Bcga Code of Practice CP 20: Bulk Liquid Oxygen Storage at Production Sites
Bcga Code of Practice CP 20: Bulk Liquid Oxygen Storage at Production Sites
Bcga Code of Practice CP 20: Bulk Liquid Oxygen Storage at Production Sites
Revision 2 : 2002
ISSN 0260-4809
The onus of responsibility for their application lies with the user. The
Association, its officers, its members and individual members of any
Working Parties can accept no legal liability or responsibility
whatsoever, howsoever arising, for the consequences of the use or
misuse of the publications.
For the assistance of users, references are given, either in the text or
Appendices, to publications such as British, European and International
Standards and Codes of Practice, and current legislation that may be
applicable. The intention of BCGA is that this document should be read
and used in the context of these references where the subjects have a
bearing on the local application of the processes or operations carried
out by the user.
Section Page
Introduction 2
Scope 3
1.2 Precautions 4
2.1 General 11
2.2.1 Basis 12
2.2.2 Definitions and Intentions 12
2.2.3 On-Site Risks 12
2.2.4 Off-Site Risks 13
2.7 Foundations 17
3.1 Personnel 17
3.3 Notices 17
4.4 Commissioning 20
5.2.1 General 21
5.2.2 Tank Installation 21
5.2.3 Inner Vessel 22
5.2.4 Pressure Relief Devices 22
5.2.5 Emergency Isolation Valve(s) 23
5.2.6 Ancillary Equipment 23
5.3 De-commissioning 23
1. Shall: Indicates a mandatory requirement for compliance with this Code of Practice.
2. Should: Indicates a preferred requirement but is not mandatory for compliance with
this Code of Practice.
4. Tank: Indicates an assembly, complete with a piping system, of an inner vessel and an
outer jacket to contain insulation. The insulation space may be at atmospheric pressure,
slightly above atmospheric pressure or subject to a vacuum. See Appendix 1.
6. Outer Jacket: Indicates a shell surrounding an inner vessel, the interspace containing
an insulating system e.g. vacuum, granular or fibrous insulant.
7. Access Apron: Indicates an area between the tank and a tanker where the process
operating controls on both tank and tanker are accessible to the operator during
filling/discharging. This area will normally have provision for diverting any liquid
8. Liquid Transfer Area: Indicates an area adjacent to the tank which surrounds the
tanker, when the latter is in the filling/discharging position, and which includes the
access apron.
9. Competent Person: The Competent Person should have such practical and theoretical
knowledge and actual experience of the type of plant which he has to examine as will
enable him to detect defects or weaknesses, which it is the purpose of the examination
to discover, and to assess their importance in relation to the strength and function of the
plant. Equivalent levels of knowledge and experience are also required for Competent
Persons engaged in the writing or certifying of Written Schemes of Examination.
11. Production Site: Is typically where liquid oxygen is produced from an air separation
unit and stored on site.
In 1985 the Industrial Gases Committee (IGC) of the Commission Permanente Internationale
(CPI) published a document (reference 21/85/E (1)) entitled “Bulk Liquid Oxygen Storage at
Production Sites”.
The British Compressed Gases Association (BCGA) has recognised the need to produce an
equivalent Document specifically for the United Kingdom.
This BCGA Document is intended as a Code of Practice for the guidance of UK companies
directly associated with the design, operation and maintenance of bulk liquid oxygen storage
installations. The objective of this Code of Practice is to make reference, where applicable, to
UK legislation and British Standards where these apply to liquid oxygen (LOX) systems and to
take into account the specific practices of the UK industrial gas companies, particularly in
relation to safety distances.
It is recognised that sites operated by industrial gas producers have a level of expertise and
specialist knowledge that is not available to general industrial and other users.
This Code of Practice also supersedes the BOC Ltd/Air Products Ltd joint document “Code of
Practice for the Bulk Storage of Liquid Oxygen at Production Sites” (April 1974 (2)) which
was published in conjunction with HM Factories Inspectorate.
This Code of Practice is based generally on the IGC Document, but in some instances gives
more detailed requirements for the UK.
The BCGA is grateful for the active help and co-operation of the Health and Safety Executive
who provided much valuable data which was used as the basis for Section 2 of this document,
and who also provided comments on much of the text.
With the permission of the IGC, sections of the IGC Document have also been duplicated.
The BCGA wishes to acknowledge the work of the IGC committee which prepared Document
The increase in recent years in the size of production capacity of Air Separation Plants has lead
to a corresponding increase in the capacity of liquid oxygen storage installations at production
sites. It has therefore become more important to consider at the design stage the potential
hazards associated with liquid oxygen, the consequence and effects on the local environment of
a major release of liquid, and the preventative measures required.
