AAR 67th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Divison, 6 June 44 Thru May 45
AAR 67th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Divison, 6 June 44 Thru May 45
AAR 67th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Divison, 6 June 44 Thru May 45
.\I'.!:.o:!:"ed ni 81 OT'
b ,J1.!en' - l,:i
', .. , ,
(11, .,
..,.. __ .."J"I'! ...,..
\ '
OljiRAT10bAL REPORT 6 JOO - 30 ,JUNE 1944
Regiment on alert status in Tidworth England prepared tomove to
Marahalling Area for transJX)rt OYel'Seas to .1"rance.
'., ,
7 June 1944: Regiment on alert status in 'l'idWorth England prepared to move to
Marshalling Area tor transport overseas to .n'ance. 3d Bn already
alerted to move to MarShalling Area. Regiment was split up for
transportation and call to llarshalling Area.
S'June 1944, Regiment less detactBents moved from Tidwort.h England at <:430 and
arrived at Marshalling Area mo, vicinity England. Remainder
ot day s pent in Marshalling Area. . 1
Regiment less detacbnents in Marshalline Area awaitinz orc:ers to load ,!I
onto ISl's and IC'l's for combat transport to "<Dahan invasion beach, coast. Yr!
ot 1'40nnand3r France. AIloved to area to await locding, and re
mained there allnight until next morning.
Regiment less detachments, lo.'lded on l.STs e.nd lC'l'a. Regimental Head
quarters loa.ded on I.eT. A1cNed out to join convoy on ,fay to r're.nce. ,
Convoy was composed o! about 12 I.eTs and two lSTs with screen escort.
was wry .ooth and trin was without unusual events. Traveled :; f,
, I
Reg:bnent less detachments arrived at "OrTl:lha" beach 1630 and
landed shortly thereafter. tToceeded iromediatel;/ to de'lfaterproof:..ng
area, moved to an assemblJr area about 1-1/2 niles West of FOREIGN":Z'
where the :iegiment assembled. LST Car!1.7ing "G" COlnf,E:' n:: and. re.rto! bJi;\f\
Hq. Co., 3d Bn. and "c" Comr,n nJ' struck floatinf, mine beach. S;dp
sunk within one hour with loss of lives, many injured, ane. carn':llcte
loss ot all vehicles and erlui on board. J.oii.oved in evenine to new
assembly area vicinity SouthWof (T644749).
1944: Regiment in ....e area SW of L\lIfNE, FRAi"CE, (T644749) alerted for canbat.
13 June 1944: ,Reciment in same area SW of LAMINE, FRANCE, (T64474-9) nlerted for combat. ';',
i ,;I
J4June 1944: Reg"iment in same area SW of LAMlNE, FRANCE, (T644749) :.lerted for combat. If!;
15 June 1944: ,Rig1Jnent in same area SW of LAMINE, F'IWlCE, alerted for combat. j.t
16 June 1944:, Regiment still in vicinity LAlONE, FRANCE. l.osses of personnel and '\J
vehicles from LST disaster almost canpletely repJ.D.ced. t' '
l7 June 1944: Regiment in same location with exception ot Head'"1l8.1"t;ers and Headouartext- i."
Company, moved to new location '1'641741 about 1 mile 80uth -:.ld loc<.'..tion. r
1 e June 19/:,4:
Regiment in same locat j.on alc1.ted for corrit.at.
-"r" j
.. ' I !1)
ri,l' /
; .
21 June 1944:
22 June 1944: Regiment.
23 June 1944:
June 1944:
1944: Same
ComJBD,Y each,
I 19 June 1944:
I ._
20 June 194L,:
Regiment in. same location alerted. for combat. Reconnaissance
received shelling between 0330 and 0500 which resulted in
sev:eral casualties and one l!4S Armored Car damaged beyund repair.
llegjJnental Headquarters Comrany also received several close shells,
no casualties or damage.
Regiment in same area. 2d ttattalion was bombed by an enenV aircraft
at 0400 ap1-roxioatelv, resulting in sevf;re casualties of lersonnel and
vehicular losses, (3 half-tracks, and 3 1/4 tons).
Reg:bnent in same general vicinity alerted for combat. .NO o}::erations.
ions carrying on combat training and occasional problems.
in sue general vicinity alerted for combat. 1'40 operations.
Organizations carrying oncombat training and occasional problems.
Regiment in sa1'!le general vicinity alerted for combat. 1'40 operations.
Qrjanizations carrying on combat training and occasional problems.
Several shells landed in our vicinity. No or
Regiment in same general vicinity alerted tor combat. .NO operations.
Organizations carrying on combat training and occassional problems.
liatta1ions started training with use ot tank dozers to cut hedprcms.
as 21 June.
Same as 21 June.
Same as 21 June.
as 21 June.
as 21 June .
Regjment in same general vicinity alerted for combat. NO operations.
Organizations carrying on combat training and occassioaal problema.
Regiment alerted tor movement South to CAUKONT sec;tor. lat, 2d, and
3d were reorganized into two Med1\D Coapaaies and. one J..igtrt.
oa the tolloring basis:
1st Bn.: 1st in. Sq. Co.; Co. "A"; Co. no"; Co. "Hn.
2t Bn.1 .2d Bn. Hq. Co. J Co. "I" J Co. ''E"; Co. "F".
3d !tn.: 3d Bn. Sq. Co., Co. IIC"; Co. "Gil; Co. nl".
ItAn" "B", &ad "C" .Companies. are the light tank Companies
. .) I; .. ,
6.75 4BIlOBED RlGIMElIT 'v I
A.P.o. 252, c/o Post.aeter Bew York, B.Y.
24 September 1944.
lD witb ArIq Begulations 31.6-145 the tollowing after operation
.. nport ot:tIIe 67th ArJK)red Regiment tor the period 1 to 31 1944, is submitted.
.For the Ccwmand1", Officer
Capta1n, Regiment,
; '--<,
... ".
.."-r" ..
..' ' ....... .. ......... ",..: ... .
. .
1 Jall 1,1JlIt
_!a_tal ....flU"-- leeateA !61a.llu.. 2 1111 .., I.a lII.ae. JTaIIe
ttreparel to _" to ar_.
010 .1 alIA ep__ ., f7C)6661 at 190GB. "l'II81 Ml'Oh. _ ..tin,,..
34 !attalio" 61'11 u.rel -ct-_t .......eI .. Dl ftlllOIl _.ono.....
_Tal to !72069o .ear Jall..,., haae
1.' la'taU _YeI .. ar_ 1 IIll. _.'Il of JIrcb-tal w.tqa.arten at f7125l16.
II _'W!o. _Te4 tie ar_ 1. the nolal'7 of
D .... II ODIipaap .,...... to In a'tall... 0 _ 34 .,taU &III
:B CDIlpU7 to 2t .'Wle
lleel-'" plaee4 , IIov alert tor eoaba
Becia-' 1... )I.'Wl.... clye .tlo. to retdtNe __at. of IQ.n
Ar_aoe4 IDfaaU7 Atcta-t _141.....I' oa troat 1tu _, ot aa....'.
24 B.,wl0...... pl... In .a,,'lo. AnDre4 Jlel.cl ArtlU.,.
3a,..-..lon to u ...... 1. -..,port .t cUll..,. 1. iMi..t Ar
'4 lIattalto. 1. ooJuetton vi....., Anore4 Iatu.'Z'7 bela-' au. 11.
AJiIore4 1Dc1.....tWloa oo__t_ tut-latatl7 prebl. t.-1Tlc hole.zow
l!lr I''''
Iela-' ao.atu4 1.... --. Aoea"" Iaa .... "rial" PlateoM ta. 1.'
3.ttalloa -lac plaa. to ceol'd1.aa'. tlri11& vital un ___'a .t an., AnDrei
IAf..tl7' lllll1ll-' OA til. tre., 11_1' lleU 'b7 tile AnDr_ l)1Yl....
b..,. anlU8r7 uti" 4wl1lC til....-.lac 1. ,lie 24 .... 34 3.tWle. Ar_
.. 114.....al.....
-.p..., ill __ l tI Pl.... &1". lte111C ..... to ,r.s..l1c1&...... cr...
_.1It.. tak... I' .....' ..latol '" M.p...tIJor1t7 to replao. D. Uckt
.....t th. 1811 "'WI w1111l .u...... I ...." ..... neelftl ,_,
.. LI!'" ani"' ,.alltclaJlli a' ......"... wltll 6.'al....t ...
Jt...,.n.........1111101... 'w..al .... 'tV .. kttalto. Ana.
- - .
..-....._----......rr""'---...T.... - -.--.- -.- --------.. - - ._- - ...
I hll 1,1f!!t
Rect...t r-.1A_ 111 the .... ar.... th. l.t Jat1ialioA Mortar Plat_A r.tunecl
.. l.t Battall.A, oae iDJu7 hanuc bee ....WAed. at the flooDt. bI. Battalion
JIortar Platooa repl._ 1 latUlloD PlatooD OD a.tor.
CeP,%. on _ID1lUOIl 0'1 GD_ter-attaak plaa b. beea C8lICellad. IDBpeottoll ....
oo":actel on nhtoa1ar ...1lflace. "BI ODIlpUT alerteclupoA receipt of
t_toratioD tJw.t -U1' ver. report... III the nciDi t7 ot '135560
...uataaazac8 COIlpUl ttlae.a OD )0 lIla.t. alert. '1\10 *'Out. ot leooDD&i.-u.nC8
OOllpaIIT ttarttot1tatel til a alcht patrol 1Il..,- t.rrt1lo17 with a of 26th
tat&llt17 ltc1a.'. 1.t -Illtat17 0.. mail parttotpate4 tn a 4a71tght
reooDDalasaDae patrol v1th \h. 26th IatantZ7 It-ct-.t. 2c1 BattalioD atraft_
bT - .. a1roan with one' oanalt7 re8l1l.t1ac.
9 ,
Jtec1...t rea1a_ s. the .... lecatioL At 21mB .lrtil181'7 Are tell lD 0
OolllpaDT area ldl1111C 2 tit.ted. .... aDd i"uri. oa. IIIlltatecl MIl. Sonn
:III118teet 11_ ot :a...au.18SUC. COIllpADT parttotpateel III a mcht ;.trol v1 th the
26th Iata.tZ7 :atlll...,. .
10 Julz 1,""
JltCia_t ramatD_ 1. til..... 10catloA. Bowl ' r heat ___i tl0D va. te.teel
iD taDk can nt tall... te p'rate tmDt alope plate of a OIIpture4 Puther
fa*. :.art"-_ 17 :po1Uld CUD peDe'rated the pl.te ia the .... teat. ll_JlD&i ...,.
0811pUl' oOlltlma.ed. '- 8ed patrol... tro., U w1\h the 26th Illt_tl7 :a._.t.
!Jae k'ta1.io.a oolul:aet81 _1'-.1 co_at 'ra1a1ItC. belmeDt read"' S.c.p.
Oolibat 01....... ,1 OIL ..,lo,.eD' ot coa., co__D4 ill wo4ed ar...
B.ecSa-' reoet.nI t.a'zwatlou tor oa.UlactltC aollbat Jacket. u4 eheltar hal
Z-DUla... O8IIpaQ , patrola te .. :fI'ODt U with the 26th Iafut17
BaBio le._ et .-ut'tOD ver. checke4. !he lat .ttallOD .,ye4 it.
IIDr'ar Plateoa to til. tro U .. to apport the lat JattaUOD. It-la' AnDrei
Iat_t17 llIC1-'.
12 Jal.r
J.c!aent t. \he _. locatio.. th. attalto.a partiCipated. ta battl.
'ratDiIW. ltaooual.ance GaIIp&IIl' ..., It.t.l. to tile Ull wt til the 26'11
latu'l7 llCla-t. .
13 Jal.r
!II. ."alloa. par'taipat_ ill b."le JII. __'a 0'1 the 5th Iat..,r.r
DlnaOJl -"' ta.. ov ..tor. !Jut IIDrtar Itl.'oo. of 'he lat 'talt
' relt end .... the IIortar Plateo_ .t tile a Jat-.u oa
..attto... ae .-ad ooJl4uct8ll GloW...
_uat8eaao. ODIIp..,. -., pa'_l tio the _aba' IOn. v1til th-At::
, ,. Iatat- ,
' 't li\
13 NT 19114 Coat'd.,
ltC_ent. OIle III:U.ted MaD val rloua.1.7 wou.ncle4 '7 eIl8117 tire.
1'" Jal1 19",:
!he A888Dl. t P1atooa 01' the 34 :Battelioa .,ye4 into a ftrtllC p08ttio--.z' o....t.
B ot the 34 kttal10D val hea.tlT 1184 '7 the -eIV caudUC thr.e
oaqalU... !he lit Battalion reoei", &8a7 8helltllC 'but DO oanaltlel ver.
....ta1ne4. 24 BattalioD .. lIhelle4 with eae oanal t7 reported.
15 Jal1 1941h
1ran1JIc. ort.er 61' .,y._t 1'...."'. Jppmz1aatel.71m mu4. 01' arti11..,.
tire laDd_ t. the 1.t :BattallOD ar_ :taa 181&58 te lhel1. toad. to 'It.
150mt aDd. ... oalib.... ODe om... a4 t_ -.alt.,_ Kea. ".re kill_ ta actton
aDi An aalt.ted. Ilea ..re _UDAl_ t. acUon. "- tank, were hit lnlt DOt Doeked.
out .1' actio.. .
16 J!ll194lft
:Reel-.t recel", J! ald Oreler " fJroa Collbat 00='114 lIB I. u1' floo
d.t.dye ...tol' t 01' o.aao.t. .. 1184. 01' mute. to .."
.....17 arM. llecomaaf.._ capmret 0 bl1.te4. IIaD ot tM ,a
(I...... Paraolmt. BIci-t ia _ t __ ,eb1_ O1lJ'liD
17 J!1r
Attach..,. ot , .. cClilpuie. wi thill the lattaliou to ton two M4.i1lll ad .u
licht coq,aDT per lattalio. "ere ad. perau_'. kttalioa. DO" ".1'. 01_'1_tea
a' tollo" 1., Ia,talt...., ao 1.t :Battalion. A CoII,PaD7. B J) eo.,..,..
24 l_ttaJ.101L, lit Ca 24 !attaliolL. 1 00 ..,., ., 0eapaIv', J' " JattaliOIl,
B'q Co ,d IatU1io.. C 0 Ce ...,., I o.p..,.. bela.t .. al.I". tor
_TeIIeD.t to the D....ellbl1 &1'_. !be 1.t lattalt ol"dere4 to' rMaia ill the
ar_ 1lIltil Nti"_ '1 oecap7111C 'nop.. the 34 _tt&1i_ va. oN"'" to ZO"ert
to CoDat CID..... IBI eo.'ml tt arriye4 i. 'M ..., ar-. Jlec1a-, _ zoe
1i"04 tJ'oa the 4e:tell.l" .,tol' _, 11051. !he rC!_.' U'Z'lftCl at ew leeatto.
!645737. at 08301. th. 24 la'talloA ... 010114 t. )1...,,... _t !6lJ57"", _, UOOJ.
MaillteD&lloe Oollp"" e1e.e4 1. _1W1I8O _t !651J75-. _t 095011 Sernc. 00.,..,. a'
!65276o. at 10301: ........uaat ..... _t 16-'7111, _t UOOI. .All Ia'tali
tart- rece1Y111C -. 11-4 tukl .,,.tiac 7'- cu.. It ttaate4 ,hat th"
.,1I1d b. f1" or liz per .....,.. .All orcaat._UO.1 aaA. iupecUo ucl te."
tor diapl..,. of n.zo.....t at...,.... 14.,ttl_ttoa pme1... .
11 J1lll 19lal1;
_111.' l''''u4 1. til. _. locatio.. !lle"., 4...,... .. -.t.,.......
34 lattalio_ 00":"'_ - hodeeh. _ttl. 4....tra'ioa wi tla _1Me. ta.tall...._
o_tal. tuk. 1a each ooapaq
. .
l' Ju].l 1944a
Recta_t r8lllB1nec1. in the .... locaUoa. 'e.t tiri. ot 'the '76- PDI ...
oo_ucted. !aDk drS"" "ere cl.ea pr_tloo lD u.c-ro" _t'l. 'Uk do ...
blade.. the Reda_tal stafl _. briot. tho o.-"1JIc Geural.. Ooab.t
CoMa"" lEI aDd "eDt o,"r plea. tor 00111.111 'nak-'hrovch operatloa, 100bl'&l.
lleaonnailsance CDlllpallT .1 uelle4 'b7 _eIQ' .nUl.., at 15313. !IlI'M ..U.tll
lIeD. "ere 1e1lD4ec1. aDd. oao JI-S Oar .. 4_tl'07t!&.
20 Jul., 1944:
Reta.t r-.1l1.... 111. 'tho .... locatioa. !anltl wi th heclc8l'G" _ttOl'8 weI'. ol'4or_
110' to be uled UD.til 'hCDC op.rat1oD .1' our1t7 1'_10". !h. kc1.oat
received CDllbat 0."'- 11)1 Ilelt 01'4_ flJ tor operatloa IODba
aDIl val alen_
t. execute operatioa oa 2l Jal7 19". ltNDuai ...oe Oolllp..,. ect to aew arM
to a-vo14 Ih.lli_.
a J1I11 1944:
Collibat OomaaD4 114
Bel4 OI'4.r f4 ... .Amr'" ll-cia_t lI..lA Oft.. , Ie.
"we i.ned. oonriltc lOperatioa 0.'ra
!he plaa ..... tolle...
1. CoDaeDtrate4 bombillC oa a lilll.'eel tnat ltao ar_ to op_ tor
paaaace of oU!' toro...
2. lbl1111& back ot tile .., flankl bl the 9til aDd 30th Iataatl7 Dlrialoaa.
3. Break throuch tho octor bl tU 1.t lataat17 ])iftllloll. aDd tho u4
3d Ar.-orecl Din.ion. folIo". el__'. 01 *he IJtla Iat"'17 I1n.ioa.
IJ. 3d :Ba,t.U.... ld.n Al'JION4 Iataat17 (I OollpaD;l')
5. 3d Platoon. 0 OelpaDT. 7021 !uk B.ttaUOA.
6. Debehlleat ot tho ltSth Ar.,rea. lIocU.oa1 kt$allOL
l.t Jattalion, 67th Al'IIOroI _1m.t (D OeIlJ)lUl7, ODIIpMl'. 34 Platooa,
.l 1'1111 A 00....,.. lQ..t .lIMr" Ialala'" llecl-'. 1st natooa,
OoIllpaD1', 67th .laor04 Btci-.t, In Pla... :I Ct..... 17* :lalla... "'tallo"
1IDdor 00--= of I.t. Cel. Il. K. Wel.1I. ......Ip04 _"'0 pa.ft lor ao
rich' oolaD .1 Gollba' 0.__ ....
)l ktUlloD. 67th AN)re4 lllSlaa' w ....iped flo tho Din.ioa ....rn.
MalnteDaJlc. CbIlpUT renrtei to 00.., 00 .. IJI !J:a1 ad 8...s... a. ..,..
to !rat.I. ll.,oDDal ....,. o.p-.1UI4.. Ooaba.' a. ...... I' OOD'z.,l
WI aael.ga04 a. IIpola,1 for riPt 001,...
