Seminar Brochure PDF
Seminar Brochure PDF
Seminar Brochure PDF
The freedom of speech and expression is considered to be one of the greatest and most important human rights Freedom of Speech & Expression and Censorship of Media
conferred to the human being. The right to freedom of expression is widely seen as underpinning human rights and Media and Invasion of Privacy Rights
democratic freedoms in that it guarantees the exchange of views and opinions necessary to inform public debate. John
Media Trial its extent & Limitations
Stuart Mill, referring to the suppression of free expression as a "particular evil" opines that the human race is being
robbed of something of value. He goes on to advocate that "the necessity to the mental well- being of mankind (on which Media & Democracy
all other wellbeing depends) of freedom of opinion and freedom of expression of opinion is well recognised. It has long Media & Ethics
been valued as a foundation right in all democratic societies.
Freedom of Speech & Expression and Social Media
India has the largest democracy in the world and media has a powerful presence in the country. The role of
Online Terrorism, Online Bullying, Online Hatred and Regulation of Social Media
media in our democratic has been widely debated. In recent times, Indian media has been subject to a lot of criticism for
the manner in which they have disregarded their functions and obligation to social responsibility. Post-liberalisation, Fake News, Mob Lynching and Regulation of Social Media
transnational media organisations have spread their wings in the Indian market with their own global interests. This has
Child Pornography, Harassment and Social Media
happened at the cost of an Indian media which was initially thought to be an agent of ushering in social change through
Social Media & Ethics
developmental programs directed at the non privileged and marginalized sections of the society. In recent past, media
had moulded the attitudes of the citizens. Journalists expect that freedom of media is freedom of journalist irrespective of
any restrictions and society expect that journalism not only informs, educates, entertains but it also provides a forum of
Above identified issues/subthemes are only illustrative. Participants may select the related topics covered
discussion, watchdog functions, and leadership to the community and many other emerging functions. Here, there is
under the main theme.
bound to be a difference of opinion on the role of the media in a democratic society like ours. In certain respects, media is
operative as purely private concerns of the owners.
Over the past last decade, the use of social media has exponentially increased. With the standardization of the CALL FOR PAPERS
Internet Protocol Suite and thus the introduction of a world-wide system of interconnected TCP/IP networks, the path Research Papers/Articles and Case Studies from academicians, journalists, research scholars and students are invited
was paved for the Internet to play a prominent role in humanity's day to day lives and wide range of opinions concerning for presentation in the National Seminar subject to selection by committee. Communication of acceptance will sent to
the freedom of expression, is coming from the Social Networking Services themselves. According to the Universal selected authors for presentation. Only participants present in the seminar premises will be issued their certificates.
Declaration of Human Rights, Freedom of expression is the right of every individual to hold opinions without Co-authorship is allowed but it is limited to two co-authors. Each co-author is required to register and pay the
interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers and in a registration fees individually.
democratic country like India, each and every citizen has the right to express and impart information through social GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION OF PAPERS
media. However, the dawn of this new era has also caused some side-effects, which has moved the legislator to take into
Text paper should be in hard as well as soft copy (in MS Word, Font: Times New Roman, 12 Font size, 1.5 line
account this new means of communication. Dangerous business practices in the field of social media have affected the
spacing). The abstract (in maximum two hundred words) must reach Organizing Secretary, National Seminar on
fabric of Indian democracy. Though social media has at times successfully played the role of a watchdog of the
"Media Regulatory Framework In India: Issues and Challenges" Law School, Banaras Hindu University,
government functionaries but the misuses of social media are more challenging especially with reference to the situation
Varanasi 221005 latest by 08th Oct, 2018 . The full paper must be submitted latest by 10th Oct, 2018. The abstract and
in Jammu and Kashmir.
full paper must be sent through e-mail at
Now, it is a debatable issue whether there should be self- regulation or a strict law to regulate print, electronic
as well as social media. The Apex Court has proposed to have guidelines for legal reporting by the media. In 2012 a Print REGISTRATION FEE
and Electronic Media Standards Regulation Bill, 2012 was also introduced in the Lok Sabha to regulate media. The A nominal fee of Rs.500/- is fixed as registration fee. There is on spot registration for the seminar. The participants have
Indian Government is drafting guidelines that will bind companies such as Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube and Facebook to submit their confirmation of participation through email given below. Law School BHU, will not provide any
to respond to complaints immediately and promptly. The move is prompted by the government's view that slow response accommodation and TA/DA to participants. Participants have to arrange their own accommodation.
of these companies to complaints were leading to the spread of rumours and false news on their platforms. Such rumours
have led to violence in several parts of the country. While functions of the print, electronic and social media in recent
years raises a number of legal and policy issues, the proposed Interdisciplinary Dialogue will focus mainly on the
following issues/sub themes: VARANASI-221005
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