Materials Today: Proceedings: Archita Mohanty, Niharbala Devi, Lala Behari Sukla, Nandita Swain
Materials Today: Proceedings: Archita Mohanty, Niharbala Devi, Lala Behari Sukla, Nandita Swain
Materials Today: Proceedings: Archita Mohanty, Niharbala Devi, Lala Behari Sukla, Nandita Swain
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Cobalt has widespread industrial applications but if present in excess amounts it may cause several nox-
Received 14 December 2019 ious effects. Liquid-liquid extraction process can be useful in cleaning the environment from harmful
Received in revised form 13 January 2020 chemical pollutants. Solvent extraction of cobalt using cobalt nitrate as the feed solution and triocty-
Accepted 17 January 2020
lamine (TOA) as the extractant in toluene was carried out where the effects of nitric acid concentration,
Available online xxxx
equilibration time, concentration of the extractant and cobalt ions had been investigated. The percentage
extraction of Co(II) decreased upon increasing the concentration of acid. A time of 15 min was needed to
achieve the extraction equilibrium. Highest percentage extraction of cobalt was achieved using 0.1 M
Tri-n-octylamine (TOA)
Liquid-liquid extraction
TOA which is 99%. Cobalt loading increased with increase in metal ion concentration. Presence of nitrate
Cobalt(II) ions had almost no significance in the extraction process. The loaded organic phase was stripped using
Potassium nitrate different stripping agents and 99.15% back extraction was achieved with 0.1 mol/L (NH4)2CO3. The extrac-
Stripping tion mechanism was proposed from the FTIR and slope measurement.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the National Conference on
Trends in Minerals & Materials Technology.
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the National Conference on Trends in Minerals & Materials Technology.
Please cite this article as: A. Mohanty, N. Devi, L. B. Sukla et al., Liquid-liquid extraction of Co(II) from nitrate solution using TOA, Materials Today: Pro-
2 A. Mohanty et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
selectively extracted cobalt and the order of separation is Cyanex and disengagement of both aqueous and organic phases, the
301 > Cyanex 272 > Cyanex 302. Monzyk et al. [7] reported the sol- metal ion concentration was determined by analyzing the aque-
vent extraction of cobalt using hydroxamic acids in which the ous phase at 585 nm using UV–visible spectrophotometer
cobalt bearing aqueous solutions having equilibrium pH atleast 7 (SYSTRONICS 105). The concentration of metal ion in the organic
was contacted with hydrocarbon solvent comprising of N-alkyl phase was calculated by the difference of concentration of metal
alkanohydroxamic acid and extracted cobalt from the aqueous ion in the aqueous phase before and after extraction. After the
solution. Sayar et al. [8] have reported on the extraction of cobalt disengagement of phases, the organic solution was collected, fil-
(II) using Alamine 336 diluted with m-xylene from aqueous tered and stored in an air tight container for spectroscopic stud-
hydrochloric acid solutions. The work predicted that Alamine 336 ies. FTIR spectra of pure extractant and loaded extractant were
is a suitable reagent which extracted more than 90% of cobalt at carried out with Frontier FT-IR Spectrometer, Perkin Elmer. The
5 M HCl. Devi et al. [9] studied on the solvent extraction and sep- distribution ratio was evaluated from the ratio of concentration
aration of Mn(II) and Co(II) from sulfate solutions and found that of Co(II) in organic phase separated from that of aqueous phase
manganese was more preferably extracted over cobalt and after extraction. The percentage of extraction (E) was determined
D2EHPA was found the most appropriate extractant in this separa- from D values as 100D/D + 1.
tion process. Solvent extraction of Co(II) ions was studied by Rafigi
et al. [3]. It showed the extractive properties of 2-Hydroxy-1-
3. Results and discussions
naphthaldoxime and 1-hydroxy-2-naphthaldoxime towards Co(II)
ions from aqueous phase of sodium chloride (NaCl) solution. A syn-
3.1. Variations of equilibration time
ergistic effect was shown by the solvating solvents and basic
extractants like TOPO, TBP, T2EHP, TBA, TOA and DMSO on the
The variation of equilibration time on the extraction of Co(II)
extraction of Co(II) ions as studied from the oximes. Solvent extrac-
using 0.005 mol/L TOA was studied from the feed solution of
tion and recovery of metals like cobalt, nickel and copper from the
0.0005 mol/L Co(NO3)2 and 0.1 mol/L HNO3. The time variation
leach liquor of a sulfide concentrate was studied by Sahu et al. [10].
range was from 1 min to 30 min and the results which are pre-
Copper was first extracted from the leach liquor and from the
sented in Fig. 2 showed that the extraction of Co(II) increased with
copper-free raffinate Co and Ni were recovered using Cyanex
increase in equilibration time up to 15 min and there was no effect
272. Banerjee et al. [11] reported a synergistic behavior of cobalt
with further rise in shaking time on percentage of extraction of
(II) ions using b-hydroxyl napthaldoxime and neutral donors. They
cobalt. The extraction efficiency (% Extraction) increased from
reported that the typical pH ranges from 8 to 9 for the extraction of
10% (1 min) to 70% (15 min). Hence in all the experiments
cobalt using ligand-donor combination. Dreisinger et al. [12]
15 min of equilibration time was fixed.