All new storage installations on production sites shall comply with this Code of Practice.
Major modifications for existing production plant LOX storage should also comply with this
Code of Practice, but it is not intended to apply retrospectively to existing production site
storage installations.
A bulk liquid oxygen storage installation on a production site is defined, for the purposes of this
Code of Practice, as the total fixed assembly of liquid storage tank(s) and other equipment such
as pumps, controls and ancillary equipment required to discharge from the storage into
pipelines or to transfer liquid to or from road vehicles. The installation also includes the liquid
transfer area for road vehicles. The facilities for filling rail vehicles are not specifically covered
in this Code of Practice, although the provisions of this Code of Practice generally apply to the
liquid storage part of the rail fill installation.
This Code of Practice covers LOX storage installations on production sites where the storage
installation is connected to the production process plant. Individual vessel capacity for such
storage is normally greater than 200 tonnes of liquid oxygen. However, where the individual
vessel capacity is less than 200 tonnes but the storage installation is connected to the production
process the installation shall also comply with this Code of Practice.
The process systems of the production plant (such as compressors, heat exchangers, distillation
columns and turbo expanders) are specifically excluded from the scope of this Code of Practice,
as are gaseous distribution pipelines and related equipment.
The liquid feed pipeline from the plant into the LOX storage tank shall be considered as part of
the production plant.
For the purposes of this Code of Practice, cluster tanks (i.e. multiple inner vessels in a single
outer jacket) are considered as a single tank whose capacity is the sum of the capacities of the
individual inner vessels. Where the storage contains multiple products (for example oxygen
and nitrogen or argon in the same cluster tank) the relevant BCGA Code of Practice for oxygen
storage shall apply to the installation, as judged on the sum of all the oxygen vessel capacities.
(See Appendix 1).
Pumping systems often form part of the liquid oxygen storage installation. It is recognised that
the design and installation of these pump systems is a complex subject. No detailed
recommendations are given in this Code of Practice but due consideration should be given to:
• the accepted principles of good practice for oxygen service
• the prevention of mal-operation of the pump(s)
• siting the pump(s) to provide personnel protection in the event of an oxygen pump fire
• the use of fire containment shields
• adequate inspection and maintenance procedures.
For centrifugal liquid oxygen pumps, reference should be made to IGC Document 11/82/E
“Code of Practice for the design and operation of centrifugal liquid oxygen pumps” (3).
Where a LOX storage installation on a production site has an individual vessel capacity of less
than 200 tonnes and the storage is not connected to the production process, BCGA Code of
Practice CP 19 “Bulk Liquid Oxygen Storage at Users’ Premises” (4) may be applied to this
Gaseous oxygen is colourless, odourless and tasteless: it is non toxic; it is slightly heavier
than air. It is not flammable but vigorously supports combustion.
Breathing pure oxygen at atmospheric pressure is not dangerous although exposure for
several hours may cause temporary functional disorder to the lungs.
Oxygen content in air Vol % 21
Gas density at 1.013 bar, 15°C kg/m³ 1.36
Boiling temperature at 1.013 bar °C -183
Liquid density at 1.013 bar, -183°C kg/l 1.14
One litre of liquid oxygen gives approximately 850 litres of gas at ambient conditions.
Cold gaseous oxygen is substantially heavier than air and may accumulate in pits and
1.2 Precautions
Many materials, including some common metals, which are not flammable in air,
may burn in oxygen enriched atmospheres when ignited.
Most oils, greases and organic materials constitute a fire or explosion hazard in
oxygen enriched atmospheres and shall not be used on equipment, which is
intended for oxygen service. Only materials acceptable for the particular
oxygen service application may be used.
All equipment for oxygen service shall be specifically designed and prepared.
Before putting equipment into service with oxygen, either for the first time or
following maintenance, it is essential that all surfaces which may come into
contact with an oxygen enriched environment are “clean for oxygen service”,
which means: dry and free from any loose or virtually loose constituents, such
as slag, rust, weld residues, blasting materials (shot or grit), and free from
hydrocarbons or other materials incompatible with oxygen. For hydrocarbon
contamination of industrial oxygen systems, a maximum limit of 500 milligrams
per square metre of cleaned surface area is acceptable. Advice on the cleaning
for oxygen systems is given in the following documents:
BCGA Technical Report TR3 (11) gives information about cleaning oxygen
system components without the use of chemical solvents.
The maintenance and assembly of equipment for oxygen service shall be carried
out in clean, oil free conditions. All tools and protective clothing (such as
overalls, gloves and footwear) shall be clean and free of grease and oil. Where
gloves are not used, clean hands are essential.
