Theme: Environment What Is Environmental Pollution?
Theme: Environment What Is Environmental Pollution?
Theme: Environment What Is Environmental Pollution?
Types of Pollution
Air Pollution
It is the most prevalent and dangerous form of pollution especially considered to go hand in hand with
urbanization. There are many reasons to it. Primary among these is the excessive fuel combustion which
has become a basic necessity for cooking, transport and other industrial activities. This releases umpteen
no. of chemicals to the air which are far from being removed from it. These are directly affecting our
existence. Smoke releases SO2 into the air making it toxic. It is caused mainly due to chimneys, factory
stacks, vehicles or something as common as ‘burning of wood’. Release of SO 2 and other greenhouse
gases into air causes global warming and has capacity to cause acid rain. Global warming or emission of
these gases has increased temperatures, erratic rains and droughts worldwide. This has heavily
increased the cases of Asthma, Bronchitis and the more dangerous lung cancer, mainly in the metro
cities.One of the major and unfortunate examples of what can air pollution lead to is the Bhopal Gas
Tragedy of 1984. It was a direct result of release of methyl isocyanate gas at Union Carbide plant in
Bhopal. It killed over 2,000 people, and over 200,000 suffered respiratory problems
Water Pollution
Every living being depends, directly, on water so this has taken a heavy toll on the entire living population.
Other than direct dependencies, more than 60% of the species live in some form of water. Thus water
pollution is another major type of pollution that needs to be curbed. It can be attributed to many factors -
industrial effluent dumped into the rivers and sea causes a huge imbalance in the water properties which
renders the water bodies unfit for aquatic lives. Water pollution is also a major cause of diseases caused
to the non-aquatic species. Insecticides, pesticides which are sprayed on the plants, pollutes the ground
water system and oil spills in the oceans have caused irreparable damage to the water bodies.
Eutrophication is another big source; it occurs due to daily activities like washing clothes, utensils near
lakes, ponds or rivers; this forces detergents to go into water which blocks sunlight from penetrating, thus
reducing oxygen and making it inhabitable.
Soil pollution
Also known as Land Pollution, this occurs due to incorporation of unwanted chemicals in the soil due to
human activities. Use of insecticides and pesticides absorbs the nitrogen compounds from the soil
making it unfit for plants to derive nutrition from. Release of industrial waste, mining and deforestation
also exploits the soil. Since plants can’t grow properly, they can’t hold the soil and this leads to soil
erosion. Food is a big contributor to landfill waste. Up to 40 percent of food produced in the United States
is trashed each year, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Effects of Pollution?
1. Environment Degradation: Environment is the first casualty for increase in pollution weather in
air or water. The increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere leads to smog which can
restrict sunlight from reaching the earth. Thus, preventing plants in the process of photosynthesis.
Gases like Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide can cause acid rain. Water pollution in terms of Oil
spill may lead to death of several wildlife species.
2. Human Health: The decrease in quality of air leads to several respiratory problems including
asthma or lung cancer. Chest pain, congestion, throat inflammation, cardiovascular disease,
respiratory disease are some of diseases that can be causes by air pollution. Water pollution
occurs due to contamination of water and may pose skin related problems including skin
irritations and rashes. Similarly, Noise pollution leads to hearing loss, stress and sleep
3. Global Warming: The emission of greenhouse gases particularly CO2 is leading to global
warming. Every other day new industries are being set up, new vehicles come on roads and trees
are cut to make way for new homes. All of them, in direct or indirect way lead to increase in CO2
in the environment. The increase in CO2 leads to melting of polar ice caps which increases the
sea level and pose danger for the people living near coastal areas.
4. Depletion of the Ozone Layer: Ozone layer stops ultra violet rays from reaching the earth. UV
exposure in excess can lead to skin cancer. Due to release of CFCs & aerosols in
the atmosphere which contributed to the depletion of ozone layer. This removes the sheet that
protects us from the harmful UV-rays which is more than just threatening.
5. Infertile Land:Constant use of pesticides, insecticides & other chemicals causes the soil to
become infertile. Soil is the major and in some cases the only source of nutrition for plants &
vegetables. Importance of these can never be overstated. But due to infertile soil, plants will not
be able to grow properly. Industrial waste also affects the fertility of the soil.
6. Pollution not only affect humans by destroying their respiratory, cardiovascular and neurological
systems; it also affects the nature, plants, fruits, vegetables, rivers, ponds, forests, animals, etc,
on which they are highly dependent for survival. It is crucial to control pollution as the nature,
wildlife and human life are precious gifts to the mankind.