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Admission Housejob Regulations

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Statutory Notifications (S.R.O.)


Islamabad, the 27th October, 2016
S. R. O. 1003 (1)12016.-In exercise of the powers conferred by
,ub-'cction (2) of section 33 of the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council
0rdimn"L, 1962 (XXXII of 1962) the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council is
pleased to make the following regulations, namely:- ,


1. Short title, application and commencement-{I) These

regulations may be called the MBBS and BDS (Admissions, House job and
Internship) Regulations, 2016.

(2) These regulations shall apply to all medical and dental institutions,
hospitals and institutions recognised under the Pakistan Medical and Dental
Council Ordinance, 1962 (XXXll of 1962) and all admissions into their MBBS
and BDS courses, house job and internship undertaken at recognized hospitals .
• (3125)

Price: Rs. 10.50

[3914(2016)/Ex. GaL]
(3) These shall come into force at once.

2. Definitions.-!n these regulations, unless the context otherwise


(a) "Exam conducting university" means the university entrusted with

responsibility under these regulations to conduct medical and
dental college admission test and make admissions in all public
sector colleges of that ProvincelRegion and its constituent and
affiliated private medical and dental colleges.

(b) Admitting/affiliating University means the university having

affiliated and constituent private medical and dental institutions
entrusted with responsibility of admitting medical/dental students
in its affiliated private medical and dental colleges on basis of
admission test conducted by exam conducting University.

(c) "board" means the admission board constituted under these


(d) "dental institution" shall have the same meanings .as assigned to it
in the Ordinance;

(e) "dropout student" means a registered student of the medical or

dental institution, admitted after due process and who has left the
institution without attending classes during first two years of
MBBS or first year of BOS course or ex~~iled or struck-off from
the institution roll after failure to succeed in four chances in the
university's professional examination;

(f) "medical institution" shall have the same meaning as aSSIgned to it

in the Ordinance;

(g) "Ordinance" means the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council

Ordinance, 1962 (XXXII of 1962); and

(h) "region" means any separate administrative territory which is not

included in any Province.

(2) The words and expressions used but not defined herein shall have
the same meaning as are assigned to them under the Ordinance.



3. Admission board.- The following shall be an admission board

comprising members of the Council, namely:-

a President or a member of the Council nominated b him. hair erson

b One member of the Council from each Province embers
c One member of the Council from Federall Administered Tribal Areas ember
d One member of the Council from Islamabad Ca ital Territo ' ember

(2) The board constituted under sub-regulation (I) shall.-

(a) oversee the process of admission in MBBS and BDS in all

provinces and regions;

(b) have powers to inspect any examination under clause (a);

(c) ensure implementation of these regulations and any other directions

of the Council, from time to time, for transparent and merit based
admissions under clause (a);

(d) for implementation, give to the concerned provincial and regional

authorities recommendations regarding breach of secrecy, conduct
of admission test and any irregularity pointed out in the admission
process and in case of non-implementation of the recommendation,
the decision of the board shall be final. .

4. Provincial or regional admission committee.-{l) There shall be

a provincial or regional admission committee for each province and region,
comprising the following members, namely:-

(a) Health Secretary of respective province or, as the case may be, region Chairverson
(b) a member nominated bv the Council from amongst its members Member
member of the Council of respective province or, as the case may be, Member
Vice Chancellor of the university conducting entry test for admission in Member
MBBS or, as the case may be, BDS
Principal of one medical or, as the case may be, dental institute to be Member
nominated by the Vice Chancellor mentioned under clause (d)

(2) The provincial or regional admission committee constituted under

sub-regulation (I) shall have powers to oversee and monitor the entire adrriission

process and to ensure transparent conduct of admission test in its area nf


S. Institutional admission committee.-(I) Every institute shall, to

accomplish its admission process, notify in consultation with the board an
institutional admission committee comprising the following, namely:-

(a) Princinal of the institution Chairperson

(b) Vice Princinal of the institution Member
(c) facultv member of the institution Member

(2) All logistic and secretarial support to the institutional admission

committee shall be'provided by governing body of the' institute.

(3) The institutional admission committee constituted under sub-

regulation (I) shall have all powers to complete admissions process 111
accordance with these regulations and shall report any discrepancy or irregularity
immediately to the provincial or, as the case may be, the regional admissJ()n

(4) The institutional admission committee shall submit an undertah.jl1~

for transparent and merit based conduct of admissions in accordance with the,,'
regulation and as the board may propose.

