Mark VI
Mark VI
Mark VI
GE Industrial Systems
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to
provide every possible contingency to be met during installation, operation, and maintenance.
If further information is desired or if particular problems arise that are not covered
sufficiently for the purchaser’s purpose, the matter should be referred to GE Industrial
This document contains proprietary information of General Electric Company, USA, and is
furnished to its customer solely to assist that customer in the installation, testing, operation,
and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced in
whole or in part, nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written
approval of GE Industrial Systems.
Section Page
Introduction ............................................................................................................2
Redundancy ............................................................................................................3
I/O Interface............................................................................................................3
Built-in Diagnostics ................................................................................................5
System Overview ....................................................................................................5
Control Functions....................................................................................................7
Sequencing .............................................................................................................9
Protection ...............................................................................................................9
Operator Screens...................................................................................................12
Typical Turbine Instrumentation............................................................................15
Packaging .............................................................................................................17
Power Requirements .............................................................................................18
Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................18
3 Control Modules
Mark VI Electronics
I/O Interface
The I/O is designed for direct interface to turbine and generator devices, such as
vibration sensors, flame sensors, LVDTs, magnetic speed pickups, thermocouples,
and Resistance Temperature Devices (RTDs). Direct monitoring of these sensors
eliminates the need for interposing instrumentation with its associated single point
failures, reduces long-term maintenance, and enables the Mark VI diagnostics to
directly monitor the health of the sensors on the machinery. This data is then
available to both local operator/maintenance stations and to the plant Distributed
Control System via communication links.
Contact Inputs are powered from the 125 V dc battery bus through the Mark VI
termination boards. Each contact input is optically isolated and has a 1 ms time
stamp for SOE monitoring. Contacts are open-to-alarm and open-to-trip. An
inversion mask is applied to each contact input to normalize the data values and
simplify understanding of the software. For example, 63QT is a low lube oil pressure
trip switch that will open-to-trip. The inversion mask is applied such that whenever
logic L63QT = 1 it means that there is low lube oil pressure. Conversely, if the field
contact was closed-to-trip, the inversion mask would be 0 and L63QT = 1 would still
mean that there is low lube oil pressure.
Contact Outputs are from plug-in, magnetic relays with dry, form C contact
outputs. The control provides a floating 125 V dc source and suppression for each
solenoid with a 3.2 A slow-blow fuse on each side of the 125 V dc feeder.
Built-in Diagnostics
The Mark VI control system has extensive built-in diagnostics and includes
powerup, background, and manually initiated diagnostic routines. These diagnostics
are capable of identifying both control panel, sensor, and output device faults. These
faults are identified down to the board level for the panel, and to the circuit level for
the sensors and actuators.
System Overview
The control system consists of several networks. IONET is the Ethernet-based
network for communication between the three control modules, the three sections of
the protection module, and any expansion modules. IONET uses asynchronous
drives language (ADL) to poll the modules for data instead of using the typical
collision detection techniques used in Ethernet local area networks (LAN).
Ethernet networks with peer- The UDH is an Ethernet-based network that provides peer-to-peer communications
to-peer communication between the turbine control, the generator excitation control, and the static starter.
between turbine and The network uses Ethernet Global Data (EGD), which is a message-based protocol
generator controls. with support for sharing information with multiple nodes based on the UDP/IP
standard. Data can be transmitted unicast or broadcast to peer control systems on the
network. Data (4K) can be shared between up to 10 nodes at 25 Hz.
The Mark VI is used to control megawatt output, and the EX2000 is used to control
megavar output. The generator protection panel (GPP) is used to provide primary
protection for the generator. Additional protection features are located in the
EX2000. Although the UDH is capable of communicating control data, control loops
are closed internal to the turbine or generator control.
