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Treatment of Wastewater by Effluent Treatment Plant: Mr. Aditya Agrawal, Mr. Jayesh Shrivastav

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Journal of Environmental Engineering and Studies

Volume 3 Issue 1

Treatment of Wastewater by Effluent Treatment Plant

Mr. Aditya Agrawal1, Mr. Jayesh Shrivastav2
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department
Prestige Institute of Engineering Management & Research, Indore (M.P.)
P.G. Student, Civil Engineering Department
SGSITS, Indore (M.P.)

Several rivers basins are closed due to the excessive growth in the agricultural area, semi
urbanization as well as in the industrialization. The performance of wastewater treatment
plants for the treatment of small waste also does not meet the required standards. For
example, wastewater from wastewater treatment plants, which are often unsuitable for
domestic use and reuse of wastewater, are mostly limited to agricultural and industrial uses.
The development of innovative technologies for the treatment of wastewater from various
industries is a worrying problem for us. Although numerous research papers on wastewater
pollution studies have been published, little research is being done in the iron and steel
industry on wastewater treatment, especially with regard to the development of treatment
systems. Another aspect of this research will be the reuse of water, sludge from various
industries, etc.

Keyword: Wastewater, Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), Environmental Impact Assessment

and Physical Treatment.

INTRODUCTION household water, such as drinking,

Water Availability and its uses: preparing food, washing, washing clothes
One of the most important natural resource and dishes, pulling toilets, and covering
which is present on the earth surface is turf and toilets.
WATER. The country's total available
water resources were estimated at about
1123 BCM (433 BCM from the ground
and 690 BCM from the surface), which
represents only 28% of the rainfall. About
85% (688 BCM) of water consumption is
diverted to irrigation (Figure 1), which
could reach 1072 BCM by 2050. The main
source of irrigation is groundwater.

The Uses of Water for the different Ways Fig 1: Water used by different sources
are as follows:
For commercial purposes, fresh water As per the industrial point of view it is
available various hotels, restaurants, office being uses for the following purposes like
buildings and other commercial facilities. processing, cleaning, transportation,
Domestic use of water is probably the dilution and cooling in manufacturing
most important daily water consumption facilities. The most important water-
for most people. consuming industries are steel, chemicals,
paper and oil refining. Industries use the
Domestic use includes water that is same water again and again for more than
consumed daily in the home, including one purpose.

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Journal of Environmental Engineering and Studies
Volume 3 Issue 1

Irrigation water is used artificially for of human, ecological health and related
crops, orchards, pastures and horticultural risks, and the presence of changes in the
crops, as well as for willow irrigation, to services of nature in certain projects. This
protect against frost and frost, for chemical is the term used to assess the
use, for cooling crops and leaching of environmental impact (positive and
salts. Root zone. The use of mining water negative) of a particular plan, policy,
includes water for the extraction of natural program or project before deciding to
minerals; Solids such as coal and ores; proceed with the proposed action. In this
Liquids such as crude oil; and gases like context, the term "Environmental Impact
natural gas. This category includes Assessment" (EIA) is generally used when
extraction, grinding (screening, screening, applied to specific projects either by
washing and flotation) and other activities individuals or any companies, and the term
related to mining activities. A significant "Strategic Environmental Assessment"
portion of the water used for mining, about (SEA) is more commonly applied to
32 percent, is salt. policies, plans and programs proposed by
public authorities. Environmental audits
Wastewater can come from the may be governed by administrative
following sources such as: procedural rules relating to public
 Human excreta (feces and urine) often participation and documentation of
mixed with used toilet paper or wipe, if decision-making and subject to judicial
it is collected with flush toilets. review.
Washing water (personal, clothes,
floors, dishes, cars, etc.), also known Purpose of EIA-
as greywater or sullage.  The main purpose of an environmental
 Surplus manufactured liquids from impact assessment (EIA) is to identify
domestic sources (drinks, cooking oil, and evaluate potential impacts
pesticides, lubricating oil, paint, etc. (positive and negative) of development
 Urban Rainfall runoff from roads, car and the various projects in the
parks, roofs, sidewalks/pavements environmental system. It provides a
(Contains Oils, Animals feces, litter, useful aid for decisions based on the
gasoline/petrol, diesel, metals understanding of environmental
exhausted from the vehicles, etc. implications, including social impacts,
 Highway drainage (oil, de-icing are cultural and aesthetic issues that
agents, rubber residues, particularly can be incorporated into the analysis of
from tires) the costs and benefits of the project.
 Storm drains (may include trash) This task must be carried out early
Manmade liquids (illegal disposal of enough in the planning phase of the
pesticides, used oils, etc.) project for the selection of
 Industrial waste Industrial site drainage environmentally friendly sites, process
(silt, sand, alkali, oil, chemical technologies and other environmental
residues) protection measures.
 Although all industrial projects may
Environmental Impact Assessment have an environmental impact, they
(EIA)- may not be significant enough to
Environmental Assessment (EA) - An warrant costly assessment procedures.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) The need for such exercises should be
is a means of assessing various factors, decided after an initial assessment of
such as the impact of environmental health the potential impact of a particular
project and its location. Projects that