6. Annual admissions in MBBS and BDS.-(l) The maximum

number of annual admissions in the medical and dental institutions shall be
approved by the Council after evaluation of infrastructure and the teaching
facilities in accordance with the regulations made under the Ordinance.

(2) All quotas and special seats shall be adjusted within the maximum
intake per yearly session approved by the Council for the institution.

(3) The total annual admissions in an MBBS course shall not exceed
three hundred and fifty in a public sector medical institution and one hundred
and fifty in a private sector medical institution.

(4) The total annual admissions in the BDS course shall not exceed one
• hundred in a public sector dental institution and eighty in a private sector dental
institution which is not a part of a medical institution and seventy-five I3DS
students in a dental institution attached with a medical institution.

(5) The ceilings under this regulation are applicable even when
facilities in the institution are more than that required by the Council as per its
criteria for recognition of institutions.

7. Eligibility criteria for MBBS and BDS courses in Pakistan and

abroad.-{l) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other regulations of the
Council, no Pakistani student shall be eligible for admission to medical and
dental courses in Pakistan or abroad and shall not be registered with the Council
as student or practitioner, as the case may be, unless he fulfills the following
eligibility criteria, namely:-

(a) he must have obtained mlrumum sixty percent marks in higher

secondary school certificate (HSSC) or F.Sc (Pre-medical) or
equivalent examination having minimum twelve years of education; or

(b) he must have passed, obtaining minimum sixty percent marks in

aggregate in, an examination of a course from a foreign university
or examining body or foreign education system in at least three
subjects i.e. compulsory subjects of biology, chemistry and either
physics or mathematics and such course must have been duly
certified by the inter-boards committee of chairmen (IBCC) as
equivalent to higher secondary school certificate (HSSC) or F.Sc or
intermediate level of Pakistan.

(2) Foreign or dual nationality holders or overseas Pakistani students

desirous of taking admission in MBBS or BOS courses against open merit or
foreign quota seat in any public or private institution of Pakistan must have
passed, obtaining minimum sixty percent marks in aggregate in an' examination
of a course from a foreign university or its examining body or its education
system in at least three compulsory subjects of biology, chemistry and either
physics or mathematics and such course must have been duly certified by IBCC
as equivalent to HSSC, F.Sc. or intermediate level of Pakistan.

(3) Equivalence by !Bee under sub-regulations (I) and (2) shall be

accepted in aggregate and the candidate shall be eligible to take the admission
test for MBBS or BOS course with any study group irrespective of the
recommendations of the !BCC.

(4) Without prejudice to any other eligibility criteria under these

regulations, a foreign or dual nationality student or overseas Pakistani students
desirous of taking admission to MBBS and BOS course against open merit or

foreign quota or self-finance seats in any public or private institution of Pakistan

shall have to meet the following additional eligibility criteria, namely:-

(a) English language proficiency test e.g. valid TOEFL or IELTS with
a minimum score of 500 or 5.5 or a certification by National
University of Modern Languages (NUML) after one year English
language course; and

(b) candidates having foreign or dual nationality or overseas Pakistani

students and qualified from abroad may also apply if they have
passed a foreign SAT II examination with minimum 550 marks in
each of the three subjects including compulsory subjects of
biology. chemistry and either physics or mathematics or a foreign
MCA T with minimum aggregate score of 24 as an alternative to
provincial or regional admission test

8. Self-finance seats and foreign quota seats.-{l) Public sector

medical and dental institutions may admit upto fifteen percent of their total
annual seats allocated by the Council on foreign seats and self-finance basis on
merit However, tuition fee charged from these students shall not exceed the fee
approved by the Council, under the Ordinance and regulations made thereunder,
for private medical and dental institutions.

(2) Private medical and dental institutions may admic students on

foreign seats quota upto fifteen percent of their total annual seats allocated by the

(3) No candidate shall be eligible for foreign quota seats in public and
private medical and dental institutions under sub-regulations (I) and (2) unless
he holds a permanent foreign nationality or dual nationality or overseas Pakistani
students and who has physically studied and passed secondary school certificate
(SSC) and HSSC passing 12th grade examination or equivalent from outside
Pakistan during his stay abroad and having a certificate from the institution last
attended to this effect.

