distance to enemy, example, "Contact three o'clock,
100 meters."
(3) Squads in contact immediately assault the enemy using fire and
(4) The platoon destroys the enemy or forces them to withdraw.
(5) The platoon leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.
2. Visual (Mounted) -
a. The Soldier who spots the enemy announces the contact.
b. The platoon/section immediately suppresses the enemy.
c. The TC of the vehicle in contact sends contact report over the radio.
d. The platoon/section continues to move.
e. Vehicle gunners suppress and fix the enemy positions.
f. The unit leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.
3. IED (Dismounted/Mounted) -
a. The platoon/squad/section reacts to a suspected or known IED prior to
detonation by using the 5-Cs.
b. While maintaining as safe a distance as possible and 360 security, the
platoon/squad/section "confirms" the presence of an IED by using all available
optics to identify any wires, antennas, detcord or parts of exposed ordnance.
(1) Conducts surveillance from a safe distance.

2-2 20 July 2006


(2) Observes the immediate surroundings for suspicious activities.

c. The platoon/squad/section "clears" all personnel from the area a safe
distance to protect them from a potential second IED.
d. The platoon/squad/section "calls" higher headquarters to report the IED
in accordance with the unit SOP.
e. The platoon/squad/section "cordons" off the area, directs personnel out
of the danger area, prevents all military or civilian traffic from passing and
allows entry only to authorized personnel.
(1) Soldiers direct people out of the 300-meter minimum danger area.
(2) Identifies and clears an area for an incident control point (ICP).
(3) Soldiers occupy positions and continuously secure the area.
f. The platoon/squad/section "controls" the area inside the cordon to
ensure only authorized access.
g. The platoon/squad/section continuously scans the area for suspicious
(1) Identifies potential enemy observation, vantage, or ambush points.
(2) Maintains visual observation on the IED to ensure the device is not
tampered with.
4. Direct Fire (Dismounted) - (See Figure 1.)

Figure 1. React to contact, direct fire (dismounted).

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a. Soldiers immediately occupy the nearest covered positions and return

fire. (See Figure 1a.)

Figure 1a. React to contact, direct fire (dismounted) (continued).

b. Squad/team leaders locate and engage known or suspected enemy

positions with well-aimed fire and pass information to the platoon leader.
c. Team leaders control their Soldier's fire by:
(1) Marking targets with lasers.
(2) Marking the intended target with tracers or M203 rounds.
d. Soldiers maintain contact (visual or oral) with the Soldiers on their left
or right.
e. Soldiers maintain contact with their team leader and relay the location
of enemy positions. (See Figure 1b.)

2-4 20 July 2006


Figure 1b. React to contact, direct fire (dismounted) (continued).

f. The squad/team leaders (visually or orally) check the status of their

g. The squad leaders maintain contact with the platoon leader.
h. The unit leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.

5. Direct Fire (Mounted) -

a. If moving as part of a logistics patrol the vehicle gunners immediately
suppress enemy positions and continue to move.
b. The vehicle commanders direct their drivers to accelerate safely through
the engagement area.
c. If moving as part of a combat patrol, vehicle gunners suppress and fix
the enemy allowing others to maneuver against and destroy the enemy.
d. The leaders (visually or orally) check the status of their Soldiers and
e. The unit leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.

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ARTEP 7-1-Drill

Battle 2-3. Battle Drill 07-3-D3992 - React to Ambush (Near).

TASK: React to Ambush (Near) (07-3-D3992).

CONDITIONS: (Dismounted/Mounted) - The platoon/squad/ section is moving

tactically, conducting operations. The enemy initiates contact. All or part of the
unit is receiving accurate enemy direct fire.

STANDARDS: (Dismounted) - Soldiers in the kill zone immediately return

fire on known or suspected enemy positions and assault through the kill zone.
Soldiers not in the kill zone locate and place suppressive well-aimed fire on the
enemy. The platoon/squad assaults through the kill zone and destroys the
enemy. (Mounted) - Vehicle gunners immediately return fire on known or
suspected enemy positions as the platoon/section continues to move out of the
kill zone. Soldiers on disabled vehicles in the kill zone dismount, occupy
covered positions, and engage the enemy with accurate fire. Vehicle gunners
and Soldiers outside the kill zone suppress the enemy. The platoon/squad
assaults through the kill zone and destroys the enemy. The unit leader reports
the contact to higher headquarters.

