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HFSS Radar Cross Section

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross


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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

Conventions Used in this Guide

Please take a moment to review how instructions and other useful information are presented in
this guide.
l Procedures are presented as numbered lists. A single bullet indicates that the procedure
has only one step.
l Bold type is used for the following:
o Keyboard entries that should be typed in their entirety exactly as shown. For example,
“copy file1” means the word copy must be typed, then a space must be typed, and then
file1 must be typed.
o On-screen prompts and messages, names of options and text boxes, and menu com-
mands. Menu commands are often separated by carats. For example, “click HFSS>Exci-
tations>Assign>Wave Port.”
o Labeled keys on the computer keyboard. For example, “Press Enter” means to press the
key labeled Enter.
l Italic type is used for the following:
o Emphasis.
o The titles of publications.
o Keyboard entries when a name or a variable must be typed in place of the words in italics.
For example, “copy file name” the word copy must be typed, then a space must be
typed, and then name of the file must be typed.
l The plus sign (+) is used between keyboard keys to indicate that you should press the keys
at the same time. For example, “Press Shift+F1” means to press the Shift key and the F1
key at the same time.
l Toolbar buttons serve as shortcuts for executing commands. Toolbar buttons are displayed
after the command they execute. For example,

“On the Draw menu, click Line ” means that you can click the Draw Line toolbar button
to execute the Line command.
Getting Help: ANSYS Technical Support
For information about ANSYS Technical Support, go to the ANSYS corporate Support website,
http://www.ansys.com/Support. You can also contact your ANSYS account manager in order to
obtain this information.
All ANSYS software files are ASCII text and can be sent conveniently by e-mail. When reporting
difficulties, it is extremely helpful to include very specific information about what steps were taken
or what stages the simulation reached, including software files as applicable. This allows more
rapid and effective debugging.
Help Menu
To access online help from the menu bar, click Help and select from the menu:
l HFSS Contents - click here to open the contents of the online help.
l HFSS Search - click here to open the search function of the online help.

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

Context-Sensitive Help
To access online help from the user interface, do one of the following:
l To open a help topic about a specific menu command, press Shift+F1, and then click the
command or toolbar icon.
l To open a help topic about a specific dialog box, open the dialog box, and then press F1.

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

Table of Contents
Table of Contents Contents-1
1 - Introduction 1-1
RCS Model 1-1
General Procedure 1-3
2 - Create the RCS Model 2-1
Create the New Project 2-1
Add the New Project 2-1
Insert an HFSS Design 2-1
Add Project Notes 2-2
Save the Project 2-3
Select the Solution Type 2-3
Set Up the Drawing Region 2-4
Coordinate System Settings 2-4
Units Settings 2-4
Create the Geometries 2-4
Create the Target Box 2-5
Set the Properties for the Target Box 2-5
Create the Air Box 2-5
Set the Properties for the Air Box 2-6
Create the PML Boundaries 2-6
Seed the Mesh on the Airbox 2-10
Add the Incident Plane Wave 2-11
3 - Set Up and Generation Solutions 3-1
Add a Solution Setup to the Design 3-1
Validate the Design 3-2
Analyze the Design 3-2
View the Solution Data 3-3
View the Profile Data 3-3

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

4 - Post Processing for RCS 4-1

Creating the Monostatic Setup 4-1
Creating the Bistatic Setup 4-4
Creating a Far-Field Plot for Bistatic RCS 4-4

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

1 - Introduction
This Getting Started guide is written for HFSS users who are modeling Radar Cross Section
(RCS) in version 13 for the first time. This guide leads you step-by-step through creating, solving,
and analyzing the results of a model that computes RCS.
By following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to perform the following tasks in HFSS:
a Draw the geometric models.
a Create the Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) Boundaries
a Add the Excitation
a Setup Mesh Operations
a Specify solution setting for the design.
a Validate the design setups.
a Run HFSS simulations.
a Create 2D x-y plots.

RCS Model
The model for this simulation consists of a perfect electric conducting (pec) target cube surrounded
by an airbox. The airbox is surrounded by a PML boundary. The excitation is a regular plane wave.
The model has been kept fairly simple, to keep the solution time short. The purpose is to illustrate
the basic principles in setting up this kind of problem, and to demonstrate post processing for the
RCS information.