(4) Where any seat of foreign or self-finance quota remains vacant due
to unavailability of eligible candidates or otherwise, it shall stand transferred to
open merit quota and the student shall be charged fee and charges prescribed for
open merit seat. An ineligible candidate shall not be admitted against such seats.

(5) The annual quota of foreign seats and self-finance shall not be
carried forward to admissions of any subsequent year. Cumulative seats for

ioreign plus self finance seats admission shall not exceed fifteen percent of total
allocated seats.

9. Medical and dental institutions admission test--{l) Unless

otherwise provided in these regulations, no candidate shall be admitted to any
public and private medical and dental institution unless he, in addition to other
eligibility criteria under these regulations, passes admission test for this purpose.

(2) Every provincial or, as the case may be, regional department
dealing with admissions in medical and dental institutions shall, each year by
notification under intimation to the Council, authorize one recognized public
sector medical university or authority as exam conducting university sub
regulation 2(a), as the case may be, to conduct a single test for admission in
MBBS and BDS courses in that province or, as the case may be, region and
prepare a result and order of merit under these regulations. This test result and
order of merit shall be applicable to public and private sector medical and dental
institlitions of same province or region, as the case may be, unless otherwise
provided in these regulations.

(3) For the purpose of admission in MBBS and BDS course, no

public and private medical or dental institution or its admitting/affiliating
university under section 2(b) shall hold its own admission test, aptitude test or
interview, by whatever name called for, other than the test specified under
sub-regulation 2(a).

(4) The conduct of examination, secrecy and paper-setting shall be the

sole responsibility of the exam conducting university authorized under these
regulations section 2(a) for conducting the admission test.

(5) A uniform pattern and syllabus for admission test shall be approved
by the Council and the syllabus of the admission test shall be commensurate with
HSSC or F.Sc. curriculum level.
(6) For admissions in private medical and dental institutions,
centralized provincial or regional admission test of any province or region under
sub-regulation 2(a) shall be applicable all over Pakistan.

(7) A candidate desirous of admission in MBBS and BDS course in a

public and private medical and dental institution of a province or, as the case
may be, region shall apply to the concerned affiliating ladmitting universitv
sub-regulation 2(b). The admitting university shall process the applications.

strictly on merit by.preparing open merit list for the concerned public and private
medical and dental institutions.

(8) The candidate shall apply to concerned admitting university for

admission by submitting his SSC, HSSC or F.Sc. and his admission test score
under sub-regulation 2(b). The concerned admitting university shall prepare a
merit list by a weightage formula as under:-

(a) SSC (10%);

(b) F.Sc. (40%); and
(c) admission test (50%).

(9) An Hafiz-e-Qur'an certified as such by the appropriate body or, as

the case may be, authority shall be entitled to addition of twenty marks to his
marks obtained in HSSC or, as the case may be, F.Sc. for the purpose of these

(10) In case final merit of more than one candidate is equal up to three
decimals, the candidate older in age shall stand higher in merit

(I I) The concerned admitting universities processing admission for

private medical and dental institutions shall also process the admission on self
finance and foreign seats for the foreign and dual national and overseas students
fulfilling the eligibility criteria laid down in these regulations.

(12) The unfilled foreign or self-finance seats of each private or public

medical and dental institution shall be converted to open merit seats.

(13) The pattern of admission test shall be based on multiple choice

questions (MCQs).

(14) Entry test shall be valid for one year of the. same session in the
public and private medical and dental institutions. SAT and MCA T from abroad
scores, where applicable, can be utilized within two years of passing these

(IS) The Federal and provincial governments shall ensure conduct of

admission test before the 31st October each year or within four weeks of
declaration of result of HSSC and F.Sc. by the Boards of Intermediate and
Secondary Education, whichever is earlier, so that whole admission process of
public medical and dental institutions is completed before the 31st October each

(f6) The concerned admitting university sub-regulation 2(b) or, as the

case may be, authority shall ensure display of merit lists prepared in accordance
with these regulations on its own website and notice boards as well as that of
each of the concerned medical and dental institutions.