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Journal of Environmental Engineering and Studies
Volume 3 Issue 1

can be subject to a detailed carried out. ETP plants are widely used in
environmental impact assessment the industrial sector, for example in the
include the following: pharmaceutical industry, to eliminate bulk
drug effluents.
The treatment of industrial wastewater
includes the mechanisms and processes for Need for ETP -
wastewater treatment, which is a by-  To clean the effluent from the industry
product of industrial or commercial and recycle it for later use.
activities. After the treatment, it can be  Reduce the use of drinking / fresh
reused or may be discharged into the water in industries.
nearby water bodies or streams. However,  To reduce the expense of acquiring
many industries continue to depend on the water.
processes that produce wastewater.  To acquire the standards for the
emission or discharge of
The Various types of Wastewater environmental contaminants from
Treatment Process are: ETP, STP and various industries established by the
CETP government and avoid hefty penalties.
Some of the major important types of  Protect the environment from pollution
wastewater treatment process are as and contribute to sustainable
follows: development.
1. Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP)
2. Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) Treatment Levels & Mechanisms of
3. Common and Combined Effluent ETP –
Treatment Plants (CETP). 1. Treatment levels: Preliminary Primary
2. Secondary Treatment
It is estimated that 1.8 million people die 3. Tertiary Treatment (or advanced)
each year from waterborne diseases. A
large part of these deaths can be indirectly Preliminary Treatment: The separation
attributed to inadequate sanitation. of large impurities such as leaves, cloth,
plastic, wood, branches of tree, etc. The
Wastewater treatment is an important operations are: Screening: It is a screen
initiative that should be taken more which can be manually operated or
seriously to improve society and our mechanically operated of uniform size
future. Wastewater treatment is a process provided to prevent the entry of large
in which pollutants are removed from impurities. Generally its having a size of
domestic wastewater and wastewater to 10 mm. Sedimentation: In this process
produce solid waste or solid waste for the particles are settled down due to
discharge or reuse. gravity of the suspended particles.
Clarification: They are used for the
Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP): separation of solids from fluids.
The main aim of the pharmaceutical and
chemical industries is to purify water and Primary treatment level Purpose:
remove toxic and non-toxic materials and Removal of floating and settleable
chemicals from it. These plants are used materials such as suspended solids and
by all companies for environmental organic matter.
protection. Example: pH control, coagulation,
chemical precipitation and oxidation. pH
An ETP is a plant in which the treatment control to adjust the pH in the treatment
of industrial and wastewater effluents is process so that the pH of the wastewater is

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Journal of Environmental Engineering and Studies
Volume 3 Issue 1

neutral. Anaerobic processes: An Anaerobic

For acidic waste (low pH): NaOH, process is defined as the process which
Na2CO3, CaCO3 or Ca(OH)2, etc. takes place in the absence of oxygen. It
For alkaline residues (high pH): H2SO4, uses microorganisms (anaerobes) that do
HCl, etc. not require air (molecular / free oxygen) to
assimilate organic impurities. The final
Chemical coagulation and flocculation: products are methane and biomass.
 Coagulation refers to the accumulation
of tiny solid particles dispersed in a Tertiary / advanced treatment Purpose:
liquid in a larger mass. Final cleaning process that improves the
 Chemical coagulants such as Al2(SO4)3 quality of wastewater before being reused
{also called alum} or Fe2(SO4)3 are recycled or discharged into the
added to the wastewater to enhance the environment.
attraction between the fine particles so Mechanism: Removes the remaining
that they join together and form larger inorganic compounds and substances, such
particles called flocs. as nitrogen and phosphorus. In this it
 A chemical flocculant (usually a removes the remaining inorganic
polyelectrolyte) improves the compounds such as nitrogen and
flocculation process by collecting the phosphorus. Bacteria, viruses and parasites
particles to form larger flakes, which that are harmful to public health are also
settle more quickly. eliminated at this stage.
 Flocculation is aided by a gentle
mixture that causes the particles to Methods: Alum is used to help eliminate
collide. phosphorus particles and remaining solids
to facilitate their extraction in the filters.
Aerobic processes: An aerobic process is The chlorine contact tank also disinfects
defined as the process which takes place in the tertiary treated wastewater by
the presence of oxygen. It uses those removing microorganisms in treated
microorganisms (aerobic), which use wastewater, including bacteria, viruses and
molecular / free oxygen to assimilate parasites. The remaining chlorine is
organic impurities that is converting them removed by adding sodium bisulphate just
into CO2, H2O and biomass. before it is discharged.

