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The Concept of Self-esteem

Self-esteem is the most highlighted concept that is discusses not only psychological clinical situations but
also one of the most research concepts in psychology. According to statistical research on Wikipedia,
Self-esteem is one of the most frequent themes in psychological literature, which been used for the
research in psychology. Self-esteem is continue to be one of the most generally research thought in
social psychology (Wells & Marwell, 1976).

Fortunately, in recent years, a growing number of researchers have begun to incorporate additional
aspects of self-esteem into their research and theories. These aspects include implicit self-esteem
(Covington, 2000), contingent self-esteem (Crocker & Wolfe, 2001) and stability of self-esteem (Kernis &
Goldman, 2002). In this research, the research had discussed the concept of self-esteem and the
contingencies of self worth of students in the university sample. Students are future of any nation; there
natural development is very vital and effective while it comes to their studies and development of these
skills. The study examines the joint implications of level and stability of self-esteem for various aspects of
psychological and interpersonal functioning. This research has begun by discussing some definitional and
measurement issues concerning these two self-esteem components.

In clarification of the optimistic emotions and favorable beliefs are associated to the self with high self-
esteem. It seems reasonable to think that people who have high self esteem fare better in terms of the
objective outcomes they experience in life— that they would not only be happier but also richer, more
successful, better loved, and perhaps even more attractive than low self-esteem people. Although
researchers have long speculated that high self-esteem also has objective benefits, these hypothesized
benefits are typically small or nonexistent (Kernis, 2006).

As (Wells & Marwell, 1976) pointed out in their important monograph, three difficulties arise out of the
ubiquity of the term. First, the reliance upon common-sense definitions gives the misleading impression
that different writers are referring to the same thing when they discuss self-esteem. Secondly, the
assumption that everyone has an intuitive understanding of its nature hides the fact that individual
theorists hold different views as to what comprises a healthy component of personality. It is a natural
phenomenon for general people to think differently and have a concept of complex description and
understanding as the phenomenon sound complex and un-unique with general speaking and term for
daily life.
According to identity theory, the self is composed of multiple identities that reflect the various social
positions that an individual occupies in the larger social structure. Meanings in an identity reflect an
individual's conception of himself or herself as an occupant of that particular position (Stryker, 1980).
Self-verification occurs when meanings in the social situation match or confirm meanings in an identity.
Thus, when individuals enact and verify an identity, they simultaneously produce and reproduce the
social structural arrangements that are the original source of those meanings. In adopting such a
position in the investigation, the research maintains the central focus on the individual within the social
structure that has traditionally characterized the structural symbolic interactions position (Stryker, 1980).

Understanding of self-esteem is one issue, which still needs to be clear and require much work to be
understandable for everyone. On the other hand talking about self-esteem it is also an issue that is very
enlighten about its level. There are no. of researches been done for measuring the levels of self-esteem
and debating on LSE or HSE have any/what impacts and benefits. Getting high self-esteem also require
some cost as nothing is free or for granted. Some recent evidence suggests that high self-esteem has
costs, especially under conditions of ego threat. Ego threat did not only losing of money but sometimes
losing of relationships as well. How students can cope up with ego threat on the negative aspects shows
their over-confident leads to lack of exam preparations or class presentation cause reduction in their
marks and failure.

While research in each of the directions is extensive (Wells & Marwell, 1976), little research has been
synthesized the three research streams into an overall integrated model. The theory of self-esteem
integrated with the three conceptualizations within the context of structural symbolic interaction, or
identity theory (Stryker, 1980). (Ervin & Stryker, 2001) began the process by discussing the links between
self-esteem, identity salience, and identity commitment. The connections between the different
conceptualizations of self-esteem, however, remain unclear. The research connecting the self-esteem
with the contingencies of self worth and measuring with GPA scores of student's academic performance.