Many materials such as carbon steels and plastics are brittle at low temperatures,
and the use of appropriate materials for the service conditions prevailing is
Metals suitable for liquid oxygen service are 9% nickel steel, 18/8 stainless steel
and other austenitic stainless steels, copper and its alloys and aluminium alloys.
PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) is the most widely used plastics material for
sealing purposes in liquid oxygen service but other reinforced plastics are also
used. For further information on materials see BS 5429 (6).
Severe damage to the skin may be caused by contact with liquid oxygen, cold
gaseous oxygen or with non-insulated pipes or receptacles containing liquid
oxygen. For this reason, gloves and eye protection shall be worn when handling
equipment in liquid or gaseous oxygen service.
All the safety aspects of handling cryogenic liquid oxygen cannot be covered
adequately in this Code of Practice. The reader is therefore referred to the
British Cryoengineering Society publication, “Cryogenics Safety Manual” (7)
for further information.
First aid fire fighting equipment comprising water hose reels and/or dry powder
extinguishers shall be available near a liquid oxygen storage installation. The
type and quantity of the fire fighting equipment depends on the size of the
installation and should be discussed with the fire authorities.
Smoking and open fires shall be prohibited within the minimum distances
specified in Section 2 of this Code of Practice.
The components used in an insulating system shall be such that the finished
insulation is suitable for oxygen service.
NIHHS applies where the ‘notifiable quantity’ of the relevant substance is 500 tonnes or
more. The ‘notifiable quantity’ includes the amount of the substance liable to be in
storage, in transport on site, in use for the purposes of manufacturing or processing and in
pipelines within 500 m of the site.
Notification shall be sent to the HSE at least three months before commencing the
The COMAH Regulations require that persons in control of an industrial activity subject
to the Regulations shall at any time be able to demonstrate that the activity is being
operated safely. They place an obligation on such persons to report major accidents
(Regulations 4 and 5).
Pressure vessels and storage tanks shall be inspected and approved during
manufacture by a Competent Person.
Butt welds in the inner vessel shall be radiographed in accordance with the
design code.
If required, prior to its first use, a Competent Person shall certify the vessel as
suitable for the duty within defined operating limits for a defined period.
Any modification to the system shall be carried out in accordance with the
applicable design code; some modifications may require consultation with the
vessel supplier.
Pressure relief devices shall be provided to prevent over pressure of the inner
vessel. The devices shall be suitable for the prevailing environmental
For the protection of the inner vessel a minimum of two independent pressure
relief devices shall be provided. The capacity of each device shall be such that
should one malfunction or be removed for maintenance; the vessel shall be
adequately protected. Both pressure relief devices will normally be in service.
Three way valves shall be provided with a position indicator showing which
relief devices are on line.
The design relieving capacity of the inner vessel pressure relief system shall
include the worst foreseeable combination of the operational and upset
conditions, e.g.:
The pipes and valves connecting the vessel to pressure relief devices and the
vent piping shall be adequately sized for the flow conditions in accordance with
a relevant code. Excess pressure drop in the upstream system can lead to relief
valve chattering causing reduction in capacity and valve damage.
Vent pipes shall be correctly supported and designed to prevent blockage by ice
and other foreign matter.
Where bursting discs are installed, they shall be in accordance with a recognised
standard, e.g. BS 2915 (17).
Partial vacuum conditions can arise due to excessive liquid withdrawal rates, by
introducing super-cooled product into a partially filled inner vessel or, under
certain conditions, sudden increases in atmospheric pressure. To avoid partial
vacuum conditions, correct operating procedures shall be introduced and
periodic checks made to ensure the under-pressure prevention device is in
working order.
Frequent demands on the vacuum relief valve may give rise to ingress of
excessive quantities of moist air resulting in accumulation of ice and subsequent
blockage of the relief valve piping. Pressure raising coils should be
appropriately sized to prevent regular operation of vacuum relief valves.
1.4.5 Pits
Electrical equipment necessary for the installation and installed within the
distance for source of ignition in Section 2 shall be to BSEN 60529(39),
protection class IP 54 or better. For more severe environmental conditions
IP 55 (designed to protect against jets of water) or IP 65 (designed to eliminate
dust and protect against water jets) should be used. Consideration should be
given to earth bonding of the installation pipework. All electrical installation
shall comply with current electrical legislation.
1.4.8 Lighting
Lighting shall be provided of adequate intensity for all working areas so that at
all times operations can be carried out safely. The need for emergency lighting
shall be considered.
1.4.9 Pipework
The pipework shall be marked to identify the product transported. Valves shall
be marked for function where appropriate.
2.1 General
The best guarantee for safe operation and prevention of dangerous leakage is the strict
adherence to nationally accepted design and construction codes for storage installations
and to specific routine operating instructions.
