Hydrometallurgy: Manish Kumar Sinha, Sushanta Kumar Sahu, Swati Pramanik, Lal Bahadur Prasad, Banshi Dhar Pandey
Hydrometallurgy: Manish Kumar Sinha, Sushanta Kumar Sahu, Swati Pramanik, Lal Bahadur Prasad, Banshi Dhar Pandey
Hydrometallurgy: Manish Kumar Sinha, Sushanta Kumar Sahu, Swati Pramanik, Lal Bahadur Prasad, Banshi Dhar Pandey
Recovery of high value copper and zinc oxide powder from waste brass pickle liquor by
solvent extraction
Manish Kumar Sinha a,b, Sushanta Kumar Sahu a,⁎, Swati Pramanik a, Lal Bahadur Prasad b, Banshi Dhar Pandey a
Metal Extraction and Forming Division, CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur 831007, India
Department of Chemistry, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, India
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Solvent extraction of Cu and Zn from spent brass pickle liquor has been carried out using LIX 984N as an
Received 23 May 2015 extractant. Very high difference in ΔpH1/2 value for the two metals during the extraction indicates the ease of
Received in revised form 14 August 2015 separating them under the appropriate conditions. Based on the bench scale results, metals were separated in
Accepted 15 September 2015
a continuous mode using a laboratory scale mixer settler unit from the spent brass pickling solution containing
Available online xxxx
35 kg/m3 Cu, 30 kg/m3 Zn, 1.5 kg/m3 Fe, 0.75 kg/m3 Cr, 0.03 kg/m3 Ni and 70 kg/m3 H2SO4 with 30% LIX 984N
in kerosene. High copper extraction (99.9%) at the phase ratio (O/A) of 2/1 was obtained at the equilibrium pH
LIX 984N of 2.5 in a two-stage counter-current extraction process, leaving behind Zn, Cr and Ni in the raffinate. Zinc
Brass pickle solution from the chromium free solution was then quantitatively extracted in three counter-current extraction stages
Counter-current extraction at pH 5.5 and O/A = 2/1 with negligible co-extraction of nickel. From the respective loaded organic phases,
Hydrothermal synthesis copper and zinc were completely stripped off using 150 kg/m3 H2SO4. The stripped solutions of Cu and Zn
Cu powder were utilized for the synthesis of high pure Cu metal powder and ZnO particles by the hydrothermal
ZnO powder reduction/precipitation processes. Copper powder was synthesised in an autoclave at 20 bar H2 pressure and
423 K in 2 h. On the other hand ZnO powder (4 bar) was prepared from zinc striped solution at pH 12 in an
autoclave under autogenous pressure at 423 K in 2 h. The purity and morphology of the as-prepared powders
were determined by chemical analysis, XRD and SEM-EDS studies.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction from the waste streams (Silva et al., 2005). Thus the processing of
brass pickle liquor by hydrometallurgical route will definitely provide
Industrial wastes generated in metallic industries are generally economic benefits in terms of recovery of value added products of cop-
laden with heavy metals. Brass pickle liquor is also a kind of industrial per and zinc and mitigate the pollution problem arsing due to conven-
waste generated during cleaning of the brass surface which tends to tional disposal of waste brass pickle liquor.
build up a black coating by prolonged exposure to the air. The cleaning A number of studies have been reported on the recovery of heavy
process involves removal of the oxide layer by dipping the material in metals from various waste/secondary resources such as pickle liquors,
dilute sulphuric acid bath, which is usually reused quite a few times spent electrolytes, industrial effluents, and brass ash leach liquor.
before its disposal as a waste. As a result the solution is loaded up (Sinha et al., 2014; Meshram et al., 2013; Nathsarma, 2002). In all
with pollutant material such as chromium and high concentration of these studies solvent extraction plays a major role in producing high
copper and zinc. Due to its environmentally hazardous and acidic nature pure precursor solution which is used for making high value products
it cannot be disposed off without pretreatment. The general treatment of the heavy metals viz., metal powders, metal oxide powders or salts.
