PP V Moreno
PP V Moreno
PP V Moreno
During the trial, all three accused jumped bail. Accused-appellant 3. Ordering all the Accused to return to the Spouses
Mohnani Raj and Sundri Mohnani all the goods and
Reynaldo Maniquez was, however, reapprehended. The other tow,
appliances stolen by them as listed in the
Juan Moreno and Paulino Deloria, could not be found, although Juan
aforementioned Information and if they failed and/or
Moreno has been reported dead. On the other hand, the victims of
refused to do so, to pay, jointly and severally, to said
the alleged rape, Mary Ann Galedo and Narcisa Sumayo, left their
employer's house shortly after the alleged robbery and rape for an Spouses the value of said goods, in the amount of
unknown province, and thus neither of them could testify at the trial. P98,550.00, without subsidiary imprisonment in case
of insolvency, and to pay the costs.
On September 11, 1987, after trial on the merits, the lower court
rendered judgment of conviction, the dispositive portion of which
reads as follows:
Since the decision involved the penalty of reclusion perpetua, the
records of the case were transmitted to this Court for review. Notice
WHEREFORE, the Court hereby renders judgment
was sent to counsel of the accused to file Appellants' brief but such
against all the Accused, as follows:
notice was returned unclaimed. However, Reynaldo Maniquez, who
was detained at the New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa, signified his
intention to plead his case, at the same time requesting this Court to The Accused Juan Moreno entered the house first
appoint a counsel de oficio since his previous counsel had allegedly by cutting the iron grills of the window of the house.
abandoned him. His request was granted, and counsel de oficio filed In the meanwhile, the Accused Paulino Deloria
his brief, raising only one assignment of error: that "the lower court patrolled the street nearby for any persons or tanod
gravely erred when it convicted the appellant with the crime of rape in the vicinity. The Accused Reynaldo Maniquez, on
on the basis of the affidavit of the alleged offended party, without the other hand, acted as the look-out. After a while,
hearing her testimony in open court."3 Juan Moreno emerged from the house, with a pair of
scissors. The Accused Juan Moreno handed over to
Accused-appellant is contesting, not his conviction for robbery, but the Accused Reynaldo Maniquez the pair of scissors
only his conviction for rape of Mary Ann Galedo, who was not and ordered the latter to look for Paulino Deloria.
presented as a witness during the trial.
Thereafter, the trio entered the house together,
The following facts as found by the trial court are undisputed: using a flashlight.
As can be synthesized from the evidence in the It was at that point in time that the son of the couple,
record, it appears that between 4:00 and 4:30 Pran, was going out of the bedroom of the couple to
o'clock in the early morning of May 31, 1985, the urinate. The spouses were awakened when the
Spouses Mohnani Raj and Sundri Mohnani, both three Accused Juan Moreno, Reynaldo Maniquez
Indian nationals, but residing in the Philippines, were and Paulino Deloria entered their bedroom. The
sleeping in their house at No. 1291 Paz Street, Accused Paulino Deloria, who was armed with a gun
Paco, Manila, with their three (3) children. The covered with a towel, switched on the lights inside
couple had two maids, namely, Mary Ann Galedo the bedroom of the couple and stood by the door.
and Narcisa Sumayo, who were sleeping in another The Accused Reynaldo Maniquez, on the other
room near the sala of the house. hand, sat on the stomach of Mohnani Raj, at the
same time, warning the latter not to shout, while
poking the pair of scissors on him. The Accused
The three (3) Accused agreed to rob the house of
Juan Moreno posted himself beside where Sundri
Mohnani Raj and Sundri Mohnani. At first, the
Mohnani Raj was lying down, while poking his knife
Accused Juan Moreno had, in mind, robbing a
house in Makati but when he saw that there were at her.
