Ejer Cici o Singles
Ejer Cici o Singles
Ejer Cici o Singles
We need to use the Present Simple a lot in English, so it's really important to understand it
well. Many students have problems with the form (or how to make it).
If you'd prefer to learn about how to USE the Present Simple jump to this page.
Or, click here for all the practice exercises about this tense.
The verb 'be' is different from the other verbs in this tense. Let's look at 'be' first:
Here's the positive form (positive means a normal sentence, not a negative or a question.
This is sometimes called 'affirmative')
Next, here's the negative. It's very easy. You only add 'not'.
And finally let's talk about the question form of the present simple with 'be'.
Yes / No Questions
am I ?
are you ?
is he ?
is she ?
is it ?
are we ?
are they ?
If you'd like to make a 'wh' question, you just put the question word at the front:
Wh Questions
where am I ?
what are you ?
why is he ?
who is she ?
when are we ?
how are they ?
Click here to practise making positive, negative and question forms with 'be' (exercise 1)
Click here to practise making positive, negative and question forms with 'be' (exercise 2)
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Present simple tense with other verbs
With all other verbs, we make the present simple in the same way.
The positive is really easy. It's just the verb with an extra 's' if the subject is 'he', 'she', or
'it'. Let's take the verb 'play' as an example:
There are also few verbs which are irregular in the present simple:
1. 'have' becomes 'has'
2. 'do' becomes 'does'
3. 'go' becomes 'goes'
Click here to practise making the positive form for other verbs (exercise 1)
Click here to practise making the positive form for other verbs (exercise 2)
To make the negative form, you need to use 'do not' (don't) or ' does not' (doesn't).
We use 'do' or 'does' before the subject to make the 'yes / no' question:
Yes / No questions
do I play ?
do you play ?
does he play ?
does she play ?
does it play ?
do we play ?
do they play ?
Just like with 'be', if you'd like to make a 'wh' question, you just put the question word at
the front:
Wh Questions
where do I play ?
what do you play ?
why does he play ?
who does she play ?
when do we play ?
how do they play ?
Mixed exercise 1
Mixed exercise 2
Mixed exercise 3
Mixed exercise 4 using both 'be' and other verbs
Click here for all the exercises about this tense
Pronouns :
1st We are we’re
2nd You you’ re
3rd They they’re
Table 2 : (Negative form) Pronouns with the verb to be (am/is/are) and its
he/she/it + isn’t
1st We Are we’re not / we aren’t
2nd You you’ re not / you aren’t
3rd They they’re not / they aren’t
Table # 3 (Questions)
1st Are we ready?
2nd you at home
3rd they tired?
Positive Negative
1St Yes, I am No. I’m not
2nd Yes, you are No, you aren’t
3rd Yes, he is No, he isn’t / No, he’s not
Recuerden que en ingles siempre deben poner el Sujeto. En una oración positiva o
negativa deberán seguir la formula (SUBJECT + VERB + COMPLEMENT) en
donde el complement es opcional.
Ejemplo :
– Es bonita
– Is pretty (INCORRECTO) –> No hay sujeto y en el ingles es necesario
– She is pretty (Correcto)
No se enamoren del verbo to be. Solo quiere decir ser o estar. Algunos creen que
siempre lo deben poner pero depende de que acción haga el sujeto.
– Juega futbol.
– He is play futbol (ERROR) –> el sujeto no hace 2 acciones a la vez.
– He plays football (CORRECTO)
Es decir, el sujeto puede hacer distintas acciones y el verbo to be solo es para expresar
acciones de ser o estar. En otras lecciones aprenderemos como hacer oraciones con otros
Nouns : (sustantivos)
Names a person, place, thing or idea (Nombra a una persona, lugar, cosa, o idea)
Subject: (Sujeto)
It is the person, place, thing or idea (a noun) that does the action of a sentence and it
goes before the verb. (Es el sustantivo que realiza la accion de la oracion)
Examples of Subjects:
– George likes boats (George and boats are nouns but George is the subject)
Verb (verbo)
It shows the action of the subject. Every sentence must have a verb. (Hace la acción
del sujeto y toda oracion necesita de un verbo)
– I am writing a letter.