of this kind of liquid effluent includes the neutralization by lime. Recovery of base metals from copper smelter slag by oxidizing leaching
However, this process requires a large amount of alkali/lime resulting and solvent extraction has been reported by Banza et al. (2002). In this
in the loss of metal values as well. For the disposal of such industrial study copper from the leach solution was recovered by solvent extrac-
wastes, alternate options are increasingly being applied which involves tion with LIX 984 whereas, cobalt and zinc were recovered by solvent
the recovery of the heavy metals as value added products by hydromet- extraction with D2EHPA. From the separated solutions metals by
allurgical methods in recent years. Recovery of heavy metals as valuable electrowinning or metal salts by evaporation-crystallization could be
products not only reduces the toxicity of the waste to be disposed off prepared. Sahu et al. (2008) have reported the separation of hexavalent
but also conserves natural resources in terms of resource recovery chromium and zinc from electroplating effluent by solvent extraction
with tri-n-butyl phosphate and selective stripping with dil. sulphuric
⁎ Corresponding author. acid and sodium hydroxide solutions, respectively. Agrawal et al.
E-mail address: sushanta_sk@yahoo.com (S.K. Sahu). (2008) have developed a SX-EW (Solvent extraction-Electrowinning)
0304-386X/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: Sinha, M.K., et al., Recovery of high value copper and zinc oxide powder from waste brass pickle liquor by solvent
extraction, Hydrometallurgy (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2015.09.012
2 M.K. Sinha et al. / Hydrometallurgy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx
process to recover high value copper and nickel powder from the to the raffinate, rapid metal transfer kinetics and high extractive
copper bleed solution. Recently, Meshram et al. (2013) have extensively strength. Besides, they do not promote excessive crud formation.
reported the solvothermal synthesis of high value copper powder from The LIX reagents have therefore, been extensively applied for copper
copper bleed solution of an Indian copper smelter using Versatic 10 acid extraction in the moderately acidic conditions (Lazarova and Lazarova,
as an extractant. 2005). Out of several variants of LIX reagents, LIX 984 (Miguel et al.,
Oxime extractants of LIX series are considered to be among 1997; Kongolo et al., 2003; Zhuo-yue et al., 2005; Jian-she et al., 2002;
the best reagents for the extraction of base metals because of their Dara and Benamor, 2002), LIX 984N (Lazarova and Lazarova, 2005;
performance such as excellent phase separation, low entrainment loss Sridhar et al., 2009; Sridhar and Verma, 2011a, 2011b) and LIX
Table 1
Comparative study of present study with the previously reported data on the solvent extraction of Cu–Zn using LIX 984N.
Please cite this article as: Sinha, M.K., et al., Recovery of high value copper and zinc oxide powder from waste brass pickle liquor by solvent
extraction, Hydrometallurgy (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2015.09.012
M.K. Sinha et al. / Hydrometallurgy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3
984N-C (Panda et al., 2012; Kul and Çetinkaya, 2009) have been found was recovered by solvent extraction with tris-2-ethylhexyl amine
to be the quite effective for copper extraction. Use of a synergistic (TEHA) and there after iron was removed by precipitation at pH 3.5.
mixture of LIX 984N with Cyanex 301 for copper extraction has also During the acid recovery and iron precipitation loss of copper and zinc
been investigated (Fouad, 2009). In fact, the selective extraction of due to co-extraction and adsorption on the surface of the precipitated
copper over other heavy metal ions (Ni, Fe and Zn) from various iron hydroxide was almost negligible. Acid and iron depleted waste
media including acidic waste/leach solutions using LIX 984N, has been pickle liquor containing 35 kg/m3 Cu(II), 30 kg/m3 Zn(II), 0.75 kg/m3
reported by several researchers as summarised in Table 1. Quing-ming Cr(III) and 0.03 kg/m3 Ni(II) was then treated for the extractive
et al. (2008) reported the extraction of copper from synthetic solution separation of copper and zinc using LIX 984N (1:1 mixture of
similar to the bioleach liquor of a copper mine (10 kg/m3 Cu and 5-nonyl salicylaldoxime and 2-hydroxy-5-nonylacetophenone oxime)
20.4 kg/m3 Fe, pH 2) using 10% LIX 984N and efficient stripping of as extractants in kerosene. However, in order to optimize the extraction
loaded organic using 1.5 M H2SO4. Similarly, separation of Cu and Zn conditions a synthetic sulphate solution containing 35 kg/m3 Cu or
from the sulphate leach liquor of a zinc slag (Xie et al., 2008) and 30 kg/m3 Zn was prepared by dissolving their respective sulphate
from a synthetic solution with LIX 984N (Asghari et al., 2009) was salts (CuSO4·5H2O and ZnSO4·7H2O). The extractant LIX 984N was
also elaborated. Le et al. (2011) reported the recovery of copper with supplied by Cognis, Germany and used for the extraction studies
50% LIX 984N from the leach solutions of waste PCBs containing without further purification. All other chemicals used in this study
42.11 kg/m3 Cu along with other metals at initial pH 1.5 in nitrate were analytical grade reagents.