Introduction 1-1
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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

The radar cross-section (RCS) or echo area, , is measured in meters squared and represented
for a bistatic arrangement (that is, when the transmitter and receiver are in different locations as
shown in the linked figure).
The following diagram shows the bistatic RCS concept, with separate transmitting and receiving

Introduction 1-2
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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

HFSS supports RCS for Bistatic, Normalized Bistatic, Complex Bistatic, and Monostatic con-
ditions. In this tutorial, you will generate plots for Normalized Bistatic and Monostatic situa-tions.

General Procedure
The general procedure for creating and analyzing this RCS project is summarized in the following
1. Create a project for HFSS.
a. Open a new project.
b. Add an HFSS design into the new project.
2. Draw the geometric model; in this case, a target, and a surrounding airbox that is at least
from the target.
a. Set up the drawing region.
b. Create the objects that make up the RCS model.
c. Assign materials to the objects. in this case pec for the target and vacuum for the air box.
3. Set up the problem:
a. Set up the PML boundary conditions.
b. Set up the plane wave excitation.
4. Generate a solution:
a. Set up the solution criteria and refine the mesh.
b. Generate the solution.
5. Use Post Processing to Analyze the RCS solution.

Introduction 1-3
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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

PDF layout 1-4

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

2 - Create the RCS Model

This section shows how to create the simple RCS model. The major steps are as follows.
a Create a New Project
a Create the Geometries
a Create the PML Boundaries
a Seed the Mesh
a Add the Incident Plane wave.

Create the New Project

The first step in using HFSS to solve a problem is to create a project in which to save all the data
associated with the prob-lem. By default, opening HFSS 11 creates a new project named Projectn
and inserts a new project named HFSS-Designn, where n is the order in which each was added to
the current session.

You can also create a new project and insert a design manu-ally as follows.

Add the New Project

To add a new HFSS project:
l Click File>New.
A new project is listed in the project tree in the Project Man-ager window. It is named
projectn by default, where n is the order in whichthe project was added to the current ses-
sion. Project definitions, such as boundaries and material assign-ments, are stored under the
project name in the project tree.

Insert an HFSS Design

The next step for this waveguide combiner problem is to insert an HFSS design into the new pro-
ject. By default, a design named HFSSDesignn with the type as [Driven Modal] appears for the cur-
rent project.
To insert an HFSS design into the project, do one of the fol-lowing:

Create the RCS Model 2-1

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

l Click Project>Insert HFSS Design.

l Click the Insert HFSS Design toolbar button .

A 3D Modeler window appears on the desktop and an HFSS Design icon is added to the project
tree, as shown below:

Add Project Notes

Next, enter notes about your project, such as its creation date and a description of the device being
modeled. This is useful for keeping a running log on the project.
To add notes to the project:
1. Click HFSS>Edit Notes.
The Design Notes window appears.
2. Click in the window and type your notes, such as a descrip-tion of the model and the version
of HFSS in which it is being created.
3. Click OK to save the notes with the current project.
Note To edit existing project notes, double-click Notes in the project tree. The Design
Notes window appears, in which you can edit the project’s notes.

Create the RCS Model 2-2

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

Save the Project

Next, save and name the new project.
It is important to save your project frequently. Depending on the setting in Tools>Options>HFSS
General Options dialog, Proj-ect Options tab, HFSS can automatically save models at speci-fied
To save the new project:
1. Click File>Save As.
The Save As dialog box appears.
2. Use the file browser to find the directory where you want to save the file.
3. Type the name rcs_example in the File name text box.
4. In the Save as type list, click Ansoft HFSS Project (.hfss) as the correct file extension for
the file type.
When you create an HFSS project, it is given a .hfss file extension by default and placed in
the Project directory. Any files related to that project are stored in that direc-tory.
5. Click Save.
HFSS saves the project to the location you specified.
Note For further information on any topic in HFSS, such as coordinate systems and grids or
3D Modeler commands or windows, you can view the context-sensitive help:
l Click the Help button in a pop-up window.
l Press Shift+F1. The cursor changes to ?. Click on the item with which you need
l Press F1. This opens the Help window. If you have a dialog open, the Help opens
to a page that describes the dialog.
l Use the commands from the Help menu.