In popular culture like today when people have life which not only very fast but also facing pressure from
different dimensions, over 2000 self-help books, audiotapes, and childrearing manuals have been
developed to enhance people's self-esteem, with the assumption that high self-esteem (HSE) leads to a
more successful, satisfying life. Having high self-esteem create difficulty is a different story but this is for
sure that people having low self-esteem will definitely create problem for that person, nevertheless for
him/her family too. People who find that have low value in their life, or they think like they haven't
achieve much their life and they have not much to get or work to get are having somewhere around
having low self-esteem, self-concept and self-worth.
Measuring or assessment of self-esteem is not that easy, it is a very difficult concept to evaluate for
research. Self-esteem is a complex psychological concept, difficult to define and challenging to assess
and to research (Rosenberg, 1965). The row form of self-esteem, it is define as "the value or worth a
person think he have about his self" it is the reflection of person's value and appraisal about his self
worth and value. Self-esteem is overall evaluation of persons trait about his emotions believe and
perception, for example "I am a good student in general" "I have an ability to make tasty food" or "I am
proud on my academic performance".

Much self-esteem research in the 20th century focused on global self-esteem. According to (Rosenberg,
1965), the social learning theorist define self-esteem as, an individual's global judgments about him- or
herself, including levels of self-worth, self-acceptance and self-respect.

Some psychologists (Wagner & Valtin, 2004) anticipated that self-esteem was a global concept of one
self, which was firm by some precise self-concepts. Self-Esteem establishes most frequently to an
individual's overall positive valuation of the self (Rosenberg, 1965).Self-esteem is the inside feeling of a
person about one self whatsoever the domain of that self-esteem. Some researchers said that, the
collection of two diverse magnitudes were, competence and worth (James, 1890). The competence
measurement (efficacy-based self-esteem) submits to the degree though which an individual can see
himself as competent and efficacious. The worth measurement refers to the degree though which an
individual's feel that they have some value and they are a persons of worth & value.

In this world of today where everybody is fighting for survival and succession in the life, people are
developing their self to be more competent and successful they need to have high level of self-confident
and self-esteem i.e. they must believe on their own ability that they can do whatever the environment &
society is depending. During the 1990s, some psychologists claimed that self-esteem was not a global
one-dimensional construct; accordingly, studies on the structure of self-esteem have become
increasingly popular. Until recently, researchers believed that self-esteem was a hierarchically organized
and multifaceted construct, but they did not agree on how to define the different domains. (Crocker &
Wolfe, 2001). Now some of the researches have demonstrated different aspects with different domains,
through which people can increase their self-esteem, and eventually could decrease their self-esteem,
when those domains been affected by any means these different domains were used.

Self-esteem has different levels, the highest being global self-esteem, the lowest being evaluation of
specific, concrete behaviors in context and with domain self-esteem, such as academic self-esteem and
nonacademic self-esteem, being somewhere in the middle. Researchers have explored the structure of
self-esteem extensively using this hierarchical model. Other then these hierarchical levels there are also
domains through which one can find where he/she is mostly lacking or prospering their self-esteem.

In the year 2001, (Crocker & Wolfe, 2001) proposed that self-esteem is contingent on different domains
like appearance, competition, family support, perception of God's love, approval from others, school
competence and behavior, and they claimed that both global self-esteem and domain self-esteem could
be classified as both a trait and a state. Trait self-esteem is relatively more of stable over time, at the
same time as state self-esteem fluctuates according to the immediate circumstances or any situation
that can affect the persons.

The study, deployed instrument of Contingencies of self-worth scale, which have seven factors of domain
self-esteem. A contingency of domain self-esteem is the degree to which a person stakes his/her self-
esteem on a particular domain or category, such that the person values himself/herself more if s/he
meets his/her personal standards of success in these domains (Crocker & Wolfe, 2001). It depends in
what domain people based their self-esteem; those different domains have different contingencies for
their self-esteem.

People differ in the contingencies of self-esteem because it all depends where they based their self-
esteem (James, 1890), and a person may value multiple contingencies to varying degrees (Crocker &
Wolfe, 2001). Many researchers like (Crocker, et al., 2003; Crocker, 2006) have done a lot of research on
domain based self-esteem conducted in 2003, demonstrated that contingency of academic self-esteem
moderates the effect of success and failure events on academic state self-esteem.