policemen in the vicinity, the house of the Indian
couple became their prime target. Seemingly, aside The Accused Juan Moreno told Sundri Mohnani to
from the three Accused, they had another remove all her belongings and her handbag and
confederate, a jeepney driver, who agreed to use his warned her not to shout. The said Accused was able
jeepney on which to load the loot taken by the to take from her a watch, two (2) Indian bangles, two
Accused from the house of the couple. When the (2) rings and P1,000.00 cash. The Accused Paulino
Accused reached the vicinity of the house of the Deloria also told Sundri Mohnani to remove her
couple, the jeepney was parked nearby about four watch and other personal belongings and asked her
(4) meters away from the house of the couple. if she had money. Sundri Mohnani gave the said
Accused her money. The Accused Reynaldo
Maniquez asked Sundri Mohnani for the wallet and
the latter told the Accused that the wallet was on top Thereupon, the Accused left the room and
of the airconditioning unit. The Accused Paulino ransacked the house. The Accused Juan Moreno
Deloria asked her where her maids were and Sundri took the television and Betamax set from the room
Mohnani told the Accused where their maids were of the couple while the Accused Reynaldo Maniquez
sleeping. Sundri Mohnani, thereupon, accompanied took a Betamax and the wallet of Sundri Mohnani
Paulino Deloria and Reynaldo Maniquez to the room Raj.
of their maids, near the sala. When Sundri Mohnani
and the two (2) Accused entered the room of the The three Accused forthwith carted from the house
maids, Sundri Mohnani instructed her maids not to the belongings and things they took from the house.
shout and to go to the room of the Spouses. They waited for the jeepney to arrive. After a while,
the jeepney parked nearby came along. The three
However, the Accused Paulino Deloria and Accused thereupon loaded their loot inside the
Reynaldo Maniquez told the maids to go with them jeepney. Juan Moreno rode in the jeepney while the
stead. Reynaldo Maniquez brought Mary Ann Accused Reynaldo Maniquez walked home.
Galedo to the bathroom of the house while Paulino
Deloria brought Narcisa Sumayo to the sala. After the Accused left the residence of the couple,
Sundri Mohnani locked their door while Mohnani Raj
Sundri Mohnani was afraid to go out of the bedroom. shouted "Nakaw, nakaw". When the couple went out
However, she peeped through the door of the of their room, they saw their door to the house
bedroom which was then open. Although she could opened and the iron bars on the window were
see the bathroom, the door to the bathroom was destroyed.
closed. She could not, moreover, see the sala from
where she was. The couple called up the police who later responded
and arrived in their house. There were also about
After about five (5) minutes, Paulino Deloria and twenty or so people who offered succor to the
Reynaldo Maniquez and the two (2) maids returned couple. The police officers were told of the
to the room of the couple. Sundri Mohnani saw that circumstances of the robbery-rape perpetrated by
the zipper of the pants of Reynaldo Maniquez was the Accused.
still open. Narcisa Sumayo was crying while Mary
Ann Galedo was lying in bed, quiet. The two (2) The couple were able to recover, from across the
maids were told to lie down. Sundri Mohnani asked street from their house, some of their belongings
Narcisa Sumayo why she was crying, but the latter stolen by the Accused, namely, one (1) rota air, one
did not respond. The Accused Paulino Deloria told (1) Sony television, head phone, four (4) Betamax
Narcisa Sumayo to stop crying. After two or three tapes, one (1) pair Bally shoes and one (1) pair of
minutes, Reynaldo Maniquez closed the zipper of rubber shoes. One bag of assorted slippers was
his pants and went out of the bedroom and took the found near the gate of their house.
wallet of Mohnani Raj on his way out.
Mohnani Raj, his brother-in-law and his son later
proceeded to the police station at about 5:45 o'clock
that morning to make a formal report of the robbery. Medico Legal Section of the Western Police District.
The police investigators were furnished with a list of On his physical examination of Mary Ann Galedo,
the belongings stolen by the Accused. Forthwith, the doctor made the following findings:
Pat. Rodolfo Soriano, of the Theft & Robbery Unit of
the Crimes Against Property Section of the Western 1. Breasts are fairly developed,
Police District prepared and signed, on May 31, conical in shape, pendulous and soft
1985, an Alarm Report, based on the investigation of and with dark brown prominent
the police officers wherein is listed the properties nipples and arcelae;
stolen by the Accused, and the values thereof, thus:
2. Abdomen is flat, soft and with
xxx xxx xxx striae of pregnancy;
It is alleged in said Report that after the accused 3. Multiple old healed lacerations at
ransacked the house of the couple and took their 3, 6 and 9 o'clock positions
appliances and belongings, the two maids were extending to the base, while hymen
dragged to the sala and bedroom and were sexually as a whole is thick;
abused, and that the two (2) maids will be furnished
with the request for a medico legal examination of 4. Introitus vagina admits two (2)
said maids (Exhibit "J-1").
examining fingers with moderate
xxx xxx xxx
5. Vaginal wall is lax and with
Further investigation of the case was turned over to flattering of rugosities; and
Pat. Cecilio Banzagales, Jr. the next day, June 1,
1985. On June 12, 1985, the police investigators
6. Last menstrual period — June 11,
received information that the Accused Juan Moreno
1985 for 4 days.
could be found at Union Street, Paco, Manila. The
police thereupon arrested the Accused Juan
Moreno. At 12:00 noon of the same day, the OPINION:
Accused Reynaldo Maniquez was apprehended by
the police officers. The said Accused informed the The above findings is consistent
police officers of the whereabouts of the Accused with a woman who has already
Paulino Deloria at Taguig, Metro Manila. The latter given birth.