BegiJl_' r--.tne4 1a th..... ar.... :IE..U.. of ICDbra" hald p.DdlDC e1ear
weather for all' operation. Black paint va- 114d_ to tank. e.-outlac.
purpt... PracUe. 1. 0&r17i1lC .a_ oa out.ide of Uak. for IDfaat17'
BUpport va8 oarrlecl out.
23 Jall 19114:
lleaa1ne4 1n the __ ar_. aak1-S laa' 1Il_'. of -.1\10., _ntaance,
n:PPU... "0.
Jall 19a.4.
_. plac_ .n a 0 hour alert aft.1' 0600B. II_V lao.ber. bee.. to
'bo.... floo.' U.... of _ .... _, operatloa belA,._
D aT for 'Oobra' Op.raUon. .1'8 thaD 8)00 lieav bollib... aatarat_ tile 81'_
a4Jac-' to It. J.o., JIruc., beclulAC at II Hour for ....t et at
110GB. III troop_ vere brief th. operaUoa. 01"488 .... 1'80_'nIl to eTe
to ....17 area 1111, IIOrtbof poat-JIerbert. haDce Oil 26 J1IlT.
My 19*'
Left aolDa preoe4e4 ..., riCht 00111.8 .,.,81 out at 14alB to to th.
a-17 81'_ at Poat-JI.rbert. JlNDoe. Olo.e4 11l ar_ a' 1ucm.
!l J\t1l
Se. ,.taUe4 operattoll I'lpOl't a'taolle4 .. npporiiltC papera.
.... )
67th MIloI'" _tela.,
1. 08lleral,Plan.
Op.ra'ion Oobra 'be_ tbr 'hl, llepll.nt, vIa_ aa pan ot Combat 0e1lllaD4 IJ', 24
"ftL')N4 DlYlclon. l' .... rel.lft'ec1 .. Brittu el __t. in a 180tor t aDd 84.1&0-'
te the CAtDCl! I.tor helt bT the 1" U. 8. IDtu'r.r D1"f"1lloa. Planni_ ._. bean
o. 15 lalT 19--. !he lllSis8Ilt _ftC! to .11.bl,y areal W.s' of I.E aDd prepared
-fbr op.rationl. OJ"'.t 00..- ..' l1eld. Om.. 14, ad. -..s.-.tal J1 eld Order ,,,
t.r the oper.tlon " ... 1,._ 21 MT 19....... lbe to I14TW.. w_th.r Comit!oa. tor.
all' 'h. operatio d.e1qed tor .eTeral clqa, thi. in new ot fact ,hat .'tack "..
to Itart 'b7 a CODcatra'_ bet_biq attack Oil the ar_ ae1eoteel for the
con'apl.'eI!. ill tha pl... !hia p1...a .1 toUowa:
,1. Concen'r.ted bo_iDe OD limited boat 11.. area to ope cap tor paaaace
of 0111' tnop
2. BDlllac b.ck fluka bT 1llfat17' 9th aDd 30th Divia10a 011 'both ald
3. Jreak throuch oater bT la' Iataatl7 DiTl,ion aDd 24 aDd. 3d Al'IIOred
DiTta!oa. foUowed bT el __'a of 4'h Iat_troT Din.toa.
....QtntlD1IOu. air ''Upport oa oTerhead alert 1d. tIl air-croUDd oo..unlaatloa
te troa' llne e1. __ta. 110.,...' of .boTe 81...,. to .,1ltIl aDd ".., to pr.TC' U7
w1 th4rawal M .11.*. Iatol'll&'lon ot ,he - to ID41eat. that the -.Jor part
.t hi. tol'O " ... ill tron' 11 w1th tft r ..81"Y". !hi. In proT_ to b. Illb
...tiauT oonee'. altho. 1.1.t_ wer. ___terel.
2. o.tloaa of 67th .t.njr'" lelll... ntd1"Oe4 b.., Det&oha..'a).
Ia aooo1"4aDa. w1th pl.&a of Oo-.n41.. Qeaeral. Qta'ba' Co..... l:a
iato ,_ ao1....
ap' &lid. Left __....,. ftp4ter ".1'&1 I. D. IIl1 'e aDd Colonel. Paul ". Dl.a
1'8Ip.,'1n1.,.. OelpOaiUoa of Left ODlua (67tll .u.rel I.lIda.') ..... :toUowa:
67th AmDl'eI ....., 1
boouat...c. CbIlp&D1' - 1UMler 0..-"" Qtllb.t 11 coD'rol.
1., Ia,tall - Opezoat1ac ud.. 00.., 0.__ 'II oo.l1trol.
34 JJa"a1.1 - ,,',-bill ., ])1n.to. 1le.en
..In....... (1 D.,___"
6. JlelA Arttll8l7' Ia'talioa
at .,. '0', 231 WItclae't&1.10.
,4 Pl.'.... 0HIpaIV' O. 7024 !aU De.tn,.. a"aUoa
34 Ia'tall... _In Alwre4 !.:t.. llelm.' (1 G 0.,..,..,., .,t..heel '0
ao, 0...811 III)
Detach_' "'til JIecl1oall.'tallo..
J'ellovlllC tile ._ratio. 'cuib1JIC .t pl'...r1b_ ana aIIIl til. 1111'lal .,-na_,
.t '1Mp8 '=1ICh th.... tIal. ona'''' a.abat 0....4 IJI AlloviDC OD.., Co-,nd loll
...... i .... 001_ ..... ar 1. til. 01'4.. Bleh' 001...... Len &1..... a.
t." 110_ ,..- JP a' 1....,. - . _ ."'" of POll!"",
l 11
2. Operation. of 67th .11'11Or_ RSiJI.t r.in.".. (1 D.ta...,.) CoatlD1le4.
abo.' 26l.9itoll c1Ul7. !roop. ver. placet Oll 1/2 !ioU' .J,.rt, It 'It.,... ni4ct tbai
00...' Co_ad. 'll' _uld DOt _" 'b.fore earl7 oa 27 Jal7 19411. due .. ao.,..Uoa
., 'bl'eakthrovgh tfOOP. ia the 'breaktJuoo1alh Clip aid terraiD 41ttica1U.. pr_.te4
4 to boablzrc. aoa'bat 00 __ IIJI _rche4 1& oa. col.. on It. prriblCl ul. 11l
til. followlllC order to CaDi.,., thereaft.r .. col'UIU weN to be aplo,.e4 oriel
M1.17 pl&D.1l84.
liecoDDa1..... '7'. ,u..,1'....taeat oper.t1ac 11Dd.... nom.M
Gcel'al, Oo-bat 01_.- fIJI. .
Ml... Ga. - Bleb.' 0.1...
A4ft.JlO. Il'Oup - 1.eft 0.1
Jfaia ltoq - apt 001_
JIa1& .47 - Left 001..
!h. J.4ftDC. ha1"4. L.ft ODl'aa wi til J'o....... Qt. 67th rworeel ]lela..t pae4 IP
about 271000:8.1'o.l7. .,.101 var....04 oa til. _a4 .,uth. A4ftlaoo CIaal'd. L.n
Cltl-.- reacbe4 COl_ alto1l.t JulT. !h. JA... "b., 001,... va. __
cae. wi t;b. __ alollC *he JIa1A ui.. ad. It; .. IIDt 11.&'11 th.,. ht4 , .. Pl.Jae4 'b.ok
that tho AAft,1lO0 Gaad, Left Ooluu, o1ean1 -.ia at. oato .eatudaJ'7 , 110.'
2710 Jul7 aa4 .tarte4 .....0 1.t Ob.1eoU.,.. Oal7 Up' e,ppoe1t1oa ._..taNA;
raeIllCl 1.' Ob.1eoti.a .-..., 272000.. Cap.reel .'be.' .., prS.80UI'II 1Ipp&2'-t17 1ft.
170- Bo". 'batt.,.. IIorae-lran. _ 2lo<m J1I17', pr1aoa 181U"_e4. to &lie., 100
aalD17 b,. tva1JIC thet.,.. i.. lird .'b".U han. , taka. MftJlO. _ ....
0............ or4...84. .A4ft1loa to 24 O"'.1eotl to 'It. O. oNer f 0._
, ...N1, eo_ba' Ca.... 1.1. 1Ie.1. "q, Lon 0.1__ .81.. a l1iChtl,7 utter_'
tha, 'h. JfaiD 15047 anl..a. a' 1.' Ol".U" .110..., 2'118)0:1 la17 .... I'..s. 1...1..
0.. 1'e1l4 to at..... 24 0'".''' OI'4............tIl"' a' 2T2IOCD Jal7
fa. 00..,."'.. haen1, 00_1tat Co..... I." to tie 24 O'b"..U" tha, Jdpt.
'u'ftUl Iu.ziIl ...., .lIMe.... JA......... 'It___ , __ .YeZ' l'O.t. 1a41.t04
., MOO,,:e h17. 1e1q we au to tM 18fti...f .JId........ p1l111:ac I .......,
.. ulf III.... we .....re. 1'0114 wltll JdcJllub. Jtala W. ..a. it .ft- ....
uI 4t toll....ft. J. t. ftIale1.. 10.' titat ........ ''-1&: tU ole". a ..o
.... p1lll0l. n'. _ ... t!Iaa W,...... 'Nldd. feU ..., 4u to .. tho I'NI
.1' ..."."'.... taU__......... _til tQ1SP' .. "1"-.1.7 &1...... _ ep
,.dtt..... __,....... M.... c..a ........,,,_Uft , 2IOIOQJ .... '-- to
.,..,.... .............nI t1Ia, ....,. _ 4lalac 1........ I....... 1l9OliA ..
........ of I'aII1t7e a' 13551t51. M.... h.ut. ...... to ...... I..... .... ... ._
pa'_l to Ill ul ....., R ., 1l55lt57. .1.. we .u.' &v.I... at.cJa' .. tile,
......... 11.1.' ANIni 1a6a'17 -..,... alii ......f a......... 14 .'W.l, IQ..,
lafaav, -.-., .... _, 11... __ .,.,..tt.... we '*_. ..at.. de
_'a .... 1o.t... uutw' alii 31 .'Wl... Ian ___ lataa.,. ....t. 1.. ...
- - AlII I 00.,"., pl. , 67'" .&n.NI .. odeal. to ..............n
_. 1...u.,ti1.7 ...tIt..f .'1'. _..c....... oM.......... ol"4eet ........
wut. " .,,,_U.,.. a' 1I1aaI. .....a...,.fall 1319511 to 1l15..
.,..u, IQ.., .....l"II lataau, ....., ... to t.1lo. M... __
to 31
!1M ,. BelA .un..,. .,tall_. ." ...... to Stlft .1..... ....1",... tU
., I a..., a.m... '.' .dClMl17. .,tally ... to ptal...... _nil .f ...,
to...-... the ___a .1 a..., Go. .. .'. lI .u.NI. ....... _Ull.,. ..tali
__ ____ .. __ " ___III 6a BelA .a.nt.U.,. .,w.t... ... hit.. ....
.... .. M... el'IG.7 .. ,..ltt.ou 1/1 IIll. _l"tIl_, .,-...............u,.
.... ........ 0"" a' 1111.... .. "'" _.-.1. ......0." .1, ......... ]I. ....
.1..u"... 'It.... wi tid. tbeo ...... a' M...had. W ....... a ,.iat
.-a. .
Ci:) we::: ""\:.1./ s!,.all urn!s 28l7h5S .jt'l,;;. c,or;lL,),:1":i:l
"3", ordtlrec tc' :u31t 3.nd outpost
: "::'t:; .. t.l ;;:; 3'.lttHliuu, Arn,')r,-:d_
t, :le 1::-) :-e ',: rc:tt.!).(']t. f r')l: :",,)lth OL! t;!'( -de-: em 11;1' Tn is
te:;rr," Jr, .. t'.'C r: :r. !.I.; I to trike tile of this
:")rC r, 18 .,1-, )','111 ;:>:1 C'o,'ntarattacf. was beaten off' before 'Jntered town.
:"'!;t.i!; W!;s n::>t C''Jr.'U.i into assembly :3 vf Notre-Dan;e-<ie-c",ailly a'nut 2l00B.
r ) nth An.;r:')C; :-',e bS'1t IJc<:tt(;-oCl a-l-; N7t:43;;; G1J?rd 'Jrderee. to held present
i tbr. &')r r:i:ht B'ld 'Jutpost CR T34E4.W, and about 28UOOB, cor;:l1.a!1d ing aeneral,
Cou.:r.and "3" ordered +.hat blocking of routes be pushed as far f;.S :Jbjective.
J..cvaDc>; '>lGro ':Olnfr.ander ''136 'Jroered '0,,; COIf'I!landing Officer, 67th ,Arrr,ored 4f'Jgiment to
11:.ui Ler.f'l"1.:(i to Dlack roaels. .Jrc.ers WGr6 from combat com:cand
"3", noC2;ri:lf; the wft (Cl1\lIllrl to ao.vance and siaze 4th objective over 'll;orth Route
i:.i ,;nt C olur.!l tc f, iilanc .wer Ej')uth end seize ;:)0. I)b jecti'Ie. Advb..lce was to
be::;in at c)OfOC') iuly AJ:;ut 2904303 July 1944, aLl attack was oe:;un a.:;ai!lst the
,b,C>:l.1C3 V1oi'ci::l ti1El at T;::4l47b T0624&4 by Gormans ca.ught in
the IT. was a"ttack ''!lith infe1l1try, armor, .and artillery. No
6r')lmci '1l8Si'oJcll !:lno d.b.1ati:m was reported as iJeinE in hand about G90500B Juljl
L144. ,,;1 3a.ttulbn, ':lsi; Arrn;)rbd Inf'e.":.tr"J Re;in.'mt teM; ordered to pass IP and ?ro
ceed 0'1 n::iv8:1CU CP m.:;ved to RcJ at T368474. Aci'vance Guard en
c-,untertlU resistlince 9.1.1':11'; r .. ute !'levin;; ;,oon ordered to continue adv'3.nce on 4th
O!) jec t;i v;;,;. :,;,d Yl-l.;tf:.li:m, t .p.rmoreQ !::L'e.ntI"'.{ Reginient team was ordered to by-pass
ACV8.r.::e '}uard oy::-"oSS-Co'1:1-tr:; route as shown, to seize 3J T335446, and to advancl3
&bnr; route, ana hold 4th objective. Acti'Jn began 2909003 July. Tnis
a.'1c the tafi\J7' reached t:18 about 291800B July by overrunning
flU ti::n inc; hAded no te..:::.Y"s 'lr anti-tank;uns. 2d 3ettalion, 67th Armored
Re:;iment acti.nb as Advance Guard :'ollowec. onto the objective followed "by
ele:r.ents ')1' :-{eadquarters, 67th A,rrrored Regir,lent and infantry carriers plus
of the was according to plan and without
o,?p,dtiJn 13.11 elerrlnts did not close '.mtil 30 July 194:4 owing to being; cut orf east
of st Deni3-Le-Jast by an enemy coun.terattack from the "X>rth broke to
t.'1.e ':'he nec;irnental (:p was lOQatcd at T267475. A force (Advanoe GrOIlP under
Ring:) consisting of' COIr."?eny, 57th ,Armored Re;;1ment e,nd G Company, 41st Armored
2:nfantry r.e;;irrent. c on.:r.anded by 5-3 1st 3attalio:c, 67th Armored Regiment. came under
colurrr. control h!:ovin;,: arri.ved on the objective on 28 July 1944. At about 00153, 30
1944, to establishroAnt of tha outpost positions, Battal
ien '11',5 G,+;tarkYl by a large oomposite enemy foroe, in an attempt to break through the
line:;;f rctlcircleIJ'ent iN!',ich h8.d been cr'38.ted. The snemy force advancing in oolumn on
cr,p' 'JX', s .';, .lck a tank outpost and threatened a break-through in the oenter of tile
9attalion sector. The ta:.."lks wn ich had "been driven back were reinforced by additional
tanks. Tank and ITlOrtar fire was placed on the head of the oollllln effectively hal tillg
its progress. Infantry small arms fire and hand grenades oombined with hand to hand.
com;,at the tenks prevented a complete overrunning of the position although small
penetrati ns were effeoted. An artillery concentration was then placed on the entire
This actiJn killed an 460 of the including a colonel and
destroyed 'lOout 75 pieces of vehicular equiPJllent and guns. The success of the action
of the Battalion under the adverse conditions of darkness, unfamiliarity with terrain,
excessive deployment, and lack of opportunity for estaollShing a coordinated defense,
was instna.1ontal in insuring the success of the entire operation
- 3 -
..-- .--..
2. Operations of 67th ArIf:::lred Regirrent
Enemy material losses r:!ounted are as
Tanks, 1'1' VI
1;:' V
TaM-s, lY III l'/7f.mrn Gun
Gun, 170rraI1 Towed
Guns, 1COimil SP
Guns, 150rrm
c',ms, 88mm Towed
Glms. 88mm SF
Guns. 75ITar. Towed
Guns, fOmm Towed
Juns. 20mn. SP
,Ap.munit ion Carriers
Reconnaissance verlicles
Cars, 1/4 Ton class
Cars, Staft'
Truclrs. cergo
Ambl.. lances
Trai lars
small anns. 9JIl:;mnition mnes. hcrscs I wa!::ons etc., in sub stantia 1 qU!:inti ties
but uncounted. Enemy personr-el losses were as follows:
'Nouaded and e\-acuated
Prisonerc captured
Ol!r losses both in personr:.e 1 anc. material were liGht:
1 Officer wounded
1 Off.icer s1i&htly wounded
6 Enli st ed ki lled
2 Enlisted seriousl:;' wounded
12 :Men slightly wounded
I Man slightly injured.
1 M4A5 tank destroyed.
1 15-3 Pali'-track destro:;l'8d.
1 1/4 ton truck destroyed.
1 motorcycle destroyed.
2. Operations of 67th Armored Regiment reinforced (less Detachments) continued.
1.!uch ve luable eq'Jipment of all categories was oaptured intaot, the enemy having
retreated too fast to destroy or carry it away. ]lUch ammunition and gaa
protective SJIlall arms, personal equipment, and clothing were taken.
oaplet. battery supply or otfice wagon of horse-drawn artillery unit waa captured
which inc lu!ied m'!ioh intelligence informat ion. A very large sum ot money was captured.
- .. boxes of Bank of France notes, turned into Division Gil, artillery horses were
left these we turned loose to graze.
Bombing missions were flown on call with aocuracy in mast cases within 10 minutes
of call. Planes practically denied the use of .ain roads it the enemy. Timely warning
- was given of approaching c:>lurans in daylight. Our tanka displayed red flourescent
panels on rear deak for identification by f'riemly aircraft. Only a few enany planea
,.ere seen in daylight. one group of 10 FW 190'& approached the column on the eveniDg
ot 28 July but were driven off. EnEmY aircraft was aotive -during darkness were uaed
which for the most part had no effect.
- s
A. P. O. I 252'-'
Sl 1944
!be operat1on tor tile period 1-S1 A'Wust 1944 CaD be div1c1ed. iIlto 4 phues:
(11 2-6 'lb. adYance to _ecun Objective. v101D1V VIRE.
(2 '1-14 .1,.,.t. 1Iov__t to B.ARDI!OJJ-JI)RTADI ar.a aDd act10n ill tbat. area.
't"', 18-26 AugUlt.. liDYeMDt to v1c1za1V SEES aDd .l.1bslquaat. 1;0 the
D NEUBOURG-1lB1UI' area.
