ECON F213 Mathstat
ECON F213 Mathstat
ECON F213 Mathstat
Course Handout Part II
Date: 01/08/2016
In addition to part -I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table) this portion gives
further specific details regarding the course.
2. Text Book:
1. Lind A Douglas, Marchal G William & Wathen A Samuel, "Statistical Techniques in Business
and Economics" 13th Edition, 2008
3. Reference Books:
R1. Stine E. Robert and Foster Dean, "Statistics for Business", Pearson Education, 1st Edition,
R2. Yamane Taro, Mathematics for Economists, Eastern Economy Edition, 2nd Edition 1985
R3. Alpha Chiang and Kelvin Wainwright, “Fundamental methods of Mathematical
Economics”, TMH, 4th Ed., 2005
4. Course Plan:
Lec. Learning Objective Topics to be covered References
No. (TB)
1 Exposure to Basics of Statistics What is Statistics? Chapter 1 (TB)
2-5 Data Classifications, Tabulation and Describing Data: Frequency Chapter 2, 3
Presentation tables, frequency distributions and 4(TB)
and Graphic Presentations,
numerical measures.
6-8 Description of Data & Exploring Concept of Skewness, Chapter 4 (TB)
Data Moments and Kurtosis
9 -12 Exposure to Probability Distributions Binomial, Poisson & Normal Chapter 6 and
Distributions 7 (TB)
13 - 15 Sampling Techniques Sampling Methods and the Chapter 8(TB)
Central limit theorem
16 - 18 Statistical Inference: Estimation Estimation and Confidence Chapter 9(TB)
19-24 Statistical Inference :Hypothesis One and two sample test of Chapter 10 and
testing Hypothesis 11 (TB)
25 Concept of variance Analysis of variance Chapter 12
26 - 28 Correlation and regression analysis Linear regression and Chapter 13
correlation (TB)
29- 32 Some non-parametric tests: chi- Non parametric methods Chapter 10(TB)
square, Z, student's - t, and F- and Class notes
5. Evaluation Scheme:
13/9, 4.00--5.00 PM
1. Test-I 1 Hour 20 CB
21/10, 4.00--5.00 PM
2. Test-II 1 Hour 20 OB
7. Notice: All notices pertaining to this course shall be displayed on the Economics and Finance
(or) LTC Notice Board.
8. Make-up policy: Make-up will be granted on genuine reason with prior permission. No Make-
up will be granted through SMS.