The installation shall be sited to minimise risk to personnel, local population and
property. Consideration shall be given to the location of any potentially hazardous
processes in the vicinity, which could jeopardise the integrity of the storage installation.
2.2.1 Basis
Safety distances are defined as the distance from the exposure to:
a) Any point on the storage system where in normal operation oxygen
leakage or spillages can occur (eg hose couplings, relief valve vents,
etc.), or
b) The tank outer jacket, or
c) The tank nozzle or fill connections
These distances are based on the oxygen storage pressure, ground roughness,
likely weather conditions and an assumed vapour cloud release rate from the
maximum diameter of liquid phase pipework on the storage installation and take
into account site topography and provision for containment or diversion of the
liquid spillage.
The safety distances quoted are based on calculations provided by the Health &
Safety Executive using SRD programme CRUNCH.
These distances are the minimum required to give adequate protection against
risks involved in the normal operation of LOX storage installations and shall be
observed. It is recognised that it is not reasonably practicable to define safety
distances, which alone give adequate protection in the event of a continuous
release of liquid oxygen from storage installations.
Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 of Appendix 6 may be used for safety distances
both within and outside the site boundary.
To enable the site operator to minimise the risk to the general public and the
environment, it is necessary for each of the likely risks and exposures to be
considered individually, taking into account the package of precautions
provided within the site boundary but recognising that on-site emergency
procedures and personnel training cannot normally be applied outside the site.
Prior to installation of the liquid oxygen storage, the site operator shall provide
proposed separation distance figures to the Health & Safety Executive.
All LOX storage installations at production sites shall be situated in the open air
in a well-ventilated position. LOX installations shall not be located inside
The location shall be chosen so that damage to the installation by electric arcing
from overhead or other cables cannot occur. The storage tank(s) shall be
protected against lightning discharge. BS 6651 (21) should be referred to for
guidance on lightning protection.
The slope of the ground shall be such as to provide normal surface water
drainage, but shall also take into consideration the prevention of directing
hazardous materials, such as oil, towards the oxygen installation. An oxygen
spillage shall not be directed towards hazardous materials or locations where
people are at risk. Where liquid oxygen storage tanks are required to be
installed at an elevated level, they shall be supported by purpose-designed
structures. Consideration should be given to protecting these structures from
cryogenic spillage.
All oxygen vents including those from relief devices shall be directed so as to
avoid the risk of impingement on personnel, buildings, structural steelwork or
any combustible materials. For the separation distance from fuel gas vents see
Appendix 6, Figure 1.
All cryogenic liquid spillages produce vapour clouds, which are visible. Tests
and calculations show that the extremities of the visible cloud are
When siting the installation, due consideration shall be given to the possibility
of the movement of vapour clouds, originating from spillage or venting, which
could be a hazard (decreased visibility, oxygen enrichment). Local wind
conditions and the topography shall be taken into account.
Vapour clouds from releases are generally low lying (typically below waist
height). Such vapour clouds may be quite extensive depending on weather
conditions and persons working below ground or at low level in the vicinity
may be at risk. Guidance on emergency procedures is given in Section 6.4.
Further guidance can be obtained from BCGA documents TR1 “A Method for
Estimating the Off-Site Risks from Bulk Storage of Liquefied Oxygen
R1(LOX)” (22) and TR2 “The Probability of Fatality in Oxygen Enriched
Atmospheres due to Spillage of Liquid Oxygen R2(LOX)” (35).
The maximum total liquid spillage which may occur due to failures of
associated equipment, other than the main storage tank itself, shall be
determined by reference to the equipment and system of working in use at the
The site layout shall provide protection from liquid oxygen spillage for
vulnerable areas, such as places where people may congregate, steel structures
and other foundations. This protection may be achieved by the slope of the
ground, provision of kerbs, gulleys or barriers of adequate size.
The access apron is defined on page 1 and shall be constructed and laid out
generally in accordance with Appendix 4. The materials used shall be suitable
for use with oxygen e.g. gravel, concrete, ceramic blocks etc. Asphalt or
hydrocarbon based products shall not be used. The tanker hard-standing is not
normally regarded as part of the access apron.
Ground mounted pumps for the transfer of liquid oxygen from or to the storage tank shall
be designed and installed in accordance with the IGC Document 11/82/E “Code of
Practice for the Design and Operation of Centrifugal Liquid Oxygen Pumps” (3).
This IGC Code of Practice classifies pumps as either high or low duty depending on
design conditions. High duty pumps are designed to operate under more severe
conditions than those for low duty pumps. Fire protection shield(s) shall be provided
adjacent to or around high duty pumps to minimise the potential hazard to personnel and
It is not necessary to provide fire protection shields adjacent to or around low duty
All bulk storage tanks of 200 tonnes capacity and above, fitted with liquid
withdrawal or pump suction lines of 50mm bore or greater, shall be provided
with an emergency isolation valve. They may be located internally or outside
the tank. Internal location should be applied wherever possible. If externally
located it should be as close as possible to the tank, to prevent the bulk flow of
liquid from the vessel, in the event of a line failure downstream of this valve.