The domains on which self-esteem is highly contingent, enduring events or dramatically and
permanently changed circumstances would influence the level of trait self-esteem claimed by (Crocker &
Park, 2004). However, these contingencies are the sort of effect, which would not replicated for trait self-
esteem, and the social approval contingency did not moderate the effect of social approval from others
on trait self-esteem demonstrated by (Lemay & Ashmore, 2006). High level of self-esteem often regarded
as the holy grail of psychological health— the major keys of self a person can have are like happiness,
self-value, self-confidence, success, and popularity. In contract to high self-esteem, low self-esteem
blamed for societal problems ranging from poor educational attainment to drug and alcohol abuse.

Nevertheless, this glowing view of high self-esteem has detractors who argue that the purpose benefits
of high self-esteem are small and limited (Crocker, 2006). Even though pleasant feelings, high self-worth
and enhanced initiative are the producer of high self-esteem, it did not cause high academic
achievement, good job performance, or leadership, nor did low self-esteem cause violence, smoking,
drinking, taking drugs, or becoming sexually active at an early age. Many parents, educators, and
policymakers are confused, with some holding steadfastly to the idea that low self-esteem is the root of
much, if not all, evil, and others concluding that self-esteem are, at best, irrelevant. Although high self-
esteem did little to cause positive outcomes in life, and low self-esteem is not to blame for most social
and personal problems, but some of the researcher are disagree that self-esteem is inappropriate
(Crocker & Wolfe, 2001). There is always a detriment of high or low self-esteems one can get.

People want to believe with the aim of they are praiseworthy and important human beings, in addition
to this desire drives their behavior. Here the research suggest that self-esteem has great significance lies
less in whether it is high or low, but fact of the matter is that, in what manner people judge that, they are
in need of to have value and person of worth (Crocker, 2006). What the research call is the contingencies
of self-worth.

Self-esteem and Contingencies of self-worth

About a century ago, William James (James, 1890) recommended that self-esteem is both a stable trait
as well as an unstable state; transitory feelings of self-esteem fluctuates a person's distinctive or trait
level in response to good and bad events around him. James also noted and highlighted in his research
that people are selective about what kinds of events affect their self-esteem.

Self-esteem is a belief of one person he/she hold about themselves. High self-esteem people believe
they are intelligent, attractive, and popular. Nevertheless high self-esteem people acknowledge that they
had flaws or made mistakes in the distant past, they see their present or recent past selves in a
particularly positive light, believing they have changed for the better even when concurrent evaluations
suggest they have not (Ross, 2002).

(Crocker & Wolfe, 2001) proposed that good and bad events in domains of contingent self-worth raise or
lower momentary feelings of self-esteem around a person's typical or trait level of self-esteem, and
these fluctuations in state self-esteem have motivational consequences. When level of self-esteem is on
higher site people feel good, and self-esteem is on lower site then people feel bad. Consequently, apart
from that whether people typically have high or low self-esteem, they search for the emotional high
linked with success in domains of contingent self-worth and struggle to avoid the emotional lows that
accompany failure in these domains. Consequently, contingencies of self-worth regulate behavior.
Many research studies have verified that people those have high self esteem gets the benefits of having
high trait self esteem. The clearest benefits are positive emotions, and certain self-concepts that
accompany high self-esteem (Kernis, 2006). Self-esteem strongly related to the sentimental character of
daily life, with high self-esteem people reporting happier events, feeling of successes, positive effect, less
hopelessness, more life satisfaction, less anxiety, and fewer depressive symptoms as compare to people
who are low in self-esteem.