1 Iri
C.) 27-Sl. , t.. lIov__t to vio1ld:t;7 Il.Al!ES GASSIOOURT and orossinC ot the
... ,".
'. :. SEINE r1..... aDd ..ac. to til. S>MD r1ver.
':> ,,'
1 AZUlt.
Jleg:blent 1D v1c1n1V 1 1I1J.. SE BOTRE DAD LE CarILLI. J)q spent Oil aa1Dtenmce,
_tow... of vehloi11ar loads ancl zoehab1l1t.aUoD ot troop
& 41Kusf..
"':bIent lass let. and Srd BattalioDl, lleooDDa1SS8Dce an4 II&1D.telLance C.-pllD1es,
pl. det.aobaeny toned. lett Col..,. of CC"B" ill llOY_ent to vlc1D1t7 Sf. Sgill
CALV.ADOS noJI lomE DAD laB CIJIILLY ria YIlJ.I ..... paesq tbro'Ugh
tb.e 28th lDt. D1Y1a101l aIId at.t.ack1Dc ill 28 .... D1T1PoD ... to a1eaa DI corp. Ob-
Jectiv. in vlobJ:t.7 Sf. SAWElIl DE CUULDU. Attacllaents .... k4 Batt.l1_ 41at W.
00 118- ..til ... Bn., CoIIbat !ra1n8. Left Col_ tollowed the B1cht Cw... SDlU.1l7.0
At, Perc7 the CO.. CoaaeDcl d..a1opecl SDto tw c0'!1mlII. Lett. Colan IIG9'K to the (>
.ut. _ seourallich po1Dly101pf. Left Col_ halted for the about VJ
1 1/2 alla. aut of perq.
l.t. Battallon wu all' COIfS" oontrol aDd was ill tJae Jdw'ace Guard of the 00." 0
JUcht Ool.n. .0 -1IJ7 ccmtact. was aade 'UDt1l the AdYanoe Guard 1st Bat.tal to. 67th
(-J) Co.) Pl111 att&alllent. naahed a ca ..t.of lu'luerBl". At tble poJat. t.Iae7
oontacted the ... 1dl1oJa 00DI18ted of _..erueff.tIler- tok.. Co. npported
b7 lPfuV7 deplo7'14 but. oould POt "eDCe clue to he.,. IIoJot.azo aDd t.eU: t1n. -D" Co
joSucl AdYBC. Guard but. ... IIDt .-1tt.ed. "JI. Co loat i 1Ied1_ tuk. ill the relNlt
1zW operation .... booked oat; 1 ID8IV' taU. SJrd BIl.... m r ...... aDd U4 _ OPII"
at1au OIl tlaat. clq, but. .... &Ia'ted. lIW__t. IeooDDdce ec.p-. pr.ce.ded
tIla CO"B ............. LI CBIftlISD, nttll'iDc auualtl Wled
aDd wolJDdec1 eD4 lea. I Jnored Car
At.tack OOllua.. at, tir.t, ]Jellt. !Aft c.1- oc.poaed of 17. JIl 1s lat ad
Srd Bat.tal.1oIla, Jeoonneilaao. Gnpa., ad ec.p..,., re.... IdCllpt01lld
'v101D1V JW)1JSSrng at _out oeca. Proer...... a1R cl. to baA terl'da...........
'aloncl b7 ad _.,.. JUcht. ad left Cel-. Jotud at Jl)ftlRAX at. 01101.
I.:Iabt. Col_ prooMded ....... tow... ft. __ CDADOS. eft 0.1.. t.n-.4 ...
1ZiI. leachecl vWaS.., CO.... tat. .1&. . "
1.t. Bat.te
Ja CO"- ri&lIt Col.. "'''''P'' 'tie tIae f10ea II) V ad __
'. ._ben .... I'ednaoe la the yioDiv' SIP! 1IlIDS. Bel4 podUGa t.1da
._-_.'-- riG.'. J-t, Weft f4. 8IPI .... I ....... 1ddl'. S1"Cl BatW'1R, 1Ull_.......
. .wecl to _ ....11' ana viet-
"'_'1 ..... Oawrnv' -eda _ pnoU. co..- .......eel _ II'" ndn
ad .11I't.... .....al _ualu... '
- .
.'. --__-=c ,_". ,et?' I
) p.....'1rf I
4 August.
Attack continued with same Column of Forces in conjunction with
110th Inf. Regiment on the right and l12th Inf. 28th Inf.
Division to the left. 67th AR Left Column attacked down the main axis
2d Battalion encountered heavy enemy infantry armed with "gazooka"
rocket launchers. Also heavy Mortar and Artillery fire coming trom high
ground BE of ST. CALVADOS. Infantry was brought up to support the
advanced elements. Enemy laid down heavy artillery fire on the town and
all roads leading into the town.
One of the 28th Division Inf. Regiments advanced on the town to mop
it up. Heavy shelling did not stop 2d Battalion advance. 2dBattalion
consolidated a posit10n on hlgh ground about 1 mile SE of town. Enemy.
attempted to dislodge thls position by Artillery and Mortar fire and
brought up Mark V Panther tanks. our mission was to hold ground at this
'polnt while' another force developed from the left flank.
During this action, Col. Roberts, Division Artillery Commander, was
killed in action while directing artillery fire from one of the 2d
Battalion tanks. Also, Captain L.A. 2d Battalion medical officer
and 2 ald men, were captured by the enemy when they went forward to evac
uate a knocked-out tank. 2d Battalion Air support accounted for a number
of enemy tanks, AT guns and Infantry. Enemy subsequently withdrew and
2d Batta110n conso11dated this posit10n for the night. Estimated enemy'
losses were 5 Mark V tanks and 150 killed or wounded. 2d Battalion lost
3 Med1um and'2 light tanks and suffered casualties in killed and wounded.
1st Battal10n was ordered to CC"B" Reserve in vicinity of SEPT FRERSS
wlth orders to be able to move to support any element of Ce"B" engaged in
. combat. 1st Battalion lost.l tank due to enemy mine field. 3d Battalion
'1:(' still in Reserve vicinity MONTBRAY. Reconnaissance company elements sent
5 August. .
. Attack cont1nued early 1n the morning. Left 'Column under Regimental
control and wlth same attachments attacked on the right as the Rlght Force
passing through ST. SEVER CALVADOS and SE of town about 2 miles
where enemy contact was made. Resistance overcome and attack continued
i :<
toward CHAMP DE BOULT. 2d Batta110n proceeded about one mile and en
countered the main enemy force defending a bridge with mortar tire, AT
guns and dug-ln intantr;y. Flghting was very tierce and 2d Battalion
could not advance.
1st Battalion, still in Reserve, followed the advance of CC"B" and
moved up to reinforce the 3d Battalion 41st Int. and secure and outpost
blgh ground at ST. MANVlEU BOCAGE. 1st Battalion mission was accomplish
3d Battallon still in Reserve and had no operatlons for the day.
Reconnaissance CompaDr participated in the 41st Inf. attack during
the da,._
A:tack continued at 08008 and met the same resistance of MG,
Mortar, AT and artl11er;y tlre. 2d Bn., with elements of 1st Battalion
41st Int. 'moved SW under cover ot woods to draw North of CHAMP DU BOULT
and aS8lsted elements ot 9th Int. Dlv18lon the town. It continued
advance east to ObJectlves vlcln1ty T550290.
:,"'1' -. .-.--.- ..._".
... ,,{
. ... "
I .:
; .:\ :'
1st Battalion released f'rom CC"B" control and ordered into Division Reserve.
IUght march was made to vicin1ty MJNTBRAY. Enemy air activity on column but no
duage.resulted. .
.:' . ''f'; 3d Battalion was relieved from Division Reserve' and placed under CC"B" control'
:>. .. alerted to move up the next morning. .
Lili. ,;: Reconna1aaance CoIIpaIV' -engaged eneDJ7 in same vicin1tq while conducting patrols.
"-., At 18008 Regiment, as part of CC".'B'!. force, was relieved in this sector by
fL.,:' ts at the 2Sth Int. D1v1e1on. Regiaental .torce (Right Jl'Qrce) was relieved
Int. Regiment. Relief was completed ab9ut 20SlB and Regiment DIOved back to
(a...1ble in the general v1c1n1V mams aDd ordered to be prepared tor lDOvement
morning at 7 August 1944.
less -3d BIl., JIOved 88 part of CC"B" ColUlln to the T.l.cin1t;y of BAREN'l'ON
HILAIRE W HAROOURT - roAIS - TEILLmL - BAREN'l'ON. Reg:laent less 1st and M
.:Battalions, Reconnaissance Company, marched in the laatll body. Sd Battalion JlUU"ched
as part at CC"B" advance guard. .M Battalion as part ot advance guard encountered
heavy AT, Mortar, and artillery' tire in vicinity CIfERlillCE LE K)USSE. Main bodT,
UDder Regimental control by-passed this resistance, loing to the right at S'1' POlS,
. through LE MESNIL GILBERT, alVES, REUFtE-vIELLE and then turned lett towards .&111
. az1s. Elements at 3d Armored Division were met in vicinity REO,':tEVIELLE. Jrrived
ncin1ty south at BAP..ENTON that afternoon and went into usembq are.., and. ade
.' contact with TASK 10M,!: "X" Battle Group #2, !d .A1'IlOred D1vi8lon &lid -the h.,
Int. R.1aent. .($Oth Int. Div.) which held southern part at the WwD ot
-BARENTON. Plans were made tor attacld.ag th1'ouch town to _cure the high ground
to the North on the IJOrniDi at 8 August 1944.
1st Battalion still in Divia10D ReserYe .,veci to aD erea SW ot BA.RENWN
. at 2d and 3d Battf1l1one in ccns" attack to secure hiah
. cround at BARm'l'ON to the __st of the GER road (h1ll. at i'6550Sli, 'l'61.S098,
, ,'l'69!(75). ..',.
Sci Battalion elalets SJ,lpported the 18t Battal10n 4181; lilt. in the. attack on
"!,:: - I
the high ground at 'l'69S).75 aDd 1'67109$. . "
. 2d Batt&l1on el_ents alpported .the attack at the 3d Battalion 41.t'I"'_ b
attack on the !dcblround at'l'660015 .d lett' of .h1U T8'7a098.
,+.+."1 Group "X", SdAmored Div1aiDn ..cured h:lch pound crt -aDd, the Set
l20th Int. Regiment held the ton ot BAl\Ilt'l'ON. .
67th Armored Reg1aent 18ss cletacluaenta WIlt mwpoa1Uon abo1rt;l 1/2.u.s
ot BARENTON in CC"B" reHrY8 prepared w :niDtoree et:ther 00111111. tore.. .
J.Dcu.ucied 2d and leas 1D1iUppQr.t, of Battaliou
Int. in the attaCk. oedt_ t.aDk platoOricif "I" 00.$&1' l_tW1o* 81th,AR'
WUoII..I.V supporting the &dYaDce ot. 1.t 41..' IDt.. .. ....aa-eat .at
with torces and dfatro7ecl ,2-aa.iI A't PIlI,. .CQIIil_.. 2 .ra-"
(trl1ftJlr.. This was accoap11ahed without ." ,.1tie. :.....: . .
lst Battalion waa atUlia D1da1on tt........... .'.' .
LE TEILLEUL where the;y out posted tor the ___-'- ____
",:JU a t.Dlt patrol. to sr. oo.ti'f.ic! I,
tank struck an ..,... abe aDIl... lri
;OoiIP8lV 'Iioved duriqr the . to aa ....8IIbll'.......s.;,utll '
. . ,
.. '
Regent was in support of the 41st In!. advance North to the next high ground
at T670l00 with elements of 3d Battalion is direct support of the attack. Objectives
was secured with slight opposition. 2d Battalion remained in 00 ItB" resem about 1
JIile west of Barenton protecting the left fiank and engaged eneJV vehicles and personn
el. at long range. 3d Battalion engaged enemy armored vehicles aPProaching trom the
iorth on the GEHr-BARENTON highwq, in cOnjunction with eleaents of 702d Tn Bn. nYe
<'5) vehicles were observed burning. 3d Battalion elements in conjunction with
120th Int. Hegiment moved to secure road on left flank of Bill T673098. contact
was mads and d1.1ling the engagement enemy was routed learlng large lIDIber of dead and
wounded. Three (3) armored personnel carriers were also destroyed..
1st Battalion remai ned in Division Reserve vicinity LE DITJ.EJJL and outposted.
Reconnaissance COIIIp8lq" took position in DeW asseably area just south of
giiDBn in salle general vicinity as part of C(; "BIt force with mission ot hold1Dg
ground taken 9 August 1944. About O600B a large ellMlY torce of tanks and intantr,y,
supported by attUlery, JIOrtar, and "nebelwemrs" the lett flank
beld b1 elements of the 2d Bn. The enemy attack was launcbed trom the hi&h ground at
T653084 and. T643084. The morning was very and visibUit7 .... poor. 2d Battalion
engaged the enem.Y and about 0800B the enemy withdrew, after suftering bea.". casualties
in killed, wou.nded and captured. Later in the morning 2d Battalion encased an eDllDt1'
colwm vicinity T655074 by direct tire frQll tanks and assault guu. BalaDCe ot dq
.as spent mopping up.
3d Battalion r-ai ned in support ot the 41st lDf. and was ooDtiml.oue17 shelled
dIlrini the dq by eDeJIV artUlery and aortars. 3d Battalion spent dq in nreDgthea
iDg positions and sending patrols out.
DiY1sion Reserve and element8 of 35th In! Division reliewd us in the sector
&eneral.l.y to the left ot the high groUDd at T651a084. Reali nder ot dq was spat;
IIOppiDg up and further securing our positiona.
1st Battalion still in Division Reserve vicinity LE mJ.J.EtJ1, aaiDtaiDed outposts
for the dq. BiYouac area was heano..y bcJIm)ed at night by planes and Rtt.red 1
kUled, 22 1IOWIded personnel.. and 2 halt-tracks aDd 3 114 ton trucks de8'tro7ed.
Becozmaissance COlipalV' IIOved to AUliAr aDd J.ate at night .wed again to CIIltpo&t
in vicinity OHP LIVET.
le8s detaclllent8... part ot CC -B- torce contiD1ed to hold ita
positions. Vigorous patrol.l.iJJg was coDdDcted to Borth aDd BortihW8st. BeHrn
elements were on an alert status read;y for JIIOVeaent on 8'l1T counterattack 1I18810n.
3d Battalion coDt1m1ed to receift .DeII1' sbelli Di dIlr1D& the dq.
1st Battalion &tw. in Division Reserve ll&intaiDed outposts and receiyed orders
to JIIOve to area ::. ot BA.BDlTO)l to take O'f'er s.curi't7 ot left tlaDk. -D CGIIp8'l1T wu
attached to Task Force "X., 3d Amored Division.
Reconnaissance COIIp8DT eleMDta ude coDtact with e-.y aDd eDgaged in ca.bat
tor a short tiae. Rema:'nder ot Ca.p&1V' wre on llissions to obsern .D8IV' terrlto17.
- 4
, ,...
II!.' ...
. . 1",' "
12 !!it .
iue artlllar.y fire 11&8 active dIIr1ng the D1gb1;. II8Dl' 1"OUDds of large caliber
17 aDd. D8bal.wrfers landing in vicinity of Headquarters 67th Armd.. Regt. At
an attack was launched to the North by 1st and 3. BattaJ.ioDS bl.at Inf'. with 3d
Ia1;W, on 67th .lea. in support. This attack 1rB8 ccwaanded by c.o. 67th A.R. 2d BD.
L .. rea' "'d in CO B reserve pfepared to aawt the attack1Dg force in aecuring the
f1DaJ. objective which was the GlBItIJR!AD Jd.cbwal', ceneral viciDit.Y!66Sl3O. At
J.W)OB el.a.ents of 2d Battalion .and to secure OR a1; 't664077. JIade CODtaCt with
at 1'66.$098. Eza;r entrenched with AT PD8 in support. 2d Bn-, ntfered ODe Officer
killed, several 1IOUDded aDd ODe tank dest.roJed. KDIIV waa dI'1nn fraa their posit1cm.
. At lSlOOB 2d b., .,-qcl 1;0 v:1ciD1ty !668079 with II1ssion 01' detendiDg the l1De T6S408h
!66b098. 2d BD. .wed UDder enav artille1'7 and aortal' fire to take up Dew positions.
3d Battalion waa in direct InIppOrt of' the lDtaal;1'7 attack aDd took up naDk
positioD8 to repel. &fIT e..,. iDtUtration or attack 1'rca either flank. Attack pro
aressed alowlT wben earlY in the eveD1Dg orders were received to bo1d present posiUos
1st Batt&1.1nn (le....D Co.) aoYed to areaf61707S with lI1aaion to be prepared
to attack either tl.aDk. 18t Battalion was later ordered back to area South 01'
, .'
BecoDDaiaNDCe ec.p., carried on pa.trolliDg aDd engapd eDSIV .everal tiM.
dIarina the dq.
ant less detacm.nta, held positions dnr1D& the clq. 2d Battal10D 1IU in
c:l8tenaive positions rlc1D1ty!6680'79. Sector 1IU ve17 QUiet. 17 PW' s wre taken
dIIriDg the dq. 10 detinite 8DIIV' contact JUde. At 18101, two P-h7' s d1"opped 3 boms by
lliatake Dear 2d Bn. area which reaalted 111 onq damqe 1;0 a balt-track wldel
3d Ba"-l.1oD was placed in BegiaeDt.al re.erve 1d.tll lIia.ion 01' bei na pnp&N4 to
.,.. to repel. ." CGIIIlter attack. 3d Bn. AaslDlt Platoon rea'.d in d1Z'ect
aapport 01' 41st lDf'. aDd 1'ired several aisslone wh1l.e UDdef art1l.le17 tire tra the
...,.. At l800B 3d BD. .. rel.1eTed frca Bep.tntal Be.8l"Y8 aDd placed in DiT1aion
1st Battal10n reu:1JJ8d ill ... PDBral area. -D Co. was attached to 82Dd Ben.
for recoDDa1sNDCe in torce towards DOII"BOII'r.
14 t .
tM D1.gbt 13-14 AIIpat, 61th a.ored Beg1Mnt as part; of CC -B" ...
rel.1eved in tb8 line by DiT1aion Reaern. 3d Battalion passed to Division Besern
oontrol at thi. t1M. le,s aoftd to .. -a.bl1' area between
B&RIH1'OI aDd at 0i0B0IS JlOUII',I.I.. P1aDa aDd reoouna:I.aaDCe tor operatioDa in tb8
direction of IDOBOB! AID I'.LBBS are 1D1t1ated and later suapaded when the Cc.l8Ild
.. liven ord8ra to bepn a period 01' .ae_l_1I&1ataIIaDce.
. 3d Battalion .. part of DiT1aiOD ieaern, held front l1De posit1cma UDt;U 10CKll
when the7 were releiTed by 99th Int Batt&1.1oD. 3d Battalion .wed to v101D1t7 T68301S
&Del was releaaed trca D1'ria1OD Re_rn &lid placed ill OC 1- oon1z'ol at l.2lX8. Beea1 nc1er
of dq spent 1a rehabilit&tion aDd JI&1DteDaDCe 01' fthiole
lst Battalion wu relined 01' III oa.tpoata at lOOC8. -D Co. :reu1ned with 82Dd
. Ben. 111 riciDiV JXIII'B(IJ!. B-a'JIder of' .,. d8Yoted to rebabUltation &lid IIa1DteDallCe.