All bulk storage vessels for LOX shall be provided with at least two
independent means of isolating the liquid withdrawal or pump suction pipelines.
This can include emergency isolation valves, provided they are designed for
tight shut off, and process isolation valves as specified below.
Any primary process isolation valve shall be located as close as practical to the
vessel itself, but downstream of any emergency isolation valves. The position of
isolation valves shall be such that they are subject to an acceptable low risk
from damage from external sources. Protection against overpressure must be
installed between any two isolation valves where liquid or cold vapour can be
2.7 Foundations
The tank foundation shall be designed to safely withstand the weight of the tank, its
contents and other possible loads resulting from wind, snow, water content during
pressure test etc. Subsidence conditions should be considered where appropriate. Where
necessary, heating shall be provided to prevent ground freezing and frost heave.
3.1 Personnel
The installation shall be so designed that authorised persons shall have easy access
to and exit from the operating area of the installation at all times.
Filling connections and equipment controls shall be located in such a way that easy
access is provided.
Filling connections and associated equipment controls should be located close to each
other. The tank and tanker controls shall be visible and easily accessible from the
operator’s position.
3.3 Notices
These signs shall comply with the Health & Safety (Safety Signs and Signals)
Regulations 1996 (24) and with BS 5378 “Safety Signs and Colours” Parts 1, 2 &
3 (25).
All displayed warning signs and labels shall be legible, visible and up-to-date at
all times.
These measures will normally take the form of review of drawings of pressure vessels
and piping systems, manufacturing certificates and construction specifications.
In addition, the following tests shall be carried out in accordance with approved
Works manufactured storage tanks and pressure vessels of the installation will
normally already have been tested/inspected in compliance with the relevant
Pressure Vessel Code, in the manufacturer’s workshop, prior to the first
installation. Further pressure tests shall not be carried out on the vessel without
reference to the vessel design documents and tank history.
In order to verify the integrity of the installation, a pressure test shall be carried
out on site-erected vessels/systems in accordance with design codes and
appropriate standards. Precautions shall be taken to prevent excessive pressure in
the system during the test.
Any defects found during the testing shall be rectified in an approved manner
and the system then retested.
A leak and function test shall be carried out in accordance with GS4 and at a
pressure in accordance with the applicable code or regulation.
Relief valves shall have been subjected to a successful functional test and
certified as such. (See Appendix 7).
A check shall be made to ensure that any gagging pins, transit locking
devices/plugs have been removed from pressure relief devices of the inner
vessel, outer jacket and piping systems and that the devices are undamaged, and
seals are intact.
A check shall be made to ensure that any transit locking devices have been
removed and that the under-pressure prevention device is undamaged.
4.1.4 Supports
A check shall be made to ensure all relief valve or bursting disc vent lines are
positioned such that any discharge cannot impact on personnel or equipment and
that the valves and vents are properly supported to take into account reaction
Process controls shall be adjusted to the required operating conditions of the system and
then be subjected to a functional test.
Notices (see 3.3) shall be posted before putting the installation into service.
4.4 Commissioning
Commissioning shall only be carried out by authorised personnel and in accordance with
a written procedure. (See Section 4.1 for pre-commissioning measures).
The instructions shall define the safe operating limits of the system and any special
procedures, which may be required to operate the system in an emergency situation. In
general such instructions should be written and presented in a clear concise format.
If, during the operation of the installation, an excursion occurs outside the design or safe
operating limits of the system (e.g. overpressure, rapid temperature change, mechanical
damage, etc.), it shall be recorded in the tank dossier and a programme of inspection shall
be drawn up by a Competent Person and implemented. (See paragraph 5.2.2).
5.2.1 General
The adoption of the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 (27) (which will
be referred to as ‘the Regulations’ in this Code of Practice) has introduced
specific requirements covering design, manufacture, installation, operation,
maintenance and examination of pressure systems.
BCGA Code of Practice CP24 (28) details the requirements of the Regulations as
applied to cryogenic liquid storage systems at production sites.
For the purpose of clarification in this document, the terms ‘inspection’, ‘checks’
and ‘regular test’ are activities associated with the normal operation of the
Periodic monitoring should be carried out of either the insulation space vacuum or
the composition of the purge gas in the insulation space, to identify the existence
of any inner tank leaks and to confirm the purge is still effective.
When soil conditions are uncertain, a regular monitoring of the stability of the
tank foundations should be carried out.