ILLUSTRATIONS: Figures 2-2b.


1. Dismounted - (See Figure 2.)

2-6 20 July 2006


Figure 2. React to ambush (near) (dismounted).

a. Soldiers in the kill zone execute one of the following two actions:
(1) Return fire immediately. If cover is not available, immediately,
without order or signal, assault through the kill zone.
(2) Return fire immediately. If cover is available, without order or
signal, occupy the nearest covered position, and throw smoke grenades. (See
Figure 2a.)

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ARTEP 7-1-Drill

Figure 2a. React to ambush (near) (dismounted) (continued).

b. Soldiers in the kill zone assault through the ambush using fire and
c. Soldiers not in the kill zone identify the enemy location, place well-
aimed suppressive fire on the enemy's position and shift fire as Soldiers assault
the objective.
d. Soldiers assault through and destroy the enemy position. (See
Figure 2b.)

2-8 20 July 2006


Figure 2b. React to ambush (near) (dismounted) (continued).

e. The unit leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.

2. Mounted
a. Vehicle gunners in the kill zone immediately return fire, while moving
out of the kill zone.
b. Soldiers in disabled vehicles in the kill zone immediately obscure
themselves from the enemy with smoke, dismount if possible, seek covered
positions, and return fire.
c. Vehicle gunners and Soldiers outside of the kill zone identify the enemy
positions, place well-aimed suppressive fire on the enemy, and shift fire as
Soldiers assault the objective.
d. Soldiers in the kill zone assault through the ambush and destroy the
e. The unit leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.

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ARTEP 7-1-Drill

Battle 2-4. Battle Drill 07-3-D3993 - React to Ambush (Far).

TASK: React to Ambush (Far) (07-3-D3993).

CONDITIONS: (Dismounted/Mounted) - The platoon/ squad/ section is

moving tactically, conducting operations. The enemy initiates contact with
direct fire.

STANDARDS: (Dismounted) - The platoon/squad immediately returns fire

and occupies covered and or concealed positions. The platoon/squad moves out
of the kill zone, locates the enemy position, and conducts fire and maneuver in
order to destroy the enemy. (Mounted) - Vehicle gunners immediately return
fire on known or suspected enemy positions as the platoon/section continues to
move out of the kill zone. The unit leader reports the contact to higher

ILLUSTRATIONS: Figures 3-3b.


1. Dismounted - (See Figure 3.)

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Figure 3. React to ambush (far) (dismounted).

a. Soldiers receiving fire immediately return fire, seek cover and suppress
the enemy position(s).
b. Soldiers not receiving fire move along a covered and concealed route to
the enemies flank in order to assault the enemy position. (See Figure 3a.)

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Figure 3a. React to ambush (far) (dismounted) (continued).

c. Soldiers in the kill zone shift suppressive fires as the assaulting Soldiers
fight through and destroy the enemy. (See Figure 3b.)

2-12 20 July 2006


Figure 3b. React to ambush (far) (dismounted) (continued).

d. The unit leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.

2. Mounted -
a. Gunners and personnel on vehicles immediately return fire.
b. If the roadway is clear, all vehicles proceed through the kill zone.
c. A Soldier in the lead vehicle throws smoke to obscure the enemy's view
of the kill zone.
d. Soldiers in disabled vehicles dismount and set up security while
awaiting recovery.
e. The remainder of the platoon/section follows the lead vehicle out of the
kill zone while continuing to suppress the enemy.
f. The unit leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.

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Battle 2-5. Battle Drill 07-3-D3994 - React to Indirect Fire.

TASK: React to Indirect Fire (07-3-D3994).

CONDITIONS: (Dismounted) - The platoon/squad is moving, conducting

operations. Any Soldier gives the alert, "INCOMING," or a round impacts
nearby. (Mounted) - The platoon/section is stationary or moving, conducting
operations. The alert, "INCOMING," comes over the radio or intercom or
rounds impact nearby.

STANDARDS: (Dismounted) - Soldiers immediately seek the best available

cover. Platoon/squad moves out of area to the designated rally point after the
impacts. (Mounted) - When moving, drivers immediately move their vehicles
out of the impact area in the direction and distance ordered. If stationary,
drivers start their vehicles and move in the direction and distance ordered. The
unit leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.