In June 20, 2006, a 16-year old boy in Tokyo set fire to his house, killing his stepmother, brother, and
sister. The reason for this act was. The boy was ashamed of his poor academic test performance and
wanted to avoid scolded by his "results-obsessed" parents (Lewis, 2006). Although an extreme case, this
example illustrates how profoundly failure can affect self-esteem, emotion, motivation, and behavior.
When people fail, they may be devastated emotionally; link failure to the self, thinking "I am a failure"
rather than "I failed"; and pursue goals and behaviors to alleviate the pain of failure (Park, Crocker 2004).
This is not the case in everyone's situation, however, reacts to failure in the same way. Research has
reveals that people react on failure conditions according to their level of self esteem; more particularly,
people those have low self-esteem (LSE) are more sensitively hurt and discouraged by failure as compare
to people those have high self-esteem (HSE). People who have moderate or good level of self worth like
students, are they also performing good on academic mode, whether the students did not invest their
self esteem in the domain of academic competences.

However focusing on one's strengths and minimizing one's weaknesses often foster positive mood,
optimism, and perseverance, when one's weaknesses interfere with accomplishing important goals and
can be addressed, the exaggeratedly positive and highly certain self-views of high self-esteem may be an
obstacle to recognizing and addressing their weaknesses and accomplishing their goals. When people
have successes, particularly students when performing well and having good GPA are also having higher
score on self worth scale.

In general, it seems likely that both low and high self-esteem are helpful or adaptive in some situations,
and not adaptive in others. Because low self-esteem people doubt their abilities and worry about
whether others will accept them, they tend to integrate feedback from others (Brockner, 1984). These
positive illusions can be helpful or unhelpful, depending on the state of affairs. the positive self-views
associated with high self-esteem may be helpful for asking the boss for a raise, but interfere with
understanding his feedback about areas in which one needs to improve before a raise is about to
On the bases of previous research and theories, the research hypothesized that people more specifically
students based their self-esteem in the domain of academic competence, when they have lower level of
GPA must be having a lower score on the scale of CSWS. In the present studies, the research examined
the overall self-worth of students at university level; the research also examined their results in GPA form
and link with the domain of academic competence. a domain of importance and relevance to many
college students (Crocker, Luhtanen, Cooper, & Bouvrette, 2003).and found the relationship of Academic
performance have any impact on students level of self esteem or not.

Contingencies of self-worth symbolize the domains of those people who invest their self-esteem; and
their success in these domains boosts self-esteem, whereas failure diminishes it (Crocker & Wolfe, 2001).
A daily report study of university seniors applying to graduate school showed that academic contingency
predicts an increase in self-esteem on days they accepted to graduate programs and a decrease in self-
esteem on days they were rejected (Crocker, 2006). Because success and failure in domains of
contingencies affect self-worth, people who have contingent self-worth seek success and avoid failure in
these domains to maintain or boost their sense of self-worth.

Among the seven domains of contingencies commonly identified in university students (Crocker,
Luthanen, Cooper, & Bourvrette, 2003), the research focused on all the domains of self worth and
hypothesized that the significantly high level of self esteem of those students also have higher GPA score
when performance academically. The study also see that where university student mostly invest their
self-worth in these domains of contingencies. When students are not, sure, that success is possible or
failure avoided they will disengage from the task, deciding it did not matter, rather than suffer the loss of
self-esteem that accompanies failure in these domains (Crocker, et al., 2002).

The Contingencies of self-worth approach extends or challenges existing models of self-esteem in several
ways. Crocker & Wolfe argument on the importance of self-esteem that lies in what it is contingent upon
stands in contrast to decades of research focused on whether trait self-esteem is high or low (Crocker &
Wolfe, 2001). Furthermore, they did not break up the focus to whether people have low or high self-
esteem in specific domains such as academics or competence, but rather symptomatic of that regardless
of people's level of domain-specific self-esteem, contingent self-worth in these domains has predictable

Although the Kernis study complementary to research that focuses on the stability of self-esteem over
time (Kernis, 2006), their research also extended that work by showing that instability of self-esteem
results from experiencing positive and negative events in those domains in which self-esteem is
contingent. The research argues that nearly everyone has contingencies of self-worth but that people
differ as to what their self-esteem is contingent happening.

