Topical Fluoride: Pembesaran Dan Pengecilan Logo
Topical Fluoride: Pembesaran Dan Pengecilan Logo
Topical Fluoride: Pembesaran Dan Pengecilan Logo
Pembesaran dan
Pengecilan Logo
2 cm
3 cm
4 cm
Perlakuan Pembesaran / Pengecilan :
BANDUNG Pembesaran / pengecilan Logo harus
dilakukan secara skalatis (prosentase
secara keseluruhan), sehingga
tampilannya selalu nampak proporsional,
tidak berkesan meninggi ataupun melebar
5 cm
Systemic Fluoride
Systemic fluorides are those ingested into the body. These include dietary
fluoride supplements and fluoridated water. When compared to topical fluorides,
systemic fluorides differ in that during tooth formation, these ingested fluorides
are incorporated into the tooth structure. When fluoride is ingested during the time
when teeth are developing, it is deposited throughout the entire tooth surface and
can provide longer lasting protection than topical application (ADA, 2005).
Because ingested fluoride is present in the saliva, systemic fluoride is also able to
offer topical protection. The fluoride is incorporated into the tooth surfaces and
dental plaque and promotes remineralization, thus preventing tooth decay.
The primary and most important action of fluoride is topical, when the
fluoride ion is present in the saliva in the appropriate concentration.
Hydroxyapatite is the main mineral responsible for building the permanent tooth
enamel after the development of the teeth is finished. During tooth growth, the
enamel is constantly exposed to numerous demineralization processes, but also
important remineralization processes, if the appropriate ions are present in the
saliva. These processes can either weaken or strengthen the enamel. The presence
Topical Fluoride
In children ages 6-18 years with moderate and high caries risk, there is
evidence from systematic reviews to support the use of fluoride varnish or gel
every six months as well as to support the use of fluoride varnish every three
months in high-risk children. The level of evidence for the use of fluoride gel
every three months in high-risk children ages 6-18 is lower. For children 6-18
years of age, a systematic review by the Cochrane Collaboration found a caries
reductions of 28% for gels, and a separate review for varnish found DMFS
reductions of 46% for permanent teeth and dmfs reductions of 33% for primary
teeth in children up to 16 years of age.
The primary uses for fluoride varnish in adults are for remineralization
or control of root caries in older patients, prevention of caries in high-risk
adults and treatment of dentinal sensitivity. There is some evidence supporting
the use of fluoride of either modality (varnish or gel) every six months for patients
over 18 years of age at moderate and high risk, and for high-risk patients at three-
month intervals. The level of evidence is lower and is based on expert committee
reports or opinions rather than prospective, randomized clinical trials.