JW V State Benghazi Talking Points Transcript 01242 1
JW V State Benghazi Talking Points Transcript 01242 1
JW V State Benghazi Talking Points Transcript 01242 1
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1 P R O C E E D I N G S
4 of State.
17 tried to take the lead myself, but I think the time has come
20 I have looked at this case and then let you all each comment
9 lawyers did not know false affidavits were being filed with
10 me, but I was very relieved that I did not accept them and
13 since that time and the Justice Department came back, then,
9 did not know that until I read the IG report and learned
11 interview.
8 13- --
18 this point.
24 attorney for Cheryl Mills objected and they did not -- she
6 -- and I don't have the case number for you on that, but
11 that the FBI have has recovered from the any backup
12 systems that they had from the server. And of the emails
18 seeking
7 and deleted.
11 Judge Boasberg.
15 of her records from the time that she was at the State
24 set?
6 material.
8 MS. COTCA: It is --
12 did you -- you did not file a reply to their 51; right?
24 earlier, time may have passed. There may have been other
3 this case that its search has been complete and, at that
6 employee.
10 I --
12 on, I guess.
16 produced. Correct.
24 respect to the posture and we said, Well, you know, the fact
9 Judge Sullivan.
25 still seeking?
6 Prince.
17 ever asked. This was after the motion for summary judgment
18 was filed because State didn't have them when the motion for
20 got records from Mr. Sullivan and Ms. Mills and we asked for
11 which is when we had figured out what was going on. This
9 at State were not the ones who knew about this. It was
14 own --
6 Mills had provided emails and that they had said they might
9 and here's what we don't know about, but since we don't have
20 Watch that there were more of the types of emails they had
24 its possession and that's what the affidavit says, and there
25 was no attempt
3 possession?
4 MR. PRINCE: No --
6 she played?
16 Your Honor thinks that the searches that were done up to the
3 extremely important to us
10 earlier and then a set that was found right before the
12 produced and the parties settled that case. Now, I'm not
5 steps that they can anticipate taking -- and the FBI can
6 take more steps. They can get warrants which they did --
25 be credible.
3 out before that statement from the FBI came out. So I can't
9 Mills and Mr. Sullivan, and the FBI went and interviewed
12 they did, and the servers were -- the FBI got things from
8 Those were all searched both for this case -- and that
14 might not have the cite to that, but let me check really
15 quickly.
16 (Brief pause. I
4 but all of the emails that State has gotten to or from Ms.
8 which is the cite that Ms. Cotca was looking for earlier
19 And I believe that one was 15-1217, but I'm not positive.
1 familiar with.
9 it -- this was something that was done by Ms. Rice who was
19 FBI's ability, the only things that we can see remaining are
20 the Mills, Abedin and Sullivan docs that were produced and
23 (Brief pause. I
8 the 30 --
15 mid-November.
18 that although Ms. Cotca said that Ms. Mills didn't answer a
5 thorough.
8 said you read it. So you know what that is. It's also
14 sympathetic to State.
16 MR. PRINCE: So --
23 Ms. Mills, Ms. Abedin, John Bentel and Patrick Kennedy, all
4 Clinton. So --
5 (Brief pause. I
6 So the
18 server, and the FBI also found that there was -- the best
19 information the FBI had was that Secretary Clinton had not
10 the remedy. And the FBI says that it can't find -- it can't
12 Clinton's emails.
5 that. But the upshot is that the search was done well
6 before the MSJ. And, in fact, the search of the Mills and
7 Sullivan
24 may have been wrong with the way the records were actually
25 being handled.
21 other searches and how they affect this case before any
4 raised?
7 2014 before even we had any idea the 55,000 emails had not
10 case.
22 them to you and I've said, No, thank you very much. So
12 Judge Boasberg found that what the FBI had done was
14 and Judicial Watch does not agree with how the court
17 look it up for you, if you need the exact date, but Judicial
18 Watch does not agree that everything that has been done by
24 and then finding out that Lois Lerner's emails were lost and
1 backup disc and tapes from those emails. What the IRS
9 was done and it's concluded. Why the State Department has
24 covered and it's not a matter of, you know, bringing the
4 this case.
6 faith, Your Honor, this case, it's been pending since 2014.
12 that it has done what it's saying it's doing when responding
1 that.
7 least Cheryl Mills actually did not agree to speak with the
2 Mr. Sullivan, Ms. Mills and Ms. Abedin after the motion for
19 down.
7 was not done, but what it did on its own was conduct that
12 course, not having those records made some FOIA cases not be
17 agencies.
18 Thank you.
19 (Brief pause. I
4 summary judgment.
10 He describes the --
12 become public?
20 this issue.
24 (Brief pause. I
3 system to do this, they scan them into PDFs and hit control
7 this was filed because they were done before, I think, March
9 for a while.
12 documents from Ms. Mills and Mr. Sullivan and the review of
16 quickly.
17 (Brief pause. I
8 the --
18 did file a joint status report at that time and the State
4 these emails that had not even been -- I don't even believe
5 they had been even searched at that point, but I would just
11 2015.
19 This was different. Maybe, you know, Your Honor might wish
20 we had, but it certainly was not any kind of bad faith with
24 Counsel.
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