Those students who based their self-esteem on top of their academic accomplishments typically have
self-validation goals in this domain, viewing their schoolwork as an opportunity to demonstrate their
intelligence. Because failure in domains of contingency threatens self-esteem, people try to avoid failure
by increasing effort, if they are still uncertain of success, they may abandon their self-validation goal and
become unmotivated, or prepare excuses that will soften the blow to self-esteem in case they fail. Basing
self-esteem on external factors such as appearance, others' approval, or academic achievement has
more negative consequences than basing it on internal factors such as virtue or God's love. And in
contrast to most researchers who argue that self-esteem is a fundamental human need that people need
to pursue (Stryker, 1980), Pursuing for self-esteem by attempting to prove that one is a success in
domains of contingency is costly were argued by (Crocker & Park, 2004). There is always a cost for getting
to improve self-esteem & those domains, which can boost your level, require different events or
elements according to your domain.

When failure in domains of contingency cannot dismissed with defensive responses, self-esteem
decreases. Consequently, contingencies of self-worth are both a source of motivation and a psychological
vulnerability (Crocker, 2006). Making excuses or blaming others is defensive maneuvers by which people
deflect the threat to self-esteem when they do fail.

In this study the research have investigated the domains in which university students commonly invest
their self-esteem, including appearance, others' approval, outperforming others, academics, family
support, virtue, and religious faith or God's love. The research indicates that contingencies of self-worth
shape students' emotions, thoughts, and behavior.

In a sample of university, students over all have high self-esteem have also higher when they have to
show their performance on academic scales, the additional students pedestal their self-esteem on their
academic success. The higher students' self-esteem was on days they were admitted to graduate school
and the lower their self-esteem was on days they were rejected (Crocker, et al., 2002). It is all about the
event, which makes the students self esteem to affected, whether it is getting admissions, getting scores
on final exams or getting feedback on their class performance.

Contingencies of self-worth are strongly related to the goal of validating one's abilities in the domain of
contingency (Crocker & Park, 2004), and students report spending more time on activities that are
related to their contingencies of self-worth (Crocker, et al., 2002). People always spend time in those
activities where they most found themselves worthy and feel un-worthy when they lack or failure on
those domains. The research has to see & relate with the higher level of self-esteem of students with the
domain academic performance of contingencies of self worth.

All the educational achievements at university level are measures on GPA bases. GPA is the ultimate
result that reflects the students' attention on his/her academics. When students based their self esteem
in the domain of academic competence/performance then their score in the CSW scale must be high and
those who base their self esteem on academics they contingent their self esteem by knowing and
upgrading their learning ability and increase their academic performance. One of this research's
important variables is students GPA.

Academic achievements measured by students' results in form of grades, percentages and Grand point
assessments. Student's results are depending of many elements but classroom environment and
facilitation for learning are the core elements, which are subject to university or institute. Nonetheless,
the abilities like mentions above about cognitive learning have to contribute to students' performance
and it is most important for those people who based their self-esteem in the domain of academic
competence, and it is highly depended on students' learning attributes and academic environment that
ultimately lead to healthier academic self-esteem.

Self-esteem is collective of many attributes and component, one of them is person is itself, the image
they carry about perception they thing people have for them in their minds. The self-worth theory of
achievement motivation suggests that people are motivated to construct an image of them as
competent to maintain and enhance their self-esteem (Covington, 2000). Researcher also comment on
the situation in which their findings had shown that students whose self worth is contingent on
academics tend to adopt achievement goals focused more on performance than on learning.