medium. Separation of Cu and Ni from sulphate medium with LIX Solvent extraction experiments were carried out by equilibrating
984N was examined (Liqing et al., 2011) with the aim of processing equal volumes (except for the construction of McCabe–Thiele diagram)
the plating wastewater; the optimum pH values for Cu and Ni extrac- of aqueous solution and the extractant, LIX 984N of known concentra-
tion were found to be 4 and 10.5, respectively. Selective extraction of tion in a stoppered vial using rotospin shaker at 50 rpm. The shaking
Ni over Zn and Cd from the sulphate leach solution of cold purification time of 15 min was found to be sufficient to reach equilibrium. The pH
filtration cake of zinc hydrometallurgical plant using 10% LIX 984N at of the aqueous solution was adjusted to the desired value by adding
pH 5.3 and O/A ratio of 2, was studied by Balesini et al. (2013). The ex- dilute H2SO4 or NaOH solutions. After phase disengagement aqueous
traction efficiency of LIX 984N for copper with respect to other chelating and organic phases were separated. Metal ions concentration in the
extractants was also reported (Ochromowicz and Chmielewski, 2013; aqueous phase was analysed by Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
Lu and Dreisinger, 2013). (Model: ElementAs AAS4141). Metal content in the organic phase
Nano-materials/powders have gained considerable attention due was determined by mass balance. Stripping studies of metal ions from
to their unique properties and wide application area. Among various the loaded organic was carried out with the dilute sulphuric acid of a
nanoparticles, metallic Cu powder and ZnO nanoparticles are extensively known concentration.
popular, which may be due to their excellent optical, electrical and The high purity copper powder was prepared by the hydrogen
thermal properties, catalytic activities as well as cost effectiveness. reduction of stripped copper solution in an autoclave (titanium
Various chemical, physical, and electrochemical methods such as, vessel-1 L capacity). The copper solution (500 mL) of known compo-
hydrothermal/solvothermal synthesis, sol–gel, microwave/ultrasound- sition was heated to the desired temperature, and then hydrogen gas
assisted synthesis, thermal decomposition, electrodeposition, and was introduced at a predetermined pressure which was maintained
chemical vapour deposition process, have been applied for the throughout the gaseous reduction. At the end of reduction process,
synthesis of Cu/ZnO nanomaterials (Benhebal et al., 2013; Hu et al., the autoclave was cooled to room temperature. The copper powder
2004; Peulon and Lincot, 1996; Wei et al., 2009; Ni et al., 2005; produced was filtered over a Buchner funnel using Whatman paper
Shah and Al-Ghamdi, 2011; Meshram et al., 2013). Among the (no. 41), washed with distilled water and rinsed with sodium
reported methods, hydrothermal process has been considered as a sim- potassium tartrate solution (2 wt.%) to inhibit the surface oxidation
ple way to synthesize the nano-powders because of the involvement of because the synthesized copper powder is susceptible to oxidation
easy and low-cost procedures, moderate temperature, great control (Bagchi et al., 2012). The copper powder thus obtained was dried in
over experimental parameters and convenience for the synthesis on an oven at 80 °C overnight. Further, the dried powder was annealed in
large scale (Sinha et al., 2015; Natrchalayuth et al., 2012; Pandey et al.,
2000; Agrawal et al., 2006a).
It is observed from the literature survey (Table 1) that the previous
investigations were mainly based on the basic study for determining
the optimum parameters particularly for the extraction of copper with
LIX 984N. Although, a few reports are available on the extraction and
separation of Cu with other metal ions from original leach solutions,
but these are restricted to study the copper purification steps only.