Select the Solution Type

Before you draw the RCS model, first you must specify a solu-tion type. As you set up your model,
available options will depend on the design’s solution type.
To specify the solution type:
1. Click HFSS>Solution Type.
The Solution Type window appears.
2. This antenna project is a mode-based problem; therefore, select the Driven Modal solution
The possible solution types are described below.

Driven For calculating the mode-based S-parameters of passive, high-frequency struc-

Modal tures such as microstrips, waveguides, and transmission lines, which are “driven”

Create the RCS Model 2-3

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

by a source, and for computing incident place wave scattering.

Driven Ter- For calculating the terminal-based S-parameters of passive, high-frequency struc-
minal tures with multi-conductor transmission line ports, which are “driven” by a source.
Results in a terminal-based description in terms of voltages and currents.
Eigenmode For calculating the eigenmodes, or resonances, of a structure. The Eigenmode
solver finds the resonant frequencies of the structure and the fields at those res-
onant frequencies.

3. Click OK to apply the Driven Modal solution type to your design.

Set Up the Drawing Region

The next step is to set up the drawing region. For this RCS problem, you decide the coordinate sys-
tem, and specify the units and grid settings.

Coordinate System Settings

For this RCS problem, you will use the fixed, default global coordinate system (CS) as the working
CS. This is the current CS with which objects being drawn are associated.
HFSS has three types of coordinate systems that let you easily orient new objects: a global
coordinate system, a relative coordinate system, and a face coordinate system. Every CS has an
x-axis that lies at a right angle to a y-axis, and a z-axis that is perpendicular to the xy plane. The ori-
gin (0,0,0) of every CS is located at the intersection of the x-, y-, and z-axes.

Units Settings
Now, specify the drawing units for your model. For this antenna problem, set the drawing units to
To set the units:
1. Click Modeler>Units.
The Set Model Units dialog box appears.
2. Select meter from the Select units menu. Make sure Res-cale to new units is cleared.
If selected, the Rescale to new units option automatically rescales the grid spacing to units
entered that are differ-ent than the set drawing units.
3. Click OK to accept meters as the units for this model.

Create the Geometries

The geometries for this RCS model consists of the basic objects listed below with their dimen-

Create the RCS Model 2-4

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

target A pec box .75 meter square. At the 300 Mhz Frequency we use in the simulation, this is

air A vacuum box 1.4 meter square. This meets the requirement that PML boundaries
box should be at least from the target.

Create the Target Box

To create the target box, use the Draw>Box command to cre-ate a random box, and edit the prop-
erties for the following position and dimensions:

Coordinates -0.375, -0.375, -

XSize 0.75
YSize 0.75
ZSize 0.75

Set the Properties for the Target Box

To set the properties for the box:
1. Select the newly created box in the history tree, and right click Properties from the shortcut
This displays the Properties dialog.
2. Edit the name field to target.
3. In the materials field, press the button to display the Materials library dialog.
4. Select pec from the materials list, and click OK to close the dialogue.
5. In Properties dialogue for the box, Edit the color as a dark red.
6. Set the transparency as 0.6.
7. Click OK to accept the settings and close the dialog.

Create the Air Box

To create the air box, use the Draw>Box command to create a random box, and edit the prop-
erties for the following position and dimensions:

Coordinates -0.7, -0.7, -0.7

XSize 1.4

Create the RCS Model 2-5

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

YSize 1.4
ZSize 1.4

These dimensions will give the air box a suitable distance from the target, greater than
wavelength on each side, relative to the 300 Mhz frequency we will use.

Set the Properties for the Air Box

To set the properties for the air box:
1. Select the newly created box in the history tree, and right click Properties from the shortcut
This displays the Properties dialog.
2. Edit the name field to air_box.
3. In the materials field, press the button to display the Materials library dialog.
4. Select vacuum from the materials list, and click OK to close the dialogue.
5. In Properties dialogue for the box, Edit the color as a light blue.
6. Set the Transparency as 0.8.
7. Click OK to accept the settings and close the dialog.