There is another group of students out general people, who base their self esteem on their appearance
and approval of others, in this case most of the time students not much focus on their academic results,
they try to invest more on their looks, clothes and appearance. Any researches had work on it and
propose many conclusions reveals findings. Along these lines, the research propose that constructing an
image of the self as competent may involve not only seeing one as competent but also ensuring that
others perceive and acknowledge one's competence. Another term for this idea is self-presentation—
people's attempts to create, modify, or maintain an impression of the self in the minds of others. Like
many other people who focus and define self-presentation goal as an effort to convey a desired image of
one to others students also involve in creating they self-presentation to make an image to your

Crocker & Wolfe anticipated that people with LSE would show negative responses to failure, but only if
they strongly based their self-worth on academics. Specifically, students with LSE who based their self
worth on academics and experienced failure expected to have lower state self-esteem and positive affect
than academically contingent HSE participants, who may be more elastic to negative feedback.
Experiencing failure in a domain of contingent self worth also expected to influence the self-evaluations
of people with LSE at an implicit, automatic level. Specifically, LSE participants who experienced failure
expected to show faster embedded associations between self and failure words versus success words,
but only if they strongly based their self-worth on academics. In short, one aim of the present research
was to demonstrate that not all students with LSE respond the same way to failure, only those who
strongly base their self-worth in the domain of where they base their self-esteem expected to show
effects. Nevertheless, these effects are limited to students' performance in this research.

Students who are on master's level are not the one who is full time students, there are almost 80%
masters level students who are working or running some kind of business. Students spending less time
studying and more time working are two trends that all colleges and universities will have to confront.
Lowering academic standards by rewarding minimum effort and achievement (expecting less) is certainly
a short-term strategy, but one that will have negative long-term consequences.

Even though students' have many variables which may contribute for creating students depressive
symptoms, the most ordinary reasons involve are academic recital, economic problems, social stressors
and the alteration innate in the alteration which is caused when student shift from a family setting to a
college atmosphere. Doing jobs or running business is not an easy; dealing with costumers or boss is
another ball game. When students having different situations and ways where he/she have to face many
times gives depression or lack of self-validation or efficacy. These kinds of issues also lead to students'
academic performance without any doubts. Moreover, students who base their self-esteem in the
domain of academic competency face lack in self-worthiness.

It is common that students who spend more time on academic-related activities outside of class (e.g.,
reading the text, completing assignments, studying, and preparing reports) are better performers than
students who spend less time on these activities. There are various pragmatic supports for this
conviction. For example, (Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991) found that the study habits of freshmen relate
significantly to their first year cumulative grade point average (GPA). In their investigation of 143 college
students, (McFadden & Dart, 1992) reported that total study time influenced expected course grades,
the ultimate outcome of academic performance is an output in the form of GPA, other than GPA
whatsoever result outs it basically have some affects to students mental behavior or effect its self

Many researchers endeavored to plug this negated in the literature. They attempted to determine the
direct relationship that time spent on academics outside of class and working had on academic
performance among business students. They attempted to determine whether the time spent on
academics outside of class interacts with variables, such as student ability and motivation, in influencing
the academic performance of business students (Nonis & Hudson, 2006).

Other researches had found something different like (Mouw & Khanna, 1993) find study habits to
significantly improve the explanatory power of the first year cumulative GPA of college students.
(Ackerman & Gross, 2003) have found more recently that students with less free time have a significantly
higher GPA than those with more free time. The research is just over viewing this finding, which is
conflicting with each other, is finding this issue also needs to reinvestigated, but at the end of the day
students, result is the outcome of their efforts whether it is due to spending less time in class or having
some depressive issues in life. Those who look their self esteem in academics loss their self-esteem level
& those who do not invest in academic their results did not affect them.

An additional, more plausible reason for this lack of research may be the complex nature of relationships
with student academic performance and effect on their self-esteem specially when evaluated in the
presence of other variables, such as student ability and motivation. For example, it is likely that time
spent studying outside of class will have a differential impact on the academic performance of college
students who vary in ability. That is, the relationship that ability has with student performance will be
stronger for those students who spend more time outside of class studying than for students who spend
less time studying.