Therefore, the present investigation is aimed at developing a complete
process for the extraction and separation of copper and zinc from
brass pickle liquor using LIX 984N, and synthesis of high value products
such as copper powder and zinc oxide particles utilizing the purified
solution by hydrothermal precipitation route. The prepared copper
and zinc oxide particles were characterized by chemical analysis, SEM
and XRD-EDS studies. A process flow-sheet for the recovery of metal
values from the spent brass pickle liquor is also given.
Please cite this article as: Sinha, M.K., et al., Recovery of high value copper and zinc oxide powder from waste brass pickle liquor by solvent
extraction, Hydrometallurgy (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2015.09.012
4 M.K. Sinha et al. / Hydrometallurgy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx
Fig. 4. McCabe–Thiele Plot for the extraction of copper with LIX 984N. Aq. phase: 35 kg/m3
Cu and 30 kg/m3 Zn, Org. phase: 1 M LIX 984N in kerosene, Eq. pH = 2.5.
Fig. 2. Stripping of metal ions from the loaded solvents in single contact. LIX 984N:
34.95 kg/m3 Cu, 29.70 kg/m3 Zn, H2SO4: Different Concentration, Phase ratio: 1:1.
an electrically operated tubular furnace with a flow of hydrogen gas at 3. Results and discussion
the desired temperature for proper granulometry, long term storage
and prevention of oxidation (Bagchi et al., 2012). 3.1. Removal of acid and iron from the pickle liquor
In order to prepare the high purity zinc oxide powder, pH of the
stripped solution containing zinc was increased by adding 1 M NaOH In order to remove/recover acid from the pickle liquor the model
solution dropwise (3 mL/min) with a constant stirring. When the solution containing 35 kg/m3 Cu, 30 kg/m3 Zn , 70 kg/m3 H2SO4, 1.5 kg/m3
desired pH (~12) was reached, the solution (500 mL) was autoclaved Fe (Total), 0.75 kg/m3 Cr and 0.03 kg/m3 Ni was equilibrated with
under the nitrogen atmosphere for 2 h at a pre-set temperature and 40% (v/v) TEHA in kerosene at phase ratio of 2:1. It was observed
pressure. The precipitate of ZnO so obtained was cooled and filtered, that almost total acid was extracted into the organic phase in a single
washed with distilled water and acetone (~50 ml in each experiment); contact. It was also noticed that no copper and zinc was co-extracted
and dried in an oven at 80 °C overnight. into the organic phase which may be due to the less affinity of TEHA
The as-prepared copper metal powder and zinc oxide particles were towards copper and zinc as sulphate. The loaded TEHA was regenerated
characterized by chemical analysis, XRD and SEM-EDS studies. The XRD by stripping with distilled water at 50 °C at a phase ratio (O/A) of unity.
data were recorded (Bruker D8-discover) using CuKα radiation in the It was found that complete H2SO4 were stripped from the loaded TEHA
2θ range of 10–90o. The powder sample was put on a grid and was in 2 contacts. Iron from the acid depleted brass pickle liquor was
coated with gold before recording the SEM (Nova Nano SEM 430). removed by precipitation at pH N3.5. During the precipitation of iron,
co-precipitation of copper and zinc was not observed.
Fig. 3. Effect of O/A ratio on the extraction of copper and zinc. Aq. phase: 35 kg/m3 Cu
and 30 kg/m3 Zn, Org. phase: 1 M LIX 984N in kerosene. Eq. pH = 2.5 for Cu and Fig. 5. McCabe–Thiele Plot for the extraction of zinc with LIX 984N. Aq. phase: 30 kg/m3 Zn,
Eq. pH = 5.5 for Zn. Org. phase: 1 M LIX 984N in kerosene, Eq. pH = 5.5.
Please cite this article as: Sinha, M.K., et al., Recovery of high value copper and zinc oxide powder from waste brass pickle liquor by solvent
extraction, Hydrometallurgy (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2015.09.012
M.K. Sinha et al. / Hydrometallurgy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 5
Fig. 7. Counter-current simulation for the extraction of zinc with LIX 984N. Aq. phase: 30 kg/m3 Zn and 0.03 kg/m3 Ni, Org. phase: 1 M LIX 984N in kerosene, O/A = 2:1, Eq. pH = 5.5.