&econna1aaaDCe Cc.palV' .:we4 to T1ciD1:t7 Borth 01' 1.1 WE in tbe IIOmiDg aDd
ooDdacted senl"al. reooDDa1&llCe II18sioll8.
I' .
16 -E.t
.iiiI_t. ae part ot CC"S" torce. remained in .... g_erd- area and II&de
. prepara'tioal tor f\lrther operation.. Day 'pent 111 reh..bll1tatiOIl udo maiatenanCfh
lIt Battalie-. al,o 'peat day for rehabl1i'tatiOl1 and mailltenance. "D" Co. retumed
to Batta110a oaatrol tro. vioinity DOUFBONT.
1leoCl111a1uanoe Cc:apuy remained in bivouac and alao oonducted rehabillt'.tlcm and
1e Aut;lt
" ",il...t. le.. deta.chllentl. r--.ined 18 biTO\lac: 8De genera.1 are... Day speut
<. aaiat...o.. Wo OperatiOll'.
lec1aeat. Ie.' detaChment, ....de preparatione to .ove under CC"B" control
0 Operat10111.
18 Aupst
lIjaeat.le,s 1st ID. 'received CC"B" orders tor aCV8ment to the vioinity SXES
'(Q4'28) prepared to operate ea un.,...l to the Ilorth ad east ot SKIS in the V Corp.
'eotor. Moy.eat Itarted lar11". the aom1JlC. Route. ST GIORGBS 1I11LL1 -DalPRONT
La ntrrI - Be. - CARROJGBS - CR ..t 29SX>4 - SEES. Iloved in one Col'Ulm behind
tri ...417 treat U.... 10 _aay ooataot. Ari,d ...._bly area nota1ty SIBS about
l.t IattaliOil WlOT'!d ..s .leh..no. Guard tor D1'ri.ie-. ReeeMe ColUlUl to 8Ull C_eral
...rea "Y1oil1ity ..d a,ble4 at Q-MB193 about 2 1/2 Jailea' SW ot Be''''. BlrOl.lte to Ile.
are... Il__t. ot I'I"_oh 2d .lraol"ed 1)1vi.toa ....re .oto
19 AuGite \.
iii-.t. 1 la:t Battal1oa. a. part ot CO"S" toree moved 1m one columl to
'.,' 'rioin1t1' ST. ANNI. Ioute. 9DS RJ at Q4'70291 - CAPREE (626297) .. COORTOllER
", IICJ7LIlIS LAB BRCH... 81 ot interseotic. ot railro..d (Q'708271) - TOCTiOOVRB .. to als_bly
....... 81 ot 8t.ANNB. Outpoata _1"8 seoured tor the night. No en_y contaot.
l.t BattaHoa a' part ot Dlrll10a iese!"'''e ...rched to new aSI.bly are.. vicinity
Q'7S2l0. ,
.eocaaai.au.ceoonducted sewral reconnaissance mi.aions in new area toards
1.& IfRlNBUI, 8tMartta 1)I !PRES .. StlR AVRB. C"ptured 6 prismera.
'. 10
" ,hii-.t le.a clet .. oha_t., tonaed tight Co1lD111 tor ..ttack north OIl VBHNICIL
tl'ca $T .ANNI Ar.... C.O. 67th iI right Colwm 1ttloh wa. cOJ!'poaed as tollows.
"e7tb AR (-lit 24 Im'a Baa. Co.). l.t an., 4llt lilt (-000 B). 1 Plat. B Co.
, 17th IIlgr 92nd f", ia support. 2d Battalloa ill lett oolu.mn under OC"B" control.
<leNt., . l1&bt '001,... MOOLICSI! .. IWtCIU.mVILLI - BOISST LIS PERCH! - SOISSON. RiVlt
',Col,.. (67th ...) r ..ohed 'doiaity LI BUISSOI 1Ihere __y artillery, AT and 1ntantI'J
""W" _oouatered. ad BattaliClll _p.&e4 1a h_"Y f'iFting abo\lt 3 aile. 80Uth ot
''dllJUIL aad .ewNd poaitlcaa tor the !Lipt f'or ... riftr 01"08l1ag and attao1l next
.. .".i.,. .
24 Battali_a 11&" of' CC"B- lett oolu.n, ...de o_taot with _eay about 2 ailea
of VIJIL _ the IIa1a 8'1' .ANNI - VIIlfIUIL. 2d Satta1ica deployed in.
ty Q88U66 ..d ..tt..oke4 t. the D. Villt\&.' CIa LA CHARVIIRGNY.
'C84IBATIDI ..4 JlUIU.T. All roau leadis, t;o the Weet ud SW f'r. VllINlVIL Wftre
, .. ......l"J' ..ott.w ..d'is g!'Hi; .tr.cth 1Jl thia a.otor. !ad Batta11ca
:.,,_.- 11" All' """on ,1... to cnat a4,.....,..
\/ .
I' ....
20 August .ont'd
. Known damage to enemy was 5 Mark V tanks and 5 tOwed 75mm AT guns and 8 trucks.
It. was estiJllated that 150 enemy k11led and WOUIlded. 2nd Battalion casual.t1es were
, men wounded, no vehicles damaged. .
1st &l., as part of Division Reserve force, moved to vic1n1ty 1. mil.e SIr of
YBRNEIUL late in _the afternoon and general.1y were behind' the right co1.umn.
RecOlUl&issance CQIlpany generally was. on reconnaissance m18&.1ODS ,to the flanks.
2nd Plat. was bombed and straffed by mistake by allied planes vicinity I.E URILS
and sutfered 1 killed and 6 wounded.
':':' Regiment (less 1st and 2d lkl's., and Ren. Co.) plus attachments,
..(CGIltinued the attack early in the morning &8 CC"B right col)llll1. Col.umn crossed
...:'" . bridge vicinity 11)5636S in the face of light enemy resistance and by-passed VERNBIUL
""W."' the right (EAST). Continued Cro&S-COlmtry advance against strcmg enemy dela11Dg
. actiOn by enemy artillery, A.T, 'wnebelwrfer", and small. arms fire
.' . 5d Battalion leading the right column advance cilDtinued the advanC4f and deepite
stiff enemy opposition was able to cut and block all roads into BRETUIL tnm the East
and Northeast and to consolidate these positions before night. Enemy counterattacked
3d Battalion position about 2300B but were repelled with artillery fire aS8istance.
Positions were held throughout the night.
2d BattallGll as part of CC"B" left column,' COIltinued ita attack fl"Wl the ri.ciD1ty
of PULLAYagainst strcmg enemy pos1t1G1ls GIl t4e LAIGLB-VDBEUIL road. 2d Batt.11on
.... w.s releived fram its position vic1n1ty PUIUY by elements o:t Dlvis1G1l Beaane at
. about 1450B and moved via ST. VICTOR SUR AVEE-OOISSY' LB SB.CBU.UCHII, tbe.
. reat of CC"B" into an us_bly area SI o:t BRE'l'EUIL.
1st Battalion still in Divisiol'l' Reserve moved to ana' South of GRABO'l'S. Battalion
was part of main body of DivisiGll Beserve. Outpo8ted 'rioin1ty that night.
22 August.
Regiment (leas 1st and 2d &1'a., aDd Ren. C.) with atW+=ts .c&*1daue4 tbe'
attack as the right torce in the The right foroi cro8eed the MOaB
: ad ITml rivera, bloc
ng rom. between the ITCIr RIVER CCllCBIS to PNnDt __
" .ovaaent to the _t. ad BatwU. advaoe as ude dt.bGat 1Dc1dc'l; ..,..'1; t_
eccass1GDa1 art1lleZ'7 tire. . ..
. 2d. Battal1CID aa part ot CC"!- force ude the u.1D ...me CI'08a-couat17
to the REOLOIR riTer in the vic1D1t7 RJ8I&IO. 1'h1s twoe tabliWhed block. to
the North. Bast and 'Sot1tb ot ,CCllaIBS, ac1 ..tabU... mi4c-""" _ the qrib
dele of the REULOIR aver in tbe dcd.D1't7 flit Sf &DR.>....... fJDPIe4 north
of CCIlCHES but miss1ClD was hal'd.t1lhUDc. Id. Batt.al1___
........ 1. Officer killed, fa .. 1NNDCIed, 1 __ __ 18111; (QW 0..). ad Bat.".
m 'teak 250 pri...r. -" JauJaked\_t ll1uk n, . 8:".', ad 6'.illS ......
l.t BattaliGll as Jdvmae.G1ardtor DL'T,l1l&. .-v.,.-.nd. tz. .. ".
8RABCJ.[S. -..cie ccmtact nth -IIV .anate .a4 m.oad .. 1 JIuok ,....... BL.......
'"1II1d GUtposted at BO'laMS. BItaGaDd_..... 1d.8d .r ftH'NI.___d a.Jl'
.eour1't7 t .. CC"BW force. act ..... tIle .....a1- tait.CI&Ui.DI the. ut. ;
13 4PSl1ft,. .,'
Regiment (less 1st and Sd Ib' and Ran r..) plUII the i'
attack early in the 1IOnWiI' .. .aT .. 'liiJi1P\ ?orce fj_L_.
CO"!-.' Objeotive ... I.E "JIIUBIIIIG aD4 to .'blIICIt, ail .... ....., '., ' .
: C.bar tea Ro. 2 tolls4 o..t !.- 10. 1 ..................:... .tiu'tW.tIae ! '.,
........ 1IOl"th_bT NW ad ...... .. ... ,..1... .. f:l
UIJ'l' Cl4JCIIIR POllDS ....
... ....
to tbe Y1G11a1t;t fl. __ .
' ....\ : .
. . .' ..... .,,,,' ."
II" <'1" I
23 AuGst COO1t'd
Battilian was part ot Ccabat Tuaa No. 2 and advanoed al.ost without 1110id..t.
p eIlemy oolumn .a observed preoeeding NW ed the leati., el._ta opell8d tire aIld
return tire. Enemy there arter was -.iDly oroll-couatr,y.
3d Battalion suooeeded in working arOUlld LB NlilOBOORG to the ...t and aut and. blocked
all road_ leading to eut North and Northeast of ta..Ue _gaging stifi' _say
resistanoe by artillery ri re and taak tire. 3d BattaliOll loat :5 tanks ia thil op.ratloa.
C. o. Id Rattali on orzanlr.:ed a mall t"lk toroe to a"aok _.y. Atta lauaohed
wi th artlll.ry support. and enellY wal ctri ve11 baok. Shortly after thia, 2 _.-, llark V
tanks attempted tc .soap.. One was booked out, the othezo .a1\ag.d to get a-.y.
Sd BattaBon destroyed a total of' 7 GIlamy tankl, truck., a Halt-track whiole.. 76
_emy killed, 130 prisonerl were taka. .A.t 2400B a large foroe of' el'1eJ!1y baab.ra dropped
flares over 3d :9attaLoa area and bombed ill theizo vioinity. 3d Battalioa luti'ezoe4 .0
2d Battalioe as part ot CC"B" Coabat Teaa 11, I.t a patrol into CONCRBS '!Nt
I enemy had wi thdram. Mond to vioinity I.E NI1JBOO RG (11):5t82 '). ' 2d. Battal ioa j oim..d
torces with Tuk Foroe f'zo<a 28th Int. DiuaiOll ad out and blooked all roadl l.adia,
South ..nd SW fr(31 LE NWBOORG. 2d Battalion allO ... i. vioinity ot CT8ftiWl Air Foroe
bombing that night and reoeived no c .. aualti Reported that _1' bomba l.aaded ca the
Geman politiOBS. 2d BIL., had no carualt1e. and de.troyed 2 Jlark III Sp 1"- gwal,
1 Mark.; IV tank, :3 and took .S prilOilerl. 1at Battaliea ....adi_, 81__t ot
Dinaim Reserve Main body ill their ad'ftAce ....roll to the 'IB 11)126" towarda
LB NtliSWRG. 20 prisoners _re taken atter aearoh ot woodl 1_ bi'9OUao area.
Se78ral outposts established that a1gBt reoeiv.d ....y baabinc but .utt.red DO
1 c .. sualties. Reoonnailsance Caapaay contiaued DB CCB adion. ot reoaaaal....o
. i:
.ecm.c.aissance Canpany c .. ptured ..ppzoox1mat.ly 166 pri.CIIl." duzoia, thi. aotiaa ..4
, I
later O'.lt!?osted with 3d BIl. 61th for the night. '
24 August
_ , lI.eDta of the 28th Int. Diw.aioa .oYed up cluriag aipt 21-2. Augu.t ..d be..
rel1e7.l:n.g us .. t firlt light taking over all zooad. bloak.... po.i1;1C11.. Repa..t. 1...
l.t end 2d BI1 f , and li,cIl. co.. with attaoba_t, ooati.uec! the ad.,... abaa" 1000.
with the Bai ioa to d ecure. and cOIllo11d..te the li.e 11>1'888 .. to .x"88
lfozotheast to TCURVIL1& U CCUP!GNI. 1 Platoea 6'th .&.R lea. Co. atta*ect to Bepuat.
A s.all ta.k tozoce preoe.ded the CO"B" ao. "I 81th AR ..d 1 platoaa Iftb 1aR.
Co. wre ill tht. ta.k toro.. Taak toree adftJlced .. LDIIJBClJRG to t1a. ...t ..4
",aahed and held a poaitioa 111 ,.eral doinity lI>"9,' OOT.ri., th. lett t1aak ot the
right oolumn. At 06SOB. 3 Geraan tJ"l1oka approaobe4 a roa4 blotk aailltalaed b7 el___
at 3d BIl. 67th ARe "Iault Plat.CII ope_ up at 0108. raag. M4 dtr07e4 all wldel
and killed all en..,- exc.pt 1, who tak_ prir. At 10101 14 BIL. aowd
l.ad ot Regim_tal oolumn (Cct'B" !llpt 001__) 1a a beav' nia. aoute...
oountry trca Vioinity CROSVILtB LAS VIEILLB, bet._ DOTCI(UI ..4 LA taC -
U Cc.wP.A.GNi. stubbol"ll 1Il.-y ....i.tao. 1Il0OUll:t.Nct diaria& .... .trn ado..
24 aattalica a. part ot CC"J" lett 001.. (ccabat 1'e. fl.) &4...08d _til Idiaa of
tald.g BClJRG'MEB.a1LDI. 1tliGD __,ed at 1010 ..4 2d BII. a...oed to ana 11111
I ot LI NmiBCCRG (11)21855) aacl took up detive poaiti.1 ,rewat D7 ...plaa
to the ealt. Consid.rable _..,- ",.-it1ca ...et ..4 a4 Ill. booked oat I Ma. m'
, S, 1m. gull" 1, SP 88. 8 tN.' _4.at 21 pri.aca.". 1.15 1a.,.:U_ .. 1.
, .... area al preuou.. aay aad aata-.a.. CNt,oaU. ..0.-.1....0. 0Qap&Il1 ..
,.. ,.. cllaria, dq 011' reoClllll&1....c...4 ftak CNd" atiea.... 01_. up til. ,;'.5;;
. Jl!PUVILLB - a&MPJ.GlB.' ..,." ' , '.,,';
. ..-- --_.
25 AUl;st 1944.
egtment less detachment8, still as part of CC ItBIt foroe oontinued the mission
blooking all roads and the area.. Some patrol activity. 'Janadian and
Br! t1 sh troops passed through our area as advance elements towards ELBEAUP'.
26 August 1944.
Regiment less detachments. still holding same area, l'faiting to be relieved in
thia .ector by elements of the Canadian 7th Brigade, 3d Inf'. Div. Regiment pre
paHd for movement to the area SW of MANTES GASSICOURT.
27 AUlist 1944. .
iament (- 1st Bn.) moved as part of CO "Bit to the area SW c: MANTES GASSICOURT
, SUR EURE - PAOY SUR BUR! and assembled generally in vioini ty R463644. No enemy
moved, as part of Divisior Reserve, to area east of PACY (R636480).
28 August 1944. .
Regiment, less 1st and 3d Battalions, R(lonnaissanoe Company, was alerted to be
prepared to oross the SEINE RIVER and assemb.Le in the area ST. N.ARTIN LA GARENNE
PA.LL.UNVILLE - GUERNES and be prepared to continue advanoe to the north and Northeast.
Route. Vio. R463644 - R470390 - ROSNEY SUR SEINE. did not oross this day.
2d Battalion a8' part ot CO ItBIt oontrolled foroe, crossed SEINE RIVER about
DOon and went into an assembly area in rear 79th Int. Div. front line..
1st Battalion remained same location and was relieved trom Division Reserve
oommand and was attached to CO ItBIt as reserve.
29 AugU8t 1944.
Regiment waa in support of the CO "sit Intantry attack on this day.'
3d Battalion was ordered to attack on lett flank ot 99th Int. Bn., NW to the
hard road vioini ty R5874. 3d Battalion seoured objeotive at 164OB.
Regiment (- 1st and 3d Battalions and RecoJmaissanoe moved late that
afternoon to an area about two (2) miles South ot LA. EN VEnN.
18t Battalion, 67th AI moved duriD& the evening to aBsembly area just West
Reoonna.18anoe Oompany moved ahead of 3d Battalion to vioinity of MAGNY EN VEnN
.. and held this position in the taoe of 8tubborn enemy resista,noe until elementa of
3d Battalion, 67th AR arriwd to reinf"orce them.
- 1st and 3d Battalions and ReooDDAiasanoe Company) plus attaohments,
00 - Lett OolWllll aDd resUlD8d the attaak early in the aorning.
2d Battalion, as leading element at lert OolUIID, atter overoomng initial
"ai_taDOe in the 't'1.cinity of JIOITAGJY Ell VIUII pushed rapidly forward to the vioinity
, at OH1UMOllT EN VEnN, where it .._ held up b! .. 814tt hOltile reaijtanoe at the river
orossing in that viohd.ty. .
. 1st Battalion. 67th.All pushed aor08S the _treua emir 8. bridge about ODe (1)
II1le We.t .of 'AY (Il7788) aIld seaured the bigi:& groUDd to the north. Regi_nt tollowed
tbe l.t Battalion, uros. ud 1RcmId to rtoiDi ty R8996.
3d Battalion. as part ot 00 "9- i1pt" Columa, ad_Med through I'LEURY and
ODPlI to the 'rioinity ot DBLUGB. BMm,y rest.,taaa.e .WUIU-t-ud At
rlltI8US-, .3d BRt-al1oil emount.red. lie&-.y e .,. H8lstanee. Town.... captured along
tiTe (6) tOaci Ilea guu, MTeral Ugbt vehiale. and T8ra1 priso.rs.
.. _-}-'_.....:........ ... ...:........ .. .. '"
, -<'
. .
51 August 1944. ......
Regiment (- 1st and 5d Ins and Ben Co.) plus attachments continued tne u1vrulce
asoo -B- Left Column and was delayed by poor roads anc:i reached the THERAIN RIVER
about noon light enemy resistance was met.
2d Battalion, as part of Left Column, advanced lDltil. enemy encountered at
BRESLES. Enemy was taken under fire and withdrew. Leading elements surprised a
-nebelwerfer- group at REMERARCHES and destro,yed it.
Lack of suitable crossing forced the Left Column to .follow the Right Column over
the bridge just north of VILLERS ST SEPULCRE. Left Column again turned north passing
west of BRESLES Totrard FAY ST QUENTIN to aboid the AT fire coming from vicinity BP:ESLES.