Fig 2: Flow chart for ETP

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Journal of Environmental Engineering and Studies
Volume 3 Issue 1

ETP Plant Operation:

1. Screen chamber: Eliminate relatively 6. Aeration basin: The water has passed
large solids to avoid abrasion of like a thin film on the different
mechanical equipment and facilities, like the shape of a staircase.
obstruction of the hydraulic system. Water comes into direct contact with
2. Collection tank: The collecting tank the air to dissolve oxygen in the
collects the effluent water from the water. The BOD and COD values of
screening chamber, stores it and the the water are reduced by up to 90%.
pump then to the equalization tank. 7. Clarifier: The clarifier collects
3. Equalization tank: Effluents from biological sludge. The overflowing
the collection tank are stored from 8 water is called treated and removed as
to 12 hours (approximately) in the effluent. The quality of the outgoing
equalization tank which results in a water is controlled to within the limit
homogenous mixing and helping in allowed by the Indian Standards
neutralization. It eliminates shock Office. Through pipelines, treated
loading on the subsequent treatment water is dispersed in river water, in
system. Continuous mixing also dry soils, etc.
eliminates settling of solids within the 8. Sludge thickener: The inlet water
equalization tank. Reduces SS, TSS. consists of 60% water + 40% solids.
4. Flash mixer: coagulants have been The wastewater is passed through the
added to the effluents: centrifuge. Due to the centrifugal
action, solids and liquids are
 Lima: (800-1000 ppm) To correct pH separated. The sludge thickener
up to 8-9 reduces the water content in the
 Alum: (200-300 ppm) To remove the wastewater to 40% water + 60%
color solids. The wastewater is then
 Polyvinyl electrolyte: (0.2 ppm) to reprocessed and the sludge is
solve suspended problems and reduce collected at the bottom.
SS, TSS. The addition of the 9. Dryer: Primary and secondary sludge
abovementioned chemicals by fast and is dried on drying beds. Flow Chart of
efficient mixing facilitates the ETP Screening Equalisation (Lime +
homogeneous combination of floc to Alum) pH = 8.5 SS, TSS Elimination
produce microflocules. Dispersion Unit RECYCLE TANK
Sedimentation Basin (pH = 7.5)
5. Clarriflocculator: In the Sludge Thickening Unit Biological
Clarriflocculator the water Treatment and Aeration {Assay =
continuously circulates through the (Urea + DAP) for removal O2} BOD
stirrer. The overflowing water is again ~ 90% COD Waste ~ 90% Sludge
brought into the aeration basin. The discharge Wastewater discharge
solid particles are then deposited, Wastewater discharge 60% water +
collected separately and dried; this 40% solids 40% water + 60% solids.
reduces SS, TSS. But on the other 10. Screening: Screening is the filtration
hand the Flocculator provides a slow process for the separation of coarse
mixing which result in the formation particles from influent. Stainless steel
of macro flocs and thus they are net with varying pore size can be
deposited in the clarification zone. utilized. Screens are cleaned regularly
The remaining solids are pumped into to avoid clogging.
sludge drying beds.

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Journal of Environmental Engineering and Studies
Volume 3 Issue 1

Fig 3: Flow Chart of ETP

Equalization Tank: for our environment, clean and healthy.

The main purpose of the equalization tank
makes the waste water homogenous. In an activated sludge process, the
Retention time depends upon the capacity wastewater treatment plant is a biological
of treatment plant. (Generally 8-16 hours) process that can be used for one or more
purposes, such as the oxidation of
MATERIALS AND METHODS: carbonaceous organic material that
Methodology: In this research paper the comprises a material containing oxidizing
treatment technologies adopted for treating nitrogen, mainly ammonium and nitrogen
sewage are as follows: in materials biological, the elimination of
phosphate and the dispossession of
 Activated Sludge Process entrained gases such as carbon dioxide,
 Chlorination ammonia, nitrogen, which produce a
 Filtration biological flake that easily settles which
Wastewater treatment is the process of produces a fluid, which contains little
eliminating pollutants from wastewater dissolved or suspended material. In the
and domestic wastewater, both runoffs process air or oxygen in a mixture of
(wastewater), domestic, commercial and sewage or treated industrial and purified
institutional. It includes physical, chemical primary wastewater is introduced in
and biological processes to eliminate combination with organisms to develop a
physical, chemical and biological biological flake that reduces the organic
contaminants. Its purpose is to provide a content in the wastewater. The
wastewater (or treated effluent) combination of wastewater and biological
environment stream and a solid waste (or mass is commonly known as mixed liquor.
treated sludge), which is suitable for In all activated sludge systems, the excess
disposal or reuse. Wastewater treatment is mixed liquor is after the water from the
not only important for our health, but also wastewater or waste has been treated

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Journal of Environmental Engineering and Studies
Volume 3 Issue 1

sufficiently in the sedimentation tank is addition, these systems have the cost of
discharged and is supplied to the treated construction, maintenance and lower
supernatant before extraction to further operation because they are powered by
treatment. A part of the sedimented natural energy from the sun, wind, earth,
material, the sludge is recycled to the head microorganisms, plants and animals.
of the ventilation system, in order to return Therefore, for a planned deployment,
the seed of the new wastewater that enters strategic, safe and sustainable sewage
the tank. This portion of the flakes is appears to be a need for coherent policies
called return activated sludge. and programs decisions that should include
the decentralized effluent at lower cost
The excess sludge will remove the excess treatment technologies, bio filters, strains
sludge from the said treatment process in efficient microbial and organic / inorganic
order to balance the relationship between modifications suitable cultures /
the biomass and the food in the wastewater Cultivation systems, cultivation.
and is processed by digestion, both under
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