Create the PML Boundaries

To create the PML boundaries:
1. Set the selection options to Face, either with the menu command Edit>Select>Face, the
toolbar drop down menu for Face, or the F quick key.
2. Select Edit>Select>By Name, or click the select Icon in the toolbar.

This displays the Select by Face dialog.

3. From the Object list, select air_box.
This lists the names of the air_box faces.

Create the RCS Model 2-6

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

4. Hold down the Ctrl key, and click each face.

All faces of the airbox should be highlighted.

5. In the Modeler window, right click to display the shortcut menu, and select Assign Bound-
ary> PML Setup Wizard.
The setup wizard displays.

Create the RCS Model 2-7

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

6. In the Uniform Layer Thickness field, set the thickness to 0.4 meter. This will keep the solu-
tion small enough for this exercise. The layers' material parameters will be adjusted auto-
matically in accordance with the new thickness.

Create the RCS Model 2-8

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

7. Leave the Create joining corner and edge objects check-box selected, and click Next.
This creates the PML objects, and displays the Material Parameters dialog.

8. Set the Minimum Frequency to 0.3 Ghz, and the Minimum Radiating Distance to 0.3 meter,
as shown.
9. Click Next to display the PML Summary dialog.

Create the RCS Model 2-9

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

10. Click Finish to close the dialog.

The PML boundaries are listed under Boundaries in the Project tree, and the PML objects
are listed in the History tree.

Seed the Mesh on the Airbox

Seed the mesh on the air_box to . This will result in a very accurate radiation pattern.
1. Select the faces of the air_box
2. Right click on Mesh Operations in the Project tree.
3. Click Assign>On Selection>Length Based.

Create the RCS Model 2-10

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

This displays the Element Length Based Refinement dia-log.

4. Set the Maximum length of Elements value to 0.2 with the units as meter.
5. Click OK to close the dialog.
The Length1 icon appears under Mesh Operations in the Project tree.

Add the Incident Plane Wave

An incident plane wave is a wave that propagates in one direction and is uniform in the directions
perpendicular to its direction of propagation.
1. Click HFSS>Excitations>Assign>Incident Wave>Plane Wave.
The Incident Wave Source: General Data page appears.
2. Type the source’s name in the Name text box or accept the default name.
3. Select the Vector Input Format as Spherical coordinates.
4. Enter 0, 0, 0 for the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of the Exci-tation Location and/or Zero
Phase Position (the origin for the incident wave).
5. Click Next.
6. The Incident Wave Source: Spherical Vector Setup page appears.
a. Under IWaveTheta, enter 0 deg for Start, 90 deg for Stop, and 3 for Step. For the
monostatic case, the RCS will be computed only at values of IWave θ entered here. For

Create the RCS Model 2-11

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

the purposes of this demo, this keeps the number points down and to save on the solu-
tion time
b. Click ViewPoint List to see the values of θ.
7. Click Next. the Incident Wave Source: Plane Wave Options page appears.
8. Select the Type of Plane Wave.
9. Select Regular/Propagating, so no other fields are active.
10. Click Finish. The incident wave you defined is added to the Excitations list in the Project.

Create the RCS Model 2-12

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

3 - Set Up and Generation Solutions

In this chapter you will complete the following tasks:
a Add a solution setup.
a Add a frequency sweep to the solution setup.
a Validate the design.
a Run the analysis.

Add a Solution Setup to the Design

Specify how HFSS will compute the solution by adding a solu­tion setup to the design.
In the solution setup, you will instruct HFSS to perform an adaptive analysis at 0.3 GHz. During an
adaptive analysis, HFSS refines the mesh iteratively in the areas of highest error.
1. In the project tree, under the rcs_example design, right-click Analysis, and then click Add

Solution Setup on the shortcut menu.

The Solution Setup dialog box appears.
2. Under the General tab, type 0.3 in the Solution Fre-quency text box, and leave the default
unit set to GHz.
3. Leave the Maximum Number of Passes set to 6. This is the maximum number of mesh
refinement cycles that HFSS will perform.
4. Leave Maximum Delta energy at 0.1.
5. Leave the default settings and click OK.
The solution setup is listed in the project tree under Anal-ysis. It is named Setup1 by default.