Accused was arrested at about 3:00 o'clock that day
in said place.4 — Exhibit "M".
On June 14, 1985, at 8:30 o'clock in the afternoon, which findings are "consistent with a woman who
Mary Ann Galedo and Narcisa Sumayo had has already given birth (Exhibit "M"). On his
themselves examined by Dr. Marcial Ceñido of the
examination of Narcisa Sumayo, the doctor made . . . While concededly, there is no direct evidence to
the following findings: prove the crime of rape considering that Mary Ann
Galedo and Narcisa Sumayo, after they executed
1. Breasts are fully developed, firm, their respective statements before the police
hemispherical in shape and with investigators, left for their respective provinces and
small brownish nipples and areolae; that their whereabouts were unknown to the
Prosecution, nevertheless, there is sufficient, ample
2. Abdomen is flat, firm and without and convincing circumstantial evidence in the record
striae of pregnancy; proving the guilt of the Accused beyond
peradventure of doubt for the crime of rape.
3. Hymen is relatively thick, circular
The testimony of Sundri Mohnani is vital. Thus, she
in shape and intact;
positively and spontaneously testified that he saw
the Accused Reynaldo Maniquez bring Mary Ann
4. Introitus vagina admits one (1) Galedo from her room to the bathroom. The two of
examining finger with moderate them, the Accused Reynaldo Maniquez and Mary
resistance and would not admit the Ann Galedo staying inside the bathroom for about
tip of two (2) examining fingers; five (5) minutes. After the lapse of said time, Mary
Ann Galedo and the Accused Reynaldo Maniquez
5. Vaginal wall is firm and with went out of the bathroom. Mary Ann Galedo
prominent rugosities; and proceeded to the bathroom of the couple. Sundri
Mohnani saw the zipper to the pants of the Accused
6. Last menstrual period — May 25, Reynaldo Maniquez still open. It was only after two
1985 for 4 days. (2) minutes that the Accused Reynaldo Maniquez
bothered to close the zipper of his pants.
The Accused Paulino Deloria and Narcisa Sumayo
The above findings is consistent likewise stayed in the sala of the house for about
with a woman who is a virgin. said period of time of five (5) minutes after said
Accused brought her from her room. When Narcisa
Sumayo returned to the bedroom of the couple, she
— Exhibit "M".
was crying profusely, most possibly because of the
emotional shock and traumatic experience she went
which findings are consistent with a woman who is a through in the sala. Mary Ann Galedo, on the other
virgin (Exhibit hand, sat on the bed quiet. Because of her
"M").5 persistent cries, Narcisa Sumayo had to be ordered
by the Accused Paulino Deloria to stop crying.
The trial court in convicting appellant and accused Deloria of the
crime of rape stated as follows: While it may be true that when Sundri Mohnani
asked Narcisa Sumayo why she was crying, the
latter did not respond, and that Mary Ann Galedo xxx xxx xxx
was lying in bed, quiet, however, the failure of
Narcisa Sumayo to respond and the silence of Mary Consequently, the Accused thereby waived their
Ann Galedo is understandable. It is to be noted that right to cross-examine the said affiants and such
the Accused Reynaldo Maniquez and Paulino statements are admissible in evidence and the
Deloria were still inside the bedroom standing guard Accused became bound to any favorable or
and holding their weapons. The two Accused had unfavorable effects resulting from said evidence:
threatened the two maids that they would be killed.
There was thus the ever-present possibility that if xxx xxx xxx
the two maids talked about what happened to them,
the two Accused might kill them.