Time Synch
Local Local
Operator Operator
Station Station
Gas Turbine #1 Gas Turbine #2 Steam Turbine
Unit Data Highway - Ethernet Network Time Protocol NTP
Gas Turbine Generator Gas Turbine Generator Static Starter Steam Turbine Generator
Control Excitation Control Excitation Control Excitation
Mark VI EX2000 Mark VI EX2000 Mark VI EX2000
The Plant Data Highway is used to communicate data to the plant distributed control
system or other third party platforms. A variety of protocols are supported for
communication with a plant DCS including RS-232C and RS-485 Modbus remote
terminal unit (RTU) master/slave, Ethernet TCP-IP Modbus slave, and Ethernet
TCP-IP with GEDS Standard Messages (GSM). The GSM protocol provides the
following messages:
• Administration
• Spontaneous Event Driven (with local time tags)
• Periodic Group Data (at rates to 1 second)
• Common Request
Termination Stop/Speed
Main Processor VCMI VSVO Card
Board Ratio Valve
Software Servo
Logic D/A
Regulator 90SR
TNH (Speed) +
Gas Fuel
D/A 96FG
Gas Control
Software Servo
Regulator 65GC
Logic Chamber
FSR Splitter
Ratio Valve
FSR1 Pulse Flow
77FD Divider
Liquid Fuel
Timers Counters
Total Fired Time Manually Initiated Starts
DLN Primary Mode Total Starts
DLN Lean-lean Mode Fast Load Starts
DLN Premix Mode Fired Starts
DLN Extended Lean-Lean Mode Emergency Trips
The turbine control system monitors all control and protection parameters and
initiates an alarm if an abnormal condition is detected. If the condition exceeds a
predefined trip level, the turbine control will drive the gas/liquid control valves to a
zero flow position and de-energize the hydraulic trip solenoids. Since this action is
vital to protecting the turbine, the electronics are triple redundant.
All of the control, protection, and monitoring algorithms are contained in the control
modules for efficiency in sharing the common data used in these calculations.
Backup protection for emergency overspeed and synch check protection is
performed in the protection module.
<R> Fuel To
Loss Of Flame
Module Turbine
Compressor <T> Hydraulic Trip Stop
Surge Module System Valve
TMR Applications
Fire Protection
<P> Protection Module
Emergency <Z>
Overspeed Section
Generator Synch
Check Protection
Each trip solenoid is powered from the 125 V dc floating battery bus with contacts
from the control module in series with the negative side of the bus and contacts from
the backup protection module in series with the positive side of the bus. Since there
are three control modules and three sections of the backup protection module, each
trip solenoid has three relays from the control module voting on one side and three
relays from the backup protection module voting on the other side.
The primary screen in the system is the Startup screen. Since the gas turbine control
provides fully automatic startup including all interface to auxiliary systems, an
operator can initiate all of the basic commands and observe all of the primary control
parameters and status conditions from this single screen.
All operator commands can be given through momentary pushbutton commands on
the screen. The command is sent to the Mark VI control where the application
software initiates the requested action assuming that the appropriate permissives are
satisfied. A response to the command can be observed within one second, if it does
not involve subsequent system time delays like purging.
As an example, if Ready to Start is displayed in the Startup Status field, a Start
command can be given. A small pop-up window displays above the Start button for
the operator to verify the start of the turbine. Upon verification, the application
software checks the startup permissives and initiates a startup sequence, which
displays Starting and Sequence in Progress messages on the left side of the screen.
The purpose of the alarm If the unit was not ready to start, then the message Not Ready to Start displays and
queue is to identify any an alarm message displays in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen identifying
abnormal condition including the reason. In addition, there is a Start Check screen (under Auxiliaries), which
any reason to inhibit a start provides a graphical representation and status of the Start Check / Ready to Start
sequence. permissives. This graphic also relates to the functional organization of the
application software for the Start Check/Ready to Start Permissives. Similarly, all
trips displayed in the alarm field and in the Trip Diagram under Auxiliaries. If a
latched trip is the reason for not being ready to start, then the operator must select
the Master Reset button on the Startup screen. This references another screen to
remind the operator to investigate the latched trip prior to issuing a Master Reset.
GE Industrial Systems
Issue date: 2000-07-05 General Electric Company
2000 by General Electric Company, USA.
All rights reserved. 1501 Roanoke Blvd.
Salem, VA 24153-6492 USA