Lesson Plan 4 For Highschool
Lesson Plan 4 For Highschool
Lesson Plan 4 For Highschool
Assessment (Description/Criteria)
UNT Lesson Plan Template
Students will be assessed based on how well they implement their understanding of the content taught to
them on the day of the lesson.
I will introduce the students to an app called Photo Editor that they can download on their phones.
As it is downloading I will walk them through step by step, how to take and edit a picture of themselves so
that the image they take is a black and white photo with high contrast.
After they have the image edited to my specifications they will email it to me and I will print off each of
their pictures.
They will then begin transferring the image to a slightly bigger sheet of water color paper.
Once it is transferred, they will erase the lines the drew in pencil and outline it with the white oil pastel. (it
will act as a barrier that the water color can’t blend into the background.)
I will briefly show them a video tutorial of how to paint with watercolors using wet on wet and dry on dry
techniques, as well as which analogous color schemes they can choose, and they will work on finishing their
I will ask them if the colors they chose somehow reflect themselves or their personality.
UNT Lesson Plan Template
I will ask the students if they think a self-portrait is representative of more than just what is seen on the