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Self Esteem

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Self-Esteem in Relation to Academic Performance of Grade 8

Students in Valladolid National High School

Enrolled in S.Y. 2022-2023

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

In English

Submitted by:
Abeto, Febe Lyn S.
Castillo, Arbie Santino D.
Gange, Angiel Marie A.
Malba, Erika Lorraine M.
Ordinario, Ridge Aldrin D.
Reyes, Mekyla Nicole B.
Velano, Erika Lane N.

Submitted to:
Ms. Lyka Joy Escaro

Valladolid National High School

Sitio Pawod, Brgy. Palaka, Valladolid, Negros Occidental
June 2023
The prevalence of the Covid-19 disease around the world has shaken the psychological
and mental well-being of the global citizenry—including Filipino students. Even though it has
been a long time since then, many struggles are still faced by the students due to the abrupt shift
in learning modality to deal with the "new normal", placing stress on the mental well-being of
students who were directly impacted. Together with the academic stress and the current situation
of the society, students are growing increasingly uncertain about the future, consequently
beginning to doubt themselves, notably, lowering their self-esteem. Moreover, this could
potentially have an impact on their general academic performance. To bridge these gaps, the
researchers are motivated to unveil the relationship between Self-Esteem and Academic
Performance of Grade 8 Students at Valladolid National High School. This study aimed to show
if there is a significant relationship between the independent variable, which is the student's self-
esteem, and the dependent variable, their academic performance, by utilizing descriptive research
design. The researchers handed out a survey questionnaire to a total of 70 respondents from
Grade 8 students in order to determine the level of their self-esteem in correlation to their
academic performance. The data revealed that that majority of the grade 8 students have
significantly possessed an accumulated high level of self-esteem, indicating that the students are
confident in their own abilities and capacity to perform and excel in class which affects their
academic endeavors. Moreover, majority of the grade 8 students are academically good as the
level of their academic performance based on their General Weighted Average (GWA). Overall,
the researchers therefore concluded that there is a significant relationship between the self-
esteem and the academic performance of grade 8 students.

Background of the Study

The prevalence of the Covid-19 disease around the world has shaken the psychological
and mental well-being of the global citizenry—including Filipino students. Even though it has
been a long time since then, many struggles are still faced by the students due to the abrupt shift
in learning modality to deal with the "new normal", placing stress on the mental well-being of
students who were directly impacted. This is particularly true today, as it presents students with
yet another set of difficulties to overcome. Together with the academic stress and the current
situation of the society, students are growing increasingly uncertain about the future,
consequently beginning to doubt themselves, notably, lowering their self-esteem. Moreover, this
could potentially have an impact on their general academic performance.
The concept of "self-esteem" refers to one's evaluation of oneself, which may be
favorable or unfavorable. It is the extent to which individuals like, value, accept and respect
themselves at a general (global) level (Rosenberg, 1989). Self-esteem may begin to take shape in
childhood, but it can continue to change and develop throughout life (Rubin, Burgess, &
Hastings, 2002). Teenagers who have higher self-esteem usually feel good about themselves. On
the contrary, those who lack self-confidence are drawn to have a negative perception of
themselves. According to the International Journal of Health Sciences and Pharmacy (2018),
self-esteem correlates with academic performance. It states that an increase in self-esteem
increases the academic performance of students. Students who can more clearly explain the
causes behind their successes and failures will be better able to adjust to academic life.
Furthermore, the mental health of students can also be interrelated with self-esteem. Most often,
people with mental instability are prone to low self-esteem.
On the other hand academic performance has great value to human beings and the
society. Academic performance have been defined and explained by several authors. According
to Narad and Abdullah (2019) academic performance is the knowledge gained which is assessed
by marks by a teacher and/or educational goals set by students and teachers to be achieved over a
specific period of time. One in particular, Banquil et al, (2020) states that academic performance
refers to how students deal with their studies and how they accomplish different tasks given to
them by their teachers. It also refers on how students deal with their studies and they cope with
different factors affecting their performance. In 1968, Erikson (as cited by Ulrich, 2018)
identified that academic achievement played a crucial role in forming a positive, healthy view of
the self. Rosenberg et al, 1989 mentioned that the most visible indicators of academic
achievement are school marks or grades. These are considered as a determinant of one's success
in academics (Ulrich, 2010)
In general, high self-esteem help individuals to view themselves as active and capable
persons to promote changes through effort and set higher goals which cause learning new things.
Interestingly, numerous researchers have demonstrated that the best way improve student
achievement is to increase their self-esteem (Rubie et al., 2018). Research has also documented
that high self-esteem plays an important role in academic achievement of students (Redenbach,
2019). To bridge these gaps, the researchers are motivated to unveil the relationship between
Self-Esteem and Academic Performance of Grade 8 Students at Valladolid National High
School. With the help of this study, the readers will be able to get a better understanding of how
self-esteem affects the student's academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to identify the relationship between the Self-Esteem of Grade 8 students from
Valladolid National High School towards the efficacy of their Academic Performance.
Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:
1. What is the level of self-esteem of grade 8 students in Valladolid National High School?
2. What is the level of academic performance of grade 8 students in Valladolid National
High School based on their General Weighted Average (GWA)?
3. Is there a significant relationship between the self-esteem and academic performance of
grade 8 students?

Null: There is no significant relationship between the Self-Esteem of Grade 8 students and their
Academic Performance.

Theoretical Framework
This study was supported by the following several theories that can be interrelated with
self-esteem and its relationship to academic performance.
Stanley Coopersmith’s Self-Esteem Theory
This theory cited evidence supporting the importance of self-esteem to the academic
performance of people especially youngsters. Stanley Coopersmith concluded that people’s
feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness makes them see themselves as inferior and unable to
generate inner resources to improve their situation (Coopersmith, 1967).
Self-Worth Theory
Self-Worth Theory, advanced by Covington in 1992. According to this theory,
individuals' self-esteem is contingent on their perceived competence and worth in the academic
domain. The theory suggests that individuals strive to maintain or enhance their self-worth, and
their academic performance is influenced by their beliefs about their abilities and intelligence.
Moreover, the theory emphasizes the role of task value and intrinsic motivation, indicating that
individuals are more likely to engage and perform well in tasks they find personally valuable.

Vygosky’s Theory
This theory shows how students who are supported by parents, teachers and peers build
their self-esteem that may impact on their academic performance positively. According to the
theory, every child has some knowledge and builds on the same through the support they get
from peers and adults. This means that students can improve on their self-esteem, modify
discipline and improve their academic performance with the support they get from those who are
more skilled in the society.

These theories are connected to the research study since the researchers sought to find out
if there really is a relationship between self-esteem of students and their academic performance .
By understanding these theoretical frameworks, researchers and educators can gain insights into
the interplay between self-esteem and academic performance, facilitating the development of
interventions and support systems to enhance students' self-worth and academic outcomes.

Conceptual Framework

Self-esteem of Academic
grade 8 performance of
students in grade 8
Valladolid students in
National High Valladolid
School National High
enrolled in School enrolled
S.Y. 2022-2023 in S.Y. 2022-

Figure I: Paradigm of the Study

Scope and Limitations of the Study
This study will mainly focus on the relationship between the Self-Esteem and Academic
Performance of Grade 8 Students in Valladolid National School. In terms of respondents, only
the Grade 8 Students that is enrolled at Valladolid National High School enrolled in S.Y. 2022-
2023 will be centered. The researchers piqued their interest on Grade 8 students since they are
the most affected by the pandemic, notably— their self-esteem.

Significance of the Study

This study will be highly significant to the following;
Students: Students will be able to get a better understanding on how their self-esteem affects
their academic performance. This will also help them in developing a perception towards
improvement and thriving hard to work on building up their self-esteem after knowing how it
can affect their performance academically.
Parents: This study will help them manage the mental stability of their children whether it may
be stable or unstable.
Teachers: This study will contribute in making the teachers aware as to how they can affect the
students’ self-esteem and in order for them to be apprehensive toward their academic behavior
and attitude.
Psychologists and Guidance Counselors: Since this field of study is related to psychology, it
will further expand their knowledge about the given topic and also to develop their
understanding of human behavior. It will also be advantageous to them for they can help the
researchers by providing activities and programs that can contribute to the mental well-being as
well as their academic performance.
Future Researchers: This study will be beneficial to the future researchers for them to have
references as related studies or literature and also to broaden their vocabulary about this study.
This will motivate them to conduct future researches in line with this topic. It will also aid in
lowering the difficulties that other or future researchers may face in finding ideas that are related
to their research study. The difficulties about the topic they are trying to work with will be a lot
easier since this study may serve as their guide.
Definition of Terms
Below is the definition of terms used in the study as defined operationally/conceptually.
Self-Esteem - is the degree to which students feel satisfied with themselves and feel valuable
and worthy of respect.
Academic Performance - refers to the students general weighted average.
Relation - The way in which the relationship between self -esteem and academic performance is
Review of Related Literature
The related literature has provided justification for the variables and some of the
processes involved in the study. This includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalizations or
conclusions, methodologies, and others. The concepts, ideas, and principles cited give credence
to the fact that self-esteem has a significant relationship in the academic performance of 8th
grade students. The following is the related literature that represents the basis regarding the Self-
Esteem in Relation to the Academic Performance of Grade 8 Students in Valladolid National
High School Enrolled in S.Y. 2022-2023. Those that were included help in familiarizing
information that are relevant and similar to this study.
Self-esteem is an overall assessment of the value of one’s self or self-worth. It reflects a
continuum, with people ranging from “low” to “high” self-esteem. Those with low self-esteem,
in extreme cases, actively dislike themselves and feel worthless. Those with high self-esteem like
themselves and believe strongly in their inherent worth as individuals. (Jordan et al., 2020). Self-
esteem may begin to take shape in childhood, but it can continue to change and develop
throughout life (Rubin, Burgess, & Hastings, 2022). According to Rosenberg, 2019) self-esteem
is the evaluation of an individual’s beliefs and attitudes toward his or her abilities and values
(Rosenberg, 2019). It is a part of one’s self-concept, that is, one’s knowledge and beliefs about
their personal attributes (Mann et al., 2018) along with other constructs like self-efficacy (how
effective one perceives oneself to be), internal locus of control (having the sense that one has
control over things rather than the outside world having control), and self-compassion
(compassion that is directed inward towards the self) (Bolger & Patterson, 2018; Lamoureux, et
al., 2019; Neff, 2020). Another definition describes self-esteem as more about perception rather
than reality (Zeigler-Hill, 2019). For example, it can refer to a person’s belief about whether or
not he or she is intelligent and attractive, but it does not necessarily identifies whether the person
actually possesses those traits (Baumeister et al, 2018). The experience of being competent to
cope with the basic challenges of life and of being worthy of happiness, results from one’s self-
esteem (Brown, 2020). This consists of two components: the first is self-efficacy which is
confidence in one’s ability to think, learn, choose and make appropriate decisions and self-
respect, which is confidence in one’s right to be happy and by extension, confidence that
achievement, success, friendship, respect, love and fulfillment are appropriate to oneself (Brown,
2021). These differences in how peoples’ perceptions are have important implications for other
elaborate behaviours including such areas like academic achievement (Cloninger, 2019).
On the other hand academic performance has great value to human beings and the
society. Academic performance have been defined and explained by several authors. According
to Narad and Abdullah (2019) academic performance is the knowledge gained which is assessed
by marks by a teacher and/or educational goals set by students and teachers to be achieved over a
specific period of time. One in particular, Banquil et al, (2020) states that academic performance
refers to how students deal with their studies and how they accomplish different tasks given to
them by their teachers. It also refers on how students deal with their studies and they cope with
different factors affecting their performance.
In 1968, Erikson (as cited by Ulrich, 2018) identified that academic achievement played a crucial
role in forming a positive, healthy view of the self. Rosenberg et al, 1989 mentioned that the
most visible indicators of academic achievement are school marks or grades. These are
considered as a determinant of one's success in academics (Ulrich, 2010)
Self-esteem as discussed by Aryana M., (2010) is a great influential factor that affects the
students' academic achievement. A high level of perceived satisfaction indicates that the
individual has high self-esteem, whereas a low level of satisfaction indicates low self-esteem.
Özkan (2021) defined people with high self-esteem as individuals who are successful in
academic and professional areas, who can handle stress, who can establish social and close
relations and who have a high level of vitality and enjoyment. At the same time, he defined
people with low self-esteem as individuals who have a low level of vitality and enjoyment, who
are not self-confident, who feel shame and feelings of worthlessness and who feel inadequate in
terms of success and skills. Self-esteem begins when children compare their self-evaluation with
their actual performance on a variety of tasks. This comparison between how an individual sees
himself and the idea of self is critical especially during adolescence.
In general, high self-esteem help individuals to view themselves as active and capable
persons to promote changes through effort and set higher goals which cause learning new things.
Interestingly, numerous researchers have demonstrated that the best way improve student
achievement is to increase their self-esteem (Rubie et al., 2018). Research has also documented
that high self-esteem plays an important role in academic achievement of students (Redenbach,
Research Design
The design that will be used in this study is the descriptive research design. A descriptive
research design is a type of research design that aims to systematically obtain information to
describe a phenomenon, situation, or population. In the descriptive research method, the
researcher does not control or manipulate any variables, unlike in experimental research. Instead,
the variables are only identified, observed, and measured. The researchers will be using this
design in their research study since this descriptive method focuses more on the “what” of the
research topic than the “why” of the research. This design will be utilized in this study since the
researchers are focused on gathering information about a particular group or phenomenon.

Participants of the Study

This study's participants will be chosen via simple random sampling, with 10 students
from each section of grade 8 at Valladolid National High School currently enrolled for the school
year 2022-2023. A total of 70 grade 8 students will be chosen from all the seven sections.


In order for the data to be obtained, the researchers will be using a survey questionnaire.
The survey questionnaire that will be used is the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (CSEI).
The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (CSEI) is a fifty-item questionnaire intended to measure
the evaluation that children from ages eight to fifteen make and customarily maintain with regard
to themselves. The questionnaire presents respondents with generally favorable or generally
unfavorable statements about the self, which they designate as "like me" or "unlike me." In this
study's case, the researchers adapted and modified the scale in which the statements are
simplified. Thus, suiting it to the level of Grade 8 students.
Data Gathering Procedure

Input Process Output

The self-esteem of Conducting a survey Correlation of self-
students using google form. esteem and academic
Interpretation of data performance of grade
Self-esteem in 8 students.
gathered via survey.
relation to the
academic Starting with the
performance calculations by getting
the mean of the results
from the survey.

Figure I: Schematic Diagram of the Study

The researchers will begin to disseminate the survey questionnaire via Google Forms and social
media platforms. The gathered data will be compiled, tallied , and analyzed for the interpretation

Data Analyses
In analyzing the obtained data, the following statistical tool will be used. In Objective 1,
which aims to determine the level of self-esteem of grade 8 students in Valladolid National High
School, mean will be utilized.
In Objective 2, which aims to determine the level of academic performance of grade 8
students in Valladolid National High School based on their General Weighted Average (GWA),
frequency will be utilized.
In Objective 3, which aims to determine the significant relationship between the self-
esteem and academic performance of grade 8 students, Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) will
be utilized.
Ethical Considerations
The researchers will be sending a letter of approval to the school principal Ma’am
Monina M. Ebano before conducting the research. The researcher will also be asking the consent
of the respondents before disseminating the survey to them. In line with this, the researchers will
be treating the responses of the respondents with utmost care. The personal information of the
respondents will be kept confidential.
The first table measures the self-esteem of the grade 8 students based on the survey
questionnaire consists of 10 items. As observed in the table, the students possessed high level of
self-esteem with a total mean of 3.67. The table elaborates that the students' have sufficient trust
and a positive outlook within themselves. The tables measures the self-esteem of the grade 8
students based on the survey questionnaire consists of 10 items. As observed in the table, the
students possessed high level of self-esteem with a total mean of 3.67. The table elaborates that
the students' have sufficient trust and a positive outlook within themselves.

Table 1: Level of Self-Esteem of Respondents.

1. I find it very easy to talk in front of a 3.63 High Self-Esteem
2. I am doing the best work that I can 4.45 High Self-Esteem
especially in my academics.
3. I’m a lot fun to be with. 4 High Self-Esteem
4. I’m proud of my academic 4.41 High Self-Esteem
5. I can decide on my own without any 3.59 High Self-Esteem
6. I’m popular in my class. 3.04 High Self-Esteem
7. I'm usually the leader in performance 3.14 High Self-Esteem
8. I am not embarrassed of myself. 3.67 High Self-Esteem
9. I usually don’t feel shy around people. 3.33 High Self-Esteem
10. People usually follow my ideas. 3.5 High Self-Esteem
mean: 3.67
The second table showed that six (6) of the respondents got a Passing and sixty-four (64)
in Excellent. Self-esteem as discussed by Aryana M., (2010) is a great influential factor that
affects the students' academic achievement. The level of academic achievement that a student
attains greatly influences their perception of themselves and their self-worth. Based on the
available data, one can confidently conclude that the students involved in this study exhibit a
excellent level of academic performance. It can be inferred that the respondents are already
satisfied with their current achievements.
Table 2: Level of Academic Performance.

Excellent (90-100) 64
Passing (80-89) 6
Total: 70

The last table showed the relationship between the students' self-esteem and academic
performance. The Pearson's Correlational Coefficient (r) was used to test the relationship
between the variables of the study, which resulted in a number of 0.8940. The p-value, at
<.00001. tells us that the self-esteem and academic performance of the students have a positive
relationship towards one another.
Table 3: Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Academic Performance.
Pearson Correl. P- value Descriptive level Decision
Coeff. (r-value)
Self-Esteem in 0.894099379 <.00001 Very High Significant
Relation to Positive Reject Ho
Academic Correlation
Based on the findings of the study, the researchers arrived at the following conclusions:
The data revealed that majority of the grade 8 students have significantly possessed an
accumulated high level of self-esteem, indicating that the students are confident in their own
abilities and capacity to perform and excel in class which affects their academic endeavors.
Moreover, majority of the grade 8 students are academically good as the level of their academic
performance based on their General Weighted Average (GWA).Overall, the researchers therefore
concluded that there is a significant relationship between the self-esteem and the academic
performance of grade 8 students.

The following suggestions are respectfully made in light of the study's results and
conclusion. The experts advise school officials to provide extracurricular activities and initiatives
that will boost students' self-esteem. The researchers also advise instructors and administrators to
provide support groups and seminars to assist students to widen their knowledge and become
academically competent. Students may be advised to engage in self-esteem building activities in
order to maintain their self-esteem. To further demonstrate the relationship between self-esteem
and academic achievement in school, it would be appropriate to conduct the same study with a
diverse range of respondents while accounting for other variables that influence the variables.
Other equipment can be used by future researchers to investigate the situation. It will be
beneficial for them as they discover more possibilities in understanding the correlation between
self-esteem and academic performance. The researchers also recommend parents to monitor their
children's condition for any signs of burnout and emotional or physical stress that may weigh
down their children's self-esteem and impact their academic performance. Researchers in the
future may utilize respondents from various public schools, along with a diverse spectrum of
respondents. This will provide them with further information about the differences between both
groups in terms of self-esteem in relation to academic performance.
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