()ice past BRESLES, Regimental Left Column advanced rapidly via EULLES - C/.TILLION _
ANSHUVILLES - CANNES - WELLES where it bivouaced, outposted and roads
.for the night.
1st Battalion passed to DivisiGll P.eserve with mission of advancing between CC "A"
an the right and CC tlB- em the left. No enemy contact was made.
NOTE: This operation continued through 2 September 1944. liurther details will be
found in DBport, this HeadQ.uarters, tor month of' September 1944.
Breakdown. of enemy equipment and persamel losses claimed by 67th Armored Regiment
tC1r operations for the month of August 1944.
&1. I &1! I 3d :&1! I Ren. Co. Total
150Dm GlDl HOif. 0 0 6 0 6
liODm ROlf. 0 0 0 0 0
88mmGun 2 6 4 6
75mm Gun 2 5 2 0 7
- I
0 0 0 r 0 0
20mn Gun 5 0 0 0 5
5 .2 0 0 5
5Qom Gun 0- 0 0 0 0
17Dmn Glm 0 C
0 0
l.05mm Gun 0
0 C 0
4Qnm Gun 0 0
2 0 2
Gun, rocket 0 0
0 0 0
Bazooka 0 0 0 0 0
, ,
Light )I) 0 0
0 0
Caissons 0 0
0 0
AT Guns (towed) 0 0 1 0
JIlt VI Tanks 0 0 1. 0
Mk V Tanks 1 12 4 6
Mk IV Tanks 0 2 15 2
Ilk III Tanks 0 6
Half tracks 7 S 9
Trucks, large 6 51 19
AlDbul.ances 1. 0 0
Sedans 4
0 0 0
1/4 Tm Trucks 5
0 0 5
Motorcycles 0 0 2 7
Trucks, small 0 0 0 4
Volkswagen 0 0 0
Armd Cars 0 0 0
jrt;y Pieces 0 0 0 1.
..:. 10
, \
. _.
~ J i ''''''.
claimedby' 67th Armd Re'tt contfd.
1 . f
, ~ s t En. , 2d En. I 3d En.
I Ren. Co. ' Total
Mk II Tanks o
I 0 r 1
Bicycles o
I 0 I 185
o 185
Trail.ers o
, 0
o 2 2
Launcher, Rocket o o o 1 1
JDemy killed
, 15
r 575
Captured or wounded 50 I 385
.. /; ...
" ,
.. ...
I 0 \'
.._----r- ,_;""1<-::---. .---- ___.--.
,. --.-,-- - ... ,,
". .. ,....
Ottioo or the Dimi_
APO 252
15 oetobel" 1944
S'OBJICf. fran..itta1 ot Aftor Aotiol1 Report ot S'uborcUnflte Unit
to C..-zLd1llg Goneral. XIX COrpi.
APO .'10. lit. ArI9'
1. frauaittec1 herewith is .ftor .aetiOll .port ot 6fth Armored
.Cia. tOI" aa:ath or Sop'_ber. 1944_
'01" tho C__nd Goneral.
Uter AGtiOlll Report - e1th Araored Reg_at
370 (AG) 1st Ind.
HQ. XIX. COHPS, APO 270, US Army, 17 Oc t 44.
TO: CG, First US Army, APO 230, US Army.
For the Commanding al:
I (.. 4,c..{ jift.tH .
Lt. Col AOO
Adj utant Genera 1
"R/' .
i", .1 JP 0
' I , .., l' , \T' ,. ,
fl.. 0 : ,,'
Incl: oJ
... '- .. , . i After Action Report
67th Armd Regt (Quad)
- -
_. ,__ ...-..-. ._ _.. 1._-_."-"- __ .
.- ... "
.'.... ,.
APO 252. FOO'DUSTm H. Y., N. Y.
10 October 19JJ.
In general, the operations tor the 67th Armd Regt;. during the month ot
1944 was the advance, as part; of ccnBn torce. through Belgi_, Hol.land. and to the
1 67th A:iwl Regt. begaa. operations at O73OB as lett. co11all ot CCRBII in accord
ance with F.0. #2S. Force consisted ot Res:t-ntal Hq. and Hq. Co. 67th AR.; 2nd
Bn 67th AR.; let an 41st Int.; Co. nc
702 T.D. Bn.; with 62Dd F.A. Bn in support.
A.ctvance started from general vicinit7 FERRIERRES (S.W. lDll'DIDIER). InitialJ.
the attack was slolr in getting started due to enem.y AT guna covering the axia ot
adV&JlCe, aDi mortar tire. In addition, gasoline trucks d1d not get up to the
area in time to gas all tanka and vehicles, and this Caused scme delay in 2nd Bn
67th All being reac17 to move out. on time. P.rior to time ot attack, lst Bn 41st DF
was torced to move trcm their assembly positions due to heavy mort;ar fire 8Ii AT
gun". Advame elements moved out at 091 SB. They engaged the enelD strong-point
am forced him to withdraw. The advance progressed in good order, and when enem.r
was engaged by the advance guard, the column coiled ott the axis. In some in
stance. it was possible to see .the ccnBn rifPt column moving on our right. They
seemed to be the same type ot enemy as this force. In the advance, DI&1\V'
eDeIl' infantry were seen moviDg oft to our tlanks, and into the woods. Succeecling
elements were notifiec1. The enem.,y to the tlanks ottered no opposition and were
not pursued, as our mission was to advance and take the objectives prescribed.
By mid-da,y the column was advancing almost without. opposition. Axis ot advance
EN SANTERHE - FONTAINE LES CAPPY. At 14308, leading elements 2nd Bn began coil
ing up T1c:Ln1ty 455S65 (DOJa>IERHE) on order C.O. 67th AR. Received intormatioft
that right column had advanced about as far as this column, and were reported to
have reached ''UBP }ilase line on their axia, in the v1cinity A.SSEVILLER8. Ben.
elMnents working ahead ot advance reported on bridges crossing canal to our north.
They were also meeting eneDV opposition in form of road-blocks, and dug-in WaDtry
strong points. Ren. eleJDIm.s succeeded in clearing bridge suitable for our cross
ing, and took same prisoners. Column moved out again to crose CANAL DE LA SOI4ME.
Column cleared bridge at 2200B at 452602. Ren. elements had previousl de.tended
this bridge by heavy tighting, and cleared it .tor passage ot the armored column.
Column moved on and arrived in assembly area tor the night, at about 233<E
vicinity 534688 (HE. COMBIES). preparations tor attack next day were started
1mmediatel and Operational Memorandum dated 020Q45B was issued in place ot a
Field Order. Memo issued also showring areas and sections ot responsibility.
2 Sept,.: Regiment with same troops as on previous day moved outaga1n as left column
of CC"B" advance. Difficulty was experienced with getting sufticient F & L
up to the tanks and other vehicles, so they coufd be filled prior to daylight.
Due to the rapid advance, the supply route was long and much of the advance was
cross-country. Available F & L was distributed evenly', with priorit7 to the tank
and other combat vehicltfs. Shortly after moving out leading elements contacted
triendl,y Ren. elements. Order of march same as previous (see F.0.#25). Advance
ot column WaS almost without any enem.y contact, until ,mid-atternoon when leading
elements 01' 2nd Bn, Ren. Co. platoon and T.D. 's in advance guard engaged an
enemy column. Artillery was in support. 35 enemy vehicles knocked-out and approx.
1matela' 150 e.ae.m.y dead. Ren. elements working ahead, made enermy contact, but .
enemy forces were evidentl3' withdrawing ahead of our advance. .A.xis ot advance was.
generall7 initial area vicinity 534688 (HE CamIF,s) - BERl'IHCOURl' .. II>UVRES - nlCHY -
- - AUBICJrr - FRESSAIN - assembl1' area vic1l1ity 766008 (2 1/2
miles S.W. AUBERCHICOURT). Gasoline shoart:.age was becoming very serious. Reason
-1-' (J 'Y
was given that supply- was far behind the tront. Possibility that advance would have
to be stopped until the gasoline situation was normal. No g"cl.soline was available
at this time to refuel any of the vehicles. Tanks had an average of about 10-15
miJ.es operation left on fuel. OVerlay dated /J224I'/$ issued for defense of area for
the night 2-3 Sept.. 1st Bn 41st had been detached from Reg_ntal control and
moved up under CC"B" control.to take over defense ot river bridge at IlARCHIENNES.
:3 Sep:..: Regiment, less 1st am 3rd Ens., Rcn. and )It. Cos. remain ed same location with
orders to clear adjacent wooded areas and set up road blocks to our rear and take
the precautions to prevent infiltration through our lines by erLelq groups, Who were
kllOW'n to be to our South and West. These small enemy forces had been by-passed aDd
were attemptjng to get back through to the German lines. They were disorganized
groups, travelling mostq at night and hiding during the day. Gasoline situation
still remained critical. Defense plan was continued for the area.
4 Sept..: Regiment, less 1st and 3rd Bn., Rcn. Co., Mt. Co., remained in same location.
Maintenance of vehicles and rehabilitation of personnel ordered for the day. During
the night 3-4 2nd En 61th AR took about 15 P.W.'s, who had been in the woods
East of them. All road blocks were ordered to trepare necklace typs mines tar
quick use in event. of approach of enelI\Y vehicles. "I & R" Platoon, Hq. Co. made
several missions to the :f1anks to clear areas and pick up information. Friendly
French Marquis reported enell\Y group 1n the vicinity.
5 SeJi..: less and 3rd Bns., Rcn. Co., and Mt. Co. remained in same loca
tion conducting maintenance and preparations for resuming combat. Enough gasoline
received am distributed for about 60 miles operation.. Field Order #41 CC"B" re
ceived for operati0n8 starting 6 SeJ*.. RegWnt issued Field Order #25 dated 5
Sept;. for this 0J:eration.
6 Sept..: Regiment,less lst and 3rd Ren. Co., and Mt. Co.,with let Jan 41st Int.
1 Platoon 702 T.D. Bn. attached, and 78 th F.A. in support, advanced at (ffOCJJ to
wards East on route as the right column force ot CC"B". Axis ot advance
generall3 assembls area 76bOOO - AUBERCHICOURT - ABSCON - DENAlN - VALENCJENNES
CHASTRE - 870263 - to vicinity 908305 (vicinity ORBAIS). No eneIIV comact made.
Halt was made due to tanks running out ot fuel. Column coiled at about 1300 for
defense ani a.waited gasoline supJ>l. Refueling was later accomplished and head
of column moved out at 2000B. March continued with no ell8ll\V' opposition and
assemb13 area vicinity 906304 (mOREMBAIS; JI'. TRONO) was reached short.13 aft.er mid
night. Overlay designating area ot responsibility issued at 2<XXm. F.0. 1/26 for
o}.'erations 7 were issued at l700B during the hal. 1n the aft.ernoOD. No eneJV'
activity during the night.
7 Sept..: Reg1m!rt., less 1st and Jrd Ens., Rcn. Co., and lit. Co., with detachments as
stated remained in same area. Gasoline was not yet avail&ble tor 1'8
fuel.illg aJi was not expected untU aft.ernoon. Orders were issued to all suD
ordinate units to camouflage complete13 and take all around security measures.
Adjacent areas were to be cleared of possible enelD7. Road blocks already established
to be maintained. Enemy air was reported active and orders were issued to units
tor continuous air lookout. Several reports received by friend13 French ciyilja
ot groups in vicinity. C.O. ordered Rcn. and tank elements outl.but no eD8IV
were lDcated. Orders receivecl CC"B" th at same securit1lD8asUl'es woUl.Cl be maiD
tained in area overnight. Plans tor def ense submitted to CC''B". Alerted at 2.3JQB
for movement next dq, F.0. to tollDw. Also redeived report that triend:q infantry
(assumed to be 30th Int. Div) would be moving up on our rigbt during the nigbt..
CCIIIDalld No activity dur1ng the n.1gbt.
- 2
8 Regiment less 1st and 3rd Bns., Ren. Co., Itt. Co., withlst Bn 41st Int.,
platoon "B" Co. 17th Engrs., Platoon 702 T.D. Bn., and 78th F.A. Bn in support
or at 0806 as CC"B" right, collllln to advance to the north and east on
route prescribed to an initial 8ssembl area East of YORK. Route of advance
generall CR at 943344 - GLIMES - HUPPAIE - NODUWEZ - IJNSMEAU - LANDEN - sr
TRam - area vicinity 244552 (Regimental C.P.). Rcn. elements pre
ceeded column by some distance. Jlarch was normal, and no eDeDV contact made.
Just East ot St. Trond, several 1/4 tons belol'lgUlg to J..JJth Cav. Squadron and
2 TeD.'s belonging to 803rd T.D. Bn were passed. These vehicles had been des
troyed in combat and iii waa evident that UDits bad been in this
v1ciDity ahead of QI. Coharl closed in area about 1300B. Orders were issued
:immed1.ateJ,y for hmlediate diapersion, camouflage ot all vehicles, and air
look-oul; .Hel.g1an civiljans very tr1end17 during entire advance as on pre
viou Road blocks were sent out and cordiact made with adjacent troops.
Patrols were ordered out to Soulih and East tlank. (See F.0. HZ! tor opera
tions S Sept). lBt Bn 418t Int reverted to CC"B" control.
9 Sept.: RegimeDt leas 1st and 3rd &s., Ren. Co., )ft. Co., remained 1nnaam8 area
and set up detensive read blocks, Pltrolling and reconnausance. Adjacent
units contacted. Engr. Platoon "Bn Co. 17th EDgr. Bn. reverted to 17th Engr.
contro. T.D. platoon reverted to 702 T .D. Bn control. As other units ot CC"BtI
and D:H.iaion moved :into this vicinity orders were issued tor sectors ot re
sponsibUity aM ratrol. .. EneDV in vicinity, reported North ot the AIJ3ERT
CANAL. Dil:ision Ren. "Bn. "and other elements of the Division were -.king con
tact and reconnoitering for crossUtgs. No contact. No operations.
10 Sept..: Regiment same as on Sept. 9. Day s}:8nt on maintenance and rehabilitation.
Patrolling carried out during hours ot darkness.
11 Sept.: Regiment with same troops remained in bivouac. liaintenance and rehabili
tation continued.
1 2Sept.: Reg1mlnl; with same troops remained in bivouac. One medium taJlk Co. 2Dd
Bn 67th placed on one hour alert, and. one light tank platoon placed on 20 min
ute alert for possible movement.to the front to support 3rd Bn 41st Inf'. engaged
vicinity ALBERr CANAL. Received. orders at 16388 to send the light tank plat.
up to 3rd. .l:Sn 41st. Also the medium tank com}:aDl' was to iollow as soon as
poasiblJit. Tanks arrived to support Infantry at 221SB, but were not engaged.
C.O. al.erted Forward C.P. to be read1' to awe out; at 0800B 13 Sepl;. in til!
event of operatieu by eur tanks supporting the Infantry.
13 Sept.: Reghart. less 1st and 3rd Bns., Ren. Co., and lit. Co., remained in bivouac
morniDg 13 Sept on one hour alert. to move. Alerted to begin movement at 1430B
to new assembl1' area at vicinity 40552'7 (vicinity HCImROEK). Tentative opera
tional plane were to put 67th Taelc Force across bridge being built by engineers
onto the "Island" West of l4A&S'l'RICHl', the ATBERt' CANAL, and MEUSE river.
ljridge was constructed under enem.y tire at 545475. This plan was to be carried
out in COnjunction with a prorl.eional Bn. ot the l2Ot.h Int' (30th Int. Div).
The Provisional Int. Bn. hact alread1' crosaeci iDl;o the Southern pP.rt ot the
'IIsland". 67th Task Force was to cross and attack North on the West, abreast
ot the PreY. Int. Bn. and clean out the "Island", and secure croea1ngs tor
cenA", who wre tigbtiDc their wq East on the Barth sUle f4 the AI:aE9!l' CANAl
ce"A- .as -et.1I3& fierce eD8JD7 res18tance. Reg1ma1lt; was alert tar combat
to eDcute the CC." plan, and .aitins tor t1naJ. CCnB' F.0. Reg:1D8nt.
xw.1Ded OIl ODe hour alart. D1tt1culty at the bridge cancelled movement plaDa
tor the ciq. Ia the _aat._, the ProviaioDILl Infantry Bn. l2Ot.h Int. attacked
North up the "Islas" aa:l were well on the wq in clNn1ag the South halt of
eJl8JQ'. Onr],q 1.88" at 202<8 tar deteue ot the area tor the n1&bt, and
:1 ' "
,.. :
..- ) ,...
patroll1D&. Regiment remained in aase vicinity 405527 (East ot
for the night;. No o.-ration8.
14 Sept..: Reg:lmalt remained in a88embly area at 40552'lalerted for combat and awaiting
CC"B" Field Order for operationa. CC"B" Field Order receiVed in afternoon.
Keg:lmes iasued F.0. #28 at .l.6ooB. which na for the opeationa ot a 67th AR Task
Force to cross into the "Isl.aDd" and attack Nort.h abreast the l20th Int Pro
Tiaional Bn. Task Force composed ot 67th Aft less 1st and 3rd .tSM., Rcn. Co.,
" )ft.. Co., with "G" Co. 4lat Int. and one platoon "B" Co. 17th Engrs. attached.
Arrangement8 made to attach one medium. tank: platoon to 8UPport the Provisional
Intantry Bn. Information was received that the bridge would not be completed
untU next morning. No operations this date.
15 Sept.: le88 1st and 3rd Bna., Ren. and }.ft;s. Cos., with previous attach
ment. 8tamingby on l/2 hour alert. to move across bridge and attack North in
III8land" (See F.O. #28, l4 Sept). Bridge construction still going slow. 1201;h
Int. Provisional BIl. proceeding with the:1r attack t40rth up the II Islandll and had
cleared the IIIsland" to a point. East ot MAASTRICHT by 1300B. They were to con
tinue on without 67th Aft Ta8k Force. Est:imated bridge would be readJ' at about;
l6OOB. C.O. ordered leading eleMDts 2nd Bn. 67th Aft to move out at 15<X>.tJ to
C1'088 bridge. Regimental C.P.- moved to intermediate assembly area vicinity
K 473476 and moved out at 2030B to tollow Div. Artillery acrOS8 bridge. Regi
Dalt crossed bric:lge without between 2300B and 2400ts. Regimental C.P.
at 545500 about 1 l/2 miles S.W. IIAAS'l'RICH'l'. Unita alerted to be ready' to
move out at 0530B in the morning.