It been noticed from more than 20 years that students attending college is normally viewed as a
constructive experience, a dramatic enhance in stress among college students. a major contributing
factor which develop depression in college students who presenting with symptoms of depression are
commonly cite college-related stress, when students are been disturb by any mean it is very obvious
that, their academic performance will be affected too . University students exposed, sometimes
suddenly, to a host of narrative academic stressors, which includes time limitations, enlarged writing
demands, and organization of multiple deadlines. Academic tasks sometimes require more demands
from students, at the same time as correcting to the realities of university life. It is not a startlingly think,
it is a circular relationship develops, in which academic depression and pressures may exaggerate one
other (Heiligenstein & Guenther, 1996). Working part time or full time is a major cause of depression or
disturbance for students. In Addition to this, many other students those who wish to spend their time
outside the class are another situation. Academic performance has great contribution to the students
overall results which is based on their presence in the class and attending the class work as well as

Basing one's self worth on appearance is significantly correlates with narcissism, neuroticism and it is
highly correlated with public self-consciousness. (Crocker, et al., in press). These finding suggesting that
students who based their self-worth on appearance and highly contingent are likely to be focused on
how they appear to others during social interactions, not only in parties they tend to spend time outside
the class for gathering with other student to get remarks on their appearance by others.

One reason for a lack of research in this area may be the common belief among most students and
academicians that more time spent studying outside of class positively influences academic performance
and that more time spent working negatively influences academic performance (Nonis & Hudson, 2006).
this is an assumption of common people, researchers have to find and deliver their finding that, it is all
time rule those who have their self esteem in particular domain they always contingent their self esteem
in it.

The trend which is presently going on for students who spending less time on academic-related
activities, a growing number of college and university administrators are concerned that today's
postsecondary students are working more hours than their counterparts were years ago (James, 1890). It
can be logically implicit that students working more hours per week will leave them less time for
studying outside of class and that it will depressingly pressure their academic performance. Although
working more hours per week can be one key reason for a student to be in academic problem, the
research did not seem to support this hypothesis as the research are looking for other variables that can
cause to affect the main domain of academic competency of students.

(Stauss & Volkwein, 2002) reported that working more hours per week positively related to a student's
GPA, they took interviewed of undergraduate students from all majors; he found no significant
relationship between paid work and grades. It been found in many cases but on an average and general
rule of thumb are students who put more effects on academics having better results and higher GPA's.

Self-worth is also having a link with the image one can think about his self in the perception of other
people. Out of those seven domain of contingencies of self-worth, there is also a factor of others
approval, when students are belong from a group which is in minority or different language, this issue is
also very intuitive factor that students face in university settings.

Much of the research (Jencks & Philiphs, 1998) examining the various factors thought to underlie the
minority achievement gap concludes that sociological factors, such as teachers' expectations, are often
to blame. In addition, Black students perform more poorly on examination when they think them being
judged as members of a typecast group rather than as an individual. It is all about the students domain
where he/she contingent their self esteem. These are the some of the issues as if belonging to some
minority group always damages students' self-confidence and lead to lack of healthier self-esteem.
When students do not have a good approval from other even if they are from the minority group, they
fall into lack of confidence and deem to be less value and worth of their self.

Many Researchers provide empirical evidence to suggest that this stereotype threat felt as a
physiological arousal that often results in substantial decreases in intellectual performance (Covington,
2000). These findings detailed by stating that those minority group who are weak, will display wrong and
uneven self-knowledge about their academic abilities.

The low self-esteem, highly contingent students may constantly have negative views of themselves
(Alicke, 1985). particularly in important and highly contingent domains there is no hesitation about
proposing that, it is possible that jointly contributing GPA of student with their contingencies of self-
worth & level of self-esteem with their results of university academic performance, with the impact of
contingent self-worth moderated by level of self-esteem. On one hand, it is possible that students who
are low in self-esteem and highly contingent experience more stress and pressure in the domain of

