Upgrade Windows 10 Evaluation To Full Version
Upgrade Windows 10 Evaluation To Full Version
Upgrade Windows 10 Evaluation To Full Version
Using a simple Registry tweak, we can unblock the upgrade and use the setup program of the full version on
the installed Windows 10 evaluation edition. This will preserve all installed apps and settings. Follow these
simple steps:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
Tip: See how to jump to the desired Registry key with one click.
3. Change the EditionID value data from EnterpriseEval to Enterprise. Next, change the value data of the
ProductName value from Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation to Windows 10 Enterprise.
Now you can upgrade it using the regular Enterprise ISO image! After the upgrade, it is possible to activate the
upgraded OS using your regular KMS server or MAK key.
That's it! Using the same trick, you can also change the edition from Enterprise to Windows 10 Pro if you need.
It works like a charm.
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This entry was posted in Windows 10 and tagged evaluation to enterprise, windows 10 evaluation, windows 10
full version enterprise on November 24, 2015 by Sergey Tkachenko.
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What If Using Windows 10 Home? How Can We Get FULL VERSION?
this is not work properly in my windows 10 eva
Thanks, man. Worked perfectly!
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What does it means by “Now you can upgrade it using the regular Enterprise ISO image”? and how to do that?
Where did you get the “regular Enterprise iso image”? Or do you mean purchasing the Win 10 upgrade license
through volume licensing and using that with the operation above?
It is not my business where the user got the Enterprise ISO image. The article assumes that you have it,
regardless the method you used to get it.
Yes but it is an unhelpful article if the full Enterprise iso cannot be downloaded or otherwise purchased
sorry jori. you have to nd & downloaded the full version of windows 10 enterprise yourself; neither Sergey
nor I will do this for you. i mean you can easily gure this out by starting from Google.
I have the Enterprise ISO, but can’t seem to trigger the upgrade, only a full re-install which defeats the
purpose. How do you trigger the ‘upgrade’?
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What’s the point of this, you still need a key for Windows 10, and no key out there works/lets you proceed. So
it’s ultimately a complete reinstall after all..
+the article is only for Win10EnterpriseEvaluation
I followed the steps accordinglly but all the time I get an error after 10% of Installation saying “error on
Installation of Windows 10”
Is there any log le to see what went wrong? Or someone please have an idea f what went wrong?
try creating a Win10 enterprise install media to a USB ash drive. then run the Win10 enterprise install thru
the usb drive.
I sometimes get installation errors because of bad installation media thru DVD media.
OMG- Thats some Solid Advice EP. You really are ‘the man’
Jon Cook
This doesn’t appear to work with the latest version of the evaluation (Build 1563.rs2_release. 170317-1834)
If I go through the setup with the Windows 10 Enterprise ISO then I only get o ered a new install
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Yes Jon, thats right, this article needs ,,, hhhmmmm editing! :)
Hello Sergey,
I installed windows enterprise eval.
I changed the EditionID value data from EnterpriseEval to Enterprise.
I changed ProductName value from Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation to Windows 10 Enterprise.
I used KMSpico 10.2.1Final and successfully completed installation
Now Windows got activated!!! but windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation license message gets displayed on
bottom right.what do you think happened? I’ll see tomorrow if “windows License valid for 86days” changes or
not regardless of that, windows “evaluation” system got activated.can I get rid of evaluation message too from
any comments?
Hello all,
“windows License valid for 84days” remains today[used universal watermark remover].The evaluation days
are ticking & “windows license valid message for x days” is getting updated.has anyone got a “valid days
counter” patch?
what happens to system if I go past 90 days?I guess it’s clock work
madhuronda [16-jul-17]
Any Updates ?
Are you still getting windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation license message. please reply
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Thanks so much dear. Keep up posting good work.
Aex Panix
Need change TREE params:
EditionID: EnterpriseSEval > Enterprise
ProductName: Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation > Windows 10 Enterprise
and Product(some one) has EnterpriseSEval to Enterprise
Hi, Constructive criticism to follow Gents; your article is full of holes. Firstly there are three locations within
the CurrentVersion that refer to Evaluation. Secondly and more importantly; the procedure Fails. Su ce to
say I don’t believe you actually completed this process ‘Completely, from start to nish’ I believe you probably
searched the registry, found a couple of familiar evaluation references, changed them, then kicked o the
Enterprise install as an Upgrade. WOW – could have saved you a little time and suggest you use the DISM
tools and follow the Microsoft Articles regarding there use. only limitation is that you can not change edition
to an online install – you need to make a windows PE boot disk, boot o it, create an image of the Enterprise
Evaluation installation, mount the image, run a couple of commands to modify the edition and insert the
product key and Bam! your all good to go and rollout the image. Just Sayin…
Well actually it does work!
I just tried it with the dev vm Microsoft provides us, the latest version (1805) is based on win10 1803 so the
latest one (as of now).
You do have to change an additionnal entry in the registry, which was not present in earlier versions of win10.
The entries to be modi ed are :
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– CompositionEditionID
– EditionID
– ProductName
I removed Eval or Evaluation from these right before trying to “upgrade” to the full Enterprise edition using
the en-us x64 iso and i can indeed upgrade while preserving les and applications.
If it does not allow to keep apps and les, check the message at the bottom of the screen, if it says wrong
edition id, then check again in the registry, i had to do it twice for it to stick long enough for the upgrade
process to kick in…
Thanks, Sergey! 3 years later and this still works perfectly. I just did it with the latest W10 1803 Enterprise
EVAL with no issues and it really saved me from the needless pain of having to reinstall everything.
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