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Basic Intermediate  Advanced

Lesson Plan Grammar

Micro Lesson Video Link: https://archive.org/details/MOV0000102.3gp

Business/Materials Lesson Objectives

Blackboard,chalk,pencil, pen Students will be able to use the text People with High
Audio, video recorder IQ are good language learners to study grammar.
Story,poem,text written by me Be able to state the tenses on which this text is
“People with high IQ are good constructed
language learners” Students will be able to evaluate strategies or techniques
British council.com that make English Grammar difficult or hard and easy to
Teach English.copm speak and write.
Students will be able to change the text into conditional
and in passive voice
Be able to use their technology to create presentation,
recording difficult words and construct sentences.

Warm-up and Objective Discussion

After recalling the previous lesson, on the tenses of verbs, require them to practices those
tenses ask students questions about it. If they know, praise them. If they don’t explain and
give them answer.
Write a text on the board and question them about the main characteristics. Of that text; new
vocabularies ,new grammar rules, new tenses of the verbs
Show them a list of vocabularies diagram, cards, pictures, and initiate discussion questions on
regular and irregular verbs grammar rules, synonymus, anthonyms etcc . and connect previous
ideas to new information before introducing the lesson of the day.
Welcome everyone.
Here are some pictures on the board expressing actions.
Can someone tell me which one describe the future tense, and which one the conditional?
If you can recall very well yesterday we talked about people with High IQ are good language
learners and changed the text into future.
Here are four words on the board ;shall, will, should, would
Can somebody tell me which one is in future and which one is in the conditional? And why?
-Good ,
Who can see the rule that helps to pass from future to conditional?
Ok that’s it.
Today we are going to talk about conditional tense and irregular verbs and the passive voice.

Instruct and model R W L S

First use any short story or any comparison to teach the lesson of the day.
Bring out rules and explain.
Put a model on the board; ask question about grammar and vocabulary to see if students have
understood the presentation of the content.
Or first put questions on the board and ask students to give out rules about it.
Then take their inferences, modify or add something new to it. And invite them to explain the
Good morning to everyone
It s often said that when an animal is caught in a trap ,it is the moment that the conditional
tense is active in its mouth so it is often use by people in time of regret, and so you must avoit
falling on it in your daily life.
Ok who is able to see the terms regularly consumed by Mr conditional?
Yes! Very good, the term if and would..
Now look at this text; people with high IQ are good language learners”
Which terms need to be modified to obtain a conditional?
That ‘s it..ok
We have so far discussed about present, past, future, conditional tenses. Take your pen and
paper and write those tenses respectively.

Guided Practice R W L S
First recall the previous lesson on instructs and model.
Ask them questions on it and explain the answer.
Set them in group and give them essay on a topic to write and the time required to work on a
single body of paragraph..
Show them sample of how to examine, words, accords, tenses, style, active, passive voices
On less guided practice, observe, advice them, ask question, initiate proposition and let them
complete it.
Break down difficult words, sentences into smaller units.
Mix group by low and higher performers, and assign a role to each person. The difficult goes
to the low performer.
Explain how the group should perform by giving to each student his position.
Use gestures and technology to teach or explain lessons to students
Welcome back
We just give you some explanations on grammar rules, vocabularies and figures of styles on
how to design your text.
What is required to have a conditional tense, a passive voice?
Right! Change shall, will into should and would and the subject of the active into the object of
the passive.
Now you have to work in group, write this text in present then change it into future, conational
using the verb to be. You have ten minutes.
Let me assist you remember you have six persons in each tense, and the accord is mostly on
the third person for some verbs.This is the guide line you have to follow.
ok, go ahead
good work
now that you have completed after review I see that you have grasp very well how to
conjugate those tense and change active verbs into passive and vice versa. Using regular and
irregular verbs.

Independent Practice R W L S
Use formative evaluation to help student know where they are from what it has bens en in the
instruct and model and in guided practice.
Require them to practice impromptus discourse related to the information discussed.
Don’t grade this activity, simply correct them orally.
Put questions on the board give them few minutes to come out with their answers on a sheet of
paper, or come in front and share their presentation, or share it among the groups.
Then ask the group to give evaluation about their peer on how he has used god writing, good
grammar or good vocabularies either the wrong ones.
While being around, circulating answering their questions to avoid distraction.
Then give them homework on a sheet of paper or to use their technology video audio with
clear directions, time, length of the work, using different methods.
Use reliable and valid test
Don’t use true or false questions, multiple choice quizzes; fill in blank short answer here, but
essay or composition, writing essay, review conferencing, multiple drafts.
Explain presentation activity using video, audio, diagram, pictures cards and so on.
Give them assignment sheet with due date, different activities on grammar rules, vocabulary,
verbs tense, regular and irregular verbs, active and passive voices ,style of figures with
clarification and expectations.
Show them the sample of the work after brainstorming and first rough draft presentation for
grammar activity.
Explain them how to use quiz and essay, presentation with visual elements, pictures, and
Review their work, and review the lesson for ten minutes before introducing the new lesson
Welcome back.
Now that we have closed with our guided practice, I will like each of you to write some
sentences; one on grammar, one on vocabulary, one on tenses of verb, one on regular verbs,
one on passive, one on style, and record them with your audio recorder or video.
Each person must choose only one activity. You have ten minutes to complete
You have pictures here to assimilate with or transfer your knowledge from that. Very helpful
After you finish each student will come in front and share his answer to the class.
I’m around waiting for you questions.
Good luck.

Assessment R W L S
Control their dress, books, and use summative assessment to evaluate student’s performances.
Use rubric for the main categories of grade and subjects.
Often use peer review, working together with students to create quiz or assignment for the
Also use shortcut code so that students might see it and know what they have to do. V for
vocabulary, g for grammar, s for science etc.
Also use questionary that allow all students of the class to speak.
Use the rule of thumb, as well as feedback to help them remember what they have missed and
what they have to do.
Use technology to create short survey to check their understanding of the lesson already seen.
Give out a word; ask them for the roots, meaning or the rule that come from that or vice versa.
The same method can be use for a list of elements.
So use memory and knowledge learning to help students remember, understand, synthesize or
analyze, evaluate and create to achieve their goal.
Ok class .we has seen how to use text to study grammar, vocabulary and that which make them
difficult and easy..
My goal to introduce the text people with high IQ are good language learners “is to help you
understand how grammar and vocabulary run together with reading, writing, listening,
speaking and pronunciation process .
Now I want you to sit in group of three. You have to use ten minutes to talk about the main
characteristics we have learned in this text.
Here are on the board the main questions you should answer.
Do you know somebody with high IQ who is a good language learner?
Which language process does he use to run the learning?
Does he use some variable we have seen in this lesson?
Can you change the tense text in another one of your choice?
After answering each student should prepare to come in front and share his answer with his
Each person has to answer only one question from the four
Is it ok?
Any question?
Then begin.
Al right. Let us examine and see what you have done.
Yes good. That is what I want from you .all of you are great guys.
Now for your homework you will write three paragraphs essay.
The first describing a good language learners. Techniques.
The seconds explain the purpose of intelligent quotient.
And the last will create a recording of your work
I will grade your work now using rubric. Make sure to use correct grammar and good
vocabulary .I have already showed you the model of a good essay.
Good luck.

Pierre Noumbissi
Assignment “People with high IQ’s are good language learners».
What do we understand by IQ? I stand for intelligence Q for quotient. “IQ tests are designed
to measure general ability in solving problems and understanding concepts by testing spatial,
mathematical language and memory abilities.”(Larousse 2012).
This makes me to disagree since Language learning is not only evaluated with personal
knowledge in grammar rules or the type of language believed to be tested quantitatively.
Language learning enhances oral communication skills and this cannot be measured by
intellectual quotient. My experience testifies that those who successes in foreign language
learning are social people which feature cannot be measured by IQ.
Why people like François Groin who has good IQ failed to learn foreign language? Just
because he used only memorization and forget the best techniques which are found in practice

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