After manufacture and prior to commissioning, the inner vessel shall be validated
as fit for service for a defined period by a Competent Person (See 1.4.2).
Thereafter the vessel should be revalidated periodically while in service for a
further defined period.
There are sound technical and operational reasons for not warming up a vessel to
ambient temperature.
The specific revalidation requirements for the vessel and the required frequency
shall be defined and confirmed in writing for inclusion in the tank dossier by the
Competent Person, taking into account the documentation assessment and the
assessment of the vessel condition. This shall equally apply to vessels already in
service prior to the issue of this Code of Practice.
Requirements for relief device inspection and testing are given in Appendix 7,
which is derived from IGC document 24/83/E (30).
Regular visual inspection of the devices shall be carried out during normal
5.3 De-commissioning
Training shall be arranged to cover those aspects and potential hazards that the particular
operator is likely to encounter.
Training shall cover, but not necessarily be confined to, the following subjects:
In addition, individuals shall receive specific training in the activities for which they are
It is recommended that the training be carried out under a formalised system and that
records be kept of the training given and where possible, some indication of the results
obtained, in order to show where further training is required.
The training programme should make provision for refresher courses on a periodic basis
and for changes of site personnel.
Before maintenance is carried out on the installation, a written Permit to Work for the
particular type of work (cold work, hot work, entry of vessel, electrical work, etc.) shall
be issued by an authorised person to the individual(s) carrying out the work.
The Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 (19) shall be consulted for more detailed
information on this subject.
Emergency procedures shall be prepared by the site operator to include action to be taken
in the event of spillage of liquid oxygen. (See paragraph 3.3.4). For general guidance on
preparing an emergency plan see HSE booklet HS(G)191 (31). Local emergency services
shall be party to the preparation of the emergency procedures. Works employees likely
to be affected shall know the actions required to minimise the adverse effects of a
spillage. Consideration shall be given to the carrying out of practical exercises.
After the liquid spillage has been isolated, oxygen enrichment checks should be carried
out in any enclosed areas where the vapour cloud may have entered. This includes
basements, pits and confined spaces.
(2) HMFI/ Air A Code of Practice for the Bulk Storage of Liquid Oxygen
Products Ltd/ at Production Sites 1974. (Superseded by this document).
(3) IGC Document Code of practice for the design and operation of
11/82/E* centrifugal liquid oxygen pumps.
(16) BS 6759 Part 3 Specification for Safety Valves for Process Fluids.
(22) BCGA Technical A Method for Estimating the Off-site Risks from Bulk
Report (LOX) Storage of Liquefied Oxygen R1 (LOX).
(24) SI 341 : 1996 Health & Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations
Publications, including revisions, from 2000 onwards are obtainable from EIGA
Large, site-fabricated inner vessel resting on insulant blocks and surrounded by site-
fabricated outer jacket. The inter-space is filled with granular insulant and purged with
inert gas.
Smaller tanks may be shop-fabricated, larger tanks are site-built. The interspace is filled
with granular insulant and purged with inert gas. This type of storage tank is operated at
higher pressure than the flat-bottom type.
1 2
7 6
1 Over/under-pressure protection device.
2 Over/under-pressure protection device.
3 Plate-relief device.
4 Pressure control valve.
5 Emergency shut-off valve (internal or external).
6 Pressure raising regulator.
7 Thermal relief valve.
8 Purge gas regulator.
9 Pressure alarm high and pressure alarm low.
10 Level alarm high.
Oxygen reacts with most elements. The initiation, speed, vigour and extent of these reactions
depend in particular upon:
Reaction Mechanism
The mechanism of these reactions is complicated and depends, among other things, upon the
nature of the substances concerned, their physical state, geometric configuration, concentration
and manner of ignition. This, too, influences the speed of reaction, which can vary from slow
combustion to an explosion.
Combustibility of Materials
Oxygen enrichment of the atmosphere, even by a few percent, considerably increases the risk
of fire. Materials, which do not burn in air, including fireproofing materials, may burn
vigorously or even spontaneously in enriched air.
Combustion Characteristics
Materials, which would normally be regarded as harmless, ignite more easily and sparks can
cause fire. The resulting flames are much hotter and are propagated at much greater speed.
Oil and grease are particularly hazardous in the presence of oxygen as they ignite
spontaneously and burn with explosive violence. They should NEVER be used to lubricate
oxygen or enriched air equipment. Special lubricants, with which oxygen can be used under
certain conditions, are available.
Burning accidents, which occur, are normally triggered by the lighting of a cigarette. Therefore
it is impossible to over-emphasise the danger of smoking in oxygen-enriched atmospheres or
where oxygen enrichment can occur. In such areas smoking shall be forbidden.