Please cite this article as: Sinha, M.K., et al., Recovery of high value copper and zinc oxide powder from waste brass pickle liquor by solvent
extraction, Hydrometallurgy (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2015.09.012
6 M.K. Sinha et al. / Hydrometallurgy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx
Please cite this article as: Sinha, M.K., et al., Recovery of high value copper and zinc oxide powder from waste brass pickle liquor by solvent
extraction, Hydrometallurgy (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2015.09.012
M.K. Sinha et al. / Hydrometallurgy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 7
Fig. 12. Flow sheet for the recovery of metal values from the brass pickle liquor.
Please cite this article as: Sinha, M.K., et al., Recovery of high value copper and zinc oxide powder from waste brass pickle liquor by solvent
extraction, Hydrometallurgy (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2015.09.012
8 M.K. Sinha et al. / Hydrometallurgy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx
Cuþ þH2 →CuH þ Hþ ð3Þ The following conclusions have been drawn:
CuH þ Cuþ →2Cu þ Hþ ð4Þ • LIX 984N was found to be selective for copper extraction at lower pH
(ΔpH1/2 = 3.0) whereas zinc extraction achieved at higher pH.
The annealed copper powder was characterized by SEM and XRD. • The number of counter-current stages for extraction of copper and
The XRD pattern (Fig. 8) of the copper particles shows the presence of zinc was determined from the McCabe–Thiele plots. Copper was
only copper phase as all the peaks agreed well with the reported data completely extracted in two counter-current stages in a laboratory
for pure copper (JCPDS file No. 04–0836). The sharp diffraction peaks scale mixer settler unit using 1 M LIX 984N at equilibrium pH 2.5
imply that the copper powder has good crystallinity. The purity of the and phase ratio (O/A) 2/1.
synthesized Cu powder (chemical analysis) was found to be 99.9% • Zinc was extracted from the copper free raffinate followed by
with impurity content of 0.015% Zn, 0.018% Fe and 0.005% Ni. The SEM chromium removal, in three counter-current stages using 1 M LIX
image (Fig. 9a) of the synthesized copper powder after annealing 984N at the equilibrium pH 5.5 and phase ratio (O/A) 2/1.
shows that the particle size ranges between 50 and 100 μm with • From the respective metal loaded organics, copper and zinc were
globular shape. High purity of the as-synthesized copper powder is also stripped with 150 kg/m3 H2 SO 4 solutions. The globular shaped
confirmed by the EDS (Fig. 9b). The copper powder has characteristics (50–100 μm size) copper powder of high purity (99.9%) was
suitable for the powder metallurgical (P/M) applications. synthesized from the purified copper solution in an autoclave by
hydrogen reduction at 20 bar pressure (H2), 423 K and 400 rpm.
3.4.2. Hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO powder from the stripped solution • High pure zinc oxide particles of rice grain shape (0.5–1 μm size) were
In order to synthesize the ZnO powder, the pH of the purified synthesized by hydrothermal precipitation at 423 K and pH 12. The
solution containing 14.99 kg/m3 Zn was raised to 12 by slow addition synthesized copper metal powder and zinc oxide particles were
of 1 M NaOH with constant stirring. The highly basic pH was chosen characterized by chemical analysis, XRD and SEM-EDS studies, and
to ensure product purity and faster growth rate of the zinc oxide can be used for various applications.
particles (Ikono et al., 2012; Baruah and Dutta, 2009; Wu et al., 2011;
Wahab et al., 2009a, 2009b; Lu and Yeh, 2000).The precursor solution
was then autoclaved at 423 K with stirring at 400 rpm for 2 h under
the autogenous pressure (4 bar). The particles obtained was filtered, Acknowledgements
washed with distilled water and dried overnight in an electrical oven
at 80 °C. The hydrothermal conversion of zinc sulphate solution to Authors are thankful to the Director of the CSIR-National Metallurgical
ZnO can be expressed as (Aimable et al., 2010): Laboratory (NML), Jamshedpur, India for giving permission to publish the
paper. Thanks are also due to DST, Govt. of India for sponsoring the project
Zn2þ þ4OH‐ →ZnðOHÞ4 2‐ ð5Þ under RFBR (Russia)-DST (India) bilateral programme (Grant no. INT/
ZnðOHÞ4 2‐ →ZnO þ 2OH‐ þH2 O ð6Þ
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Please cite this article as: Sinha, M.K., et al., Recovery of high value copper and zinc oxide powder from waste brass pickle liquor by solvent
extraction, Hydrometallurgy (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2015.09.012