reported the solvent extraction and separation of cobalt and nickel
using 2-ethylhexlylphosphonic acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester(PC-
88A). The separation factor varies with the pH and concentration 3.2. Impact of nitric acid concentration
of the extractant and the cobalt loading increased approximately
by 75% and then decreased slightly while approaching saturation. The impact of nitric acid concentration on extractive behavior
In the present research attempt, an investigation has been made of cobalt (0.0005 mol/L) was studied using two different concen-
to extract cobalt(II) using Alamine 300 i.e. tri-n-octyl amine (TOA) tration of TOA i.e. 0.0025 mol/L TOA and 0.005 mol/L TOA. The
from aqueous nitrate solution. The effect of different parameters nitric acid concentrations was varied from 0.005 mol/L to
such as concentration of nitric acid, equilibration time, concentra- 1 mol/L. It was found that the extraction of cobalt decreased
tion of organic phase, aqueous phase concentration, presence of upon increasing the nitric acid concentration for both variants
nitrate ions have been investigated. Stripping process had also of extractant concentrations (Fig. 1). The percentage extraction
been carried out to know the possible metal recovery from the of cobalt(II) using 0.0025 mol/L TOA decreased from 56.7% at
metal loaded organic solution. acid concentration of 0.005 mol/L to 16.7% with nitric acid con-
centration of 1 mol/L. Similarly, the percentage extraction of
cobalt decreased from 80% to 16.7% at nitric acid concentration
2. Experimental of 0.005 mol/L to 1 mol/L. As the extraction percentage using
0.0025 mol/L TOA was found to be very low as compared to
2.1. Solutions and reagents 0.005 mol/L TOA, so the latter concentration of the extractant
was taken into consideration and used in further parameters
The aqueous stock solution of Co(II) of 0.01 mol/L was prepared optimization studies. The nitric acid concentration was also
by weighing the required amount of cobalt nitrate, Co(NO3)2 in taken as 0.1 mol/L because moderate extraction of cobalt (70%)
double distilled water. Sample of trioctylamine (TOA) was supplied was achieved. Hence, other parameters could be varied to find
by Sigma-Aldrich and it was diluted using toluene. The stock solu- the effect.
tion of TOA (0.05 mol/L) was prepared by weighing the desired
amount of extractant. Working solutions of both aqueous
3.3. Effect of TOA concentration
(0.0005 mol/L) and organic (0.005 mol/L and 0.0025 mol/L) were
prepared by diluting both the aqueous and organic stock solutions
Maximum extraction or complete removal of metal from the
as per the requirement. The remaining other reagents of analytical
solution is a major factor which could be evaluated by varying
grade were used.
the TOA concentration. For this, the TOA concentration was var-
ied from 0.0025 mol/L to 0.1 mol/L where the metal ion in the
2.2. Experimental methods solution was maintained at 0.0005 mol/L. It was observed that
the cobalt extraction increased upon rise in concentration of
The experimental route for the extraction of the metal was the extractant and maximum extraction of 99% was reported
performed by equilibrating equal volumes (10 mL) of aqueous with 0.1 mol/L TOA in toluene (Fig. 3). A plot of log D vs. log
phase with organic phase with the help of a separating funnel [TOA] shown in Fig. 4 gave a slope of 1.80 which gave the infor-
for 15 min, excluding for time variation. All the experiments were mation of involvement of two moles of TOA for one mole of Co
being carried out at room temperature. After the equilibration (II) ion.
Please cite this article as: A. Mohanty, N. Devi, L. B. Sukla et al., Liquid-liquid extraction of Co(II) from nitrate solution using TOA, Materials Today: Pro-
A. Mohanty et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3
Fig. 3. Effect of TOA concentration on cobalt extraction from 0.1 mol/L HNO3 and
Fig. 1. Variations of equilibration time upon cobalt extraction using 0.005 mol/L
0.0005 mol/L Co(NO3)2.
TOA in toluene.
Please cite this article as: A. Mohanty, N. Devi, L. B. Sukla et al., Liquid-liquid extraction of Co(II) from nitrate solution using TOA, Materials Today: Pro-
4 A. Mohanty et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
4. Conclusions
Fig. 7. Effect of potassium nitrate on cobalt extraction using 0.005 mol/L TOA in
The authors are thankful to S ‘O’ A (deemed to be university)
and Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology for their
indebtful help to carry out the experiments.
3.6. Stripping of cobalt
A stripping study of the loaded (pregnant) organic phase con-
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Please cite this article as: A. Mohanty, N. Devi, L. B. Sukla et al., Liquid-liquid extraction of Co(II) from nitrate solution using TOA, Materials Today: Pro-
A. Mohanty et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 5
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Please cite this article as: A. Mohanty, N. Devi, L. B. Sukla et al., Liquid-liquid extraction of Co(II) from nitrate solution using TOA, Materials Today: Pro-