US V Capillo
US V Capillo
US V Capillo
Facts: The defendant Saturnino Capillo, with intent to cause his legitimate child to lose his civil status
and in cooperation with the defendant Petrona Paduga, took the said child without the permission of his
mother Vicenta Umanbang or the authority of the courts of this city and agreed with one Chua Pue Tee to
deliver to him the said child and never to claim it again, asking the said Chua Pue Tee at the same time to
lend them the sum of P150 to defray the expenses incurred by the defendant Saturnino Capillo during the
last sickness and death of his wife Vicenta Umanbang, and received from said Chua Pue Tee the sum of
P106 of which P50 corresponded to the defendant Saturnino Capillo and P56 to defendant Petrona
Paduga. That the living of said child under such circumstances in the possession of said Chua Pue Tee
and his wife Sio Suat King exposes said child to lose his civil status, to wit, that of the legitimate son of
the said defendant Saturnino Capillo and his wife Vicenta Umanbang to that of an unknown and nameless
child or at the most to that of the child of one Chua Pue Tee and his wife.
Issue: WON the act of selling the child for money consideration and agreed to never claim the child again
is liable under article 347.
Held: NO. There was no abandonment of a child in the sense it should be understood in article 347, that
is, leaving the child at a public place where other people may find it, and causing the child to lose its civil