(17) The admissions in public-sector medical and dental institutions

shall be completed before the 31st October each year by displaying three
consecutive merit lists by the concerned admitting university or authority.
Institution-wise list of all the successful candidates along with the required
documents shall be displayed on the website of the concerned admitting
university. The admission of candidates shall stand cancelled automatically in
case of failure to join the course or deposit fee within seven days of display of
merit list on website or notice board of the admitting university and such
candidates shall have no vested right of admission thereafter. The vacant seats
occurring on account of not joining the course or failure to pay prescribed "fee
within stipulated period by selected candidates in first or second merit list shall
be filled subsequently by displaying next merit lists, as the case may be, strictly
in accordance with merit. The candidates may be upgraded to another institution
in subsequent merit list based on merit and preference and the fee deposited by
upgraded candidates in previous institution shall be transferred to new institution
without any deduction:

(18) No private medical and dental institution or its affiliating university

and admitting university shall advertise, process admissions in any manner or
admit students before the 3lstOctober or before display of final merit list of
public-sector medical an"ddental institutions of respective province and region.

(19) The admission to MBBS and BDS course in a medical and dental
institution shall be made strictly on the basis of merit and in accordance with
these regulations and no student shall be charged for any sort of donation, bribe, "
kick back or monetary gain in any form." Any admission made in violation of
merit or on the basis of monetary gain in any form and reported to or noticed by
the Council shall be considered a violation of these regulations entailing penal
action under the Ordinance.

"(20) Only the admitting university, under sub regulation 2(b) shall
advertise, in le~ng national newspapers of wide circulation as well as through
its website, ad'in'i~sion schedule for private medical and dental institutions, for
admission in such private medical and dental institutions, by mentioning closing
date of submission of applications, date of display of merit lists and date of
deposit of fee for open merit and foreign quota seats or self finance seats.

(21) All admissions for private medical and dental institutions shall be
completed by the 31st December each year. Students admitted after due date
shall not be. registered by the Council. However, last date of admission in
medical and dental institutions may, in extra-ordinary circumstances, be
extended by not more than one month by the Admission board constituted under
regulation 3. .
(22) The lists, showing particulars of admitted students in public and
private medical and dental institutions, shall be submitted by the concerned
admitting university to the Council not later than the 3lst,March each year, for
registration and no such list and particulars of any student for registration shall
be entertained after the said date.

10. Mandatory professional examinations for MBBS and BDS

course.-{I) For awarding MBBS degree, the respective university shall conduct
professional examinations specified in column (2) of the Table below in the
academic year as specified in column (3) thereof, namely:-


S.No. Name of professional examination To be conducted

(I) (2) (3)
I. MBSS first professional examination At the end of first academic year
2. MBSS second professional examination At the end of second academic year
3. MBSS third professional examination At the end of third academic year
4. MBSS fourth professional examination At the end of fourth academic year
5. MBSS final professional examination At the end of fifth academic year

(2) For awarding BDS degree, the respective university shall conduct
professional examinations specified in column (2) of the T~ble below in the
academic year as specified inrcolumn (3) thereof, namely:-

S.N •. Name of professional examfnation To be conducted
(I) (2) (3)
I BDS first professional examination At the end affirst academic year
2 BDS second professional examination At the end of second academic vear
3. BDS third professional examination At the end of third academic year
4. BOS final professional examination At the end of fourth academic year

II. Re-admission of students:-Any student who fails to clear first or

second professional examination in four. consecutive chances availed. or
un-availed and has been expelled on that account shall not be eligible for

continuation of medical and dental studies of the MBBS and BOS in the
subsequent professional examinations.

12. Fee and refund thereof.-{I) The fee in respect of an yearly

session shall be charged on annual basis only, subject to eligibility for that

(2) There shall be no extra tuition fee for supplementary examination.

The students repeating the year on account of being debarred from University
examination shall be charged full yearly tuition fee. The detained students shall
be charged tuition fee in proportion to number of failed. subjects of that
professional examination as prescribed by PM&OC.

• (3) .A private medical and dental institution shall not charge in respect
of training for MBBS or, as the case may be, BOS fee and charges, specified in
column (2) of the Table below, exceeding the limit as specified in column (3)
thereof, namely:-


S.N •. Fee or char es b whatever name called fOT Amount in Ru es

t 2 3
1. Annual tuition fee per student excluding university examination Not exceeding
fee, taxes, hostel fee and trans ort fee. etc. Rs.642,000
Not exceeding
2. One time admission fee.
Not exceeding
3. Prospectus fee.