The temperature of liquefied gases varies. The boiling points at 1.013 bar, i.e. the temperatures
at which the liquefied gas vaporises, are as follows:
Helium -269°C
Nitrogen -196°C
Argon -186°C
Oxygen -183°C
Ethylene -104°C
Propane - 42°C
The effect of extreme cold on tissue is to destroy it, a similar end result to that of heat
exposure, and the amount of cold and the duration of contact is therefore crucial. The
destruction of tissue is not so immediately obvious as in the case of burns since pain is absent
in the frozen stage and the tissue, although rigid, keeps its normal shape and is not obviously
destroyed. Pain and destruction become more apparent as thawing occurs. Those who have
had mild frostbite of fingers or toes will have some idea of the pain on re-warming.
Prevention of contact with very cold liquids is vital and those who work in this field must be
aware of the hazard.
Skin Effects
Liquid, vapour or low temperature gas can produce effects on the skin, which will vary in
severity with temperature and the length of exposure. Naked or insufficiently protected parts
of the body coming into contact with un-insulated pipes or vessels may stick fast by virtue of
the freezing of moisture and flesh may be torn in removal. The wearing of wet clothing should
be avoided.
Continued exposure of naked flesh to cold atmospheres can result in frostbite. There usually is
sufficient warning by local pain whilst the freezing action is taking place. Re-warming at 42-
44°C (108-111°F), a temperature equivalent to lukewarm water, is generally sufficient
safeguard against injury.
Whilst transient and short exposure produces discomfort in breathing, prolonged inhalation of
vapour or cold gas, whether respirable or not, can produce serious effects on the lungs.
Flush the affected areas of skin with copious quantities of tepid water, but do not apply any
form of direct heat, e.g. hot water, room heaters, etc. Move casualty to a warm place (about
22°C; 295K). If medical attention is not immediately available, arrange for the casualty to be
transported to hospital without delay.
• Continue to flush the affected areas of skin with copious quantities of tepid water.
• Protect frozen parts with bulky, dry, sterile dressings. Do not apply too tightly so as to
cause restriction of blood circulation.
• Ensure ambulance crew or hospital is advised of details of accident and first aid
treatment already administered.
• Smoking and alcoholic beverages reduce the blood supply to the affected part and should
be avoided.
The above text has been reproduced with the permission of the British Cryoengineering Society
from its “Cryogenics Safety Manual”, Reference No. ISBN 0-8543-26057 (7).
135 Fire Certificate (Special Premises) Regulations 1976 (SI 2003) (8).
Any Quantity * Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations (COMAH) 1999 (SI 1743)
* All LOX production sites are subject to Regulations 4 and 5 of the Control of Major
Accident Hazards Regulations (COMAH) 1999 (SI 1743) (10).
For the purposes of the above regulations, the quantity of liquid oxygen on site should be
estimated on the basis of the maximum storage that is possible taking into account the amount
of liquid oxygen in storage tanks, process vessels and pipework. No account shall be taken of
liquid oxygen in vessels used for transport unless it can be considered as storage, i.e. a full
liquid oxygen tanker parked on site overnight is considered to be ‘storage’.
The notification procedure and the information required is clearly described in the relevant
Distance between oxygen storage tanks above 200 tonnes capacity and typical hazards.
NOTE (1) The safety distances are measured from the exposure to whichever is the lesser of:
a) Any point on the storage system where, in normal operation, leakage or spillage can occur.
b) The tank outer jacket.
c) The vessel nozzles.
NOTE (2) For buildings the distances are measured to the nearest opening: ie door, window, vent etc.
NOTE (3) For tanks of less than 200 tonnes oxygen capacity refer to BCGA Code CP19.
a) LPG Storage
Size of Storage
Separation Distance
The separation distances listed above for LPG should apply to the same stored volumes
(m3) of other bulk liquefied flammable gases and may be used for the same stored
volumes (m3) of bulk flammable liquids #. These distances may be reduced depending on
the nature of the flammable liquid and any protective measures and in these cases an
individual assessment of the proposed location shall be carried out.
Up to 200 15.0
Above 200 30.0
Up to 1500 15.0
Above 1500 30.0
2) These distances may be reduced depending on the nature of the flammable gas and any
protective measures and in this case an individual assessment of the proposed location
shall be carried out.
mm inches Metres
Bore Bore
Up to 50 2 10.0
Above 50 2 15.0
1. The above separation distances are intended to provide protection for the LOX storage
tank against jet flame impingement from an ignited release from the flammable liquid/gas
2. The distances are based on LPG as the contents of the flammable liquid/gas line and are
given as a ‘worst case’.