1. Dismounted -
a. Any Soldier announces, "Incoming!"
b. Soldiers immediately assume the prone position or move to immediate
available cover during initial impacts.
c. The platoon leader orders the platoon/squad to move to a rally point by
giving a direction and distance.
d. After the impacts, Soldiers move rapidly in the direction and distance to
the designated rally point.
e. The unit leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.
2. Mounted -
a. Any Soldier announces, "Incoming!"
b. Vehicle commanders repeat the alert over the radio.
c. The leader gives the direction and link up location over the radio.
d. Soldiers close all hatches if applicable to the vehicle type; gunners stay
below turret shields or get down into vehicle.
e. Drivers move rapidly out of the impact area in the direction ordered by
the leader.
f. The unit leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.

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Battle 2-6. Battle Drill 07-3-D3995 - React to a Chemical Attack.

TASK: React to a Chemical Attack (07-3-D3995).

CONDITIONS: The platoon/squad is stationary or moving, conducting

operations. Soldiers hear a chemical alarm, observe an unknown gas or liquid,
or are ordered to put on their protective mask.

STANDARDS: Soldiers protect themselves from chemical/biological

contamination. Soldiers assume MOPP4 within eight minutes. The unit leader
reports the situation to higher headquarters.



1. Soldier(s) who recognize or are alerted to chemical attack don protective
mask IAW published standards and give the alarm.
2. All other Soldiers mask and pass on the alarm.
3. Soldiers seek shelter.
4. All Soldiers go to MOPP4.
5. The unit leader reports to higher headquarters.

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Battle 2-7. Battle Drill 07-3-D3996 - Break Contact.

TASK: Break Contact (07-3-D3996).

CONDITIONS: (Dismounted/Mounted)-The platoon/squad/section is stationary

or moving, conducting operations. All or part of the unit is receiving enemy
direct fire.

STANDARDS: (Dismounted/Mounted)-The platoon/squad/section returns fire.

A leader identifies the enemy as a superior force, and makes the decision to
break contact. The unit breaks contact using fire and movement. The unit
continues to move until the enemy cannot observe or place effective fire on
them. The unit leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.

ILLUSTRATIONS: Figures 4-4b.


1. Dismounted -
a. The platoon leader designates a squad/team to suppress the enemy with
direct fire as the base-of-fire element.
b. The platoon leader orders distance, direction, a terrain feature, or last
objective rally point for the movement of the first squad/team.
c. The base-of-fire squad/team continues to suppress the enemy. (See
Figure 4.)

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Figure 4. Break contact (dismounted).

d. The bounding squad/team uses smoke to conceal its movement and

bounds to an overwatch position.
e. The bounding squad/team occupies their designated position and
suppresses the enemy with well-aimed fire. (See Figure 4a.)

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Figure 4a. Break contact (dismounted) (continued).

f. The base-of-fire squad/team moves to its next covered and concealed

position. (Based on the terrain and volume and accuracy of the enemy's fire, the
moving squad/team may need to use fire and movement techniques). (See
Figure 4b.)

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Figure 4b. Break contact (dismounted) (continued).

g. The platoon/squad continues to suppress the enemy and bounds until it

is no longer receiving enemy fire.
h. The unit leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.

2. Mounted -
a. The platoon leader directs the vehicles in contact to place well-aimed
suppressive fire on the enemy positions.
b. The platoon leader orders distance, direction, a terrain feature, or last
objective rally point over the radio for the movement of the first section.
c. Gunners in the base-of-fire vehicles continue to engage the enemy. They
attempt to gain fire superiority to support the bound of the moving section.
d. The bounding section moves to assume the overwatch position.
(1) The section uses smoke to mask movement.
(2) Vehicle gunners and mounted Soldiers continue to suppress the enemy.
e. The platoon/section continues to suppress the enemy and bounds until it is no
longer receiving enemy fire.
f. The unit leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.

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ARTEP 7-1-Drill

Battle 2-8. Battle Drill 07-3-D3997 - Dismount a Vehicle.

TASK: Dismount a Vehicle (07-3-D3997).

CONDITIONS: The platoon/section is moving mounted and conducting

operations as part of a larger element. The platoon/section is ordered to
DISMOUNT and provide security.