It completes the verb and it is usually a noun or noun phrase. Every sentence does not
require a complement. The complement answers the question what? or whom? (Es el
complemento del verbo y no es requerido tenerlo en toda oración).
Modifiers: Tells about the time, place or manner of the action. (Hable del tiempo,
lugar y manera de accion del verbo)
ebeg# 1 El Abecedario
ebeg# 2 El Artículo Determinado
ebeg# 3 El Artículo Indeterminado
ebeg# 4 Los Pronombres Personales — el sujeto
ebeg# 5 Los Pronombres Objeto — complementos del verbo
Números hasta 20
Números hasta 20 (Dictation)
Números hasta 100
Números hasta 100 (Dictation)
Números hasta 100 (Dictation)
Números ordinales
Números ordinales (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Alimentos
Vocabulario: Alimentos
Vocabulario: Alimentos
Vocabulario: Alimentos (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Animales
Vocabulario: Animales
Vocabulario: Animales
Vocabulario: Animales (Dictation)
Vocabulario: La casa (Dictation)
Vocabulario: La casa
Vocabulario: Colores
Vocabulario: Colores
Vocabulario: La familia
Vocabulario: La familia (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Hobbies
Vocabulario: Hobbies (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Dar indicaciones
Vocabulario: Dar indicaciones (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Prendas de vestir
Vocabulario: Prendas de vestir
Vocabulario: Prendas de vestir
Vocabulario: Prendas de vestir (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Profesiones
Vocabulario: Profesiones
Vocabulario: Profesiones (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Transporte
Vocabulario: Transporte
Vocabulario: Transporte
Vocabulario: Transporte (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Viajar en tren
Vocabulario: Viajar en tren (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Trabajo
Vocabulario: Trabajo (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Hablar por teléfono
Vocabulario: Hablar por teléfono
Vocabulario: Hablar por teléfono (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Clima
Vocabulario: Clima
Vocabulario: Clima (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Describir (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Nacionalidades
Vocabulario: En un hotel
Vocabulario: En un hotel
Vocabulario: En un hotel (Dictation)
Vocabulario: En un restaurant
Vocabulario: En un restaurant (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Dar una opinión
Vocabulario: Dar una opinión
Vocabulario: Dar una opinión (Dictation)
Question tags
Too / Enough
Too / Enough
Too / Enough
Oraciones condicionales
Tipo 1
Oraciones condicionales
Tipo 1
Making questions
Making questions
Making questions
Fill in the blanks
Ejercicios Adicionales
Vocabulario: Acciones
Vocabulario: Animales
Vocabulario: Animales (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Casa
Vocabulario: Clima (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Clima
Vocabulario: Comida
Vocabulario: Comunicación
Vocabulario: Elementos de una oficina
Vocabulario: Familia (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Frutas y verduras
Vocabulario: Frutas y verduras
Vocabulario: Frutas y verduras (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Instrumentos musicales (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Lugares y edificios
Vocabulario: Medios de transporte
Vocabulario: Nacionalidades (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Partes de la casa (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Partes del automóvil (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Partes del cuerpo
Vocabulario: Partes del cuerpo (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Política (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Prendas de vestir
Vocabulario: Prendas de vestir (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Profesiones y ocupaciones
Vocabulario: Profesiones y ocupaciones (Dictation)
Vocabulario: Restaurante
Vocabulario: Fill in the blanks with one word #1
Vocabulario: Fill in the blanks with one word #2
Vocabulario: Fill in the blanks with one word #3
Vocabulario: Fill in the blanks with one word #4
Vocabulario: Fill in the blanks with one word #5
Dictation: Numbers #1
Dictation: Numbers #2
Dictation: Months of the year
Dictation: Days of the week
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