16 Sept..: le8s let and 3rd BA8., Ren. Co llt. Co.,with the 8ame attachments
moved at Q6oo,t; and closed in new area a t C1730B at K 598525. pa8Sing through
llAASl'RICH'l' 2nd Bn leading element8 had advanced to vicinity 625535 and
ed to reconaoiter tor a crossing over the GEUL river. .!:fridges had been blOll'll
aDd ell8lQ' were in detenaive poaitioll8 on North aide The terrain made it
vinuall3' impossible for anyone to approach to croas without being under ellUlT
observation and tire. Engineers decided. to throw treadW'ay across the double
stream at 639540 where original bridges were blown. Sa. delq was caused wait
ing for the engineer equipoent to arrive. The br:1tige construction waa done by
IIBn Co. 17th Engrs. arter the Infantry CompaDl" attached to 2nd .tlD (IIGII Co. 41st
Int) had secured a bridgehead. The Engineers worked UDder continuous mortar
ani art; Ulery tire, aM the bridgehead was not too great. 2nd Bn had tank
elements placed in strategic positions to cover the bridgehead, and was in
colltinuoua f:ire contact with the eD8JDT dug in on the North side. Air support
and art.ille17 support were directed on en... positions. This concentrated tire
Caused the eDem1' to start a withdrawal late in the afternoon and the air and
artUle17 support was continued. The air worked the targeta over continuouaq
aDd theSr support was excellent. At 1930B the Engineers had completed
the first bridge aM were able to on the second. l"irat bridge had a span
ot about 40 teet aM the second bridge about 25 teet. Complete bridge was
in tile earll' eveDiDg but it waa too late to IIOve &l\Y ot the tank
elaneDts across. .!:fridgeb.ead was held by the IntaDtr;y for the n1gbt
1t1th all other weapuB 111 BUpporli. Regimental C.P. remained at K 598525. ccnBn
F.0. #4S received tor operations on 17th Sept. Reg:lmeat d:lA not issue a F .0.,
butd:l.at.ribulied. the consn '.0. with a JD8JIOrand-, to C.0. 2nd Bn that one _eli.
tank compaq would remi.1n on our side ot the bridge a8 reserve, and would
move aero.s OIl order C.O. 67th AR.
17 Sept.: Reg:1me1lli les. 1st & 3rd Bne, Ren Co Mt. Co., with a_ attachmerxt.s pre
Pared to pub acree. the stNail aa:l attack tlw en.,.. Report received trca
C.O. 2Dd BIl 6'/t;h Aft at CIlO4B that Ren. was out teel1n& out the eDIIV aIJd that
--_." .- ---. .'.
_ . .....&:___ ..:..: . .. ... ..... .. .. ----.--:..
the tank elements were ready' to move across. The bridgehead area was still re
ceiving 170 to 24Qw eneJQ' tire. ,t 0826B the first of the tanks began moving
across. Rcn. out in tront was drawing considerable small arms tire. At
09OOB, 2 platoons ot ''E'' Co. medium ta nks were across and moving to their pos
itions for the attack. 'J.'he tanks moved out to cover the intantl7'. At 093(8,
one platoon of light. tanks were aleo across and moved to }rotect the flanks.
En.. was organ:1siDg a detenee along the RR tracks about halt-mUe
North ot the crossing. The attack advanced with the intant17 support
ing the advaree of the tanka. t;jy llOOH all ot "E" Co. was acroas and a short
time later, all ot ''B
Co. light tanks ( - 1 Plat.) were aCI'OSs. The tanks
had reached a line along the main road just South ot the RR tracks, at about
1145l:S. They were under constant en8ll\Y fire and had started to receive direct
tire !rom guns on the right fiar1k:. The air-ground tank was working with the
fonrard elements, and the fighter-bombers were doing an excellent. job ot
close-in support. ',l'he air was stratting and bombing the enem.y aa close as
300 yards trom our laading elements. The infantry' moved to the lett to clean
out woods on the lett flank of the advance. At 12000, C.b. 2nd Bn reported
that the elJ8ml' showed signs of withdrawal. At 12508, tank elementa had reach
ed the main eneDV detense line, am reporlied killing lII&I\Y eneDV during the ad
vance, alii taking q.te a number or prisoners. The advance was slow due to the
tact that :it. was necess&17 to do a lot ot mopping ip ot all houses and
ings before attacking on. Had. there been more ini'antry availab18, the attack
would have been able to Jrogress IDlI3h more The attacking force up to
this. time was composed ot : one Canpany MediUJ tanks; two platoons light tanks,
ani one COlllpaI\Y 41st Int., with the assault guns and mortars of Hq. Co. 2nd Bn..
67th AR, am artillery in 8Upp:>rli. By 1503B, 2nd Bn 67th report:.ed reaching
their objective, which was the high ground vicinity 644573. c.o. 2nd
Bn. reported that his force had shot up a lot ot ell8JDl' infantry, vicinity the
second objective. Regi.mBntal Forward C.P. DIOved to the crossing site and took
an O.P. on the top tloor ot a large hotel building, where observation on FO
gress of the attack was tairJ good up to the 18t objective. 2nd Bn 67th re
ported that they were consolidating on the 2nd objective, betore moving on.
c;.0. received order trom CC"B" to push the attack to objective 3, and secure
there. At 1735B, objective #3 was reached (vicinity KRUIS). Contact was estab
lished with CC"B" left torce, in this vicinity. Regimental C.P. and Headqu&rt
ersmoved to orchard at 630563. c.o. report.ed to CC"B" that force was conso]j,.
dating on objective #3, aM would secure for the night.. Contact was alread1'
established on laft aDd J8trols were out to cont.act ccnA", on the right. C.O.,
Bit Co. sem. light tank }l!ltrol to clear highway through RAAR TO MEEBSEN and con
tact friendlT troops there. Aft interesting may be mentioned at this this.
A determine. elWJV gun crew had remained in hiding, vic1n1t7 RAAR, and SOlll8
time after the attack had passed them, they set up their AT gun, and shot a
ntllJi)er ot rounds at the tanks and other targets, which are visible to thea.
Not one of their shots hit al\1fihing, and the gun was nuickq kmcked out by
our tank fire and art illery. 'the detense ot the area was set up tor the night; ,
aD:i road blocks placed. CC"B" F.0. #46 was received and copies P181Mt4 on to
the subordinate unita without. 1esu1ng a separate Reg1m.ental F.0., since the
attack was to be continued. No UDWnBl events during the DigbI;, ..ept; tor a
tn P I s taken.
lS Sept.: _ Reg:lment with 88118 orgaDisatioDB .. on prevloWl dq .t,arted the attack at
0655A, with a torce ot one Jl8di_ tank Co., 1 l.igIIt tank Co., and 1 Platoon
41st Int., UDder the control ot C.O. 2IId Sa 67th All. First objecti" tor the
day' was high ground at 66060S. F:irst ob .,ecti" was reached at, 08051, aDd
attack continuld. C.P. IIIQY8d up to y1c1n1t7 BUIS, where re88m
torce Was in u..m:q area. In oi"der to keep one _diaa taDk Co. iD l'Uern
C.O. 2nd Bn. alternated the two .edi\D CClilpanies trca 0.. objective to tbe
uexIi. Three el8.,. figbter planes Ca1D8 ewer, but; did DO damage. Reoonaa1saaDCe
- 5
was pushed out ahead to determine if bridge across stream, vicinity 678625,
was blown. Reports later indicated bridge could not be used. Reconnaissance
pushed to crossing at 668634, and this bridge tound to be intact. C.O. order
ed advance eleJl8nts to rout.e the attack over this bridge and then attack East
objective #3 (vicinity pur). Objective #2 taken at l5l8A, and reconn
al.Ssance pushed out.. iVoods in vicinity 2m objective were thorough13 mopped
up. Received information that our tighter-bomber support would be available
at about. 1645A, and. information reJ.a..ved to air-ground tank. Attacldng toree
on our lett. along same general line as our leading elements. Regimental C.P.
at l550A to move up to 682630 (2nd Obj.). 2nd Bn 67th Aft toree , bY'
thl.S time, lBd secured 3rd objective, and were appr;-oaching 5th objective, which
was .ilNTRAKEN. 4th objective, vicinity 705635, was visible from #3, .and 0b
served to be clear, am was covered by tlank ele_nts. At l620J., 2nd BD
67th Aft reported that he WaS ..DUng a patrol up ahead to objective #6 (7l5665
just inside the German border). ThiB crossed into German territory
shortly' later, ani was the first element ot the 2nd Armored Division to enter
uerman soil. Objective 5 secured at about. l6OOA, and the torward elements
continued to move on objective #6. Reg:t.ntal C.P. and Headquarl#ers arrived
new C.P. at 682630, at 1630A. Tank block was sent. back to secure and hold the
bridge at 668633. At l700A, C.O. 2nd Bn 67th AR reported that forward tank
elements had reached objective #6, ani patrols were pushing out to #7 ( Town
of WEHR, GERl4ANY). En8Jlt3' force seemed to be w:i1ihdrawing in front of our ad
vance. Several Xl gun positions had to be cleared out, and. most ot the oppos
ition was enem.Y infantry-, who were killed, capt.ured, or driven ott. (;.0. 67th
Aft ordered a securing force lef't on objective #6, and the advance to continue
.t'latoon of "B" Co. 702 T.D. Bn attached was ordered to move out to objective
#4, secure there, a.tl protect the right flank. C.O. 2nd Bn 67th Aft reported
an elllu1I3' force in the vicinity JABEEK, to the right ot theadvance. 2nd Bn
succeeded in tak1Dg objective #7 (WEHR) at aboul; 1900A, and secured there,
after cutting the main highway SlTTARD - GANGElll', with road blocks. Situation
for the remained as to11011's; a holding force was lett on objective 5;
a security force was left to bold objective #6, and the remainder of the combat
ferce secured objective #7. The T.D. block was moved up to secure GROOTDOIIIJWJI,
and one tank section was sent to secure the CR at RAAT, and w:a:Ui
for a contacting toree frcm CC"A" to make contact there. 'rOll. posit:1ons vicin
ity WDm, enemy vehicles and horse-drawn guns or carts could be heard, and
artillery fire was placed. 'l'mre was some sniper fire in WEHR. Civ'J 1'Jans
occupied the tOllfn, but rema1nsd in hiding. ReB'1-ntal C.P. rema1necl lIlorcbarA
at 682630, for tilt nighl;. ccns" Field Order 1147 received late at night. , with
plans for our '.1'ask Force #1 to seize aDd secure objectives 18 (Borth edge ot
woods at 79CJ740); #9 (GANGEl!l'); alii #lJJ (H.ASTENRATH). 1st Bn 41st AIR, which .
had been in combat in the drive on SMARD was to be relieved and move to WBHa
(objective #7), aDi come under Task Force 11 control there. Rep.ntal OYer
la1' 1ss.d at 19Qle.OOA covering the plans tor attack tor 19 Sept. GeMrau.v,
2nd 67th Aft was to contiJlue holding present ground aDi attack 1'4orth through
the woods to secure objective #8. lst Bn 41st AIR upon arrival at WEHR would
attack generalJ.,y East down the WEHR - GANGELT road, dropping ott a torce t. taka
HASTENRA'l'H, on the way. No WlU81Bl occurrences during the n1gbt. 2Dd Sa 67th All
called for arliille17 fire on various e JDOYemeaI;s heard 1D the wocb tenrd8
objective #8, bat tire was DOtobservecl. ED8IIl' &1't1lle17 was tair:" active clur1D&
the day, but otfered no serious trouble. 00"'- on our richt had progressed. te
a line a little ftorth of the OORSBEEK - HJi!&RlBN h1ghwq, and tt. right tlaDk at
'task Farce #1, as sc:aewhat exposed.
19 Sept..: Infantry Co. (-G" 41st AD), with 2nd Bn 67th Aft j-J*l ott at (1100A. to
attack North through the woods aa:l secure objective #8. BaaIII' resistance was
_ almest iDaec1U.tel1'. F.ELeIv was well dug-in lAd ,used clHp world War 1 t;rpe
trenchea. Iloat:t, ..11 a1"II8 and 80M III tire. C.O. 2nd _ 67th reported tbat
a frieDd13 JBtrol had OWl" frca 1& J1Il 67th, operat1q v1c:1nti;y 8lftJBD
ard had made coat&et at WDIIl. At J.OaIA heaV7 .... artUlery luIdecl bet_en
objectivea 6 aai 7. 30 P.W.'a were taken, vicinity IA.B. ot Objective #6. At
117 .
.... ....
1115A infantry had onl,y advanced t. Sout.h edge of woods and entire vic1nitT WaS
receiving heav'7 enelD3' a!"tilleIT. Radio contact was establiahed. with 1st Ba 4l8t
Int. as thaT were approaching WEHR. C.O. 1st Bn. 41st AIR was iDstructed to _et;
U.O. 67th AR in wmR, to go over attack plana. lBt 4lst WaS delayed scme in
JIOY1ng to as they had to pass around South of SITTABD in territory that was
taken, but not yet cleared ot the eDelV. Cd:> plane ordered up to locate the
ell8JlV' artille17 poait1one tiriag 011 us. At ll30A the Wantry had made some pr0.
gress. ''(he el8l7 was showing s18ne of w:l:ttdraring. All, supporting weapons were
being called tor to help the attack. At l43OA, lst Bn 4lat AIR was nearina WEHR
ari C.O. 67th Aft nnt tonard to contact them. received that (;C"J,"
I ,
on OUl" right ... nearing their objective, which was about. 1 mils East of GAtOEUr.
I C.O. 67th AR ordere. one medium taDk platOQD to advance towards GANGEI:r frail
.." iVJ!Bl ari to cont,inue until e .,. contact was made. This platoon did not get tar
betore it was engaged bT the elll8lV, 111 the 1ft)ocls near StETJmSEET.. Regimental
C.P. JIIOV8d to 1705651 (WlR'l'RAKEI). lst!:m 41st Int. starled advance East f'rQlll
WBm at abo\& lh2!/A, and ran into road-blocke in the tom ot trees tel.led. across
the road. ',l'he. blocks were by-passed. In tbl JIIIIanliil8, the 2nd !In 67th Aft
attack on objective #8 was progreesig sat1stactoriq, ard the Want17 WaS be1q
reWorced by tank ele_alis. jjY 1800A the Intant.17 and one medium tank UOiI.}lIUJ1'
bad reached the Borth edge of the woods and were engaging a group of e1'l8JQ' heaV7
cal1ber gWI8 te their front, with the artille17 supporting. Objective #8 was
consolidated. At 1800A J.at; sa 41st J.nt reported that they had reached GAlIZU'
(Objective "9) and had sent. torce to secure HASTENRATH (Objective #10). At
1955A objectives 119 &J'I1 IIlD were secured and outpctsted. At 20l2A, objective
#8 Was seCUl"e. lst Bn 4lat sent; towards objective #8 to make contact.
2nd lSn 67th All had visual contact with tr1sDllq elements of the lett. (let BD 67
Aft with Task ',Force 12) aut selll; 11 p,.trel over to make contact at TWDEBIi. Re
received that Task Force #2 OIl our left. hac:l secured their objective IIBIt
(JaUEH) and nCR (high ground v:i.ciDit7 72C1105). 1st BA 41st IDt established
contact on the r1ght at 2035A. All objectives were secured tor the night. r.o
unusual eveni;s during tor a large nlJDber ot planes believed to
have been friendl.y bombers, Plssed overhead going
20 Sep;.: Reg1meni; received CC"B" Fiald urder #48, ordering the relief ot Task Force
III by elements of Division Rosem. lst dl 41st; bad been reintorcecl in GARGII.:l'
by one madi_ t&Dks troa 2Dd lID 61th AR. Upen reliet 2Id Dn 67th Aft and
1st BIl 4lat Ult would Poss rr. 67th AR control to Div1sion Resem contrel, and
1st; &ad 3rcl DU. 61th Aft would c... uader Regimental control. Reliet .... effect
ed. ab01& l200A and 61th All was relieved ot tbl connaDd ot the sector by OO,oo"B".
Upon examjnatioll ot Jart ot the battlaground North ot ma, it was discovered that
quite a number ot e.... art.1ller7 gUD8 had been kDocked 0&, aDd appl"GJdaate:q
187 e .,. dead were counted. UDder pl"OYUioDS .r CCIIS" F.O. 148, Ilop.nt, less
2ad i;;Il, w.. to ..s_18 in CC." as.OJIbq area, v1c1Dit7 n.DII4II:M (I680S48) &8
by \lCltB" werlay attached, prep-red to exploit a break-thro\1lb.
Division break-through agaiAst. LIRE). 1st andd 3rd a.. .,yecl ..par
atel3' to new area. Reg_ntal Sq. and Bq. Ccwpa"l' JIOYftd rr.. lecatlon at wna
TRAJOiiR J4O()A over rose WIHTllAKlQI - BJ at 6786'13 - S... _ aiA te
- KLIGDUIlU1' - KRUIS - SCJIJWIRT - AAl.B1iR - BllMAJDQI;. - Hr!D - Roga.Dkl
lecation at K683546. 1st J:Il assSlbq area v:1c1D1t7 )[682547; 3m Ba a___
bq area v:ic1D1tT 1692561, ReD. Ce. vicildt7 DOUBEIX (1705548). Ile,:1Mr&al
Headquarters arrivecl D8Ir area at 1552H. Colltil11J8_ a1r.leokout _1ata1aed ..
march. No unusual events c1ur1na the march. celli".rd.erecl 4 react bCk. t. the
North, placed 1a 67th AR sect.. d\11"1Dg hours of .e UDSual ..,.nt.
. ,
during the n1sbt. Ie .,...t1oDa
;J; 2l Sept..: Rep-at, leu 2Dd BD 1D biyouac :l.A __ areaa. Ma1&eDaDCe aid
rehabUit.at1oD start.ed. ,Beacl blAlou ap:iA .rclered. o. at. Ne epera
tions. J, I11IIiMtr of reUll4a et Jarp cal1ber eMiIIIIF .. la...., _ vic1D1t7 dur1atc
............._"_.. ,, ., ...
the night. &\l1eved to have been ccm1.ng from German Railroad gun near
GEDJOO<:DWHa. No damage resulted.. No operations this date.
22 Sept.: Reg1ment remained in bivouac area same location. CC"B" F.0. #49 re
ceived. designating a Task Force to be under cOllllDaJ'Jl ot C.O. 61th AR to be
on one hour alart. to move to resist any possible ene". counter-attack from
the Nerth or East. issued F.O. #29 for operations ot the Task
Farce. Jleeting or C.O.' s ot all. organizations ot Task Force was called. by
C.O. 61th AR. Troop! in Task Farce were 61th AR Hq. &: Hq. Co. J 3rd Bn 67th
AR; 1 3rd tin 41st AIR ("I" Co.); Co. "B" 702 T.D. Bn.; Battery "A"
78th !FA Bn.; Co. "A" 82nd Rcn. Bn.; Platoon Co. "B", 17 Engr. Bn. Reg1ment
conducted. extenaive maintenance during NO operatons tor the day and
DO unusual events during the night.
23 Sept.: RegiMnt (-2nd Bn) remained in I!I8JDe area conduct1Jlg maintenance and pre_
par1Dg tor cClDbat. Reconnaillaance conducted for assembll' areas in which to
move Task Force, in the event ot Task Force operation. overlay dated
iesued to units of Task Force showing assemb13 areas and route. No operations
tor the dq. 140 unusual events during the night. C.O. received a tentative
plan trcm ccnBn tor the coming operation.
24 Sept.: Reg:t.nt; (-2nd Bn) realained in 8IUIIB location prePiring tor combat and
alerted tor poss:1bla mov..1di under Task Force CClllJDand.. Reg:1ment issued a:
Teldiative F.O. dated 24 Sept based on CC"B" tentative F.O. dated 23 Sept. fa-
the comiDg operation ot exploiting a break-through by the 30th Infant.ry Division
through the SIEGmoo LINE. Copies issued to subordinate units together with
poss:1bla plan. No operations for the day and no unusual events during the nigH;.
2S Sepl;.: Reg:lmeldi (-2nd Bn) remained in S81118 location prepared for combat. Task
Force organization remained on one hour alert.. No operations tor the day and
no unusual everdis during the night.