Moreover, the contents of the Alarm Report, Exhibit
(sic) "J" and "J-1" anent the rapes of the two maids,
When the police investigators responded to the calls prepared by the police in the performance of his
for succor from the couple and proceeded to the duties as such police officer and investigator
house of the latter immediately after they received are prima facie of the facts contained therein:
said calls that early morning, the police officers were
forthwith informed of the sexual abuse the two maids
suffered at the hands of the two Accused and this is Sec. 38. Entries in official records.
reflected in the Alarm Report prepared by Pat. — Entries in official records made in
Rodolfo C. Soriano Exhibit "J-1", on May 31, 1985, . the performance of his duty by a
..: public officer of the Philippines, or
by a person in the performance of a
duty especially enjoined by law,
xxx xxx xxx are prima facie evidence of the facts
therein stated.
The testimony of Sundri Mohnani was partially
corroborated by no less than the Accused Reynaldo — Section 38, Rule 130, Rules of
Maniquez himself when he affirmed and confirmed Court.
on the witness stand the allegation of Sundri
Mohnani that the Accused brought Mary Ann Galedo
to the bathroom and stayed with her inside the Considered from another angle, the Alarm Report,
bathroom, although the Accused averred that they Exhibit "J" was prepared on the very day when the
did so only for less than two (2) minutes.6 two maids were raped. The informations about the
rapes of the maids were relayed to the police
officers shortly after the rapes were committed and
Although Mary Ann Galedo and Narcisa Sumayo the same reported to the police investigators.
were not presented by the Prosecution as its
Patently, therefore, the declarations of the two maids
witnesses, however, when the Prosecution offered
who forthwith informed the police officers of the
the aforementioned written statements of the two (2) rapes are admissible in evidence as part of the "res
maids, the counsel of the accused did not object to gestae" and as an exception to the hearsay rule:7
the admission of said evidence:
In effect, there are two issues raised in this appeal: Immediately after the three accused left the house where the crime
was committed, and the threatening presence of the accused was
(1) Whether the affidavit executed by Mary Ann gone, both Mary Ann Galedo and Narcisa Sumayo told their
Galedo narrating the circumstances of her rape was employers, the Mohnani spouses, that they were raped. The latter
properly considered as evidence without her later testified in court as to these statements. These were thus part
testimony in open court, and of the res gestaesince they were spontaneously made after their
harrowing experience, as soon as the victims had the opportunity to
(2) Whether, without such affidavit, there was make them without fear for or threat to their lives.
sufficient circumstantial evidence to prove beyond a
reasonable doubt that the alleged rape was More important even is the straightforward and clear testimony of
committed by the accused-appellant, Reynaldo Sundri Mohnani, wife of Raj Mohnani, their employer. She testified in
Maniquez. court that she saw appellant enter their bathroom with Galedo. She
saw him close the door and later come out after about five minutes,
Counsel for appellant claims that in the absence of Galedo's with the zipper of his pants still unzipped. She saw him zip it up
some minutes later. This testimony was partly corroborated by
testimony in court, her affidavit is hearsay evidence and was thus
appellant himself who admitted on the witness stand that he went
inadmissible for the purpose of proving the allegation of rape.
inside the bathroom with Galedo, but denied having raped her.
Admittedly, Galedo's affidavit would be hearsay evidence if she did
not testify as to its contents at the trial. The accused was not given Aside from the testimony of the victim herself, it is not often that
direct evidence of rape is available. The act of rape itself is rarely
the opportunity to face and cross-examine her on her accusations, a
witnessed by a third party. More often than not, only circumstantial
right guaranteed to him by the Constitution. However, there are
evidence can be given. And such evidence can be the basis of
exceptions to the rule on inadmissibility of hearsay evidence, and
one of these is when it is part of the res gestae. Section 42 of Rule conviction, provided certain requisites are present. Section 4 of Rule
130, Rules of Court, provides: 133, Rules of Court, provides:
But since it was only accused Reynaldo Maniquez who appealed the
lower court's decisions, the corresponding increase in the penalty
brought about by the appreciation of the mentioned aggravating
circumstances will not affect the sentences imposed upon the two
other accused — Deloria and Moreno — who did not appeal.
In view of the foregoing, the judgment of the trial court finding the
accused-appellant Reynaldo Maniquez guilty of the crime of robbery
with rape, and sentencing him to suffer the penalty of RECLUSION
PERPETUA with all the accessory penalties of the law, is hereby
AFFIRMED. We furthermore order the accused-appellant Reynaldo
Maniquez to pay Mary Ann Galedo, the sum of P30,000.00 by way of
damages without subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency.