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Lesson Plan 5a

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SCHOOL: Secondary School no. 2 Hunedoara TEXTBOOK USED: Limba modernă 1 – Limba engleză, UniScan

TEACHER: Iuliana Ecaterina Cornea GRADE: V A

DATE: 12.03.2021 TIME: 50 minutes.

LESSON: Sweet Food TYPE OF LESSON: Lesson of communication of new knowledge

LEVEL OF THE CLASS: Low Intermediate
UNIT: All about food

DESCRIPTION OF THE CLASS: There are 23 students in the class and even if most of them are eager to learn foreign languages, the problem arises due to the two different levels of
knowledge of English. For some students it is easier to understand and solve the tasks, whereas some of them still lack improvement of skills.

RECENT WORK: We have studied the countable and uncountable nouns lately with their partitives and quantifiers, but also the vocabulary related to food and drinks.

AIM: By the end of the class, the students will have developed their reading, listening and writing skills, but they will also be able to express their opinion related to a given topic.


1.2. Identificarea semnificaţiei unor schimburi verbale uzuale și clar articulate, în situaţia în care interlocutorul oferă ajutor pentru a facilita înţelegerea

2.3. Exprimarea preferinţelor

2.4. Manifestarea disponibilităţii pentru participarea la dialog

3.2. Extragerea informaţiilor dintr-un text scurt, însoţit de ilustraţii

4.1. Redactarea de mesaje simple și scurte


 To practise reading for gist

 To practise reading for specific information

 To understand a genuine English speaker from listening

 To write a short message on a specific purpose

 To express their opinion about their favourite holiday


- A exprima opinii în dialoguri

- A redacta scurte mesaje scrise
- A identifica ideea principală dintr-un text citit

STRATEGY: CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: individual work, whole class, pair work

METHODS: brain storming, exercises, conversation, error correction, discovery techniques, explanation

SKILLS: Speaking, reading, listening, writing

TEACHING AIDS: Course book, notebooks, blackboard, laptop, CD, paper

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Limba modernă 1 – Limba engleză, UniScan



Warm up -the teacher and the students greet T-Ss Speaking Conversation
each other;
2 min
-the teacher checks students’

-the student on duty names the

absentees and says the date

Checking the -T names some Ss to read the T-Ss Speaking Error

homework homework correction
-they had to solve some exercises
3 min about countable and uncountable

-T corrects the mistakes, if necessary

Lead in 2.3 -T asks the Ss if they know some sweet T-Ss Speaking Conversation
food from the UK / the USA/ Romania
2 min Ss-T
-Ss express their opinions

PRESENTATION 1.2 ACTIVITY 1 Whole Writing Conversation P: Ss may have problems with
class understanding the general
22’ Pre-reading activity information
-T writes the title of the new lesson and Listening S: T asks the other Ss to express
the date the main ideas from what they
-T starts the laptop and the Ss watch have heard
and listen the text about Sweet Food

-Ss pay attention

1.2 ACTIVITY 2 Whole Reading Conversation P: Some Ss may have problems

class with reading for general
3.2 Reading activity information
-Ss read the lesson Sweet Food from Writing S: T encourages Ss to extract the
page 84 from the course book, looking main ideas from the text
for general information presented

-Ss write down the new vocabulary

related to food and holidays

3.2 ACTIVITY 3 Individual Speaking Discovery P: Some SS might have a hard

work techniques time choosing the right answer
Post-reading activity
S: T will explain all the answers.
-T asks Ss to identify the sweet food
mentioned in the text

-T asks Ss to take a closer look at the

lesson and solve exercises 1 and 2 from
page 84 orally (match…, right/ wrong/
doesn’t say)
4.1 Whole Writing Explanation P: Some Ss may have
-T asks SS to look at the photos from ex. class problems with the speaking
3 / page 85 and to tell what people activity
usually do on those holidays, after
writing down the celebrations already S: T encourages them to try to
mentioned in the text express their opinions

PRACTICE 2.4 ACTIVITY 4 Pair work Speaking Conversation P: Ss may have different levels
of working in pairs on dialogues
10 min -T puts the Ss to work a dialogue in
pairs in which they have to ask and S: T gives some examples of
answer what is their favourite dialogues
celebration and why

-write the dialogues and read them


PRODUCTION 4.1 ACTIVITY 5 Whole Writing Discovery

class techniques
8 min -T asks Ss to match the wishes to the
greetings orally (ex. 4 / page 85)

-T gives Ss some coloured sheets of

paper to draw a card on one of the
occasions already mentioned

Feedback and -T assesses students’ activity Ss-T Speaking Conversation
- T corrects the mistakes, if any T-Ss
2 min

Setting the -exercise 7 / page 85 T-Ss Speaking Conversation

- Ss ask for clarifications
1 min

Backup activity: Write the dates for each celebration mentioned in the lesson.

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