MW Network Design HU Lec.4
MW Network Design HU Lec.4
MW Network Design HU Lec.4
The plane wave has no electric field and magnetic field longitudinal
components along the propagation direction. The electric field and
magnetic field components are vertical to the propagation direction.
Therefore, it is called transverse electromagnetic wave and TEM wave
for short.
(separate mount)
Soft waveguide
IDU IF port
IDU IF port
IDU 620 1+1 HSB Typical configuration IDU 605 2B HSB Typical Configuration
7 and 11
Diameter 13 G 15 G 18 G 23 G 26 G 28 G 32 G 38 G 42 G
8G G
0.3 m ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
0.6 m ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
0.9/1.0 m ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
1.2 m ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
1.8 m ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dual-polarized direct-mounted antennas cannot be used with hybrid
Hybrid Coupler
R Interface Hybrid Coupler
Type 6G 7/8/11/13/15/18/23/26/28/32/38G
3 dB balanced
Loss 3.5 3.5
hybrid coupler
34/140/155 Mbit/s
2/8/34/140/155 Mbit/s
1 2 3 4 5 8 10 20 30 40 50
8 GHz 126, 161, 154. 199, 266, 311 Long-distance network backbones
15 GHz 308, 420, 490, 315. 720, 728 Short and medium distance
18 GHz 340, 1092.5, 1008, 1010, 1560 Short and medium distance
23 GHz 600, 1050, 1232, 1008, 1200, Short distance in urban areas
Frequency range
f0 (center frequency)
Low frequency band High frequency band
T/R spacing
Protection T/R spacing
G = Antenna gain
Power level
f A0 = Free space loss
M = Fading margin
Receiving threshold
60GHz 23GHz 12GHz 7.5GHz 1GHz
Atmosphere absorption curve (dB/km)
For frequencies lower than 10 GHz, rain loss can be ignored. Only a few db may
be added to a relay section.
For frequencies higher than 10 GHz, repeater spacing is mainly affected by rain
loss. For example, for the 13 GHz frequency or higher, 100 mm/h rainfall causes a
loss of 5 dB/km. Hence, for the 13 GHz and 15 GHz frequencies, the maximum relay
distance is about 10 km. For the 20 GHz frequency and higher, the relay distance is
limited in few kilometres due to rain loss.
High frequency bands can be used for user-level transmission. The higher the
frequency band is, the more severe the rain fading.
Atmosphere refraction
As a result of atmosphere refraction, the microwave propagation trail is bent. It is
considered that the electromagnetic wave is propagated along a straight line above
the earth with an equivalent earth radius Re, = KR (R: actual earth radius.)
The average measured K value is about 4/3. However, the K value of a specific
section is related to the meteorological phenomena of the section. The K value may
change within a comparatively large range. This can affect line-of-sight propagation.
space received level. Up fading: fading where the composite wave level is
higher than the free space received level.
Non-uniform atmosphere
Water surface
Smooth ground surface.
Ground surface
Antenna distance: As per experience, the distance between the diversity antennas is 100
co-frequency interference.
80 Deg.
Site A Site B
Site X Site Z
Site Y
• The Pathloss software is a comprehensive path design tool based on the radio links. The
Pathloss software operates at frequencies ranging from 30 MHz to 100 GHz. Currently,
Pathloss 4.0 is commonly used.
• Pathloss support a lot kind of maps, while the most common type for presale
microwave network design is Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM).
Feeder Loss Feeder Loss
Feeder Feeder
Filter, Filter,
Combiner Combiner
Loss Free Space Loss Loss
Filters, Atmospheric Gaseous Loss
Combiner, Rain Attenuation Combiner,
etc Cable Loss Cable Loss etc
Diffraction Loss
Tx Power Rx Power
Transmitter Transmitter
Fresnel Zone
• Tips:
(1) Use the rain region
map to determine the
rain region;
• Step 1: Click
• Step 1: Click
• Tips:
(1) 0.5 dB connector loss for most situation.
(2) 0.6 dB for separately mounted antenna, 0 dB for directly mounted antenna. For
XMC ODU, we use separately mounting for antenna bigger than 1.8m, and directly
mounting for smaller or equal than 1.8m.
• Tips:
(1) No branching loss for 1+0 configuration.
(2) 1.7dB for 1+1 HSB by default (asymmetric
(3) 3.3dB for 2+0 configuration (symmetric
• Step 1: Export link list (Switch to Network Module → Site Data, Reports → CSV link
list – microwave)
• Step 2: Choose items to be exported
• Step 3: Click Option to choose output format if necessary → OK
• Step 4: Click OK, the link list in output format will be shown → File → Save)
• Step 5: Manually processed it to add some missing information: Antenna diameter (only
the antenna model is exported), link protection type (1+0, 1+1 HSB/SD/FD, XPIC, 2+0,
• Tips:
(1) Manually add .csv extension while save csv file, or the file will has no extension name.
(2) No item will be shown if you choose too many columns to output due to pathloss bug,
but you can still save it to csv file and no information will be missed.
Now we get all the files. And we can configure device in UniSTAR CFG with Link List.
3.3 dB
• Tips:
(1) The annual availability and fade
margin of XPIC link will be a litter
lower than non-XPIC link with the
same other conditions (antenna size,
modulation method, channel space,
(2) There are some compatibility issues with pathloss 4 and Windows 7, which cause that it
is impossible to configure XPIC link on Windows 7 with pathloss 4. Use Windows XP
99.9% 183Mit/s
99.95% 158Mit/s
Internet 99.99%
99.995% 105Mbit/s
99.998% 84Mbit/s
High priority queue and guaranteed bit rates Low priority queue and remaining bit rates
Most for voice etc. Most for download services etc.
QPSK -66.0
16QAM -59.3
32QAM -54.8
64QAM -50.8
7. Import frequency file : Open the Frequency File ,the data will
be imported automatically show as Figure 3