Set Up and Generation Solutions 3-1

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

Validate the Design

Before you run an analysis, it is helpful to verify that all of the necessary setup steps have been
completed and their param-eters are reasonable.
1. On the HFSS menu, click Validation Check icon .
HFSS checks the project setup, and then the Validation Check window appears.

2. Click Close.
Now you are ready to run the simulation.

Analyze the Design

Now you will run the simulation.

Set Up and Generation Solutions 3-2

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

On the HFSS menu, click Analyze All

HFSS computes the 3D field solution for every solution setup in the project. In this problem,
Setup1 is the only setup.
The solution process is expected to take approximately 5 to 30 minutes, depending on the
machine speed and load.
When the solution is complete, a confirmation message appears in the Message Manager.
The Progress window displays the solution progress as it occurs.

Note The results that you obtain should be approximately the same as the ones given in this
section. However, there may be a slight variation between platforms.

View the Solution Data

While the analysis is running, you can view a variety of pro-file, convergence, and matrix data about
the solution.

View the Profile Data

While the solution proceeds, examine the computing resources, or profile data, used by HFSS dur-
ing the analysis.
The profile data is essentially a log of the tasks performed by HFSS during the solution. The log
indicates the length of time each task took and how much RAM/disk memory was required.

Set Up and Generation Solutions 3-3

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

4 - Post Processing for RCS

This chapter describes how to create the geometry setups for monostatic and bistatic infinite
spheres. You can then create plots for these geometries for a Normalized Bistatic RCS and Mono-
static RCS. Normalized RCS means RCS nor-malized with respect to wavelength squared.
Creating the Far Field Infinite Sphere Setups
To evaluate radiated fields in the far-field region, you must set up an infinite sphere that surrounds
the radiating object. For this example, we will create setups for the bistatic and monostatic cases.
When you set up a spherical surface over which to analyze near or far fields, you specify a range
and step size for phi and theta. These indicate the spherical direction in which you want to evaluate
the radiated fields. For every value of phi there is a corresponding range of values for theta, and
vice versa. This creates a spherical grid. Each grid point indicates a unique direction along a line
that extends from the center of the sphere through the grid point. The radiated field is evaluated in
this direction. The number of grid points is determined by the step size for phi and theta.
The sphere can be defined according to any defined coordi-nate system and before or after a solu-
tion has been gener-ated.
The relationship between phi and theta is shown below.

When HFSS evaluates the radiated fields, it needs at least two directions along which to plot the
fields. Therefore, if the step size for phi is zero, then the step size for theta must be greater than
zero, and vice versa. This ensures that the fields are plotted in at least two directions.

Creating the Monostatic Setup

1. Click HFSS>Radiation>Insert Far Field Setup>Infinite Sphere.
The Far Field Radiation Sphere Setup dialog appears.

Post Processing for RCS 4-1

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Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

2. Under the Infinite Sphere tab, type a name for the sphere in the Name text box.
For the monostatic sphere, type the name monostatic.
3. Specify the range of angles to include in the sphere. For the monostatic case, phi and theta
will be dummy values. The reason is that when we ask, later, for a plot of monostatic RCS,
the software will know in which direction to compute the far field for every incident angle:
iwavetheta and iwavephi from the excitation setup.

Post Processing for RCS 4-2

ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite 17.1 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential
information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

a. Specify the following for Phi, in degrees (deg) or radians (rad):

Start The point where the rotation of phi begins.
Leave this as 0.
Stop The point where the rotation of phi ends. The Stop value must be greater than or
equal to the Start value and less than 360. If the Stop value is equal to the Start
value, then HFSS assumes that only one angle should be used and the Step
Size value will be ignored.
Set this to 0.
Step The number of degrees or radians (spherical grid points) between the sweep of
Size phi. Entering zero for the Step Size causes the sweep to consist of one point,
the start value. If the Step Size value is zero, then HFSS assumes that only one
angle should be used.
Set this to 0.

b. Specify the following for Theta, in degrees (deg) or radians (rad):

Start The point where the rotation of theta begins. The Start value must be greater
than -90 degrees, or the equivalent in radians.
Set this to 0.
Stop The point where the rotation of theta ends. The Stop value must be greater than
the Start value and less than 90 degrees, or the equivalent in radians. If the
Stop value is equal to the Start value, HFSS assumes that only one angle
should be used and the Step Size value will be ignored.
Set this to 0.
Step The number of degrees or radians (spherical grid points) between the sweep of
Size theta.
Entering zero for the number of steps causes the sweep to consist of one point,
the Start value. If the Step Size value is zero, then HFSS assumes that only
one angle should be used.
Set this to 0.