STANDARDS: The platoon/section moves to the best covered and concealed

position available, which provides protection for the dismounting personnel.
When the command DISMOUNT is given, all Soldiers dismount in the order
specified and clear the area per unit SOP. (An example technique is the 5-25
meters; each Soldier immediately scans 5 meters around his position and then
searches out to 25 meters based on the duration of the halt.). Soldiers occupy
positions, and vehicle gunners scan for enemy activity.



1. The platoon leader selects a covered or concealed position as the dismount
2. The platoon leader gives the order to dismount over the radio.
3. Vehicle commanders monitor radios and alert the Soldiers in the vehicle.
4. The drivers move their vehicles to the designated dismount point seeking the
best cover and concealment available.
5. The driver stops the vehicle and the vehicle commander dismounts and
occupies a security position.
6. Soldiers dismount in the specified order, clear the area and move to covered
and concealed positions.
7. The vehicles occupy overwatch positions and designated Soldiers man crew-
served weapons and scan for enemy activity.
8. Squad leaders reposition their Soldiers as needed in overwatch positions.
9. The unit leader reports to higher headquarters.

2-20 20 July 2006


Battle 2-9. Battle Drill 07-3-D3998 - Evacuate Wounded Personnel from


TASK: Evacuate Wounded Personnel from Vehicle (07-3-D3998).

CONDITIONS: The platoon/section is stationary or moving, conducting

operations. A vehicle is disabled due to enemy contact. An occupant of the
vehicle has been injured and must be evacuated.

STANDARDS: The platoon/section suppresses the enemy, moves out of

engagement area if possible, and establishes security. Squad/team members
conduct first aid and remove the casualty from the vehicle. The unit leader
requests MEDEVAC if necessary and reports the contact to higher



1. The platoon/section suppresses the enemy and moves out of the engagement
area, if possible.
2. Once out of the engagement area, or when the enemy is suppressed, the
platoon/section establishes security.
3. Designated Soldiers move to the vehicle to treat and evacuate the casualty.
4. The Soldiers remove the casualty from the vehicle so as not to cause further
5. Soldiers administer first aid.
6. The unit leader requests MEDEVAC if necessary.
7. The unit leader reports the contact to higher headquarters.

20 July 2006 2-21

ARTEP 7-1-Drill

Battle 2-10. Battle Drill 07-3-D3999 - Establish Security at the Halt.

TASK: Establish Security at the Halt (07-3-D3999).

CONDITIONS: (Dismounted/Mounted) - The platoon/squad/section is moving

tactically, conducting operations. An unforeseen event causes the
platoon/squad/section to halt. Enemy contact is possible.

STANDARDS: (Dismounted) - Soldiers stop movement and clear the area per
unit SOP. (An example technique is the 5-25 meters; each Soldier immediately
scans 5 meters around his position and then searches out to 25 meters based on
the duration of the halt). Soldiers occupy covered and concealed positions,
maintain dispersion and all-round security. (Mounted) - Vehicle commanders
direct their vehicles into designated positions, using available cover and
concealment. Soldiers dismount in the order specified and clear the area as per
unit SOP. (An example technique is the 5-25 meters; each Soldier immediately
scans 5 meters around his position and then searches out to 25 meters based on
the duration of the halt). The platoon/section members maintain dispersion and
all-round security.

ILLUSTRATIONS: Figures 5-5b.


1. Dismounted -
a. The platoon leader gives the arm-and-hand signal to halt.
b. Soldiers clear the area and establish local security.
c. Soldiers occupy hasty fighting positions as designated by the leader.
d. Squad/team leaders adjust positions as necessary.
e. The unit leader reports the situation to higher headquarters.
2. Mounted -
a. The platoon leader gives the order over the radio to stop movement.
(See Figure 5.)

2-22 20 July 2006


Figure 5. Secure at halt (mounted).

b. The platoon halts in the herringbone or coil formation according to the unit
SOP. (See Figures 5a and 5b.)

20 July 2006 2-23

ARTEP 7-1-Drill

Figure 5a. Secure at halt (mounted) (herringbone) (continued).

Figure 5b. Secure at halt (mounted) (coil) (continued).

2-24 20 July 2006

c. Each vehicle commander ensures his vehicle is correctly positioned,

using cover and concealment, and the crew served weapon is manned and
d. Vehicle commanders order Soldiers to dismount, clear the area and
provide local security.
e. Soldiers dismount and occupy hasty fighting positions as designated by
the leader.
f. Squad/team leaders adjust positions as necessary.
g. The unit leader reports the situation to higher headquarters.

20 July 2006 2-25

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Appendix A
Individual Task - Matrix
React React to React to React to React to
to Ambush Ambush Indirect Chemical
Contact (Near) (Far) Fire Attack
(061-283-6003) X
Adjust Indirect
(071-010-0006) X X X
Engage Targets
with an M249
Machine Gun
(071-000-0006) X
React to Man-to-
Man Contact
(071-004-0006) X
Engage Targets
with an M9 Pistol
Break Dismount a Evacuate Establish
Contact Vehicle Wounded Security at
Personnel the Halt
Adjust Indirect
(071-010-0006) X X
Engage Targets
with an M249
Machine Gun
React to Man-to-
Man Contact
Engage Targets
with an M9 Pistol
20 July 2006 A-1
ARTEP 7-1-Drill

React to React to React to React to React to
Contact Ambush Ambush Indirect Chemical
(Near) (Far) Fire Attack
(071-025-0007) X X X
Engage Targets with
an M240B Machine
(071-030-0004) X X
Engage Targets with
an MK 19 Machine
(071-325-4451) X
Identify IEDs
(071-100-0003) X X X
Engage Targets with
an M4 or M4A1
(071-311-2007) X X X
Engage Targets with
an M16-Series Rifle
Break Dismount Evacuate Establish
Contact a Vehicle Wounded Security
Personnel at the Halt
(071-025-0007) X X
Engage Targets with
an M240B Machine
(071-030-0004) X X
Engage Targets with
an MK 19 Machine
Identify IEDs
(071-100-0003) X X
Engage Targets with
an M4 or M4A1
(071-311-2007) X
Engage Targets with
an M16-Series Rifle

A-2 20 July 2006


React to React to React to React to React to
Contact Ambush Ambush Indirect Fire Chemical
(Far) Attack
(551-88M-0005) X X
Operate a
Vehicle in a
(071-311-2130) X X X
Engage Targets
with an M203
(091-309-0711) X
Direct Vehicle
and Equipment
(071-313-3454) X X X
Engage Targets
with a Caliber
.50 M2 Machine
(071-325-4407) X X X
Employ Hand
(071-326-0501) X X
Move as a
Member of a
Fire Team
(071-326-0502) X X
Move Under
Direct Fire
(071-326-0513) X X

20 July 2006 A-3

ARTEP 7-1-Drill

Break Dismount Evacuate Establish
Contact a Vehicle Wounded Security at
Personnel the Halt
(551-88M-0005) X
Operate a Vehicle
in a Convoy
(071-311-2130) X
Engage Targets
with an M203
Direct Vehicle and
(071-313-3454) X X
Engage Targets
with a Caliber .50
M2 Machine Gun
(071-325-4407) X
Employ Hand
(071-326-0501) X
Move as a
Member of a Fire
(071-326-0502) X
Move Under
Direct Fire
(071-326-0513) X X X
Select Temporary
Fighting Positions

A-4 20 July 2006


React to React to React to React to React to
Contact Ambush Ambush Indirect Chemical
(Near) (Far) Fire Attack
(071-326-0608) Use X X X X X
Visual Signaling
(071-326-3002) React to X X
Indirect Fire While
(071-326-5606) Select an X
Overwatch Position
(071-326-5611) Conduct X
the Maneuver of a Squad
(071-326-5630) Conduct
Movement Techniques by
a Platoon
(071-410-0002) React to X X X
Direct Fire While Mounted
(071-420-0005) Conduct X
the Maneuver of a Platoon
(081-831-1007) Perform
First Aid for Burns
(081-831-1025) Perform
First Aid for an Open
Abdominal Wound
(081-831-1026) Perform
First Aid for an Open
Chest Wound
(081-831-1032) Perform
First Aid for Bleeding of
an Extremity
(081-831-1033) Perform
First Aid for an Open
Head Wound
(081-831-1034) Perform
First Aid for a Suspected
(113-571-1022) Perform X X X X X
Voice Communications
(805C-PAD-2060) Report
(071-054-0004) Engage X X
Targets with an M136

20 July 2006 A-5

ARTEP 7-1-Drill

Break Dismount Evacuate Establish
Contact a Vehicle Wounded Security
Personnel at the Halt
(071-326-0608) Use X X X
Visual Signaling
(071-326-3002) React to
Indirect Fire While
(071-326-5606) Select X
an Overwatch Position
(071-326-5611) Conduct X
the Maneuver of a
(071-326-5630) Conduct X
Movement Techniques
by a Platoon
(071-410-0002) React to
Direct Fire While
(071-420-0005) Conduct X
the Maneuver of a
(081-831-1007) Perform X
First Aid for Burns
(081-831-1025) Perform X
First Aid for an Open
Abdominal Wound
(081-831-1026) Perform X
First Aid for an Open
Chest Wound
(081-831-1032) Perform X
First Aid for Bleeding of
an Extremity
(081-831-1033) Perform X
First Aid for an Open
Head Wound
(081-831-1034) Perform X
First Aid for a Suspected
(113-571-1022) Perform X X X X
Voice Communications
(805C-PAD-2060) X
Report Casualties
(071-054-0004) Engage X
Targets with an M136

A-6 20 July 2006



React to React to React to React to React to
Contact Ambush Ambush Indirect Chemical
(Near (Far) Fire Attack
(071-326-0510) React to X X
Indirect Fire While
(071-410-0019) Control
Organic Fires
(081-831-1054) Evacuate
(081-831-0101) Request
Medical Evacuation
(081-831-1000) Evaluate a
(031-503-1012) Protect X
Yourself From Chemical
And Biological
Injury/Contamination Using
Your M24 Or M25-Series
Protective Mask With Hood
(031-503-1019) React to X
Chemical or Biological
(CB) Hazard/Attack
Break Dismount Evacuate Establish
Contact a Vehicle Wounded Security
Personnel at the Halt
(071-326-0510) React to
Indirect Fire While
(071-410-0019) Control X
Organic Fires
(081-831-1054) Evacuate X
(081-831-0101) Request X
Medical Evacuation
(081-831-1000) Evaluate a X
(031-503-1012) Protect
Yourself From Chemical
And Biological
Injury/Contamination Using
Your M24 Or M25-Series
Protective Mask With Hood
(031-503-1019) React to
Chemical or Biological
(CB) Hazard/Attack

20 July 2006 A-7

ARTEP 7-1-Drill


React to React to React to React to React to
Contact Ambush Ambush Indirect Chemical
(Near (Far) Fire Attack

(031-503-3008) Implement X
Protective Posture (MOPP)
(081-831-1003) Perform
First Aid to Clear an Object
Stuck in the Throat of a
Conscious Casualty
(081-831-1005) Perform
First Aid to Prevent or
Control Shock
Break Dismount Evacuate Establish
Contact a Vehicle Wounded Security
Personnel at the Halt

(031-503-3008) Implement
Protective Posture (MOPP)
(081-831-1003) Perform X
First Aid to Clear an Object
Stuck in the Throat of a
Conscious Casualty
(081-831-1005) Perform X
First Aid to Prevent or
Control Shock

Note: Individual tasks are listed in the left column. Tasks linked to a drill will
have an "X" in the corresponding Battle Drill column.

A-8 20 July 2006




CASEVAC casualty evacuation
HN host nation
IED improvised explosive device
MEDEVAC medical evacuation
METT-TC mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and
support available, time available, civil
MOPP mission-oriented protective posture
OPORD operation order
SITREP situation report
SOP standing operating procedure

20 July 2006 Glossary-1

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Required Publications

Required publications are sources that users must read in order to understand or
to comply with this publication.

Field Manuals
FM 7-8, The Infantry Platoon and Squad, 22 April 1992.

Related Publications

Related publications are sources of additional information. They are not

required in order to understand this publication.

FM 3-21.9, The SBCT Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad,

2 December 2002.

Soldier Training Publications

STP 21-1-SMCT, Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks Skill Level 1,
1 October 2005.
STP 21-24-SMCT, Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks (SMCT)
SKILL LEVELS 2-4, 31 August 2003.

20 July 2006 References-1

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ARTEP 7-1-Drill
20 JULY 2006

By Order of the Secretary of the Army:

General, United States Army
Chief of Staff


Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army

Distribution: Active Army, Army National Guard, and US Army

Reserve: To be distributed in accordance with the initial distribution
number (IDN) 121729, requirements for ARTEP 7-1-Drill.
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PIN: 083368-000

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