(4) All private medical and dental institutions shall maintain a separate
online account in a scheduled bank and all fee and charges to be received from
students shall be deposited by students or their parents or guardians in the online'
account and no cash shall be demanded from students for any fee and charges.
This account number must be mentioned in prospectus and website with fee and
charges' structure.

(5) A public and private medical and dental institution shall, against
foreign quota seats, not charge iii respect of training for MBBS or, as the case
may be BOS fee and charges, specified in column (2) of the Table below,
exceeding the limit as specified in column (3) thereof, namely:-


S.No. Fee and charp'es Amount

III 121 13\
Annual tuition fee per student all inclusive, university Not exceeding eighteen
examination fee, taxes, hostel fee and transnort fee, etc. thousand US dollars
2. One-time admission fee. - Not exceedi,. Rs. 50,000
3. Prospectus fee. Not exceeding Rs. 3,000

(6) The copy of deposit slips offee and charges in respect of student,
duly signed and stamped by authorized officer of the bank, shall, by the
concerned medical and dental institution, be submitted along with copy of
student registration forms to the Council and affiliating university. The Council
and the affiliating university shall keep record of such deposited slips and bank

(7) Where a student has deposited fee andjoins or not joins classes but,
within fifteen working days on the commencement of classes, informs in writing
the medical and dental institution, admitting university and the Council that he
wishes to leave the institution, his seat shall be deemed to have become vacant
upon furnishing of this information and he shall be entitled to hundred percent
refund of all his deposited fees and charges, except onetime admission fee and a
student from waiting list may be admitted against this vacant seat in accordance
with merit.

(8) Where a student who has paid fee and joins classes opts for another
medical or dental institution within three months during same admission process,
that student shall be entitled for refund of fee after deduction of fee for study
period availed in terms of months in that medical or dental institution and the
seat shall be considered as vacant No fee shall be refunded after three months of
commencement of session. A student from waiting list may be admitted against
this vacant seat in accordance with merit. Such occurrence and subsequent
admission is to be brought in the knowledge of the Council through the admitting

(9) - Whete a student gets migrated from one medical or dental

institution to another medical or dental institution at any stage of the academic
session, the medical or dental institution, as the case may be shall be bound to
-refund all dues and fee charged proportionate to remaining period of academic
session, to be counted from start of session.

13. Registration of medical and dental students.-Every medical

and dental student admitted under these regulations shall, for the purpose of

registration as medical or dental practitioner under the Ordinance, be required to

be registered with the Council in accordance with the Ordinance and regulations
made thereunder including the Pakistan Registration of Medical and Dental
Practitioners Regulations, 2008.

14. Admissions against dropout students seat--{I) The failures and

detained students shall be counted in strength of the class to which they were
admitted and shall not fall under the category of dropout student.

(2) All dropout students shall be reported with evidence to the Council
and the affiliating university within two weeks.

(3) On receipt of information under sub-regulation (2), the Council

shall consider to give, upon satisfaction, permission and define the number of
admissions which can be allowed in lieu of dropouts or vacant seats, if any.

(4) Upon permission of the Council under sub-regulation (3), the

medical or, as the case may be, dental institution shall admit additional students
in subsequent session against the vacant seats not exceeding ten percent of total
allocated yearly admissions so as to maintain standard of education in
accordance with available training facilities.

(5) Any student admitted over and above of the total allocated seats or
as dropped out students without prior permission of the Council, shall not be
registered by the Council' office and the institution shall be liable to penalty as
proposed by the Council under the Ordinance.

IS. Gap after discoutinuation of study.-Where any student has

qualified a professional examination and discontinues his studies and desires to
rejoin his studies of the MBBS or, as the case may be, BDS, within five years of
his discontinuation, he may as one-time dispensation be allowed to continue his
studies from the stage he discontinued. For a study gap of three years or more the
student shall re-take the last professional examination.



16. House job for persons who have qualified MBBS or BDS
course.--{I) Without prejudice to the Pakistan Registration of Medical and
Dental Practitioners Regulations, 2008 every student on completion of his degree
of the MBBS or BDS as the case may be shall be required to undergo one year.

house job or internship, by whatever name called for, before full registration with'
the Counci I.