4. Click the Coordinate System tab, and then to orient the sphere according to the global
coordinate system (CS), select Use global coordinate system.
l If you needed to orient the sphere according to a user-defined CS, you would select Use
local coordinate system and then select a defined CS from the Choose from existing
coordinate sys-tems list.
5. Click the Radiation Surface tab.

Post Processing for RCS 4-3

ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite 17.1 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential
information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

Leave the selection as Use Boundary Radiation Surfaces.

If you needed to specify a surface other than an assigned radiation or PML boundary over
which to integrate the radiated fields, you could select Use Custom Radiation Surface.
6. Click OK.
The monostatic infinite sphere is created. It is listed in the project tree under Radiation.
Note You must have defined at least one radiation or PML boundary in the design for HFSS to
compute far-field quantities, regardless of which radiation surfaces you instruct HFSS to
use when calculating the far fields. You do not need to re-solve the problem if you modify
radiation surfaces in the Far Field Radiation Sphere Setup window.

Creating the Bistatic Setup

1. In the Project tree, right-click on Radiation and from the short cut menu click Insert Far
Field Setup>Infinite Sphere.
The Far Field Radiation Sphere Setup dialog appears.
2. This time specify the name as bistatic.
3. Set the Phi Start, Stop, and Step values as 0.
4. Set the Theta Start value as 0, the Stop value as 180 deg and the Step values as 1.
5. Click OK to close the dialog.
The bistatic setup appears under Radiation in the Project tree.

Creating a Far-Field Plot for Bistatic RCS

First, create a plot for bistatic RCS.
To select a far-field quantity to plot:
1. To create the report, right-click on the Results icon in the Project tree, and select Create Far
Fields Report>Rect-angular Plot.
This displays the New Report - New Traces dialog.
2. Leave the Context selection for the Solution as Setup1: LastAdaptive.
3. In order to plot the RCS, you select one of the geometries you created from the Geometry
list in the Traces dialog. For this plot, select Bistatic as the Geometry.
4. For Category, select Normalized Bistatic RCS.
This selection causes the Quantity list to show NormRCS quantities for Total, Phi, Theta, X,
Y, and Z, with Total Selected.
5. For the function, select dB function.
After these sections, the Y field under Trace shows db(NormRCSTotal). The X value will be
the Theta for the incident wave defined for the simulation.

Post Processing for RCS 4-4

ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite 17.1 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential
information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

6. Click on the Families tab and verify that IWaveTheta=0, meaning that of all the incident
waves, we are going to plot the bistatic pattern of this one only.
7. Click New Report.
This generates the report, adding it to the Project tree, and causes it to display.

Post Processing for RCS 4-5

ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite 17.1 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential
information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

8. Click Close to close the Report.

Creating a Plot for Monostatic RCS

The procedure for creating a Monostatic RCS plot is similar to that used for creating the Bistatic
RCS plot.
1. Right-click on the Results icon in the Project tree, and select Create Far Field
Report>Rectangular Plot.
This opens the New Report - New Trace(s) dialog.
2. For the Context, select Monostatic from the menu.
3. From Category list, select MonostaticRCS.
4. From the Quantity list, select NormMonostaticRCSTotal (You may need to scroll, or size
the dialog to see.)
5. From the Function list, select dB.
The Y field for the Trace should show
6. Set the X field for the Trace as IWaveTheta.
7. Click New Report.
This generates the report, adding it to the Project tree, and causes it to display.

Post Processing for RCS 4-6

ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite 17.1 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential
information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Getting Started with HFSS: Radar Cross Section

This completes the exercise. Save the project and exit.

Post Processing for RCS 4-7

ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite 17.1 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential
information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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