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T – 100, Sessional – 50

Unit. I.
Number system & Boolean algebra, number systems: Binary , Arithmetic, octal, Hexadecimal &
radix conversion.
Binary codes: BCD, excess three, gray display A SCII, EB DC IC, Parity check codes code
conversion, Boolean algebra: theorms, Introduction to logic gates, NANPNOR realization,
Boolean laws & theorems.

Unit. II.
Simplification of Boolean expression, sum of product & product of sum forms, concept of min
terms & max terms, minimization techniques, karnavgti’s MAP method, Tabulation method.

Unit III.
Combinational circuits & flip flops half adder, full adder, subs tractor, BCD adder, multiplexer &
demultiplexer, encoder & decoder ckts. FLIP-LLOPS: RS, clocked Rs, I, D. J.K, master slave

Unit. IV.
Sequential ckts, elements of sequential switching ckts, synchronous & asynchronous systems,
binary ripple, counter, BCD counter, UP-down counter, Shift requesters, series parallel shift
registers shift left & shift right operation, Johnson & ring counter.

Unit V.
Design of sequential ckts. State diagram, state table, state assignment, characterizing equation &
definition of synchronous sequential machines, mealy & more model machines, state table &
transition diagram, Introduction to logic families, RTL, DTL, all types of TIL, ECL, NMOS,
NCMOS, logic etc.


1) Digital logic and computer design by Moris Mano

2) Digital principles & application A.Paul Malvino & Donald. P. Leach

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