Iryna Maliatsina: Master of Science (Supply Chain Management), Lappeenranta University of Technology
Iryna Maliatsina: Master of Science (Supply Chain Management), Lappeenranta University of Technology
Iryna Maliatsina: Master of Science (Supply Chain Management), Lappeenranta University of Technology
A hard-working and self-motivated young academic aiming for a career in higher education. New goals setting,
achieving and far surpassing make me stronger and stimulate my personal development. As a team member, I act
proactively aiming to build transparent relationships that lead to better knowledge sharing and high results.
09/2009-06/2012 Secondary Specialized Education (Commerce), Minsk State College of Architecture and
Construction, Belarus
• Advanced courses in Finance, Management and Marketing
• Certificate with Honors
05/2018-Present Junior Research Assistant, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Kouvola Unit, Finland
• Involved in a number of projects related to the topic of open innovation.
INSPIRE ( This project focuses on managing open innovation in
SMEs from the analysis of its strategic challenges and the strategic scoping of business
opportunities to concept development and its competitive analysis to commercialization
and follow-up work;
• DOIT ( This project aims to deliver and spread a new
approach for early entrepreneurship education within Europe.
• Tracking the transfers from the main branch to other branches and back. Maximizing the
efficiency of transfers;
• Succeed in managing the project aiming to organize effectively the store Display Center
12/2016 Business Challenge Winner Team, Team Leader, LUT Entrepreneurship society
• Case Study competition that required to do the case solving exercise with the team
mates and present the best solution.