Individual can disagree that simply the study behavior that ultimately brings the desired performance
and not students' inner motivations. This supported by the widely held belief that it is hard work.
Student may have different issues or factors like spending time on academic activities outside of class by
a student, or facing depression from different ways like job or business dealings, having issue of
appearance or belongs to a minority group that results in academic success. Laziness and procrastination
ultimately result in academic failure. Therefore, similar to how motivation interacts with ability to
influence academic performance, one can suppose that behavior such as hard work interacts with ability
to influence performance among college students.
Researcher suggested that students who foundation their self-worth on their appearance are highly
dependent on validation and approval from others and, consequently, experience more social pressure
and stresses in universities, just as students who base their self-worth on academics are hypothesized to
experience more academic stresses and pressures. It had been hypothesize that the critical factor linking
self-esteem to social and academic problems may not be its level, as many researchers and theorists
have assumed, but the contingencies on which one's self-esteem is based (Crocker & Wolfe, 2001).
Those people who foundation their self esteem on academic, when affected from the variables that
directly affect their academics are contingent on self-worth mostly facing low self-esteem.

The research measures contingencies of self worth and global self-esteem of university students and
relate their GPA results. It is earlier to say that maybe students those score low on academic domain
have high GPA results.

Other than issues directly related to student itself are on the other hand, scientists are also viewing
students behavior when they are having LSE or HSE level, many researchers suggests that the
combination of high and contingent self-esteem may be particularly problematic.

The concept of self-esteem known in the multinational cultures and people know this term when talking
specifically in Pakistan. Saying that there has been not much research done on this concept, moreover
how students can cope up with the situation of low self-esteem and how to handle with it require much
work to do in it. Previous research on the effects of contingent self worth on academic problems has not
directly measured the extent to which students base their self-esteem on academic performance.
Instead, contingent self-worth inferred from other indicators, such as shame and anxiety (Covington,

A very renown researcher the research have refer in the research many times Baumeister with his
colleagues also reviewed a wide range of verification and accomplished that fragile insensitivity, or high
but vulnerable self-esteem, is associated with hostility and aggression. Because self-esteem is unstable
and vulnerable when people experience positive and negative events in domains of contingency
(Crocker, et al., 2002; Crocker & Wolfe, 2001), people with high and contingent self-esteem may
experience more stresses in domains of contingency. In the study the research measure students global
self-esteem by Rosenberg self esteem scale and measure CSW scale and relate it with the participant
students GPA, to check the hypothesis that students those have high self esteem level perform better
and score high on academic results or not. The research also tested students those perform high by GPA
results and have high level of global self esteem, where they base their self-worth, the research
hypothesize that those students who perform academically invest their self-esteem in the domain of
academics measuring by Contingencies of self-worth scale.

Because researchers have not typically directly measured the degree to which self-worth based on
academic performance, they have also not addressed a host of questions about the nature of these
effects. First, is basing self worth on academics a specific helplessness for academic problems or is it a
general vulnerability for many types of problems, such as social or even financial problems. When
students have different domain in contingency of self-worth also lead to academic or other types of
problems or is there something unique about basing self-worth on academics. The research have discuss
many variables that can affect the self esteem of students and factors that lead to lack in performance of
students academic competency.

The present study examined the possessions for the contingencies of self-worth and its self-esteem level
in university students on their experience of academic. In contrast to previous research, the study
assessed contingencies of self-worth of students of all the departments of both the genders, filling out
both scales will tell the general self-esteem level and domain base then it will relate the GPA score and
self-esteem score. The research is not only measuring self-esteem of students but also contingencies of
their self-worth. It taken the GPA of participant students and relates their results with the results of their
global self-esteem and then match with the contingencies of self-worth, to fine students those have high
GPA, what is their score in the domain of contingencies of self-worth and where they invest their self-
esteem mostly. Other than that, those who not perform well academically where they had invest their
self-esteem out of those seven factors. To investigate these issues, the research analyzed data from
Rosenberg self esteem scale by (Rosenberg, 1965) and validation of the Contingencies of Self-Worth
Scale (CSW) (Crocker, 2001). The research had also taken GPA results from examination department of
Iqra University to match and analyze the academic performance and level of self-esteem.

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