26 Sepl;.: Reg:lment (-2nd Bn) remained in same location prepared for combat. Task
Force organization remained on one hour alert.. Enemy planes over short.13 atter
dark, but did not attack. No operations tor the day and no unusual events
d\1l'ing the night.
27 SePi.: Reg:1mlnt (-2nd SA) rema1Dad in same location prepared for combat. Task
Force orgaDization r.ained onone hour alert.. operations tor the day and
.. unu-.l eveDlis during tb.e night.
28 Sepl;.: Reg_at. (-2nd. Bn) remained in s.- location. Task Force organization
NllBined en 0118 hour alert. status. 140 operations tor the dq and no unusual
events during jabe n1&ht.
29 Begu.DIi (-2Dd BA) remained in sa. location prepared tor ccm:iAa oper
at1Gn. Task Feroe organisation reained on one hour alert. status. Secret
Operation )lamoram_ received !rca 00 liB" designating 1st Bn 61th AR and Rcn.
Co. 61th Aft to lIW'e to .. assembJ, area tor the cGIIdJIg eperat:lana under
cens" control. o. platoon lIB- Co. 17th EDgrs. c_ under Reg:J.ntal control
aJXl was attached t. 3rd BIl 61th AR. No operations tor the da7 and no unusual
events during the DiiPt.
30 Sept;.: Reg1ant, less 1st and 2nd Bns., Ren. Co. and. )It. Co,; with Platoon "B"
Co. 17th Eqr BIl. attached remained in same 'location prepared tor coming oper
atioaa. CCIlS" FUld Order ISo received at' 1900A tor the attack aDd exploit
atioa ot t .. break-tbre1l&b b7 t.he 3Ot;h Int&Dtiry Division through the SIEGftUED
LlNE. 61th All, le8S 1st and 2nd BIl., Rcn. Co., 'and Mt;. Co.; with 3rd Bn 41st
1Jll(-"I" Co) ,platooa "B" Ce. l?t,b EDgr. Bn at.t.ached and with ODe plat..
- ~ -
I .-
.' . .
- - ~ -
__ I
nBn Co 702 T.D. Bn in support 11'&8 designated as Task Force 1. Reg:1memal F:lald
order #30 issued at 2000A to subordinate organization- -By ftrbal order CG,
CC"B" one battelT 78th !FA Bn was to jo:iD Task Force 1 cohal enroute. No oper
ations for the cia,. aDd. no UIlUSWll events during the night.
- .
( ~ f )
- -
. ,
_", ':.
i% I
,t---- Fir:'o----
Road "A"
Lt. Lee .
: Fire at 1510
a.s8d Fire 1630
De.troyed Vehicle Block!'ng Road
Direction of U.S.
otor1zed Col
which Preceded Ell
... ColUJBD.
COYered Genan Wi thdra 1
( ot Drawn to Scale)
(Inclosure 1)
__ Intel1ir.:ence -#1835, 9Se, 30 .ar 1945
(, __ ,,::- .... ..,.,f''''''
0- - "'"" .......
J , .: .': .' " "4 V
Technical Report
SUIJeCT fInk - archie.. FraDOe
MO, 1'1;. D2nIPlA,. Utah REPORT NO_._ .. ___DATE SO March 1946
THEATER OF OPERATIONI__ _________________
SOURCE: W11118 ,.- Salth. Lt. Col., ArIIored Foroe, ASH 0-24315&, aened aa ooa
.uadlDC otr10er ot .. let BIl., 87th Armd. Regt., 2nd Armel. D1v., attached to
the let in combat aalnet the Germane until January 1946, returned ae a
__1010_1 officerJ preaeD'tq realding at 180"1 5th Lo, Ange1ee, Ca1itor-
SUMMARY OF REPORT: Baled upon perlona1 experienoe ooamaDding offloer ot the
1.10 Battal10D. 81th Armored Regiment, 2nd I,raored DivialOll, Source deaoribed
0.-10 operat1ona againlt the OIl 2 Sept_ber 1944 at Orabiea, France, in
*ioh 128 Yehio1ee ot the enemy were destroyed without the 1081 of any perlormel
or vehlolel in our toroel.
__ . _, ..._ ____________________________....J
.. (21; - (5); OperetioDS iJivision, WDGS - 12+;
C &G School* -
L-__________________________________________________ __
Enclosurea: 1 - sketch
,. .... _---------
h .
, ,A
Souroe atated OIl 2 S.pt....,.. 19M.. tho let Ba1;taliOll. ot 1Ib1ob. be ... aadsne
ottlow .. prooeed1Dg dam RoM "'A" (a.. Batoh, 1Dcla.ure'l) with the ate.aion
or tuna1Jag left OD load "B". A. the battaliGD roaohecl :he iae....ot1.GIl. 1.ta tol'WUd
prog......... halted by the aw..... of a -'arued oolUIID of the 1JD1.1;ed state a UWtf
Which .. prooe8cti.ng north on Road "BII aDd t\ll"lWai ri..pj; OIl Ro&cl nC". Souroe.. vpoIl
ob.enill& thi... ordere4 h1a UD1t to tUI"IL aroUDCl CD IoU A" ud. prOoHcl back to.
Road. -an.. 1Bm'1De along Road "a"'.. a dirt road.. towaN th8 tc.l pt archi....
Frace. At a poiDt & abon d1.tanoe tria Orohie... PraDOe. 80ur0e fta1te4.... ....
tal10n rm6 8eDt platO<lll ot t&Db oODll8ilded by Lt. Lee to reoCIIIDo11;er t_ tClllm..
Approximately 5 mnut after the fir.t 001.... heel tUl"DlCl ott
Road 1IB" 011 to RO&ci "C". a Gera.n ':aGtorlaecl oolwm tollG1MCl OIl Road "B". It ...
Source'. op1n1.anthat the oolwawu retreat1D& t-.N. Liep.. ,....... .. aDd
... 1u a ......t coat_eel oGll41tlOD. 80ur0e OHWYM that the ...... be4 Dft 111;
O\d; "aDDed guards to reoODD01ter RCMUl nAn 01" lload. "en aD4 wall apparentq '..-ret
of tt. ...rioan Foroe. OR Road. ..c.. aDd Road "F}f.
. .... :
o....nd1& the ,let Intantry Ar.aoI"ecl ReCt..mt to 1Ih1ob t_ ,ln Ba1J
talion of the 67th Anaored Rec1atDt 1IU attaohed, ha4 r mdDe4l at the 1aterMOtiOD
ot Road A" aDd Road "B" 'tIben the l8t had r ....rMd. It. ooune. Co1..1
'U1nd .. ill.a hldd.n position otf:t,.. ,1Dt;erM01:1Gl u4 obHrn4 the ..or1Mcl
colUlMl PUB by. lie t..diat.l,. DOtif'iM SCNI"Oe the ...... atpr"'.
ordered Lt. Lee to hi. platoon Dear the jUDOtioa the' raU,ria.4 mel I.oad
"B" 1d.th b1.t1,r.e pcMIer -dlreottJid. dOWll. tbf
d.e'tuhecl ,... 'be .rear. ... Roacl 1Dt .. '"
. Roacl ",.- .Dd,Road "8" ,to pNftm; &11)'. the .
the OIMNI a. they _r. detilade 0Il1dle41.rt. ', ..
.. 1600. the fiN aga1ut the !tie ...., ,'.
.. at:t..,.,tad to. t\U'Jl a1! Jloa4 "P" .in aD attempt; to orOll. :tl"llOb .
&D4 ,.thu get 00UDt17. wdt
ht,cle. croa.u.g the .demoli.he4 ....t.;.
aeoondaJ:7 of t!.le...., 001... ..
road track loolc'1Dc tor .. pIaCM to oro... It 1. to be Doi;ecl 1:II&t ... railroU traok
.... a plly &lid that ,the oould be oZU,.-4 ..
illbeNeotecl it. !he tanka lDSouroe'l battaUOD.... t1r.1Dc at ia..lUp- ot
to th8y MeNl i;o . .w. Mr0l8 tho cpn,fleid.
unit,wh1ob by 'bhl. tt. ... traw...cl-.1h.Ge1'2!UlU
.ehie1.... att8lllPted to hide ,to the
ti... of. oW" machine guna thea down. 'l'ba Gel'lllalla ticl ..tteapii to eet up.
two oS's, but _r. "'.1' aucoetul in firlDg a 1:"0UDd.
Thi. aCtion tor ODe IltId bo.-a. tho 1ut IhOt'beiuct1red ..
A oh.ok-up aft.r the action NYealed tha'b 128 ....., ..-.hiol ..,.. .. .
........1:.1. ,,_,
aud ,two hOtdtseraf .. ...
_zoe taDn and.. turDed OYer to the .Free FrelJCh in thetOllD' or .Orch1... J'r.anCe., !here
_re ,oa8ualt1e. in oUr un1'b, ei'bber uumi p.,ra011lWl '
SoUrce obaerved that the eDeJQ' in thia part10ular .......ral
r.atpeota. They had no adYance. &\Iarcis . the ..,QUa, thelr voi--
tiona wereap!\8.roritly poor, securit)r p.......- a ...qrpna
attack such a8 this. . .. .
. . ' .. " ..'
'....... , I'
'.:-. /. .. /' '.' I \- ,. :.
( f .... " '..
I "...,,.," /,.( ., I .' ....' , , I' '.1 ..
, ..... ,/t ...*'........"" u"''-l_.
',,'. LTJCY j';." ....;"
. 'Infantry //
Encutlva O!'ficer."
"". J V
. ..
3 November 1944
The operations for the period 1 - 31 Oct. 1944 can be divided into 3
t 1 - 3 Oct: for operation against SIEnFRIm LlNE.
4 - 7 Oct: Operations through the SIEGFRlED LIRE.
8 -31 Oct: Detense ot sector l& ot UBACB, Gl!mLANI.
1 Oct.: 67th A1wl Regt" less let and 2nd Bns. and Ren. Co., remained in the viciD
it:r 1682547 (JO.DQ4EN, HOLLAND) on a one hour alert to move into coni>at against
the m::m.J'RlED LIKE. less detachments and plus attached troops was
,to operate as directed in CCnB" F.0. #50 and Regimental F.0. #30.
TbM.,,(eroe .asdes1gaated as Task Foree #1 with Troop list and Jlarch order as
.... Guard: Furnished by 3rei En 67th AR plus one plat. ''B'' Co 702 TD
BIl. attached.
11&111 Bo<V': 3rei Bn 67th AR(-) plus "I" Co 41st Am, and lat Plat liBIt
Co 11th Engrs., attached. "A" Battery 78th !FA Bn (joins
column at K57681O), Fwd C.P. and COllIIBIld Group 67th AR.
3rei Bn 41st AIR (- Companies "GU and II I" ), Hq. Company
67th Armd Regt.
The mission of Task Force #1 WaS to move on order, cross the WURJ4 river
at MARIENBURG em. prepared bridges and attack through the 30th Int.., Division
and sieze objectives indicated through the s:rIiGFRIED LINE. The attack was
to move generall3' through UBACH, GERMANY. The entire assault on the SJ::EDiA
FRIED LINE was to be preceeded bY' a saturation bombing by the Air Corps OD
an area just East of the WURJl river and South of GEIlENKIRCHr.::N, Task Force
til was to move from. assembly area vicinity KLIMMEN along the route KT.TJ.6MEN
- WAUBACH" RIMBURG, UBACH. Th e operation had been scheduled to
si""art the morning of 1 Oct. 1944. At 0800A Regiment received infonnation
that there would be a dela.y due to bad f13'ing weather and Task Force #1
.as relieved from alert status until 0600A the following morniDg.
2 Oct.: Task Force #1 remained in same location on one hour alert to move to
attack after 0600A. Placed on one-half hour alert at lOOOA. Large number
of medium bombers passed over the area during the morning towards the sat
uration area. RegjJnent received infor mation that the 30th In!. Division
would begin their attack at llOOA and that Task Force #1 would foJ.l.ar on
order, as soon as btidges were completed and the 30th Division had estab
lished a bridgehead deep enough to bring the armor across. At 1700A Task
Force #1 was taken off alert status to be prepared to move next morning
from 0500A on. . At 1930A this was changed unt i1 0800A next morning.
:3 Oct.: Task Force #1 remained sane location and was placed on alert status to
move at 0800A. EleJDlHrt,s of the 30th Division that Task Force was to folJ.ow
were meeting considerable resistance. Information received that the eneJD1'
was well dug-in with large numbers of "bazookas". BY' llOOA the ll7th Inf.
Regt. <30th DiT) were mopping up in PAlENBUBG. Bridge across WUlU( River,
East ot J4ARIENBEHG was in but. not strong enough to carry tanks. Task Force
#1 was ordered to be prepared to change route from. WAUBACH through SCHER
and cross the bridge constructed East of 1lARIENBERG, follaw'ing Task
Force #2. It became evident that Task Force #1 would. not be able to cross
- 1
(Atter-Action Report tor Hq. 67th Armd Regt. Page 2)
em 3rd. Oct. Alert status was called ott. In the late afternoon orders
were received that Task Force #1 would move to the attack with head of
Advance Guard to pass SCHERPFBSEEL at C1700A morning ot 4. Oct. Orders
were issued to all Organizations Task Force #1 and Regimental I.P. t:im8
4 Oct.: AdVance Guard. Task Force #1 crossed IP vicinit7 KI.TVUEN at 0535A
and proceeded along route previouslT designated to cross the l4ARIIilmUBG
bridge fol.lowing Task Force #2. llc:wemem. was very slolr as ele.,nts cross
ing ahead were noli JDBking good progress. 3rd. an 67th AR plus 'attachments
was ordered to continua and proceed through PAIaBtJRG towards the
1st objective. Regimental C.P. and Headquarters went :into assemblJ' area
at K828600. 3I'd Bn 41st AIR( -) was ordered to assemble vicinity
SBZL ana to move d1amounted across through PA.lENBERG and to go into an
assemblT position iA the Sout.h part of UBACH viciDity K865590. B.at1re area
vicinity b:bidge, PAIDBElG, aDd UBACH was under constant ell8llV artillery
tiN. The eDellPI' intam.ry had not been entirely mopped up a.ad were still
iJ1 large groups on the East eDd of UBACH. By mid-dq the 3rd :an 67th was
t1&htiag throup UBACH with the aission of tald.ag objective #1 which was
the nigh ground about. one mile East of (1885590). The 2nd BA 67th
All in Task Force #2 was also across and was attacking general.lT North irca
UBACH t(Wf&rde Task Force #2 tirst objective, which was the high ground
rl.ciAit7 187060S. 3rd Bn 67th Aft was Nceiving direct tire as the
leading e__=s were breakina out.o UBACH objective 11. C.O.
Task Force 1F&S forward with C.O. 3rd Bn and. it was decidecl to have the
tanks attack in 3 columns towards objective #1. This entire bridgehead
area was c:iongested with vehicles, troops, and houses and it was 1mposs1bla
to maneuver. Objective #1 had to be taken at all costs in order to re
lieve the bottlaMck and al.lGlr the fou.c.-U troops to PLss throush UBM:B
and attack. All 3 attacldng forces or 3rd. Bn 67th Ali had jumped oft b7
13301 against fierce 8D8V rea1stanc8. At l400A - aft. attacking' torce
ot tanka had broken tllitoup and reached a v1c1A1t7 18'74595. '!'he
at,her two tank forces ot 3rd Bn 67th were attack1ag S oat ot UBJCR with
the miaaion of sw:tnpng back toward.e the II em objecti" #L At ]""Ol'
C.O. 3rci BD 67th AR reported that attacking torces advaac:J.ng S bad gain
ed abo,* Four _d1ui1 tank8 ot the 3rd III had been-lost 111 action
up to this t_. At lSOOl the 3rd an 4l8t AD(-2 Coap&D1e.) -bad -reached
their as"'1I' area in the Sout.h pari; ot UBACH &D4 preparicl to
the aciYaDCe, of tbe twa 011 order Task Force /11 cOllDlDder. At. 1.6l8l C.O.
3rd Bn 67th .All reported the leac:l1Dc eJ..e.nts had almost reacb8cl the Korth
South main road about 1000 J8l'd8 East ot UBACR -aDd are f1&ht1D& on to
wa.rd8 the first objectin. BT 17SOl the 3N Bn 67th a bad taaa the 1st,
objective aDd were ordered to consolidate aDd holA that poa1t1aD tor the
zd&bt'. Task Forc. 11 C.P. aDd Headquarters JIIOA4 by _'] aroupe t'rca
SJlBRPENSL &ad clDeed at 1863592 (UBACS) at -lSSSA. coa:t.act .... _de bY'
3rd Bn 67th AI 1r1tb task Foroe 12 OIl the. cc.- are to COD
tinua the attack at (flOOA of 5 Oct. .,ut Fone r1 ... to attack
the h1gh gI'OUDd YioiDit,. 1887605 iD1t1all7 &Del tbta t.o .-cure objeot1'n
113 (high. groUDd T1c 1903610). ftalcl Ord8r '31 iI4 at 2l3Ol tor attack
D8lLt dq, :ma III 4la ,*-2 Coapurl.) ... .mMI 1:Q) With 3rd lID 67th a
em objectift '1: to'Mlp belcl tbe gro1IIII. !be. pa.ral plaD tor the tou.
1Dg da7'" \bat b_b!uk Forces 118114#2 wo1l14 001&1-. to attack. lA
67th 8 iDee.. woul4 be .vM throwlti 'UIWII t.o attack in a
sector t .... * Nt__ the ta fa. Pero... CC'- ... to be coa
dted t ...... t.be tbe Idpt of !uk r..11. .r.r... _
!h. riAiaD,. of U.!uk , ... C.P. rl 1peel 1IIlCIIIr coast....]]1'18
throqbcntt the Jdabt.
," )' ..
. f
I ......
(After-Action Report for October, Hq. 67th Armd Hegt., page 3)
5 Oct.: Task Force #1 prepared to continue the attack. 3rd Bn 67th AR report':'
ed ready to attack at WOOA. 3rd Bn 4 1st AIR(-2 Cos.) were to remain on
objective #1 and hold. that ground. At 0700A 3rd Bn 67th Aft moved out with
"I" Co 41st Inf in close support. The leading elements met strong e n e ~
opposition almost immediately from the North. Enem,v tanka were also moving
down from the North. Report received that 1st Bn 67th All was moving through
UBACH at 09001 prepared to attack towards WAURICHEN on the left of 3rd Bn
67th AR. Fierce enemy opposition started from the North and East which in
cluded AT guns, S.p. guns, and a few tanks. Enem.y artillery was heavy mak
ing it almost impossible for the Infantry eomJ:8llY' to keep up with the 3rd
Bn 67th Aft tanks. Visibility was poor and the gwmers could. not locate the
enemy gun positions. At 0940A the leading elements ot 1st Bn 67th Aft moved
up on the left ot 3rd Bn 67th AR. Jrci Bn was unable to advance at l200A
due to territic enem.r artillery tire and the e n e ~ direct fire coming from
the NE. The direction of the attack of 3rd Bn 67th AR waa changed towards
NW to take advantage ot the ground. By 1345A the leading elements had ad
vanced to K8856lO and were engaging the enelDJT guns and tanks. The leading
ele.menta ot eC-A" were also moving through UBACH towards BEGGENDORF and
area to the BE ot UBACH. The attack waa pushed relentlessJ,y and by 1430A
the hading elements ot 3rd Bn 67th AR had almost reached. objective #,.