3. For flammable liquids or gases other than LPG in the line, the above distances should be
used, unless it can be shown that smaller distances are adequate to avoid jet flame
4. If some means of protection from jet flame impingement (such as shielding of the joint
by fire resistive material) can be provided between the union/flange on the flammable
liquid/gas line and the LOX storage and this can be shown to provide an equal or greater
degree of protection than the separation distances shown, the separation distances may be
The importance of pressure relieving devices (i.e. relief valves and bursting discs) to the
bulk storage installation and their influence on safety cannot be overstressed. The
requirements in paragraph 2 to 4 below shall be complied with for inner vessel relief
devices. Paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 refer respectively to outer jacket and thermal relief
devices and other relief valves associated with the installation.
2.1 Relief valves shall be inspected at the manufacturer’s works or at a suitable testing
station to ensure compliance with the relevant design standard and specification.
Inspection shall be carried out by a competent person independent of the manufacturer to
ensure that:
2.1.2 The valve set pressure and reseat pressure are witnessed as being correct.
2.1.3 The valve has been properly cleaned for oxygen service.
• Materials of construction.
• Strength testing.
• Functional testing to establish set pressure and reseat pressure.
• Limiting operating temperature.
2.1.5 The valve is properly lead sealed to prevent adjustment of the set pressure and
2.1.6 Each valve has a stainless steel plate permanently attached detailing valve make
and type, set pressure, limiting operating temperature, serial number, capacity
and/or orifice size.
2.2 Bursting discs shall be verified by selecting representative samples from each production
batch and burst testing to confirm that the rupture pressures are within the stipulated
tolerance. The discs shall be inspected by a competent person independent of the
manufacturer to ensure compliance with the relevant design standard and specification
and that:
2.2.1 Each bursting disc is indelibly marked, tagged or labelled with the tag number,
burst pressure and tolerance at coincident temperature, material and nominal
2.2.2 Each bursting disc holder is marked with the disc material, direction of flow, tag
number and the nominal size and pressure of the disc.
2.2.3 All bursting disc assemblies have been properly cleaned for oxygen service.
2.2.4 Valid certification is available, recording the results of the witnessed burst tests
together with the relevant batch numbers and tag numbers.
3.1.1 Each relieving device is undamaged, in its correct location and properly fitted.
3.1.2 All gagging pins and transit locking devices/plugs, where fitted, are removed.
3.1.3 Relief valve or bursting disc vent lines are directed away from areas frequented
by personnel and from vulnerable items of equipment.
4.1 Pressure relief systems shall be visually inspected at regular intervals, as part of the
normal plant operation. Blockages such as ice or foreign debris shall be removed and
care taken to monitor for seat leakage, corrosion or other visual defects.
Blockages shall be investigated to determine the cause and action to be taken to prevent
If necessary, the relief valve(s) shall be removed and sent to an approved person for
testing, repair and retesting as appropriate. Alternatively the valve shall be removed and
replaced by a valve, which has been inspected in accordance with the requirements
detailed in paragraph 2.1 of this Appendix.
4.2 A Written Scheme for the periodic Examination of relief devices shall be implemented.
Records shall be kept for all inspections and examinations, throughout the operating life
of the pressure system.
4.3 All inspections functional tests and periodic examinations shall be carried out by a
Competent Person who is authorised by the tank owner to carry out such tests.
4.4 All maintenance and repairs of relief devices shall be completed by authorised personnel
who have received adequate training relevant to the make and type of the relief device.
Records shall be maintained to verify the competence of these personnel.
4.5 The recommended minimum frequencies for inspection, test and examination are listed
in the following table:
This shall include visual inspection of the device, its piping and supports, for corrosion,
leak tightness, identification, test date marking and mechanical integrity.
The relief valve shall be checked to ensure that it lifts at its set pressure and reseats
correctly. The test may be carried out in-situ or on a bench, using a calibrated pressure
The device shall be replaced by either a new or a fully certified and reconditioned unit or
overhauled in situ.
Outer jacket relief devices shall be examined prior to fitting to ensure compliance with
the design specification. They shall be periodically examined in accordance with the
approved Written Scheme of Examination. The interval between examinations shall not
exceed 36 months.
Thermal relief valves installed to protect pipework shall be examined prior to fitting to
ensure compliance with the design specification. They shall be periodically examined, in
accordance with the approved Written Scheme of Examination. The interval between
examinations shall not exceed 120 months.
Relief valves fitted to other parts of the storage installation shall be examined prior to
fitting to ensure compliance with the design specification. They shall be periodically
examined in accordance with the approved Written Scheme of Examination. The interval
between examinations shall not exceed 72 months.
Note: The frequencies quoted in Sections 4, 5, 6 and 7 above are the minimum
recommended in BCGA Code of Practice 24 (28).
ISSN 0260-4809