(2) Only persons provisionally registered with the Council as medical

and dental practitioner shall be eligible for house job. The experience of house
job or internship done prior to the provisional registration shall not be counted
and accepted as experience of house job towards attainment offull registration.

(3) House job or internship training shall be carried out only in a

hospital recognized by the Council under the Ordinance.

(4) Before awarding house job or internship, the hospital shall ensure
that the candidate possesses a valid provisional registration with the Council.

17. House job structure for MBBS.-A house job or internship shall
consist of residential, full time and structured modules specified in column (2) of
the Table below for the duration as specified in column (3) thereof, namely:-

s. No. Modules Duration

(1) (2\ 0)
I. Module.! of three months duration in Internal medicine is Total six months duration (t"va
compulsory modules of three months duration)
Module - II in medical allied departments is optional and
up to candidate/institute's choice/convenience.
2. Module III of three months in general surgery is Totalsix months duration (two
compulsory mod~lesof three months duration)
Module - IV in surgical allied departments is optional and
up to candidate/institute's choice/convenience.

Explanation.-Each main module (medicine and allied of six month's

duration or surgery and allied of six month's duration) shall have to be
completed separately and in the same hospital. Compulsory module (three
months) of internal medicine and optional module (three months) of allied
departments shall be accomplished discretely and in same hospital and
experience gained at two different hospitals for sub components of modules of
medicine and allied shall not be accepted and experience 'gained for one module
(three months) of general surgery and other module (three months) of medicine
allied subject shall not be allowed. However, one module of three months
duration at specialized hospitals of allied subjects like pediatrics medicine or
cardiology or nephrology shall be accepted. The experience of house job or
internship less than three months in any mOdule shall not be accepted as

Basic life support certification (BLS) course shall be mandatory during

house job for full registration with the Council.

18. House job structure for BDS.-{I) A house job or internship for
BDS shall consist of residential, full time and structured modules specified in
column (2) of the Table below for the duration as specified in column (3)
thereof, namely:-

S.No. Modules Duration

(I) (2) (3)
I. Prosthodontics and allied
2. Onerati vedentistrv and allied
Three months each
3. Orthodontics and allied
• 4. Oral and maxillofacial surgery and allied

(2) A maximum of six months of house job or internship in one

, particular specialty may be allowed, rest of the six months shall be utilized by
rotations to cover al,"disciplines of dentistry.

19. House job or internship from abroad.-House job or internship

or clinical training from abroad in all the teaching hospitals affiliated with
accredited medical or dental schools recognized for house job or internship or
clinical training by the medical regulatory authority of that country shall be
accepted by the Council for the purpose of full registration with the Council.

20. House job or internship for foreign medical or dental

graduates.-After passing registration examination of National Examination
Board of the Council foreign medical and dental graduates shall be registered
provisionally for house job purposes after notification by the Federal
Government and will be required to complete one year mandatory house job,
observership or internship from the date of issue of the Council's provisional

21. Stipend or salary for house job or internship.-All public and

private institutions shall be responsible to provide a paid house job to their
graduates and any graduate of any other institution doing house job or internship
in the institution. The amount of stipend or salary by whatever name called paid
to house officer or internee' in private sector hospitals shall not be less than the
highest amount paid in any public sector hospital of that province. Honorary
house jobs in special circumstances shall also be allowed in approved public
sector hospitals if an applicant and a hospital so desires but the institution shall
not allow house job beyond the slots allocated by the Council for house job in
relevant institution.

22 .. No institute shall allow clerkship/observer ship/internship to

unregistered medical or dental student or Pakistani student studying medicine or
dentistry at foreign institute shall not be allowed clerkship/observer ship/
internship at any hospital of Pakistan.

23. Penalty for contraventions of regulations.-Whoever contravenes

any provision of these regulations or registers or unlawfully admits students
shall, in addition to any action that can be initiated under the applicable service
rules and regulations, etc, be punishable under the Ordinance .

. 24. Repeal.--0n commencement 'of these regulations, all regulations,

notifications, orders, instructions and circulars, etcetera, which regulate any
matter under these regulations, are hereby repealed. •

[No. 29-NotificationiCouncil-20 16/293 799.]


Acting Registrar.



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