(high ground vic. K8966l2). The 1st Bn 67th Aft had been placed under com
mand ot Task Force #1 at 1300A. At 153M e.O. 3rd Bn 67th withdrew his
leading elements trom objective #3 to take advantage of the terrain. N"ine
(9) medi1lll tanks ot 3rd Bn had been lost up to this t iDle and it was not
practical to hold on the 3rd objective with the remainaer ot the force.
Infantry could not. give close moving support due to the terrific e n ~
artillery concentrations. 1st Bn on the left was also unable to advance.
As soon aa ee"An had cleared through objective #1, 3rd Bn 41st AJR(-2 Cos.)
waa ordered to move up to support the advance ot 3rd Bn 67th AR. Fierce
tight ing continued the entire remainder ot the afternoon with maneuvering
torces working continuously to locate and knock out the enem.v guns and
tanka. At 1700A the attack was ordered to halt in order tJlat positions.
could. be consolidated tor the night. The general line was 1st Bn 67th AR
OIl the left. and 3rd Bn 67th AR on the right, ext.ending !'ran K874608 to
K882S95. Just previousJ,y to this time a last eftort was to be made by
both 1st and 3rd Bns 67th AR, but 1st Bn 67th AR was unable to reorganize
in t:1me. Heavy friendly artillerl .fire was placed on the en8ll\Y positions
whila the elements ot Task Force #1 consolidated the positions for the
night . It was planned to continue the attack next morning to take object
ives #3 and WAURICHEN with three attacking forces; lst Bn 67th reinforced
. with intant17, to attack on the left J 3rd Bn 41st AIR reinforced with tanks,
to attack in the center; and 3rd Bn 67th AR re:i.ntorced with :i.ntantry to
attack on the right. Task Force issued Field. Order #32 at 1930A for the
attack next day.
Task Force C.P. vicinitT remained under constant enemy artillery fire.
The tollolriDg tank los"s were reported. tor .the day's caobat:
lst Bn 67th Aft - 1 light and 9 medium tanks.
3rd Bn 67th AR - 9 _dium tanka.
6 Oct.: Task Force #1 attack started at C1l35A with artille17 concentrations.
Visibility continued to be poor. ,rd Bn 67th tanks moved out at OSl8A and
ene., opposition waa met with illlDediatell'. 1st Bn 67th was very slalr in
atart1q and did not, move out UDt;U about .1O'Ol. The 3rd Bn 41st Int. in
the ceDl;er was held. up by the heavy en.,. artil.l8ry fire. Task Force #2 on
the lett could not. advam:. until 1st Bn 67th moTed. The fighting continued
to be heaVT and the 3rd Bn 67th Aft was the onl3' torce gai ning ground. By
123M the lead1ng elements ot 3rd Bn 67th were back on objective #3. TheT
, i
-- ---- .. --...----.... --.------------- ..
(After-Action Report for October, Hq. 67th Armd Regt., page 4)
had by-passed large numbers of dug-in eneDl3' Wantry which they left for the
supporting infantry to clean out. 1st Bn 67th had ilot yet made &n1'
progress, and reported they were law on &IIIJlunition and fuel. The 3rd. Bn 67th,
after being had been ordered to make a frontal attack at
full speed. Light tanks led the attack and the enem"y positions. The,
medium tanks supported this attack and secured the objective :in rear of the
light tanks. This bold offensive action took the ellSlV by surprise and the
liJ1t tanks cog.tinued the attack while the remainder of the 3rd. Bn 67th moved
up on objective #3. SOID9 of the light taDks advanced as far as the D&mDORF
PUFFENDORF highway where they continued to engage all visible enemy guns while
continuing to move tast to avoid being hit. The light tanka were ordered
back at 1300A to the high ground vicinity objective #3 as they were too strung
out to hold the ground they had taken. Three light tanka were lost in this
}Xlase of the action. The attached Infantry following the medium.
tanks mopped up dug-in eneDl3' infantry' 'Which had been overrun by tanks. The
1st Bn, 67th was making some progress by this time towards the gro1;lDd [II ot
WAURICHUI. Message received fran CC"B" that WAURICl-I.m must be taken. Due to
the difficulty the lBt Bn 67th was having in reaching their holding line it
was decided to wait until the following morning and have the 3rd an 41st (-)
with some tanks attached attack WAURICHEN and clean it out. 1st Bn 67th did
nat completel3' consolidate their ground untU about. 2200A. 3rd Bn 4lst(-)
generalJ,y held the ground to the rear of and just South of the 1st and 3rd
Bns 67th AR. It was evident that the eneDl3' Was still in WAURICID and would
attempt. to hold the tCllll'n. Task Force #1 line for the nigbt was as follows:
lst Bn 67th AR held along the SN ot WAURICHEN along an EAST-WEST line. 3rc1
Bn 67th AR held from the BE edge ot WAURICHEN - K8976l5 - KS97608 - KS9S6ar..
For the days action, 3rd. Bn 67th AR reported knocking out 4 eneDl3' S.p. guoa,
2 tanks, and artillery positions 'Wc:tre overrun by the light. tanks. An
unknown number of enemy were killed and about- 200 prisoners were taken. Al
though both the 1st and 3rd Bns 67th suffered almost a tank loss during
the action ot the past 3 days fighting, only about 12 or l3 tanks were des
troyed. The rema:1nd.er were all evacuated for repair.
CC"B" F.0. #51 received which generall,y ordered that posit1oDa be secured
and consolidated for defense. Task Force F.0. #33 issued at 193OA. which 111
general directed that 1st and 3rd Bns 67th Aft would consolidate on the high
ground and that 3rd Bn 41st AIR would attack through WAURICHEN and clean it
7 Oct.: During the earls morning hours 3rd an 67th. AR sent a dismounted }:atrojJ.
of I.ntant17 and Engineers forward to lay mines along the ll4ImflXEF-PUFFENDORF
highway. Patrol was successful and later on explosions were heard. EneJlV'
artillery was veryaetive during the earll" morning hours. 3rd Bn 41st AIll(-)
was delayed in starting their attack due to poor visibility. One platoon
medium. tanks moved over from 3rd Bn 67th Aft to support the attack. The
attack progressed slDlrJ..:r as all the houses had to be mopped up ot hidden
infantry. By llOOA the tOlrn Was almost cleared ot all ene,iv. 1st and
3rd Bna 67th AR were consolidating their positions and digging in. The 3rd
Bn 41st AIR took about ]DO prisoners and knocked oul; 2 enem.y guns during their
attack on WAURICIa. At about. 1300l, l.st Bn 67th Aft begu moving over into
WAtlRICHl!2i as directed by Task Force F.0.#34 and consolidate position. 2I.Id
Bn 67th AR in Task Force '2 moved iDto the sector beiDg vacated by let Bn 67th
AR. This movement progressed "17 sJ.owq as oJ'llT _11 ele_nts could be moved
at a t:1me. !he area was under constaDt ene.,. tire. As soon as most of the l.a'\
} :.-.
0 0
0 0 0 0
Tank CIU'8
'0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 .0
Rltl08 150
0 0
0 0 0 0
CantGona 175
0 0
0 0 0 0
Volt.trum Unltor.ma
0 0
0 0 0 0
Locko4 Y"ult
0 0
0 0 0
:areonal 200
0 0
0 0 0 0
Scout Oar 0
0 0 0
Scbool QroUDlaCBS517-1 0 1 0 0 0
Gl14ap. 0 0
20-'0 0 .0
Parachuto. 0 0
15 0 0
Scootor Tractor. 0 0 2 0 0
JIaohlM Guna 0 0 uncounto4 0 0
tool1 0 0 uncounte4 0 0
5. IIkt!iJlY '. .
a. Urtng tmaa of lprl1 thO ..........
,....1tla. woro unclortat... . .
(1) GoYGrnment\f!le .ot up 1n II.I".:', __ tile
. per104 12 ,. eo J.prl1 45 to 1nclude 41 _._ MI.
SUal'dlng awl olvl11u. .tOI'OI, _- ....IIU_
a. BoUl'80Dkllitor r-'.nd olvl1lra ".u.!. .
(2) Dllrllls tb> Jm'104 21 - ](I ...............t"..
va.. estllb111.4 in 59 town. 1ft Ito L'-u.a.
a .u.
tows B;,urS-.lstera scroe ..... __&at.e4
whero neca....'. 81xtoGn (16) 0 __ ......, ....
tJ't.....h1,.t ot !".stel'D Europe.., M ..........
M111tar7 oourt. weN 0.t(\b11.'-4 ,.. ..- 1.:':111\.....
of tala .......a....... a.l,
were lurv6y04. '!'be
poraon. wore
DutOh .
Lt .. 0010, 67th Armored Regiment
. 1'71
a-.' ..
............... .
""'1.1 .,"
A20 252
l)NTH Q1'. .. ..,
Opel"a.ticris. of the 67th Armored Regiment tor the 1 - 31 45
dividdd into the following
a. 1 .. 5 45; Defense and final c1ean-'up of a.rea of
b. 6 P. 31 Ha.;r Movement to new. area vicinity SW WOLFENBUTTEL
and final groupment of. entire Regiment for oonductlng oom
bat training,
Armored Regiment d1sposed as follows:
Hq &: Iiq Co 67th AR------------ DARDESHEIM (D126804)
C) .- ....---- ----.:. HES3El-r (D089839)
Co.. .---..-.----.------ DEDELBEN (0168859)
1st Battallon---.. -,..---------- HALBERSTADT (0281704)
2d Battalion (CC"B" Control)-- VOLZUM (Y00004l)
3d Batt.allon (Div. Control) -- (X910000)
Durirog the l;Jeriod 1 Mays Rel3iment (,., 2d &: 3d Batte.1Uns; con"
tillued tu 31.1ard installations and man area "")erimeter road blooks,
Reconna1ssance Cu continued patrollIng of main roads with1n the
Reg1mental area of responsib1li ty. Rcn Co patrol swept wooded ar'69
just South of' DINGLESTEDT due to civilian repqrt that there were a
nu.mber of a!'med Germa.ns In thA ...,oods Patrol pom!)leted mi6sion.at:
about 1lOOB bu't found . 2d Battalion remained under CO"B
control at 3d Ba.ttalion ('"Ith fIS' Co."ttached) remained under
DIvision control undergo:ng a com1Jlete DivisIon Maintenanee .. ,
The Regimental M11itary Government activities Included issuing of
identifies. Uon cards for the DPs in the area and oompleting the re
of the 12 PoP. Camps In area. ,
, /
.Reg1ment (-2d &: 3d '3attalloDa) oontinued detense ot
oontinued Gover:'lment a.ct1"itlea . Ron Co sent. patrol to :
ualch woodS. (D172', . f1fr80). One" and some German tood supplies
vel'e taken. Abo'1t 300 Russian !W's and DP. revouped within the
Rtg1mehtal area. 2d Ba.ttalion rema1ned: under cc"S cont:rol; 3d
Batta110n under Divis10n control. "
.ttl ot area, manning r08.d
1111tary Government
-'.1&.11, and
'Regi1llent (2d &
t.JJK:. . .
; .' . \ ..20. &
/. It', ot are"" Posl".............
. .. .G0.'.Ai.lr.DJ....tt.... .
' .. "'t. (-act ..
",1' ,t.,--::
. .' i*l1OD8 . 4 MdH:itl6J:.
.... .
t '1 ',,:: ....
i Ct- .t .,'
.. ..
iI \ ... Mt ':. ';";"" *+W h 4f,M,. t Hti' ...:....______........_.::..',;.,.,..._ .. l.._. ..____ ...
1"";'" ,'. -
.,t .... ,
'-Kay' : - I' ,
Regiment ,. ... alerted to .aYe new assembly
area viuinl t:y f!11 WOLP"D;BU'1"1'IL. "al OftI' to element.s uf
Infantry- Di,.vlI1on. ('29th Itlhavr ReSl.ent) .M0'f8l118nt started.
.t1iabou't l'2S08 and 'o01Iplete4 at abOut eooa. 1:.h 'Ol'rtanizatlon be"
Slflmovement rellef" by el.Mllts of" 834 Itlf'aad..".oltri8ion
" a'hdloa S'rfth Aft tallo 'moved to new area .eod N8rtq4 to
control &1; -11008. Locatl'ooa of' orlranlzatloal &II tollows:
! Regt '1 Hq &: HCl Co -- HEERN (081695')
., Reoonnaissance 00 -- HE!RTE (0818951) ,
r - . Ma.intenance Co -----.. qARUM
Service Co----------- iiARUM
," 1st Batta.lion ------... Remained in old area until barracks
at... Maintenanoe Center inWOLFENBUTftL was cleared 'by 3::1
Battalion,. '
, " 2d Batta,llon--------- LEIRDE (C855965)
,.J " 3d Sat'ta1lon--------- Remained under Division control in
a.rea v'.cini ty WOLFENBUT'l'EL. '
Hi] i i ary GovernmEmt 4uties 1ncluded the turning ,over of all
!oilJ.i tary, G6vormrr::.nt duties to elements ot 8,d Intantry Division tak1ng
over the Elector., . '
Regiment ("3d Battalion) spent the day getting reorganized 1n the
new area. 1st Battalion remained tn vicInity HALBERSTADT pre-pared
to mova t.o Div1sion reservicing area upon co'mplete relief by
of the B3d Infantry' D1vision. ,d Battalion !>repared to move to ne""
Re$+men area following day and 'Come under Regimental control. All
:t-!:litary li-overnment activities turned over to the relieving elements
83d Infantry Division.
continued organ1zation of neW 3d Battalior. Jlose1
Roglm"3ntal area at l130B and reverted to Regimental control w1'th
the, exceptlon of "c" ,Com!)eny ",hich still remained in/the Division
reservicing area. 1st Battalion moved from vicIn.ity HALBERSTADT
dJ,rectly thA Divifllon reservlclng f1.rea. 1n the vicinity of WOLF;EN,
BUT'l'EL. "B" COp1pany also moved. from a,rea to the reserv'::
ing area. The Regiment was officially relieved of all Military
Governmel"t acUvi ties by the 83d Infantry Divis,ion.
... 1,; ,
l"lst Battalion &: "s" Company) continued organization
and rehabill tation in the new area. All organizations made prepare.'
tionE f(H' conductlng a complete showdown Comnany Inspection to be con
dvcted !Ji<.l.Y 10" 11, and 12th. 1st Battalion and "B" Company r.emalncd
in Div'Lalon reservicing area. "c" Com'9any rejoined 3d Battallon a
10 . 11 . }2 . .
- -- Battalion, Hq Col't!-pany 2d Battalion, and iiB"
0om'9any) conduct.ed a com.,lete showdown tns-pection, including lndivid
ue.l clothinG nnd eqUipment, vehicles, vehicular eqUipment, organlza"
tlonal c::quipment Shorte.ge lIsts "rare used as a bg.sis to requ:s 1tion
for all 1 torr.s required to bring the Regiment to full authorized
1st Hq, Com'9any 2d Battalion, and "B" COTTI'Pany remained 1n
D1v1f:Jioc'l reservlcing area undergoing a complete maintena.nce che:.:.k' .t.:p
and reconditioning.. .
H'J51ment conducted normal Sunday schedule. The day was devoted
:0 Services, rest, rehabilitation and athletiOs.
.. "-'-" Regiment (lst Battalion, Hq Company 2d Battalion, a.nd 'B
a general training orogram consisting of
C:'I'3'.1 d.!'11l and gunn:'!ry, orientation, I & E phy::;:L':;ul
and maintenance.
I ,
I 1:
15 May:
Reg1ment (-Hq Company 1st Batta110n &: "B" Com;)any) continued
!eneral program4 All of 1st Hq Co
1st Batta110n, and Hq Comryany 2d Batta).ion moved from Division re'"
servicing area to th9 Regimental
16 May:
Regiment continued conducting gen< :-0.1 combat treinins
Hq Co 1st Battalion EO.nd CO!1'roanv re',)ined R8,O::iment. ont.irc
Regiment was now closed in the 11 are13. Organl.,c;. t.lcns hewing
just returned from th9 D1vision ing ar3a ma.cie tiona t,..)
conduct the 3 day .complete showdown of the
now as follows:
1 Hq &: Hq C:,,---_--
1st &: Hq Co -- SA'.DER
"Ali, liD", "G" Cos .. ----- SALDER
2d BattE11ion . Hq Co---- I.E'mOE
'iB" Company --.---------- :<-UM:-lELSE
IiEII Company' ------------ AND'SRSHEIM
"F" Company ------------ IMME''JOORF
3d Battalion . Hq Co----
"c" &: "H" Cos --------... -
"Iii C "R
ompany ------------ 'J
Regimental 'J'heeter o'Oened in GEBHARDSHAGEN. The entire Regiment
al area conslstGd of the area bounded by the towns s...:.:"...DER - ANDERSHEIM
- CRAMME ,.. inclus i ve of t.he
17 ,.. 29 May.:
Regiment continued e. general tombe.t. training program with em
phasis on maintaining the Regimental of combat effic
lency. During thls period several hundred of the long service per
sonnel were trF.'.nsferred from the Regiment to be redeployed to the
United States. 260 new reinforcements were also received this
"erlod l'.nd these individuals were a special lO-day training pro"
to fit them for duty in an Armored Regim.ent. A Re(5il!lental
Ceremonial Pa.rade was held on the afternoon of 25 May e t s:.I.ich time
22 Officers and men received SlIver Stars Elnd 118 Offioers and men
of the Regiment were decorated with Bronze Stars. The Division
Commander and Combat Command hB" "rare the Revloi;ring Officers 0
'0 May:
. Regiment observed Memorial Da.y by conducting a Ceremonial
Parade at "r}o'lch time 6 Officers of the ",'ere decorated with
the S11ver Star. Combat Command "B
Commander was ths Reviewing
Offlcel'. Immedlately following the Ceremonial Parade, the Regiment
mae.d for a Memorial Dar '
aglment contlnued with the general combat tra1nlng nrogram,
the training of new' ,ersennel in thelr jobs. Reg1mental
StljaJ,l. &1''' RJm!. was OOlJll)leted just North of BARUM tQr small arms
t1,1ns Bftd raquall,fring all Blen in the Reg1ment with tbelr
Iddlv14ual weapan. A Provlsional Bettal10n of personnel
tr.. both 24 and 34 Batta1iona participated 1n a Division Review
P&P!\4e at W'OLP"'eNBU'l'TL .
folloWlns cever the o9Qrations of the Re$iment
tor tbe .month of *,. 194!S'
--.-one <
. . _. __ _____ .. _ .,'
..... --...... _..
. -...... ,...........
. '
.I ) 0 ..:.......____....__: ___ .. ____....... r(l (2 at'ricers)*
Enemy K1lled' (estimate -----.. .4.'
lnemyWoundod (estimate)------ 0
Ven!olel ,...----- ... ---... ------.... -... 0
Equipment . 0,
One of the Officers was MAJ. G!NEFt\L BECHER, Commander
of (Jerman Task Force BltOHER, Gorma.n 6th Army Corpso
-.. - --m- M!lffary GOvernmEmt "aotiv1ties of the ReC!1ment 1n
the HALBERSTADT area were turned over to the 8,d Infantry Division.
The Reg1ment had no M1litary Government duties in the new 8egemb1y
area SW of WOI,FENBUTTE:L. .
I..t Col", 671: h Rf.g1ment
, ' .